
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

She hasn''t checked in yet, I hope that means what I think it means!! Go Jen Go! I bet you will be happy to have a normal sized wasit again! 52" is insane!
I''m checking in -- had to take the boys to school first, if that tells you anything. I actually *did* make some progress while I was at the hospital, but they let me come home at 2:30 b/c I could tell the contrax had gotten farther apart (and my doctor wasn''t going to come in and break my water in the middle of the night of course...) At first, they had the monitor hooked up in a way that it kept slipping, so finally that got fixed and we could all "see" the contractions (this was after they initially tried to tell me my uterus was being irritable and the contrax weren''t lasting, and trust me, they WERE!:)). After the 2nd cervix check, she started to ask me if I wanted to stay or go home and come back and I was the quick one to opt to go home -- for whatever reason, I could NOT get comfortable in that bed last night, even with all the propping and pillows, etc. The L&D nurse kept mentioning "IF you''re still pregnant tomorrow" as she wheeled me out.

So right now, the contrax are about 6 to 7 minutes apart and less strong than last night, but definitely catching my attention. I will be calling my doc in an hour when his office opens and see what our new game plan will be.

Sorry for a practically incoherent post -- I''m on 4 hours of crappy sleep and no caffeine to save me! :) Thanks for all of your opinions and cheers last night -- I''ll check in later and let you know how it''s going. Oh, and I think I need to bake something, now that I have the time...

37 weeks
Aww Jen, go get some sleep girl! I always think it''s better to be safe than sorry, especially with a twin delivery ya know? Hope you really go soon!
Indy--i don''t get a chance to post much on here but i have been following your pregnancy and I wanted to say that you are remarkable and I am thinking of you! But the reason i decided to post is that i just caught a bit of a canadian show where moms & health professionals get together and talk about childcare/pregnancy/women''s health issues and a recent episode was on premmies. I didn''t get to see the whole segment but from what i could piece together one of the moms went into premature labor at 20 weeks and was dilated a couple of centimeters--somehow she stayed preggo for a couple more weeks and gave birth. She lost one baby and the other one is now in preschool. I know you are being realistic about the odds and i know i risk being an annoyance passing along this " miracles can happen" story, but i just had to tell you about it b/c from what i could gather it sounded very similar to you. I hope you don''t have to induce-- I really just pray that by some chance your body hangs on. Every day is a bonus.
Did i mention you are amazing!?!
*hugs* to you

Jen--I hope *this* is it! Yes, bake something. Worked for me!
Bake Jen, Bake! Even if it means just sticking some flour and water in the oven!!!
jen -- i''m rooting for you. here''s a proposition -- you sleep and i''ll bake something on your behalf. sort of virtual labor induction?
Jen, good luck lady! Hope you are holding those girl soon. My neighbor who had twins at 36 weeks was 5 ft around (I think she said) CRAZY! See ya in the mommy thread!
Good luck Jen! Sending *tons* of labor dust your way!
Good luck Jen!!

I''m 12 weeks tomorrow. Does this mean I will technically be in the 2nd trimester or do I still have a couple more weeks?
Date: 10/15/2008 12:32:34 PM
Author: Courtneylub
Good luck Jen!!

I'm 12 weeks tomorrow. Does this mean I will technically be in the 2nd trimester or do I still have a couple more weeks?

You still have a few more...I believe it's technically 13.3, but it's usually that at the end of your 13th week you are in your 2nd tri.
Indy I don''t post on here because I am not a preggo :) But I wanted to second the notion that miracles happened every day and I am praying for you!! "One DAY at a time"
jen, I know all too well about those irritable contractions and frequent visits to L&D. I feel your frustration! I really do hope today is the day. I am surprised you made it to 37 weeks but it''s good your girls have time to bake in there! I hope you get some sleep and I agree, BAKE!
Hoping for some results for you Jen - and not just in the cookies department!

Well, I had an 'interesting' day today... my boss asked me to come for a chat at 4.30pm today and to cut a long and convoluted story short, they are basically attempting to make me redundant. Funny that, two weeks after I tell them I'm pregnant.

They want to hire a new person who will have most of my current job description, put them in below my boss and above me, then turn the rest of my role into a lesser part-time role and tack on another part-time research role and I can 'apply' for one of these - oh, and they were thinking that following my news it might suit me to work part-time, but as they only have x amount of $$$ they will have to pay me quite a lot less (and pro-rata) so they can pay the new person more!

