
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Thinking of you Indy...
Delurking - Just to say my thoughts are with you Indy, NF, Pave, and anyone else going through a difficult patch.
Just wanted to add to the positive thoughts heading your way, Indy.
I''m doing my best to catch up with you all. I''m sleeeepy.

NF, terbutaline is a bitch! It made me all twitchy and I had no control over my body. Glad you don''t have to take it anymore. Fingers crossed for you! Hang in there!

Pave, sorry to hear about your L&D visit. Don''t apologize for your long post. It is scary. At 28 weeks, my cervix was measuring 2.5 cm, the same as you. That means your contractions most likely shortened your cervix (unless you started out with a short one) so I''m surprised they sent you home iwth no drugs. I''d ask you doctor about this to get more information on your situation. I hope your appointment goes well. Keep us posted. You are in my thoughts.

Lindsey, glad your little one is okay!

jen and Kay, so excited for you two! It''s almost time!

Hi Lia! Hang in there...your bed rest is almost over! Woohoo!

Ok, need to shower now before another feeding.
I don''t have time to catch up with everyone right now, but i wanted to let you all know i''m heading to the hospital within the hour, and i''m at the point that if this is real labor, they won''t try to stop it. I''m contracting every 2 to 3 minutes and they''ve gotten closer since 3 this afternoon when they first got really regular. Some still hurt more than others, but water, laying down, etc do not help, plus i can barely walk. I''m not handling the pain too well, so if it gets worse i''m going in. I''ll update asap...
35w 3d
Woo hoo JEN! Good luck and looking forward to seeing pics of your baby girls!
Wow jen, when I said it''s almost time I didn''t know today was the day! Good luck. Hope you have a quick and easy delivery. Can''t wait to meet your girls!!!

How exciting!

Here''s hoping you meet your pretty girls soon!

We''ll be thinking about you, hoping labor goes well and quickly for you!!


I wonder if you ever got the middle names worked out...... (anyone know? I don''t read daily here...)
I just had to get that out there....

Snlee you are amazing-what an incredible story and congratulations on your beautiful boy Derek. I could just kiss those chubby cheeks.... And I love your new avi!

Curly, yay for you-15 minute of pushing-you are a wonder woman!! Congratulations on your little Lucy and can't wait to see photos.

Janine congratulations on Chloe-ditto on the photos and what a great story! I'm glad your epi worked well once it was finally in!! I've forgotten if you've mentioned what the outcome was with your work-wasn't getting mat leave a problem for you?

A lot going on here as usual!

Indy, you are in my thoughts-I'm so sorry you are having this trial. Big hugs and sticky dust to those boys! I'm hanging out for some good news from you...

Lindsey, sorry to hear that you needed an u/sound but glad that things are okay. Yay on reaching 10 weeks and seeing the baby move!!!

NF, sorry to hear about the dramas with the cervix. I know there's been a lot of discussion about cerclage-in general that is only used (at least in Oz) to attain viability (ie 24-25 weeks) which you are well past (hooray!) but unfortunately it does mean that it's only drugs after that. Here's hoping your bubbies stay put for at least another 8 weeks!! I am not sure what cervical length means in twin pg-cervixs do shorten as the pregnancy continues-so two babies in there I guess does mean that yours will be shorter. The rigorous studies have all been done in singleton pgs. One of my friends is 24 weeks with twins and has started bed rest which is very common here in multiple pgs.

Pave, sorry to hear about your L&D trip but glad that you are still hanging in there. You are such an inspiration with how you are taking things in stride-but I'm sure the GD news was not welcome. Big hugs sweetie-you are already doing such a good job of the hard work of being a mom. I'm thinking of you.

LIA, not long to go now! I'm so excited that you are in the 'safe' zone and that the bed rest will soon be over...

Kay, how are you feeling? I can totally identify with the feeling that the trousers are making a break for it-I feel like I'm constantly hitching mine up these days!!

How are the 1st tri girls going with the m/s?? Anyone found a magic bullet that works for them?

I can't remember who said it but although epidurals do increase the risk that some 'help' will be needed with a vaginal delivery (ie vac or forceps) there is no increase in the Caesearan rate. Having said that there is bias in those studies because some babies in unusual positions (which cause more pain and therefore the parturient is more likely to have an epi) need that 'help' anyway. I personally have no problem having an epi if I need it-cause if I do need 'help' then I want some analgesia happening

Meanwhile we are in the process of moving house which has kept me busy. I have one more research project at work which as long as we get the right number of patients in the next two weeks we should be okay.

Sorry I know I've missed a lot of people-it's kind of nice that we've got first, second and third tri mamas-to-be on here!

