
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

But I''m channeling all of the powers to Jen!

I had a feeling that he hadn''t dealt with a woman in labor before, if he''s acting like that.
Date: 10/18/2008 8:26:39 PM
Author: Blenheim
Hey this is Blen''s hubby. She decided that the bread wasn''t enough, so she''s now rolling out dough for the apple pie. Hopefully this makes you go into labor. If not, then at least I get a pie out of the deal.

ROTFLMAO!!! This made my night...

contractions have resumed some type of regularity...

i just love you guys!
Date: 10/18/2008 10:32:48 PM
Author: sk8rjen

Date: 10/18/2008 8:26:39 PM
Author: Blenheim
Hey this is Blen''s hubby. She decided that the bread wasn''t enough, so she''s now rolling out dough for the apple pie. Hopefully this makes you go into labor. If not, then at least I get a pie out of the deal.

ROTFLMAO!!! This made my night...

contractions have resumed some type of regularity...

i just love you guys!
Awww, that''s so cute. Best of luck Jen!!! Hoping those girls are ready to make their debut soon!!!
Date: 10/18/2008 8:26:39 PM
Author: Blenheim
Hey this is Blen''s hubby. She decided that the bread wasn''t enough, so she''s now rolling out dough for the apple pie. Hopefully this makes you go into labor. If not, then at least I get a pie out of the deal.

LOL. How sweet are you Blen!!! Making a pie AND getting your hubby to post about it! Awww.
Date: 10/18/2008 10:32:48 PM
Author: sk8rjen
Date: 10/18/2008 8:26:39 PM

Author: Blenheim

Hey this is Blen''s hubby. She decided that the bread wasn''t enough, so she''s now rolling out dough for the apple pie. Hopefully this makes you go into labor. If not, then at least I get a pie out of the deal.

ROTFLMAO!!! This made my night...

contractions have resumed some type of regularity...


i just love you guys!

GO JEN! Hope those babies come before Wednesday so your MIL won''t stress you out!
Date: 10/18/2008 8:26:39 PM
Author: Blenheim
Hey this is Blen''s hubby. She decided that the bread wasn''t enough, so she''s now rolling out dough for the apple pie. Hopefully this makes you go into labor. If not, then at least I get a pie out of the deal.
This is hilarious! LOL!

jen, I hope the girls make their appearance soon!
Day 3 of waking up and feeling like I got no sleep -- just dragging! My older boys walked to their grandma''s house ( a couple of blocks away) for the first time this morning to get some eggs from her so I can attempt something else. I''m in the mood for cookies, so i guess we''re getting some of those (yes, from scratch this time) shortly...

How did all of everyone else''s baked goodies turn out? :)

My contrax are hard, but spread out and if they are getting closer it''s hard to tell -- it;s funny though b/c contrax are actually what woke me up and all I could think was "OMG, they did it!" (of course referring to you guys

DH sorta-kinda managed a half-assed apology this morning, which I accepted b/c i want things to be back to good between us, but honestly I feel kind of bad still. I wish he was the kind of guy who could just pour on the sweetness when I need it (ie NOW). I would give almost anything for him to actually tell me I''m beautiful (whether i am or not!) or just say something like "I love you so much." I get "I love you"s before bed and before he leaves for work. It doesn''t bug me too much normally, but has been much harder through an emotional pregnancy. I used to be a tougher girl, now I feel like a ball of mush -- what the heck happened?

Alrighty, back to football --
37w 4d <-- how can that be right??
Jen you hang in there! My midwife was saying that the effacement period of labour can last up to a week and it is the hardest because you don''t sleep and it wears you out for actual labour. So take it easy so you are rarin'' to go when the time comes!! I''m glad you DH apologised, but he should be nicer to you. Some men are just not all that demomstrative, unfortunately, and we can''t change them.

