
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Jen, what about Marina Kai? Kai means "the sea."

I''m not stuck on the one syllable thing, I swear- I just think one syllable names sound good with three syllable names (with exceptions, of course).
Oh, I''m sorry Ebree. I always get the two of you confused. And I really don''t know why.
Looking for a bit of advice....

I have quite bad manic depression (bipolar), but type II, where you only get hypomania rather than mania and a lot more depressive episodes. I take Lamictal which has been an amazing med for me as it has got rid of the depressive episodes without turning me into a zombie and although I still get somewhat hypomanic on it, I function fantastically well and for the last 18 months have felt stable for the first time in over 20 years.

I discussed TTC with my GP and my psychiatrist and we agreed that I would try and reduce the Lamictal from 100mg a day to 25mg if I could. I'm now at 50mg and have been for around 4 weeks now and very worried.

I have been feeling anxious, stressed, have completely lost my temper (I lost it and shouted at the leader of the political party I work for really badly in the middle of the street on Monday and then ended up crying and shaking for an hour afterwards) on a couple of occasions - to the extent that DH says he never knew I was capable of losing it like that. I can't stop crying, I'm hating my job and I'm feeling paranoid and deeply unhappy. Basically I feel like I do when I'm sliding into a bad depressive episode.

Because I lowered the meds about the same time I got KU, I don't know whether this is just preggo hormones or reducing my meds...

Do you think it's better to feel sane and well and live with the increased risk of abnormalities, or should I hold out till week 12 in order to get past the neural tube stage and just try to hold on to things.

I'm going to try and get an appointment with my psych. but I don't know if feeling this way is normal when you are pg? (I am over the moon to be pregnant, so there are no underlying issues there).

In my experience it's normal to feel on edge about the pregnancy while pregnant, and to be more emotional, but the other things you describe worry me a bit. I always say a happy mama is a healthy mama, so I really think you need to take care of yourself assuming that the risks to the baby are small. If you feel like you are just a bit "off" but are totally holding things together, it would be great if you can hold off until 12 weeks, but if you can't it won't do anyone favors if you lose it ya know?

I think you can only decide for yourself, but I would get an opinion from a more specialized doctor too if you can. Best of luck and BIG HUGS!!!! I'll do some research for you on PubMed and see what I can find regarding that medicine specifically...

OK here are a few details, basically some recent research suggests that it is still beneficial for moms to use these drugs while preggo if their symptoms are bad enough to warrant it...but that's only from one study...they suggest looking your meds up on the UK pregnancy registry to help determine how teratogenic a drug is.
Pandora sweety, this is ultimately up to you of course. But I can definitely tell you that I felt like I had PMS REALLY bad for long stretches of the first tri, losing my temper, feeling incredibly emotional, and I'm still prone to burst into tears at the slightest provocation here and there. So I would not necessarily jump to the conclusion that this is anything other than normal pregnoid hormones causing emotional chaos. But the paranoia is another matter, so you have to think about whether that's something you can cope with.

So, I guess if I were you, I would try (if you can) to wait out the next 6 weeks (you're about 6 wks now, right?) and see how it goes. If you are worried about becoming dangerous to yourself then that's another matter. But if you think you can cope, day by day, week by week, I'd try to hold off with upping the meds again.

But if you think that it's going to be harder and harder to feel better, the more you slip into depression, and that that 6 weeks could make the difference, then that's another thing. Like Neatfreak said, happy mama, happy baby.

Perhaps you could tell hubby, boss, staff, that prego hormones are making you nutty, and ask them to cut you slack if you lose your temper. I think people will be understanding!

Sending you warm wishes. Hope you feel better.

Jas12, I hope you have a great time in France. Where are you going? There are so many cool things to see, but I would also be happy going just to eat. Boy do I miss the pastries.


Robbie, congrats and welcome!


Snlee, I got lots of great feedback to my question about hospital bags on the mommy thread. We are doing our hospital tour tonight, so between the tour and the mommy advice, I should be able to whittle the list.

Mela, thanks – I love Euro clothes too. It’s nice to have variety.

Sbde, thanks. Isn’t it great when someone offers you their seat? I’ve been amazed at how polite and helpful people have been since I started really showing.

