
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

I''m so sorry about your kitty - and your children''s sorrow.
oh jen, BIG HUGS. i''m so so sorry to hear about pichu. i can''t imagine how your family is''s SO hard to lose a pet, especially somewhat unexpectedly. i''ll be thinking about you guys...
Jas~Your boys are so darn cute!! Thanks for posting pics! I''ll be on the look-out for the whole story!

I''m so sorry for your news Pave! I hope everything turns out okay.

LL~Sorry for what you''re going through!

LIA~Sorry for another trip to L&D. Glad you''re not dialating more.

Jen~Sorry about your cat!
jen, I am so sorry to hear about Pichu.
Lots of hugs to you and please give your boys some hugs for me. My thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time.
Jen I am so sorry about your cat and I can totally understand your decision, I think we would have had to do the same thing in your shoes... This is the terrible thing about pets, we just never know how long they will be with us. Big hugs to your kids, what a hard thing for them!
Hello -- I want to thank you all for your kind words. Story is pending, but honestly, my inlaws have caused me a lot of issues this week and every time I have scheduled an hour or so for myself (which is about all I can get in a 24 hour period), they are here and/or doing things that probably shouldn''t be done this week (or at all)...but it''s making for a great epilogue.

Then again my sister has denounced her role in the family and has said that my sons are nothing more than biological relatives, so I guess I can''t complain too much about the in-laws.

I see so many here are having a tough couple of days. Please know my thoughts and prayers are with you all this week...when I have time for individual hugs, I will give them.

The story comes soon...

Bris is Wednesday; pray that the mohel drinks decaf.

Love to all,
Congratulations, Jackie and Hubby!!! The boys are adorable. No wonder they wanted to come out early; they were probably getting cramped in there with them being almost 7lbs.
Hello All - Well, I've stopped spotting all together, which is good. But I just can't shake the bad feeling I have...if that makes sense. I guess we'll see what the test tomorrow brings...

Pave - You and your son will be in my prayers! It sounds like you've got all the important information and you are doing everything you can to ensure the best outcome. You'll be in my thoughts!

Jen - I'm sorry about Pichu. That just stinks.
We have two pups that we love to death, and I can't imagine how hard it must be for you, let alone your children. I'm just sorry.

Indy - My spotting has actually been brown/pink the whole time and it has been fairly light. The doc at ER described it as brown discharge...Oh, and I am definitely comfortable with the idea that, assuming the worst, it is nature doing what it should. I actually find it quite comforting! DH and I have already discussed as much - he's a scientist and I'm a fairly logical I think that idea makes a lot of sense to both of us. Now, that doesn't mean we won't grieve, should the worst happen - but I think we'll be able to make peace with it pretty quickly.

Jackie I'm sorry about all the family crap you're going through. Ugh. Try to enjoy your adorable sons!!!
Lysser that is wonderful that the spotting has stopped! As others have said, it can be such a common thing, I think three of us just in this group had experienced it! And the fact that is has been so light and dark brown is really good news. I really hope your numbers are through the roof tomorrow, but even if they are only going up slowly, remember it may not mean the worst... as I said before, on other threads I have read many stories of slow doubling times resulting in babies, and that could be the case for you too! I have also read stories about doom and gloom docs at ERs, I think they like to prepare you for the worst, so don''t take it to heart too much yet... they can''t really predict the future and there is a wide variety of normal. Your attitude towards this whole thing is very reasonable and healthy, I think. I had the same mentality during the whole first tri, when worries about m/c are so omni-present. I have a good feeling still about your little bean, but if it turns out not to be, c''est la vie and you will try again and be successful in the future! Can''t wait for the update, fingers are crossed for you!
jas, I am sorry you have to deal with crap from your in-laws and your sister! I hope your boys are bringing you lots of happiness. Lots of hugs to you! Good luck with the Bris on Wednesday.

littlelysser, I'm glad the spotting has stopped. I hope you get some good news tomorrow. Keep us posted. Thinking of you.
jas: the pictures are adorable! can''t wait to hear the birth story - sorry you''re having a rough time w/ family!

lysser: i am sending a million sticky vibes your way - i hope everything works out and your 2nd test brings more +ve news. hang in there!

sk8rjen: so sorry to hear about your little kitty

Pave: thinking about you and praying for your little boy. please say strong. i think you are showing remarkable strength and wisdom in how you are dealing with this - we are all hear for you!
just popping in to say congrats on the big bouncing boys Jackie!

