
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Date: 9/23/2008 8:00:43 PM
Author: Blenheim
And these two guys:
Aaahhhh too cute!!!

ETA thanks for all the sympathies, guys, I will pass it on to DH.
Blen, so cute! Love them!
jen- u look FABolous! cutest thing
cant wait 2 see pics of the lil ones
real quick:

:ROBBIE: my heart is breaking for you. i'm SO sorry you're having to go through this. hang in there and please come back when you feel ready...

JEN: you are GORGEOUS! amazing!!!

SNLEE: i'm so sorry that you're uncomfortable...i can't wait to hear your update from your next dr's appt... i still think you'll go in about a week. hang in there!

BLEN: LOVE the knitting. where did you get the pattern for the kimono? it's adorable! i'm knitting the world's most boring baby blanket right now, and am just NOT motivated to work on it!

DD: my condolences to your dh. what a difficult thing to go through... i'm sure your emotions must be all over the place...

NF: thanks for sharing your story! you made me laugh...which i could def use. hope you're feeling better. and no worries, we have so all been there!!! :)

NYC: can't wait to hear the u/s update. great news on the betas!

CLASS N SASS: can't wait to hear your update from you appt! fill us in when you get a moment...

KAY: yay for officially being full term! so crazy how fast everything is going!

LISA: i hate to admit it, but you're stumping me on the rash (which OBVIOUSLY i should not be diagnosing via the web!!). and it IS hard without seeing it!! the little blisters SOUND like dyshidrotic eczema, but i'd really expect that to be itchy. same with scabies...almost always VERY itchy. and it would be weird for it to hang around for a month and for no one else to get it. could still be gianotti-crosti, but that's usually more on the backs of the hands, and not necessarily blisters... there is something else called infantile acropustolosis which could be similar to what you're describing, but AGAIN...usually itchy. in derm, blood tests for allergies are basically NEVER used... it would be pretty unusual for a food or systemic allergy to cause such a distinct rash. i'd def recommend going to a dermatologist...and let me know what you find out!! :)

INDY: you are so funny with what you ate! all i can say is ENJOY it now...cuz i have a feeling you're going to get into the UGH I HAVE NO ROOM TO EAT ANYTHING stage sooner rather than later.

MELA: hi!! thanks for always making me smile with your posts. :) i need to go check out your other thread...will do soon.

nothing new to report with me...just hanging out and getting EXTREMELY bored. have my weekly appt tomorrow...hopefully everything is still status quo. i was a little more active with my parents around this weekend so we'll see. fingers crossed!
my mom is so funny...they are having a huge sale at bloomie's right now and if you spend $150 on infant layette you get a free moses basket. guess what i'm getting next time i see her!?! :) this grandkid is going to be SPOILED!

xo,LIA 33weeks today!

Date: 9/23/2008 9:08:50 PM
Author: lover in athens

BLEN: LOVE the knitting. where did you get the pattern for the kimono? it's adorable! i'm knitting the world's most boring baby blanket right now, and am just NOT motivated to work on it!
Here you go. If, for some reason, you'd prefer a 6-12 mo pattern (instead of the 0-6), there's an adaptation of the pattern here. I didn't bother to figure out gauge, so I think that my 0-6 month turned out slightly big. (ETA: in the second link, she talks about how she would add on length and make the sleeve cuffs a little wider if making it again. I was a looooong baby, and I wouldn't be surprised if this one, so I went ahead and followed her suggestion re: length. I somehow missed the bit about casting on more stitches for the sleeves.)

Do you have much of the blanket left? I felt that way with a dog sweater I knitted last winter, and finally finished it about two months ago. I just had to put it down for a copule of months to get motivated again.

That's awesome with the Bloomies layette!

With my current Aran sweater, I figured out gauge using stockinette stitch, and then it ended up being smaller than it should have once I started knitting it up. I totally forgot that cabling and ribbing shrink up more than stockinette does. So, I ripped it out and started again. Size 3 needles seem to be working, which is good - it will take a lot less time to knit up. The size 1s were crazy.