I asked them if they were basically saying I had to reapply for my job and their answer was 'sort of' but your job won't exist anymore, so it will be one of the other ones, or we could do some kind of redundancy deal. WTF!!!

I sort of said I didn't want to discuss anything till I'd talked to my husband and read through all the paperwork they gave me and that I may come for clarification on points, but otherwise I prefered not to comment on any of it.

Then I went and sat in the bathroom till I stopped shaking enough to call DH.

I've spent a couple of hours on the phone tonight and I think I have secured the services of one of London's nastiest, most Rottweiler-like employment lawyers. I've spoken to two other lawyers (including my brother who is a dispute resolution expert) and they have said I need to decide if I want to work there anymore and if not then we are laughing all the way to the bank as I have them hook, line and sinker.

I feel completely sick - just for once I'd like a nice, quiet life.

The cherry on the cake... they thought I'd 'like to know before you leave on Friday for your honeymoon'.

ETA: In the UK, what they have said and done is highly illegal in every possible way. They are quite, quite mad.

And god have I ever wanted a G&T and a nice Malboro Light more than right now....
Jeeeeeen! Cookies! Muffins! Brownies! Bakebakebakebakebake! Don''t those boys of yours deserve a little treat at least?!?

But get some sleep first, woman!

Courtney, congrats on the cusp of trimester two. You are in the safe zone by now. Here''s to two more safe trimesters!

Jas12, thanks for sharing that story. DH and I are hesitant to think about miracles. After all, we''ll be no less overjoyed if one actually happens if we are ''realistic'' right now. Whereas if we don''t adjust until the last second, it will be harder. I''m so happy for that woman though! She must feel very blessed.

So, at the checkup today: I asked about infection, and apparently it IS possible to get an infection before the membranes rupture if the membranes are hanging down into your hooha, and infection is a big cause of membranes rupturing in the first place. I asked whether this really meant I should induce and the doctors on today didn''t seem to think so. They said I have to be super vigilant about any fever or tenderness, but that then they''d check me into the hospital and go from there. So, I''m glad that''s off the table!

No more dilated. Still contracting strongly. Basically status quo.

I got the most beautiful e-mail today from one of my friends. She told me about a conversation she had with a midwife after her second miscarriage (she also has a daughter, and baby two expected in December), about whether it''s harder, if there''s something identifiably human to say goodbye to. The midwife pointed out that they are all unique and beautiful creatures, no matter what stage they are at. And then my friend wrote to me:

"I wish you a good birth and profound, sweet moments and minutes with your unique and
beautiful sons, Isaac and Samuel."

Wise, wonderful friend.
Date: 10/15/2008 5:13:05 PM
Author: Pandora II
Hoping for some results for you Jen - and not just in the cookies department!

Well, I had an ''interesting'' day today... my boss asked me to come for a chat at 4.30pm today and to cut a long and convoluted story short, they are basically attempting to make me redundant. Funny that, two weeks after I tell them I''m pregnant.

They want to hire a new person who will have most of my current job description, put them in below my boss and above me, then turn the rest of my role into a lesser part-time role and tack on another part-time research role and I can ''apply'' for one of these - oh, and they were thinking that following my news it might suit me to work part-time, but as they only have x amount of $$$ they will have to pay me quite a lot less (and pro-rata) so they can pay the new person more!

I asked them if they were basically saying I had to reapply for my job and their answer was ''sort of'' but your job won''t exist anymore, so it will be one of the other ones, or we could do some kind of redundancy deal. WTF!!!

I sort of said I didn''t want to discuss anything till I''d talked to my husband and read through all the paperwork they gave me and that I may come for clarification on points, but otherwise I prefered not to comment on any of it.

Then I went and sat in the bathroom till I stopped shaking enough to call DH.

I''ve spent a couple of hours on the phone tonight and I think I have secured the services of one of London''s nastiest, most Rottweiler-like employment lawyers. I''ve spoken to two other lawyers (including my brother who is a dispute resolution expert) and they have said I need to decide if I want to work there anymore and if not then we are laughing all the way to the bank as I have them hook, line and sinker.

