
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Date: 9/27/2008 12:40:32 PM
Author: Independent Gal

As for your friends, it only costs about $100 to find out if you're ID or not. That's $50 each!
I would totally pay that, wouldn't you? It's a kit they send you. you swab some saliva (or something) and send in the sample and then they run the scans and tell you if you have the same DNA or not.

Are your pal and her sis otherwise really hard to tell apart?

I would totally pay it (and we fully plan on paying it to find out about our boys!) but her parents are weird (for example, they refused to tell them who was the older twin until they had to give them their birth certificates at 16 for driver's licenses). And they at this point want to respect their parents wishes I guess.

I've never met her sister in person, but in pictures when they were kids they are impossible to tell apart. Now they are much easier to tell apart in pictures because they have different haircuts/highlights, wear different makeup, etc. But if both had their hair pulled back with the same clothes on and no makeup it would be pretty hard.

ETA: And it looks like that 25% is about right. Crazy! I thought it was even rarer than that. But I guess when you consider the rarity of being ID twins in the first place it's still pretty rare. How cool!
Good Luck Snlee!!!! Thinking of you!

Pandora - how are you feeling my queesy sister? I feel for you...

Indy - so so so so so cool about the ID''s. It''s such a miracle of nature.

Thats all for me because I have zero to report. Booooooooooooring.

I''m 6 weeks today.
Date: 9/27/2008 4:51:56 PM
Author: mela lu
Good Luck Snlee!!!! Thinking of you!

Pandora - how are you feeling my queesy sister? I feel for you...

Indy - so so so so so cool about the ID's. It's such a miracle of nature.

Thats all for me because I have zero to report. Booooooooooooring.

I'm 6 weeks today.
Just checking in to see if there's any news from Snlee...

Mela, still feeling pretty bad - still constant nausea, but nothing like I was the other day thank goodness. I actually cried in the chemists when they said they didn't have anything. I'm not eating a lot, but I'm not throwing it up again either which is progress!

I've had two appointments through - both of which I have to change as they're when DH and I are on our honeymoon. One for my booking appointment and the other from my hospital's Maternal Mental Health team - I'm very impressed. They have a whole unit that looks after and supports women with mental health issues (I have Bipolar Type II) during the whole antenatal and postnatal periods. Statistically your chance of PPD (and in particular post-partum psychosis) is around 1/1000, but if you have bipolar affective disorder your chances are 1/4 so they aim to indentify and treat potential problems in advance.

It means I have someone specialised who I can go and talk to and get advice about my stress-levels (severely awful right now), my terrible temper and my meds etc.

I've found a place near to us which does private U/S for $150 so DH and I are thinking of having one done just before we go to Sri Lanka just to check that everything looks as normal as it can at 8/9 weeks (and confirm that I'm only having ONE BABY). My father thinks I'm crazy, but I'd feel happier I think.

Indy, the feet scan is just gorgeous!
Mela- I will b 6 weeks monday..we in the club lol...I saw my 2 cute lil bean-like sacs in the u/s...did u do u/s yet??
Thought I pass this info on this thread.


CurlyGirl now has two beautiful baby girls!
Lucy Rose was born yesterday morning at 7:33 am, 7 lbs 14 ozs!!!
She said her water broke at around 3am and after getting her epidural she pushed her out in 15 minutes!!!
Baby Lucy and mama are doing great and she said she will post her story soon!

Congrats Lily, Curly and Mr Curly!!!
After 20.5 hours of labor, 4.5 hours of pushing, and no drugs, Derek was born at 5:13pm on Friday, September 26, 2008. He weighed 6 lbs 7 oz and was 20.5 inches long.

He''s very healthy for 3 weeks early. His Apgar score was 8 and 9. I''m a proud mommy.

I fell instantly in love with him when I first saw him. Even his little (and not so little) cries are cute. He''s beautiful.

Pictures and L&D story to come later. I only slept 3 hours in the last 2.5 days.
oh Pandora I'm so happy that you're finding out all this good info now. It will certainly put your mind at ease. Great news girl.
Sorry your m/s is still lurking but glad to hear you've come away from the washroom floor

NYCBK - Forgot to say YEY about your two lickle sacks! such great news. Sending you tons of sticky thoughts! I think there is something to be said of high betas = twins. Hooray for another set of PS twins!

As for me, no ultrasounds are done here in Canada until 11-12wks. I have an appt booked for Nov 6th with my midwife, and an ultrasound should follow that initial appt. In a way it's good because it reinforces the fact that there is nothing I can do but wait. I'm halfway through my 12 week wait already. YEY!


Congratulations Curly on the birth of Lucy
Welcome to the world Derek!!! you little troublemaker! We're so happy you've finally arrived!!!!!!!!
Date: 9/27/2008 5:54:13 PM
Author: lili
Thought I pass this info on this thread.


CurlyGirl now has two beautiful baby girls!
Lucy Rose was born yesterday morning at 7:33 am, 7 lbs 14 ozs!!!
She said her water broke at around 3am and after getting her epidural she pushed her out in 15 minutes!!!
Baby Lucy and mama are doing great and she said she will post her story soon!

