
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Date: 10/15/2008 8:09:15 PM
Author: Blenheim

I think Courtney asked this a ways back (or perhaps someone else), but I don''t remember a response - when should I stop sleeping on my back? I''ve been trying to sleep on my side most of the time, just in case, but sometimes my back is just more comfy.


Blen, you''ll know when it''s time because it will become really uncomfy for you to sleep on your stomach. As for sleeping on your back, my docs and the nurses at the hospital last week all tell me that the only time you need to worry is if you are on your back for a long period of time and you start to feel lightheaded. Then you know that the vena cava is being suppressed and it''s time to move. If you feel fine, the baby is fine.
NF, thanks. It was the vena cava I was worried about (although I forgot the name), so that''s reassuring.

Fishie, it''s too early to know for sure without an ultrasound, and I haven''t had any. My fundal height is where I''d expect it to be for a singleton pregnancy, though, and it growing unusually fast is one of the first natural indicators of a multiple pregnancy.

And yeah, where''s this supposed belly shot for DD?

I''m sorry. I must have missed that there hadn''t been an ultrasound yet. I thought that was typical around 9 weeks (although, I''m not sure where I got that idea. May have pulled that out of my head).

When will you get an ultrasound? I bet that will be an amazing time, seeing your baby for the first time. And by this age, he/she won''t look like a blurby little peanut but instead a tiny baby. Very cool!
Wow, Pandora. I''m so sorry that happened to you, but you need to think that it may be for the best.

I''m in the Human Resources department of my company here in the U.S. and if it''s illegal in the UK like it is here, you have a lot of clout. I cannot believe they thought it would be considerate to inform you of this before leaving for your honeymoon. ??? Excuse me, but WTF?

Indy, no change is good right? Hang in there and thanks for the well wishes.
Date: 10/15/2008 9:02:38 PM
Author: fisherofmengirly

I''m sorry. I must have missed that there hadn''t been an ultrasound yet. I thought that was typical around 9 weeks (although, I''m not sure where I got that idea. May have pulled that out of my head).

When will you get an ultrasound? I bet that will be an amazing time, seeing your baby for the first time. And by this age, he/she won''t look like a blurby little peanut but instead a tiny baby. Very cool!

Usually the first u/s is around 12 weeks, sometimes later if you can''t get in or aren''t sure of the dating.
Fishie, the typical times to have an ultrasound are 11-14 weeks (nuchal translucency, a screening for increased risk of down syndrome and some other abnormalities) and 16-20 weeks (anatomy scan). Some women also get one (or more) earlier on to determine viability and dates. And of course if there are suspected problems, more can be done to check on the baby (or babies) - for example, Indy''s babies have had regular ultrasounds to see if everything was going ok and if there was any twin transfusion syndrome going on.

However, routine use of ultrasound is not necessarily recommended. It hasn''t been shown to correlate with improved outcome for low risk women. Screening tests don''t catch everything and have false positives. Also, there have been studies that show that there may be adverse effects to fetuses (human, rats, and mice).

Doppler uses similar technology so we''re trying to minimize unnecessary exposure to both of them (although effects of ultrasound are more studied). Hearing the heartbeat was important to me, so we used the doppler for that at my 11 week visit. I haven''t decided if I''m going to ask my m/w to use it at the next visit or not, but after that the heartbeat is detectible using a fetalscope and so we''re going to go that route.

Anyway, this is a really long way of saying that I''m still not sure if the benefits outweigh the risks of the anatomy scan in my mind, for this pregnancy. I don''t need the reassurance of a good scan, because chances are that everything''s going to go fine anyway. If there are deformities that are incompatible with life, there''s nothing that I could do. If there are deformities that are compatible with life, most would allow more than enough time to get to the hospital and we''d deal with it from there. So really, I''d be having one to pick up the rare abnormalities where I''d need to birth in a hospital and they''d need to know ahead of time. But again, there''s that problem of ultrasounds not picking up quite a few abnormalities and of getting false positives. I still haven''t decided if I''m going to have one or not. I''m going to discuss this at my next m/w appt (next week), but I already know that she''s not particularly for or against having 1-2 scans.

