
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

congrats blenheim! hearing the heartbeat is such a milestone!

welcome robbie, and congrats on the bfp. what is up with all the new jerkstores here on PS!??! so thrilled for you all.

indy - sorry to hear about your tough decision but i would reiterate what most ppl here have said...take care of the cublings - they are the top priority (for your mom too i bet!)!

kay: great shopping!

good luck to all the 36+weekers here - hang in there!

so i''m back home after my business trip. i think there may just be 1 more trip left before i stop the air travel in november. BTW. it is INSANE to me that i will be entering month number 6 next week. i still feel likely a new "barely preggo" preggo! where has the time gone?

one other milestone - someone actually offered me their seat on the subway last week for the first time. i was THRILLED!

21W 4D
hi everyone...yes i am another"jerkstore" lol...popping in to say that i wam 4wks 4 days ...i go for my second beta blood test this mon and u/s om oct 8 ,...dont know how i will stay sane til then!

i dont have many symptoms yet which worries me a little...i heard most are constipated (sorry for these tmi details lol) ...but i have had diarrehea for a while ..sorry about that again this something to worry about???
Mela -- sorry you are feeling bad

Kay -- love the outfits!!
Robbie -- congrats and welcome!
Re: coats -- I had a lime green swing coat I loved with my last pregnancy -- I loved that I could wear it pg or not -- good luck!
sbde -- welcome to looking pregnant ;) yay for someone offering you a seat!
nyc -- congrats and welcome to you too!

Date: 9/17/2008 1:55:09 PM
Author: mela lu

Speaking of names, Jen?! I'm all about babynames - what are you looking for in the way of middle names?

I'm glad you asked! Here's our short list, but we are still WIDE OPEN to new suggestions (these are just the ones from our own lists we have narrowed down) -- my sons' middle names are Raine, Skye and Zane, so i like the more unique middle names, esp nature-sounding ones. We would like one girl to have a Hawaiian middle name since we got married there last April:

For Sophie:
Amaya, Delilah, Emelia, Jade, Kaia, Kiana, Luana, Makana, Malana, Meadow, Willow

For Marina:

Ilana, Ivy, Jade, Kiana, Lily, Makani, Sage, Sakari, Willow

(The Hawaiian "a's" are all either "ah" or "uh" --- no hard a sounds, and Ilana starts with the sound "ee" hope that makes sense :))

I would LOVE EVERYONE'S opinion on these and new ideas -- after saying a lot of these names for so long now, it'd be really helpful to know what other people think sounds good (I love some of the Hawaiian name meaning, but sould rather pick a name based on sound, FWIW) Thanks in advance everyone!!

Date: 9/17/2008 4:37:29 PM
Author: nycbkgirl
hi everyone...yes i am another''jerkstore'' lol...popping in to say that i wam 4wks 4 days ...i go for my second beta blood test this mon and u/s om oct 8 ,...dont know how i will stay sane til then!

i dont have many symptoms yet which worries me a little...i heard most are constipated (sorry for these tmi details lol) ...but i have had diarrehea for a while ..sorry about that again this something to worry about???
Symptoms don''t usually kick in until 5 - 7 weeks... don''t worry! You just have to sit back and enjoy now, it is all out of your hands! Welcome to the 12 week wait! It''s worse by far than any 2ww you ever had.
Congrats Robbie, that''s soooo exciting!!!
hi guys!!
welcome to the''s great that just as we''re about to have a big "graduating" crew (janine, curly, kay, snlee), we''ve got some young-bloods (haha) to step up!

just dropping in for a quickie, but did want to say, pandora , i''m so glad that the pain stopped. i was a little worried about you!

definitely no need to worry about LACK of symptoms. i remember that''s one of the most difficult things about 1st trimester...just NOT feeling pregnant (well, except for fatigue and morning sickness). this may be tmi, but i remember doing a boob test every morning to see if they were still sore. oh, and random poas-ing, of course!!

nyc, i bet that the diarrhea/constipation is just your body responding to all the hormones surging within! i STILL never know what to expect when i go #2!!

indy, gosh, i don''t know what to tell you about the trip... i know it will be a really tough decision either way. hopefully your dr will be able to give good advice (today, if i''m not mistaking??) kup...

kay, omg, those clothes are GORGEOUS. i LOVE the cardigan!! so french!!

