
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Date: 10/2/2008 9:55:37 PM
Author: Courtneylub

Date: 10/2/2008 6:52:35 PM
Author: nycbkgirl
Courtney- so sorry 2 hear about ur friends..ugh its just so sad and terrifying..there really is nothing u can say 2 make them feel any better..just let them know u are there if many weeks along was this friend??
Honestly I am scared of this more than anything and I so wish I hadn''t told anyone until I was clear of that threat but im trying my best to stay positive and thank the man above for every week (6wks3days)
The friend who I found out about today was 11 weeks along. The doc says she lost it about 2 weeks ago. I believe that''s right when the heart starts to beat and it never started I right?

I don''t think you should regret telling anyone about your pregnancy. And you''re right, the best thing you can do is stay positive. This is just part it...very scary, but reality. I don''t know what it feels like and I don''t want to.

My doc called me today to let me know my blood test results are all fine, but I''m RH negative. I looked this up on the internet and boy is it confusing. I understand what can happen if the baby is positive, but what I don''t get is why I have to get the shot as a precaution if the first child isn''t affected. Anyone know what I''m talking about?
You can see the heart beat by around 5.5 - 6 weeks, so it won''t be the case that it never started to beat.

It may well be that there was some kind of abnormality and this is just nature''s way of dealing with it.

On the RH screen, the baby will be positive unless your husband is also RH-. If the baby is RH- as well then you don''t HAVE to have the shot - but you''ll probably find it''s done as a precaution in case there was a mix-up in the lab or something.

It''s far, far more serious not having the shot than having one ''just in case''. Err on the side of caution so to speak.
Congrats Janine and welcome to baby Chloe!!!
Congrats, Janine!

Ivana, thanks for the kind words. I hope I get pregnant again soon too

Lisa, thanks for the explanation of what''s probably going on with Indy. I wish we were able to send her flowers or something. I''m so worried about her and those cubs.
Date: 10/2/2008 9:55:37 PM
Author: Courtneylub
Date: 10/2/2008 6:52:35 PM

Author: nycbkgirl

Courtney- so sorry 2 hear about ur friends..ugh its just so sad and terrifying..there really is nothing u can say 2 make them feel any better..just let them know u are there if many weeks along was this friend??

Honestly I am scared of this more than anything and I so wish I hadn''t told anyone until I was clear of that threat but im trying my best to stay positive and thank the man above for every week (6wks3days)

The friend who I found out about today was 11 weeks along. The doc says she lost it about 2 weeks ago. I believe that''s right when the heart starts to beat and it never started I right?

I don''t think you should regret telling anyone about your pregnancy. And you''re right, the best thing you can do is stay positive. This is just part it...very scary, but reality. I don''t know what it feels like and I don''t want to.

My doc called me today to let me know my blood test results are all fine, but I''m RH negative. I looked this up on the internet and boy is it confusing. I understand what can happen if the baby is positive, but what I don''t get is why I have to get the shot as a precaution if the first child isn''t affected. Anyone know what I''m talking about?

Hey Courtneylub, definitely take the Rhogam shots (it''s usually only two during the course of your pregnancy.) The reason you need the shot with your first child is this: if your baby has a positive blood type, and if you are exposed to the babies blood through miscarriage, spotting, or childbirth, you will create antibodies to that blood. Once you have those antibodies, they will attack the red blood cells of future positive blood type babies. The Rhogam injections will prevent you from creating those antibodies in the event that you ARE exposed to your baby''s blood. So if there is even a chance that you want to have more children, please accept the Rhogam shots.

I am Rh negative and unfortunately already have those antibodies from a blood transfusion years ago (they screwed up and gave me positive blood.) So my antibodies are already going to affect my first pregnancy, and Rhogam won''t do me any good because they prevent antibodies from being created, and I already have them.

If your husband is Rh- you likely will not need Rhogam. Most doctors like to give it to Rh- women no matter what, just in case. But please take it if you plan to have more than one child.
I am just a ball of pregnancy hormone charged emotional wreck. hah. That sentence doesn''t even make sense. Between what''s happening with Indy, dealing wiith my constant nausea, reading about the m/c''s and the accute fear of having another one myself, I am a ball of tears. urgh.

I''m dealing by trying to occupy my mind with other (more pleasant) things, and trying to think of my m/s as a very good sign that the pregnancy is progressing well. The uncertainty of these weeks is so hard.

Indy - praying for you.

(7 weeks tomorrow)
Hi Guys, Thanks for all your concern. And a big congrats to Janine!

Basically, here is the situation as we understand it. I'm at home now and on strict bedrest because there is nothing they can do in the hospital.

My cervix is (was?) at 1/2cm (5mm) and I'm still contracting a lot (Neatfreak, normal is 3-5 cm...and you should make them check you!!! just in case!). There is pretty much nothing they can do at this point, except for putting me on progesterone. The tocolytics that stop your contractions don't work indefinitely, and so they won't administer them until closer to viability. In addition, the doctor said he'd be shocked if I don't have gestational diabetes, given how badly I failed the test, and a lot of the labor-stopping drugs mess with your sugar, meaning I couldn't take them anyway.

