
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Thank you for the thoughtful replies and all of the wonderful morning sickness advice. I am calling my doctor in the morning to see if they''ll prescribe something to help out, over the weekend I was throwing up 7-8 times a day. I work a normal 9-5 professional job and can''t afford to be sick all day if I can help it. Thank you ladies!

dreamer_dachsie, thank you for the website link. I took the time to look through it, and it was fascinating learning more about their findings and what can help.

neatfreak, I think you are so right about the empty stomach. I feel the worst when it''s been several hours since I''ve eaten.

sbde, sorry to hear your m/s was such a pain. I am going to ask about zofran...
Good luck, let us know what the Doc says. Hang in there!!! I know it''s no fun.
Lindsey, I hope it gets better for you, girl!!

Good luck at the Dr.

A friend of mine had to wear a patch behind her ear for just about her entire pregnancy due to morning sickness. i don''t know the name of it, but it was a Godsend to her.
Lindsay, I found eating just a little something first thing in the morning helped prevent morning sickness to some extent. Also for some reason green apples used to help me.
Lindswy - sorry to hear about your sickies! I hope that you can get a handle on it soon. Sounds like you have some great advice here to go on ;)
I woke up this am with nausea. YEY! No pukies, just nausea. I''m pretty happy about it (since I''ve heard it''s a "good" sign). so yey!

Okay, question with a side dish of TMI:

When you do DTD with your Hubbies, and after the BIG O, do any of you get low-grade cramping in your ute afterwards? I got this with my last (failed) pregnancy, and I''m getting it again. It''s uncomfortable, but not painful. Is this normal????

Thanks gals.
Date: 9/15/2008 9:45:32 AM
Author: mela lu
When you do DTD with your Hubbies, and after the BIG O, do any of you get low-grade cramping in your ute afterwards? I got this with my last (failed) pregnancy, and I''m getting it again. It''s uncomfortable, but not painful. Is this normal????
I don''t know about normal, but I recall that too in the first few weeks. I was nervous and we waited until 6 weeks and then I felt a little crampy/tuggy there after and I was like "Oh no!"
. I think it lasted about 20 minutes (though can''t recall cuz I fell asleep). It seemed to stop happening fairly quickly too, I think after two weeks or so? Now I don''t notice anything except that things feel a lot different with a uterus the size of a cantaloup!
The uterus contracts with the Big O, so it isn''t suprising that it would feel strange when pregnoid, or that it might be sensitive in the first few weeks.

Thanks Dreamer. That helps I think...

My DH is all worried now and has said that he wants to wait a while... BOO!!!!!!!!!!!

Hopefully this won''t continue for any length of time.
Yoooohoooooo! Neatfreak & Kaaaaay! I need yer collective advice gals.

So, here''s the situation. You may recall that my mama is undergoing chemo for stage 4 cancer right now. I went to spend a couple of weeks with her in the summer while she was recovering from her surgery, and since then my brothers have each taken a turn going to stay with her. Anyway, she''s got 2 more treatments after the one she''s having today and she is really, really depressed. My brother left yesterday, and a mini-e-mail-conference between us kids suggests that the only thing keeping her upbeat, other than the impending grandkids, are the visits from the kids. So we''ve got 6 more weeks to cover.

Which is a long way of saying, would it be crazy for me to go see her? We''re talking a 12-14 hour trip here and I will be 19-22ish weeks along at my first chance to head over. So I''m asking you two because Neatfreak was very recently that far along with twins and probably remembers what it was like, and whether a major plane trip would be even thinkable and Kay, you went to Europe when quite far along didn''t you?

Anyone else with experiences or thoughts please chime in too of course!

Obviously, I''ll clear it with the doctors first.

But just in terms of conceivableness in the comfort department, is this a crazy plan?

It breaks my heart talking to mom on the phone these days. She''s really a big mess.

