
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Kay I have major tailbone pain too, especially when I''ve been sitting for a long time. My Dr. said it''s normal.
snlee - I wouldn''t worry too much about being fingertip dilated and feeling sharp vaginal pain. You don''t need more stress in your pregnancy. I felt the vaginal pain starting at 34wk, but I wasn''t dilated at all at my internal exams. I was convinced that my baby would be late, but I had M 4 days before her official due date. So you never know.

I agree that you should definitely keep an open mind on labor. Just be informed, so you can make the appropriate decisions when needed. Good luck and can''t wait to meet your LO.
Kay and anyone else interested: if you are interested in reading more and getting more information about birthing, my close friend read a couple of books before birthing her second child and he really loved them both. One is called "Birthing from Within" (linky), and the other is "Ina May's Guide to Childbirth" (linky). Her first birth was very premature and she felt very out of control, and she was apprehensive about the second birth. For her, reading these books really helped her feel more empowered and I think less scared. They are both perhaps more tilted towards "all natural" than you feel inclined to go, but if you can ignore the parts that are too holistic for you, I still think that you may find them both really interesting and helpful. I know my friend really used many of the techniques suggested in them during her second birth, and she described that second experience as "empowering" and "amazing". Anyways, thought I'd suggest them since you are looking to collect data! I will be reading these when I get a little closer to my own due date.
Date: 9/4/2008 3:44:36 PM
Author: Kay

Lisa, it sucks you can’t take the anti-depressants. I’ve dealt with mild to moderate depression off and on for years, but hated the drugs so I am stupid and leave it largely untreated. Oddly, pregnancy hormones have been mostly like uppers for me. I am so sorry it is hitting you in the other direction. I did feel a real surge of energy around week 13 when the nausea subsided, and from then until about one month into the third tri I felt great (except for grossly swollen feet and cankles). I’m glad to hear you did not have problems with sagging muscles after the C section. I am such an anal over-planner in general, that I love the idea of knowing exactly when the baby will be born and exactly when it will happen. (And skipping the embarrassment and mess of my water breaking at the office.)

Thank you all for the advice and support re the C section. I am not scared about the earlier stages of labor, as I plan to have an epi as soon as the contractions get bad. Between the drugs and a DVD player, I can get through a long labor if I have to. My real concern is the end, when the baby comes out. I am scared of internal trauma/tearing in the vag canal, tearing and/or an episiotomy at the entrance, and potential incontinence issues. I already have a lot of trouble holding it in when I have to pee (God help me if I laugh), and I worry about that getting worse.

My mom had a fast and relatively easy L&D (less than 10 hours from when she first started feeling contractions at home – she said it would have been faster but she took a nap in the middle of it). It probably helped that I was a small baby – 6 pounds, 4 ounces and 16.5” at full term. I will probably attempt a vag birth for a few hours at least and see how it goes. I just worry that a last minute C section will not go as smoothly as a pre-planned one, and I’ll end up with a worse scar because the Dr. is in a hurry. Isn’t it sad that my only real concerns with a C section all have to do with vanity (scar and not being able to get my stomach flat again with crunches because of muscle damage)?
Kay - It''s normal to be nervous about labor and delivery, I know I was! I delivered vaginally and had a 4th degree episiotomy. Yeah, it hurt for a few weeks after the birth but I don''t have any lasting effects of it. Everything is back to normal. My mom also had 2 fast labors so it was no surprise that I did too. I was in labor for a full day and a half before I had any clue what was going on and then didn''t get the epi until I was nearly 9cm dialated. I had all back labor too, which everyone seems to think is much worse but I honestly didn''t think it was that bad. Just keep thinking positive thoughts and try to save your energy for the pushing stage because you will need it. Good luck!
Kay--i worried about tearing and episiotomy as well and i did tear a bit but it actually healed very fast and compared to contractions the pain from the tear was absolutely nothing. I did have trouble holding urine post-birth. For days after my bladder would just give out. It was scary and i was afraid it would last forever but it did not. Everything is back to normal now. Just wanted u to know so u don''t freak out if it does happen.

