
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Keeping everything crossed for you Pandora!
Pave, I can’t believe you had to go to L&D too. Hope you are feeling better now. I have had random shooting pains in different spots for months, and it is so confusing to try to figure out what they are. From talking with the Dr and NP, it sounds like most of my pains are r.l. pains, stretching, baby movements, and nerve pains when the baby rests on a nerve. Everyone says “you’ll know when it is a real contraction” – I hope that is true.

Lindsey, congrats on reaching 10 weeks! Good to hear the baby is moving around well and has a good heartbeat.

Jen, can’t wait to hear an update! I look forward to seeing your little girls. I told you you’d beat me. Sending you easy L&D dust.

Gemma, good to “see” you again. Good luck on your house move and your last research project.

Neatfreak, sorry you are having trouble finding information. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for a good check today!

Pandora, I hope your appointment goes well this morning – sending good thought your way.

Lili, I am glad my Dr. waits until 38 weeks to start internal exams, because I would not want too many of those. He warned me I would have spotting that day after the exam, but it continued for 4 days, which was very odd for me because I have not had any spotting the whole pregnancy. I wondered whether the exam might trigger earlier labor, but she seems to be staying put.

QT, I''ll try the walking. I think I might have to enlist DH to help too.

I am so ready to be done with this. The last few weeks have been much rougher (in terms of pain, discomfort, tiredness and the dreaded stretch marks) than the rest of the pregnancy. I am supposed to work through Wednesday, which isn’t going to be enough time to finish everything I wanted to because I get interrupted all the time. I have such mixed feelings, because I am tired and sore and don’t want to go in at all, but I also want to go on leave without a bunch of undone projects on my mind. I will probably have to continue to work from home to finish a few – so much for a paid “vacation.”

I am starting to freak out about my decision to have a vag birth instead of a C. I thought I might be okay since my mom had such an easy delivery, but I only weighed 6 pounds, 4 ounces at 2 days past her EDD. Based on my last ultrasound, Alexis will be at least 7.5 lbs if I go to my EDD, and probably 8 or better if I go overdue and have to wait until the induction date. I have a really low pain threshold and not much endurance, and I’m not sure I have the strength to go through a long vag delivery. Stories here and watching the Discovery channel is freaking me out. It is probably too late to switch to a planned C, as I imagine the Dr. has already set his schedule for the week and probably cannot squeeze me in Thursday or Friday (when he said he would do it when we discussed a planned C weeks ago). I am thinking of calling the Dr. in the morning, but he is going to think I am nuts – I am just so confused about what to do.
Quick pop-in to check on Sk8rJen.

I''ll keep checking up.... she''s got to be back some time soon.

With babies!!!

Whoo hooo!!!

NF it sounds like you are getting great care and that the docs are nice and optimistic
I eagerly await your cervix update... how''s that for funny thing to tell someone?
It''s interesting about the lack of standards for twins... there is so much we don''t know.

Pave it also sounds like you are doing great after your scare with the L&D team. I feel confident you will be fine and your little man too, all signs are good from what you ahve been telling us.

Pandora the wild and wacky world of pregnancy is a roller coaster ride, that''s for sure. I''m awaiting your updates too, and I''m so sorry you have to go through this without DH
We are here for you though!

JEn Can''t wait for an update!

Snlee your birth stor ywas wonderful and sounded very much like some of my friends'' natural births too... you sound like you got into "the zone". I''m so happy you got what you wanted and feel so powerful after birthing your son. And I''m so happy he''s okay after his jaundice! Cute avatar too.

I''ll be back to catch people I missed. Late for work!
Pandora..please keep us also optimistic that everything is just fine but with pregnancy u have to be extra careful and check everything out..good luck ;)
Lara, my dad gives epi for a living (for 30 years or so) so there was never any question I would get one. They do NOT interfere with the length or strength of labor. They do not hurt the baby. My labor start to finish was 8.5 hours. That included over 3 hours of pushing. But I was induced so she never "dropped."

