
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Good luck. Hope the 6th IS the charm.
Snlee I know you are gonna do awesome!!!!! We are all here pulling for you and can''t wait to hear your story when you are back and recovering. I hope this time is the time!!!! Take care!
YAY SNLEE!!! good luck. hope you have a smooth delivery!
woohoo snlee

good luck and have a speedy L&D.
can''t wait to meet your little boy!
love your little bump -- so cute.
and you are so talented with your crocheting.
yay for the normal result from the genetic test

ditto what tgal said :)
you look absolutely radiant.
not too much longer for you too huh?

cute u/s of your little one''s feet.
hope your contractions will cease a bit so that you can get a better night sleep.

yay for the status quo.
keep that baby in there and continue baking for 6 more weeks.

wow, 23 wks already?
it seemed like just yesterday that i congratulated you on your announcement.

hang in there...the woes of first trimester will be over before you know it.
snlee, good luck girl! And I KNEW the baking would get you going. You laugh, but here on Pricescope, we know two things...Baking Brings on Babies and Save Your Pennies Cuz You''re Probably Gonna Have Twins.
Best of luck, Snlee!!! Wishing you lots of speedy/healthy L&D vibes!!!
just rolled out of bed but real quick...


i hope that there is wireless at her hospital so we can get an update. wth all of you guys (janine, curly, kay, jen) so close i am now entering the compulsive-ps-checking stage!!!

soooo excited. :)
Good luck snlee, I hope you get the birth you desire! Can''t wait to meet you little boy!

Here''s another belly shot montage, 13w0d versus 17w5d (today). My belly is starting to grow finally! A few people have noticed it!

PS: Just for you Lisa I made my bed

13w0d vs 17w5d.jpg

Boy you really look decidedly pregnoid, DD. Kinda fun, isn't it? At least for the moment. You look great!
Good luck snlee! Hopefully you''ll be back with baby pictures!
neatfreak - thanks for those numbers. i really feel like i'm not gaining enough weight and while there is still plenty of time left to do so i'm just not sure how much more i need to eat to get on track. is it still just the extra 300 calories a day that were specified for the first few mos?

indy - thanks for the link. it confirmed that i'm slightly below where i should be in terms of weight gain, esp since i had an underweight BMI to begin with. i'll bring it up with my dr. at my next appt and see if she is concerned or not.

lili - i can't quite believe it myself! for some reason i still feel newly preggo even though 23 wks is more than half way there! thanks for checking in on the preggo thread, i know i love lurking on the mommy one to see all the cute pictures of your little ones!

snlee - sending easy labour vibes your way!

dd - great belly shot!
SBDE I think as long as you are not dieting or resticting yourself and are following your hunger pangs, you body will gain what it gains, every woman is different! Let us know what you doctor says, but if you are underweight and haven''t gained much, then don''t worry about calories and eat what you like! Why not try to gain a little more?

Indy unfortunately, it real life I still look like I just have a pot belly, and since I am a zafteig woman to begin with, it is possible for people to think it isn''t baby and instead is just big belly
I think it will be unmistakeabe in another couple weeks, but for now I am just focusing on not giving a crap! LOL! DH loves the belly, he has taken to kissing it and singing songs to the baby.
DD looks like a baby belly to meeeee! My DH is all over my belly too. To the point where I had to say "Touching of the belly is by invitation only!" because otherwise he just wouldn''t leave me alone. We are trying not to talk to the fetoids too much yet because I think we''re both a little scared of bonding with them toooo much in case something happens. It''s kind of hard not to bond with them (duh) but we''re trying not to get carried away. After viability, we''ll be no holds barred!

DH does get down to belly height (not easy for 6''5") and tell them "Don''t kick your mummy!" when they give me a good wallop though. It is very cute.

Are you feeling kicks yet? I''ve got my first few bona fide kicks this week and they kinda hurt! DOH!
Date: 9/26/2008 12:13:23 PM
Author: sbde
neatfreak - thanks for those numbers. i really feel like i'm not gaining enough weight and while there is still plenty of time left to do so i'm just not sure how much more i need to eat to get on track. is it still just the extra 300 calories a day that were specified for the first few mos?

Yes, 300 cals extra a day is all you need as long as they are good calories coming from healthy things! But that being said, there is certainly no harm in trying to gain a few more lbs (notice I said a few!) now. But just know that MANY people (including myself) didn't gain much initially and then caught up later. If your doctor isn't worried, I wouldn't be either. Those numbers are just averages and numbers. Just don't diet or deprive yourself.

