
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Mela- I duno how u do it girl waiting so long for u/s I commend ur patience! I rushed 2 doc @ 5w4d and surprise I made it that long w.o. U/s patience is not one of my virtues lol...I''ve had a few more u/s since then..ystdy of course the 7w heartbeat u/s and it of course was amazing listenin to those beating lil beans...weird that some places have u/s so late but if u can be calm n wait I applaud u :)..o wow lots of twins! Woo hoo to more ps twins ;)
Mela it's the bloat baby! The uterus is still tucked in behind the pubic bone at less than 8 weeks, so it is only a little bigger than your fist so it can't be causing much extra girth
I think it's all the lentils! Congrats though on making it further than last time, that is wonderful
lol the lentils!

THANKS Dreamer!!! :) I''m feeling so good about it. Thanks for that congrats. I''m just, thrilled
Date: 10/8/2008 7:25:21 PM
Author: qtiekiki
Date: 10/6/2008 11:28:37 PM

Author: snlee

Date: 10/6/2008 5:30:03 PM

Author: neatfreak

Pandora and Mela I''m sorry to bust in on your theory here, but all I could eat was fruit and citrus, even the sight of meat made me want to puke, and I''ve got two boys baking in here. In fact one of my nurses in the hospital this weekend said the same thing when she was pregnant with her boy.
So you just never know...

I''m not sure about your theory either. I loved citrus throughout my pregnancy (couldn''t stop eating tangerines) and you all know I had a boy!
That sounds right. I''ve heard that craving sour = boy, and sweet = girl. I craved sweet my whole pregnancy, and I had a girl.
Hmmm I liked sweet tangerines though and I loved baked goods - cookies, cakes, brownies, anything, and I''m usually not into that stuff. So not sure if sweet = girl.
Date: 10/8/2008 11:13:39 PM
Author: snlee
Date: 10/8/2008 7:25:21 PM

Author: qtiekiki

Date: 10/6/2008 11:28:37 PM

Author: snlee

Date: 10/6/2008 5:30:03 PM

Author: neatfreak

Pandora and Mela I''m sorry to bust in on your theory here, but all I could eat was fruit and citrus, even the sight of meat made me want to puke, and I''ve got two boys baking in here. In fact one of my nurses in the hospital this weekend said the same thing when she was pregnant with her boy.
So you just never know...

I''m not sure about your theory either. I loved citrus throughout my pregnancy (couldn''t stop eating tangerines) and you all know I had a boy!

That sounds right. I''ve heard that craving sour = boy, and sweet = girl. I craved sweet my whole pregnancy, and I had a girl.

Hmmm I liked sweet tangerines though and I loved baked goods - cookies, cakes, brownies, anything, and I''m usually not into that stuff. So not sure if sweet = girl.

I''m not convinced either...says the preggo with two boys woman scarfing cookie dough and cake.
Date: 10/8/2008 10:03:23 PM
Author: nycbkgirl
Mela- I duno how u do it girl waiting so long for u/s I commend ur patience! I rushed 2 doc @ 5w4d and surprise I made it that long w.o. U/s patience is not one of my virtues lol...I''ve had a few more u/s since then..ystdy of course the 7w heartbeat u/s and it of course was amazing listenin to those beating lil beans...weird that some places have u/s so late but if u can be calm n wait I applaud u :)..o wow lots of twins! Woo hoo to more ps twins ;)
It''s not really a case of patience. Most places don''t offer a scan before 12 weeks.

My first scan was scheduled for 12 wks 3 days - I ONLY got the early one because of the bleeding and because I happen to live in the middle of London and I''m booked into one of the biggest maternity units in the country.

There isn''t the staff/equipment/money available to offer more than 2 scans maximum over here.

The view they also take is that there is really very little point as if you miscarry there is absolutely nothing they can do anyway - so they save all the pennies and use them for the 12wk scans once most people are past the danger zone.

We also don''t get betas or heart beat numbers. Basically you see the GP, tell him your KTFU and he writes a letter to the hospital. They then see you between 10 and 12 weeks and book you a scan for 12 weeks.
Pandora- o man I would absolutley drive myself n everyone around me crazy if I couldn''t get my u/ of course u can get them whenever U want and that''s perfect for me because im such a worrier and panicer....someone did say they could pay for an earlier one I think and u betta believe id be doing that...patience n waiting is the absolute worst for me...I wasn''t having any symptoms before so I needed that reassurance that the pregnancy was I did 1st scan at 5w.

