
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Date: 9/24/2008 2:04:16 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Indy Good luck! Here''s a little tip: when you are feeling a little discombobulated and you need to be on your toes for 20 - 40 minutes, about 10 minutes before hand drink a large bottle of juice, or eat a banana. The sugars in those foods act like a little adrenaline shot and will help you self-regulate for a short period of time. Of course, you will crash later
but it works in the short term. Actually, anytime you need a little extra self-conctrol, have a little sugar. There''s lots of research on the effects of glucose on self-control and self-regulation, and all of it says glucose = lots of control!

DD that is hilarious. Maybe I need to keep some juice in my car in case I need to go to Walmart again with a coupon.

Indy: I think keeping the sob story to a minimum is also the great idea. He already knows your fabulous, so there is no need to make him feel sorry for you ya know? And hopefully he can swing something for you for next year!!!

Jen: You are one hot momma!!! Seriously hon, you look fabulous. Two big healthy girls in there for sure.
Talk went great. He gave me some strategic advice and basically said 'if you can't swing anything better [read: more secure and in the same place as DH], come see me and I'll see what I can do." So, a back-up plan. Lord, I can't tell you how much I wish we had a secure home, secure visas, and at least one of us had a secure job before having these babies. But it's just how it goes at the moment! We will manage!

DD, thanks for the glucose tip! I had a handful of m&m's. nyum nyum nyum. I also sketched out the shape of what I wanted to say on paper (1 - say up front what I want 2 - outline the issues around it 3 - outline the options with pros and cons 4 - throw the ball in his court) and then went over the key points in my head (1234) a couple of times to help myself keep focused. Worked great.
OK, and can I just say that by now I''m getting REALLY sick of these contractions!?!?! GO AWAYYYY! Calm down li''l uterus!

My next u/s is tomorrow, so I''ll mention it to the doc.
YEY Indy! You''re plan was flawless ;) Good for you. You and your contactions are a bit of a superhero to me

K, I''m offline for the majority of the next few days. I hope to come back and see some progress from the almost-there ladies! Good luck everyone!
Bleugh - I feel horrible.

I thought m/s was supposed to come and go. I''ve now been permanently nauseaous for nearly 48 hours. I''ve only actually thrown up once - it didn''t make me feel any better...

I have drunk 3 bottles of ginger beer and a whole box of crackers.

I''m not sure I will manage another 6 weeks + of this.

Any advice??
pandora: sorry to hear are describing me 3 mos ago. it was tough to get through but the only thing that REALLY worked for me was a zofran prescription from my dr. that allowed me to have a few hrs a day of non-nausea time and eat decent meals and just function at work. sipping sprite throughout the day helped me as well.

mela lu: if you''re a freak than so am i haha, i schedule my brazillians very regularly too..maybe not to the DAY but pretty much every 6-8 wks.

indy: glad your talk went well

dd: forgot to mention this earlier, but i wanted to say how sorry i am for the recent family losses you and your hubby have had to deal with.
Date: 9/24/2008 5:07:24 PM
Author: Pandora II
Bleugh - I feel horrible.

I thought m/s was supposed to come and go. I've now been permanently nauseaous for nearly 48 hours. I've only actually thrown up once - it didn't make me feel any better...

I have drunk 3 bottles of ginger beer and a whole box of crackers.

I'm not sure I will manage another 6 weeks + of this.

Any advice??
Nope, it can be all day, mine started after dinner and laster until bedtime. A ittle while ago ivanadiamond asked about this and people gave really good advice, try scrolling back over the last 3 weeks or so to find it.
Indy, glad the talk went well. Having had contractions for the last 8 weeks, I know how much they SUCK! I hope they calm down for you. Definitely mention them to your doctor.

mela, where are you off too? Somewhere fun I hope!

Pandora, I am sorry to hear about your horrible m/s. Have you been able to see your doctor?

LIA, how''d your appointment go today?
Omg I just binged on everything pickled lol...I told my sis to pick up all pickled veggies/fruits @ the salty pickled food ok or not really good for preggers??
Date: 9/24/2008 5:39:57 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Date: 9/24/2008 5:07:24 PM
Author: Pandora II
Bleugh - I feel horrible.

I thought m/s was supposed to come and go. I''ve now been permanently nauseaous for nearly 48 hours. I''ve only actually thrown up once - it didn''t make me feel any better...

I have drunk 3 bottles of ginger beer and a whole box of crackers.

I''m not sure I will manage another 6 weeks + of this.