To everyone else here who has had a rough go over the past week, you are all in my thoughts and try to take care of yourselves and rest up. You''re in my prayers.
Jackie, Logan and Jackson are gorgeous -- ahhhhh, TWO little lovebugs!!!!!

Sorry that your family members are being PITAs. This is the perfect time for you to tell them all exactly where to stick their behavior/advice/remarks/etc. -- remember, you can always blame it on the PP hormones and painkillers!

Congrats again to you and Charlie on your beautiful little bundles -- I can''t wait to hear the birth story and see more photos! And good luck at the bris too!
Hi Everyone- thanks for all of your replies and good thoughts for us. I really appreciate it. We are going to the dr. today(cardiologist) and I will get the preliminary fish results(that means r/o or rule in trisomy 21, 18 and 13). I hope it''s all negative, but I have read stories of people who got positive amnio results(for downs- ) and then they went on to have a healthy child. Sorry if I already posted this- I don''t know if this is a true story for a fact but I don''t understand how this can happen? I mean ppl choose to terminate a pregnancy in some cases based on their amnio so what if it wasn''t right and then they terminated a healthy child? I know this is a touchy subject- I just keep coming back to it. Termination is not an option for me but yikes that is so scary.

Neatfreak Thank you so much for relaying those stories to me. I know it should be a good possibility that the baby only has a heart defect- I really hope that is the case. I guess I will feel more reassured when we get the final amnio results but really not until I set eyes on him I guess? But thanks for the positive information.
Sorry you had to run around so much for your friends wedding. I am sure she will appreciate it though(hopefully). Did you have fun?

LIA Sorry you had to go back to L&D again. Sounds like you are becoming an expert- not in something you want to be an expert in. What medications are you on now? Thank you for your optimism and good wishes. I will hope for the status quo for you like you said. Are you still on bedrest?

Indy thanks for your good wishes and prayers.

Fisher, Dreamer and Snlee- thanks for thinking of us/praying for us. I appreciate all of the support- it makes things easier for me.

Jen I am so sorry to hear about your kitty. That must be hard on all of you especially your son. I hope that you guys are able to heal quickly.
Thank you for your good thoughts. Yeah I agree knowing ahead of time will be better in the end.

Burk, Jas, LLysser, Mela, thanks for your kind words and good thoughts!

Jas come on already with your story- I need a good laugh/riveting writing that I know you will provide. Hope you are feeling well and the boys are doing great!
Pave I don''t think amnio can be wrong, sn''t it accurate like 99.8%, since it is a genetic test? Maybe other know...
Quick check in as my parents are on their way into town! I''m excited for them to come.

Anyway, I had my blood drawn today...when I talked to the nurse practitioner she said I could call this afternoon to see if they had the results...but they''d be in tomorrow for sure.

So that kind of stinks...
Date: 9/2/2008 10:45:17 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Pave I don''t think amnio can be wrong, sn''t it accurate like 99.8%, since it is a genetic test? Maybe other know...
I''ve never heard of an amnio being wrong, unless the results got mixed up or something. Maybe it''s from one of the screening tests instead of diagnostic?
Well it was a rough weekend guys. No computer so sorry for disappearing. We went to my mom's right after the repeat US.

As you can tell the sacs are growing quite discordantly. Little sac is measuring 1 wk and 2 days behind. Big sac is right on target - phew!

What does all this mean? Looks like little sac will drop out. real answers on that. RE thought it would have vanished by now.

The kicker was that we saw the HB!

This is just strange. So I go back on 9/10. The little sac looks like a classic anueploidy (sp). The yolk sac is huge which suggests trisomy/ies of some kind.

However, they have seen everything occur including little sacs catch-up like this.

Next visit if little sac is present we will go forward w/ CVS testing on both embryos and then make determination on what to do (CVS done 11-13 wks).

If little sac is not viable & doesn't vanish on its own then we should get it outta there by 2nd trimester to avoid further complications for the healthy singleton.

It's weird to be hopeful/helpless about the potential outcomes. We are hoping my body will do what's healthy and that by next US everything will be resolved.

8.4 wks
Oops, here''s the photo.

lisa I am so glad you checked in! I was worried because we didn''t hear form you all weekend, I know... stalker! LOL! I''m really glad that things are looking good. I wonder, is it possible that you ovulated a week/a few days apart with the injectibles etc? Just curious. What is the normal range in gestational speed? I know we always talk like it is the same for everyone, but I measured a week ahead when I did my 11w4d u/s, even though I know the day I ovulated and a week earlier was really unlikely... so could they just have different development speeds? Anyhoo, good news here''s hoping things become clearer over the next few weeks!
lisa, ditto on what dreamer said. we were worried about you and so glad you''re back!! i''m happy to hear that the one sac looks so good and am cautiously hopeful for the other!!! try to get some rest and think happy thoughts!!

ll: will be anxiously awaiting your update as well! they really should have the results back this only takes a few hours to actually run the test. call and bug bug bug them until you get the number!! :)
DD you stalker! raise good questions about dating, implatation and embryonic dev.

