
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Oh Lysser I am so so sorry! This is one of the terrible things about being a woman and trying to become a mother, early miscarriages are just so so common (upwards of 25%). {{{HUGS}}} I know you will get preggo again soon, take care of yourself and allow yourself time to feel whatever you need to feel!
oh shoot, LL, i''m so sorry to read the update. i''m thinking about you!! hang in there, ok? big hug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OH LL. I am soooo sorry.
I was so hopeful for you. You''re very much in my thoughts, sweety.
LL I am so very sorry to hear that. Hugs to you.
LL so sorry for your news!
Ohhh, LL, I''m so very sorry to hear that! Take care of yourself, we''re all thinking of you...
LL- delurking to tell you I am so sorry for your loss. Hang in there and big hugs to you.

I feel bad even including this in the same post, but after trying for close to two years I am finally pregnant with twins, another set on PS, just about 8 weeks along at this point and still can''t believe that I am finally pregnant
Yaaaay, Ivana! I just posted on the TTc thread about how you should come over here and tell us all about it. Details! Details! Tell us about your appointments, ultrasounds? How are they measuring? How are you feeling?

Hurray for PS twins!

(15 wks today)
Just delurking to congratulate Jas and Mr Jas on their beautiful baby boys!

And LL, I''m so sorry you didn''t get good news today. Take care.
LL, I am so sorry. Take care!
LL, I''m so sorry... I hope your husband takes super good care of you right now (and you, him).

Big hugs to you!!
Date: 9/2/2008 6:08:47 PM
Author: ivanadiamond

I feel bad even including this in the same post, but after trying for close to two years I am finally pregnant with twins, another set on PS, just about 8 weeks along at this point and still can't believe that I am finally pregnant
Congratulations and welcome ivana!
I can't believe another set of PS twins!
Date: 9/2/2008 6:08:47 PM
Author: ivanadiamond
LL- delurking to tell you I am so sorry for your loss. Hang in there and big hugs to you.

I feel bad even including this in the same post, but after trying for close to two years I am finally pregnant with twins, another set on PS, just about 8 weeks along at this point and still can't believe that I am finally pregnant
OMG Ivana, I have thought of you from time to time. I am THRILLED for you. Congratulations! Last I had heard, you were doing artificial insemination, I think? If you don't mind me asking, did that work, or did you go the IVF route? I ask because my friend has been trying for almost 6 years now and hasn't done IVF yet...

ETA, saw you posted on TTC...going to go read now. So excited for you....
Jackie -- great birth story! i was expecting to be both amused and choked up and you managed to deliver both
I''m just so glad they are so perfect and everything went really well -- can''t wait to hear about the dreaded ILS!!

LL -- i am SO sorry
I''ve been through it many times, so feel free to ask if you ever have ANY questions whatsoever. (((hugs)))

Ivana -- congrats and welcome to the PS twin club!

Thank you all for your well wishes and thoughts about our kitten. The boys were doing better today and after they were at school, I got to finally sit down and sob about it for a while. It''s amazing how much a great pet can add to our lives -- and yes, we will be going to the hmane society soon to look at other kitties (gotta heal a bit first).

I don''t feel like boring you with the details, so I''ll just add that this eary AM was my trip number 3 to labor and delivery -- this time with mind-numblingly painful menstrual-type cramps. All is well, both girls are still in my belly where they belong and I feel fine and a bit stupid

30w 6d
Thanks ladies, it has been a long road filled with many ups and downs and twists and turns. I did go the IVF route after numerous attempts at IUI''s with and without Clomid. My husband had some morphology issues, so in the end we attempted 1 round of IVF that didn''t go well, terrible egg quality and neither of the two transferred eggs took. And then I listened to my inner voice and switched doctors. Took a month off and started the IVF with ICSI process again. The whole thing took another three months before they transferred the eggs. Surprisingly my results were completely different this time around, has excellent egg results (21 eggs, 19 took, three transferred, rest frozen and two cooking in my belly for the past 8 weeks)

I can''t believe I can finally post on this thread. I have been following all of them in lurkdom :)

The morning sickness is grueling though...but it''s a small price sacrifice everything considered. But does anyone have any thing that has helped them?
Hehehe Jas. What a story. Love it...and so happy for you. Can''t wait to see more of everyone on the mommy thread.