snlee: looking forward to an update! CONGRATS on 35 weeks. you DID it!!! when does your dr think you''re going to go??

curly and janine: fingers crossed for you! every time i see either of your names pop up as recently posted, i get excited!!!

jen: glad all is well. i can''t believe how big your girls are! that is such great news!!

lili: thanks for the compliments! and thanks for always dropping by! we love our graduates! :) the bunny was DEF from a pattern. next up is another blanket and a bear. so much fun. i LOVE all your pics on the mommy thread. j is just gorgeous.

blen: congrats on a heartbeat! it NEVER gets old!

nf: i totally hear you on the clothes issue. even worse for me is that i''ve been on bedrest for 6 weeks now and NEVER go out of the house. i seriously swap between like 3 items every day. and i bought them all when i was about 20 weeks so they''re getting TIGHT. my mom keeps sending me "in style" magazine (usually my favorite), but now i just find it totally depressing!

dd: hope everything is going well. have you taught any more classes?

sbde: i can''t believe that you''re almost 22 weeks. WHERE is the time going?

i had my weekly appt with my doctor today. the good news is that i''m STILL only 1 cm (4 weeks now!!) although, she says my cervix is getting very soft and definitely shortening. BUT she really thinks i''m going to make it at LEAST until 34 weeks. in fact, her best guess would be that i''ll deliver around 36-37. which would be PERFECT!!! i hope i can make it that long. i had a really rough night on monday with baaad cramps and contractions (i was thinking about you snlee !!), but they lessened up yesterday, and now i''m just back to the status quo of about 6/hr.

ok, and jen, since you brought it up, i also need serious help with baby names. if anyone has some free time or is good at this kind of thing, i''d LOVE your help. as you know, we''re having a boy. dh really prefers a biblical name, of hebrew origin if possible. we would like to honor our grandparents with something that starts with an A, J, S, R, or E.
i still really like jacob (coby for short), but dh isn''t sold. he says that if i "get" coby for a first name, he gets abraham as a middle name. i''m not a big fan!! i love alexander, but it''s not technically hebrew origin.
anyway, if anyone has any ideas, let me know!!

(32wks, 1 day!)
NF Totally feelin'' ya on the wardrobe downgrade... and I''m only 17 wks.
Waaah! My inner clotheshound is very sad. I say, get yourself the cute coat if you can afford it and it will give you pleasure!

LIA great news about the cervix, and welcome to the safe zone! 32 weeks, yay! (gosh, that''s a funny sentence!) We love biblical names too, and I''ll have a think. Actually, what do you think about Avram instead of Abraham. Less... hammy. More kosher if you will. For J, Jacob is still my fave (though I''m not sold on Coby either), Joseph, Jonathan, Jonah (we may be using this, but I don''t care if you do!), E, I like Ezra, Eli, Elias (again, we may use one of these)... I really like Avram. Not Avraham though. Just straight Avram. I''ve heard it pronounced Ah-vrim and also with the ''A'' as in ''A''nimal. Another Hebrew name I really like is "Leor" though that doesn''t use any of your letters.

Jen over 5lbs, huh? That''s fantastic!! Your little gals will get to go home with you then, right? Way to fatten ''em up!

nycbk Have you told your doc about that? I''ve heard it can be a sign of pre-term labor, but you''re... oh... at least 15 wks early for that! I would tell the doc, just in case you caught a bug or whatnot.

SBDE, welcome home!
sk8rjen- thanks ...and i really love all of those name choices! beautiful and exotic

dreamer- yes i can imagine what this wait will be like
2ww was the worst and now i have a 3ww for u/s..once i hear that heartbeat i will be fine!

lover in athens- yeh i also think its just the body confused lol,,,but one of the docs at the clinic said i should go and make sure its not a viral now im even more worried! im on metformin so that may be a cause as well...just so confusing and frustrating so early on!

off to docs later thanx again
OK, so here's all my news:

The good news: Talked to the head of OB again this morning. The verdict: "It's your choice." So I get to stay with the specialists permanently. YAY! They are soooo nice. Every last one of the staff from appointment making lady to weight taking lady to head of the practice. And thoughtful, and considerate, and patient and friendly and respectful. Love 'em all. They are always checking to make sure you're comfy, hydrated... if you're hungry they bring you yogurt or anything you want. And they answer all your questions and tell you everything that's going on and make you feel totally looked after. I just lerve them.

