
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Date: 10/18/2008 10:32:02 AM
Author: sk8rjen
Anyway, I'm sorry this is SOOOOOOOOOO long, but I really needed to vent b/c I feel like he totally went against my wishes on purpose and now I have to deal with the most self-centered lady in the WHOLE world on the day I should be trying not to stress!!!! It's not like she's not going to see the girls right after they are born, ya know?


I wholeheartedly agree with you! I don't know why some women get like this, it's so selfish and - well, it's mean, really, I think.
She's had kids herself, and she knows just what an experience it is... why should she set terms for your birth?
Lots of animals go away quietly to birth in private... and I when the time came I really wanted to do the same, quite frankly. Particularly for the final stages! (just when everyone's crowding round!!!)
My mother and my sister came to my first birth, and I have to say, I felt it was more for their benefit (particularly in my mother's case) than for mine. When they got the forceps out, my mother started taking photos!!!?! What's with that?
For the second birth, my husband started a little campaign to get his mother in on the act instead (equal time and all
My answer? That I was not a performing monkey, and I needed privacy to birth. Luckily, I went early, avoiding the whole issue.
For this next birth in April, if family's around, family can wait (and wait!!) in the lobby. Or preferably, in the comfort of my living room at home, so I don't have to worry about them hearing me.
I'm sorry your m-i-l is creating a wedge issue on this. Unless YOU particularly have a very close relationship with her, and feel she would offer YOU direct emotional support at the birth, she has no business being there. Her son needs to stand up to her.
Date: 10/18/2008 10:41:16 AM
Author: neatfreak
Awwww Jen I totally get where you are coming from. Could you have the nurses act like bouncers? Show them a picture and tell them that this woman wants to steal babies?

Men are just stupid sometimes...just try to remember that I am sure he meant well by telling her, but he now needs to STAND UP TO HER and tell her that it''s really important for BOTH of you that this birth be about you guys and that should she decide to show up at the hospital she a) won''t be allowed into your room at all and b) will not be present at the actual birth. Period. Then his mom can make the decision about whether to sit in the general waiting room of the hospital all day or not.

But I think you might have more fun if you tell the hospital that she wants to steal babies.
Apparently they will keep unwanted visitors out, you only have to tell them you don''t want any other family members in the delivery room other than your Husband.
I read recently that they will do that if you let them know.
Kay, you will go through a lot of pads. Think I bled for 6 weeks. So that plus a few pads a day adds up. I got the long, supers with wings. I also would buy a jar of tucks pads and some colace (or something similar). The hospital will provide you with everything else (like the sitz bath which I think I used ONCE, squirt bottle that will become your best friend, cream if you get stitches, and a cream if you get really bad hemis). I slept under a towel b/c I was so freaked out at first. Don't think I ever bled through though.

ETA: the nurse will totally be a bouncer for you! My MIL came in part way through (the doctor was checking me) and they must have seen my face (which I am sure was NOT welcoming) so the nurse very politely and nicely ushered her back to the waiting room. I was surprised someone even told her what room we were in. At my 2 week check up my doc made a joke about MIL NOT belonging in the delivery room. I think they deal with those situations ALL the time. I know they will even lie to them like only x people are allowed in the room with you. A woman in L&D should get her way! Haha. I had my mom and DH and I wouldn't of had it any other way.
I thought that unless the hospital has your permission, they cannot even disclose "Jen is a patient in this hospital", much less what room you''re in. Although I''ve never been in a hospital situation where I want people OUT, so I may be off on this. They can definitely act like bouncers, but unfortunately that won''t stop the guilt trips.

Before I got pregnant, I really thought that I would want my mom present. Now, just me and hubby sounds ideal.

Mmm - biscotti sound good. It''s perfect baking weather - 50 degrees right now. I might make some today. I''m hoping to take it a lot easier this weekend though , because I was feeling wiped out all week. Oops.

Ebree - I love Theodore. Love, love, love. Hubby not so much. I love Edward (and even more, Edmund), although I''m not wild about Ed/Eddie which seems inevitable. I like Joseph, which is hubby''s grandfather''s name, but again don''t like Joe/Joey. I like Patrick, but it happens to be my supervisor''s name so that would be weird. For something slightly more off-beat, Alasdair. Guilty pleasures are Hamish and Judas, although I''m not sure how useable either is. I know to avoid names with bad connotations, and I just don''t like Judah as much.