Mela-O and I also thought my belly was getting bigger but yeh I did think it couldn''t be this early n must be bloating..o well soon enough it will be big lol
Date: 10/9/2008 6:20:36 AM
Author: Pandora II
We also don't get betas or heart beat numbers. Basically you see the GP, tell him your KTFU and he writes a letter to the hospital. They then see you between 10 and 12 weeks and book you a scan for 12 weeks.
It's the same in Canada, unless you have risk factors or issues they don't over-monitor you. I guess you could pay to get one done, but I wouldn't do that personally. I think pregnancy is an excercise in patience and blind faith/optimism. If I got a scan one day, the next day you could still have something go wrong so it really only provides momentary relief. In the end, you have to just go with the flow and be zen.

Indy I am still thinking of you and wishing you well and hoping you can pop in and let us know what's going on! Hang in there honey! It's been a week since we heard from you, I really hope things are ok.
Date: 10/9/2008 9:30:20 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Date: 10/9/2008 6:20:36 AM

Author: Pandora II

We also don't get betas or heart beat numbers. Basically you see the GP, tell him your KTFU and he writes a letter to the hospital. They then see you between 10 and 12 weeks and book you a scan for 12 weeks.

It's the same in Canada, unless you have risk factors or issues they don't over-monitor you. I guess you could pay to get one done, but I wouldn't do that personally. I think pregnancy is an excercise in patience and blind faith/optimism. If I got a scan one day, the next day you could still have something go wrong so it really only provides momentary relief. In the end, you have to just go with the flow and be zen.

I have to say, it's mostly the same in the US. I'm not sure what kind of insurance NYC has, but most of us can't walk in and get u/s scans whenever we want either (unless you pay out of pocket of course)! I have really really fabulous insurance (I won't pay a penny for ANY of my pre-natal or delivery stuff) and the only reason I have more than 2 scans is because I am "high risk". Otherwise my insurance would pay for the N/T scan and another at 20 weeks. And mayyyyybe one late in the pregnancy to determine baby's position or something. But that's it, they wouldn't pay if I just wanted one and my regular doc wouldn't do it.
Date: 10/9/2008 9:42:50 AM
Author: neatfreak

Date: 10/9/2008 9:30:20 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Date: 10/9/2008 6:20:36 AM

Author: Pandora II

We also don''t get betas or heart beat numbers. Basically you see the GP, tell him your KTFU and he writes a letter to the hospital. They then see you between 10 and 12 weeks and book you a scan for 12 weeks.

It''s the same in Canada, unless you have risk factors or issues they don''t over-monitor you. I guess you could pay to get one done, but I wouldn''t do that personally. I think pregnancy is an excercise in patience and blind faith/optimism. If I got a scan one day, the next day you could still have something go wrong so it really only provides momentary relief. In the end, you have to just go with the flow and be zen.

I have to say, it''s mostly the same in the US. I''m not sure what kind of insurance NYC has, but most of us can''t walk in and get u/s scans whenever we want either (unless you pay out of pocket of course)! I have really really fabulous insurance (I won''t pay a penny for ANY of my pre-natal or delivery stuff) and the only reason I have more than 2 scans is because I am ''high risk''. Otherwise my insurance would pay for the N/T scan and another at 20 weeks. And mayyyyybe one late in the pregnancy to determine baby''s position or something. But that''s it, they wouldn''t pay if I just wanted one and my regular doc wouldn''t do it.
I think you get closer monitoring when you have IVF or IUI, that''s what it seems from Lisa''s experience and what NYC is describing.

How''s bed rest going NF?
Same here.
1 or at most 2 scans per pregnancy...
There is a 12-week Down Syndrome scan (calculation of risk), which seems to be offered fairly freely over here. I had my first child at 32, and have had the 12-week scan each time. However, it is not covered by Medicare, I don't think... I have to pay in full.
And then another one more the track around 20 weeks...
I guess it does depend on insurance...mine covers as many scans as doctor deems necessary...sorry didn''t realize about the different insurances...but if it didn''t cover I would be paying out of pocket anyway bc I would still want the scans done..unfortunatley I don''t have the zen thing goin for me
Date: 10/9/2008 9:50:52 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Date: 10/9/2008 9:42:50 AM

Author: neatfreak

Date: 10/9/2008 9:30:20 AM

Author: dreamer_dachsie

Date: 10/9/2008 6:20:36 AM

Author: Pandora II

We also don''t get betas or heart beat numbers. Basically you see the GP, tell him your KTFU and he writes a letter to the hospital. They then see you between 10 and 12 weeks and book you a scan for 12 weeks.

