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Jas, thanks for sharing your birth story. As usually, you had me laughing and choking up at the same time – I will buy your book when it comes out. It sounds like your L&D went really quickly. Yay for an awesome anesthesiologist!!
Jen, oh no, not another trip to L&D. Glad to hear the girls are staying put. Pets do add so much to our lives and it is so hard to let them go – my thoughts are with you and your family.
Ivana, it sounds like it has taken a lot for you to get to this point. The m/s is no fun, but it will pass – the second trimester is great. I ate a lot of Saltines to help with the nausea. Also, drink as much water as you can.
LIA, congrats on reaching the 30 weeks mark!
Blen, your cooking fest sounds amazing – now I’m really hungry!
Littlelysser, glad to hear you and DH are making it through this difficult time and taking good care of each other. His line about version 2.0 is hilarious. I trust you will be back here again very soon.
Curly, yay for 36 weeks!
Pave, glad to hear your initial fish results are good.
Erica, your belly looks great (way better than mine at 0 weeks), but I am still waiting to see a bump. You may be one of the lucky ones to not show until late in the game.
Snlee, sorry to hear you have to do more time on bed rest, but in the long run an extra week or 2 is worth it for a healthier baby. It sounds like your weight gain is going well.
Dreamer, great news about the class! It’s wonderful she had everything so well prepped that you can step in easily. 12 months leave sounds amazing.
I am at 34 weeks and 2 days today. My next Dr. appointment is tomorrow. I am amazed at how much my belly has changed in just the last two weeks. I had been carrying pretty high, which made it easier to fit into pants, but my belly is definitely leaning south now. I had gotten 1 or 2 small stretch marks on each side (just above the hip) early on, but nothing new for months, then last night I noticed a couple of faint marks starting at the base of my belly – I ran for the cocoa butter (although it probably won’t help). I have a light brown line running from my sternum to the pubic area – I hope it will not get any darker. I was staring at my stomach in the mirror last night, and I just cannot believe it will get larger over the next 6 weeks – it feels like it is already stretched to the limit. When I stand up, I can feel the lower ab muscles straining to support my belly – I feel so heavy. Physically, I am ready to be done, but at the same time I do not want her to show up early because I really need another 4-5 weeks at work to finish projects before I go on leave.
Snlee, I''ve always wondered about your username. In my head, I pronounce it all run together, like the sn sound in snail followed immediately by lee. But I wondered if it should be pronounced S. N. Lee, like first and middle initials with a last name. How did you intend it to be pronounced?Date: 9/3/2008 8:31:39 PM
Author: snlee
I''m curious how people say my username. It''s interesting how we all see it differently. At PS GTG''s people always say it ''Suh-neh-lee''. I really like ''S.N.L.-ee'' but I''ve never thought of it that way before.Date: 9/3/2008 4:27:57 PM
Author: mela lu
Thanks Snlee!
As an aside, when I read your username, I waiver between pronouncing it ''Suh-neh-lee'' or ''S.N.L.-ee''. How do you say it?
Trends in groups are always interesting. I am fascinated by the twin ratios here and in Jen''s neighborhood.Date: 9/3/2008 9:44:59 PM
Author: snlee
Baby gender ratios in the office/in groups are interesting. My department has nearly 300 people, with lots of people in their 20''s and 30''s so it''s not that surprising that many babies are being born each year. A total of around 24 babies will be born (mostly to women who work there) and only about 8 are girls this year. There are tons of BOYS! They outnumber the girls 2 to 1!
Hi Janine, working from home sounds great -- congrats! I am having some freak out moments too – both about L&D and how much our lives are going to change. I also have occasional weird morbid flashes of something going wrong with the baby. I feel completely unprepared for labor, especially since the earliest birthing class (2-day weekend class) we could get into is still 2 weeks away, when I will be at 37 weeks. People on PS are talking about birth plans, and no one at my Dr’s office has mentioned that – is there a form I’m supposed to fill out?
I am scared about trying to do a vag delivery, especially since some friends who gave birth recently had really long labors and then a couple had to do emergency C sections at the end, so they had the worst of both worlds. I am considering doing a planned C, since surgery does not scare me at all, but I worry about whether my stomach will ever be the same between the scar and the cut muscle tissue. I asked my Dr. for the pros and cons of each. For the baby, it sounds pretty neutral – she’ll come out with less bruising and trauma (temporary) with a C section, but they’ll have to vacuum fluid from her lungs (no problem). For me, the Dr. said the recovery from a C can be better than a rough vag birth, but a bit harder than an easy vag birth – basically, I’ll just hurt in different places, but they’ll give me pain meds. I didn’t think to ask him about long term recovery of the stomach muscles after a C. He essentially told me it’s the patient’s choice and they’ll respect whatever decision I make, blah blah blah – I really wanted an opinion about which is better. (I take it for a given they’ll follow my decision, but I need some help with the decision process).
Date: 9/4/2008 12:41:23 PM
Author: Kay
I am scared about trying to do a vag delivery, especially since some friends who gave birth recently had really long labors and then a couple had to do emergency C sections at the end, so they had the worst of both worlds. I am considering doing a planned C, since surgery does not scare me at all, but I worry about whether my stomach will ever be the same between the scar and the cut muscle tissue. I asked my Dr. for the pros and cons of each. For the baby, it sounds pretty neutral – she’ll come out with less bruising and trauma (temporary) with a C section, but they’ll have to vacuum fluid from her lungs (no problem). For me, the Dr. said the recovery from a C can be better than a rough vag birth, but a bit harder than an easy vag birth – basically, I’ll just hurt in different places, but they’ll give me pain meds. I didn’t think to ask him about long term recovery of the stomach muscles after a C. He essentially told me it’s the patient’s choice and they’ll respect whatever decision I make, blah blah blah – I really wanted an opinion about which is better. (I take it for a given they’ll follow my decision, but I need some help with the decision process).