And of course, this would all change if we have reasons to believe that I''m no longer low-risk.
Blen I could be wrong, but if memory serves me correctly the only studies that have shown adverse effects from u/s type technology are those people who are exposed to much higher levels all day (like flight attendants). I haven''t seen anything that implies that a few scans have negative effects on anything...but like I said I might be misremembering.

Thanks for that information. I had no idea that ultrasounds could be harmful. Hmm.

I guess all my friends had to have earlier testing due to dating the age of the baby. I just assumed it was typical.

I''ll have to ask about that. I''ve been calling the ob/gyn too often for not being pregnant.
Date: 10/15/2008 10:04:35 PM
Author: neatfreak
Blen I could be wrong, but if memory serves me correctly the only studies that have shown adverse effects from u/s type technology are those people who are exposed to much higher levels all day (like flight attendants). I haven''t seen anything that implies that a few scans have negative effects on anything...but like I said I might be misremembering.
I''ve read some with >2 ultrasounds and some with 5+ ultrasounds, although I can''t remember where (all my bookmarks got deleted when my computer crashed). I''ve talked with my m/w about this before, and I know that she''s mentioned studies where 2 ultrasounds was used as the cut-off. I can ask her for details later - I know that she''s out of town at a conference right now and it seems like a trivial thing to bug her backup m/w about.

And just to be clear - I''m not against ultrasound (especially for high risk pregnancies!), I''m just not sure if I want one.
HOLY SH!T BALLS OF FIRE PANDORA!!! Those real-life JERKSTORES! I cannot believe their nerve...
Pandora. I''m so happy that you get your well deserved honeymoon. Take this time to decide if you want to work for these presidential-jerk-towers. If not, hit em where it hurts girl!
Sheesh. this should be the happiest time for you - newly married and newly pregnant. HOW DARE THEY!

Indy - great update!!!! I''m using all the power of my positive thinking and directing it all into your tight cervix. lol. I can''t help it, I believe in miracles.

Jen - how ya going there?
Date: 10/15/2008 5:29:59 PM
Author: Kaleigh
Date: 10/15/2008 5:22:39 PM

Author: jas

Pandora, I''m adding my GRRR to the group. I''m so sorry you had to go through that, but good for you for doing something about it!
Ditto, so sorry Pandora.

Double Ditto Pandora. I am so sorry you have to go through this, but very happy you are going to do something about it. Do not let them get away with this.

Date: 10/15/2008 10:20:30 PM
Author: Blenheim
Date: 10/15/2008 10:04:35 PM

Author: neatfreak

Blen I could be wrong, but if memory serves me correctly the only studies that have shown adverse effects from u/s type technology are those people who are exposed to much higher levels all day (like flight attendants). I haven't seen anything that implies that a few scans have negative effects on anything...but like I said I might be misremembering.

I've read some with >2 ultrasounds and some with 5+ ultrasounds, although I can't remember where (all my bookmarks got deleted when my computer crashed). I've talked with my m/w about this before, and I know that she's mentioned studies where 2 ultrasounds was used as the cut-off. I can ask her for details later - I know that she's out of town at a conference right now and it seems like a trivial thing to bug her backup m/w about.

And just to be clear - I'm not against ultrasound (especially for high risk pregnancies!), I'm just not sure if I want one.

If I remember correctly at least a few of those studies didn't take into account the fact that pregnancies who get more ultrasounds are normally higher risk to begin with, thus they have worse outcomes. Randomized studies I would believe, these ones I just can't get behind. The stats just aren't well done.

Just playing devil's advocate here, of course everyone's choice is their own, I just haven't personally seen any compelling evidence against it...
It's 3.45am here and I just can't sleep. I am so incredibly angry and hurt by all of it.

I can't believe I have to go and face them all in the office tomorrow, and although I know I'm going to throw the book at them I am THE most confrontation avoidant person I know. I feel sick at the thought of it. I've also done nothing but bawl my eyes out for the last couple of hours - and that and no sleep is going to be rather noticeable.