Any advice??
Nope, it can be all day, mine started after dinner and laster until bedtime. A ittle while ago ivanadiamond asked about this and people gave really good advice, try scrolling back over the last 3 weeks or so to find it.

Is ginger beer like root beer?
Date: 9/24/2008 8:01:13 PM
Author: fisherofmengirly
Date: 9/24/2008 5:39:57 PM

Author: dreamer_dachsie

Date: 9/24/2008 5:07:24 PM

Author: Pandora II

Bleugh - I feel horrible.

I thought m/s was supposed to come and go. I''ve now been permanently nauseaous for nearly 48 hours. I''ve only actually thrown up once - it didn''t make me feel any better...

I have drunk 3 bottles of ginger beer and a whole box of crackers.

I''m not sure I will manage another 6 weeks + of this.

Any advice??

Nope, it can be all day, mine started after dinner and laster until bedtime. A ittle while ago ivanadiamond asked about this and people gave really good advice, try scrolling back over the last 3 weeks or so to find it.

Is ginger beer like root beer?

It''s like stronger brewed ginger ale.
Oh! I''ve never seen that. I love some ginger ale. Maybe I''ll find it some day....

Ginger ale is some good stuff to calm down a fussy stomach.

I hope you find your m/s remedy, Pandora!!
Yeh im drinkin cranberry ginger ale all the time...its the only thing besides water that''s caffeine free lol...but gives a lotta gas (tmi)
Date: 9/24/2008 8:49:34 PM
Author: nycbkgirl
Yeh im drinkin cranberry ginger ale all the time...its the only thing besides water that's caffeine free lol...but gives a lotta gas (tmi)

NYCBK, salty foods are fine, although, like with anything, moderation is best! And as for soda, make sure you drink that in moderation too! You have a LOT of new nutritional needs, so it's important that you make every calorie count. And a lot of diet soda is very bad for your baby (the fake sugar is a chemical you should minimize or avoid, especially in the first trimester). Do you drink milk? Because you should now be having 3 servings a day (4 if you've got twins in there!) and milk doesn't have caffeine!

Other ideas for tasty non-caffeinated beverages: soda water with a splash of juice, peppermint or ginger herbal tea (but check the ingredients because some things like fennel and raspberry leaves are not good for pregos)... You can chill the tea if that refreshes you more.

Remember that in the first trimester with a singleton, you only need an extra 100 calories a day, and then 300 in the second and third trimester. That's 1 extra glass of milk in the first trimester, or a glass of milk and two pieces of plain toast in the second and third.

That is NOT a lot of extra calories to meet all those extra nutritional needs!

But I still think you've got twins in there, and then you gotta EAT EAT EAT!

ugh...i feel for you guys with the morning sickness. that was the WORST. hang in there!

SNLEE: are you back yet from your appt? can''t wait to hear the update!

as for me, STATUS QUO!!! yay!!! STILL only 1 cm dilated and soft/shortened but def not different from last week. we have an u/s scheduled for next week to monitor growth and hopefully they''ll do a true cervical length during that. i was so nice and long and closed last u/s (at 28 weeks), it will be interesting to see if it''s changed at all...

hope everyone else is well!

33 wks, 1d
Date: 9/24/2008 8:49:34 PM
Author: nycbkgirl
Yeh im drinkin cranberry ginger ale all the time...its the only thing besides water that's caffeine free lol...but gives a lotta gas (tmi)
I used to love soda water, but once I was preggo I couldn't drink it at all! Gassy stomach is my middle name these days, and I found fizzy drinks made me feel queasy in the first trimester! I too love salty/pickled things, but I am very sensitive to salt and found I was really bloated/retaining water when I eat too much... sigh, oh well!!

AFM I had my midwife appointment today, it was really fun, she is so nice. We we talking about when we call her to come to our house and then also when we would make the decision to go to the hospital, and she said, "When you are white knuckling it through the contractison, and when you can't talk and laugh during the contractions, that's when you call me." And then she turned to DH and said, "So if she starts getting really irritable, that's when you know she's in labour!" And then he said, "Well then how will I ever know??"
Thanks buddy!

I also gained a ridiclulous amount of weight in the last week without changing my eating. She said this period--weeks 17 - 28 --is the prime weight gain period, so I am really going to feel like I am packing it on! haha... bring it on!