Lindsay, sorry you''re so sick! All I can say that might be any comfort at all is that being THIS sick means there''s a very low chance you''ll lose the embryo! Severe morning sickness is a huge protective factor. STill, YUCK! I hope your doc can help you.
Indy - Wow
you look great! I have been waiting for a pic of you & the boys. I think I have body dysmorphia b/c I always think others look waaay smaller than me. Like I can''t get a handle on my own, real dimensions. I am nervuos about my first real weigh-in at the OB''s at the end of the month. The RE never did the usual weight-check, urine checks, blood pressure checks. I can tell that my blood pressure has definitely dropped since I am dizzy when changing positions in bed and getting up from the couch these days. Good maternity buys! Be prepared for maybe needing bigger sizes as things progress. I was shocked that I had to buy larger sizes around 32 weeks or so!

LIA - Unbelievable all belly photos! You too have a great unmade bed (like DD) - LOL! Where do you have the patience for all the knitting?

Lili - Yeah, my kid never took a nap in the day either! She''s just not a real sleeper-type (unfortunate as I am an ancient crone). Awesome that the BFing is still going well. What a commitment.

Lindsey - I hope you can get some Zofran stat! NF/DD had some great advice.

C&S - Can you apply for FMLA? Have to have worked for same co. for app. 1 yr. You get 12 weeks protected leave w/ portion paid depending on delivery (SDI component). DH gets 12 weeks pd. for "bonding" to be used in calendar year from date of birth.

DD/Mela - As to DTD, I have zero desire. Sometimes I feel like I want to but that it''s so much effort and messy and I''m all bloaty with strange sensations of pressure and sensitivity all at the same time. Poor DH. Maybe I ruined myself after 9 weeks of placing progesterone suppositories in the who-ha.

I went to a local spa/resort over the weekend and honestly felt at a loss at trying to "relax." I had a pre-natal massage and facial. The spa was amazing w/ 2 jacuzzi''s (I avoided of course) a steam room and sauna, lap pools w/ incredible gardens and Moroccan design. They had a water infusion of cucumbers, oranges and lemons w/ unlimited green/red apples. Everything smelled like lavender essential oil.

It felt like something was missing.....well, the little bean was at home and strange to say but I missed her even during that brief respite. Have I lost all capacity to be w/ myself? It wasn''t annoying or frustrating just very apparent. Perhaps this is one side effect of staying home and no daycare.

The day was nice. It was strange to force relaxation and sorta fight it at the same time. A lot of toxins must have been released b/c I spent yest. recuperating from my glorious spa day feeling completely trashed.
Hi ladies,

Just a quick check-in: I''m 38 weeks now and just had my weekly doc appt. Looks like the cervix is still closed, so nothing imminent happening! Good thing because I''m not quite ready and no bag packed! I lost a pound too, so I suppose that''s good because the weight gain was getting scary.

Curly~how are you doing? Are you still working? I''m working from home--suggested by them. I was getting the feeling they wanted me home as much as I did! I''m in finance so kind of relieved to be in "protected status" safe at home for now...hehe. Hope you''re doing well!
WHOA! You''re almost there Janine! Good luck in this home stretch!!! :)
Lisa - so sorry that you were having a hard time relaxing.
It''s nice that you were able to get away though. What a treat. Hope you feel better soon

Let's see, first things first, I would check with your Dr. My doc doesn't want me traveling anywhere far away after 26 weeks just because of the twin factor and also that it's my first pregnancy. He said it personally would make him uncomfortable. Because your boys are higher risk I don't know if your doc has an even lower threshold?

But if your doc gives you the A-ok, you'll be fine I think. My take on it is that I am uncomfortable pretty much no matter where I am, so you might as well go be with your mom and be uncomfy there! I don't know where she is, but remember that she lives in quite the swanky home, so my only concern would be is there good medical care in her country? Or at least accessible to her with her position? If so, then I'd go. If not, I would probably err towards staying home just because of the potential risk to the boys.

You'll need to drink tons of water, get up all the time during the flight (you're at a higher risk of blood clots while preggo), and you'll generally be really uncomfortable. So I would try your best to get an aisle seat at the least (and a first class seat at the best!) to make yourself more comfy. As long as you get up and walk around a lot on the plane it won't be much different than couch surfing for an entire day right?