Kay, from what I hear recovery from a c-sec is hard core. I would not go into that decision lightly and would question any doctor who would let you. I don't think there *IS* an easy and pain free solution when it comes to child birth
But I PROMISE it will be worth it and you will forget. I kept reminding myself "this is just ONE day of my life. ONE DAY." I went a week over and I totally remember how tough the last few weeks are. Just enjoy this time and SLEEP, SLEEP, and SLEEP!
indy: thanks for checking in. i hope you''re taking it easy - you and the cubs are in my thoughts.

janine: congratulations!!! yay - it must be wonderful to finally have Chloe in your arms :) can''t wait to see pics.

snlee: i was tearing up reading your story as well - you are so strong! sorry about the jaundice but can i say how cute little derek looks? adorable! hope you and your hubby are just enjoying these first few "new" days with the baby :)

neatfreak: hope things are well and you are home now!

pavelover: sorry about the L&D scare - hope you are doing well now!

lindsey: i didn''t try Intelligender but you''re already 10 wks so it''s not long before you find out the sex through an u/s right?

sk8rjen: good luck! hope you have the littles ones in your arms by now!! check in with us plz!

pandora: fingers crossed for you - hopefully everything will show up fine on the u/s.

nothing new to report on my end...24 wks and things are moving along. i can''t believe how COLD it has gotten this past week - brr!
ooh btw, just had to add, i bought my first pair of maternity pants yesterday...and found what i was looking for! skinny maternity jeans haha..kind of an oxymoron i guess, but i''m a big fan of the skinny jean look - and they are esp. convenient in the winters with tall boots so i was searching high and low for them for quite some time now
Popping in to check on Pandora. Any update?
I''m back!

Everything is great - baby is there (just the one), in the right place, 14mm long, has a heartbeat and is exactly 7wks 6 days which is what it should be.

I''ve got a quite large implantation bleed that you could see on the scan and they said I''m likely to have some bleeding for the next week or so, but not to worry unless it changes in which case I just have to come in again.

It was very odd seeing that scan and the little heart beating away like crazy - I was very relieved to see it all in black and white!

Blood tests were all great - hormone levels weren''t back but they don''t think there will be anything amiss.

They were all so nice and reassuring there, so I didn''t mind DH not being with me so much. He''s come home early anyway as we are doing battle with our solicitor to get the new house sorted by Wednesday. I''ve just done the biggest bank transfer of my life

Here''s a pic of the wee beastie:

Pan I am so pleased everything went well, Tommys has an excellent rep so you are in good hands!
That''s great news, Pandora! The wee beastie is adorable.
Date: 10/6/2008 11:11:53 AM
Author: Lorelei
Pan I am so pleased everything went well, Tommys has an excellent rep so you are in good hands!
Indeed - and the best view in London from the L&D ward.

You can look at Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament from your bed during labour.
Yah Pandora! You mentioned you can see the implantation bleed on the scan, is it evident in the u/s you posted? Just curious what it would look like... my 20 wk u/s is in 10 days, craziness.

19w 1d
Indy I don''t know if you are lurking around the site, but I started a support thread for you and your boys and hubby in hangout:

I have just felt so helpless and concerned for you, and I believe in the power of positive thinking and social support, so I thought that maybe the universe will hear our hopes for you, and if you get a chance to read all the supportive messages, I hope it brings you a little strength when you need it.

You friend, Dreamer
Date: 10/6/2008 11:17:16 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Yah Pandora! You mentioned you can see the implantation bleed on the scan, is it evident in the u/s you posted? Just curious what it would look like... my 20 wk u/s is in 10 days, craziness.

19w 1d
You can see a little bit of it - if you look at the edge of the sac (especially the upper right side) you can see what looks like a darker line surrounding it all - which is the bleed. When the showed me it on the scan it was much bigger - 17 x 5 x 16mm apparently.

They said it was probably a large bruise caused at implantation that was now breaking down and that was why I was getting the bleeding at 8wks and not at 4 or 5 wks.
Date: 10/6/2008 11:16:32 AM
Author: Pandora II

Date: 10/6/2008 11:11:53 AM
Author: Lorelei
Pan I am so pleased everything went well, Tommys has an excellent rep so you are in good hands!
Indeed - and the best view in London from the L&D ward.

You can look at Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament from your bed during labour.
Date: 10/6/2008 11:24:26 AM
Author: Lorelei

Date: 10/6/2008 11:16:32 AM
Author: Pandora II

Date: 10/6/2008 11:11:53 AM
Author: Lorelei
Pan I am so pleased everything went well, Tommys has an excellent rep so you are in good hands!
Indeed - and the best view in London from the L&D ward.

You can look at Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament from your bed during labour.
I just can''t EVER get away from work ...
That''s great news Pandora!!
Pandora, I''m so glad to hear that everything is ok!
Hi all,

I am discharged and at home. And best of all, still pregnant! My doc doesn''t seem to worried right now, so I am trying to be zen about it too. It''s just so hard without any info. We did not do a cervix check today because he really wants to give me an FnF test ASAP, which I guess you can''t do within a few days of any kind of vaginal "interruption", so we are going to do the FnF test on Wednesday and then he is going to check my cervix.