Off to listen to Harry Potter on CD and knit in bed.
So cute, Blen. I love to crochet but never have been able to get the hang of knitting.

Hope all the mommies are doing well here!
Jen, you''re awesome. I just love you - I couldn''t ever post a shot of my bare belly...and I consider myself a confident woman. I won''t lie to ya, I can''t say you''re teeny, but what you ARE is looking amazing, fabulous, and healthy - a woman who is proud to be pregnant and show the world we''re pretty damn impressive!!

And did I hear someone is BAKING?
Don''t forget the knitting, TG. Blen, your knitting is AWESOME.

got my due date today, April 30.
Anyone with me / close to that?
Lara, I added your EDD to the list. You can keep track here.

Is there any reason I should not go for my Brazilian bikini wax today? A doula I know said that she would avoid that in the first trimester...but I cannot find any evidence to suggest that it is a threat. Was she just being OVERLY cautious?


JEN - you look GREAT! Glowing, healthy and proud.
Fun bit of info...

I was talking to my father last night and he was telling me about what they did when he was training in the days before HPTs.

He was doing an OB/Gynae rotation in a big London teaching hospital and they kept 3 toads for doing pregnancy tests. You would inject urine into the toad and if the woman was pregnant the toad would start to produce spawn 24 hours later!

Apparently they only used it when they weren''t sure, normally you just went on symptoms. This would have been in the 1960''s.

How times have changed!

On another note, a girl at work has just asked me if I was pg (she''s someone I''m good friends with so I confessed and swore her to secrecy) - apparently my bbs have increased quite dramatically. Note to self - do not wear that jumper to work again...
Jen - you look incredible! I am in awe!

Blenheim - I love the cardigan and the penguin - too cute!

Lara, Mela and I are about 3 weeks behind you.
Mela- so funny u asked that ? About brazilian wax bc I was wondering about that too! Lol...I have an u/s on oct 8 so I figured id do it right before then but then I reconsidered n thought I should just duno ???? It seems harmless though
Date: 9/24/2008 9:40:40 AM
Author: mela lu

Is there any reason I should not go for my Brazilian bikini wax today? A doula I know said that she would avoid that in the first trimester...but I cannot find any evidence to suggest that it is a threat. Was she just being OVERLY cautious?


JEN - you look GREAT! Glowing, healthy and proud.
mela I am not sure about the safety for the fetus although I can''t see how it would affect baby but wanted to give you a warning that with all the hormones, some mommies skin changes(gets thinner I think and more sensitive)maybe lia knows, but anyway, I always get my lip,chin,brow waxed(tmi I know) and the last two times my skin has burned. Don''t want you to get an unpleasant surprise today- My aesthetician(sp?) already is using the less harsh wax and i am still burning so I think I am giving up for the rest of the pregnancy. At least you wouldn''t have to walk around with burns on your face but I can''t imagine it would feel good. Bikini waxes are painful enough!!! Hate being negative but just wanted to give you a heads up! Good Luck! I''ll be wincing for you. I am a chicken!!!
Date: 9/24/2008 10:52:53 AM
Author: pavelover
Date: 9/24/2008 9:40:40 AM
[/b] I am not sure about the safety for the fetus although I can't see how it would affect baby but wanted to give you a warning that with all the hormones, some mommies skin changes(gets thinner I think and more sensitive)maybe lia knows, but anyway, I always get my lip,chin,brow waxed(tmi I know) and the last two times my skin has burned. Don't want you to get an unpleasant surprise today- My aesthetician(sp?) already is using the less harsh wax and i am still burning so I think I am giving up for the rest of the pregnancy. At least you wouldn't have to walk around with burns on your face but I can't imagine it would feel good. Bikini waxes are painful enough!!! Hate being negative but just wanted to give you a heads up! Good Luck! I'll be wincing for you. I am a chicken!!!

Thanks Pave for your input. I had one in my last (short) pregnancy and I didn't seem to react.
Maybe the further along you are, the more likely you are to react adversely? Not sure. Either way, I love me a waxed beave, so if it's no 'harm' to le bebe, then I'm all for it. The Doula was saying that it could stimulate blood flow in that area which may not be ideal. ho hum. I'm not sure.

