
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Thanks Jen, DD and SBDE!

DD, I''m hoping to avoid induction as well. My mom was induced with me and ended up being in labor for some ridiculous amount of time only to need a c-section in the end. I think I''ll do my best to let my body tell me when it''s ready unless I''m really overdue or there''s a really good reason to induce. If you and the doctor both say soy isn''t an issue, then that''s good enough for me. Hmm, didn''t know I should be storing them in the fridge. I''ll have to make sure to put them there when I get home. They''re in my purse right now
. What should I be looking for about the brand? I have Spring Valley Fish Oil 1200 mg. The bottle says that 2 pills contain 720mg of omega3 fatty acids. Is that good, bad, average?
Robbie congrats girl! I know MANY people who have had miscarriages only to get preggers right away again and all of the people I know carried to term with the second BFP! Just keep up the positive vibe and we are sending MAJOR sticky dust your way!
Thanks, neatfreak!

Does anyone have a breakdown of the trimesters? Some sites are telling me I start the 2nd trimester on 12/20 and others are saying it''s not til 12/26. Is week 13 part of the first or second trimester?
Date: 10/21/2008 12:03:25 PM
Author: robbie3982
Thanks, neatfreak!

Does anyone have a breakdown of the trimesters? Some sites are telling me I start the 2nd trimester on 12/20 and others are saying it's not til 12/26. Is week 13 part of the first or second trimester?
Hee hee, no one agrees about the stinkin' first trimester! LOL!! If you do a technical math assessment, second trimester starts at 13 weeks 2 days
. But the rates of m/c drop off once you hit 12 weeks and have documented a heart beat, soooooo if you get the 12 week scan and it looks good, then you may want to use that as your "go public" point! I kinda thought of myself being in the second tri when I was 14 weeks but my inlaws "forced" me to go public when I had the 12 weeks scan. We only told out parents and my best friends (who knew I was trying) prior to that and getting my MIL to keep it a secret until 12 weeks was hard enough, I threw her a bone and let her tell the whole family once our scan looked good and proved there was really a a baby in there

re: fish oil. The important details are actually not just how much there is in the pill, but the *quality* of the ingredients they use. THe vitimin industry is a big F'n racket and many companies just put the lowest quality stuff in them that your body can't actually process, so it isa waste of money. My mom read a lot of books doing consumer comparisons of the quality of the ingredients, and Trustar brand (which you can buy online) came out tops in terms of how well the ingredients are used by your body. Of course, getting the minerals etc. from real food is always best because it is always easily processed by the old body. If you eat fish 2-3 times a week and choose ones high in Omegas (it isn't just salmon) then you are getting more than enough! My mom also ate sardines out of the can when she was preggo and says this is why I am so smart
I cannot bring myself to eat sardines out of a can so she bugs me every day to see if I take my vitimins! haha. She is crazy.
Date: 10/21/2008 12:03:25 PM
Author: robbie3982
Thanks, neatfreak!

Does anyone have a breakdown of the trimesters? Some sites are telling me I start the 2nd trimester on 12/20 and others are saying it''s not til 12/26. Is week 13 part of the first or second trimester?

As DD said it''s technically 13 w 2 days. But most baby books will put you officially in the second trimester once you have completed your 13th week.

But if it''s just for telling people, the risks drop after 12 weeks, so that would be a fairly safe time to tell.
Thanks for the clarification, DD & Neat! All I really care about is when the risk of miscarriage drops. We''d been planning to tell everyone at Christmas and Hanukkah (figured out about where I''d be before I even ovulated
). It looks like I''ll be 12 weeks on 12/21 so that works out well. We''re not even telling our parents before then. FIL made some pretty insensitive remarks to me when I miscarried so we really don''t want to deal with that again if things don''t work out.

Sardines are sounding pretty good right now...My mom used to make me sardines on toast when I was little and I loved it! Haven''t had it in about 20 years though. Perhaps I''ll have to try again. I know salmon isn''t the only fish with omega-3''s, but it does happen to be DH''s favorite food in the world and I actually don''t like too many types of fish.

Flu shots are totally safe during pregnancy, right? My office is doing free ones a week from Thursday.
Date: 10/21/2008 1:02:34 PM
Author: robbie3982
Thanks for the clarification, DD & Neat! All I really care about is when the risk of miscarriage drops. We''d been planning to tell everyone at Christmas and Hanukkah (figured out about where I''d be before I even ovulated
). It looks like I''ll be 12 weeks on 12/21 so that works out well. We''re not even telling our parents before then. FIL made some pretty insensitive remarks to me when I miscarried so we really don''t want to deal with that again if things don''t work out.