I've been here before - I took an Italian company to court over a mega breach of contract, but it was 2 years of hell and eight years later the case still hasn't even finished. It was one of the worst times in my life and I feel I'm starting the same thing all over again.

Despite knowing the real reasons, I find what basically boils down to making me look incapable and incompetent incredibly hard to deal with. I've spent a huge amount of time with my doctors trying to patch up the the huge insecurities I was left with and now these (insert description of choice) are about to reinforce them for me - and god knows what they will throw at me when I bring the lawyers in.

I feel like it's all a bad dream and I'm going to wake-up any minute. I'm also panicking because my main med is down at the lowest dose whilst the palate forms and I'm going to have to get through the next month and this while I'm feeling extremely vulnerable mentally.

I've told DH I'm going to try not to think about it while we are on our honeymoon - but I already feel that they have taken part of it away from me.

I'm really sorry for venting about this here, but I kind of feel this part of the board is more private than some.
Belly shot is comeing, battery was dead and man alive work is cra-zy right now. Teaching two classes (6 hours of lecture per week) takes a tonne of time.

Indy No changes is good news, I am still holding out a little hope even if it is based on a small chance...

Pandora Before your last post I thought "quit and take them to the cleaners and then be a SAHM on the proceeds"
But now I am not so sure... life is short and the most important thing, in my mind, is finding peace, calm, happiness, and love. With a little intellectual stimulation thrown in for good measure. I am a ballsy woman, I don't take any crap, but there are times in life where one needs to simply turn the other cheek and say, "You know what? They/he/she is a jerkwad, I am right they are wrong, but I am walking away for my own peace of mind." I think that perhaps given everything else going on in your life, this may be one of those times. In my mind, your priority list right now is 1) baby 2) your mental health and stability (those may be tied) 3) your marriage, and then a distant 4) your job... maybe some others important things pushing le job even further back! I guess my point is I believe in fighting the power and sticking up for what is right (and in this case YOU are right!!), but this may not be the time for a long drawn out battle... just my 2c, I really really wish you the best.
Pandora -- wow, I can''t believe you ave to go through this right now, but I know you will come out on top! Kick ''em where it hurts!

Indy -- I am encouraged by your post (lack of further dialation) and continue to pray for you and your cubs daily!

Jas -- I like the idea of virtual-labor-induction -- what''d ya bake me? haha

I''ll try to catch up with everyone else tomorrow -- I guess I will be around

Date: 10/15/2008 11:14:43 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Belly shot is comeing, battery was dead and man alive work is cra-zy right now. Teaching two classes (6 hours of lecture per week) takes a tonne of time.

Indy No changes is good news, I am still holding out a little hope even if it is based on a small chance...

Pandora Before your last post I thought ''quit and take them to the cleaners and then be a SAHM on the proceeds''
But now I am not so sure... life is short and the most important thing, in my mind, is finding peace, calm, happiness, and love. With a little intellectual stimulation thrown in for good measure. I am a ballsy woman, I don''t take any crap, but there are times in life where one needs to simply turn the other cheek and say, ''You know what? They/he/she is a jerkwad, I am right they are wrong, but I am walking away for my own peace of mind.'' I think that perhaps given everything else going on in your life, this may be one of those times. In my mind, your priority list right now is 1) baby 2) your mental health and stability (those may be tied) 3) your marriage, and then a distant 4) your job... maybe some others important things pushing le job even further back! I guess my point is I believe in fighting the power and sticking up for what is right (and in this case YOU are right!!), but this may not be the time for a long drawn out battle... just my 2c, I really really wish you the best.
I would agree with you DD and picking battles in life is important. The problem is that I don''t really have an option.

They are telling me I need to take a SIGNIFICANT pay cut because they want to take on someone for a role which amounts to 50% of my job description - and they don''t want that person to be me. So could I be a good little girl and take the other 50% of my job (minus any of the bits that actually give me any responsibility) plus a cut in hours and pay.

I bought a house last week and DH and I had calculated very carefully what we could afford based on both our salaries and taking my maternity benefits into account.

They want me to take the new job at the end of November so they will only need to give me part-time maternity leave, less money and fewer benefits.