Hope that helps!
Janine, isn''t it crazy to be 38 weeks?! We''ll be holding new babies in less than 2 weeks--hopefully! At my appointment last week, I was 1 cm. dilated and the baby was still head down but not engaged yet. I go back tomorrow and have to see one of the other doctors in the practice because mine is on vacation. I would be surprised if I have had more progress because I really haven''t felt anything going on down there but you never know! I''m still going to work and I think it''s keeping me sane!!! I would go nuts at home and I don''t think I''d be able to concentrate. It''s better for me to get out of the house. I''m glad you''re safe with all the craziness going on in your field. Scary stuff. Don''t think about it--concentrate on your baby!! Have you packed your bag yet? I put a few things in a bag yesterday but I''m not officially done yet. I have to get on that...
Date: 9/15/2008 11:47:53 AM
Author: mela lu
Thanks Dreamer. That helps I think...

My DH is all worried now and has said that he wants to wait a while... BOO!!!!!!!!!!!

Hopefully this won''t continue for any length of time.
Can you call the doctor and check what he/she says to put his mind at ease? It''s understandable that he is extra cautious, he may be feeling more anxious than he lets on after the loss last time.
Date: 9/15/2008 1:40:55 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Date: 9/15/2008 11:47:53 AM

Author: mela lu

Thanks Dreamer. That helps I think...

My DH is all worried now and has said that he wants to wait a while... BOO!!!!!!!!!!!


Hopefully this won''t continue for any length of time.

Can you call the doctor and check what he/she says to put his mind at ease? It''s understandable that he is extra cautious, he may be feeling more anxious than he lets on after the loss last time.

Yuppers. i think he is Dreamer. He doesn''t even want to tell his family yet. Mine know...his does not. (his choice). He''s SUPER nervous.
Lindsey, good luck! I really hope you feel better soon!

mela, I think I remember getting some minor cramps after an O early in my pregnancy but it's been so long I can't remember!

Indy, sorry I can't give you any advice about traveling while pregnant because I didn't take any trips. I know with a singleton traveling in the 2nd trimester is okay but I'm not sure about with twins. My thoughts are with you, your mom, and family. I hope she feels better soon.

Lisa, aww I'm sorry you weren't able to enjoy your spa day and you missed your little girl. The spa sure sounds nice though!

janine and curly, yay you ladies are so close! I can't wait to meet your baby girls!

I'm 35 weeks today! It feels weird to be in the home stretch. If I go early, I could have a baby in a few weeks! Ekkk! I have an appointment on Wednesday and I'm actually excited about it. I'm going to stop bed rest and taking my medicine on Wednesday so we'll see how that goes. I'm nervous. I think I'll have a lot of contractions once I stop taking the medicine. I hope I get an internal exam to see if I've made any progress. I don't know how things are suppose to feel down there in the weeks leading up to labor but I think I feel something going on? I need to start packing my bag too this week in case anything happens. I have been really emotional lately. I started sobbing yesterday as I was trying to go to sleep. I don't even know what started it and I could not stop! I miss my DH - thank goodness he's back tomorrow night!
IG, you have to check with your doc. My doc didn''t want me to fly at 26 weeks with a SINGLETON but I had bought tickets to Australia even before I was pregnant.

So I went...15 hours to Oz at 26 weeks on the way there, 29 back home. Honestly, it SUCKED and I will never do it again. My feet swelled like balloons, and prior to this, I had no swelling whatsoever. Needing to pee on a plane all the time is no fun either.

My doc said it''s not really the plane ride that is the''s that when people go on vacation, they over exert themselves without really realizing it. It''s wonderfully sweet of you to want to go see your mom, and honestly, I''d feel the same as you. But with you having twins (and reading from you it''s a higher risk pregnancy), I would not do it. We had a lot of turbulence on the way back and I didn''t like being tossed around even with the seatbelt low across my hip and not really on my tummy.