Congrats Lily, Curly and Mr Curly!!!
How exciting!!! Congrats Curly!!! Welcome baby Lucy! Does that mean Derek and Lucy share the same birthday? Although I am jealous, I am glad to hear you had a FAST and smooth delivery!


Welcome to Derek and Lucy Rose!
CONGRATS curlygirl!!
Can''t wait to see pictures!

snlee you are my hero, that''s a long labour with no meds I am so proud of you for sticking to what you wanted and believe in! I cannot wait to hear your story!
YAAAAAAAAAAAY for Curly and SNLEE!!!! Welcome Derek and Lucy!

So exciting. Glad to hear things are going well! Can't wait to hear all about it. And I'im really proud of you too, SNLEE for sticking to the plan. Superwoman!

Mela happy six weeks! That's a great milestone.

NYCB, just a head's up, in case you didn't know, that about 70% of pregnancies that start out as twins end up with only one bebe, often before the parents even realize and before one of the blastocysts makes it to embryo status. Just so you don't set your mind around "We're having twins!!" and tell everyone that before you see those two heartbeats. Not to be a downer, but in this case you should really be prepared and know how completely normal and natural it is because of the odds are so extremely high that only one develops. It's called "Vanishing Twin" The good news is that if that should happen it won't affect your pregnancy in any way. The sac just gets absorbed into your body and broken down. Often without even any bleeding. Won't affect the other embryo at all.

OK, now that I've been a downer, there's still a 30% chance that you WILL have twins! I can't wait to find out and I'm crossing all my digits for you.
Congrats curly n snlee!!! Wow 1 had a speedy LD and the other a marathon!...snlee girl u r a fighter G-d bless ya !lol

Mela- omg I would go absolutely insane if I had 2 wait 11 weeks for u/s...I couldn''t even wait til 7 I did it yesterday @ 5wks4days lol...I look @ the pic all the time...u can''t see anything but a bean but still I know they are there! This is such a hard waiting so scared...I want them 2 just keep growing..I try 2 b resting as much as possible duno if that helps..can''t wait 4 12 wks! But yes we 1/2 way there girl ;)
My first scan is at 12wks 3days. Hence why DH and I are thinking of paying for an earlier one at a private clinic. Seems to be a very different system in the US!
Indy- thanks for the heads up girl I will prepare myself for whatever happens but im not sure the odds u are talkin about are for in vitro babies...bc with invitro multiples are actually more common than singletons...bc the embryos are already in excellent grade quality when they are put in u they act like 2 individual singletons unlike a regular pregnancy where the 1 embryo divides etc...I may be wrong but in any event for now 2 but whatever is in the cards will be ;)...1 is bigger than the other...and im sure girls are maybe there is a boy n a girl in our future..huh huh lol
Date: 9/27/2008 5:54:13 PM
Author: lili
Thought I pass this info on this thread.


CurlyGirl now has two beautiful baby girls!
Lucy Rose was born yesterday morning at 7:33 am, 7 lbs 14 ozs!!!
She said her water broke at around 3am and after getting her epidural she pushed her out in 15 minutes!!!
Baby Lucy and mama are doing great and she said she will post her story soon!

Congrats Lily, Curly and Mr Curly!!!
Congrats Curly girl and Mr CG on the birth of Lucy Rose (This is my DD name and I of course love it!!!
Congratulations Snlee and Mr Snl on the birth of Derek
Date: 9/27/2008 7:12:38 PM
Author: nycbkgirl
Indy- thanks for the heads up girl I will prepare myself for whatever happens but im not sure the odds u are talkin about are for in vitro babies...bc with invitro multiples are actually more common than singletons...bc the embryos are already in excellent grade quality when they are put in u they act like 2 individual singletons unlike a regular pregnancy where the 1 embryo divides etc...I may be wrong but in any event for now 2 but whatever is in the cards will be ;)...1 is bigger than the other...and im sure girls are maybe there is a boy n a girl in our future..huh huh lol

Hey, you''re right! I just had a poke around, and it looks like the incidence is more like 30-40% for IVF pregnancies. So your odds are much better. Phew! Hurray.

By the way, the overwhelming majority of spontaneous twin pregnancies also involve two separate embryos. Fraternal twins happen when the mama releases two separate eggs, sometimes even on separate days (though usually within 24 hours) each of which get fertilized by different sperm. So they are different DNA-wise. Without IVF, that happens about 1/80 or 1/90 times.

When a single egg is fertilized by a single sperm and then that egg splits (so, you see, all the DNA is the same...same sperm, same egg), then the twins are identical or "monozygotic" because the genes they got from ma and pa are exactly the same. That happens about 3/1000 or 4/1000 times.

Your twins would be fraternal twins, but so (probably) are Neatfreak''s, Jen''s, Jas''s, and Ellaila''s. I say probably because you can''t always know for sure until they are born and tested - unless one is a boy and one is a girl - because some 30% of monozygotic twins (identical ones) grow in separate sacs. You only know they are identibots in the womb if they are in the same chorionic sac (one black blob on the u/s).