The thing is, I work for a major political organisation - and I don''t think they''d like this in the papers...

I''m hoping to see the lawyer (one of the top 5 in London in this area and I dread to think what the bill will be) before I leave for SL.

The words ''take to cleaners'' will be redefined by the time I have finished.

Didn''t think I''d see you here tonight!

Girl, rest up. Maybe TOMORROW will be a busy day for you!

Pandora, I’m glad you found your rings. Men sometimes have a strange sense of storage categories. WHOA – reading further now – your employers are stark raving mad! That sounds like a huge discrimination lawsuit to me. And they thought you’d want to know before your honeymoon?! What a$$holes!
I hope you have a wonderful honeymoon.

Sbde, what a cute belly you have!

Mela, glad you are getting to enjoy the first sensations. The ride just gets wilder as they get bigger and more active.

Dreamer, I also felt like my belly looked different that a lot of preggos, likely because I am very tall. The first half of the pregnancy my waist was definitely thicker, but it seemed like she was lying lengthwise with expansion from my bust to pubic area, but no real rounded belly until sometime after 20 weeks. When I was dressed, it mostly looked like I was just putting on a few pounds. I didn’t announce my pregnancy until 20 weeks when we got the amnio results. Of course, I instantly looked way more pregnant once I started wearing mat clothes, which emphasize the bump, instead of larger sized regular clothes.

Blen, you and I are the same height, so I would not be surprised if you carry the same way Dreamer and I have. Good luck with the name selection process.

Misspinky, that is one cute little “pumpkin” you have there!

Indy, I’m glad to hear the infection issue is off the table for now. I am amazed that you are still at status quo after being off bedrest. (I wish I could loan you my ridiculously tight cervix.) I am still hoping for a miracle for you, but believe you have the strength to deal with whatever outcome occurs. The email from your friend was beautiful and made me cry again.

Jen, sorry it was another frustrating trip to L&D. How long will you doctor let you go before he induces?

I had another frustrating, no progress, visit to the doctor. At 40 weeks, I am still at 1 cm, the same as last week. He said my induction date is looking a lot more likely now. Unless, this baby gets moving, I check into the hospital at 7 pm next Monday. They will insert a low dose of Cervidil to try to ripen the cervix gently. After 4 hours, they will decide it that was enough, if they want to give the full dose of Cervidil, or if they move on to the Pitocin. My doctor starts his shift at the hospital at 7 am on Tuesday, so they will try to time it for me to be into active labor by then so he can deliver me that afternoon. If they use Pitocin, I’ll have to get the epidural a lot earlier. I was hoping I could tough it out to 4 or 5 cm so I would not spend the entire labor lying in bed. Oh well, the important thing is that she will be here in 6 days max. I called DH as I was leaving the parking lot at the Dr’s office and told him we’ll have to step up the DTD schedule.

Monday was my last day at the office. I still look at e-mail occasionally, but I am not going in again. I have been so zonked the last couple of days. I nap frequently, but can’t sleep for long at one time. Tomorrow I am going to the grocery to get the ingredients to make DH’s dad’s biscotti recipe. I am not much of a baker, but I am desperate!
Date: 10/15/2008 10:04:35 PM
Author: neatfreak
Blen I could be wrong, but if memory serves me correctly the only studies that have shown adverse effects from u/s type technology are those people who are exposed to much higher levels all day (like flight attendants). I haven't seen anything that implies that a few scans have negative effects on anything...but like I said I might be misremembering.

I think it's low doses of radiation that flight attendants are affected by, rather than ultrasound waves which are just sound that we can't hear.

What I've been reading and what every doctor we've asked (about 10 of them on two continents, because this was an initial concern for us too... not that we had a choice in our case) has reiterated: there are no documented effects of routine ultrasound in well designed studies.

And it makes sense intuitively as well. The ultrasound is just mild sound waves we can't hear. It's not radiation or anything like that.

It would be like being negatively affected by listening to the ocean too much.

And while it is of course important to exercise your own judgment and make your own decision Blen, you should be aware that it can make a life and death difference to your child if the doctors know in advance that the baby will be coming out with a heart defect or other serious ailment that requires immediate intervention. That can make all the difference. If there's a problem, different sorts of people need to be in teh delivery room with different sorts of preparation.

