
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

feb, your husband definitely did have something to do with it if you are pregnant! I hope he stops being an insensitive jerk soon! You shouldn''t have to go through this by yourself with your husband not speaking to you. Keep us posted!
Well gee Feb, I believe DH had something do with things here. He probably just needs to get used to the reality of it. But seriously, there is no need for the silent treatment. You are in this together. Glad to hear that you had the doc do a blood test...

Tacori, I prefer the Keely spelling. But I am a "y" fan. LOL! And ooooooo, bedding. I loved obsessing over my babies'' rooms. I could spend hours gazing at bedding, strollers and assorted baby gear. Alas, now that my younger son is 4-years-old, I think it is time to retire the MacLaren.

And on the flip side... I think it is time to retire the MacLaren!!!! WHOOO HOOO!!!
Date: 7/11/2007 1:51:07 PM
Author: Joolskie
Well gee Feb, I believe DH had something do with things here. He probably just needs to get used to the reality of it. But seriously, there is no need for the silent treatment. You are in this together. Glad to hear that you had the doc do a blood test...

Tacori, I prefer the Keely spelling. But I am a ''y'' fan. LOL! And ooooooo, bedding. I loved obsessing over my babies'' rooms. I could spend hours gazing at bedding, strollers and assorted baby gear. Alas, now that my younger son is 4-years-old, I think it is time to retire the MacLaren.

And on the flip side... I think it is time to retire the MacLaren!!!! WHOOO HOOO!!!
LOL! I was just thinking it''s time for me to retire the Pliko. My youngest is 4 1/2 now.
Date: 7/11/2007 1:51:07 PM
Author: Joolskie
Well gee Feb, I believe DH had something do with things here. He probably just needs to get used to the reality of it. But seriously, there is no need for the silent treatment. You are in this together. Glad to hear that you had the doc do a blood test...

Tacori, I prefer the Keely spelling. But I am a 'y' fan. LOL! And ooooooo, bedding. I loved obsessing over my babies' rooms. I could spend hours gazing at bedding, strollers and assorted baby gear. Alas, now that my younger son is 4-years-old, I think it is time to retire the MacLaren.

And on the flip side... I think it is time to retire the MacLaren!!!! WHOOO HOOO!!!

I like "y"s too. Probably because I don't have any in my own name! You should check out the baby nursery thread. Finding gender neutral bedding that was not too cheesy was TOUGH! I am just relieved it is in stock and in route (not dicountinued).

A lady today commented on how cute maternity clothes are now and how they were so ugly when she had her kids (I was out shopping with my MIL) and asked when I was due. She is only the second "stranger" to comment on my pregnancy so I was excited! I guess it is pretty obvious now! haha.

ETA: I didn't realize you use strollers for so long! Random do you travel with a baby (car seat wise) What do you do in a taxi?

EDD 10.28
Tacori: I forgot to tell you, I LOOOOVE Keeley. I like that spelling the best, and then Keely....well, no maybe I like Keely better. Either way, its a gorgeous name, & there is an actress I like (who is not very famous) but gorgeous & I have a positive association with the name.

Jake is still in a stroller, but he adores being pushed around like a little prince, so I am all over the double strollers now. Some kids ride in them past their 4th bday, others don''t. If you opt for a stroller/travel system for little babe in there, it comes with a "basket" style carseat that snaps into a base in your car, or if you use a taxi, you can just loop the seatbelt thru the holders meant for that. After they grow out of that (depends on a number of factors, how big your baby is--once their head reaches the top of that car seat they have to go in a Convertible infant/toddler full sized carseat, and also weight. I got tired of lugging it around with Jake at about 6 months). I have only taken a taxi in Mexico with Jake & we didn''t use the carseats (we did from the airport...cuz we had them in our hands at the terminal & it was a long drive) for a few short trips and I swear to God we were so freaked out. I had a death grip on him & my friend had a death grip on her son & we were howling "OMG, We''re freakin'' Britney Spears! oh no!"
Never again. But I have no idea what moms in cities where taxis are the norm can''t carry around a honking huge carseat everywhere? What do the NYC mommies do? I''m sure they know what the protocol is.