So, we have to hope that I don't go into active labor for the next 3-4 weeks. Which seems far-fetched given the severity and frequency of the contractions I'm still having.

If we make it to that point, we see what's what.

But DH and are preparing for the worst because I gather it's a bit far-fetched that we will make it.

Going through labor and having your babies die in your arms is something that used to be very, very common. If all those women got through it, then I can get through it too. Loss and sadness are just as much part of life as joy and adventure. DH & I are strong and even stronger together and we know we can get through this, even though, as DH said, it will be the saddest thing that has yet happened in our lives.

We will get through it.

I'll let you know if anything happens, but I may not be around a lot, as the more I stay distsracted and even-tempered, the less the upset and stress contribute to contractions.
Indy I don't know what to say except that I am glad you guys are hanging in there for now. Just know that we are all here for you if you need us in any capacity. And we are all rooting for you. Just take every day as a victory and take care of yourself as I know you will. BIG HUGS. We're here if you need to vent.

And thank you for the stats as usual. I have an u/s with the perinatologist today. I am going to insist she checks me. She's pretty thorough so I assume she will this time, but I really really appreciate the info.
Indy -- I can't help but to be worried for you and the cubs. *Please* be ok and check in as soon as you can. Sending you lots of prayers and positive thoughts....
ETA -- we posted at the same time. I'm really glad you checked in, and full of sadness at what you must be going through right now. I will just keep praying that those little ones stay put... I know you're a strong woman, but please take care of yourself too!! (((hugs)))

Janine -- CONGRATULATIONS!! I am so looking forward to seeing pics of Chloe!

Ivana -- good to hear from you and glad you're on the upswing to feeling better...

Kay -- wow, you're so close now! I want to stick to the order, so you'd better hurry up b/c I swear these girls are really trying to get here soon

Mela -- oh, i'm so sorry you're having the hormonal downs
Try to stay positive -- I know how hard it is at your stage of pg, but you are so close to a safe zone now - hang in!

Snlee -- I'm itching to read your birth story and I know your hands are full and you are probably tired, but I'm really looking forward to it... :)

Courtney -- I've had the Rhogam shots with all of my pregnancies and my doctor's office wouldn't have it any other way even *If* my DH were negative like i am b/c they have to safely cover all their bases (just in case it wasn't a DH knocking us up). It's a really quick shot in the bootie and doesn't hurt after it's given, fwiw...

LIA -- YAY for making it into a safe zone! I'm so happy for you to have made it this long!
We're almost there...

NF -- that bus story really ticked me off. Common courtesy is just gone these days

Hi everyone else! Hope you're all well!

My appt Tuesday was uneventful and my doc won't check my cervix until next week (if i make it back to next weeks appt)... Marina went back head-down, which is a plus, and Sophie is back to transverse. My doctor seems much more comfortable with the idea of me delivering VBAC now than he was at first as long as the girls cooperate. Since I've been off the procardia, my contrax have picked up a bunch, the pressure downstairs has increased and I'm cramping a LOT. So, hopefully they'll be here soon, but knowing my luck, since I made it this far i'll have to wait until 38 weeks! NO!!!! haha Today we are going to buy a new van finally, which is the last big thing on our "to do" list. I'm really excited b/c mine that I drive right now is barely holding up and DH drives a 2 seater truck he won't get rid of (argh) -- need to have something i feel safe in with my kids! I'll check in when we get back...
thinking about you, Indy...

35w 2d
oh indy i''m crying. you sound so strong and rational, and I have no idea how you are doing it. I am a total mess for you. Hopefully, the cubs will stay put a few more weeks. please allow yourself to run the gamut of emotions. I think its only natural. I don''t know what else to say. I''m praying for you.
Date: 10/3/2008 10:12:40 AM
Author: mela lu
oh indy i''m crying. you sound so strong and rational, and I have no idea how you are doing it. I am a total mess for you. Hopefully, the cubs will stay put a few more weeks. please allow yourself to run the gamut of emotions. I think its only natural. I don''t know what else to say. I''m praying for you.

Indy, I''m completely at a loss for what to say. I''m also in tears. I''m just going to ditto what mela said. This is not fair
Indy, you''re in my thoughts and prayers. Do you what you can to stay calm and positive. You have a good outlook on it though and I can tell you''re very strong like you said.

Thanks to Pandora, Lindsey, and sk8r. That makes a lot of sense. I found out DH is positive, so the shot is definitely needed.