21 weeks today! <---- how''d THAT happen??
DD -- wow, I didn''t know that about the effacement. I sure hope that''s what''s going on, b/c I really truly feel wiped out and have barely accomplished anything in the past few days. I can''t believe you are 21 weeks already -- time''s flying

Oh I meant to mention this yesterday -- my boys got their halloween costumes and my baby (yes, the 6 yr old Donovan
) decided to be a doctor b/c he wants to "help mommy out." I thought that was so sweet (oh, and he brought me a sucker earlier for being a good patient
) My 10 and 8 year olds rubbed my feet and ankles earlier for about 15 minutes looking for the pressure point around the ankles that''s supposed to help bring on contractions, btw... they are as eager as I am for the girls to be here. Despite all of this other crap, I really feel lucky sometimes...
Date: 10/19/2008 3:25:14 PM
Author: sk8rjen
Oh I meant to mention this yesterday -- my boys got their halloween costumes and my baby (yes, the 6 yr old Donovan
) decided to be a doctor b/c he wants to ''help mommy out.'' I thought that was so sweet (oh, and he brought me a sucker earlier for being a good patient
) My 10 and 8 year olds rubbed my feet and ankles earlier for about 15 minutes looking for the pressure point around the ankles that''s supposed to help bring on contractions, btw... they are as eager as I am for the girls to be here. Despite all of this other crap, I really feel lucky sometimes...

jen, your boys are so sweet!

sending you tons of labor vibes!
Date: 10/19/2008 3:25:14 PM
Author: sk8rjen
Oh I meant to mention this yesterday -- my boys got their halloween costumes and my baby (yes, the 6 yr old Donovan
) decided to be a doctor b/c he wants to ''help mommy out.'' I thought that was so sweet (oh, and he brought me a sucker earlier for being a good patient
) My 10 and 8 year olds rubbed my feet and ankles earlier for about 15 minutes looking for the pressure point around the ankles that''s supposed to help bring on contractions, btw... they are as eager as I am for the girls to be here. Despite all of this other crap, I really feel lucky sometimes...


AWWWW that is adorable! I will have to train my boys to rub my feet I think.

The way I look at it is in a household full of men to take care of me I shouldn''t have to lift a finger right? Please tell me that is how it works in your house Jen!
Awww, Jen!

Bread turned out excellent, but I missed the little line hidden at the end of the apple pie instructions that said "Let cool for at least 4 hours" so we''re now having it for dessert tonight. Whoops.

I have bad sciatica today, so clearly my short run yesterday was not the best idea in the world. And it was only about 1/4 - 1/3 of a mile.
Our cookies were yummy. We took them to the kiddos at church and they loved them!


Your new avatar is cuteness!

If you''re not in too much pain, you''ll have to try to remember a picture the day of the birth, before they''re here. That would really be an amazing picture to show them: "Look at mommy, carrying both of you, at once!"

I''ve been wondering about your boys and their excitement with the new additions. How flippin precious they sound!!!

I''m glad your husband apologized. Sometimes they take longer to process and then actually admit to being wrong (even if in a half butted way!).

Hope today''s baking attempts work out well and end in two baby girls coming into this world!!! (like TODAY!!!)
NF -- I wish I could lie and tell you that you''d be pampered all the time, but 4 boys (including DH of course) makes me officially a "maid"! But it definitely has its rewarding moments (my boys are very lovey, so I get lots of hugs and kisses from them and they always tell me I''m the best mommy in the world
) I think it will be interesting to see what dynamic the girls bring to the family -- I personally think I''m having girls to soften up DH!

Snlee -- thanks!

Blen -- oooooh sorry about the sciatic pain -- no fun! Whenever my back goes out (which has been a long time, surprisingly enough), I get the worst sciatic pain for days afterward and it hurts to walk or skate (let alone run! how do you do that??) Enjoy the pie tonight -- tell your hubby I said "you''re welcome"

I''m still feeling beat, but my mom said she''s come bring dinner over AGAIN (yay!), so I have to at least go do some dishes. It''s so pleasant hovering over the sink from what feels like several feet away since my belly''s so big... we have a new dishwasher waiting to be installed, but I''ve procrastinated on that since I wanted to replace a faucet at the same time for our downstairs bathroom and I can''t find a copper one I like. We''ve had the dishwasher for about 4 months now! The one that came with the house is old and I don''t trust any dish that comes out of it (bit of a germophobe here), so I refuse to use it. So it''s my own darned fault I have to do dishes!
I''m sure you all really wanted to know all that too (haha) -- sorry I''ve been in "ramble" mode for a couple of days....