The shakes are the worst, aren''t they? It was weirdly cool because I didn''t know I could shake like that. It was from the inside out...freaky.

Actually the worst part is being somewhat doped up when you first see your child. The vaginal birthers have a leg up (but hopefully not a foot out!) over us on that one.

Congrats''re a trooper and how fab your twins were so healthy!!
oh jas, as only you could write it...
you had me crying and laughing at the same time.
you are so eloquent and your story is beautiful. i LOVE the part about dh having to step out!!
congratulations, again. can''t wait to see some more yummy pictures!!
Date: 9/2/2008 7:17:08 PM
Author: ivanadiamond
Thanks ladies, it has been a long road filled with many ups and downs and twists and turns. I did go the IVF route after numerous attempts at IUI''s with and without Clomid. My husband had some morphology issues, so in the end we attempted 1 round of IVF that didn''t go well, terrible egg quality and neither of the two transferred eggs took. And then I listened to my inner voice and switched doctors. Took a month off and started the IVF with ICSI process again. The whole thing took another three months before they transferred the eggs. Surprisingly my results were completely different this time around, has excellent egg results (21 eggs, 19 took, three transferred, rest frozen and two cooking in my belly for the past 8 weeks)

I can''t believe I can finally post on this thread. I have been following all of them in lurkdom :)

The morning sickness is grueling though...but it''s a small price sacrifice everything considered. But does anyone have any thing that has helped them?
Ivana, so many people I know swear by ginger ale. For me it was bread and crackers. Loved watermelon too. M/S is worse on an empty stomach so find anything you can hold down and stock up on it.
Jackie, you are freaking hilarious! You are a riot woman! You had me laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes! I''m assuming you didn''t feel the foot and ankle come out? Thank goodness! What a great birth story with a happy ending...minus your in-laws! I am glad that the delivery went smoothly and you have two beautiful and healthy boys! Take care of yourself and get lots of rest. Can''t wait to read your next story.
ivana....i meant to say: WELCOME!! so excited for you and your TWINS. i hope to see you on here often!! are so cute. it's too bad you and i don't live in the same city, we could meet for coffee after all of our l&d trips! i'm so glad those girls are sticking where they belong!!! and also, i'm glad you had a cry about pichu. it's so hard, but sometimes just letting go really helps...

ll...hope you're hanging in there...

30 weeks today...YAY!!!!
jen, I'm sorry to hear about trip #3 to L&D. I am glad the girls are staying put! Those period-like cramps are no fun! Please take care of yourself.

LIA, yay for 30 weeks!
Jackie, your L&D story is hilarious and your boys are adorable. Sorry about the hostage dog situation.

LL, I''m just so sorry.
Take care of yourself.

Lisa, sorry to hear that about the sacs. I really hope that everything''s ok. I had been wondering where you were.

Jen, I''m so sorry about Pichu. That has to be devastating.

Ivanadiamond - congrats! More twins!?

Pave, I had no idea that heart defects were that common. It sounds like he''ll be in good hands, at least.

I felt really good this weekend and in the mood to eat, so I did a ton of cooking. Banana bread, roasted garlic-lemon-herb chicken, homemade potato chips, homemade gnocci with a terragon/cream/parmesan sauce and hericot verts and sauteed mushrooms, roasted fish, caprese. Dinner tonight was risotto with basil and tomatoes (both from our garden), red peppers, Italian sausage, parmesan, and mozzerella. I think I need to go walk that off now. And then eat some more.
ok blen, are you for hire?? those things sound AMAZING!! of course, no cooking for me now (or standing or shopping), but seriously...i once made a pasta salad and thought i was a cooking goddess. or not so much!!