It''s the same in Canada, unless you have risk factors or issues they don''t over-monitor you. I guess you could pay to get one done, but I wouldn''t do that personally. I think pregnancy is an excercise in patience and blind faith/optimism. If I got a scan one day, the next day you could still have something go wrong so it really only provides momentary relief. In the end, you have to just go with the flow and be zen.

I have to say, it''s mostly the same in the US. I''m not sure what kind of insurance NYC has, but most of us can''t walk in and get u/s scans whenever we want either (unless you pay out of pocket of course)! I have really really fabulous insurance (I won''t pay a penny for ANY of my pre-natal or delivery stuff) and the only reason I have more than 2 scans is because I am ''high risk''. Otherwise my insurance would pay for the N/T scan and another at 20 weeks. And mayyyyybe one late in the pregnancy to determine baby''s position or something. But that''s it, they wouldn''t pay if I just wanted one and my regular doc wouldn''t do it.

I think you get closer monitoring when you have IVF or IUI, that''s what it seems from Lisa''s experience and what NYC is describing.

How''s bed rest going NF?

It''s going...babies are still baking which is the important thing! It''s even more frustrating now though since I had a negative ffn test ya know? Considering the risk of me spontaneously going into labor in the next few weeks is now next to nil, it feels silly to be lounging around on the couch and not getting anything around the house done! Hopefully my doc and I can reevaluate whether it''s necessary for me to be as restricted next week since the only thing that bedrest has proven effective for is preventing contractions and I''m not having any. So we''ll see...

But thanks for asking! It''s killing me not to be cleaning...let''s just say that my DH is many things but clean isn''t one of them. The house is a disaster!
Date: 10/9/2008 10:13:20 AM
Author: nycbkgirl
I guess it does depend on insurance...mine covers as many scans as doctor deems necessary...sorry didn''t realize about the different insurances...but if it didn''t cover I would be paying out of pocket anyway bc I would still want the scans done..unfortunatley I don''t have the zen thing goin for me

Ahhh I think the key here is "doctor deems necessary". You must have a very obliging doctor if they approve every scan you want!

My insurance would approve any that my doc deems necessary, but he wouldn''t allow me to have one whenever I wanted just because. Consider yourself very lucky!
Neatfreak - sorry you''re getting stir crazy! That''s not a fun feeling, but enjoy being able to be lazy for now!

Mela - wow! 3 sets of twins! That''s a lot of twins! I wonder about ya???

I think I''m getting overwhelmed with the insane about information that''s getting thrown at me right now. I don''t understand half of it and I don''t have the patience to read baby books every single day. I believe I''m getting the DS scan next week? I will be 12 weeks. I know there are many options like the amnio, etc. and we''ve already told our OB that we''re not interested. The scan is just a scan right? Gives you the percentage risk?

Last night was the first night I felt uncomfortable sleeping on my stomach. When do I have to start sleeping on my side only?

11 weeks today!
Courtney- funny u asked the sleeping ? I was thinking about it as well...but since im such a freak I stopped sleeping on my stomach pretty much as soon as I found out (4wks) I''ve been sleeping on my stomach my whole life and usually couldn''t fall asleep otherwise...but now im very used to side n back sleeping...I switch up all throughout the nite but its I never did find out the answer to when is it better 2 give up stomach sleepin I just did it right away (ugh im sooo nuts lol)
Date: 10/9/2008 10:50:39 AM
Author: Courtneylub
Neatfreak - sorry you''re getting stir crazy! That''s not a fun feeling, but enjoy being able to be lazy for now!

Mela - wow! 3 sets of twins! That''s a lot of twins! I wonder about ya???

I think I''m getting overwhelmed with the insane about information that''s getting thrown at me right now. I don''t understand half of it and I don''t have the patience to read baby books every single day. I believe I''m getting the DS scan next week? I will be 12 weeks. I know there are many options like the amnio, etc. and we''ve already told our OB that we''re not interested. The scan is just a scan right? Gives you the percentage risk?

Last night was the first night I felt uncomfortable sleeping on my stomach. When do I have to start sleeping on my side only?