hope you''re all having a good evening!
Fisher -- we must have been writing at the same time -- I''m so glad the cookies went to good use! Thanks for baking with me in mind! Oh and the avatar pic is a month old, but I realized that the one on here before was like 2 months old... I''ll get a new one taken for sure at the hospital (my belly is so LOW now!) -- it''s worse than when I posted that bare-belly shot!
FWIW, Fisher, I''m looking forward to you getting to experience pregnancy -- you and Paul are going to make such great parents!
Jen Are you at 52" around now or a month ago? I just measured and I am 43" already at 29 weeks and change!
Date: 10/19/2008 6:03:41 PM
Author: sk8rjen
Fisher -- we must have been writing at the same time -- I''m so glad the cookies went to good use! Thanks for baking with me in mind! Oh and the avatar pic is a month old, but I realized that the one on here before was like 2 months old... I''ll get a new one taken for sure at the hospital (my belly is so LOW now!) -- it''s worse than when I posted that bare-belly shot!
FWIW, Fisher, I''m looking forward to you getting to experience pregnancy -- you and Paul are going to make such great parents!
Aww, that''s sweet, Jen. Thanks.

I''m so excited to see your babies!!

Has the Dr. estimated their weights lately?
NF -- 52 inches around NOW, and have been there for a couple of weeks ( no more room to grow i think :))! 43" is great -- I was at 48" right at 30 weeks!

Fisher -- last guesstimate on weights was at 36 weeks and they thought they were about 6.5 pounds a piece... so i guess I could have 7+ pounders in here, isn''t that nuts?

ok, seriously off to go do dishes...
Date: 10/19/2008 3:18:32 PM
Author: sk8rjen
DD -- wow, I didn''t know that about the effacement. I sure hope that''s what''s going on, b/c I really truly feel wiped out and have barely accomplished anything in the past few days. I can''t believe you are 21 weeks already -- time''s flying

Yeah it surprised me too, but not everyone takes that long. One of our close friends seems to have had a similar experience as you are having with their second child. She had on and off contractions for about 8 days
and finally our midwife ruptured her amniotic sac and then labour kicked in that day. So maybe you will have the same hting happen when you go get yours popped later this week!
So Kay made biscotti and then didn''t check in today....hmmmmm

Kay, I know you''re supposed to go in tomorrow night, but I''m hoping for sake that the little one decided to go ahead and come out!!!! Plus, that would keep the odds of baking and going into labor at 100%

DD -- well, if I *have* to wait until Wednesday, that would be my best case scenario (that breaking the water gets things rolling). With my 2nd and 3rd boys, I had both cervidil and pitocin, so I don''t know what to expect *without* those.

Well, ladies, I baked until I could barely stand. I have SOOOOOO many cookies, I don''t know how we''re going to eat them all, but I thought as long as I was going to do it "right," I might as well do it in massive quantities! I guess we could take some to the L&D nurses if it works
I had about a gazillion contrax just from being on my feet for so long, so I can see the logic in it -- I just am hoping for the "magic" too
Have a great night!

Date: 10/19/2008 11:07:03 PM
Author: sk8rjen
Well, ladies, I baked until I could barely stand. I have SOOOOOO many cookies, I don't know how we're going to eat them all, but I thought as long as I was going to do it 'right,' I might as well do it in massive quantities! I guess we could take some to the L&D nurses if it works
I had about a gazillion contrax just from being on my feet for so long, so I can see the logic in it -- I just am hoping for the 'magic' too
Have a great night!


You can send some to me! Despite my love for baking I am staying FAR AWAY from the oven until the boys are 34 weeks at least!
Date: 10/19/2008 11:10:33 PM
Author: neatfreak
Date: 10/19/2008 11:07:03 PM

Author: sk8rjen

Well, ladies, I baked until I could barely stand. I have SOOOOOO many cookies, I don''t know how we''re going to eat them all, but I thought as long as I was going to do it ''right,'' I might as well do it in massive quantities! I guess we could take some to the L&D nurses if it works
I had about a gazillion contrax just from being on my feet for so long, so I can see the logic in it -- I just am hoping for the ''magic'' too
Have a great night!


You can send some to me! Despite my love for baking I am staying FAR AWAY from the oven until the boys are 34 weeks at least!

NF -- heehee I remember saying this to someone else here who was baking when I was about as far along as you are! I think the cookies might lose their appeal by the time they''d get to you...
Date: 10/19/2008 11:07:03 PM
Author: sk8rjen
So Kay made biscotti and then didn''t check in today....hmmmmm

Kay, I know you''re supposed to go in tomorrow night, but I''m hoping for sake that the little one decided to go ahead and come out!!!! Plus, that would keep the odds of baking and going into labor at 100%

DD -- well, if I *have* to wait until Wednesday, that would be my best case scenario (that breaking the water gets things rolling). With my 2nd and 3rd boys, I had both cervidil and pitocin, so I don''t know what to expect *without* those.