Feb2003bride: Oh you are so pregnant. LOL. Good for you! Apparently this baby wanted you for a mommy! :-) Your dh will just have to come he mad cuz you forgot a pill or were you using a less effective method? If so, well...that''s how the dice rolled!! I''m sorry, but my advice to men who think they are done having kids is this: Get Snipped Or Shut Up Already.

Pregnancy Magazines: My OB told me not to believe half the stuff I read in them, and to call his office if I have a question. (like my face wash with salicylic acid & hair dye etc....)

Ellaila: At my amnio, the tech said it "might" be a girl but she could not tell. Grrrrrr...I had an OB appt the next day & my ultrasound tech there (my OB''s daughter actually) was so irritated that they couldn''t tell, she grabbed me, tossed me on the table & said "I''ll tell you what you''re having". LOL. I think the office was betting it was a girl...they are so wonderful there. She told me it was a girl, and it never occured to me that she could be mistaken (she says she''s 100% on her track record..LOL) so when the genetic clinic called with my amnio results, I almost hung up before the genetic counselor said, "don''t you want to know what the sex is?"...I replied "but I already know!"...she laughed and confirmed it, but I was glad at that point that I hadn''t gotten rid of Jake''s boy wardrobe at that point.

Ok..I had a friend over today with her daughter who is 1mo older than my son. we spent ALL DAY in the pool. Jake is so tired, he''s just sacked out. I need to wake him up! OH NO! He''ll never get to sleep tonight. Then I have another girlfriend coming over for margaritas & taco salad for dinner....(virgin margs for me...but I like the lime mix..mmmm..I substitute sparkling water for the tequila right now..)

Later ladies!

Date: 7/11/2007 9:20:37 PM
Author: divergrrl
Tacori: I forgot to tell you, I LOOOOVE Keeley. I like that spelling the best, and then Keely....well, no maybe I like Keely better. Either way, its a gorgeous name, & there is an actress I like (who is not very famous) but gorgeous & I have a positive association with the name.

Jake is still in a stroller, but he adores being pushed around like a little prince, so I am all over the double strollers now. Some kids ride in them past their 4th bday, others don''t. If you opt for a stroller/travel system for little babe in there, it comes with a ''basket'' style carseat that snaps into a base in your car, or if you use a taxi, you can just loop the seatbelt thru the holders meant for that. After they grow out of that (depends on a number of factors, how big your baby is--once their head reaches the top of that car seat they have to go in a Convertible infant/toddler full sized carseat, and also weight. I got tired of lugging it around with Jake at about 6 months). I have only taken a taxi in Mexico with Jake & we didn''t use the carseats (we did from the airport...cuz we had them in our hands at the terminal & it was a long drive) for a few short trips and I swear to God we were so freaked out. I had a death grip on him & my friend had a death grip on her son & we were howling ''OMG, We''re freakin'' Britney Spears! oh no!''
Never again. But I have no idea what moms in cities where taxis are the norm can''t carry around a honking huge carseat everywhere? What do the NYC mommies do? I''m sure they know what the protocol is.

Feb2003bride: Oh you are so pregnant. LOL. Good for you! Apparently this baby wanted you for a mommy! :-) Your dh will just have to come he mad cuz you forgot a pill or were you using a less effective method? If so, well...that''s how the dice rolled!! I''m sorry, but my advice to men who think they are done having kids is this: Get Snipped Or Shut Up Already.

Pregnancy Magazines: My OB told me not to believe half the stuff I read in them, and to call his office if I have a question. (like my face wash with salicylic acid & hair dye etc....)

Ellaila: At my amnio, the tech said it ''might'' be a girl but she could not tell. Grrrrrr...I had an OB appt the next day & my ultrasound tech there (my OB''s daughter actually) was so irritated that they couldn''t tell, she grabbed me, tossed me on the table & said ''I''ll tell you what you''re having''. LOL. I think the office was betting it was a girl...they are so wonderful there. She told me it was a girl, and it never occured to me that she could be mistaken (she says she''s 100% on her track record..LOL) so when the genetic clinic called with my amnio results, I almost hung up before the genetic counselor said, ''don''t you want to know what the sex is?''...I replied ''but I already know!''...she laughed and confirmed it, but I was glad at that point that I hadn''t gotten rid of Jake''s boy wardrobe at that point.