A lot of my girls list sounds suspiciously like my boy''s list. Charlotte, Henrietta, Josephine, Theodora. I like Jo/Josie, so nicknames aren''t an issue with Josephine. I think I already mentioned Beatrice and Virginia. I like Caroline, but we''ve nixed that one together - my SIL is Cary Lynn, a leettle too similar, although we''re sure that she would love it. Anne/Anna, although I wonder if they''re too plain. Rosalind. Catherine. Louisa, but the girl who sits next to me at work has that name. Lydia. Joanna. I know I''m leaving names out, but they escape me at the moment.

Of course, hubby has nixed most of the names on my girl''s list with no explanation. Vivian is the one exception, with Charlotte and Lydia getting "maybe"s and Josephine, Rosalind, and Anne getting "hmm"s. Everything else is an outright "no". And they''re so much harder for me to come up with in the first place! I asked him to think of a girls'' name that he likes, he said Clara. I said, "So that''s one that you actually like?" And he said, "Well, some parents name their girls that." Ugh!!

What are your girls names? Perhaps you also have some that hubby hasn''t already thrown out.
Date: 10/18/2008 11:33:21 AM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Kay, you will go through a lot of pads. Think I bled for 6 weeks. So that plus a few pads a day adds up. I got the long, supers with wings. I also would buy a jar of tucks pads and some colace (or something similar). The hospital will provide you with everything else (like the sitz bath which I think I used ONCE, squirt bottle that will become your best friend, cream if you get stitches, and a cream if you get really bad hemis). I slept under a towel b/c I was so freaked out at first. Don''t think I ever bled through though.

ETA: the nurse will totally be a bouncer for you! My MIL came in part way through (the doctor was checking me) and they must have seen my face (which I am sure was NOT welcoming) so the nurse very politely and nicely ushered her back to the waiting room. I was surprised someone even told her what room we were in. At my 2 week check up my doc made a joke about MIL NOT belonging in the delivery room. I think they deal with those situations ALL the time. I know they will even lie to them like only x people are allowed in the room with you. A woman in L&D should get her way! Haha. I had my mom and DH and I wouldn''t of had it any other way.
Did she just invite herself Tac?

We truly do have the same taste in names. Charlotte is also on our girl''s list, as is Caroline. Also Alice, and Anna. Actually, those are the only four girls names we fully agree on. I LOVE Josephine, and it''d be my #1 choice for a girl, but husband is Joseph, so that''s a no go. The more unusual names we''ve agreed on (possibly for middle names) are Ruby and Eloise. I want to bump them to first name status, but DH thinks they''re a little too "out there." I''m working on it, though.

I love the nickname "Ted" for a little boy (and it works for a man, too), which is why I love Theodore and Edward. I tried to put them together, but DH reminded me he''d be called "Ted Ed." Kids have been called worse, right?

Isn''t the name game fun with a picky husband?
Ebree, I was just thinking about Ruby last night! I love it, but I can''t decide if it would sound off if our kid ends up being a tom-boy. But - wouldn''t this make the perfect push present for a Ruby born in April (birthstone diamond)?

Date: 10/18/2008 1:47:29 AM
Author: Kay
Ok, I have a somewhat stupid and embarrassing question. I have read there will be bleeding for several days after L&D and you can't use tampons. I know they will give me pads at the hospital, but I need to buy something for when I get home. I haven't bought pads in about 20 years. Costco has a 90 count box of Always maxis with wings for $12, but 90 seems like a lot. How long does the bleeding usually last and just how thick of pads are required? I know this is a weird question, but I want to pick something up this weekend before the induction so I do not have to send DH out to buy them later.
Try bleeding for like 3 months at least that's what happened to me!

The lochia was like a super heavy period at first and then slowed down but it seemed to go on forever.

I used maxis for a while and then went to panty liners eventually but , yeah, you do get your period months back only at the end of delivery!
Blen and Ebree add me to the love list with Theodore! But that happens to be one of our dogs' names so we didn't think it was appropriate to name one of the boys after the dog.