I also second the book recommendations DD posted.

Thinking of all you preggies--the mommy thread awaits you
Jackie- your story is just wonderful and your boys are so darling. makes me miss having that tiny newborn and i really did cherish it this last time. looking forward to part 2.

LL-i don''t know if you are reading here anymore but I wanted to say I''m sorry about your MC. I had a MC in march 2007 and It was heartbreaking. I remeber just feeling so incredible sad. I ended up preggo again though just 4 months later and now I''ve got my Jake. My sister also miscarried her first pregnacy last June and was preggo again in aug. so although it is tough and sad there is still hope. Just let yourself feel whatever it is you need to feel.

snlee-i''d ask your derm. about a cream but I think you''d probably be fine in your 3rd trimester to use something. I remember diver posting a while back that you''d basically have to "drink" the anti acne cream for it to really hurt a fetus. Same with hair dyes etc. You''re so close though it may not be worth it to mess with anything and just wait for the pimple to dry out.

ivana- a huge congrats to you....

hope all the rest of you mommies are doing well...
My best advice
I urge all the mommies who are about to deliver to remember to express your concerns while at the hospital. If something doesn't feel right, speak up. Make sure you are examined. Make sure you ask questions. Make sure you manage your pain. I am sure most of you never read my birth story but I developed an infection (bladder/kidney they weren't sure) after delivery. In hindsight I wish I wasn't so laid back and told my first nurse that I wanted a second opinion (or better yet to see a doctor). They were about to discharge me because as nice as the nurse was she was not diligent. Luckily my night nurse KNEW that something was wrong (I could pee, but not fully void my bladder. She filled 2 cath bags of urine and said I broke her career record) and insisted I stay. Otherwise I would have gotten very sick and had to come back (and who knows how that would have worked with a newborn). After days of fevers, IVs, caths, shots, etc I learned an important lesson. When I was telling my neighbor who was a L&D nurse before she has kids she agreed that unfortunately not every nurse is good. They are overworked, tired, so it is important you take charge of your care. I hope this doesn't scare anyone. I was told what happened to me is rare (after I threatened T would be an only child). They didn't even have the bladder scanner on their floor. And every time they scanned me other nurses came to watch and learn how to use it.

It is 100% normal to be nervous and scared. Not only of any pain but your lives are about to change forever. But I promise you that any pain or complications are worth it. Being a mom is wonderful and someday I *will* have another baby.

Mrs. S and the others -

Thanks again for all your kind words. Yesterday was a sucky day. Hoping today will be better.

I''m still lurking here - shoot I''ve been lurking since we started TTC - but I won''t be posting much, since ya know...

But I can''t wait to read about all of the soon-to-be-born kiddos and following the former TTC''ers as they keep on keeping on!!
hi everyone!

i have a question for a friend, let''s say that friend just happens to be me

i''ve lurked and bookmarked my way thru these threads to completely scare myself silly about everything.. now i''m starting to worry about how the drugs my DH takes (medically ;) and how they may affect ME (oops, i mean my friend) either during conception or while p.g.

i tried looking the drug up on safe fetus and it gave me a D (but this is if I was taking it.. not my husband) is there a site for the drugs that the men in our lives take? safe fetus?

i hope you don''t think i''m *using* you ladies ... i''m just getting super curious (read: anal) and i''m wondering if we are going to have to find an alternative whilst i''m *hopefully* pg or trying.

thanks so much in advance!
Great advice Tacori! The last part made me tear up.