Well, ladies, I baked until I could barely stand. I have SOOOOOO many cookies, I don''t know how we''re going to eat them all, but I thought as long as I was going to do it ''right,'' I might as well do it in massive quantities! I guess we could take some to the L&D nurses if it works
I had about a gazillion contrax just from being on my feet for so long, so I can see the logic in it -- I just am hoping for the ''magic'' too
Have a great night!

Sorry to disappoint, but I am still here and nothing is happening. My cervix seems impervious to both sex and baking.
Sorry if I have messed up the streak – let’s just say it doesn’t count because DH did more of the work than I did.

I’m glad your husband apologized, even if it was half-assed. I totally get why you are upset. I know different women feel differently about who should be present during L&D, but I want it to be just DH and me. Your husband should have respected your wishes, especially since you had already agreed. He probably got carried away in his excitement and wanted to tell his mom (without actually inviting her) without thinking through, even though he should have known better, that she would defy your wishes and show up. I really hope you go into labor before Wednesday (take away your husband’s cell phone if you do). Your mother’s idea of taking MIL to lunch that day is a good idea. Your DH (or you if he won’t) need to tell MIL in no uncertain terms that no one other than DH will be allowed in the delivery room because it is a private process so there is no point in her sitting in the waiting room bored all day. Promise her someone will call her when the birth is imminent so that she can come meet her granddaughters. (There is no need to tell her in advance that your boys will get to meet the girls first, which seems appropriate to me.) If she insists on showing up, your husband should not be running out to give her hourly updates. He should go out and tell her to go home and then ignore her for a few hours. BTW, your boys sound like real sweethearts.

I’m in a different position because none of our family lives in town. If they lived here, I would be okay with my parents and his coming to see the baby at the hospital shortly after the birth if they could go back to their own places after. Unfortunately, when they come to town they stay with us, and I do not want anyone in the house right when I come home from the hospital. I want to have at least a week to rest (when I can), recover from labor, and just let DH and I bond with our daughter and get used to our new life. No matter how much family members think they will “help” when they come visit, for me at least, having people stay with us just creates work and stress for me. DH’s family, who live across the country, are being good about it (if they complained, I don’t know about it) and will fly out to visit in November. My parents live about a 3-hour drive away. I love them a lot, but they are high maintenance when they visit. I was on the phone with my mom a few weeks ago and she said something to the effect of we should call them when I head to the hospital so they can hop in the car. I had to explain that I want at least a week to recover and bond before we have people stay with us. She didn’t challenge me, but she got very quiet and it is clear she is very disappointed that (a) she will not be there for the birth and (b) she will have to wait a week to see her long-awaited first grandchild. I feel like a bit of a bitch at this point, but I really do not want houseguests immediately after giving birth. Is that unreasonable? I definitely do not want anyone (including my mom) other than DH at the hospital. Giving birth seems so intimate that I would be very uncomfortable and self-conscious having anyone I know present. Medical personnel aside, I do not want anyone at the birth that was not at the conception. (I can''t remember who here came up with that rule, but I think it is a good one.)
Heb, NF, Jen, Tacori, Lisa, Lili, Snlee, thanks for advice about dealing with the bleeding. I bought some super, extra long pads with wings, and will go get something heavier or lighter later if needed. (I hope I don’t actually need Depends.) I’m actually going to have to buy new undies because most of mine will not work with pads. I have the Swiffer ready – thanks for that tip, NF. I didn’t even think about the bathroom floor – I have a few old towels that were about to become rags, but I’m going to use them as bath mats and put the good ones in the linen closet for now. Having a baby is quite the messy business.

My bags are packed and sitting by the door. We set up the playard, swing and changing station today, so I guess I am as ready as I am likely to be. I wish I could go into the induction a bit more rested, but sleep is just not working out well these days. Man do I look forward to sleeping on my stomach again!

I don't think the hospital has internet access available. I'll try to check in again before we head to the hospital tomorrow night. I will e-mail San Diego Lady after the baby is born and she will let you all know.
Kay, your wishes sound incredibly reasonable for when the baby comes. So many of my friends have told me that you don''t want guest staying with you for the first week or so, as you just want to bond with your baby, and you don''t want to worry about taking care of guests.