Ok..I had a friend over today with her daughter who is 1mo older than my son. we spent ALL DAY in the pool. Jake is so tired, he''s just sacked out. I need to wake him up! OH NO! He''ll never get to sleep tonight. Then I have another girlfriend coming over for margaritas & taco salad for dinner....(virgin margs for me...but I like the lime mix..mmmm..I substitute sparkling water for the tequila right now..)

Later ladies!


Tacori- My DD is in summer camp with a Keeley right now! She''s a sweetie too!

Divergrrl- I''m even more confused now! I took another ept certainty digital test and it said "not pregnant" so I called ept back to find out if it is POSSIBLE that the "pregnant" reading from yesterday was a mistake. So the rep (this time a guy) said that the EPT certainty gets false positives ALL THE TIME!
He said its a tempermental test and if not done exactly right it will give a false reading. Now I''m thinking, how hard is it to take a home pregnancy test, right? Apparently, it''s not just peeing on a stick for 5 seconds. The test has to be facing out a certain way, no moving it once you are done peeing, it has to be first morning urine, yada yada yada.

*sigh* Either way, I''m trying not to think I''m pregnant until I find out my blood test results tomorrow
And I''m still so nauseated. If I''m not preggo, I need to figure out why I''m so blah yucky feeling
Feb, I have heard that the digital ones *can* do false positive more than the other kind...but are rare. Diver posted a site I have visited before, I think that is where I read that.

Diver, just something I wondered. Hopefully Curly will fill us in. Maybe she doesn''t take a lot of Taxis. Also I was just thinking of future travel. I really want to visit my brother & sister on the west coast. We probably would rent a car but you never know.

Next week I get to go home (for my second shower!!!) Also my parents'' lab just had puppies (yesterday). She had 10 poor girl. I can''t wait to see them!
::hopping out of lurkdom for a second::

Tacori, I think Keely is a great name. My niece (TGuy''s sister''s daughter) is named Keely and she is one lovely, spunky girl.
Date: 7/11/2007 11:46:40 PM
Author: TravelingGal
::hopping out of lurkdom for a second::

Tacori, I think Keely is a great name. My niece (TGuy''s sister''s daughter) is named Keely and she is one lovely, spunky girl.

Oh I am loving all the positive response. I find this whole naming business so stressful! What is her middle name? I think Keely McC------ sounds really good. Do they have any nicknames for her?
:: poptart jumps in to offer support::

I think Keely is an adorable name! I would call her "K" for short. I wouldn''t worry about thinking up a nickname. Something will come for sure!

My SIL chose it because it's celtic/Irish or something like that. Their son's name is Aidan...same kind of reasoning. So I think Keely McYourname would sound great.

I don't know what her middle is. I just ask TGuy. I just said "I don't know actually." Then after a pause, he said, "She should have one." I had to laugh. What a great uncle.

ETA, no nicknames. They just call her Keely.
How funny TG! Typical guy for sure. DH didn''t even know the difference between an e-ring and WB before I came along (or that you wear them together). I think he thought I was making it up!

poptart, my first name does not have a nickname so I am not too worried about it. Just want to make sure any name we consider I am not missing some obvious flaw. Like my friend said with Emerson kids could say "Em are some nice (fill in the blank)"

Feb, any definitive news??

Hubby had his surgery today, and though he feels like a truck drove into his back at the moment, he is on the road to recovery so we are SO happy!
The docs took out a really BIG piece of the disc that was herniated, so surgery was definitely the best option -- nothing else would''ve worked on such a major rupture. His leg feels better already (his pain, though stemming from the back, was all down his right leg and foot), so once his incision heals, he should be a new man -- yahooooooo!!!!!

Tacori, I think maternity clothes are wicked cute
I think I''m at the stage where strangers think I''m pregnant but don''t necessarily want to ask me about it yet, but people that know me would def. see the bump!