Jen- yay! Exciting...can''t wait for details :) good luck girl!
Good Luck Jen!

Hang in there. Tell the boys to stop monkeying around and stay in.

Sorry for your L&D scare. It''s frustrating when you feel something and the dr. can''t explain it. Don''t apologize for posting your concerns. We are here for you. If you are ever in doubt or concerned about anything you feel, go in L&D. IMO, it''s better safe than sorry.

How''s everyone else doing?
Hey ladies! First of all I finally read your birth story and Snlee you are seriously amazing!

And GO JEN GO!!!!!! Can''t wait to meet those beautiful little babies of yours!

And thank you for everyone''s well wishes. We are doing as well as we can be. The steroid shots will take effect for the boys lungs today by 5, so as long as nothing weird happens before then we''re all going to breath a sigh of relief for that.

Unfortunately no one seems to have any great resources on twin pgs/cervix length. We know mine is certainly "short" but it''s not yet in the "so short you are going to deliver VERY soon" camp. So I could go on like this for weeks, or my BH contractions could keep shortening it. I guess my doctor is going to check my cervix tomorrow and we are going to go from there based on what he finds.

The *good* news if there is any out of this is that the boys are completely active, in no distress whatsoever as far as they can find, and they are pretty darn big still! They are 2.4 and 2.6 ounces with a very good amount of fluid. So if my damn cervix will hold we might be good to go for awhile.

Unfortunately although a short cervix in singleton pregnancies is a good predictor of preterm delivery they haven''t really found the same strength of correlation with twin pregnancies. So we''re all just hanging out waiting to see what MY cervix is doing I guess. If we notice that it''s actively shortening we''ll make a different plan, otherwise he''s just sending me home on house arrest basically and we''ll check my cervix weekly. And at any sign of consistent or harder BH contractions we''ll bring me in for some more terbutaline (luckily Snlee the only side effect I seem to have with that one is heart racing, which I can handle. Not pleasant, but I can handle it.

So cross your fingers for us all please that my cervix won''t have opened, funnelled, or shortened!! From what I understand the fact that it isn''t funneling is a good thing right? Anyone know enough to comment?

Pave Hang in there too girl! We can work through this together, but it sounds to me more common than not to spend an evening in L&D with drugs every now and then. I don''t know what questions I can answer, but I CAN tell you that there is a lot more info out there on single pregnancies, so you should be able to research what you need.
Hi Ladies, just wanted to thank you for your support! It is always helpful.

Snlee, Gemma, Neatfreak, Qtiekki thanks so much for your good wishes/thoughts. I am having a quiet weekend and trying not to be too paranoid, yet being careful too.
Neatfreak, I did a little reading to see what''s normal for cervix, and what preterm labor is- The pernatologist who read my scan did say I was not in preterm labor- so that is reassuring. Also the ffn test(might have the name wrong) to check for preterm labor was negative(so I shouldn''t be going into labor for the next two weeks hopefully. And I just read over the u/s report(they had given me a copy when they did the scan). It said my cervix measured 3.7 which sounds way better than 2.5 I am kinda confused b/c it seems to be subjective with the physical exam? Also I don''t know where my cervix started out(I need to find that out- I read it should be in my first visit record). Thirdly, they did a regular u/s(not transvag) but online it was saying they measure the cervix with the transvag u/s. Does anyone know if one is more reliable than the other?
after reading how other ppl got treated with steroids, etc I was worried that maybe they should have done more for me but I think there just wasnt anything to be done since techinically they didnt feel like I was in preterm labor- I think I am feeling reassured. thanks again for the advice/support.

Neat I think you said you are out at 5 today? Hooray!!!!! Hope it is a smooth day and you get to return home and just hang out and be mellow. I just reread your post and it doens''t really say you get out at 5- it says the steroids will be working by 5 on the babies lungs. But either way I hope you get to return home soon and I am praying for you guys.
Re: funneling- No expert but on one exam the dr. said I was funneling and I didn''t ask at the time what it meant- next morning another dr. said he did not feel funneling. I asked then and they said yeah no funneling is better than funneling. That''s all I got.

Jen I know you are a little busy right now but I am thinking of you and hoping for a great, uncomplicated labor for you! Can''t wait to hear your story and see your little ones! WOOOOOOHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

Qtiekki I saw on the mommy thread your girl has to have some tests done. I am sorry to hear you have to go through the stress but am hoping they are just a formaility to make sure nothing is wrong. I bet Meena is gonna do great. Btw she is sooooo cute and getting big already! wow time flies.

Gemma girl you sound awfully busy!!!!! moving and still working and you are 33 weeks already??????? I can''t believe you are going to be up soon! It seems like yesterday we all just started out here. wowsers! Does the research you are doing have you on your feet all day? I hope not. But you sound like a tough cookie(in a good way).