For now all I can do is lounge and wait. I''m on home rest, so at least I can get up to get food or whatever, and my doc says that he doesn''t care if I sit upright or lie down, so that''s the story.

Hope all is well with everyone, but especially thinking of Indy, Jen, and Pave!!!
great news pandora - you must be so relieved!
Date: 10/6/2008 4:55:03 AM
Author: Kay

I am starting to freak out about my decision to have a vag birth instead of a C. I thought I might be okay since my mom had such an easy delivery, but I only weighed 6 pounds, 4 ounces at 2 days past her EDD. Based on my last ultrasound, Alexis will be at least 7.5 lbs if I go to my EDD, and probably 8 or better if I go overdue and have to wait until the induction date. I have a really low pain threshold and not much endurance, and I’m not sure I have the strength to go through a long vag delivery. Stories here and watching the Discovery channel is freaking me out. It is probably too late to switch to a planned C, as I imagine the Dr. has already set his schedule for the week and probably cannot squeeze me in Thursday or Friday (when he said he would do it when we discussed a planned C weeks ago). I am thinking of calling the Dr. in the morning, but he is going to think I am nuts – I am just so confused about what to do.

I''ve just scanned your post here. . . WHY would your dr. actually give you the option of a planned c/s? I''ve had two c/s and only the second was planned and that was because my first son was born via c/s and we didn''t want to encounter the same problems the second time around so we opted for the birth plan. If you have an epidural, the pain is entirely dulled and you''ll be able to concentrate on giving birth! TV shows like the discovery channel get their viewers by showing you the most dramatic of births rather than the majority of average/"normal" ones, so if those shows are scaring you, it''s probably time to turn OFF the tv.

Oh, and I''m sorry if you mentioned earlier why you''re considering a c/s. I just popped into this thread and found it''s hundreds of pages long!
holy canolli - thing are exciting around here! YEYEYYEYEYE Sk8terJen!!!!! can''t wait for the update!

Pandora - how did you get so far ahead of me? I''m only 7weeks 2 days! I thought we were only like, a day apart? Je suis confuse!
Either way, GREAT to hear that your spotting was no biggie and that you''ve received fast and effective care. YEY!

I m/c on this day in my last pregnancy. I''m excited by the idea that each day that passes, I''m more pregnant than I''ve ever been before!

craving lentil soup HARD. (for days now....)
hey mela...yay for you!! seriously, each day that we are preggo is a miracle in itself. so glad you''ve passed this milestone.

btw, i was craving lentils HARD my first trimester too!! if you live near an indian restaurant (which in T.O. - i''m sure you do!) you should really try a dish called ''haleem''. it''s a mixture of diifferent lentils and grains slow cooked for hours with chicken or beef. soooo yummy esp with lemon squeezed over it. i actually made some on the weekend just because i was craving it again.
Date: 10/6/2008 1:22:20 PM
Author: mela lu
holy canolli - thing are exciting around here! YEYEYYEYEYE Sk8terJen!!!!! can''t wait for the update!

Pandora - how did you get so far ahead of me? I''m only 7weeks 2 days! I thought we were only like, a day apart? Je suis confuse!
Either way, GREAT to hear that your spotting was no biggie and that you''ve received fast and effective care. YEY!

I m/c on this day in my last pregnancy. I''m excited by the idea that each day that passes, I''m more pregnant than I''ve ever been before!

craving lentil soup HARD. (for days now....)
That''s odd...

I''m going by my O date not my LMP date - and the U/S agreed with that. Otherwise I would be 7 weeks 4 days by my LMP (my LP is 14 days, but I normally O on either CD 12 or 13).

Yay for being more pg than ever before!
Date: 10/6/2008 1:06:01 PM
Author: MC
Date: 10/6/2008 4:55:03 AM

Author: Kay

I am starting to freak out about my decision to have a vag birth instead of a C. I thought I might be okay since my mom had such an easy delivery, but I only weighed 6 pounds, 4 ounces at 2 days past her EDD. Based on my last ultrasound, Alexis will be at least 7.5 lbs if I go to my EDD, and probably 8 or better if I go overdue and have to wait until the induction date. I have a really low pain threshold and not much endurance, and I’m not sure I have the strength to go through a long vag delivery. Stories here and watching the Discovery channel is freaking me out. It is probably too late to switch to a planned C, as I imagine the Dr. has already set his schedule for the week and probably cannot squeeze me in Thursday or Friday (when he said he would do it when we discussed a planned C weeks ago). I am thinking of calling the Dr. in the morning, but he is going to think I am nuts – I am just so confused about what to do.

