
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

DD, LOL about showing your hubby. And stretch marks already? I thought I didn''t need to worry about that until third tri at least. (Not that I''ve looked into it, but ya know.) I''m sorry.

LIA, at least your babbling is a lot more compact than my babbling. I know that it''s near impossible to definitely prove that anything''s safe, and you do bring up some good points with all those variables.
re: stretch marks.
OK, so i noticed these weird spots on my left breast. as you know i''m a dermatologist. i had NO idea what they were. i was thinking i had some weird disease (something called morphea). i actually almost had my partner look at them.

and then it hit me...


i am an IDIOT. :) an over-educated, alarmist, idiot.

anyway, so far, none on the belly. hopefully will stay that way.
Blen- I bet we do have the same taste in names, as I'm a fan of all you posted. Vivian is fabulous and classic. What else do you have on your list?

Henry is pretty set in stone as THE name if we have a boy, but we also have Theodore, Edward, Timothy and Oliver on the list (in that order) for a second son, if we have one. Girl names are much trickier- DH likes so few. Maybe you have some on your list I haven't asked him about yet.


Look at your baby! What a precious profile. Do you have any names picked out?
dreamer, cute belly and u/s shot!

NYC, congratulations!

Stretch marks, I was lucky and got stretch marks on my belly, breasts, and even hips.
My MW said she tells ladies to not get tattoos because nature gives them to you when you have a baby. I''m over them. I realize my body will never look the same but it''s definitely all worth it.
Blen Happy my bedrest could serve a purpose.
And BTW, your hubby is adorable with his "anatomy" scan comment! Lol. Very amusing.

DD How fun the u/s picture is adorable! I was very sad that at my last u/s the babies were already getting so big that it was hard to see anything more than just a part here and there. The 20 week u/s is certainly the best as far as pictures go for sure.

Re: Stretch Marks I found my first ones today!
I knew it was inevitable as I am a small person (usually a 2-4 and I am 5'3") and am carrying twins, but I was so sad! And it HURTS. It itches and hurts like I have a cut there. Ouch. There is my pity party for the day. I thought it was just itchy skin but when I took a mirror to it (it's on the underside of my belly which I can't see anymore) I saw the telltale red stretch marks!

Nothing to update other than my sad stretch mark...bored bored but I did get cleared to go to my classes this week, so at least I am allowed out of the house a few days a week for an hour or two. It's SO HARD though not to be able to run out and get whatever I am craving, or to go to the post office or Target. So lame, but I appreciate that freedom a lot more now!

My doc said he'll take me off of bedrest at 34 weeks assuming I haven't delivered by then. So about 5 more weeks and I am done...or I'll have babies already. But let's hope not because that means probably a lot of NICU time growing and feeding.

LIA As a dermotologist anything profound to say about stretch marks? I know when they're fresh is when to hit em with stuff. Anything I can buy OTC that's safe and will help with the itching and/or permanence of them? Right now I have a silicone scar strip on it because my doc said it's safe and it relieves the itching, but I don't know if it will actually do anything to mitigate the mark itself.
NF - It''s very possible that they will disappear on their own. That stinks that they hurts and are itchy! I bought some Trilastin stretch mark cream and it is not cheap, but I keep hearing great things about it. I know it may or may not help, but I''m willing to give it a shot.

DD - I love the u/s pictures!! I know what you mean about not crying. I thought I would from the beginning but I only got teary when we first heard the baby''s heartrate. It didn''t pick up the beat, but the heartrate was enough for us to get that initial "Ok, we''re really pregnant" feeling.
DD - you CUTIE Pie! Def looking preggers lady! I love the comparison picture. wow.
Also, great u/s. That profile is like, the perfect image. It''s exactly what a baby is supposed to look like, non? SO CUTE! I can''t wait to see mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

stretch marks. I lube my whole body up with natural shea butter from the health food store. No additives. No other ingredients, just pure old fashioned shea butter. It''s heavenly, really long lasting, and supposed to be GREAT for dry skin and stretch marks. Smells good too!

So sorry to hear about your stretchies girls, but I really like Fishers'' Moms take on it.
They are our ''honor''.