vizsla, interesting question. I don''t think the medications your DH takes will affet you while you are pregnant but possibly when you guys are TTC. I haven''t seen any info on this though so I think it''s best to consult your doctor or his doctor about it. Congrats on TTC! Good luck!
Kay, I think my biggest fear the first time around was tearing or episiotomy. I don't think episiotomies are as common as they used to be and I think most doctors will try to avoid that if possible but tearing is fairly common. I had one tiny tear on the inside that needed some stitches but honestly, it wasn't a big deal at all. I wasn't in any real pain after, it was just kind of uncomfortable. I was out and about, pushing her in the stroller the day after we got out of the hospital--granted it was May and the weather was great! I was back in the gym after 2 weeks. Of course I'll repeat that everyone has a different experience but they're not all bad!!! I think people who have rough times tend to talk about them more than people who had it easy and that makes perfect sense! I will say that there was a lot of perineal massage with oil or lotion (I have no idea what was going on down there!) in between my pushes. I think that definitely helps to "open" things up a little more down there so you can avoid severe trauma. But sometimes I guess an arm or leg comes flailing out and that's how a lot of people get torn. Ew, I know, talking about it creeps even ME out and I've already lived through it once!
I've been lucky so far to not have any incontinence issues but I will say that when I went for my annual pap before I got pregnant the 2nd time, my doctor told me I should make sure to do kegels. Kind of embarrassing. So I do them when I remember--which means not very often! I usually remember when I have sneezed or coughed during this pregnancy and have peed on myself!
But I blame that on the pregnancy, not on giving birth!!!

Regarding your tailbone pain, I've had that on and off. It definitely happens when I sit for too long but I've never really had the pain in the cheeks. It could be sciatica. I also make sure to get on my hands and knees every night to make sure the baby isn't resting on my spine. I recommend that to all the soon to deliver preggos--get that baby off your back!

snlee, I didn't have many pimples during pregnancy but I agree with the hot compress. I don't think a little benzoyl peroxide would hurt at this point but I understand your concerns. You can always use a little bit of rubbing alcohol--it's pretty drying but I can't imagine it being harmful since they put it on you before they draw blood, etc.

The sharp vag pains are probably normal. I've experienced some weird sensations myself!! It could be the baby getting ready to engage down there and it also could be the start of more dilation. As long as you're not in excruciating pain, I think you're fine and it's all part of the process. You probably will have an internal at 35 weeks as well as the GBS test. It's no biggie so don't worry about it but your doctor will do kind of a pap smear type thing with a swab internally and then...on your butthole (I know, I'm so clinical!). It sounds worse than it is but my doctor does it in literally one second, to the point that I wasn't even really positive if she did it or it was my imagination. Don't get freaked out, I just wanted you to be prepared!

Tacori, q and Jas, excellent advice, mommies!

vizsla, your question is a valid one and definitely one to ask a doctor. I have a friend whose DH was taking propecia for his hair loss. It was recommended that he discontinue use while they were TTC because apparently it could have had some kind of negative effect. I'm not sure if it was something that would have affected his sperm or if it would actually harm the fetus but they decided to not take any chances. He stopped using it 3 months before they started TTC and fortunately, she got pregnant on her first try so he was able to go back on and not experience any major hair loss! She's due next Friday and they had an amnio which showed a healthy little boy so hopefully discontinuing use of the drug for those 3 months worked for them. Anyway, you (or your friend!) should really check with a doctor on this issue. If it is something he NEEDS daily, perhaps there is an alternative while you're TTC. OR you may be told that he can continue whatever he's on with no need to worry. Good luck and let us know what happens!!
Thanks curly for the warning about the GBS test. I''ve read about it and I''m so used to exams down there and having samples taken, it''ll be a piece of cake! I''m not freaked out about it.

However, I am a little worried about tearing or episiotomy. But from reading what the mommies have gone through (I went back and read most of your birth stories last night - they are all very inspiring so thank you for posting them!), it doesn''t seem that bad. I will try not to think about it.
Thanks for all the advice and feedback on labor (Cury and Tacori)--it''s definitely timely for me too b/c my fears are growing (I''ll explain more on that later). And Kay, I can totally relate to your concerns on tearing, I have them too. I guess I just hope my dr. is right when she says they only do that when there are no other options and that it''s rare. But like Curly said, everyone might be different.