I''ve just scanned your post here. . . WHY would your dr. actually give you the option of a planned c/s? I''ve had two c/s and only the second was planned and that was because my first son was born via c/s and we didn''t want to encounter the same problems the second time around so we opted for the birth plan. If you have an epidural, the pain is entirely dulled and you''ll be able to concentrate on giving birth! TV shows like the discovery channel get their viewers by showing you the most dramatic of births rather than the majority of average/''normal'' ones, so if those shows are scaring you, it''s probably time to turn OFF the tv.

Oh, and I''m sorry if you mentioned earlier why you''re considering a c/s. I just popped into this thread and found it''s hundreds of pages long!

ditto MC. I''ve never had a c-section but my sister did and her recovery was so much more drawn out and painful than any of mine. The ultrasounds are usually off too when it comes to the estimated birthweights. I''ve had 3 kids, my first was 7 lbs 5 oz, second was 8 lbs 9oz and third a whopping 9lbs. If you are doing the drugs, you won''t be able to tell a difference. I actually walked my oldest to school the day after coming home from the hospital with Jake. If you are planning on an Epi, go for the vaginal birth and for goodness sake, stop watching those shows
Date: 10/6/2008 1:28:45 PM
Author: Pandora II
Date: 10/6/2008 1:22:20 PM

Author: mela lu

holy canolli - thing are exciting around here! YEYEYYEYEYE Sk8terJen!!!!! can''t wait for the update!

Pandora - how did you get so far ahead of me? I''m only 7weeks 2 days! I thought we were only like, a day apart? Je suis confuse!
Either way, GREAT to hear that your spotting was no biggie and that you''ve received fast and effective care. YEY!

I m/c on this day in my last pregnancy. I''m excited by the idea that each day that passes, I''m more pregnant than I''ve ever been before!

craving lentil soup HARD. (for days now....)

That''s odd...

I''m going by my O date not my LMP date - and the U/S agreed with that. Otherwise I would be 7 weeks 4 days by my LMP (my LP is 14 days, but I normally O on either CD 12 or 13).

Yay for being more pg than ever before!

ah. That explains it. since I O''d on Oct 27th, I would be 7 weeks 5 days (based on O day). got it! I can''t WAIT for my first scan (4 more weeks to wait). I''m so psyched to see what''s going ON in there!

**** Does anyone have any detailed Links to drinking herbal tea during pregnancy******* I know this one,, but would love a more ''scientific'' one if possible. I''m a huge herbal tea drinker, and I''m now worried about my peppermint tea habit. It helps my m/s but I don''t want to jeopardize le bebe. Cannot believe I only clued into this now...
Date: 10/6/2008 1:26:20 PM
Author: sbde
hey mela...yay for you!! seriously, each day that we are preggo is a miracle in itself. so glad you've passed this milestone.

btw, i was craving lentils HARD my first trimester too!! if you live near an indian restaurant (which in T.O. - i'm sure you do!) you should really try a dish called 'haleem'. it's a mixture of diifferent lentils and grains slow cooked for hours with chicken or beef. soooo yummy esp with lemon squeezed over it. i actually made some on the weekend just because i was craving it again.

salivating right now....

ETA: Sbde - our lentil craving furthers the theory that women pregnant with a BOY crave protein (pregnant with girl = citrus cravings). I'm convinced that I'm going to have a boy...and you're having a boy, so PAAN! Theory is considered proven. Boys = protein = lentils = I'M DEF HAVING A BOY. LOL.
Kay, ditto what the others said about vag vs. c section. With an epi you shouldn''t feel much pain. Don''t let my birth story scare you. It was long and very painful because I chose to have a natural drug free L&D. And I promise, any pain you do feel, you''ll forget about it the moment you hold your baby! It''s all worth it! u/s birth weight guesses are often off and the baby is smaller so don''t worry. I''m sure you''ll be fine. Even though I went early, the last few weeks were really uncomfortable! I hope you aren''t pregnant much longer. Sending lots of L&D vibes to you! Definitely stop watching the discovery channel.

Pandora, glad to hear the great news!

NF, glad you are home and resting. It''s good your doctor is waiting to give you the fFn test. My doctor gave me the fFn the day after I had a transvag and I got a false positive so for DAYS I was worried sick when I didn''t have to be!