
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Congratulations on the new house, Pandora!
Hopefully I''ll be right behind ya!
Prunes were my BEST friend while preggo!

Tacori--i had no post-birth BM problems either and i have poor digestion. I actually felt really good in that regard (body naturally cleaned itself out) and i had many stitches as well...maybe it is different for everyone
I feel embarrassed about my earlier post to Fisherofmen.
Sorry girls - I hope it''s only us preggers girls bothering to open this thread!!!

oh well it''ll disappear under the weight of new posts in a couple of days.
I hope everyone knew what I meant, and didn''t read too much of anything *too personal* into it!! IYKWIM. Hmm, it was pretty personal. Why do I do this to myself? Arghh, now I''ve just made it worse!! lol
re sex postpartum--i am still sore
but it is getting better each week i think. The weeks before Cohen''s birth i was all about Prostaglandins (sp?) to induce labor--DTD each and every day for weeks! Then post baby....(cue crickets chirping)...not much of that going on. I think sleep deprivation is the biggest sex drive killer. If the choice is b/w sleep or sex, guess what wins
Date: 10/8/2008 10:55:49 AM
Author: Jas12
re sex postpartum--i am still sore
but it is getting better each week i think. The weeks before Cohen''s birth i was all about Prostaglandins (sp?) to induce labor--DTD each and every day for weeks! Then post baby....(cue crickets chirping)...not much of that going on. I think sleep deprivation is the biggest sex drive killer. If the choice is b/w sleep or sex, guess what wins
Jas a couple of my friends said it took up to 10-12 months to feel totally comfortable again. I think everyone is probably different but you are totally in the norm! Lots of lube sister, that was their comments
Date: 10/8/2008 10:45:01 AM
Author: LaraOnline
I feel embarrassed about my earlier post to Fisherofmen.
Sorry girls - I hope it''s only us preggers girls bothering to open this thread!!!

oh well it''ll disappear under the weight of new posts in a couple of days.
I hope everyone knew what I meant, and didn''t read too much of anything *too personal* into it!! IYKWIM. Hmm, it was pretty personal. Why do I do this to myself? Arghh, now I''ve just made it worse!! lol
Girl we have all said much much worse, don''t worry!
Does anyone have any advice about low blood-pressure?

I''ve always had very low blood-pressure - generally around 90/50 - and have passed out in a variety of shops, art galleries, museums and other invariably very public places.

I''m constantly a bit dizzy and horrible feeling and noticed it was way down again when they took my BP at the hospital the other day.

I eat LOADS of salt and am drinking plenty. Anyone have any bright ideas of how to increase your BP?
Date: 10/8/2008 2:10:57 PM
Author: Pandora II
Does anyone have any advice about low blood-pressure?

I''ve always had very low blood-pressure - generally around 90/50 - and have passed out in a variety of shops, art galleries, museums and other invariably very public places.

I''m constantly a bit dizzy and horrible feeling and noticed it was way down again when they took my BP at the hospital the other day.

I eat LOADS of salt and am drinking plenty. Anyone have any bright ideas of how to increase your BP?

It''s a pretty normal thing unfortunately. I''ve had those issues too my whole life, just being a small woman apparently predisposes you to it. My doc says that there isn''t anything I can do about it besides what you already mentioned.

The one thing I CAN tell you is to make SURE they know that at the hospital if you by chance ever have to have the labor stopping drugs. Procardia is a blood pressure drug actually and can make your BP drop to dangerous levels very very quickly (as I learned on Friday!). So make sure they know that and they can give you a different drug.
UPDATE Back from the Dr. and we did not do a cervix check as he didn''t want to "stir things up" but the GOOD news is that my FnF test was negative! Yay! I know that doesn''t mean anything for sure, but it''s certainly a good sign. Yay!
NF, neg fFn test is highly predictive that preterm delivery will not occur within the next 7-14 days (<1%!) so that''s GREAT news!!! Glad to hear!
Date: 10/8/2008 2:24:58 PM
Author: snlee
NF, neg fFn test is highly predictive that preterm delivery will not occur within the next 7-14 days (<1%!) so that''s GREAT news!!! Glad to hear!

Me too! I am so relieved...still on bedrest sadly, but relieved.
Date: 10/8/2008 2:19:14 PM
Author: neatfreak

Date: 10/8/2008 2:10:57 PM
Author: Pandora II
Does anyone have any advice about low blood-pressure?