Anyway, all teh koooky fun of twinkies! Let''s hope you''re adding another pair!
BIG CONGRATS to SNLEE AND CURLY!!!!! Welcome to the world Lucy and Derek!!!!!!!

I cannot wait to see pictures!
Congratulations to the new mommies and daddies!!!!!


Hope you''re recovering well!!
Yay for twinkies! :)
Boy do I want it 2 b oct 8th already for our lil heartbeats! Thanks for all the cool info..I didn''t know about the whole natural processes of having twins...isn''t nature so exciting lol...fraternal is great in my book..boy and girl would be a whole package deal but hey either way ;)
Hello to Lucy and Derek!!!

Congrats curley and snlee! I''m so happy for you and your familiesi!
Congratulations Snlee and CurlyGirl! Welcome to the world, Derek and Lucy!
Congrats to our troopers, SNLEE and CURLY! Welcome to your little ones! Thanks for bringing two more blessings into the world!
Date: 9/27/2008 5:54:13 PM
Author: lili
Thought I pass this info on this thread.


CurlyGirl now has two beautiful baby girls!
Lucy Rose was born yesterday morning at 7:33 am, 7 lbs 14 ozs!!!
She said her water broke at around 3am and after getting her epidural she pushed her out in 15 minutes!!!
Baby Lucy and mama are doing great and she said she will post her story soon!

Congrats Lily, Curly and Mr Curly!!!
Welcome Lucy Rose!!!
Congrats to Curly and family! Only 15 minutes of pushing -- where do I sign up for one of those?
Date: 9/27/2008 5:56:07 PM
Author: snlee
After 20.5 hours of labor, 4.5 hours of pushing, and no drugs, Derek was born at 5:13pm on Friday, September 26, 2008. He weighed 6 lbs 7 oz and was 20.5 inches long.

He's very healthy for 3 weeks early. His Apgar score was 8 and 9. I'm a proud mommy.

I fell instantly in love with him when I first saw him. Even his little (and not so little) cries are cute. He's beautiful.

Pictures and L&D story to come later. I only slept 3 hours in the last 2.5 days.
I've been thinking about you today, Snlee. Welcome Derek!!
I'm so glad to hear he is here safe and sound after the drama of the last several weeks. It's been a rough road for you, girl, but it sounds like it was all worth it.
oh my goodness--i''m so glad i checked in, CONGRATS SNLEE and CURLY!!

I feel so lonely at the top! eek!

I can''t wait to read the birth stories and see some pics, so exciting!
Congratulations new mommies! Enjoy your beautiful babies!
Congrats to snlee and curly. We can''t wait to meet Dereck and Lucy Rose. Rest well Mommies!!!!
CONGRATULATIONS CURLY AND SNLEE!!!!!!!!! I am SO happy for you, your families and your new little ones and can''t wait to see pics of those gorgeous PS babies!

What a crazy day -- so glad I checked in to catch up.

Indy, yay for being half-way to term!
Glad the talk with your boss went so well – it’s nice to have a back-up plan. Those tiny feet are so precious!

Mela, congrats on getting accepted to your midwives clinic! You are brave to do the Brazilian now. I’m afraid I have let maintenance slide (especially since I can’t see my bikini zone on the shower anymore) – no one warned me the Dr. would do a swab at my 36 week appointment – I would have shaved if I had known – I was so embarrassed.

Jen, way to rock that belly girl – you look great. Sounds like your girls are little tricksters. Good for you for getting your bag packed.

Blen, congrats on getting the promotion you wanted! Your knitting projects are so cute -- I would totally wear that sweater if it was my size. I love your photo montage – I can see the difference, but you are still pretty tiny.

LIA, sounds like your parents are really excited to be grandparents. You’ll have to post pics of the Bloomie’s Moses basket.

Pandora, sorry you are suffering so much with m/s. I was nauseous all day, not just in the mornings, but it was not as severe as yours sounds.

DD, if irritability is a sign of labor my DH is going to be really confused too.
Nice photo montage – cute baby belly!

Lisa, glad you had a fun playdate.

Puffy, that’s amazing you didn’t know you were in labor! Sounds like a fast, easy L&D.

Sbde, congrats on 23 weeks – time is flying.

Lili, glad to hear I’m not the only crazy, last minute gal.

Nycbk, congrats on seeing your two little sacs!

Neatfreak, I love the names Dexter and Elliot. Thanks for posting the list of warning signs.

Janine, you are so close girl! It is so weird to be that close to the top of the list! I just wish we knew what is going on with Eph.

I have been so lazy today -- my big accomplishment was doing 3 loads of laundry. Now I am just chilling while DH is at a party. I begged off on going because I just did not feel up to making small talk with people who can drink when I can''t. The couch and Tivo sounded better!
Congratulations, Curly & Snlee!!!!! How exciting!!!! Cant wait to see pics!!!!