So please talk this decision over very carefully with your doctor or midwife before making a decision!

Kay, I guess we're dilation buddies! How about you give me your extra weeks of hanging out at 1cm? What do you say?

Mela, you always crack me up. Even when you're cursing.

Pave, is there any more news about your baby's heart? It's often on my mind.

Speaking of body math, I'd give a pinky right now for a good night's sleep. This is getting ridiculous.
Date: 10/15/2008 11:25:46 PM
Author: Pandora II

I would agree with you DD and picking battles in life is important. The problem is that I don''t really have an option.

They are telling me I need to take a SIGNIFICANT pay cut because they want to take on someone for a role which amounts to 50% of my job description - and they don''t want that person to be me. So could I be a good little girl and take the other 50% of my job (minus any of the bits that actually give me any responsibility) plus a cut in hours and pay.

I bought a house last week and DH and I had calculated very carefully what we could afford based on both our salaries and taking my maternity benefits into account.

They want me to take the new job at the end of November so they will only need to give me part-time maternity leave, less money and fewer benefits.

The thing is, I work for a major political organisation - and I don''t think they''d like this in the papers...

I''m hoping to see the lawyer (one of the top 5 in London in this area and I dread to think what the bill will be) before I leave for SL.

The words ''take to cleaners'' will be redefined by the time I have finished.
I hear you, that makes a lot of sense. Hopefully you can get through it without getting too overwhelmed, it sounds like such a tough situation
to face at this exact moment!! Keep us posted!
Date: 10/16/2008 3:44:24 AM
Author: Independent Gal
Date: 10/15/2008 10:04:35 PM

Author: neatfreak

Blen I could be wrong, but if memory serves me correctly the only studies that have shown adverse effects from u/s type technology are those people who are exposed to much higher levels all day (like flight attendants). I haven't seen anything that implies that a few scans have negative effects on anything...but like I said I might be misremembering.

I think it's low doses of radiation that flight attendants are affected by, rather than ultrasound waves which are just sound that we can't hear.

Lol, you are completely right Indy. I was mixing up studies on radiation with the poorly done ultrasound studies! Preggo brain strikes again...I wonder if the paper I am currently writing makes any sense at all...

Date: 10/15/2008 11:05:51 PM
Author: Pandora II
It''s 3.45am here and I just can''t sleep. I am so incredibly angry and hurt by all of it.

I can''t believe I have to go and face them all in the office tomorrow, and although I know I''m going to throw the book at them I am THE most confrontation avoidant person I know. I feel sick at the thought of it. I''ve also done nothing but bawl my eyes out for the last couple of hours - and that and no sleep is going to be rather noticeable.

I''ve been here before - I took an Italian company to court over a mega breach of contract, but it was 2 years of hell and eight years later the case still hasn''t even finished. It was one of the worst times in my life and I feel I''m starting the same thing all over again.

Despite knowing the real reasons, I find what basically boils down to making me look incapable and incompetent incredibly hard to deal with. I''ve spent a huge amount of time with my doctors trying to patch up the the huge insecurities I was left with and now these (insert description of choice) are about to reinforce them for me - and god knows what they will throw at me when I bring the lawyers in.

I feel like it''s all a bad dream and I''m going to wake-up any minute. I''m also panicking because my main med is down at the lowest dose whilst the palate forms and I''m going to have to get through the next month and this while I''m feeling extremely vulnerable mentally.

I''ve told DH I''m going to try not to think about it while we are on our honeymoon - but I already feel that they have taken part of it away from me.