I''ve always had very low blood-pressure - generally around 90/50 - and have passed out in a variety of shops, art galleries, museums and other invariably very public places.

I''m constantly a bit dizzy and horrible feeling and noticed it was way down again when they took my BP at the hospital the other day.

I eat LOADS of salt and am drinking plenty. Anyone have any bright ideas of how to increase your BP?

It''s a pretty normal thing unfortunately. I''ve had those issues too my whole life, just being a small woman apparently predisposes you to it. My doc says that there isn''t anything I can do about it besides what you already mentioned.

The one thing I CAN tell you is to make SURE they know that at the hospital if you by chance ever have to have the labor stopping drugs. Procardia is a blood pressure drug actually and can make your BP drop to dangerous levels very very quickly (as I learned on Friday!). So make sure they know that and they can give you a different drug.
Wow, I didn''t know that!

They were quite keen to know how I stayed upright on Monday - so it''s probably in my notes. I''m 5ft 10" so it''s rather a long way down sadly.
NF -- hooray for a negative ffn test!! sorry you have to be on bedrest, but you know it''ll be worth it!

Pandora and NF (fwiw) -- I have really low blood pressure as well and they put me on the procardia anyway. I was shocked and it made me feel awful at first. Their advice was "if you feel at all any signs of passing out coming on, sit down where you are IMMEDIATELY until it passes and don''t get up too fast." They could have put me on the terb, but since the procardia ended up working, that''s what I stayed on. Sorry i have no good low blood pressure advice, buut one more thing you gys may not know: low bp and epidurals don''t always do well together. I didn''t have too much of an issue with my first 2 boys (other than i had them take it out right after the csection instead of the next day b/c i hated the chattering), but with donovan i had to lay flat on my back for a large part of labor and had to have oxygen. They said anesthesia in general combined with low bp can be a "problem." how much of one, i dunno...

nyc -- thanks

36 weeks today
no sign of them coming any time soon now!
Great news! Are you on best rest for the rest of your pregnancy?

Pandora wow that''s low! Mine is usually about 90/70 but as my pregnancy has progresses is has climbed way up
to about 120/80, which is normal, LOL! So yours may simply get higher as your blood vlume increases, which starts slowly in the first trimester and gets more pronounced in the second tri.

As for me I got the results of my NT and triple screen blah blah blah and my odds ratio was like 1:10000 for downs and also was negative for all the other badies. Woo hoo! Although false positives are a real possibility, false negatives are very rare so I am happy.
Date: 10/8/2008 4:27:25 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

As for me I got the results of my NT and triple screen blah blah blah and my odds ratio was like 1:10000 for downs and also was negative for all the other badies. Woo hoo! Although false positives are a real possibility, false negatives are very rare so I am happy.
yay! that''s great news!
LIA, Where are you? How are you doing? You''re probably out and about. I hope you are enjoying your time off bed rest!
Date: 10/8/2008 4:27:25 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Great news! Are you on best rest for the rest of your pregnancy?

Thanks DD! Probably not...but my doc is having me take it easy for this week and we are going to reevaluate next week. I probably will be on restricted activity until 34 or 35 weeks, but I can still go to classes and be around the house. Unless something changes that seems to be the plan. And congrats to you too! Yay for good screens!

Jen Thanks for that info! It's good to know although sadly it appears that my little Dexter (baby B) has decided to turn breech, so unless he turns AND I end up going full term, my doc said he probably recommends a c-section anyway. We think part of my reaction to the Procardia was possibly the combo of it, fast fluids into me, the steroid shot, not having eaten all afternoon, etc. So my doc said if I need it we'll try it again in a smaller dose. But I nearly fainted and FAST when they gave it to me on Friday, it made me feel horrible, so for now if we need something we're sticking with terb if it works. But cross your fingers I won't need it, I'm not on anything now and not contracting so I'm hoping to keep it this way!
Wow, I''ve missed a lot.

By the way, the liking all food thing only started about a week ago. And I should amend that to say liking anything that doesn''t have artificial preservatives in it, but that still leaves enough delicious food that I''m perfectly happy.

I felt definite movement last night plus on and off today. I''ve had a bunch of "was that the baby moving?" moments in the last week and it''s exciting to really feel it.

To whoever asked when we started showing, to ourselves - my body started looking different to me at 8 dpo. It''s been looking increasingly different since then. I think for the last two weeks or so I feel like I''m actually starting to show, as opposed to just being bloated. And actually, the belly rubbing at work started about two weeks ago too, so maybe others who know me well had the same thought. (Hubby just says that he still looks more pregnant than me.