Anyway, now for a mini update from me and *warning* you may not want to read on if you''re a bit frightened of labor or a first timer like me. Anyway, I''ve long had concerns about having a mellow LO--I started thinking about it all the time, wondering what it might/might not mean, and then after 24hrs of no moves, called my doc. She told me to go into L&D, which I suspected she might do, but my rationale was better that then worry alll wkend, and even worse end up in the ER. So I just got back and I''m a bit traumatized. First and foremost the baby is fine..she responded to the tests and monitors and apparently just isn''t much of a mover (I keep being told this--I guess I have to assume she is ok and trust everyone''s reassurances). The dr. didn''t confirm the sex or tell me how big the baby is (boo), but then I guess I wasn''t there for that. Anyway, I got to have a preview of L&D and let''s just say it was very crowded and there were lots of ladies in early labor screaming and moaning around me as I waited in my bed hooked up. I don''t know why, but it really overwhelmed me and I wonder if I can handle all this. I''m so reserved (I''m the kind of person who''d suffer in silence before telling someone I''m not feeling great). It just didn''t leave me with a warm and fuzzy feeling, those sounds of pain are hard to hear! I also saw a lot of great DH''s in there doing everything they could to comfort and support their writhing wives, and I don''t know if my DH will be able to handle that either since he''s not the most affectionate. Yikes, I guess I''m feeling insecure right now over what is about to come...don''t mind the vent, and thanks for letting me get it out!

Other than that they did say I''d had a few contractions and maybe 1cm dilated, but not to worry since seems to just be things warmnign up rather than anything impending.
janine, sorry about your scary trip to L&D but I am glad to hear your baby girl is doing well in there. That''s odd, were you not in a room? Did they have you out in the hallway?

I actually had the opposite experience as you during the weekend of my many L&D visits. I was surprised at how QUIET and calm L&D was. Not crowded either. Granted, I was in my own room with the door closed most of the time and all the other doors were closed as well. I guess I expected to hear sounds of women in pain but I didn''t. We heard a few babies make their first cry and it melted my heart. It was funny when DH got a glimpse of the room across from me that needed to be cleaned up - he came back into my room with a funny face and said the bed was covered with blood. Poor guy didn''t need to see that but he handled it well. At least he''ll be prepared for when I deliver.

I''m not sure if it''s better having a warm and fuzzy feeling about L&D and have unrealistic expectations or to go through your experience. Just try to not let it freak you out! Remember that everyone''s L&D experience is different! You are welcome to share your fears and thoughts on L&D anytime. I''ve been thinking about that a lot too.
Date: 9/5/2008 4:07:21 PM
Author: snlee
janine, sorry about your scary trip to L&D but I am glad to hear your baby girl is doing well in there. That''s odd, were you not in a room? Did they have you out in the hallway?
Ditto?? Will you have your own room when you are there?
The area I was in seemed like an inbetween area. It was all these beds separated by curtains only, so you could hear what was going on in other beds. I think women in labor were put in there to start and then eventually moved to their own room. I''m guessing there was some overcrowding maybe? Before that, most of us were in the waiting room and that was even worse seeing a women having contractions and moaning while in a chair in the waiting room--thankfully they moved her into a bed (in the inbetween area i was in) in about 15 mins.
Maybe I was unlucky in that it was crowded. Maybe this is the norm for L&D in NYC. Either way, it was a wake up call for what to expect.
Date: 9/5/2008 4:37:41 PM
Author: janinegirly
The area I was in seemed like an inbetween area. It was all these beds separated by curtains only, so you could hear what was going on in other beds. I think women in labor were put in there to start and then eventually moved to their own room. I''m guessing there was some overcrowding maybe? Before that, most of us were in the waiting room and that was even worse seeing a women having contractions and moaning while in a chair in the waiting room--thankfully they moved her into a bed (in the inbetween area i was in) in about 15 mins.
Maybe I was unlucky in that it was crowded. Maybe this is the norm for L&D in NYC. Either way, it was a wake up call for what to expect.
I really hope that night was the exception, not the rule, but in a big city like NY maybe its common?? Have you taken a hospital tour and seen all the facilities? Do they offer that? At least then you could ask questions so you aren''t left expecting the worst if it is typically more private...