However, that said, if you do choose to go, I have faith you will be fine.
Indy I have no advice for you, but my heart goes out to you and all the stressful things you have in your life. Stealing Tgals words "have faith that you will be fine". {{{hugs lady}}}
woohoo curly and janine!
you two ladies are sooo close.
do remember to check in with us often else we may think that you guys went into labor :)

yay for hitting the 35 wk mark and also nearing the end of your bedrest.
have bebe boy lee stay put for another couple of weeks

i have no advice, but do want to echo TGal''s sentiments.
hope you get the ok from the dr to visit your mum.

i agree with the other ladies in talking to your dr about some medication.
my sister was hit hard with ms when she carried her first.
she couldn''t keep anything down until the dr gave her some medicine (sorry don''t know what the medicine was).
hope the ms passes soon for you.
Thanks NF, T'Gal, lili, mela and others for your good wishes and advice. I'm definitely not going to make a decision until after I talk to the doctors tomorrow. To be honest, I really don't want to go. I think I will be miserable on the plane. And DH is REALLY against me going because if something happened, we don't know what kind of care I'd get. Good care is available for sure, and my mom has connections so that we could find a good doctor, but in an emergency there might not be time to find someone I'd trust with the special circumstance. So DH is all 'Don't goooo!'

I'm feeling the pressure of my conflicting duties to my mom, my husband, and my fetoids. All I know is, if anything happened to the Cubs, the person least able to handle it would be my mom. So even she is saying 'Don't come unless it's 100% safe'.

We'll see what the docs say.

OK, so how cute is this? DH is meeting a lot of people at his new workplace and whenever he calls to tell me about them (we're apart 4 days a week this year) the first thing he always tells me is "And H has 3 children. He says xyz about having babies. THen I also met this fellow called W who has an 18 month old. He was telling me it's the greatest thing ever but ...." Apparently, kids is all DH is thinking about, because it's all he seems to be talking about with other people! Awww. Shweet.

Tomorrow's the big appt. Ultrasound to see if the boys meet those safety markers (which I feel confident they will) and also I should find out what the deal is with the OB/Maternal-Fetal-Sepecialists face-off. Whoooose cup will I peeee in?!? This I long to know. By the way, I did talk to the head OB of the insurance's "home practice" and he saw my point of view and we settled on him hashing it out with the specialists. I was VERY clear about my preference for ONE set of doctors at ONE practice, and that at the very least I would be seen twice a month at MFM for an ultrasound and consult to screen for TTTS, and they (the specialists) would be present at the delivery.

So, we'll see if I get my way, or if I have to pee in cups all over town.

American health care is the craziest thing in the world, I tell you!
Date: 9/16/2008 4:29:26 PM
Author: Independent Gal

I''m feeling the pressure of my conflicting duties to my mom, my husband, and my fetoids. All I know is, if anything happened to the Cubs, the person least able to handle it would be my mom. So even she is saying ''Don''t come unless it''s 100% safe''.
Indy I am so sorry that you are having to deal with this and that your poor mum is having to fight so hard right now instead of just sitting back and enjoying becoming a double-grandmama! But I think your whole family, mama included, would say that your duties fall in this order: Fetoids, fetoids, fetoids. You love your mom, she knows you love her, but you have little babies to think of! I would have the same worries as your DH: what if they have different protocals about dealing with your type of pregnancy in your mother''s home country? I don''t mean poor care, but *different* care that you aren''t comfortable with? Anyhoo, I know you will do whatever if safest in the end. Do you talk to you mom on videophone at all, like using skype or somthing? It is more personal to see each other and it may make you feel more present in her support even if you can''t be there personally.
Thanks DD! Yes, their safety is the number 1 concern.

I love the videophone / skype idea. I''ve tried to get my parents to use it before but they hit a small set-up obstacle and just give up.
Maybe I''ll call a tech savvy neighbour and get him to go over and just DO it for them. I do think that would make a lot of difference. I''m going to give it another go. Thanks for the idea!

Ok. So. Exhausted. Still lots of work to do this evening so I better get off PS!
Hey guys -- just checking in (still pregnant

Had an appt with the peri today and the girls are looking big and healthy so far -- my baby a is measuring 7 days ahead and is 5 lbs 3oz and my baby b is measuring 9 days ahead and is 5 lbs 5 oz! Fluid/cords/membrane/hearts all looked good, so it was a happy appt

Snlee -- congrats on making it to week 35 and the almost end of bedrest!! woo-hoo!

Indy -- i'm among the "better safe than sorry" group... doctors' advice would be best. Have a good appt tomorrow

Curly and Janine -- it's the home stretch! Can't wait to meet the newest PS babies soon!