And I don't think Anna is too plan at all. Lovely classic name!
Date: 10/18/2008 11:45:32 AM
Author: Lorelei
Date: 10/18/2008 11:33:21 AM

Author: Tacori E-ring

Kay, you will go through a lot of pads. Think I bled for 6 weeks. So that plus a few pads a day adds up. I got the long, supers with wings. I also would buy a jar of tucks pads and some colace (or something similar). The hospital will provide you with everything else (like the sitz bath which I think I used ONCE, squirt bottle that will become your best friend, cream if you get stitches, and a cream if you get really bad hemis). I slept under a towel b/c I was so freaked out at first. Don''t think I ever bled through though.

ETA: the nurse will totally be a bouncer for you! My MIL came in part way through (the doctor was checking me) and they must have seen my face (which I am sure was NOT welcoming) so the nurse very politely and nicely ushered her back to the waiting room. I was surprised someone even told her what room we were in. At my 2 week check up my doc made a joke about MIL NOT belonging in the delivery room. I think they deal with those situations ALL the time. I know they will even lie to them like only x people are allowed in the room with you. A woman in L&D should get her way! Haha. I had my mom and DH and I wouldn''t of had it any other way.

Did she just invite herself Tac?

I guess she just wanted to let us know they were there or to say hi...not sure what her motives were. I just remember my eyes bugging out and my wonderful nurse whisked her away VERY quickly. She never mentioned it so I don''t think she was offended. I made it VERY clear to DH beforehand I just wanted him and my mom in the room. What girl doesn''t want her mom when she is in pain?
just agreeing with what was said already about the nurses acting like bouncers. they will keep people out whom YOU don''t want in there. they kept MIL out, which was a total chore for them because that woman is persistent! but they did the job and she did not come into the room.
Date: 10/18/2008 10:41:16 AM
Author: neatfreak
Awwww Jen I totally get where you are coming from. Could you have the nurses act like bouncers? Show them a picture and tell them that this woman wants to steal babies?

Haha, too funny about having the nurse be a bouncer.
Sorry Jen about the MIL situation.
I hope she''ll be mature and sensitive enough to observe your wishes.

I think NF made a good suggestion.
Perhaps you can specify your wishes about not having visitors on the first day
and the nurse can act as a bouncer.
I recall the nurses at my L&D asking us who we will allow to come in and telephone in even.
Date: 10/18/2008 12:29:00 PM
Author: lisa1.01fvs1
Date: 10/18/2008 1:47:29 AM
Author: Kay
Ok, I have a somewhat stupid and embarrassing question. I have read there will be bleeding for several days after L&D and you can''t use tampons. I know they will give me pads at the hospital, but I need to buy something for when I get home. I haven''t bought pads in about 20 years. Costco has a 90 count box of Always maxis with wings for $12, but 90 seems like a lot. How long does the bleeding usually last and just how thick of pads are required? I know this is a weird question, but I want to pick something up this weekend before the induction so I do not have to send DH out to buy them later.
Try bleeding for like 3 months at least that''s what happened to me!
The lochia was like a super heavy period at first and then slowed down but it seemed to go on forever.
I used maxis for a while and then went to panty liners eventually but , yeah, you do get your period months back only at the end of delivery!

Same here.
Very heavy bleeding for the first week and kind of tapered off.
By my 6wk PP appt, it was dry.
Then for some strange reason, it appeared again 2 weeks later.
I thought at that time it was AF, but it wasn''t since there were no bleeding since and I''m 6months out.

For me, the always extra long with wings were sufficient, but everyone is different.
Cute bellies ladies DD, mela lu, sbde!
Our nurses specifically told us that through L&D, they would check w/ us first if anyone showed up, and if we wanted privacy, they would simply say we were "getting checked" or "seeing a doctor'' or any other number of excuses to leave us alone.