My promotion was FINALLY announced at work today, so I think I made the right decision to just give up and announce the pregnancy two weeks ago.

Lara, I don''t really feel like going into natural vs medicated birth, but are you aware that squatting makes your pelvis about 30% bigger than the lithotomy posiiton does? Hands and knees is also very good for opening up the pelvis. I feel like you''ve told me, but I can''t remember what position(s) you labored and pushed in.

NF, yay for the FnF!!


I''m sorry if your post made you uncomfortable. Now I feel bad for asking about it, but I figure I better know what I''m working so hard to get myself into.

It''s funny because I''m a very non-personal talk type of person in real life, but I have to get information somewhere, might as well be online.
Another random note, so due to an article I found in the NEJM from last year we are going to give progesterone suppositories a try. They seem to be promising as a way of prolonging pregnancy for women with short cervixes. They also use them in early pregnancy to help keep the uterine lining lush I guess? Anyway, the study is promising, was done well, and included twin moms. So my doc and I figure "why not" basically since it seems to have no negative side effects.

Anyway, anyone have experience with them? Do they leak? Weird question I know, but I want to be prepared tonight when I use one for the first time.
NF- I have used suppositories in previous fertility treatments...they aren''t as bad as u would think...I did like the brands with the applicators (instead of using ur finger..which was really uncomfy) I think the brand I liked is called endometrin..u can ask ur doc about the different kinds...I usually inserted them then lay a little while...u might want to use bathroom b4 inserting so that u don''t have to go for a little while ....sometimes it came out when I went...u may want to wear a pantyliner as for this time around with my ivf I used progesterone injections for like 5 or 6 weeks (oh goodness was that torture lol..hurt like hell..still healing my booty) I just got the ok to get off them ystdy. Good luck 2 ya ;)
Date: 10/8/2008 7:05:19 PM
Author: nycbkgirl
NF- I have used suppositories in previous fertility treatments...they aren't as bad as u would think...I did like the brands with the applicators (instead of using ur finger..which was really uncomfy) I think the brand I liked is called endometrin..u can ask ur doc about the different kinds...I usually inserted them then lay a little while...u might want to use bathroom b4 inserting so that u don't have to go for a little while ....sometimes it came out when I went...u may want to wear a pantyliner as for this time around with my ivf I used progesterone injections for like 5 or 6 weeks (oh goodness was that torture lol..hurt like hell..still healing my booty) I just got the ok to get off them ystdy. Good luck 2 ya ;)

Thanks NYC! Interestingly enough my husband just picked them up for me and apparently this type that was used in the study are normally taken orally (he called me laughing because the instructions apparently say "take one tablet vaginally by mouth at bedtime" and the pharmacist was CONFUSED!)? So that seems to me that it's some kind of pill/caplet? Who knows...guess I'll find out tonight! Good thought about the pantyliner though, sounds like a good precaution in case it leaks. Yuck.
Date: 10/6/2008 11:28:37 PM
Author: snlee
Date: 10/6/2008 5:30:03 PM

Author: neatfreak

Pandora and Mela I''m sorry to bust in on your theory here, but all I could eat was fruit and citrus, even the sight of meat made me want to puke, and I''ve got two boys baking in here. In fact one of my nurses in the hospital this weekend said the same thing when she was pregnant with her boy.
So you just never know...

I''m not sure about your theory either. I loved citrus throughout my pregnancy (couldn''t stop eating tangerines) and you all know I had a boy!

That sounds right. I''ve heard that craving sour = boy, and sweet = girl. I craved sweet my whole pregnancy, and I had a girl.
NF- u def made me laugh with those pharmacy instructions!! Lol....I''ve never heard of there being a pill though...but if there is im not sure that is as strong as the vaginal n that''s y they wouldn''t prescribe a pill..because if there is n I didn''t get it id b mad! Lol..but yeh its not pretty with those things but not too bad least its not a long needle injection like what I did for 6 wks straigh! (OUCH)
Hang it there for a couple more days of work, then relax and do everything you want to do before the baby gets here (date night, watch the movies you want to watch, etc).

For me, it was around 10 - 11 weeks when I felt like I have a bump.


Relax woman, and don''t worry about cleaning.
Yay for the negative ffn test.