LIA, glad to hear your cervix is holding at 1 cm and the Dr. thinks you’ll make it to 36 weeks. I really like Avi, Avram, Jacob and Jonah. Sounds like it is time to make up a shopping list and send DH off to BRU or Target.


Indy, it’s great you can stick with the specialists you like. Yay for zero discordance in the cubs!

I hope the fold is nothing. Cute waving photo!

Jen, Marina Lily sounds great. I think Sophie Kiana has a lovely ring to it. (Sophie was in my top 5 list, BTW – just love it, although DH preferred the Italian Sophia.)

Pandora, that is such a tough call. I have felt incredibly emotional at time during the pregnancy, but what you are describing does sound like it could be depression, at least in part. You need to consult with your doctors and maybe see if there is a specialist who could help you. Hugs.
Pandora Here Lamictal is a Class C drug and some studies that have been done about it in rats suggest no teratogenic effect, but apparently some (that I can't find...) do show negative effects because it's a Class C. Well, then again EVERYTHING is a Class C these days here... They obviously can't test it on humans...but the fact that it's a class C is a good thing for someone like you trying to decide if it's "worth it". It's not on the list of "absolutely not" drugs which I am sure you know.

There is also a registry for people who take this drug and are pregnant, you might want to get involved with that and help others too if you can:

Lamotrigine Pregnancy Registry
Kendle International for GlaxoSmithKline.
North America:
Phone: 1-800-336-2176 (toll-free)
Phone: 910-256-0549 (call collect)
Pregnant women may contact:
North American AED Registry
Phone: 1-888-233-2334 (toll-free)
Outside North America:
Phone: 910-256-0549 (call collect)
Fax: 910-256-0637

Also most of what I am reading suggests that a large percentage of malformations as a "result" of this drug are things that aren't super serious like cleft palate. And that risks maximize out at about a 4x increase in malformations seen in those taking drugs like these, but at the same time the risk to the general population is only about 1-4%, so in reality that means that at WORST your babe would have a risk of 16%. And these are at higher doses too...

I have to jet off to school, but I hope that helps you in your research!
I had my u/s yesterday. She is still head down, and the placenta is to the right, not blocking the cervix, so that is good. I''m at 36 weeks, but she is measuring a little small. The funny thing is that different body parts are measuring at different "ages." Her head and abdomen measurements suggest 32-33 weeks, but her femur length was measuring at 35.5 weeks. The doctor said she is small, but within normal parameters, plus the estimates are not completely accurate. My first thought was, at least a small head will be easy to delivery. Of course, once we left the Dr., I started to worry about it. DH mentioned microcephaly, so now I can''t sleep. I am hoping she is just a skinny, long-legged thing like I was.

Date: 9/18/2008 10:21:08 AM
Author: Independent Gal
So, I guess if I were you, I would try (if you can) to wait out the next 6 weeks (you''re about 6 wks now, right?) and see how it goes. If you are worried about becoming dangerous to yourself then that''s another matter. But if you think you can cope, day by day, week by week, I''d try to hold off with upping the meds again.

I ditto this, it would be nice to wait until 12 weeks because all the baby''s vitals are formed by then. Definitely get the opinion of your psychiatrist etc to make sure it is safe for you, and watch yourself carefully (and ask hubby/others to help) to make sure it isn''t getting worse. One option to consider would be to take a medical leave from work until you are able to resume your meds at a higher level. At least it would remove work stress from the equation and it is a small price to pay to help balance your needs to maintain your personal well-being and the well-being of your child, both of which are the most important things in your life right now.

I suspect that with a current mood disorder you will be more susceptible to the effects of hormones and to PPD etc etc, so being especially vigilent is a really good thing now and in the future! So maybe your feelings now are "normal" preggo hormone things that are heightened by your biological diathesis, and so maybe it isn''t a harbinger of a major depression? It is just so hard to know, even your docs wouldn''t be able to tell you for sure since psychiatry is not an exact science, nor is medicine for that matter! I also wonder whether decreasing your meds to 50mg is all that different from just taking the full dose that has worked for you in the past? Will that small decrease really make a huge difference in reducing potential risk to your baby? I doubt there have been controlled experiments on this, and such reductions are probably just a safety precaution that aren''t necessarily based on hard science. My point is that if you need 100mg to feel stable, and there is no proof that reducing to 50mg is significantly safer than taking 100mg, then you might as well take the 100mg and be a healthy mama for your upcoming child! I would be be very interested to know the actual risk factor associated with this medication, since that will help you make a decision as well. Around 3% is the normal prevelence of abnormalities, so it would need to be statistically significantly more than that to warrant taking a chance with your own personal health and well-being, IMHO.