LIA, NF, Lisa, Blen, Kay, all our "newbies" and everyone else I missed (sorry!)-- hi!! Hoping you are all doing/feeling well!

32w 6d
ps girls still need middle names -- will hit you all up for advice/opinions later or tomorrow, so put your thinking caps on
We just heard the heartbeat! The little monster was trying to hide behind my pubic bone, so it was a little hard to find, but my mw finally got it.
Sorry to not respond to anyone, but we just got home and I''m already ready for bed. I''ll try to check in tomorrow.

Date: 9/16/2008 4:29:26 PM
Author: Independent Gal
Thanks NF, T''Gal, lili, mela and others for your good wishes and advice. I''m definitely not going to make a decision until after I talk to the doctors tomorrow. To be honest, I really don''t want to go. I think I will be miserable on the plane. And DH is REALLY against me going because if something happened, we don''t know what kind of care I''d get. Good care is available for sure, and my mom has connections so that we could find a good doctor, but in an emergency there might not be time to find someone I''d trust with the special circumstance. So DH is all ''Don''t goooo!''

I''m feeling the pressure of my conflicting duties to my mom, my husband, and my fetoids. All I know is, if anything happened to the Cubs, the person least able to handle it would be my mom. So even she is saying ''Don''t come unless it''s 100% safe''.

We''ll see what the docs say.
Sorry I didn''t see your post yesterday. I was at 25 weeks when we flew to France and 27 when we came back (I think I had gained about 15 pounds at that point to give you an idea of my size). Until my risk factors with the placenta cleared, I was banned from traveling. My doctor was concerned both with the 14-16 hours in transit, and also with whether I could get to an appropriate specialist quickly in the event of an emergency while in a foreign country. I would be surprised if your Dr. clears you for travel. Even if he does, the stress of worrying something might go wrong the whole trip would not be good for you.

Health and safety concerns aside, it will not be a comfortable trip, but it is doable if you choose to go. I am never comfortable on a plane, but it was worse being pregnant (especially since I couldn''t drug myself to sleep). You must have an aisle seat! Try to get a bulkhead or exit row seat if you cannot fly first class. Drink lots of water -- the flight attendants are more sympathetic when you are pregnant. I got up every 2 hours to pee and stretch my legs. I never sleep well on planes, so I watched a lot of in-flight moves, read, did cross-stitch, etc. I bought inflatable neck and lumbar support pillows at Brookstone, and those helped. Pack some healthy snacks for the flight.

In your situation, I would probably not go. I realize how badly you want to be with your mom, but the cubs have to be your first concern right now because they are 100% dependent upon you. It''s not the same as being there, but you can talk with your mom regularly on the phone or webcams. She would feel terrible if anything happened to the cubs -- even if it was not related to the trip, she would probably wonder and feel guilty.
Date: 9/16/2008 9:44:06 PM
Author: Blenheim
We just heard the heartbeat! The little monster was trying to hide behind my pubic bone, so it was a little hard to find, but my mw finally got it.
Sorry to not respond to anyone, but we just got home and I''m already ready for bed. I''ll try to check in tomorrow.

YAY, isn''t that the best sound ever.

If it were me, I''d stay home. But I know it''s a hard decision.

Yay for getting to this point. I know how thrilled you must be.
Indy If the care in her country is AT ALL questionable AND you don''t really want to go, I wouldn''t go. I know it''ll be hard for your mom, but I am sure she wants nothing more than safe arrival of her grandbabies.
Lisa, I believe you can have a massage at any point during pregnancy, as long as the massage therapist has adequate training in doing pre-natal massages. I think many spas refuse to do first trimester massages because the miscarriage rate in general is the highest then, and they do not want to be sued if a woman miscarries after having a massage (even if the mc was not related). It is a good idea to ask your Dr. if it is okay to have massages, particularly if you have any high risk indicators. Here is some info you might find useful (this is from the website of the massage therapist I use):

Snlee, we finished “Laugh and Learn” over the weekend and now feel much better informed (although still not ready). I have heard great things about "The Happiest Baby on the Block." The online catalog shows our library has a copy, so we are going to check it out soon. Yay to reaching 35 weeks and going off bedrest!
I hope your appt goes well tomorrow.