My local hospital is small and has private suites for birthing. I doubt there will be 3 or 4 babies born in the same day. But my midwife will attend me at my home for much of the labor, and we will only go into the hosptal when I hit transition. Like you, I am a fairly private person so I am really glad this is an option for us.
janine, oh no! First of all, I'm glad to hear that everything is ok. It's always good to call if you have any concerns--trust your instincts and get some peace of mind. Now about the L&D experience, I have to say that I'm really surprised and feel terrible that you went through that. I had the complete opposite experience at my hospital. It was silent. I'm now actually wondering if anyone could hear me but I couldn't hear anyone else so I would guess not. Remind me which hospital you're delivering at--was it SLR or NYU? I have no idea why you were able to see and hear other women. Was the door closed? That is just so not right! I know SLR is big on natural childbirth so if that's where you were, then I guess it makes sense if women in labor were walking around. In all honesty, when you're going through it yourself you most likely won't be thinking about this stuff at all, just like those other women. But it sucks that you had to see that. I wish I could tell you something to make you feel better, I don't want you to be haunted by it...

Ooh, we must have been posting at the same time. They don't put people in triage rooms??? I was very loud during my early labor but I was in a triage room with the door closed and then they wheeled me into my own L&D room. That is just bizarre. Oh man, I wish I had some good advice.
YOZAH janine! traumatizing is right! if it is any consolation - and i don''t know why it would be considering i''m neither A) PG or #2 seen anyone in labor.. BUT i have a very close friend who is a midwife and i''m always always always drilling her on every.single.aspect.of.labor etc.

she says there are ''loud ones'' - think monica selles (the tennis player - sp?) and then there are the ''happy go lucky ones'' - who the baby just slips out - and, of course, everything in between.. but what she was really trying to tell me (because the whole things is very terrifying to me as well) is that you can''t predict how much you can handle until it happens - so why worry about *now*? and that she''s never seen a woman who *can''t* do it.. even if they think they can''t....

so back to lurk mode.. but i did want to say thanks to those who replied to my friend''s question :P.. next dr. visit i''m going to put that on our list of things to talk about... the drug website is sooooooo not helpful!!!!
hi curly,

I'm at SLR, which might have a crowding problem i think, or at least that's what was going on today. They had something called a "triage room" which was really just a waiting room with chairs. Then there was room next to it that was beds (maybe about 8 beds?) separated by curtains with nurses in and out. My guess is this is where laboring ladies went until their room was ready? I just assumed this was the norm. I did do a maternity tour and saw the birthing rooms (which are private) but never saw this in between area. The birthing center is a total separate unit I believe.

I can understand why they put me there (private rooms were for those in labor most likely) but seems the spill over got put in this area as well. Maybe these were just loud ladies, but there were two of them going at it at once and it was really tough to take. I think I was silent and pale in my bed trying to imagine how I'm going to handle it when it's my turn!

Anyway, I guess time will tell and I'll just have to toughen up and hope it's not crowded the day I"m there!
Thanks ladies..
Oh I forgot to add, I did have an episiotomy. My doctor said they are common with first time moms. Also physically I am small AND the my water had meconium (sp?) in it so it was crucial to get T out ASAP. DH didn't cut the cord and I didn't even hold her for a good 15 mins or so. She was rushed over to the peds team behind the curtain. My point is when you are in the situation you will be willing to do ANYTHING to have your baby safe. You will heal. It just takes time. Even with everything I went through I was just so happy *I* had the complications instead of the baby. We are women! Women are tough! Way tougher than men. I know you ladies will do great and have beautiful, happy babies.