Lisa, it sucks you can’t take the anti-depressants. I’ve dealt with mild to moderate depression off and on for years, but hated the drugs so I am stupid and leave it largely untreated. Oddly, pregnancy hormones have been mostly like uppers for me. I am so sorry it is hitting you in the other direction. I did feel a real surge of energy around week 13 when the nausea subsided, and from then until about one month into the third tri I felt great (except for grossly swollen feet and cankles). I’m glad to hear you did not have problems with sagging muscles after the C section. I am such an anal over-planner in general, that I love the idea of knowing exactly when the baby will be born and exactly when it will happen. (And skipping the embarrassment and mess of my water breaking at the office.)
Thank you all for the advice and support re the C section. I am not scared about the earlier stages of labor, as I plan to have an epi as soon as the contractions get bad. Between the drugs and a DVD player, I can get through a long labor if I have to. My real concern is the end, when the baby comes out. I am scared of internal trauma/tearing in the vag canal, tearing and/or an episiotomy at the entrance, and potential incontinence issues. I already have a lot of trouble holding it in when I have to pee (God help me if I laugh), and I worry about that getting worse.
First, your question about pimple cream...Date: 9/4/2008 5:56:25 PM
Author: snlee
Question to those in late pregnancy or have experienced this -
I''ve been feeling sharp, stabbing pain inside my vagina lately. I read it''s normal to have during late pregnancy. I asked my doctor about it yesterday and she also said it''s normal. I just read that it''s probably linked to the cervix starting to dilate, which can happen weeks, days or hours before labor begins. Last time I had an internal exam at 31 weeks, my cervix was soft, 2mm, and fingertip dilated so it makes me nervous that I''m feeling it so early (started around 32 weeks). I want to make it to at least 37 weeks!
Any of you feel this? Do you remember how long before you went into labor? I know it differs for every women but I''m just wondering what your experiences have been like.
Does the pain radiate into the back of your leg and low back? It sounds like sciatic pain to me. I''ve had it and it''s no fun! Do you sleep with a pillow between your legs? Try that. It may help.Date: 9/4/2008 7:50:42 PM
Author: Kay
Ok, this is embarrassing, but being pregnant has literally become a pain in the butt for me. I have had trouble with tail bone pain off and on for a while now. Sometimes it just gets really sore after I have been sitting for a while, and sometimes it happens unexpectedly when I try to sit and I get a shooting pain in hte tailbone as soon as my cheeks start to hit the chair. The last 2 weeks, I have also been getting a different pain in my right cheek. Sometimes when I sit down, there is a very sharp pain like there is a needle deep in my cheek and when I sit down it gets pushed in. It is always in the same spot, so I assume it is some kind of shooting nerve pain. Has anyone else experienced this?
No, the particular pains I was talking about stay localized right in the tail bone or in a very small area of my butt cheek. I do have lower back pain sometimes, but it seems unconnected. I have had terrible problems with cramps in my calves and feet in the middle of the night -- I sometimes wake up screaming. Since I started sleeping with a giant pillow that supports my back and tucks between my knees, the night cramps happen much less often and the back pain is better, but the pains in the a$$ remain.Date: 9/4/2008 8:02:37 PM
Author: snlee
Does the pain radiate into the back of your leg and low back? It sounds like sciatic pain to me. I''ve had it and it''s no fun! Do you sleep with a pillow between your legs? Try that. It may help.Date: 9/4/2008 7:50:42 PM
Author: Kay
Ok, this is embarrassing, but being pregnant has literally become a pain in the butt for me. I have had trouble with tail bone pain off and on for a while now. Sometimes it just gets really sore after I have been sitting for a while, and sometimes it happens unexpectedly when I try to sit and I get a shooting pain in hte tailbone as soon as my cheeks start to hit the chair. The last 2 weeks, I have also been getting a different pain in my right cheek. Sometimes when I sit down, there is a very sharp pain like there is a needle deep in my cheek and when I sit down it gets pushed in. It is always in the same spot, so I assume it is some kind of shooting nerve pain. Has anyone else experienced this?
Hmm, good to know. I have only used it a few times in very small quantities, so I am not worried, but I will avoid it for the rest of the pregnancy. Have you read anything bad about witchhazel?Date: 9/4/2008 8:18:11 PM
Author: snlee
Thanks TGal and LIA for your input. I usually leave my pimples alone but this one hurts! I trust you LIA so I will use a dab of my pimple cream.
LIA, I usually have the sharp pains when I am standing so I guess it''s good I''ve been staying horizontal. Last night I was standing for a minute and it felt like a knife was stabbing me inside.My doctor didn''t seem concerned when I asked her about it so I''ll try not to worry. It''s just unpleasant!
I don''t know when I''ll get my next internal exam. I forgot to ask. Maybe at my next appointment at 35 weeks?
kay, be careful with tea tree oil. I used it early on in my pregnancy until I read that pregnant women should avoid it.