11 weeks today!
Courtney at 12 weeks they can do just a scan and they will look at the thickness of the fluid collected at the back of the baby''s neck (Nuchal Transluscency, hence calling it an "NT scan"). A very large amount of fluid *can* be a marker for Downs and spina bifida. Based on this information, you can get an odds ratio that is based on the measurement and your age. At my age, anything lower than 1:300 odds is considered "low risk". The NT scan by itself will correctly identify about 70% of babies who really have downs, and about 5-10% of the time you will be given a false positive, meansing your results indicate an elevated risk when in fact your baby is fine. If you combine the NT scan with triple-screen blood tests (triple screen because they measure three substances in the blood) at 12 weeks and again at 17 weeks, you can get a much more accurate risk ratio. The combines scan and blood test can detect 90% of babies with Downs and a couple other conditions (Spina bifida being one), but it still has a 5% false positive rate.

You should think about whether or not you care about these types of results. In the end, the only reason to have the NT scan and blood work done is if the results will change your pregnancy plans in some way. Would you have amnio if you get poor odds? Would you terminate the pregnancy if you have a child with an abnormality? In the end, the 12 week NT screen is done for a very specific reason, and that is allowing parents to make these types of tough choices. If you would not terminate then, like NF, you should consider not having the screening test done. It can lead to unnecessary worry and it isn''t required!

That said, it is possible that you are not actually having a complete NT scan done next week! You may be having a routine u/s to take measurments of your baby''s head and body to determine a more accurate due date. This is called a "dating scan" and is also very routine and is different from the Down and spina bifida "screening test." So you should ask your doctor what you are actually having done at this time: is it a dating scan, or is it a full NT screening test? The screening for Downs is not mandatory, so unless you want it, then you don''t have to have it.

FWIW, we chose to have all the screenings done as have some other women here, whereas some other women have opted not to have the screenings done. If you don''t want the screenings done, you can still have the u/s to see your baby and find out whether your EDD is accurate!
re sleeping: you can''t actually squash your baby, since it will become too uncomfortable once the uterus gets big enough to interfere. That was the consensus on here last time someone asked about this. I still sleep a little resting on my stomach (on my side mostly) and it feels fine. So unless it is uncomfortable, go for it. Courtney, it sounds like you may have to give it up!
Stomach sleeping Trust me ladies, you''ll know when it''s time to stop sleeping on your stomach. It gets uncomfortable FAST. After that point I highly highly recommend a body pillow of some sort. It allows you to be on your side but still kind of feel like you are sleeping on your stomach due to the pillow support if that makes sense. It made a HUGE difference in my sleeping comfort.
Date: 10/9/2008 9:50:52 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Date: 10/9/2008 9:42:50 AM
Author: neatfreak

Date: 10/9/2008 9:30:20 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Date: 10/9/2008 6:20:36 AM

Author: Pandora II

We also don''t get betas or heart beat numbers. Basically you see the GP, tell him your KTFU and he writes a letter to the hospital. They then see you between 10 and 12 weeks and book you a scan for 12 weeks.

It''s the same in Canada, unless you have risk factors or issues they don''t over-monitor you. I guess you could pay to get one done, but I wouldn''t do that personally. I think pregnancy is an excercise in patience and blind faith/optimism. If I got a scan one day, the next day you could still have something go wrong so it really only provides momentary relief. In the end, you have to just go with the flow and be zen.

I have to say, it''s mostly the same in the US. I''m not sure what kind of insurance NYC has, but most of us can''t walk in and get u/s scans whenever we want either (unless you pay out of pocket of course)! I have really really fabulous insurance (I won''t pay a penny for ANY of my pre-natal or delivery stuff) and the only reason I have more than 2 scans is because I am ''high risk''. Otherwise my insurance would pay for the N/T scan and another at 20 weeks. And mayyyyybe one late in the pregnancy to determine baby''s position or something. But that''s it, they wouldn''t pay if I just wanted one and my regular doc wouldn''t do it.
I think you get closer monitoring when you have IVF or IUI, that''s what it seems from Lisa''s experience and what NYC is describing.

How''s bed rest going NF?
Yep, especially until you graduate from RE''s. I had 3 us before 11 weeks.

And now I''ve had 2 level II''s b/c of being classified as high-risk. Anytime I step into the peri''s office he scans me. Even if I just need a blood draw like yesterday.

OB just does doppler for HB.