I will be induced for this pregnancy, and both sets of our parents live out of town, my parents are four hours away, his family is in California. We''ll of course let both sets of our parents know when I''m being induced, and they''re more than welcome to be at the hospital. However, we''ve told them that no one can stay with us at our home, that we''d like for them to stay at a hotel, and that we can help with the costs if that''s needed. This is the first grand baby for all of our parents, so we know that the birth is very important to them. So we''re more than happy to share that day with our family, but we don''t want to have to worry about entertaining overnight guests.
Kay -- I''m bummed you didn''t go into labor yesterday
It''s going to be practically no time now before you are holding the little one, though
Hopefully you''ll be able to get some sleep tonight (the cervidil won''t keep you up, but the anticipation might...) As far as your parents and inlaws go, I completely can understand where you are coming from. There''s no way I would consider having guests of any sort staying at my house when a new baby is coming home! My ex-husband''s dad lived out of town and even though they stayed somewhere else, they felt like they could spend the entire day after i gave birth at the hospital and then a few entire days sitting at our house right after we got home -- the weren''t even there to offer help! I got along with them really well and understood their excitement, but that really was my wake-up call. Anyway, based on that experience, I wouldn''t want out-of-towners in right away either (staying with us or not). Please don''t feel like a bitch for asking them not to come right away -- your needs really should come first in this process!

DH has not yet talked to his mom since he had to work 2 closing shifts over the weekend, but plans on talking to her today. I am sure at this point she has told his entire family what''s going on, so I am going to be proactive and call his aunt today to tell her that we prefer not to have any other guests until Thursday (I''ll know what she knows as soon as I talk to her -- she''s honest :)), and I know she will be kind enough to pass the word along to everyone else (DH has 2 sets of aunts/uncles in town, 4 cousins -- 2 with spouses, his mom and his grandma). It''s sad b/c I wish his aunt were his mom -- she''s such a nice lady and very respectful of other people''s wishes. *she* is actually the one who has called me on a regular basis to check how I was feeling, etc, throughout the pregnancy (his mom only really called or came by if she had something going on in her own life she wanted to complain about). There I go rambling again (sorry).

So back to what I was going to get to: dh said he will not be giving his mom regular updates or anything should she choose to spend the day in the waiting room. He knows I won''t want her in the room and is fine with that. It really seems like he believed that she would just wait for a phone call like he asked her to, and it''s a bit sad b/c I can see too that she has let *him* down. Maybe she''ll get smart and agree to his request today. She will be a nightmare after the birth, being present all the time, but I will be in a better place at that point to tell people to leave if I want.
And my BFF yesterday called and offered to be my bouncer

Kay -- one more thing -- when do you leave for the hospital today?

37w 5d
Kay If the major issue is them staying with you, why don't you suggest to your mom that they come down the day the baby is born (or shortly after), meet her, then stay overnight in a hotel? 3 hours isn't that far for an overnight trip. That way your mom gets to be there but you don't have to deal with the stress of houseguests...just a thought.

My parents will hopefully be here when the twins are born (although it's a bit more complicated because flights are involved) but my mom is VERY respectful and very helpful, and never even once mentioned staying with us (except to say that if we wanted relief from night duty she'd be happy to fill in). She's already offered to do the cooking and cleaning , baby stuff, or just stay out of our way until we call them. I
my mom!
INDUCTIONS: I was induced (a week late) and it was a wonderful experience if anyone has any questions.

Kay, sorry to disappoint but if you are going to BF you are suggested not to sleep on your tummy...I know. I love sleeping on my stomach too! I don't remember having to mop up the blood. The messiest was at the hospital. But then again I was there for 5 freaking days.

My mom stayed with us the first week of T's life and my MIL the second. For us it was wonderful. I had a rough recovery so I never felt (and they never made me feel like) I had to entertain them. They were there 100% to help and that is exactly what they did. Hopefully my mom will come for baby #2 (in ten years haha) as well. It was wonderful that those first few weeks I could concentrate on BFing and getting well. They took care of the rest.
I knew it was too good to be true...I felt pretty good most of the 1st trimester. No morning sickness, just tired all the time.

Now I''m getting mine: I''m having the worst headaches and they will not go away. Anyone experience this? Tylenol isn''t cuttin it and even an ice pack doesn''t help much. Ugh...please tell me this won''t last for 3 months.