Janine, sorry about the scare. Hope you are doing well. I was very quiet during my labor. My mom even commented on it. I hardly talked. Of course I was passed out most of the time. I know September is a REALLY busy baby month. Hopefully when your time comes it will be less crowded.

Snlee, it is hard not to sound cheesy but I am just being honest. My daughter is the *best* thing I have ever done or created. My heart feels like it will explode with love on a daily basis (well, okay, AFTER the first 5 weeks of her life. Not sure I like sure much in the beginning).

good luck ladies
I told my boss at work today. (9w1d)

A couple of people in the same job position as me but with more responsibility have been promoted and are taking on their new positions in a week and a half, and I know that they''re scrambling to fill their shoes by then. Boss has told me that while nothing''s decided, I''m basically at the top of the list. I really want one of the positions. But the other, not so much - it would involve regular trips out of state for 4-5 days at a time, which doesn''t sound so appealing in late pregnancy or with a newborn at home. The one I want has some travelling involved, but 98% is within a 3.5 hr radius of here and the vast majority of it''s within an hour, even. (This is basically what I''m doing now, and it''s not a big deal.)

I hadn''t planned on saying anything this soon, and really hadn''t planned on saying anything just before what''s essentially a possible promotion because of the possibility of pregnancy discrimination (which, although illegal, happens). But I was apprehensive about the possibility of getting the position with tons of travelling and my gut thought that boss would handle it well.

He was really glad that I told him and is going to keep it confidential. He says that it won''t affect whether I''d get one of the positions, but it would affect which position because he''s really big on work-life balance and one of them''s obviously better for me in this stage of life. He''s going to fight to get me in the position which doesn''t involve as much travelling. He did mention that the person in that position is expected to make one longer trip per year, but that he''d be willing to do it for me or ask this one other guy to do it instead if I''d prefer. He''s also really excited for me and talked about how his kids are the best thing that''s ever happened to him. Phew.

It looks like it might start pouring here anytime and I''m going to try to take my hyper dogs for a walk before it does, but I should have time later tonight to respond to all the stuff that''s been going on with you ladies here.
janine, sorry you had to go through that unpleasant experience. I hope it's less crowded when you deliver.

Blen, that's great news about the possible promotion and I'm glad the talk with your boss went well! Good luck! I hope you get the job with less traveling.

jen, are you okay? I noticed you haven't checked in for a few days and I hope it's because you are just busy with your boys. Hope your girls aren't giving you any trouble! Check in when you can.

jas, thinking of you and hope you are adjusting well to motherhood! Enjoy your beautiful boys!
Thanks to all the mommies who shared their stories, it''s always great to hear people talk about childbrith, the good and the bad.

Blen that''s great you told you boss and everything seems fine. I really hope you get that job you want!

As for me... I *think* I felt the baby move a few times in the last few days?
Both times it happened in the morning right after waking up, when I was lying on my side with one leg bent and one straight, almost laying on my stomach. This position really tilts my uterus so it flops towards my front more. So anyways, when I focused my attention on the sensation near my uterus, I could feel very light twitchy bubbly feelings around the bottom and sides of my uterus every once and a while! Like little bubbly pokes. Definitely NOT gas, LOL. I have an anterior placenta so it would make sense that I would feel it there. Anyways, I am now in my 16th week which is when some women start to feel it. I don''t really notice it other times since I am moving and not focusing on the sensations. I guess it will become clearer in the next few weeks, whether thats what I have been noticing or not.

Hi all.