Oh, and Tacori, forgive me, but I had to laugh when you said you thought your MIL just wanted to say "hi" when she walked in. For some reason that cracked me people are totally oblivious that you''re pushing out a human being and may not want to chit chat at that point.
I am definitely aware of nurses acting as bouncers (thank god for that), but am frustrated that it''ll even come down to that now. And DH keeps telling me that he doesn''t owe me an apology -- eveything''s icy cold here, relationship-wise. NOT how I want to feel on the days leading up to the births of our daughters! His MIL will not make it into the room, that''s for sure, whether he stands up to her or the nurses do, and she will not make it into the room immediately after the girls are born (but my boys will b/c i feel they have a right to get to know their sisters first! -- which will piss he off b/c that''s the kind of person she is...) The bad thing about her spending the day in the waiting room will be her expectations of DH to come out and give her constant updates. If she''s there, I''ll have to "share" him with her for the day. So much for our bonding moments huh?
I am just aggravated, which is worse when it''s piled on top of hormones/emotions, but I feel completely helpless now. Makes me just pray even harder that the girls decide to come today or tomorrow! (A really nasty part of me wishes I could just re-schedule the whole thing for a different day)

Many many thanks for all of your support -- it''s nice to know I''m not the only one in the world who feels like L&D is not the time for in-law (or people in general) pleasing!!
Date: 10/18/2008 2:54:34 PM
Author: sk8rjen
I am definitely aware of nurses acting as bouncers (thank god for that), but am frustrated that it''ll even come down to that now. And DH keeps telling me that he doesn''t owe me an apology -- eveything''s icy cold here, relationship-wise. NOT how I want to feel on the days leading up to the births of our daughters! His MIL will not make it into the room, that''s for sure, whether he stands up to her or the nurses do, and she will not make it into the room immediately after the girls are born (but my boys will b/c i feel they have a right to get to know their sisters first! -- which will piss he off b/c that''s the kind of person she is...) The bad thing about her spending the day in the waiting room will be her expectations of DH to come out and give her constant updates. If she''s there, I''ll have to ''share'' him with her for the day. So much for our bonding moments huh?
I am just aggravated, which is worse when it''s piled on top of hormones/emotions, but I feel completely helpless now. Makes me just pray even harder that the girls decide to come today or tomorrow! (A really nasty part of me wishes I could just re-schedule the whole thing for a different day)

Many many thanks for all of your support -- it''s nice to know I''m not the only one in the world who feels like L&D is not the time for in-law (or people in general) pleasing!!



Any reason why you can''t schedule for a different day? That would be QUALITY! Lol.
I was just wondering the same thing as NF. What day is your induction scheduled for, again?

I just realized that Anne/Anna would be paying tribute to the place the babe was conceived and will be born. Wow, I''m slow on the uptake. I think I like it even more now. Of the two, I think I would go with Anna. I''d have to work on hubby though. But at least it''s a "hmm" and not a "no".
Date: 10/18/2008 2:54:34 PM
Author: sk8rjen
I am definitely aware of nurses acting as bouncers (thank god for that), but am frustrated that it''ll even come down to that now. And DH keeps telling me that he doesn''t owe me an apology -- eveything''s icy cold here, relationship-wise. NOT how I want to feel on the days leading up to the births of our daughters! His MIL will not make it into the room, that''s for sure, whether he stands up to her or the nurses do, and she will not make it into the room immediately after the girls are born (but my boys will b/c i feel they have a right to get to know their sisters first! -- which will piss he off b/c that''s the kind of person she is...) The bad thing about her spending the day in the waiting room will be her expectations of DH to come out and give her constant updates. If she''s there, I''ll have to ''share'' him with her for the day. So much for our bonding moments huh?
I am just aggravated, which is worse when it''s piled on top of hormones/emotions, but I feel completely helpless now. Makes me just pray even harder that the girls decide to come today or tomorrow! (A really nasty part of me wishes I could just re-schedule the whole thing for a different day)

Many many thanks for all of your support -- it''s nice to know I''m not the only one in the world who feels like L&D is not the time for in-law (or people in general) pleasing!!
I would feel the SAME WAY and shame on your hubby for not supporting you!
Sorry, maybe I am not being fair to the men
but honestly, the birth is about the MOTHER... afterwards is about the little baby. You are doing all the work! I am so mad for you!!