Keep us posted Pandora, we are here for you!

Date: 9/18/2008 10:37:23 AM
Author: Kay
I had my u/s yesterday. She is still head down, and the placenta is to the right, not blocking the cervix, so that is good. I'm at 36 weeks, but she is measuring a little small. The funny thing is that different body parts are measuring at different 'ages.' Her head and abdomen measurements suggest 32-33 weeks, but her femur length was measuring at 35.5 weeks. The doctor said she is small, but within normal parameters, plus the estimates are not completely accurate. My first thought was, at least a small head will be easy to delivery. Of course, once we left the Dr., I started to worry about it. DH mentioned microcephaly, so now I can't sleep. I am hoping she is just a skinny, long-legged thing like I was.
Kay I was just reading up on this type of thing and they said that error rates in such measurements past 28 weeks are very high, meaning that those measurements could indeed be off by 1-2 weeks! Which is why you were told they are in the "normal range"... you can only think in ranges when the error rate is high so don't put too much stock in the actual numbers! Also, for it to be classed microcephaly, I believe the baby must be more than 6 weeks behind at 20 week, and you are NOT anywhere near that AND with your measurement being taken later the error means your baby is perfectly healthy I am sure!

ETA sorry about not giving shout outs to everyone else, work is crazy and I am not being a very good PSer right now... just randomly responding to things that catch my eye. I will do better next week!
Hi sure is hard keeping up with this board! I wanted to say congrats to everyone here and I''ll try to keep up!

I am 8 weeks today and tomorrow morning is my first appointment. I don''t know all the terms yet, but I''m learning. I get to hear the heart beat and get the blood tests taken. Is there anything else I should expect?

My doctor originally told me that certain medications were ok to take while pregnant. I have back issues and herniated discs and she said it was ok to take a stronger pain pill (vicodin) if needed. I have taken 4 since finding out I''m pregnant and it still worries me. I really want to try not to take anything but tylenol, but it''s such an easy solution when I''m hurting. I don''t have anymore at home, so I''m simply going to refrain from getting any prescriptions and just have DH massage me when needed. Just tell me that the 4 pills I took won''t hurt anything. I feel so guilty for taking anything when there are potential risks...even though not proven.
Courtney, I can''t say about the vicodin. I would ask your doctor at the appointment, and in a pinch, call your pharmacist! It is a pharmacist''s job to know all about a drug and its risks, and I''ve often found them invaluable. What''s done is done, anyway, but I would definitely try to avoid taking anything you don''t have to until after 12 wks when all the part are there.

In terms of your appt, it''s extremely unlikely that you will hear the heartbeat, since it''s usually not audible until after 10 or 11 weeks. What MIGHT happen is that you get to SEE the heartbeat on an ultrasound. You can actually see that big ol'' heart (and it is huge at that stage compared to the rest of the body) thumping away. If your doc does an u/s, s/he will probably do it up the hooha, since you get a much clearer view that way than a belly u/s that early on. Other things to expect: they''ll probably take a family history. Best to ask your folks and get DH to ask his about any history of birth defects, genetic diseases, sugar issues in pregnancy, any other obgyn issues you''ve had etc. so that you''re ready with the info.

Have fun! Hope you get to see your little one!
Date: 9/18/2008 12:23:47 PM
Author: Independent Gal
Courtney, I can''t say about the vicodin. I would ask your doctor at the appointment, and in a pinch, call your pharmacist! It is a pharmacist''s job to know all about a drug and its risks, and I''ve often found them invaluable. What''s done is done, anyway, but I would definitely try to avoid taking anything you don''t have to until after 12 wks when all the part are there.

In terms of your appt, it''s extremely unlikely that you will hear the heartbeat, since it''s usually not audible until after 10 or 11 weeks. What MIGHT happen is that you get to SEE the heartbeat on an ultrasound. You can actually see that big ol'' heart (and it is huge at that stage compared to the rest of the body) thumping away. If your doc does an u/s, s/he will probably do it up the hooha, since you get a much clearer view that way than a belly u/s that early on. Other things to expect: they''ll probably take a family history. Best to ask your folks and get DH to ask his about any history of birth defects, genetic diseases, sugar issues in pregnancy, any other obgyn issues you''ve had etc. so that you''re ready with the info.