Alright, so it took me a while to decide if I was going to post this, but I figured that I would in case there was anyone else who was ultra-worried like me. Some of you might think it was going too far, some of you might be thankful...but please don't flame me because I just couldn't let the mystery of it go.
So......I was thinking of ephemery.....again, and really worried about her. So I did some googling. That led me to what I am 99% sure was her ebay profile, and in looking at her feedback I've come to the conclusion that she is probably just too busy to post (I was awfully worried about her and the baby). If this is the "real" ephemery, then her last bit of feedback was just a couple of days ago, and she bought something nursing-related (lots of other baby-related, philly-related stuff too). So I am assuming that means that everything is okay on her end, her and the baby are fine, and hopefuly she'll be back to post soon.
I know that his goes beyond "none of my business", but I don't know--I just couldn't stop thinking about her. If the mods think it is out of line than hopefully they will delete this. But I just figured I'd post in case anyone was going crazy like me. Of course, it may not be her, but I can only hope.
Kay, Janine, LIA and Snlee -- thanks for your concern! I guess we are all at a point where we need to be pretty diligent about checking in so we''re not all worried -- sorry to disappear like that! I know I have some catching up to do, but the short story is that the week has been hectic. Longer story -- After Tuesday morning''s trip to L&D I have had no more problems. We had a lot of weather issues b/c of Gustav (I''m in Arkansas, but we had flooding and many power outages) -- kids were home from school Wednesday and then Thursday we made the trip to the Humane Society to "look" at the kittens they had available. Well, they had a little room we could all go into and play with the kittens, so we played with about 5 and one of them of course bonded with us....more importantly, he attached himself to Donovan (who had cried himself to sleep for a few nights in a row already) -- so we ended up adopting him and so far, he''s a perfect fit! So I guess you could say that yesterday and today after work I was enjoying "baby time"
It''s really hard to know what the right thing to do was -- I don''t want the boys to just think we can replace loved ones who die, but at the same time, we have the room in our home and hearts for another kitten and I don''t exactly see why not, either. So anyway, I think the boys finally named him today -- "Pluto" (after the dwarf planet, not the disney character, not that it really matters, but that''s how they think
) I''ll definitely post a pic soon -- sorry for the self-centered post, but I need to catch up on reading and didn''t want anyone to think i was gone for a different reason!
31w 3d
ps The coaches at the rink are giving me a baby shower there tomorrow and it''s open to skaters, parents, coaches, anyone who knows me -- should be really fun
Date: 9/6/2008 5:01:21 PM
Author: luckystar112
Hi all.

Alright, so it took me a while to decide if I was going to post this, but I figured that I would in case there was anyone else who was ultra-worried like me. Some of you might think it was going too far, some of you might be thankful...but please don''t flame me because I just couldn''t let the mystery of it go.

So......I was thinking of ephemery.....again, and really worried about her. So I did some googling. That led me to what I am 99% sure was her ebay profile, and in looking at her feedback I''ve come to the conclusion that she is probably just too busy to post (I was awfully worried about her and the baby). If this is the ''real'' ephemery, then her last bit of feedback was just a couple of days ago, and she bought something nursing-related (lots of other baby-related, philly-related stuff too). So I am assuming that means that everything is okay on her end, her and the baby are fine, and hopefuly she''ll be back to post soon.

I know that his goes beyond ''none of my business'', but I don''t know--I just couldn''t stop thinking about her. If the mods think it is out of line than hopefully they will delete this. But I just figured I''d post in case anyone was going crazy like me. Of course, it may not be her, but I can only hope.

You are not nuts, I actually did the same thing and came to the same conclusion a few weeks ago! I posted it in this thread, but it''s probably buried. Let''s hope it''s her!
Okay PHEW! I must have missed your post but I feel a lot better now!
Date: 9/6/2008 5:34:33 PM
Author: luckystar112
Okay PHEW! I must have missed your post but I feel a lot better now!
I was thinking of her a lot. Thanks for your post, and NF, thank you too. I hope she checks in when she can.
Date: 9/6/2008 5:34:33 PM
Author: luckystar112
Okay PHEW! I must have missed your post but I feel a lot better now!
hehe, you''re not the only one who has been worried, that''s for sure! I''m glad that it seems that she and the baby are okay though. Hopefully when she is ready she will let us know what has been going on.