I have a really high pain threshold. 6.5 years ago I was hit by a car as a pedestrian and spent 3 years having multiple surgeries to put my shattered leg together again. Crazy. But since then, small things "don't hurt".
I think Childbirth may be the only thing that can rival that pain
Mela I think it is only an issue of extra blood flow = extra possibility of bleeding, that''s what people were saying on another ofrum. Plus with the extra sensation it could hurt a lot. But go for it and let us know.

heh heh heh... "beave" never seen that thrown out on PS before.
jen...GREAT picture!! love it!

mela...i''ve been getting brazillians throughout my pregnancy. it definitely hurts a bit more, but i still think the pain is worth the cleanliness.

indy...congrats on making it to the half way mark for twinnies :) sorry to hear what you''re going through. stay strong!
btw that i''m hitting 23 wks, i was wondering at what point do the regular dr''s appts involve an internal exam?

i''m still going only once a month, but would like to at least be prepared beforehand!
Jen you are my hero!

Mela - I am still giggling about the brazillian - imagining that "sex in the city episode." TMI - I am so overgrown that I actually think the Dr. did a double take during the last transvaginal us
I am shameless and don''t care! Or perhaps I am old and lazy and have a toddler.

LIA - too funny about diagnosing things via internet. I agree with you that I thought the blood work odd and dragged my heels getting it done. I think I will call the Dr. and get a dermatologist''s name today.

Pandora - sorry about the scabies but you are right and she doesn''t scratch at it at it seems to be clearing up

NF - Oh how I can relate to your outburst story. I seem to have these fits of sadness, rage, whatever (insert extreme emotion) all day long. I am a nightmare to live with. I actually pulled the cheapy blinds in our apartment down yesterday b/c the cord was bound up! I was holding Olivia and couldn''t manuever it so yank and down it went! Then later I opened the pantry and a can of soup fell off the shelf and almost onto my foot and I picked it up and threw it at a peacfull bag of chips laying there minding its own business! And then there''s the road rage.......I am in CA afterall!

I''ve been reconsidering going back on my depression meds a little early. Now some of this is normal preggo behavior but some is sheer irritable aggravation and OCD stuff!

Indy - thank you for starting the Olivia avatar adoration group! You always seem to know when I need a boost to remind me of how good I have it. Olivia messes with me and continues to call me "Daaaa" mostly. Sometimes she slips in "Mama" inbetween. She watches me for my reaction. However, when she''s really upset then its "IwanmyMama" and "Maaaamaaaa!!" I got us tickets to the Disneyland Halloween party next month. Both kids and adults can dress up for a night of costume party, rides and parades. We are going as Alice in Wonderland and the Queen of Hearts.

DD - sorry about all the trauma in the family.

Snlee - sorry if I missed the answer but how was your recent appt.?

Pave - any updates on the lo?

Erica - haven''t seen u on here for a while. Thinking of you and would love an update.

To all the knitters - unbelievable work!

Today I am taking Olivia to a playdate. This will be our first as we lost touch w/ many local mommies when my dad got sick last year. There are some ''older'' moms in the group (I think one who is 45+) and I haven''t seen anyone since last August. I know that there are several TTC so I will direct them to the PS thread! Plus I''ve been passing around the contact info. on my RE liberally to this group!
Mela, you kill me.
You also make me feel incredibly guilty. Let''s just say that it''s a good thing that head to toe I''m naturally a momma-bear of little fur, because little attention has been paid to the whole denuding thing in quite sometime!
Indy, Snlee, Blen, DD, nyc, LIA, TGal, Jas, Mela, Pandora, sbde, Lisa -- Wow, ladies, you sure managed to put a smile on my face! I didn''t expect such a response to that belly shot ~~ And yes I''m definitely proud to be this big if it means 2 healthy girls as my reward
Anyway, thank you for making me feel so good while I feel so not-good

Mela -- wow, I can''t help you with your question, but I applaud you for even *wanting* to get that done while preggo! I gave up on bikini line and legs long ago -- (thank goodness it comes in blonde). In all honesty, I think the only thing I''d be concerned about if I were you would be the extra sensitivity, but I''m no expert.