Have fun! Hope you get to see your little one!
Thanks, Indy! My doc says the heartbeat can be heard at 7 to 8 weeks, so I''m hoping that''s true!
Date: 9/18/2008 12:14:08 PM
Author: Courtneylub
Hi sure is hard keeping up with this board! I wanted to say congrats to everyone here and I''ll try to keep up!

I am 8 weeks today and tomorrow morning is my first appointment. I don''t know all the terms yet, but I''m learning. I get to hear the heart beat and get the blood tests taken. Is there anything else I should expect?

My doctor originally told me that certain medications were ok to take while pregnant. I have back issues and herniated discs and she said it was ok to take a stronger pain pill (vicodin) if needed. I have taken 4 since finding out I''m pregnant and it still worries me. I really want to try not to take anything but tylenol, but it''s such an easy solution when I''m hurting. I don''t have anymore at home, so I''m simply going to refrain from getting any prescriptions and just have DH massage me when needed. Just tell me that the 4 pills I took won''t hurt anything. I feel so guilty for taking anything when there are potential risks...even though not proven.
Courtney, I take Tramadol for my back - I have spinal stenosis and herniated discs, plus scar tissue from the last ops that is compressing one of the nerves - and the Lamictal also helps with the nerve pain.

I take 150mg Tramadol a day and both the pain specialists, my GP and a friend who is an OB said I could take as many opiates as I wanted as they were considered safe. They said they''d monitor the baby after birth for withdrawal symptoms but didn''t expect any problems. If you are taking them occasionally rather than constantly like I have to you''re unlikely to have any problems at all.
Date: 9/18/2008 12:29:57 PM
Author: Courtneylub

Thanks, Indy! My doc says the heartbeat can be heard at 7 to 8 weeks, so I''m hoping that''s true!
Maybe they use a special instrument to "hear"it, since you can''t hear it by doppler until the time when Indy mentioned. Seeing it is just a good though, its the same thing. Good luck and have fun!
Thanks Pandora!! Whew! That''s what I needed to hear. Even in the 1st trimester too?

I''m still going to stray away from taking them anyways. Your issues seem much more painful than mine.
Thank you everyone.

My psych is going to call me tomorrow, or send me an urgent appointment so I''ll talk to him and see what he suggests.

The paranoia isn''t of the sort where you think someone is out to get you, but a constant feeling of the sort you get when you are summoned to see the Headmaster at school and don''t know why. I keeping feeling I''ll be in trouble at work for something I haven''t done - even though I can''t think what it is. Being understaffed doesn''t help me feel calmer and they''ve told me today they want me to run a huge event in the Spring for 450 people.

I just wish I knew if it was my meds or just the pg hormones. Grrrrr. I''m glad to know that I''m not the only one who is an emotional mess at times when pg!

Thanks neatfreak for the reminder about the Lamotrigine Preg Register - I meant to contact them.

My risk for PND is about 70% and so they will have a team in place as soon as the baby is born to monitor me over the next couple of months - daily for the first month to check I''m doing okay. I must admit I''m lucky to be in the care of the leading psychiatric hospital in the UK.
Pandora, I also felt that type of anxiety at times in my first trimester, if that helps at all. I wonder if it is common for "career woman" types who may on one level fear negative repurcussions for being pregnoid? I felt much better after I went public with my pregnancy when I was 15 weeks, but prior ot that I had a feeling of impending doom for a while. Turned out the be unfounded, but there is something very odd and exposing about being pregnant for some women, and maybe that is contributing for you? Anyways, I hope your meeting goes well and you feel some relief, even if it is just hearing that going a little mental in the first tri is normal
Date: 9/18/2008 12:37:25 PM
Author: Courtneylub
Thanks Pandora!! Whew! That''s what I needed to hear. Even in the 1st trimester too?

I''m still going to stray away from taking them anyways. Your issues seem much more painful than mine.
Actually the first trimester isn''t the one that they are concerned about - it''s the final week that they don''t like you taking more than you have to as it can depress the baby''s breathing and make it a bit drowsy.