thanks snlee!! good luck at your appt tomorrow! you are SO CLOSE to being off of bedrest!! just one more week, right?? i''m so jealous. what are you going to do when you''re FREE?!??!!
Ivana, my midwife advised me to stop taking my prenatal vitamin temporarily and to just take folic acid and B6. Folic acid's important right now for obvious reasons, B6 helps with morning sickness and energy, and there are other things in prenatal vitamins that can exacerbate morning sickness. (I think that iron may be the main culprit.) Just doing that got rid of about 95% of the morning sickness, and I can deal with the rest. And doing better with food means that I'm getting those other necessary nutrients through food, which is fine. Nutritional demands change later in pregnancy so that we'll eventually need everything in the prenatal vitamins, though - I'm just doing this temporarily.

Constantly eating small meals also helps.

ETA - I think I've read about some women taking Flintstones vitamins instead of the prenatals while in the first tri. Supplement with folic acid in either case, though.

LIA - thanks! Hubby did almost all of the cooking for the past month, so I think this has to make it up to him.
JAS, I love you.
Can''t wait to hear the family capers.

Ivana, I had great luck with seaband that a diver friend gave me. Basically, they are little wrist thingies, like you might wear for tennis, but with a round knob that fits over an accupressure point. I''m not really an accu-stuff type, but I swear these really, really helped! They are pretty inexpensive ($10?), and if you google them you''ll find them easily (I just tried, and yup... and on the way discovered that there is actually scientific research to back up that they work too).
Jackie - your birth story had me cracking up - especially the part about your water breaking! I even read it aloud for my husband to hear and he thought it was pretty funny too. Congrats on you boys!!

Ivana - I lived off of dry cereal and toast for about 8 weeks when my m/s was at it''s worst. It is much worse on an empty stomach so I second stocking up on anything that you can keep down. If it gets unbearable ask your doc for some Zofran. Stuff worked wonders for me.
Blen, that sounds delicious! What did I say about food talk here? Oh man, now I want some good food! Sometimes I wish my husband was a gourmet chief and loved cooking.

LIA, thanks and good luck to you too! Yes, 6 more days until I'm 34 weeks! I am so excited! But sadly, I don't have any plans. I'd love to take a walk or go shopping. It's the simple things I'm looking forward to. Mostly, just not worrying about him coming too early.

My mom joked today that it'd be funny after all this (the PTL scare, bed rest, and meds), he decides to come late! Humph! NOT so funny. It seems like I've been lying around forever. At 37-38 weeks, I'm ready to have him out. By then he'll be considered full term and after spending so much time worrying that he'll come too early, I can't imagine being overdue!
SNLEE: i totally know what you mean. dh and i keep joking that i''m going to need to be induced at 42 weeks!!! what a joke that would be!
i also agree on the little things. i never knew i would miss grocery shopping. YES, GROCERY SHOPPING!!! and especially being able to amke some plans with friends. dinners out and stuff, before it gets too difficult with the little one...
Thank you guys for your kind words! It really means a lot to me. For real.

We are doing alright.

We knew it was super early. And I just didn''t have a good feeling, particularly after the ER I definitely wasn''t surprised. And I know I did just about everything I could to ensure a good outcome - shoot, I love coffee and I cut it down to like 1/2 a cup a day. Next time I''ll probably cut it out all together...but still.

I''ve cried a bit...but we are okay. DH is sad too...but he''s a dork, and a computer scientist...and he said, "well, everyone knows version 2.0 is better anyway." It gave me a chuckle.

Ivana - Congrats to you! PLEASE don''t feel bad about posting your good news!!!!

JACKIE!! - Great story! Thank you for the laughs. Your sons are gorgeous.

LIA - Congrats on 30 weeks!!
LIA, oh yes, just simply going out to eat or grocery shopping! You know we love looking at food! What have you been doing to keep yourself busy? Any more knitting?

littlelysser, your DH is funny. That''s hilarious about version 2.0. Hang in there!