I think that's why it's more helpful to know the total you are supposed to gain than the weekly thing that was posted. Because everyone gains at different rates at different times and while there are certainly optimal growth periods, it's not like your baby is going to be a mutant if you don't gain the "correct" amount each week!
Date: 9/26/2008 2:12:21 PM
Author: Independent Gal

Are you feeling kicks yet? I've got my first few bona fide kicks this week and they kinda hurt! DOH!
No kicks yet, but I think it is a combo of the anterior placenta and my own personal padding
Both of which make it harder. My midwife said that it is hard to get the HB with the doppler b.c she has to angle it behind the placenta or it is like listening through a "pillow"... well I have double pillows getting in the way so I think it may take longer to feel the kicks! But I feel the bubbling more often now than a couple weeks ago. I suspect it will be 2 more weeks before full-on kicks.
Date: 9/26/2008 3:02:02 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Date: 9/26/2008 2:12:21 PM

Author: Independent Gal

Are you feeling kicks yet? I''ve got my first few bona fide kicks this week and they kinda hurt! DOH!

No kicks yet, but I think it is a combo of the anterior placenta and my own personal padding
Both of which make it harder. My midwife said that it is hard to get the HB with the doppler b.c she has to angle it behind the placenta or it is like listening through a ''pillow''... well I have double pillows getting in the way so I think it may take longer to feel the kicks! But I feel the bubbling more often now than a couple weeks ago. I suspect it will be 2 more weeks before full-on kicks.

Sad to say but the anterior placenta really does affect the kicks, not only when you start feeling them but also how hard they are! I know because Elliot has a posterior one and I feel him HARD and all the time, and Dexter has an anterior placenta and his kicks are so much more muffled and I felt him a good 3-4 weeks after Elliot. I just thought Dexter was the "quieter" one, but on the u/s he is always going nuts in there! I just can''t feel him nearly as readily as Elliot.
Hey stupid phone hasn''t been workin and haven''t been able to be on as much..
Congrats to snlee...can''t wait for details n pics!
Indy- those feet are 2 cute!!

So u were right afterall..I cound wait til oct8 for u/s so I went 2 regular OB and did it today im still there were 2 sacs :)..I guess u can''t see embryo yet...but of course with good news there''s bad news...I have a huge cyst from all the fertility meds and I have 2 be monitored now daily..ugh so upset about that ..but I do have my u/s pic of my 2 sacs which I can''t stop lookin at....thanks for support..will respond more later on
Snlee, sending easy labor vibes your way! Can''t wait to "meet" your lo!

Indy, sorry you are having it so rough with the contractions. At least your cervix is behaving. Keeping my fingers crossed teh fluid issue is a non-issue. Go cubs.

Pave, yay for normal chromosomes!

I had my weekly appointment yesterday. My belly is measuring the right size, wiggleworm has a strong heartbeat and moves a lot, and my strep test was negative, so everything is on track. The NP said the doctor will start doing internal exams to check my cervix next week (at 38 weeks). The NP also said the sharp pains in my pelvis are not BH, because those are felt higher up. She thought it was probably the baby''s head stretching my pelvis as she heads south. I have a feeling she will not come early, which is just as well because I need to work at least another week to finish outstanding projects -- so no baking for me! I am packing my bag this weekend though because DH is getting nervous. (I''m one of those people who packs her suitcases 3 hours before a flight, so this advance packing is a foreign concept to me.)

I have to get back to work, so I will read and respond to the rest of the posts later.
Date: 9/26/2008 2:12:21 PM
Author: Independent Gal
DD looks like a baby belly to meeeee! My DH is all over my belly too. To the point where I had to say ''Touching of the belly is by invitation only!'' because otherwise he just wouldn''t leave me alone. We are trying not to talk to the fetoids too much yet because I think we''re both a little scared of bonding with them toooo much in case something happens. It''s kind of hard not to bond with them (duh) but we''re trying not to get carried away. After viability, we''ll be no holds barred!

DH does get down to belly height (not easy for 6''5'') and tell them ''Don''t kick your mummy!'' when they give me a good wallop though. It is very cute.

Are you feeling kicks yet? I''ve got my first few bona fide kicks this week and they kinda hurt! DOH!
LOL, my DH does that too. He puts his face next to my belly and strokes it and says "be nice to mommy" when the lo gets on one of her kicking sprees.
Snlee, hope you are holding your little guy right now!!!
Date: 9/26/2008 4:08:04 PM
Author: jas
Snlee, hope you are holding your little guy right now!!!

ditto...thinking of you snlee!!!
Date: 9/26/2008 4:23:56 PM
Author: mrssalvo

Date: 9/26/2008 4:08:04 PM
Author: jas
Snlee, hope you are holding your little guy right now!!!

ditto...thinking of you snlee!!!
Thritto. Thinking of you tonight!!!
Hope the L&D goes smoothly Snlee!!!!
Date: 9/26/2008 3:07:45 PM
Author: neatfreak

Sad to say but the anterior placenta really does affect the kicks, not only when you start feeling them but also how hard they are! I know because Elliot has a posterior one and I feel him HARD and all the time, and Dexter has an anterior placenta and his kicks are so much more muffled and I felt him a good 3-4 weeks after Elliot. I just thought Dexter was the 'quieter' one, but on the u/s he is always going nuts in there! I just can't feel him nearly as readily as Elliot.
Tee hee, that is so cute you are calling them by their names! I am okay with not feeling too many kicks yet. I am not ready for it to become so real
! LOL! It's funny you mention the moving thing because our baby moves around a LOT. On the 12 week u/s baby moved so much that it took 30 minutes to get the measurements, and whenever the mw tries to get the HB on the doppler, its tough because baby keeps moving out of range! But no real strong feelings. Oh well, it'll happen in a couple more weeks, I feel certain.