I think the thing is to not take anything if you can, but don''t put yourself through huge amounts of pain to avoid it. When your back is in pain your muscles will start to spasm and that leads to a whole vicious cycle and gives you greater pain than before. It also makes you tense and stops you holding your body in a normal manner.
Date: 9/18/2008 1:16:34 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Pandora, I also felt that type of anxiety at times in my first trimester, if that helps at all. I wonder if it is common for ''career woman'' types who may on one level fear negative repurcussions for being pregnoid? I felt much better after I went public with my pregnancy when I was 15 weeks, but prior ot that I had a feeling of impending doom for a while. Turned out the be unfounded, but there is something very odd and exposing about being pregnant for some women, and maybe that is contributing for you? Anyways, I hope your meeting goes well and you feel some relief, even if it is just hearing that going a little mental in the first tri is normal
Thanks dreamer - I feel much happier knowing that.

I have a HUGE fear of being depressed again, so I tend to panic a bit over it which doesn''t help. I also do feel bad about work in someways - although to be perfectly honest I am thrilled at the idea of a year off and fully intend to find something new in that time!
My first day off bed rest and medicine was quite eventful.

I had my 35 weeks appointment yesterday afternoon and everything looked okay. My cervix is about 60-70% effaced and still fingertip dilated. Baby is still head down and has dropped, as I had suspected. I have to pee all the time, I feel more pressure down there, am more uncomfortable, and have less lap space. I had my GBS test. I'm crossing my fingers for NEAGTIVE! I really don't want to be hooked up to an IV during labor if I decide not to have an epidural. Weight has stayed the same as two weeks ago so I'm up 25 pounds at 35 weeks. I'm happy with that. I'm on weekly appointments now.

Taking advantage of being off bed rest (yay!), DH and I went to a few stores to shop for the baby and then out to dinner. While out, I noticed I was spotting (first pinkish then brownish). It was not surprised since I had an internal exam but I called just in case. Since I was having contractions and cramps (the usual!) accompanied with the spotting, they wanted to err on the side of caution and so they told me to go to L&D.

At around 9pm last night, we made another practice run (as I like to call them now) to L&D.

I put the stretchy band over my big belly and DH and I laughed when I said it feels a lot tighter than last time. I am definitely bigger now than 7 weeks ago!

I had a very chatty nurse, T, who was very nice. She asked me lots of questions and hooked me up to monitor my contractions and the baby. I was monitored for about 30-40 minutes. The baby looked good. Very active. I was having lots of contractions, only a few that I could feel. Some were 5 minutes apart and lasted a few minutes. I always like to watch the monitor and best of all hear the baby's heartbeat.

She checked my cervix to make sure there wasn't any major changes. I was 60% effaced and fingertip dilated. My cervix was low (forward?) and the baby is at Station -2. As I suspected, the spotting was due to the internal exam. Two in one day. That was no fun but I know it's nothing compared to the pain I'll feel in L&D though.

While I was there, T gave me a run down of what I could expect during early labor. It was so surreal that she was speaking to me like I could go into labor soon. Of course no one knows when (35, 36, 37 or maybe even 40 weeks) but she did say if my contractions get worse I could be delivering in a week or so. She also said that a 37 weeks baby is about 1.5 pounds less than a 40 week baby so less to push out - that's good. Ha!
Sounds good to me.

I also confirmed with the main doctor that I shouldn't take any more medicine. If I go into labor, I do, and they won't try to stop it. The downside of seeing many doctors in a group is you get conflicting information sometimes. I was confused because the other doctor had told me I could take medicine if I feel contractions pick up (to get me to 36 weeks).

I also no longer have to monitor my contractions by feeling them with my fingertips. That's going to be a hard habit to break since I've been doing that all the time for 7 weeks! T said to only time my contractions when they are painful. The difference between BH contractions and early labor contractions - if you say to yourself, "I think I'm having a contraction and/or you have to feel your uterus to see if it's tight, you're not in labor. What I'm feeling now is NOTHING compared to what I'll feel in labor."

T said to call the nurses station (when the doctor's office is closed) if I have any issues. That's great. No more useless calls with the advice nurse and unneeded visits to L&D.

I was happy to leave L&D with a Labor guide instead of a Preterm Labor guide this time around.

Now it's just a waiting game...