I feel completely sick - just for once I''d like a nice, quiet life.

The cherry on the cake... they thought I''d ''like to know before you leave on Friday for your honeymoon''.

ETA: In the UK, what they have said and done is highly illegal in every possible way. They are quite, quite mad.

And god have I ever wanted a G&T and a nice Malboro Light more than right now....

I can''t believe they did that to you. What a bunch of $&^$%@#!!!
OMG, Pandora, I''m so sorry! That''s awful! If it were me, I wouldn''t want to work there and I''d sue the pants off of them. I can''t believe that in this day and age they thought they could pull something like this! And to tell you right before you leave on your honeymoon?! Those a**holes! I''m so mad for you right now!
Pandora, I''m adding my GRRR to the group. I''m so sorry you had to go through that, but good for you for doing something about it!
Date: 10/15/2008 5:22:39 PM
Author: jas
Pandora, I''m adding my GRRR to the group. I''m so sorry you had to go through that, but good for you for doing something about it!
Ditto, so sorry Pandora.
Indy, I am so happy you have checked in. I keep coming back over here to see whats happening with you.

Its great news that you are not dilating any further. Labor contractions are designed to reduce then open the cervix. If yours isn''t changing its good right??

I hope you can hang on for many more weeks. I know its not fun and you are uncomfortable but it will be worth it in the end! Why have they told you that bedrest won''t help? I would have thought that keeping the weight off your cervix would be much more comfortable for you.
Indy, i''m glad you checked in too. i know the odds for your situation but I can''t help but keep praying for a miracle and that each day is another mini-success. I do believe all things work together for good, no matter the outcome. I had a miscarriage last year and although I wasn''t as far along as you, it was still very difficult, painful and sad. I got pregnant again 3 months later and now I have Jake, who wouldn''t be here otherwise. So, good will come out of all this, one way or the other....
Date: 10/15/2008 5:29:59 PM
Author: Kaleigh
Date: 10/15/2008 5:22:39 PM

Author: jas

Pandora, I''m adding my GRRR to the group. I''m so sorry you had to go through that, but good for you for doing something about it!
Ditto, so sorry Pandora.

ditto....i''m sorry too.

Oh thank sweet goodness that you''ve not dilated more. I''m so thankful for that!

Girl, each day is a success. How wonderful!!

It will continue to be in prayers, because all babies are miracles, and I am praying that yours survive.

Take care of yourself, and remind your husband what a sweetie he is to you.

Yay for no progress!!!
Date: 10/15/2008 5:17:45 PM
Author: Independent Gal
Jeeeeeen! Cookies! Muffins! Brownies! Bakebakebakebakebake! Don''t those boys of yours deserve a little treat at least?!?

But get some sleep first, woman!

Courtney, congrats on the cusp of trimester two. You are in the safe zone by now. Here''s to two more safe trimesters!

Jas12, thanks for sharing that story. DH and I are hesitant to think about miracles. After all, we''ll be no less overjoyed if one actually happens if we are ''realistic'' right now. Whereas if we don''t adjust until the last second, it will be harder. I''m so happy for that woman though! She must feel very blessed.

So, at the checkup today: I asked about infection, and apparently it IS possible to get an infection before the membranes rupture if the membranes are hanging down into your hooha, and infection is a big cause of membranes rupturing in the first place. I asked whether this really meant I should induce and the doctors on today didn''t seem to think so. They said I have to be super vigilant about any fever or tenderness, but that then they''d check me into the hospital and go from there. So, I''m glad that''s off the table!

No more dilated. Still contracting strongly. Basically status quo.

I got the most beautiful e-mail today from one of my friends. She told me about a conversation she had with a midwife after her second miscarriage (she also has a daughter, and baby two expected in December), about whether it''s harder, if there''s something identifiably human to say goodbye to. The midwife pointed out that they are all unique and beautiful creatures, no matter what stage they are at. And then my friend wrote to me:

''I wish you a good birth and profound, sweet moments and minutes with your unique and
beautiful sons, Isaac and Samuel.''

Wise, wonderful friend.
Indy I''m really glad (if that is the right word here) that things are hanging in there for now - and even more so that you and your DH are coping with the limbo, which must be very hard.