PS: Non-pregnancy related news but there are already THREE academic positions in Canada in my field that I probably stand a really good chance of getting!
This is awesome because the last two years on the job market there were NO jobs at all in my field! One got posted today that is in my home province, man oh man I would love to move back to BC. Cross those fingers for me folks! Interviews won't be until mid-December or January, so it's a long wait.

hehe, i lurked here to see all the cute bellies

when are you posting yours?

Love the comparison shots of your belly.
You can definitely see the baby bump on your 17wk.

You are in the homestretch now.
Glad to hear that everything is on track and negative on the strep.
Ha, I''m not one to pack early too.
I packed my bags on the morning when I had bloody show :P
Good luck and best wishes.
SNLEE any newwwwws?

Kay, that's funny about being a last minute packer. I'm totally a two days before packer for trips, but DH is all 'what's the hurry?' until he's actually late for the plane.
I guess you don't want to be caught by surprise in this case, though!

I was looking at a message board about identical twins and looking at peoples pictures of their kids, it suddenly fully dawned on me that my children are going to be IDENTICAL. They are going to look like photocopies of each other. That is very weeeeeird! I read that 25% of identibots are "mirror image twins" where one is rt handed and the other lt, one has hair that waves this way the other that way. Etc. I hope we get that kind, because let's face it, that's pretty cool.

OK: Question for all of you who had lots of mid-term contractions or PTL, especially twin mommas:

When you say 'a lot', how much is a lot? I mean, do you get them pretty consistently several times an hour? Or do they go away for days/weeks/hours at a time?
Date: 9/27/2008 10:59:27 AM
Author: Independent Gal
I was looking at a message board about identical twins and looking at peoples pictures of their kids, it suddenly fully dawned on me that my children are going to be IDENTICAL. They are going to look like photocopies of each other. That is very weeeeeird! I read that 25% of identibots are 'mirror image twins' where one is rt handed and the other lt, one has hair that waves this way the other that way. Etc. I hope we get that kind, because let's face it, that's pretty cool.

OK: Question for all of you who had lots of mid-term contractions or PTL, especially twin mommas:

When you say 'a lot', how much is a lot? I mean, do you get them pretty consistently several times an hour? Or do they go away for days/weeks/hours at a time?

Are 25% of ID twins really mirror??? That seems so high, I had heard that it was a very teensy percentage...but I agree it is super cool. I have a friend who thinks (she and her sister to this day don't REALLY know if they are ID or not, weird huh?) that she and her sister are mirror ID twins. I have never met her sister, but they had all the things, right vs. left, same teeth falling out on different sides, etc.

Anyway, my BH are totally irregular, which I guess is the definition of them! Sometimes I get a few a day, sometimes like last night, I get 10 an hour for a few hours. It just depends. I find that I am more likely to have a day/night with a ton of them when I am dehydrated or have been sitting upright or walking around a ton. So hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

I have asked my doctor and my specialist about it, they assure me that it's normal. They gave me a few warning signs to look for and said if I have any of these with contractions to call or come in right away.

1. The baby(ies) stop moving for awhile (and by awhile I mean you don't feel anything for a number of hours if even if you lie down and concentrate on feeling them).
2. You have new back pain that radiates around to the front.
3. The contractions are getting more painful and frequent.
4. You have a change in discharge or any blood.
5. They get considerably worse/more painful when you walk around or stand.

I think those are the major's hard not to worry though. I almost called again last night to check myself since I had quite a few of them last night...but maybe it was just the debate knotting my stomach up.

My doctor also suggests a warm bath as a way of helping to relax and getting them to let up. That helps me.
Thanks NF! I''ll copy down those warning signs. I know there''s nothing they can do at this point anyway. They are down to about 2-3 an hour right now, and it''s only the first week I''ve had them, so hopefully they will chill out completely here and there.

Ahem, never mind them. It''s time I chilled out completely!

I may well have got the mirror-twin stat wrong... although remember that 25% of ID twins means fewer than 1 in 1000 births. I''ll look it up again. Soooo cooool!

As for your friends, it only costs about $100 to find out if you''re ID or not. That''s $50 each!
I would totally pay that, wouldn''t you? It''s a kit they send you. you swab some saliva (or something) and send in the sample and then they run the scans and tell you if you have the same DNA or not.

Are your pal and her sis otherwise really hard to tell apart?