There will be no one coming to our delivery. Actually, after I read what you wrote I just checked with DH that we are on the same page. Thank goodness we are! There''d be heck to pay let me tell you. Like Lara, I am not a performing monkey (love that saying, I also use, " I am not a dog and pony show"). I think next time we see the in laws we''ll need to just prepare them for this in case they have other ideas. Our plan is to call and invite all the parents to our house after we are home. My mom is going to be staying with us, she arrives on my due date, and I''m even kicking her out of the house when active labour starts! LOL! She can go stay with the in laws. I love my mom, but I don''t want her around giving be advice during the labour, that''s why we have midwives
Alright Jen, maybe I''LL bake for you if it means it will send you into L&D on a different day so your MIL can''t make it. This is ridiculous. Men are clueless. You''re about to embark on the herculean task of giving birth and people want to add to your stress?

Tell your DH that I had no high blood pressure or signs of toxemia before I gave birth. Tell him my brother was being silly but still stressing me out at the same time (and it wasn''t major) but it sent my blood pressure through the roof and they found that I had toxemia as I was in labor. Tell him I almost died (OK, I didn''t, but I could have!). Tell him NOT TO F*CK with a woman in labor!

Date: 10/18/2008 4:45:51 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Alright Jen, maybe I''LL bake for you if it means it will send you into L&D on a different day so your MIL can''t make it. This is ridiculous. Men are clueless. You''re about to embark on the herculean task of giving birth and people want to add to your stress?

Tell your DH that I had no high blood pressure or signs of toxemia before I gave birth. Tell him my brother was being silly but still stressing me out at the same time (and it wasn''t major) but it sent my blood pressure through the roof and they found that I had toxemia as I was in labor. Tell him I almost died (OK, I didn''t, but I could have!). Tell him NOT TO F*CK with a woman in labor!


Lol TGal. I love your bluntness!
Kay, I bled heavily for about 2 weeks and now at 3 weeks it''s heavy discharge. My hospital provided me with pads. I''d try to find extra long and thick pads.

jen, I''m so sorry to hear about how things are with your DH. I totally understand your concerns about your MIL. What a PITA to have to deal with this. I hope your DH comes around and understands and respects your L&D wishes. I''m curious to know if you can move your induction date too.

I''m glad I''m not the only one who had to use the nurse as a bouncer. My mom wanted to be in the room with us during L&D but I wanted it to only be DH and me. I told my parents to wait at home and we''ll call them when the baby is born then they could come to the hospital. I called them to give them updates when the pain wasn''t bad. Well, when I was in transition phase, they unexpectedly showed up knocking at my door. I was in unbearable pain and in my zone. I didn''t want any interruptions or visitors! I think DH and I ignored the knock. They knocked again I believe shortly after I started pushing and I was so annoyed. I told my nurse she could give them an update but to tell them to stop knocking on my door/I did not want them in there! After the baby was born, they found out before we even told them, and they were in my room shortly after. I love my parents and I know they were just excited first time grandparents but I wanted privacy. Next time around I''m going to have to find a way to keep them at home.

Blen, you are correct. When I checked into my hospital, they had me sign a form to give them permission to disclose information to people inquiring about me (what room I''m in, transfer outside calls to your room, etc).
I can't believe all these parents! But I know my MIL would be the same way. I am SO GLAD that she just booked her tickets out here and they are for the day after x-mas. I know she was hoping I'd stick it out long enough for her to be here for the birth, but DH and I decided not to tell her that on the long shot that I make it to the end of December my doc said we'll induce the week of the 20th, so the babies for sure will be here before she comes.

My parents will probably be here because their jobs are flexible, but I know they will respect my wishes to wait outside.

But if they DIDN'T I would totally hire my own bouncer to sit outside my room. WELL worth the expense IMO!

Paul and I made cookies last night and I was so thinking of you as we were baking. I was like, "Hmm, I wonder if I can send my baking energy to her right now."

Hee hee.

Seriously, I hope these babies come along on their own. And then when you get to the hospital, they come quickly (but not TOO quickly) and then you don''t have to worry about this situation.

For what it''s worth, Paul would likely do the same thing your Matt (I think I remember his name being Matt, and if it is not, please forgive me!
) did in telling his parents. Paul is a very sweet person and has a hard time not being honest and his parents are NUTS, literally NUTS, over a child they don''t even have baking at this point in time. I think he would want to honor my wishes, but would also want his family involved, which I''m okay with. But, I''m a VERY stubborn person and have no issues with expressing my feelings and wishes and they already know that when the time comes, there will not be a whole studio audience to watch the blessed event.