I hope so much that good things will happen for you in this situation. Don''t let anyone tell you how you should or must feel, I don''t think you ever know till you face something and feelings are often not what you expect them to be. And that is fine!

Thinking of you all and although I probably won''t be able to check in that often in the next 2 weeks, I''ll be sending you good thoughts from Sri Lanka.
Date: 10/15/2008 5:13:05 PM
Author: Pandora II
Hoping for some results for you Jen - and not just in the cookies department!

Well, I had an ''interesting'' day today... my boss asked me to come for a chat at 4.30pm today and to cut a long and convoluted story short, they are basically attempting to make me redundant. Funny that, two weeks after I tell them I''m pregnant.

They want to hire a new person who will have most of my current job description, put them in below my boss and above me, then turn the rest of my role into a lesser part-time role and tack on another part-time research role and I can ''apply'' for one of these - oh, and they were thinking that following my news it might suit me to work part-time, but as they only have x amount of $$$ they will have to pay me quite a lot less (and pro-rata) so they can pay the new person more!

I asked them if they were basically saying I had to reapply for my job and their answer was ''sort of'' but your job won''t exist anymore, so it will be one of the other ones, or we could do some kind of redundancy deal. WTF!!!

I sort of said I didn''t want to discuss anything till I''d talked to my husband and read through all the paperwork they gave me and that I may come for clarification on points, but otherwise I prefered not to comment on any of it.

Then I went and sat in the bathroom till I stopped shaking enough to call DH.

I''ve spent a couple of hours on the phone tonight and I think I have secured the services of one of London''s nastiest, most Rottweiler-like employment lawyers. I''ve spoken to two other lawyers (including my brother who is a dispute resolution expert) and they have said I need to decide if I want to work there anymore and if not then we are laughing all the way to the bank as I have them hook, line and sinker.

I feel completely sick - just for once I''d like a nice, quiet life.

The cherry on the cake... they thought I''d ''like to know before you leave on Friday for your honeymoon''.

ETA: In the UK, what they have said and done is highly illegal in every possible way. They are quite, quite mad.

And god have I ever wanted a G&T and a nice Malboro Light more than right now....
Pandora that stinks! They cannot be allowed to get away with that!! Why the assumption that you wouldn''t be able to carry on in your position? Because you will be a mother?? Outrageous!! I hope you take them to the cleaners!!!
Indy, I forgot to say that I asked admin to pass on my email address to you if you wanted it. I didn''t want you to think I had just stopped responding to the thread you started in Hangout. I don''t know if they will but I did ask.
Pandora the only thing I have to say is

I just cannot believe that in this day and age this crap still goes on. Fight them on it girl!!!!

How incredibly rude and stupid to treat you like that.

Good thing you''re going on a trip (and a honeymoon, to boot!!) soon, so this can be something you have some time over, if necessary, before reacting.

I hope that lawyer socks it to them hardcore!

Take care of your baby and don''t let their moronic tendencies bring you down.

Have a wonderful honeymoon, Pandora!!
Date: 10/15/2008 5:29:59 PM
Author: Kaleigh
Date: 10/15/2008 5:22:39 PM

Author: jas

Pandora, I''m adding my GRRR to the group. I''m so sorry you had to go through that, but good for you for doing something about it!
Ditto, so sorry Pandora.
Thritto. That''s horrible!
Pandora -
That''s just unbelievable! I kind of hope that you take them to the cleaners.

Jen - I hope that no news from you during the day today is good news. I have my fingers crossed for you.

Ebree - Thanks! I was hoping to ask you for name advice when we get a little more serious, actually, because I have a feeling we have pretty similar taste in names.

Neatfreak - I really doubt it''s twins (or triplets, like someone guessed), but thanks for the reassurance.

I found out today that one of the supervisors at work (with a 7-8 mo old) has an entire folder and spreadsheets on her computer with area daycares. (She''s a bit type A.) And she''s willing to share them all with me. Score!

I think Courtney asked this a ways back (or perhaps someone else), but I don''t remember a response - when should I stop sleeping on my back? I''ve been trying to sleep on my side most of the time, just in case, but sometimes my back is just more comfy.


At this point in your pregnancy, you would know if you were carrying twins, wouldn''t you?

Cute baby bump, by the way!

Speaking of baby bumps, I thought I read that DD was going to post a picture soon.