I''m really sorry for venting about this here, but I kind of feel this part of the board is more private than some.
I''m really sorry to hear what you''re going through - how horrible to have to go through this added stress during your pregnancy! Especially when you''re trying your best to keep emotionally healthy.
How could they think it would be favour to tell you this before your honeymoon? How did they think you would be able to enjoy it, knowing that you''re practically being kicked out of a job, with a baby on the way? That is so unfair!!! I''m so angry for you.
It''s like they''re saying you won''t be the most productive worker during your pregnancy/maternity leave so let''s find someone else! And how dare they assume that you would want part-time work just because you''re having a baby? Talk about discrimination!! How would they feel if their family members were treated like substandard employees because they wanted to have a family? This is totally wrong and unfair and discriminatory and I really hope you fight them on this if you feel up to it, at the same time you do have to take your health into consideration, because it''s true that it probably will be long and drawn out and emotionally exhausting...
But perhaps it would help them see that they can''t just sweep pregnant women under the rug like this!!
Hi Everyone- I have been keeping up on all of you but just not posting. Sometimes I just need to check out a little bit I guess. I''m on my way to get ready for work so can''t write long but thought I would give you all a quick update since Indy and DD were asking.
We had an echo last week (27 weeks) and found out the the pulmonary artery doesn''t flow anymore. This is called pulmonary atresia- the first dr. told us this would likely happen but the 2nd dr. was just so positive about it staying open so I guess we were too. Anyway it changes the timing of the surgery for the baby- he will now have surgery in the first week of life for sure- I was hopeful he would get to go home and grow for a while first. But we did meet also the(a) nicu dr., the cv surgeon and a social worker, all of which was really helpful. Even though I wish he had time to grow prior to surgery, now he will be fixed when he first comes home- so now no baby with ''tet spells'' which I was scared of anyway to be honest- the baby can get into trouble if he gets upset enough and theres a couple of things you are supposed to do to snap them out of it but still I wasn''t really looking forward to this anyway.
I''m waiting for my 3 hr gtt results as I failed the 1 hour but am hopeful it was just a fluke? I dunno. I met my new ob. Not very excited about him but I''m thinking my expectations may have to change re: wanting a more natural labor etc. I just haven''t done it yet. They told me at my appt to expect to be induced at 38-39 weeks- its so it can be more"controlled" but I still think it''s for convenience a bit. I live 30-45 min from the hospital so not far and the nicu dr. told me if I push, they may agree not to induce and to let me go. The cv surg says the baby should be the biggest he can be so doesn''t agree with induction.
That''s enough about me.
Indy I am thinking of you as usual and am glad to hear that your cervix hasn''t changed. You sound like you are doing amazing. I would like some of your outlook transferred over to me please- and I ''ll give you some of my sleep- I did o.k. last night.

Pandora my god I can''t believe your employer is trying this. I am glad you have a great lawyer. I hope you still enjoy your honeymoon like crazy. I will be thinking of you too.

Neat Sorry you were feeling a little stircrazy a few days back. Is it any better? I''m like the other posters who feel they would be very well suited to bedrest but i know it would feel different if it was actually imposed. I can''t remember when your last/next appt. is ? I think I remember that you are staying the same, not worse, right? That is a relief. Thanks for your support for my l&d visist a bit ago. I am hoping that was a one time thing for me. I am trying to make sure I drink enough etc. The dr. said I have no restrictions or anything so they are not worried.
Did you find anything to occupy your time while on bedrest? What if you write annoying chain letters to your friends or something? Just kidding. My lame attempt at humor..

Well I have to run and know I missed a ton of ppl. Hope you are all well! Jen and Kay it can''t be toooooo much longer now. Thinking of you and hoping for easy quick labor for all!
Awww. Pave. Thinking of you and your bebe, honey, and I''m definitely down for that trade you suggest. I''ll throw in some of these diabetic chocolates my bff sent me too. I never went for my 3 hr gtt because having failed the first one so astronomically badly, and given the pregnancy won''t be going on long anyway, it seemed like an extra trauma I didn''t need.
thanks for the compliments Indy, Blenheim & Kay.

Indy, the shirt is just a regular (non maternity) tank from Banana, so you know where to pick one up if you want it :) Btw, it is great to know that you aren''t any more dilated than you were before. thank God for small little wins, I''m hanging on to each ray of hope for you!

Pandora, so sorry you are having to deal with this insanity @ work. I''m just appalled by what they are doing to you!

Pavelover, you and your little one are in my thoughts.

DD, waiting on that belly shot....