I''m just so excited to see your babies, Jen. They''re gonna be gorgeous (and I keep wondering if they''ll be redheads!!)

Don''t let things stress you out too much. Just know that it will work out and your babies will be here soon. (Yes, easy for me to say, I know!)
Blen and NF -- Re: rescheduling: my day is wednesday b/c that''s the day my doctor is on-call, so if i end up delivering in the evening hours, he would be taking cae of me and not someone else, so unfortunately, wednesday is the logical day IF we''re going to try breaking the water. If we were just scheduling a c-section, I could do it any day.... but I''m not willing to give up my VBAC attempt b/c of MIL. ugh.

Snlee -- how awful they were in the room so soon thereafter -- I am totally understanding too in that grandparents are excited to be grandparents, but can''t parents have at least a few moments of family bonding time together first?

Fisher -- thanks for thinking of me while baking (and yes, DH is Matt -- good memory!) I really DO think the girls will be redheads!

TGal -- I love your bluntness too
DH thinks *I''M* the one being insensitive here, btw! He doesn''t care if I lose my %^&* of not b/c I''ve gone totally apesh*t on him before, so it wouldn''t be a new thing exactly...

DD -- glad you chatted about this with DH! I thought my DH and I were in agreement too, until yesteday, so I''d keep triple-checking with yours up until the end just to be sure!

Before DH left for work, he was playing with the girls in my belly for a bit and then leaned over to kiss me goodbye like there was no issue at all (he''s a sweep-under-the-rug kinda guy), so I CALMLY asked him(I stress that I was very concientious of how I asked this) "will you apologize before you leave?" and he said "nope." He did go on to say that he was going to call his mom tonight... but I told him I felt he still owed me an apology for telling her after he agreed not to. His only answer to that was that he gets a say in this and he did what HE wanted to do. Then he said "I''ll call you later" and I told him "don''t bother." Then he left. Shouldn''t I be having really hard contractions or something? haha I sure wish I knew someone IRL that could get through to him. Apparently (as of last night) I am just a "crazy bitch." Who wants to trade husbands???

I feel like a soap opera -- I''m SO sorry to bring on all this negativity to this thread! Let''s go back to happy-babies-on-the-way-land!!

Date: 10/18/2008 5:57:56 PM
Author: sk8rjen

DD -- glad you chatted about this with DH! I thought my DH and I were in agreement too, until yesteday, so I''d keep triple-checking with yours up until the end just to be sure!
He looked really appalled like I was mental or something when I asked him is he was going to want his parents in the hospital, so I think we are ok! LOL! He even said that he would be fine if I wanted my mom in the room but not his parents. We wil lstill tell his parents about the plan together. But I have no problem telling them myself to "Get the F&*CK out of the room!" (to borrow TGals turn of phrase) if it somes to it
I have their grandchild, what are they going to do about it?
I'd be furious over that! You're the one delivering the babies, so you're the one who gets veto power over his say!

And I wouldn't be willing to give up a VBAC over that, either.

I can't remember, but are these his first babies?

ETA: I have some bread baking for you. It's about to go in the oven.
DD -- your DH sounds awesome

Blen -- yes, these are his first and they are his mom''s first (biological) grandchildren AND my DH is an only
child. (So am i and my mom still respects *my* wishes though!) Thanks for baking the bread -- with all of you baking for me, I have the best labor vibes in the world!!

My mom''s here cooking us dinner and is so upset for me -- she said she''s going to try to get MIL to at least go out to lunch that day and get her otta there fo a while

Hey, it''s a start!
Hey this is Blen''s hubby. She decided that the bread wasn''t enough, so she''s now rolling out dough for the apple pie. Hopefully this makes you go into labor. If not, then at least I get a pie out of the deal.
Date: 10/18/2008 8:26:39 PM
Author: Blenheim
Hey this is Blen''s hubby. She decided that the bread wasn''t enough, so she''s now rolling out dough for the apple pie. Hopefully this makes you go into labor. If not, then at least I get a pie out of the deal.
Hahah! Careful with the baking though Blen, you know it has powers!