RE: "Just want to make sure any name we consider I am not missing some obvious flaw. Like my friend said with Emerson kids could say "Em are some nice (fill in the blank)" -- hahah! I agree that you have to look for the obvious jokes, but I think you''re giving kids too much credit with that Emerson one
Teri Hatcher''s daughter''s name is Emerson Rose, by the way.
Date: 7/11/2007 10:53:26 AM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Date: 7/11/2007 10:48:53 AM

Author: jcrow

i went to school with a girl named keelie. just another spelling variation

:: back to lurking ::

Did kids tease her based on her name? Or call her wierd variations?

nope. not that i can remember. and her last name started with a "k" too.
Thank you to everyone who answered all of my preggo test questions

Even though I got a digital "pregnant" result, my blood test was negative

DH was much better yesterday and said if the test was negative and I really wanted another baby that we should talk about it.
We''ll see...

Thank you again!
Feb2003...oh I''m sorry you aren''t prego, your little emoticon looked sad about it. Well, at least your dh said he''d talk about it if you want another, that''s always good news. He''s probably happier knowing going in than being surprised. Nothing wrong with that! Well, off topic, how are you enjoying your ring, my sister in reset-fever? (feb2003 & I are one in the same in that

So...that leads me to a Question Of The Day, or a QOTD as we call it on my other board.

QOTD: How many kids do you think you want & what are you planning to do once you hit that number?

DH & I want 2. I originally wanted 1, but he convinced me otherwise. (I was just afraid they''d eat me alive if I had 2.
) I''m still scared to death, but I''m excited too. But I might have to have a Csection, so if I do, my doc is going to tie my tubes.
If my fibroid didn''t grow (its right on my cervix, blocking the exit so to say) and I can deliver vaginally, DH has already offered to get snipped right away. He''s so cool about it...I love his attitude. He says he''s not looking forward to it, but its his responsibility as the other half of this equation to take care of our birth control needs since its the easiest permanent solution. We are so sure its 2 its not funny. I''ll be 37 right after I have D, & DH is 42. We are feeling old & done. LOL. (we''re not old, we know, but we just feel like its time to put babymaking in the past while we still have some energy left...)

Stupid Remarks from friend: My neighbor & friend said to me the other day "you shouldn''t get fixed, because when you have a girl, you are going to see how easy kids REALLY are & want more". I looked at her & was like..."do you not know Jake very well? He slept through the night from birth practically, never cried, rarely gives me any trouble, is very gentle with toys & our belongings, and laughs all the freakin'' time". I mean just because he''s a BOY doesn''t mean he''s a bull in a china shop just breaking stuff and acting like a freak. He''s a joy. Sure he''s 2 sometimes, but he''s 2! They all act 2 when they get there, boy or girl. So she says to me "oh well then you''re in trouble for sure, Delaney will be a PURE HELLION!". I was pissed...I actually told her that''s not a nice thing to say to someone who''s pregnant, because my child will be what she will be--her personality is already cast in her DNA & there isn''t any reason to say such a thing.

And I guess she doesn''t know my child very well. I don''t let Jake play at her house with her kids. They are 4 & 8 and kind of weird IMO. The mom just had MRSA (antibiotic resistant strain of staph infection) and their rental house (the worst house on our block) is 900sq ft & she runs a daycare with 6 kids in it. Its always filthy. She just leaves her front door open during the summer & lets the 3 & 4 year olds play in the street.
One of her boys she sits (the 3 year old, is the son of a white supremacist mom (has swastika tattoos) so you can see why I NEVER let Jake play there. I keep hoping the owners of that house die (they are REALLY old) and it sells so she has to move. I like her...she''s nice, but just misled & very uneducated. So her heart is usually in the right spot, but she has NO common sense. She didn''t even know what a skinhead or a neo-nazi was! And since my DH is half Jewish, my son is a bit Jewish too...I think playing with a baby skin head is not a good idea. His name even hints at white supremacy... (white justice)

But there was a nice remark y''day! I was in Starbucks getting a Tangerine frappucino juice blend to sip while I got my hair done & a lady came up to me & told me my outfit was very pretty & I looked really good!

Then DH came home from being gone for a week & said body looks like it lost weight all over except for my belly. I think he''s right, because my skirt from Gap that fit just right last week is all of a sudden falling off of me & I just washed & dried it. (so it should have shrunk if anything) I put on a pair of maternity shorts from Jake''s pg...and they were too tight last month & now they fit. I gained a pound last week, so I think Delaney just took my weight and put it on her. Thats my girl!!! She can do that all she wants. Hey kid...there''s some in my arms & thighs for you if you like!