DD inspired me to do a comparison pic. Here I am at 4 wks vs 9 wks. I know that to some, it won''t appear much. But to my 5''1" frame (which previously hovered around 118lbs) this is a change. IRL. My ab definition is sort of ''gone'' and I''m just rounding out. To me, it feels so different. (don''t judge, haha.)

tah dah:

Mela lu, 9 wks tomorrow.

dare to compare.jpg
um, that was too small. How can I dare you to compare something that you can't even see. D'oh!

lemme try once more.

ETA: I'm at home on my crappy PC. Urgh. So sorry. Usually I work on a beatiful fully loaded MAC (hearts hearts hearts) so this PC thing just ain't working for me. Le sigh. sorry!

dare to compare2.jpg
I definitely see some "rounding" Mela!
Indy, any updates today? Just thinking of you and the bambinos.
Mela -- yes, you look like your tiny self has filled out a wee bit
You''re going to have the cutest bump when it actually becomes a bump!

DD -- loved the u/s pics -- that really is a perfect profile shot!

re: stretch marks -- i have something that resembles a roadmap on the front of my belly -- i could never ever attempt to count them. Let''s just say that when this is all over, I will have folds upon folds of loose skin (eww) so the stretch marks seem almost secondary (SOOOO wish i could afford a tummy tuck soemday...)

i''m dragging today. contrax are all over the place (mostly pretty far apart). oh yeah, and I baked cookies last night -- i hate to be the one who ruins the magic of the baking!!
Do i need to bake from scratch or something??

37w 2d
Date: 10/17/2008 11:59:48 AM
Author: sk8rjen
i''m dragging today. contrax are all over the place (mostly pretty far apart). oh yeah, and I baked cookies last night -- i hate to be the one who ruins the magic of the baking!!
Do i need to bake from scratch or something??
37w 2d

Haha, I think you do

Wow Jen, those girls are really staying put huh?
Hang in it, you are just inches away.
Can''t wait to see your little girls!
Pregnancy confession of the day: I have taken the day off today, and after getting a haircut I have just now orderd a pizza and I am going to rent a movie this afternoon and watch it with my dogs!
Date: 10/17/2008 1:19:36 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Pregnancy confession of the day: I have taken the day off today, and after getting a haircut I have just now orderd a pizza and I am going to rent a movie this afternoon and watch it with my dogs!
I love it!!

Here''s mine: I''m wearing my favorite jeans today , but a rubber band is keeping the fly closed!

I will post my first belly picture later this evening.
dd: love the belly shot and u/s pics! the baby is sooo cute. i can totally see a bump on you btw, but i can also see how it may not be as noticable to others without the side by side comparison. you''re so right about everyone carrying differently. i''m 5''7" too but as you saw, i have popped. hubby calls me butterball
btw i''m SO jealous about your confession of the day. i''m working away, had a rough night of sleep due to sciatic pain acting up and would do anything to order in pizza and just watch a movie. enjoy some pizza for me too!!

NYCsparkle: congrats and welcome to the preggo thread!

btw, i think i need to take a good look at my belly. i haven''t seen stretch marks yet but i''ve been itching for weeks now. slathering extra virgin olive oil on my belly after a shower seems to help. i''m going to take a small mirror to my belly tonight to see what damage has been done so far...

re crying at u/s: i''ve had tears at all 3 u/s. i feel like it has a lot to do with hormones though because i''m really much weepier than i''ve ever been in the past. i even get weepy at times when jelly starts to move around after i sing a little song. bah, i''m such a wuss.
I have my 12 week appointment today. Will they be doing another u/s? How many of these should I expect for the remainder of the pregnancy? I''ve already had one at the OB''s office and then I had another at the hospital when I had my cyst looked at.
Courtney -- depends on your OB. With my singletons, I didn''t have a scheduled u/s until 20 weeks (after the dating u/s), but my OB always managed to find a reason to sneak one in there in between time :) I hope you get one!

DD -- sounds like a PERFECT day!

NYC -- sorry i forgot to say it earlier: CONGRATS!!