But....sacs this discordant almost always spell trouble. Not sure of the data though.

My guess is that the little sac will get eclipsed by the healthy huge embryo eventually. If it continues.

But seriously the little one is a fetal pole still - blob on bottom left of small sac.

My friend had discordant twins and the level of discordancy was not clear until she delivered early at 32 wks.

Big twin was twice size of little one. They were fraternal. Interestingly, little one is stronger of the 2. Guess she had to fight for eveything in there!

Jas, your boys are all gorgeous!

LIA, another L&D trip? You are a pro.

Snlee, sorry to hear you might be getting the stretchies.....I too fear them.

LL, hoping your beta is high today. When you said they didn''t see anything on US did u mean there was a sac but no embryo? Or nothing in utero?

Pave, the not knowing must be excruciating! You have such a great perspective. Your little guy is a fighter for sure.

Jen, what happened to your cat is one of my worst fears about my cat. I am so sorry for the unfortuate turn of events.

I am feeling depressed these days. I''ve discontinued all my meds now for several weeks and have noticed that sinister, slow creep of doom settle in.

Plus, I''m hot, exhausted, chasing Olivia (17 months!) and worried about vanishing twins!

When did all SSRI''s become "Cat. C" meds? This must have happened relatively recently.

Prozac & Zoloft were the OB''s fav. picks. last I knew.
pave, crossing my fingers that the results are negative.

lisa, thanks for sharing the u/s pic. i''m glad that one of the sacs is right on target for size, and hope that the little sac can catch up. either way, you''re in my thoughts...

ll, any results?

jas, congrats on your two gorgeous little (big) boys!
Lisa I was reading in my "Your Pregnancy Week by Week" that some anti-depressants are approved for preganncy.. well, not "approved" but they are considered safe. Have you seen your doctor/psychiatrist about this? It isn't good for you or baby if you become clinically depressed! {{{HUGS}}} Like everything else, we really have to weigh the pros and potential cons and make a choice.
Just called my OB and they still haven''t gotten the results. I''m going to grab lunch with my folks and call when I get back...
oy lisa! As if you haven''t gone through enough stressy up until now. geez. Hang in there. You are a strong strong woman. I hope you get some clarity soon on this sitch. Glad to see the left bebe is looking strong and healthy. If it makes you feel any better (prob won''t) but my DH is a twin, and in utero he was the big piggy. His sister was born tiny (and him HUGE) but she grew to be a very strong and very healthy person (with 3 kids of her own now).
Hugs my friend.
Lisa, I''m sorry to hear that the sacs are growing discordantly. I am happy that the big sac looks healthy. I hope you can get some clarity soon. I hate that you have to go through this. Big hugs to you!
LL, so glad the spotting stopped! Get used to the cramps, they'll be around for a while.
I'm waiting with baited breath to hear about your beta test. But the fact that your spotting stopped is really REALLY good. If it stopped, that's a great indicator that you're in the clear. My understanding is that if you're going to m/c, it either starts full on, or else it starts with spotting that gets worse, but the spotting doesn't just stop. I have hiiiiiiigh hopes for you girl!

Lisa, you get yourself back on something that will help you feel more even, darling. It's much better for you AND for the babies. Take care of yourself! As for the size discordancy, before 7 weeks, one of my twins didn't even show up on the u/s and they were very different sizes until 12 weeks or so. Discordancy is the norm, rather than the exception. It is totally normal normal normal. So we just have to hope it keeps growing and that all the chromosomes are as they should be. How tough this must be for you. My thoughts are with you.

... and my thoughts are with all of you ladies as you deal with so many difficulties.
I hope things look up for each and every one of you. I wish I could buy you all a delicious creamsicle flavoured milkshake.
Well, the OB office called.

Beta levels are 50 - down from 203. The OB said it was an early miscarriage...and that the spotting and cramping I felt may have been the tissue passing...

Thanks for your good thoughts everyone. They are much appreciated.
Oh no, I am so sorry to hear that littlelysser. My thoughts are with you during this difficult time. Big hugs to you.