The better news: The boyz have zero (yup! 0, nil, zilch) discordance. They are both 7 ounces with waistlines of 114.9 and 116.2... so just 1.2 mm apart. Very squirmy and active. All organs korrect and in good working order.

The nifty news: One of the docs actually collaborated for a while with specialist docs in my mom's country, so he said that if I decided to go, he'll give his pals a heads up to make sure I get top care in case of trouble

The not-so-good-news: A doc and a resident came to check the u/s after the scan and they found a slight discordance in the amniotic fluid, and a "fold" (didn't catch in what? assuming the amniotic sac membrane?). Anyway, this apparently can be the very first sign of TTTS. Or, it could be nothing. So given their philosophy of being SUPER vigilant, I have to go for scans every week now to make sure it doesn't turn sour.

So, no trip to see Mom until they are sure that it was a false alarm. I'm sad and relieved at the same time. And I have chosen NOT to worry about the discordant fluid, since it may well be a false alarm.

OK, back to work! And tomorrow I go to NYC to see my sis and my dad. Plus, my diamond studs are arriving. YAY!
Y''know, THAT is why you have to see the specialists. Because neither the u/s technician nor the resident knew that the ''fold'' was a sign of potential trouble. The senior doc noticing that may end up making all the difference. (Still, hopefully it was a false alarm!)
Just lurking, and popping in to say...

Jen: Since all of your boys' middle names are one syllable, I vote "Jade" for Sophie and "Sage" for Marina. I like how they both sound with the names the best as well.

Sophie Jade
Marina Sage

Date: 9/17/2008 6:01:44 PM
Author: EBree
Just lurking, and popping in to say...

Jen: Since all of your boys'' middle names are one syllable, I vote ''Jade'' for Sophie and ''Sage'' for Marina. I like how they both sound with the names the best as well.

Sophie Jade

Marina Sage


Ooh, EBree, good call! I love the name "Sage". And those go perfectly.
indy: congrats on getting to stay with the specialists! i was really hoping it would turn out that way for you. what a relief...especially when there are minor bumps in the road like the "fold." i will keep my fingers crossed that it''s nothing. thanks goodness they will follow everything so closely!!
and, you are GOOD with names!! thanks so much. i def like Avram so much better! is jacob avram too much of a mouthful?

ebree you are also very good! man, i''d like to hire the 2 of you! jen, i totally agree. i think doing the single syllable thing is pretty cool (although not that hawaiian i guess??)

I completely missed that you''re looking for help with names!

I went through a few "biblical" baby name lists, and these were some I liked:

Asher (one of my favorites)
Jeremiah (good middle name?)
Jude (also love this!)
thanks ebree!

another good list. like i said, you''re hired!!

i really like samuel (my grandfather''s name). abraham was david''s grandfather (arthur was mine)...hence the A.
i love asher too, although dh isn''t a big fan. i tell you, he''s much better at shooting things down than at coming up with names! did you ever read the book "my name is asher lev"? good book!

what do you guys think about AVI as a middle name? still a derivative of abraham, but not as stuffy.

we could do jacob avi
or samuel avi

Date: 9/17/2008 6:34:10 PM
Author: EBree

I completely missed that you''re looking for help with names!

I went through a few ''biblical'' baby name lists, and these were some I liked:


Asher (one of my favorites)



Jeremiah (good middle name?)


Jude (also love this!)





I love Asher too, but then again I am biased because that is my DH''s name (which he goes by).

Love Jacob too (again, I am biased here!) but I''m not loving Coby as a nickname...

I also really like Eli and Jonah for biblical/Hebrew names. I tried to sell DH on Eli but he knows someone he really doesn''t like with that name so it was out for us.
Date: 9/17/2008 7:06:14 PM
Author: lover in athens

we could do jacob avi

or samuel avi


Love ''em both! Is Avi pronounced ahh-vee?
exactly...ah-vee (with accent on the ah)

we may be on to something.

wow...i may actually be having a baby soon!
we have a carseat (delivered yesterday!) and now, maybe even a name!!

of course, the ONLY other things we have are one pack of diapers and one bottle.
time to get on it, me thinks!!
Date: 9/17/2008 7:06:14 PM
Author: lover in athens
did you ever read the book ''my name is asher lev''? good book!

what do you guys think about AVI as a middle name? still a derivative of abraham, but not as stuffy.

we could do jacob avi

or samuel avi

OK, first of all, I LOVE the name Avi.
And I think Jacob Avi is a wonderful name.