Indy- [email protected] hope you''re right..we shall see oct 8th! I hope for twins bc I got so attached to the picture they give u of the embryos they put bak..(since I did ivf)...and the 2 lil embies were so cute..I kept saying how kool would that be as a first baby pic in the who has a pic of themselves as an embyo! lol..but again all I can ask for is a healthy baby..but many seem 2 think its glad u told me about milk! I thought I was supposed 2 stay away from I haven''t been drinkin milk at all! Will start tho tom.asap! keep the advice comin..much still not havin any acupuncturist says that is a good thing that means my digestive system works well...but I duno I feel weird that I don''t feel anything.
Date: 9/24/2008 9:25:39 PM
Author: nycbkgirl
Indy- [email protected] hope you''re right..we shall see oct 8th! I hope for twins bc I got so attached to the picture they give u of the embryos they put bak..(since I did ivf)...and the 2 lil embies were so cute..I kept saying how kool would that be as a first baby pic in the who has a pic of themselves as an embyo! lol..but again all I can ask for is a healthy baby..but many seem 2 think its glad u told me about milk! I thought I was supposed 2 stay away from I haven''t been drinkin milk at all! Will start tho tom.asap! keep the advice comin..much still not havin any acupuncturist says that is a good thing that means my digestive system works well...but I duno I feel weird that I don''t feel anything.
My "feelings" didn''t start until around 6 weeks... its still early for you I think, just wait.
Thanks DD- I count on u guys 2 keep in sane while this long wait continues..I''ve gotten better..stopped thinking about and stressing it so much...just keepin busy for the days 2 fly by

I don''t drink the artificial stuff like diet coke anymore...I try to get organic stuff like milk and eggs...I love snapple and green tea so think that''s ok 2 drink or does that have caffeine??
NYCb, who told you to stay away from dairy?!? Girl, you need a crazy amount of calcium while you''re pregnant! You are building lots of bones and tissue, and if you don''t take in enough, the babies (ahem, baby) takes it right out of your bones, leaving you very vulnerable to osteopoerosis later in life.

Snapple is like soda: full of sugar or else full of chemicals. Make your own iced tea from herbal teas with safe herbs!

And green tea inhibits the absorption of folic acid, so it''s not good to drink much of that either.

My suggestion: Get yourself a copy of "What to Eat when you''re expecting" or ask your doctor for a referral to a nutritionist who specializes in pregnancy. That way, you''ll know all the in''s and outs!

LIA, yay for status quo!

I''m still having lots of contractions. I think it was, like, 8 this past hour. I wish DH were here.
I guess if it keeps up, I''ll call a taxi and head to the hospital. Bleuch. Just thinking of all the meetings I''d have to cancel tomorrow afternoon. And I was supposed to give a presentation too. Feeling helpless kind of sucks. Especially when there''s no one around to help.

OK, enough with the ''poor me'' fest! I''m going to drink a liter more water and then hopefully get some contraction free sleep.
Date: 9/24/2008 5:07:24 PM
Author: Pandora II
Bleugh - I feel horrible.

I thought m/s was supposed to come and go. I''ve now been permanently nauseaous for nearly 48 hours. I''ve only actually thrown up once - it didn''t make me feel any better...

I have drunk 3 bottles of ginger beer and a whole box of crackers.

I''m not sure I will manage another 6 weeks + of this.

Any advice??
Pandora my niece used ginger oil for her morning sickness. She rubbed the oil on to the palm of her hands and sniffed it as well as a dab actually in her nostrils.
Its worth a shot and is safe to use
Indy -- not a bad idea to go get monitored, but assuming nothing major is going on (hopefully!) you should be out of there in a couple of hours and still make your meetings :) I have had lots of contractions since 20ish weeks, but they started before that (just not as regular). I''ll be thinking about you...
Indy- feel better girl ..I know how u fell my dh works crazy hours n im usually home @ nites and I hate it!..let us know how u r!
Thanks for tips! I will start my day off tom. With a big glass of milk lol ;)
Hi Everyone! So sorry it took me forever to write again. I have been reading but not making too much time to post except to Mela''s waxing question(Mela my gosh you must have an incredible pain tolerance to go through that accident, surgeries, etc. I can''t imagine.

I don''t think I have the energy to address everyone but I did want to thank all you guys who have been asking about my lo and wondering how things are. I can''t believe it''s been a month already since we found out about the heart defect. We have had alot of time to adjust I think and it has become just normal for me if that makes sense? We got all of our genetics results and I am happy to report that all the chromosomes are normal!!! We have another echo coming up in a few weeks to check the vessels and I am hopeful that the Dr.s will be happy how they look. I think everything is falling into place with the new ob/cardiology etc.

Jen your picture is soooooo great! You go girl!

LIa and Snlee glad you guys are doing so great- Snlee I know you had a rocky weekend off bedrest. I hope things are better- they must be if you are baking. Make me some choc chip cookies please!