I think I had like 11 us with Olivia (crazy itching phenomena had me in there every 2 weeks).
just de-lurking to say that while i was preggo, i had an ultrasound every month leading up to the 20 week scan. so i think i had 5 or 6. and this is the norm at the office that i go to as i know a bunch of my preggo friends went there and they all had 5-6 ultrasounds. and then 1 later on to make sure the baby''s head was down, and then another one when i was about 39 weeks preggo, so in total, i had about 7 or 8 in office ultrasounds.
congrats to all the preggos!!!!
Thanks Dreamer! When I last saw my OB, she talked about all the different options, but it was hard to focus on what she was saying. (Anybody else have that problem?) We decided we''d like to have the simple test(s) that tells us the ratio, but nothing further than that. We are going through with the pregnancy no matter what, but we''d still like to know if there''s some big chance.

ny - I don''t think I coud''ve stopped sleeping on my tummy even if I tried! I think Neatfreak is right! It''s starting to become uncomfortable now that I can feel my belly hardening a little.

Hey for those with sweet cravings (like myself), I made the most delicious strawberry shortcake for myself the other day. I got those little individual dessert sponge cake thingies, fresh strawberries, sugar free strawberry glaze, and vanilla ice cream. Cut the strawberries, put some glaze on them, and let them marinate in the fridge for 15 minutes or so. Scoop some vanilla on the cake and pour the strawberries on top. I was in HEAVEN let me tell you.

Oh and I was delighted when I read in a book last night that my baby is now the size of a large lime! I don''t know why that just tickled me pink. It really doubles/triples in size now!
Date: 10/8/2008 9:32:52 PM
Author: mela lu

Just for entertainment sake, have any of you ever tried this:

I’m just curious as to it’s supposed accuracy. According to my ''chinese age'' and month of conception, I''m having a girl - which TOTALLY contradicts my uber scientific ''craving'' predictor.
Just wanted to share that the Chinese Gender Chart was correct for me. And I thought I was having a girl until I had my 20-week u/s and found out he was a boy!
Date: 10/9/2008 2:04:50 PM
Author: snlee
Date: 10/8/2008 9:32:52 PM

Author: mela lu
Just for entertainment sake, have any of you ever tried this:

I’m just curious as to it’s supposed accuracy. According to my 'chinese age' and month of conception, I'm having a girl - which TOTALLY contradicts my uber scientific 'craving' predictor.

Just wanted to share that the Chinese Gender Chart was correct for me. And I thought I was having a girl until I had my 20-week u/s and found out he was a boy!

Hehe, one chart said that I was going to have a girl, and another chart I saw at my dr's office said that it was going to be a boy.
Hi Everyone,

I had some good news today so though I would share that. My mom had her contrast scan and it looks like she is free of cancer for the moment. She has two more chemo treatments to go but she will be able to handle them much better because of this happy news which has really lifted her spirits. I think she had convinced herself that the horrible sickness the chemo caused was actually the cancer, and that it had got much worse, rather than better. This cancer often recurs, but this at least has bought her a year or a few years'' reprieve. That is such wonderful news. Not least because I was absolutely wrecked at the thought of having to tell her how serious things are over here while she was still so depressed over there.

I won''t tell you much more than that, since it''s all pretty miserable. I''m 20 weeks now, and still pregnant, but also still contracting 24/7. We''ve been told it would be a miracle to make it to anywhere near the safe zone.

Nature will do what nature will do. And no one ever promised that life would go smoothly or as planned. You take what you are blessed with and you do what you can with that.

Each day we say to each that it''s a small triumph, and then we move on to the next day.
Indy: so good to hear from u!! this is great news about ur mom, im so happy to hear that...ur still in my prayers and i hope that both u and the cubs continue to stay safe ....take care of urself!
Indy So glad to hear from you honey and a big YAY for still being pregnant! Having my own scare this weekend with a short cervix (mines 1.8 though) I've been pouring over all the information I can find online and I've seen stories like yours with good outcomes out there (there seem to be a number of them on twinstuff). More than once. One day at a time girl. I'm here on activity restriction too, so online most of the time, if you want to talk some more. We're here for you. Please post whenever you want, this isn't a happy news only thread. It's a support thread.
So glad to hear that about your mom, Indy. Just hang in there. You have the right attitude and we are all thinking of you!
Indy, glad to see an update from you. I am so happy to hear your mom is cancer free! That's great news!

I am so sorry for what you're going through. My heart aches for you. You and your cubs continue to be in my thoughts. Hugs.
O indy its good news! We''ve been waiting 2 hear from u and so happy that''s its all good..ur mom is doing well and so will the cubs! Hang in there girl you are so strong n positive..we r praying for u all the time.