Not a big fan of "Asher". But yeah, I read that book! Under my desk in the 6th grade. I couldn''t put it down! I think I got, like, three detentions because of that book. My teacher kept saying "Indy! Put that book away and pay attention!"

I was NOT a fun kid to have in class.

NF, we may end up with Jonah and Eli among the names somewhere... I''m really falling for "Jonah". Plus, it means "dove" which is very nice. And since my grandmother''s name was Seforah (no, really), which means "little bird", we could get away with saying Jonah is in honour of her. Then, if we ever have a girl, we''re off the hook for "Seforah". YAY!
BTW, Twin B wants to wave hello. Pudgy fingers, anyone?

Just popping in to let you guys know about the Simplicity Brand Drop Side Crib recall. Hopefully none of you have it. Hope everyone has a smooth pregnancy. Good luck!
i LOVE jonah. it''s always been one of my favorites.
dh is silly. he says it reminds him of a whale.

go figure.
Date: 9/17/2008 7:40:11 PM
Author: lover in athens
i LOVE jonah. it''s always been one of my favorites.

dh is silly. he says it reminds him of a whale.

go figure.

Lol. My DH is also very good at shooting down names for seemingly silly reasons too. Men!
Oh, but Jonah is such a beautiful story in the Bible! So human. I love how Jonah is NOT the classic hero who never thnks twice and is ceaselessly brave. He reacts the way a real person would react, with fear, thoughts of "why me?", hesitation, doubt. But he ends up stepping up to the task in the end and saves the city. And then at the end, the extreme intimacy of his conversations with God... I've always found that deeply moving.

Jonah is so much more than the whale! I hope my son will be resolute and do justice, even when he's really afraid and uncertain and even when it's hard, because usually it IS hard. Hopefully he won't have to get thrown in the sea or eaten first though.
EBree -- thanks! Sophie Jade is definitely one of my faves, but I broke my own syllable rule just by picking the name "sophie" to begin with (the boys are all 3-syllable firsts with 1 syllable middles) -- and since the twins have a different daddy, i am cool with changing things up;) But I LOVE those two names a lot (that''s why they''re on the list!)-- glad to know someone else does too.

I wanted to chime in here re:boy names... DH and I had actually agreed on boy names (and we had such a HARD time with girl names!) --- they would have been "Eli and Liam," so for those of you who like Eli, I''m all about it! ;) I LOVE the name Jude, too, but DH said it was too feminine. Whatever (groan). LOVE Jonah! Avi is really unique -- definitely like that one...

DH just told me he looked at name lists again earlier and is thinking he likes the combination "Marina Lily" a lot, so if he''s serious (who am I to complain abot a name i like? :)) then we may want to try to give Sophie the Hawaiian one. I still like Jade though. hmmmm...

Indy -- what a great u/s pic! Hoping that "fold" turns out to be nothing big... yay for getting to keep the specialists!

ok, checking in later for more ideas....

Date: 9/17/2008 7:51:38 PM
Author: neatfreak

Lol. My DH is also very good at shooting down names for seemingly silly reasons too. Men!

I''m glad it''s not just mine! He shoots EVERYTHING down. Though, we have incredibly similar taste in boys'' names. So much so that we already have two first and middle name combos for boys.

Girl names are an entirely different story.
Ebree, you really like Piper, don''t you? When I first heard about the new VP elect having a little girl Piper, I thought of you. And have you seen that 6 year old? ADORABLE!!!
Jen, I was going to say I like Sophie Jade and Marina Lily. My top pics. Of course, Lily and Jade (actually Jadelyn) are sentimental around here!
Sophie Jade is so so so cute!

I like Marina Mae, but just because it''s cutesy; she may outgrow being "cutesy" quickly.
Date: 9/17/2008 8:59:58 PM
Author: fisherofmengirly
Ebree, you really like Piper, don''t you? When I first heard about the new VP elect having a little girl Piper, I thought of you. And have you seen that 6 year old? ADORABLE!!!

Actually, Piper is Amber''s (Amberwaves) girl name! I love it, but it''s too "out there" for DH. Any name that isn''t in the top 100 is too out there for him, though, which is a bummer- I prefer the less common names!