Lindsey - How did they screw up by giving you positive blood? I thought that''s what they were supposed to give you if you are negative.
Indy- thanx for having enough strength 2 check in with us...I was reading ur post out loud to my best friend ( we doing her wedding hair makeup trials..)she posts on pricescope also and was worried sick about u...and I had to stop in the midst of reading numerous times to gain my composure...but I figured ud b on strict bedrest...u r so strong and u seem like u can get thru anything...o gosh we are all praying for good things 2 come ur way! Those cubs must b strong as im confident!! We r praying for u...and please check in only when u feel u can. <3
Stay strong. I know it''s really tough since DH''s cousin and her husband went through similar situation. My thoughts are with you and your husband.
Indy - You, your DH and the cubs will be in my thoughts and prayers!
Indy~*Hugs* You and your husband are in my prayers.
I know my issues are very minor compared to others right now, but I really need some help.

I am having the worst allergies (at least what I think are allergies) right now....the worst I can ever remember having. I am completely miserable...nonstop running nose, sneezing, or the constant itch to sneeze. I''m out of town on business and needless to say, flying on the company plane didn''t help. My doctor said sudafed was fine to take, but the internet said different for 1st trimester and that it''s unsafe. That''s just great! Benadryl doesn''t help at all except make me pass out. I would love to be passed out right now, but that''s not possible. HELP!
Indy - I so wanted to jump through the computer screen for the last day to see how you are.

Thank you for taking the time to write to us cyber-buddies.

I am wishing you restful days at home with your hubby and lo''s.

There are several preggo''s on that are going through some of what''s happening here and I thought I''d mention it if you want to connect.

They are a very wonderful group, like here.

Thinking of you.
janine, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! Can''t wait to meet Chloe!!

indy, I''m so sorry for what you are going through. Please keep us posted. You''ll be in my thoughts...
Indy -- lots of love to you.
Indy, I''m sending you all the best wishes I can - I really hope things improve for you all.
De-lurking to say:

Indy, you, your DH, your mom, and the cubs are in my thoughts, prayers, hopes, and wishes. There are many things I've admired about you from reading your posts, and the strength you're showing right now is phenominal. (I always hate it when people say that about situations you have no choice in, but so be it. I think you're amazing.)

These cubs are special, and you've got a ton of us hoping for the best, but we'll be here in any capacity you need. Please know that we're all sending you mental hugs and comforting thoughts to help you stay distracted and comfortable in the weeks to come.
Date: 10/3/2008 8:43:30 AM
Author: mela lu
I am just a ball of pregnancy hormone charged emotional wreck. hah. That sentence doesn''t even make sense. Between what''s happening with Indy, dealing wiith my constant nausea, reading about the m/c''s and the accute fear of having another one myself, I am a ball of tears. urgh.

I''m dealing by trying to occupy my mind with other (more pleasant) things, and trying to think of my m/s as a very good sign that the pregnancy is progressing well. The uncertainty of these weeks is so hard.

Indy - praying for you.

(7 weeks tomorrow)
Mela sweetie, you poor thing.

Is there any chance your doctor would give you something for the nausea - I''m feeling so much less sick since I started the promethazine, I just feel even more tired though.

I hear you on the m/c worry as well. I''m trying to tell myself that the more symptoms I have the better and that every day forward is a day safer.
Date: 10/3/2008 11:34:07 AM
Author: Courtneylub
I know my issues are very minor compared to others right now, but I really need some help.

I am having the worst allergies (at least what I think are allergies) right now....the worst I can ever remember having. I am completely miserable...nonstop running nose, sneezing, or the constant itch to sneeze. I''m out of town on business and needless to say, flying on the company plane didn''t help. My doctor said sudafed was fine to take, but the internet said different for 1st trimester and that it''s unsafe. That''s just great! Benadryl doesn''t help at all except make me pass out. I would love to be passed out right now, but that''s not possible. HELP!

I hate to say this but I think you just need to stick it out. I had a horrendous cold/allergy situation when I was about 8-12 weeks along. It sucks, but besides tylenol and benadryl there isn''t much you should take. My doc also said that PLAIN sudafed was fine to take, but not the other incarnations, or the extended release, etc. But then of course I found different info on it as well, so I chose to just stick it out rather than risk it.

It''s pretty common though, just hang in there and do the best you can!
Janine, congrats on Chloe!! Love that name too

Indy, just wanted to let you know that you''re in my thoughts and I am sending along the stickiest healthiest vibes imaginable to you and the cubs!
Indy, my thoughts are with you, your DH, and cubs. Take care of yourself. Lots of hugs to you.

jen, I''ll be getting my birth story up today. It''s super long and will probably bore all of you!
Indy, thanks for checking in. I can understand why you might not be around as much the next few weeks. Do whatever you need to do to keep your head in a good place, and know we are here if you want to chat or vent. I’ll be thinking of you and the cubs. Big hugs.
indy, you''re in my thoughts and prayers. hang in there gal, just take it one day at a time.
Date: 10/3/2008 1:57:22 PM
Author: mrssalvo
indy, you''re in my thoughts and prayers. hang in there gal, just take it one day at a time.

You your hubby and the cubs are in my prayers. Mrssalvo is right, take it one day at a time. Hang in there woman!!!
Just saw Janine!! Congrats! We will need some pictures.