Lili -- I guess the girls are comfortable in here or something.
OK, I''ll go back and bake something that requires a bit more effort!

re stretch marks. never got em. it is possible to escape them; however, i had/have the world''s darkest, thickest linea negra, so i just look bisected. and the preggo acne was a curse for me.

but i''ve heard stretch marks fade to a cool silver color sometimes...belly bling?

jen...btw...i''m feelin'' for ya.
Random question for those who are really far along and/or have had babies before...

Is it normal to start feeling pressure down there weeks before you go into labor? Or is this something I should worry about as in it''s a sign labor is ahead? I''m having no other signs of labor (including no contractions) and it doesn''t hurt, just is uncomfortable. I also know that Baby A''s head is right over my cervix, so that can contribute too right? It''s been present for a few days and isn''t getting worse.

A large increase in pressure is on the list of "labor signs", but I don''t know if this qualifies without anything else to go along with it. And I sure as heck don''t want to buy myself into another weekend in L&D if it''s normal ya know? The boys are getting big enough now that I feel like everything, even just sitting, is uncomfortable, so I figure it''s normal but thought I''d get some opinions if anyone has them!
Date: 10/17/2008 8:15:52 PM
Author: neatfreak
Random question for those who are really far along and/or have had babies before...

Is it normal to start feeling pressure down there weeks before you go into labor? Or is this something I should worry about as in it''s a sign labor is ahead? I''m having no other signs of labor (including no contractions) and it doesn''t hurt, just is uncomfortable. I also know that Baby A''s head is right over my cervix, so that can contribute too right? It''s been present for a few days and isn''t getting worse.

A large increase in pressure is on the list of ''labor signs'', but I don''t know if this qualifies without anything else to go along with it. And I sure as heck don''t want to buy myself into another weekend in L&D if it''s normal ya know? The boys are getting big enough now that I feel like everything, even just sitting, is uncomfortable, so I figure it''s normal but thought I''d get some opinions if anyone has them!
*psst* My sister and I fondly called these crotch cramps. They started at about 36 weeks. That said, if something doesn''t feel right you should get checked out. Since you are having twins there is a lot more pressure down there.
Date: 10/17/2008 8:30:51 PM
Author: Miranda
Date: 10/17/2008 8:15:52 PM

Author: neatfreak

Random question for those who are really far along and/or have had babies before...

Is it normal to start feeling pressure down there weeks before you go into labor? Or is this something I should worry about as in it''s a sign labor is ahead? I''m having no other signs of labor (including no contractions) and it doesn''t hurt, just is uncomfortable. I also know that Baby A''s head is right over my cervix, so that can contribute too right? It''s been present for a few days and isn''t getting worse.

A large increase in pressure is on the list of ''labor signs'', but I don''t know if this qualifies without anything else to go along with it. And I sure as heck don''t want to buy myself into another weekend in L&D if it''s normal ya know? The boys are getting big enough now that I feel like everything, even just sitting, is uncomfortable, so I figure it''s normal but thought I''d get some opinions if anyone has them!
*psst* My sister and I fondly called these crotch cramps. They started at about 36 weeks. That said, if something doesn''t feel right you should get checked out. Since you are having twins there is a lot more pressure down there.

Lol. That sounds about right and makes sense since I am measuring about 35 weeks. Just wanted to make sure that it alone was something normal and not something everyone only experienced during labor! I feel fine otherwise, but just thought I should ask since it''s been making me anxious (of course it makes me anxious only on a friday night!!!).
Neat, I remember Jen talking about this a lot about 10 weeks ago even, which would be about where you are. Maybe she will chime in...
NF -- apparently it''s really common in twin pregnancies to experience pelvic pressure much sooner than with singleton pregnancies, so I wouldn''t really make too much of a deal about it at this point (unless it''s accompanied by other "labor" signs of course!) I had severe pelvic pain from about halfway through this pregnancy, to the extent that there''s speculation about me having a stress fracture down there! But considering the weights of your babies add up to be a close-to-full-term singleton, it sounds like what you are experiencing is the "normal" kind! On twinstuff, they kindly labeled it "ECP" for evil crotch pain
I''m pretty sure Jas12 dealt with this with cohen, too -- you might want to ask her! HTH
37w and 2d
Date: 10/17/2008 10:45:42 PM
Author: sk8rjen
NF -- apparently it's really common in twin pregnancies to experience pelvic pressure much sooner than with singleton pregnancies, so I wouldn't really make too much of a deal about it at this point (unless it's accompanied by other 'labor' signs of course!) I had severe pelvic pain from about halfway through this pregnancy, to the extent that there's speculation about me having a stress fracture down there! But considering the weights of your babies add up to be a close-to-full-term singleton, it sounds like what you are experiencing is the 'normal' kind! On twinstuff, they kindly labeled it 'ECP' for evil crotch pain
I'm pretty sure Jas12 dealt with this with cohen, too -- you might want to ask her! HTH