LIA and Kay Are you guys good and just at home resting? Well LIA I think I know the answer to that for you. Hope you are both doing great and not too uncomfortable in this last stage of pregnancy. Thinking of you and ready to cheer you on!!!!

Indy Thinking of you lots and hoping you are all doing ok. Hugs through the computer. big ones!

Ephemery Don''t know where you are but you are on my mind especially now and I am hoping that you just got sick of us at pricescope and things are well with you and your family.

LL thanks for the support- sorry I missed you earlier in the post. How are you feeling? It''s good to see you.

Lisa good to see you hear and I hope you are feeling well. You sound better so that is good news! I meet with the nicu doc and sw on tuesday to get the lay of the land for the l.o. birth. I think it will be good to get a new round of info and further prepare

gotta go- hubby is getting annoyed waiting!
Jen - How exciting! I could tell you were in some pain as you typed your comment. Can''t wait for your next post!!!!

Pave - So scary that those pesky contractions won''t totally go away! Hopefully today is better and yes I think emotional stress and physical stress can make contractions worse.
At least increase frequency. But you''ll have to ask to awesome bed resters on here about that. At least L&D "knows" you now so if you do pop in they have all the data.

NF - Funneling is baaadd. There are some pics on the internet that pretty much explain why. The pressure from the inside pushes on the cervix to thin it out and open it up! Not sure why sometimes women can dilate but not funnel or vice-versa. Maybe it''s contraction related.

Lindsey - So glad to hear your uterus is calming down. Any bleeding is frightening I bet. Interesting about that intelligender. Are you hoping for a certain gender? With my 1st preg. we were able to find out gender @ week 11. This time no luck. I have to wait another 4 weeks and by then we should have a good idea.

Indy - Wishing you well through the wires.
Date: 10/5/2008 12:47:50 PM
Author: pavelover

Neatfreak, I did a little reading to see what's normal for cervix, and what preterm labor is- The pernatologist who read my scan did say I was not in preterm labor- so that is reassuring. Also the ffn test(might have the name wrong) to check for preterm labor was negative(so I shouldn't be going into labor for the next two weeks hopefully. And I just read over the u/s report(they had given me a copy when they did the scan). It said my cervix measured 3.7 which sounds way better than 2.5 I am kinda confused b/c it seems to be subjective with the physical exam? Also I don't know where my cervix started out(I need to find that out- I read it should be in my first visit record). Thirdly, they did a regular u/s(not transvag) but online it was saying they measure the cervix with the transvag u/s. Does anyone know if one is more reliable than the other?
after reading how other ppl got treated with steroids, etc I was worried that maybe they should have done more for me but I think there just wasnt anything to be done since techinically they didnt feel like I was in preterm labor- I think I am feeling reassured. thanks again for the advice/support.
Pave, a negative fFn test is VERY reassuring (there is a less than 1% chance of having a premature delivery within the next 7 to 14 days) so breath a deep breath of relief and stay strong. I know you are one strong woman! Cervix measuring 3.7 is good too. Physical exams are subjective, they can't tell the exact measurement, which an u/s can. Your cervix usually start out at 4-5 I believe. I believe if the tech gets a good view of your cervix with a regular u/s, they can get the measurement and a transvag does not need to be done.

I was hoping for some word regarding Jen and the twins.

Here''s hoping she''s holding them in her arms right now!!

Can''t imagine how excited all the big brothers must be right now!!
Help! I'm petrified

I just went to the bathroom and I'm bleeding. TMI follows... It's a brownish pink colour rather than red - and like coloured creamy CM rather than just blood.

I don't have any cramps or pain or anything and haven't had for about 3 weeks now.

It's 11.30pm here and DH is out and I don't know what I should do - or even if I should panic...

Any advice?

ETA: I can't think of anything that could have set it off - we haven't DTD since the BDing...
Pandora -- no advice, but when I had some scares at one point in my pregnancy, people here urged me to call the doctor, despite the weird time and what I thought was not big enough to bother the doctor.

It was the best thing I could do...nothing was wrong, but it eased my mind.

Jen -- GO GIRL! Whoo!

I know it''s hard, but try not to panic. Brown blood is old blood, and it likely isn''t anything serious.

Are you able to contact an on-call doctor?
My hospital has a 24hr Early Pregnancy Unit - I suppose I should call them.

The number says for emergencies - is this an emergency???

I'm trying to call my friend who is an OB, but I'm pretty sure she's on duty tonight and won't have her mobile on her.
I rang them and they want me to come in for a scan at 8am tomorrow morning.