Neatfreak I was reading your post on my iphone on the way home from the airport. I felt a little more normal when I read it so thank you for that. Earlier that day I got super irritated at this stranger getting on the shuttle to the airport- He pushed by me when I had my big old suitcase(dh was already in bus loading 2 other suitcases)I got so mad at him that i decided to lift the bag and tried to hit him with it as I was swinging it into the bus!!!! is that normal? I don''t think so. I was a little scared of myself. But I think these hormones are powerful things that are very unpredictable.

Blen your knitting is soooo cute! I wish I had some of the talent that you and the other ps ladies have!

DD hope you are feeling well- So sorry to hear about all the loss you and your husband have had. Thinking of you.

Kay, Curly and Janine Woohooo!!!! Almost there. Hope you are all feeling good and getting ready to bake!

IG I love your description of your lunch the other day, and I love the book the hungry caterpillar!

Lisa hope that olivia''s rash is getting better- rashes can be so hard to figure out huh? Are you feeling a little better? Hang in there.

pandora that was a cool story about how they used to test for pregnancy. How are you feeling these days?

Ok thats all for tonight but know I am reading all your posts. Congrats to all the new mommas and Welcome!!!
Pave, thanks for the update. You and your l.o. have been in my thoughts a lot.

So I finally fell asleep and then woke up with contractions about 6 minutes apart. The thought of going to the hospital alone in the middle of the night was not super enticing (not a huge fan of hospitals in general but then... who is?), but I figured if I didn''t call I''d always regret it if something happened. So I called. And the doc on call basically said that this early, there is nothing they could do anyway since the drugs to stop labor only work for a few weeks, and I''m a whole month before viability. If I were to go in, they could tell me not to worry by checking my cervix, but since they''ll do that tomorrow at the appt anyway, I don''t see that spending the whole night at the hospital is going to do much good. So, may as well try to salvage some sleep.

She said I could basically expect that the contractions might go on like this for the whole rest of the pregnancy. SNLEE, Jen and all you others who''ve been putting up with this for months, I am so in awe of you. Guess it''s my turn to just get used to it!

I think these contractions are like bleeding in the first trimester. No matter what anyone tells you about it being completely normal, you don''t feel better until you yourself get used to it! Silly.

DH is basically away 4 days a week for the rest of the pregnancy, with a 3 week business trip in Oct/Nov. So I have to be prepared mentally that lots could go down while I''m alone, including possibly labor, since he''ll be overseas here and there. I feel like that''s one benefit of having married after 30 and having been all over and had lots of adventures. I''m used to coping with cr@p by myself, and i know I can handle it! It would obviously be so much nicer to have the company and support but it is what it is! I can do this! I know I can.

OK, now to try to sleep.

NYCBK, drink that milk!
And read up on pregnoid nutrition. While you''re the mothership hosting the little parasite, nutrition is pretty much the main thing in your control! Mmmm .. milk. Maybe I''ll go get me a glass riiiight now. Who cares that it''s three in the morning.
Thanks for all the tips girls.

I''m sitting here waiting for it to be late enough in the morning to call my father for advice. I spent most of the night on the floor in the bathroom feeling sorry for myself - and I still feel sick.

Geez, I had no idea it could be this bad - or that you could be throwing up all night. Doesn''t help that everyone on the net who seems to have had that was expecting twins or triplets.

I''m preparing myself for a shock at the scan just in case - although DH announced he''d love twins last night.

Indy, I''m sorry about all your contractions - must be very worrying especially with your DH away. Hope everything goes well at the appointment.
Really quick update. I''m in L&D right now.

Boy did I get a huge shock today. Getting an internal exam was up to me today. I decided to get one since I wanted to know what was going on down there.

90% effaced and 4cm dilated!

I could not believe I was in active labor.

They thought my membrane was ruptured. Sent me to L&D.

7 hours later and I''m not really in active labor. No change so I''m heading home.

More tomorrow.

I am surprised that they sent you home when you are already 4cm dilated. What if you keep dilating and your water didn''t break? Do you have to check back at L&D tomorrow? or what? I am asking because I was 4cm dilated and water didn''t break yet when I got to the hospital. They kept me there. My water didn''t break even when I was 9cm dilated. My dr. broke my water. I am curious what they will do next.

Good luck. Hope you have a quick and easy delivery. Can''t wait to meet your LO.
Oooh, good luck Snlee!
Wow, SNLEE!!!

It''s baby time now. How exciting!

We''ll be thinking about you and hoping for a wonderful birth!

Baby time!!!!!!