37w and 2d

Thanks Jen! My ECP is in no way really painful yet, but it is certainly consistently uncomfortable, especially when getting on and off the couch and bed. Feels like I did the splits or something!!!! But I don't have anything else going on, and it's not getting worse, so I won't worry about it for now.

I like ECP...very descriptive of what it feels like!

And about YOU missy, you seem to have made those little girls VERY comfortable in there huh? How are the contractions for you today?
Lisa, I know it’s hard, but try not to drive yourself nuts waiting for the amnio. The NT is just a screening test and you were bound to have so-so numbers based on age anyways. When I went in for my NT scan, they told me not to bother with the blood test component because I planned to have the amnio anyways and those are the results that count.

LIA, so you have one of those overly comfortable babies too, huh? At least you are only a couple weeks from the max end point now. (And if eating baked goods or cookie dough counted I would have popped this baby out a long time ago.

Blen, I hope you are successful with the insurance company – fight the power!

Dreamer, cute baby and cute baby belly! I called my baby Skeletor at the 20 week ultrasound and the technician did not think it was funny (DH & I were cracking up, though).

NYCsparkle, congratulations and welcome!

Neatfreak, it sounds like a good sign if your DR gave you a reprieve from bedrest for your classes.

Mela, you look a tiny bit rounder but are still looking pretty slim, but of course you will notice changes in your body before anyone else. (Of course, I am jealous because my belly was rounder than that pre-preggo.) You will have a round belly soon enough.

Jen, I see you are still playing the waiting game too.

DH and I baked biscotti from scratch last night, but still no contractions. Do I have to bake without my sous chef for the baking magic to work? Oh well, the biscotti are good – I inhaled several fresh out of the oven.
Ok, I have a somewhat stupid and embarrassing question. I have read there will be bleeding for several days after L&D and you can''t use tampons. I know they will give me pads at the hospital, but I need to buy something for when I get home. I haven''t bought pads in about 20 years. Costco has a 90 count box of Always maxis with wings for $12, but 90 seems like a lot. How long does the bleeding usually last and just how thick of pads are required? I know this is a weird question, but I want to pick something up this weekend before the induction so I do not have to send DH out to buy them later.
Date: 10/18/2008 1:47:29 AM
Author: Kay
Ok, I have a somewhat stupid and embarrassing question. I have read there will be bleeding for several days after L&D and you can''t use tampons. I know they will give me pads at the hospital, but I need to buy something for when I get home. I haven''t bought pads in about 20 years. Costco has a 90 count box of Always maxis with wings for $12, but 90 seems like a lot. How long does the bleeding usually last and just how thick of pads are required? I know this is a weird question, but I want to pick something up this weekend before the induction so I do not have to send DH out to buy them later.
Bleeding after delivery is VERY heavy so I would use depends pads or something as large as you can find. For me the heaviest bleeding lasted for a week and all discharge was done by week 6. Everyone is different and your experience could be shorter. Make sure to buy tucks for cleaning yourself in case of tearing or an epiosiotomy as well. You can also use an antiseptic/analgesic spray on your stiches which will help alot and also a squeeze bottle for cleaning. Sorry for being so detailed but I wish someone had told me this before my first! Good luck and Congratulations!
Date: 10/18/2008 1:47:29 AM
Author: Kay
Ok, I have a somewhat stupid and embarrassing question. I have read there will be bleeding for several days after L&D and you can''t use tampons. I know they will give me pads at the hospital, but I need to buy something for when I get home. I haven''t bought pads in about 20 years. Costco has a 90 count box of Always maxis with wings for $12, but 90 seems like a lot. How long does the bleeding usually last and just how thick of pads are required? I know this is a weird question, but I want to pick something up this weekend before the induction so I do not have to send DH out to buy them later.