Wow! I am impressed with the NHS for once in my life!
Date: 10/5/2008 6:50:12 PM
Author: Pandora II
I rang them and they want me to come in for a scan at 8am tomorrow morning.

Wow! I am impressed with the NHS for once in my life!

Yay! That''s great news!

How far along are you?
Pandora, I''m sending good thoughts your way. Good luck at your appointment tomorrow.
Date: 10/5/2008 6:50:12 PM
Author: Pandora II
I rang them and they want me to come in for a scan at 8am tomorrow morning.

Wow! I am impressed with the NHS for once in my life!
Good you're getting it checked out. EBree is right, brown blood is old blood, and it likely isn't anything serious. How far along are you? I had spotting many times throughout my pregnancy - around week 8, 12, 20, and 28. All was nothing except for PTL at 28 weeks but my baby turned out fine. Good luck and keep us posted!
Date: 10/4/2008 11:27:10 PM
Author: Gemma12

I can't remember who said it but although epidurals do increase the risk that some 'help' will be needed with a vaginal delivery (ie vac or forceps) there is no increase in the Caesearan rate. Having said that there is bias in those studies because some babies in unusual positions (which cause more pain and therefore the parturient is more likely to have an epi) need that 'help' anyway. I personally have no problem having an epi if I need it-cause if I do need 'help' then I want some analgesia happening

Maybe that was me... I was under the impression that if you have an epi very early, it *might* reduce the strength of the contractions, and that once the drugs are in your system you are loosely working on limited time, because the baby is also subject to the drugs.

If you dilate very slowly (like I did...try 40 hours in the hospital, after labouring a night and a day at home
) then the baby gets sleepy, and you might be in a situation where you are not dilate enough to get the baby out with forceps.

But then, I don't know how common it is for women to labour for as long as I did. Perhaps most women see sense a lot sooner than I did!! As long as my baby was not under stress, I was happy to labour. Perhaps they would have offered me a caesar anyway, if I'd asked? They did try everything, like oxytocin, the lot.

I went without drugs (well, a bit of happy gas for my second child) and still needed forceps for both babies!

I'm sure I picked up that "anti-epi' info from my ante-natal classes. Mind you, our midwives over here in our local public hospital are pretty much totally anti-drugs. So epi's *don't* reduce the strength of contractions then? What about for first babies, when contractions are more likely to be weak in the first place?

Perhaps I'll go for an epi this time, they look fantastic!!! Thanks for the info!
Aren''t you glad you your dr doesn''t do cervix exam too early? :)
That was one of the most uncomfortable visit for me.
I didn''t know what to expect and definitely didn''t expect to bleed for an entire afterwards.
My cervix was soft and closed tight too when I had my internal at 39wks.
I thought that I would for sure go over the EDD, but wouldn''t you know it, I went and deliver 3 days after that exam

So you are getting soooo close now.
Hope you don''t go too far over the EDD if you do go over.
Indy and NF
Glad to hear that you both are in good hands.
You both are in my thoughts.

Hope that the spotting is just that.
Good luck at the appt tomorrow.

What a scare.
Glad to hear that everything is okay though.

Glad you checked in.
Was wondering where you''ve been too.
You are getting in the home stretch too.
Saw the hospital this morning - they seem cautiously optimistic, but the scan is now at 11.45 as the sonographer isn''t there till 10.30.

I''m 8 weeks tomorrow.

Didn''t sleep much last night and today I have to finalise all the contracts for the house we are hopefully buying on Wednesday. Last thing I needed right now!

DH has had to go off to a conference so I have to go on my own later which is a bit sad, but can''t be helped.
Glad to hear the good news. I am crossing my fingers and toes for your cervix to stay put.

The ffn test result and cervix length are good, so that''s reassuring.

Thanks for the kind words. I''ve been reading online about hydronephrosis, and a lot of sources say that most of the time the baby will grow out of mild hydronephrosis. So I am hoping that''s the case for Meena.

I didn''t realize how much she grew until I saw her next to her cousin who is 4 weeks younger and our friend''s 1 week old baby. She is about 4in longer and a lot heavier than her cousin, and she looks like a giant next our friend''s baby.

Glad they are bringing you in for a scan. But like snlee and ebree said, it''s probably nothing.

My dr. did my first internal when I was 36 weeks, and I had one weekly since. I was not dilated at my 39 weeks appt, so I totally thought I will be overdue. But I ended up having her 4 days before my official EDD and 1 days after my u/s estimated EDD. So you just never know what''s going to happen. Try walking for at least 1 hour a day to move things along if you don''t want to be overdue. I am convinced that''s what started contractions for me. Good Luck.