Indy, love the belly shot – what a cute twin momma you are! The gray cashmere wrap sweater sounds yummy.

Jen, I think I would switch banks.
Yay for a good appt today!

LIA, cute pics (your hubby is crazy, you look great)! Isn’t it amazing what a difference 24 weeks makes? Glad to hear you won’t have to go past 39 weeks. I just love your adorable knitting projects – you are a talented lady.

Lili, I think we need some new pictures of your little darling.

Lindsay, I didn’t suffer from bad m/s (mild to moderate all day nausea, but not throwing up), but I did find it helped to force myself to eat at least a light breakfast right away. Dry whole grain cheerios (actually the Kashi variation of cheerios) worked well for me. I had very strong food aversions for 7-8 weeks, even to foods I normally loved. I actually lost 5 lbs during the first tri because I could not force myself to eat enough. Try to stay well hydrated.

Pandora, glad to hear the cramps went away.

Mrs, congrats on making it to the second trimester!

Janine and Curly, yay on reaching 38 weeks!
You are so close now! I can’t wait to see baby pics and read your L&D stories.

Blen, that is so exciting you got to hear the heartbeat!

I am at 36 weeks now. We are having an ultrasound (not 3D) at my Dr. appt tomorrow, and I cannot wait to see Wiggleworm again. She has been moving so much, and we guess what body part we are seeing based on where she was several weeks ago, but it will be nice to confirm she is in the same (head down) position. I imagine she will look very different now, especially her face.

My shower was the weekend before last, and it was a lot of fun. My mom was in town and was so happy she got to go – this is the first grandchild on both sides of the family, so they are all very excited. We received several cute outfits, a baby monitor, mobile, toys, and a very generous BRU gift card (group gift). This Sunday, DH and I went to BRU and purchased everything we think we’ll need for the first few weeks: car seat, 180 diapers, wipes, Butt Paste, changing pad and covers, bathtub, hooded towels & washcloths, shampoo/body wash, moisturizer, thermometer, medicine spoons & syringes, brush, comb, nail clippers, and receiving blankets. We also went to a Carters outlet and bought a few footed sleepers, long and short sleeve T’s, and socks in the newborn size. We already had plenty of 0-3 month clothing, plus caps and mittens. I am sure we managed to forget something, so DH will probably be making an emergency run to BRU or Target after she is born.

The crib and other nursery furniture will not arrive until December, so baby girl will be sleeping in our room initially. We are thinking of having her sleep in the bassinet attachment for our stroller since it is pretty big. We will have to rig a waterproof pad and sheet to fit it. Has anyone else tried this? If it does not work, DH will run to BRU and buy a co-sleeper or Pack n Play.
Check in from me, the boys are behaving well, kicking up a storm which is fun. We''re at the point already where I can see them kicking from the outside which is completely creepy but very cool at the same time.

We painted the boys cribs (well, my mom did when she was visiting this last week, she insisted!) a lovely color called Admiral Blue (courtesy of the Fall 2008 Pottery Barn swatch book) and my MIL just bought us mattresses which arrived today. So I am hoping DH can put the cribs together this weekend and paint the nursery. VERY excited that she bought us the mattresses, such a big expense out of the way. She said she wants to buy their car seats too, wahoo! I''m not going to complain here.

Random question about coats for those who have done the winter baby thing before WHAT did you wear??? It gets very very cold here, for now I am doing the open coat thing, but that won''t work once it gets really cold. BUT I don''t want to buy a coat for just a few months unless it''s super cheap OR it''s something I can wear while not preggo. Anyone find any great wraps or anything?

That''s it from here for now, hope everyone is doing well!!!!

24 weeks, 3 days
Date: 9/16/2008 10:19:55 PM
Author: Kay
We are thinking of having her sleep in the bassinet attachment for our stroller since it is pretty big. We will have to rig a waterproof pad and sheet to fit it. Has anyone else tried this?
Our friends'' babies both spent the first weeks/months of their lives like this and it worked fine for them! Should be okay for you too, I''d imagine.