These are the recommendations from a friend of mine who just had a baby a few months ago including all the gory stuff:

•You’ll probably want two packs of large pads with wings (I think they come in bags of 30, is that right?). And you’ll probably want one pack of medium size pads with or without wings (whatever you prefer) and one pack of light days pads.

• Sitz bath (if you are going to use it. Available at community pharmacy). This is a bunch of herbs that helps with swelling and healing of your vaginal area the week after birth. I thought it was okay, but don’t know if a warm bath would have felt just the same?

• Lanolin

• Swiffer wet (this is totally gross, but I’ll share – the first few days blood will get on the floor before and after your bath, when your using the bathroom, etc. Its nice to be able to wet mop right away.

• Cleaning wipes for the bathroom (again, to keep the place tidy)
And about YOU missy, you seem to have made those little girls VERY comfortable in there huh? How are the contractions for you today?

NF -- Hey, *I* didn't make 'em comfortable on purpose!
I'm really glad you haven't gotten to the painful part of ECP -- maybe you are far enough along that it won't get too bad (I hope!) nailed it when you said the splits, b/c I think that it normally feels like a bad groin pull! (mine feels like someone took a hamme to my pelvis most of the time)

Kay -- yeah, you will bleed a lot right after, so get the biggest, most obnoxious ones you can! Also, try to get the nurses to let you take a few of the magic-ice-pads home with you that they'll let you use in the hospital -- they're a lifesaver! If you can't get those, I read online (don't remember which site -- sorry!) how you can make your own version in the freezer. With my second son, I had a really bad tear and those kept me sane
Geez, I am getting so excited for you!

I got into a HUGE fight with DH last night (great timing, huh?) After our appt last tuesday, I made sure I reminded him *again* how important it was for us to keep the "induction" on the down-low b/c for months now, we have discussed not having his family at the hospital until the girls were about to come (like when we were getting close to the end of labor, he'd call). ETA -- he had no problem agreeing to this! I really wanted labor to be just me and DH, and since I've done this a few times already, I knew I didn't want to have to "entertain" people. I'd even already asked my mom NOT to spend the day at the hospital waiting, that we'd call her when things got close (she'll be picking up the boys from school that day -- and i DEFINITELY want to see them before the birth, but I don't want them hanging out all day either -- they are going to school). So anyway, my own mother -- who I happen to like a lot
-- won't be there, but I knew if DH's family knew what the plan was, they'd all be there hording us. Well, sure enough, he told me last night that he told his mom and she's already taken the day off to spend it at the hospital, even though he asked her not to. He said she's his mother and he loves her too and wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt that she'd do the right thing and honor our wished to wait for a call. But, I have no nice way of saying this, his mother does what SHE wants and what suits only her. She was literally the LAST person in this world I wanted knowing this info, b/c not only will she be there, but she will tell everyone in his family to be thee (yes, he asked her not to tell anyone else -- and he stopped by his grandma's house last night to find several members of his family discussing this). Anyway, I'm sorry this is SOOOOOOOOOO long, but I really needed to vent b/c I feel like he totally went against my wishes on purpose and now I have to deal with the most self-centered lady in the WHOLE world on the day I should be trying not to stress!!!! It's not like she's not going to see the girls right after they are born, ya know? She even had the nerve to cry to DH about him not caring about *her* feelings when he asked her not to be there all day!! Really, shouldn't this be the ONE DAY IN MY LIFE that I get to do things the way that would make ME most comfortable??????

I feel like I need to go hit something
Thanks for letting me vent!
Awwww Jen I totally get where you are coming from. Could you have the nurses act like bouncers? Show them a picture and tell them that this woman wants to steal babies?

Men are just stupid sometimes...just try to remember that I am sure he meant well by telling her, but he now needs to STAND UP TO HER and tell her that it''s really important for BOTH of you that this birth be about you guys and that should she decide to show up at the hospital she a) won''t be allowed into your room at all and b) will not be present at the actual birth. Period. Then his mom can make the decision about whether to sit in the general waiting room of the hospital all day or not.

But I think you might have more fun if you tell the hospital that she wants to steal babies.