Blen -- wow, what cute things you''ve made!!

Snlee -- how are you feeling today? Still cramping/contracting?

LIA -- sounds like a great deal (and grandkids SHOULD be spoiled!
) Let us know how your appointment goes...congrats on 33 weeks!

DD -- I love the belly bump idea -- I mean, I bump into everything anyway, so why not knock a few people out of my path? haha

34 weeks!
jen, AWESOME belly!!! You look fabulous!

mela, I've had brazilians all through my pregnancy and just had my last one last week at 38 weeks. It's probably a little more uncomfortable during pregnancy, especially when you get big and have to hold your legs over your head!
But I don't think they cause any damage and if you keep them up throughout, they won't hurt as much.

sbde, internals don't start till much later, like around 36 weeks. You still have time!
Date: 9/24/2008 12:01:04 PM
Author: sbde
btw that i''m hitting 23 wks, i was wondering at what point do the regular dr''s appts involve an internal exam?

i''m still going only once a month, but would like to at least be prepared beforehand!
Yay for 23 weeks! Any recent belly shots?

You won''t get an internal exam until late in pregnancy, around 36 or 37 weeks (around the time you start going weekly), unless there are complications.
thanks curlygirl and snlee...good to know it''s still a ways off.

no belly shots yet but i think i''ll take one soon and post it!!

hope you both are doing well, you guys are right at the finish line!
Blen, I love that little sweater. Is it amateur-proof? I''d love to give it a try.

So, after sleepless night number 23 or so, I''ve got a bit of a headache and keep forgetting my name. Mostly that''s OK, because I''m still good with big ideas, which is mostly what I do all day, and most of the folks around here know my name already.

Buuuut, in a few minutes, I have to go down and talk to the Super Big Top Bossman and let''s just say I''m not feeling my perky brightest. Luckily, he lerves me. Unluckily, he is also not the easiest person to read or talk to. So conversation always requires being on one''s toes to navigate.

I need to ask him for strategic advice about how to deal with getting work for next year, given I won''t be able to get on a plane soon, never mind deal with the 10-12 hour interviews standard in my line of work (read: I''m hoping he says ''why don''t you just stay here for another year!''... but I have no idea if he has the budget for that).

I''m thinking the right strategy is to keep the sob story element to a minimum and keep to the facts and aims, but in my condition, I''m never sure I won''t just start sobbing, sob story or not!

Wish me luck!
Lisa, I hope you and Olivia have fun on the play date! You haven''t missed an update. I have an appointment this afternoon.

jen, yay for 34 weeks! I''m still feeling cramping and contractions. They have definitely gotten more painful since last week but still nothing too bad. Thanks for asking. How are YOU feeling? Are you still taking Procardia?

curly, wow, I can''t believe you have been getting brazilians all through your pregnancy.

Mela, good luck on the brazilian if you decide to get it done. I''m a big chicken! I''ve never had one done and certainly won''t even think about getting it done while pregnant. Things are extra sensitive down there and since I can''t see anything down there I don''t really care how it looks. LOL
snlee - gosh now I''m starting to feel like a FREAK! I get a Brazilian done every 4 weeks RELIGIOUSLY. I book my appt''s well in advance, every 4 weeks to the day. I''m the anomaly here!!!

Indy - Good luck on your chat! Yikes. Deep breaths and keep coming back to the facts if you feel yourself getting flustered. EEK! GL GL GL.
Indy Good luck! Here''s a little tip: when you are feeling a little discombobulated and you need to be on your toes for 20 - 40 minutes, about 10 minutes before hand drink a large bottle of juice, or eat a banana. The sugars in those foods act like a little adrenaline shot and will help you self-regulate for a short period of time. Of course, you will crash later
but it works in the short term. Actually, anytime you need a little extra self-conctrol, have a little sugar. There''s lots of research on the effects of glucose on self-control and self-regulation, and all of it says glucose = lots of control!
Indy, good luck! Let us know how it goes.