Ok...I have calls to make. Joy.

See you all later!
that lady sounds mean and has creepy friends. I would stay away from her. Your Jake looks adorable!!!
Yay, to Delaney! Glad your shorts fit whoooo hooo!!! You sound like a happy preggo and sounds like you are doing well!
Yay, to hubby being home too
So on my baby board a women posted this horrible post (I wish I could copy it but she deleted it) about how she has only gained 2 lbs and is on her 5th (12-14 lbs total with her others) and anyone gaining more than 20 lbs is lazy and unhealthy and she feels sorry for them!
Then said how hard it is to lose the weight and losing 15 lbs is so much easier than 30 (oh really?!?! She is so smart!) The funny thing is some people are DEFENDING HER! Of couse I couldn''t keep my mouth shut. I mean come on! My baby ALONE is around 2lbs. How is that healthy??? Whatever. I believe in listening to my doctor NOT her.
Just b/c she is on her 5th does not make her an expert on anything IMHO.

Diver, congrats on looking good! I am sure you are adorable! You should post a belly shot. I''ve thought about it but then got too shy. I honestly don''t know how many kids we will have. No less than 2, no more than 4. We''ll just see what happens. They do have to be planned since we pay for our own health insurance but since I am inexperienced at this maybe 2 will feel "right." Sounds like it is perfect for you. I can''t wait to "meet" Delaney! She is going to be adorable and Jake will be a great big brother.

Feb, I am glad your DH is open to a 4th. That sounds like progress.
Tacori..ok..I''ll get on that belly shot. LOL.

Well bad news today, I''ve been crying on and off (damn these hormones!) all day.

My OB is sick with adult onset diabetes & is now on isulin. Apparently him getting up 5 nights a week to deliver babies in the dead of night is not good for his health, so his doctor has him "benched" from the games from now on. He will still do my prenatal & postnatal care, but he won''t be delivering Delaney.

I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sad. He is such a wonderful doctor, I feel so safe with him. I''m sad for him (and worried too) but I''m glad he''s doing the right thing for his health.

At any rate, his partner (whom I will meet soon) will be delivering me, so I hope she''s a good (I have not had good luck with female OB''s...always so cranky/bitchy/chip on shoulders and apparently this doesn''t have a nice bedside manner) doctor. Only time will tell.

If I were having a straightforward delivery, I''d be ok with this, but I''ve got possible issues surrounding my fibroid --a possible c section & I just felt confident with my doc. Oh well...that''s life. I''m just glad he''s ok...

later gators
Wow tacori--that woman sounds like an insensitive witch with a b. i gained 38lbs....i ate healthy, but thats how my body reacted. anyways i lost it all plus 10 extra...and having 5 kids doesn''t make her an expert....just an expert in her OWN house not everyone elses. btw Keeley is an adorable name.

divergirl---my dh wanted 3. i wanted 2. when my ds was 6 months old...dh said he changed his mind and wanted 2 kids, because our ds is a lot of work. now that ds is 11 1/2 months old and has begun walking, dh says 1 is more than he keeps talking about giving ds a brother in a is afraid to have a daughter because he says he can''t handle the teenage
Date: 7/13/2007 4:49:08 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
So on my baby board a women posted this horrible post (I wish I could copy it but she deleted it) about how she has only gained 2 lbs and is on her 5th (12-14 lbs total with her others) and anyone gaining more than 20 lbs is lazy and unhealthy and she feels sorry for them!
Then said how hard it is to lose the weight and losing 15 lbs is so much easier than 30 (oh really?!?! She is so smart!) The funny thing is some people are DEFENDING HER! Of couse I couldn''t keep my mouth shut. I mean come on! My baby ALONE is around 2lbs. How is that healthy??? Whatever. I believe in listening to my doctor NOT her.
Just b/c she is on her 5th does not make her an expert on anything IMHO.