Kay and Jen....hope you guys are doing well and have made some progress!!
Date: 10/16/2008 3:44:24 AM
Author: Independent Gal

Kay, I guess we''re dilation buddies! How about you give me your extra weeks of hanging out at 1cm? What do you say?
Indy, I would trade my immovable cervix for your contractions in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, I have no sleep to trade. (Not sure what I''d do with a spare pinky anyway.)
Pave -- I know it may be hard not having the baby come home with you immediately, but I agree with you that getting the surgery done right away may be best. Do you think part if the reason they want to induce at 38 or 39 weeks is so the surgey''s sooner? just curious...

Pandora -- go get ''em!

NF -- i''m thinking your editing process should happen post-partum just in case pregnancy brain *has* affected your writing
Most of what i say these days sounds like jibberish, so i can''t imagine actually having to write or say something serious!

DD -- I want to see a belly shot!!

Fisher, Mela, everyone - thanks fo being such a great cheering section!

Kay -- looks like you and I are having our babies back-to-back! Since yours will be born Tuesday, you "win" the race
I''m scheduled to have my water broken on Wednesday, and if I don''t progress, we''ll section that afternoon/evening (that''s the day my doc is on call). I just hope we BOTH go sooner! FWIW, I had cervidil with my second and third boys and really attribute it to my successful VBACs. It ripened the cervix in no time, and even though I was already contracting, I had pitocin then too. I was able to make it to 4 or 5 cm on the pitocin without an epi with my second boy, and slightly farther than that with my 3rd. But, yes, I was stuck in bed b/c they constantly monitored me (but I was fine with that -- walking was the very LAST thing on my mind at that point!) Anyway, just wanted to let you know that. With my delivery, I cannot have cervidil b/c of risks from having a previous section and these being twins (they worry about uterine rupture). If I am contracting already, my doc *may* augment with pitocin after the water''s broken, but we have to play it by ear and see how the girls and i are holding up. Sounds like a lot of little risk factors they have to watch with a twin VBAC, but I''m glad he''s giving me a chance. As long as our babies are born healthy, that''s all that really matters in the end, anyway, right??

I didn''t bake yesterday b/c I was wiped out, but I couldn''t sleep either (too paranoid about sleeping through having to go get the boys from school) -- I''ve been sleeping through the alarm clock in the morning, so I didn''t feel safe setting an alarm either. My contractions are becoming part of my dreams, and I guess the alarm clock is now too
Maybe if i''d baked, I would be in L&D again by now. I will have to find something to bake this afternoon. DH wants me to have the girls by tomorrow so he doesn''t have to work 2 closing shifts this weekend...I''m with him on that b/c I am always exhausted in the evenings and that''s when I value his help with the boys the most! My boys will be off of school tomorrow AND Monday, so they''ll be home and stir-crazy, so maybe the added stress of that will be enough to bring on labor!
Time to go pick them up now...
37w 1d
Kay, yay for baking! It won''t be too much longer before you''re holding your baby!

Pave, I''m sorry to hear your update. It''s heartbreaking that your baby will need a surgery during his first week of life. I admire your strength. You and your lo will continue to be in my thoughts. Hugs.

Indy, it''s good to hear you haven''t dilated further. You and your cubs continue to be in my thoughts. Hugs to you too.
jen, I''m hoping TODAY is the day. Sorry the boys are stressing you out. I hope you can get some naps and baking in today,
Neatfreak, preggo brain is truly frightening isn''t it? I found myself really having to spend extra time checking my work recently.

Pave, I''m so sorry to hear the pulmonary atresia developed. I think you are right to focus on the fact that he will be "fixed" before you bring him home, so you will not have time to stress about how he will do in the interim between birth and surgery. I hope you get good results from your 3-hour test.

Jen, it sounds like we will both be done within the week! I would love to get this baby out before the weekend -- I would induce today if I could. Thanks for sharing your experiences with cervidil and pitocin. The process sounded a bit intimidating when I first heard about it, but now I just want to do whatever it takes to finish. I''ve been thinking about baking for a week now, but have been feeling too lazy to get off the couch and actually do it. Does it count if I just watch DH bake?