For weeks now I've been saying that I'd be happy to have my baby at 37-38 weeks, when he's full term. Now I realize, 37 weeks is only 11 days away!
DH thinks I'll go into labor at 38 weeks. Any other guesses?

mela, sorry about the m/s. Hope you feel better soon.

sbde, welcome back! I can''t believe you''re going to be 6 months soon!

nycbkgirl, congrats and welcome! Don''t worry about not feeling any symptoms yet. It''s still very early.

jen, I like Sophie Kiana, Makana, or Malana and Marina Lily. Yay for 33 weeks!
Hi Courtney, I just wanted to let you know that I was prescribed Vicodin during my first trimester because I was in a car accident and really hurt my lower back (I was about 9 weeks). I tried to do the Tylenol and heating pad route the first few days but it didn''t cut it and I couldn''t function. I only used a few of the pills but my OB assured me it was okay. Mostly, I took one before I went to bed because I wasn''t sleeping and that''s not a good thing when you''re a VERY tired first trimester soon to be mama!

I''m sure those backrubs from DH will help out too! Aren''t thoughtful hubby''s great sometimes!
LIA, thanks! Hang in there girl! You''re almost done too! I think it''s odd that your doctor actually tells you when she think you''ll have your baby! My doctors always say every patient is different and it depends on what happens with your body so I''ve never been able to get a guess. Yay for a good appointment and 32 weeks! Has your doctor given you a percentage for effacement? That is sweet and at the same time sad that you thought of me while you had bad cramps and contractions. Not something I want to be associated with. Haha. I am glad you are feeling back to normal. It''s weird how similar our PTL is - my normal was 6/hour too at times! Again, not something great to have in common but at least we can commiserate with each other!

Indy, that''s a lot of great news! I am happy for you! Sorry to hear about the discordance in the amniotic fluid. Fingers crossed that it in nothing! You have a great attitude about it and are in excellent care so that''s great. I can''t wait to see your new studs!!! Cute baby hand shot!
Pandora, I think NF, Indy, and dreamer gave you some excellent advice. I hope you feel better soon.

Kay, if your doctor isn''t worried about your baby''s measurements I wouldn''t worry about it. It''s not good for you or your baby.

Courtneylub, good luck with your first appointment! I am interested to see what they use to hear the baby''s heartbeat that early. You usually can''t hear it that early with a doppler. I''m not sure about the vicodin but I''d definitely check to make sure it''s safe!
Date: 9/17/2008 11:57:49 AM
Author: robbie3982
It''s still really early, but I wanted to pop in and say hi since DH and I found out yesterday that we''re expecting! EDD is May 28th, making me 3 weeks and 6 days. We''re so happy, but everything feels really surreal at the moment. Only symptoms so far are that my boobs have grown a cup size since last week and I''m starting to be able to see some veins on them as well (definitely not road mappy, but visible where there were none before). I thought it was way too early for that, but apparently not. I kind of feel like a faker since I''m not even pregnant enough to get a BFP on a digital yet.
Quick check in because I can''t seem to drag my a$$ to the mommy thread...

And also to say that I''m still rooting for y''all (SNLEE, you are so close!!!!) just finding it hard to find more than a nanosecond to post.
Date: 9/18/2008 5:23:09 PM
Author: jas
And also to say that I''m still rooting for y''all (SNLEE, you are so close!!!!) just finding it hard to find more than a nanosecond to post.
jas, I''ve been thinking about you and the twins! I hope all of you are doing well. We miss you here!
Snlee -- well, first of all, congrats for finally officially being off bedrest -- what a suck that you had to go to L&D so soon though! My guess is that you''ll go 37 and a half -- remember that Jackie went like a week after she expected and i''m thinking not quite that long for you, but close :) Don''t ask me for reasoning here, i''m just guessing :)

EBree -- I really like Marina Kai -- DH and I will discuss...

Jackie -- how''re you and the little guys holding up?

Thanks to everyone for name ideas and opinions! It''s really gotten DH and I talking about them a lot more, that''s for sure!

Again, I''m stuck for time -- will try to do better catching up with everyone in the next day or so :)
33w 1 d!
Date: 9/18/2008 5:19:48 PM
Author: jas
Quick check in because I can''t seem to drag my a$$ to the mommy thread...

Awwwee...jas, come on over. we don''t bite