Diver, congrats on looking good! I am sure you are adorable! You should post a belly shot. I''ve thought about it but then got too shy. I honestly don''t know how many kids we will have. No less than 2, no more than 4. We''ll just see what happens. They do have to be planned since we pay for our own health insurance but since I am inexperienced at this maybe 2 will feel ''right.'' Sounds like it is perfect for you. I can''t wait to ''meet'' Delaney! She is going to be adorable and Jake will be a great big brother.

Feb, I am glad your DH is open to a 4th. That sounds like progress.

Sheesh Tacori, that woman on your board is full of crap. Every woman is different. Let''s see, I gained 55lbs with my first pregnancy all while eating healthy and exercising. After giving birth to an almost 10 pound bouncing baby boy, I lost 40 pounds in four weeks. It is AMAZING how much FLUID accumulates in your body during pregnancy.

With my second pregnancy, I got to the exact same weight as I did with the first. And once again, after delivering another almost 10 pound bouncing baby boy, I lost much of the weight within the first few weeks.

Unfortunately, I am still carrying about 10 extra pounds per kid... which I am now finally getting serious about losing. LOL!!!!
Date: 7/13/2007 7:47:09 PM
Author: divergrrl
Tacori..ok..I''ll get on that belly shot. LOL.

Well bad news today, I''ve been crying on and off (damn these hormones!) all day.

My OB is sick with adult onset diabetes & is now on isulin. Apparently him getting up 5 nights a week to deliver babies in the dead of night is not good for his health, so his doctor has him ''benched'' from the games from now on. He will still do my prenatal & postnatal care, but he won''t be delivering Delaney.

I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sad. He is such a wonderful doctor, I feel so safe with him. I''m sad for him (and worried too) but I''m glad he''s doing the right thing for his health.

At any rate, his partner (whom I will meet soon) will be delivering me, so I hope she''s a good (I have not had good luck with female OB''s...always so cranky/bitchy/chip on shoulders and apparently this doesn''t have a nice bedside manner) doctor. Only time will tell.

If I were having a straightforward delivery, I''d be ok with this, but I''ve got possible issues surrounding my fibroid --a possible c section & I just felt confident with my doc. Oh well...that''s life. I''m just glad he''s ok...

later gators

Oh Diver... it will be okay. My first delivery was a very unplanned c-section. My OB was not on call that fateful evening so the doc from the practice who was ended up performing my c-section. I ended up liking her so much that I started seeing her.

As it turned out, my second delivery was SUPPOSED to be a planned c-section with the doc who did the first one. Of course, one week before my scheduled c-section, my water broke and I went into labor on my own. I ended up having unplanned c-section #2 with a different doctor from the practice than the first two! She turned out to be very nice as well. In fact, she was the doctor who ended up helping me through a rough run of PPD.

Sometimes, these changes can end up being good ones!
Date: 7/13/2007 11:19:12 AM
Author: february2003bride
Thank you to everyone who answered all of my preggo test questions

Even though I got a digital ''pregnant'' result, my blood test was negative

DH was much better yesterday and said if the test was negative and I really wanted another baby that we should talk about it.
We''ll see...

Thank you again!

Oh Feb... I am sorry the blood test was negative. But, if this experience has opened up the lines of communication between and DH, I am happy for both of you.
NYC & Jools,
I know! I think she might have left the board b/c she got chewed out (and deserved it IMHO) and deleted all her posts. Weight is just one of those hot topics. It shouldn't be talked about (unless you tell someone how THIN they look. Wish my inlaws knew this! haha) Besides 2 lbs this far along is NOT healthy on a normal/under weight person. She said she is 110 lbs/5'2" Also I have read numerous studies where doctors suggest the 25-35 lbs for proper brain development (not just numbers out of thin air). She is only 23 with almost 5 kids so I do not envy her life (she also mentioned that her DH works 70-80 hours a week when someone questioned how she had TIME to work out 5 days a week with 4 children) and I am sure that young your body would snap back into place! Regardless her post was so passive aggressive. Sometimes that board bugs me. Makes me realize how much I LOOOOVE it here!!!

Diver, sorry to hear about your doc! It will all work out.