Congrats on your twins.

wow the girls are big (well for twins). You are getting a lot of actions huh.
Date: 10/8/2008 7:28:23 PM
Author: nycbkgirl
NF- u def made me laugh with those pharmacy instructions!! Lol....I''ve never heard of there being a pill though...but if there is im not sure that is as strong as the vaginal n that''s y they wouldn''t prescribe a pill..because if there is n I didn''t get it id b mad! Lol..but yeh its not pretty with those things but not too bad least its not a long needle injection like what I did for 6 wks straigh! (OUCH)

Glad it made you laugh too! My husband was dying when he called me. I don''t think it''s a strength issue now that I am reading, just a different form of progesterone. This is the same one used in the studies for my particular situation, so I am sure that is why the doc prescribed this one. I too am glad it''s not an injection.
Date: 10/7/2008 8:21:47 PM
Author: fisherofmengirly
Speaking of nookie while preggo... I know, I know. I''ve read the articles that it''s safe and fine, but it scares the crud outta me.

Once there''s a little baby growing in me, I won''t be any too excited to do anything that could hurt the little thing.

Also, what''s the deal with having to wait 6 weeks after having a baby before you can get back to business? I''ve always wondered that. I don''t think a lot of people follow that rule, anyway.

To be honest, I was more scared to do it postpartum than during my pregnancy. I''ve read everywhere that it''s safe during pregnancy, so I wasn''t even worried. Actually DH was more worried about it in the beginning of my pregnancy. But once we saw the HB and my dr said the chance of m/c is less than 5%, he felt better about it. Nookie postpartum was another story. I was sore for the first week, so we weren''t even thinking about it. After that, I was worried about the episiotomy and what if the stitches ripe. So I did wait til the 6 weeks appt, and my dr said that my stitches were healed before even considering it. I swear I felt like a virgin again. LOL.
NF- yeh I guess pharmacist wanted 2 cover all the bases lol...o so there is a pill..hmm sucks I couldn''t get that one then u don''t have 2 worry about all the yucky stuff :)

-Thanks QT :)

There is so much goodness going on! Blein’s promotion, NF’s FnF test (ps good luck with these suppositories!), Dreamers’ good NT scan results, Pandora’s house (yey!), and of course, Jen’s action

!! Lol

Nothing new with me other than the fact that I’ll be 8 weeks this Sat and I swear, I’ve doubled in size in the past 4 weeks. I *almost* want to take a pic and show you…because I’m just so….so…, BIG! I’m sure it’s bloat, because I don’t feel anything ‘hard’ beneath the big belly, but it’s just so bizarre how fast my body is changing! Weird. If I didn’t know my body so well (I really do) then I’d say that I drank from the PS Twin fountain. Seriously. I can’t remember if I mentioned this, but my Maternal Great-Grandmother had THREE SETS of twins, (my maternal grandfather was one of them), my mother’s sister had twins, my mother’s cousin had twins….and to top if off, my DH is a twin (I know that doesn’t affect me, but STILL!) It’s insane.

Part of me wants to go see my Dr and ask for an earlier scan just to rule it out. Then the other part of me says, “SIT DOWN, relax, so what if you’re becoming a whale! Que sera, sera. Just wait 4 more weeks until your scheduled u/s.” sigh.

Just for entertainment sake, have any of you ever tried this:
I’m just curious as to it’s supposed accuracy. According to my "chinese age" and month of conception, I''m having a girl - which TOTALLY contradicts my uber scientific ''craving'' predictor.

Melar (as said with a british accent). 7w4d

Date: 10/8/2008 6:23:08 PM
Author: neatfreak
Another random note, so due to an article I found in the NEJM from last year we are going to give progesterone suppositories a try. They seem to be promising as a way of prolonging pregnancy for women with short cervixes. They also use them in early pregnancy to help keep the uterine lining lush I guess? Anyway, the study is promising, was done well, and included twin moms. So my doc and I figure 'why not' basically since it seems to have no negative side effects.

Anyway, anyone have experience with them? Do they leak? Weird question I know, but I want to be prepared tonight when I use one for the first time.
Ah sadly a topic I do have experience with!

I used compounded progesterone in capsule form up the who-ha for 9+ weeks at the beg. of this pg.

ETA - too funny about the oral/vaginal non-distinction!!! LOL LOL

It was messy and annoying (twice a day inserts). I wore a pad every day.

I had some mild side effects (hot flashes, bloating).

You probably won't feel anything adverse considering that youv'e got 2 babes well entrenched.