Does insurance usually cover ANY of the 20 week u/s?
Tacori- There''s a good chance that the person was a troll. On both pregnancy boards that I was on with my last two pregnancies, there was always 1 or 2 people who were "regulars" but within weeks, their stories didn''t mesh and it was always "discovered" that they were just trolls trying to get attention.
Date: 7/16/2007 10:43:53 PM
Author: february2003bride
Tacori- There''s a good chance that the person was a troll. On both pregnancy boards that I was on with my last two pregnancies, there was always 1 or 2 people who were ''regulars'' but within weeks, their stories didn''t mesh and it was always ''discovered'' that they were just trolls trying to get attention.

She had been on for awhile and even had a photo of herself. Who knows. You could be right. Some people actually defended her!
People share WAY too much information for my comfort level (full names, links to their registries, etc...)
Hi guys,

Tacori, why wouldn't insurance cover a 20-week u/s? As for forums, I check that twins forum much less frequently now than I used to b/c the people there just drove me nuts! We def. have the best of the bunch here at PS, that's for sure!

Diver, awwww, that's a bummer about your doctor
Is there only that one other dr. in the practice, or are there others in case you don't click with her? As for how many kids we want ... well, hubby is saying that his job is done now that we're having two in one shot, so I think maybe two is our number! He's one of three kids and I'm one of four, so two doesn't really seem like "enough" to me -- but talk to me again in about eight months, and I'm sure two will seem like PLENTY! Ha ha!

njc, I just discovered over the weekend that Pillsbury makes reduced fat cinnamon rolls ... heeee!!! They taste exactly the same, too!!

As for me, I'm still growing nicely and looking more preggers by the day -- which still shocks me! Hubby is recovering well from surgery, which is the best news of all! And we're slowly making progress with the new house ... so things are starting to come together finally! We do the P&S on our condo tomorrow, move in 10 days into our house, and then the fun really starts

Oh, and Feb, that's great that hubby is willing to talk a 4th baby! I guess maybe it was just the shock of it all last week that made him grouchy? Glad everything is back on track!

Have a good day, everyone!
Diver – So sorry to hear about your doctor. I am sure he has many upset patients right now, but I am glad he is taking his health seriously.

Tacori – My insurance covered all of my 20 week u/s minus my $30 co-pay. I also had to pay a co-pay for my 2 GD tests. All routine care is supposed to be covered, but apparently those things are not, which totally doesn’t make sense, but whatever.

Ella – Oh no… I wish you hadn’t shared about the cinnamon rolls with me! I am going to the store tonight and will probably end up getting some now. Glad your hubby is recovering well! I am still awed by the fact that I am actually pregnant when I look in the mirror.

We started painting the baby’s room over the weekend. We have the paint on the walls, but still need to replace the trim (we are slowly doing each room) and add the chair rail. We ended up not doing the stripes like the PB catalog and instead are doing a dark blue bottom, cool/blue white trim and chair rail with a lighter blue on top. Looks great and matches really well with our bedding. I cant wait to get it all finished up this weekend. Also seems like I will get a shower after all… my MOH and mom have started talking and are going to try and get something together for the end of August. I was starting to get a little worried since no one was saying anything!

EDD 10.02
njc, will you post pics of the nursery once it''s done? Sounds so cute! If we have two girls, I want to do a nice soft lavender color, but if we have two boys or one of each, I don''t know what colors to use. The room doesn''t have a closet in it, but Ikea has this really cute white wardrobe that I think would be adorable in a light purple little girls'' room!

Yeah, I''m starting to get a little antsy about my shower too. I didn''t have a wedding shower (didn''t want one), but I DO want a baby shower -- I DO, I DO, I DO! But I''m not sure who would throw it? My mom is having back surgery in two weeks, so it''s probably not foremost in her mind, I don''t have any sisters, and my mom would have a hissy fit if my stepmom threw one for me. But with twins, I want one sooner rather than later (Sept. ideally) so that I''m not waddling around too huge and exhausted to even enjoy my own shower! So I don''t know what to do ... how do you politely tell someone you want a shower and hope they get the hint and throw you one?

I''m still confused -- why wouldn''t insurance cover a 20-week u/s if the doctor wants you to have one? Maybe if you had one at 18 weeks and everything was fine, then they would think it was unnecessary? Is that why?

I decided to post a belly pic
Here''s me with my 15-week belly! I''d love to see some belly shots of you guys too, so come on ladies, don''t be shy!