Sardines are sounding pretty good right now...My mom used to make me sardines on toast when I was little and I loved it! Haven''t had it in about 20 years though. Perhaps I''ll have to try again. I know salmon isn''t the only fish with omega-3''s, but it does happen to be DH''s favorite food in the world and I actually don''t like too many types of fish.

Flu shots are totally safe during pregnancy, right? My office is doing free ones a week from Thursday.
Load on the sardines lady...
LOL! I think the concensus was that flu shots are a-okay on here when someone brought it up a while back.
Date: 10/21/2008 1:02:34 PM
Author: robbie3982
Flu shots are totally safe during pregnancy, right? My office is doing free ones a week from Thursday.

Yes and recommended for pregnant women. My doc is giving me one next week too. Just check and make sure it''s safe in the first trimester, occasionally things that are safe later aren''t safe in the first tri. But your doc can tell you easily.
Robbie - that's great that you're getting a u/s so soon! My first u/s isn't done until i'm 13 weeks! sucks! So I have like 8 more weeks to go for that

So I decided to put one foot into this thread. We just found out we're preggo about 2 weeks ago. I'm a little over 5 weeks. This first trimester is nerve-wracking to say the least! My DH and I just feel like we can't be super exciting until we reach week 12 or so, ya know? But we're excited and trying to just stay positive!
Date: 10/21/2008 1:14:28 PM
Author: cdt1101
Robbie - that''s great that you''re getting a u/s so soon! My first u/s isn''t done until i''m 13 weeks! sucks! So I have like 8 more weeks to go for that

So I decided to put one foot into this thread. We just found out we''re preggo about 2 weeks ago. I''m a little over 5 weeks. This first trimester is nerve-wracking to say the least! My DH and I just feel like we can''t be super exciting until we reach week 12 or so, ya know? But we''re excited and trying to just stay positive!
I felt the same way, I only started to feel more relaxed around 14-16 weeks? But what will be will be, whether you get happy or not, so you might as well enjoy the 12ww! ha ha

I didn''t have an u/s until 12 weeks but you know, even an early one doesn''t guarantee anything, since things can happen between the early u/s and a later one. 13 weeks is nice in many ways because if you see a nice little baby then with a HB is really DOES guarantee something--that you are in the clear! So the wait is hard but then the payoff is good. PS: As I mentioned to Mela yesterday or a few days ago, if you are planning to have any prenatal screenings, you need to get in closer to 12 weeks or the screens aren''t accurate, so you may want to consider that issue now and then move you u/s accordingly if you decide you want to do it. If you don''t plan to do th screenings then it doesn''t matter!
Oh I craaaaaaaaaaaaaaave sardines. Yummers. From the can, onto warm toast, salt and pepper. GULP. Drool. YUM!

Oh Robbie this is so great! Congrats.

I''m glad you brought up fish oils. I''ve been taking them for ever and also throughout my pregnancy. The only thing I wonder is if the amount of thyme oil and rosemary extract. Are they safe? Herbs during pregnancy get such mixed reviews....

Ingredients: pharmaceutical quality fish oil (sardine, anchovy, mackerel), natural lemon flavour, vitamin E, rosemary extract, vitamin C, thyme oil.
Soft-gel ingredients: gelatin, glycerin, purified water.

The product says it''s safe for pregnant women. What do you think about the herbal ingredients? Should I just sit the fark down on this and foggetabouttit?
Date: 10/21/2008 1:23:17 PM
Author: mela lu
Oh I craaaaaaaaaaaaaaave sardines. Yummers. From the can, onto warm toast, salt and pepper. GULP. Drool. YUM!

Oh Robbie this is so great! Congrats.

I''m glad you brought up fish oils. I''ve been taking them for ever and also throughout my pregnancy. The only thing I wonder is if the amount of thyme oil and rosemary extract. Are they safe? Herbs during pregnancy get such mixed reviews....

Ingredients: pharmaceutical quality fish oil (sardine, anchovy, mackerel), natural lemon flavour, vitamin E, rosemary extract, vitamin C, thyme oil.
Soft-gel ingredients: gelatin, glycerin, purified water.

The product says it''s safe for pregnant women. What do you think about the herbal ingredients? Should I just sit the fark down on this and foggetabouttit?
I suspect I eat more rosemary and thyme in my spaggetti that you get in those pills
I wouldn''t sweat it, your mileage may vary.
DD- thanks for the info! I''m not sure yet if we''re doing prenatal screening...something to think about. I''ll admit I don''t know much about it...i''ll have to scroll back to see if it''s mentioned here, if not google it is!!!
Congrats and welcome CDT!!! It''s very normal to be worried until you hit that 12 week mark. I am almost 30 weeks and still worry all the time! It comes with the mommy territory!
robbie, congratulations! Lots of sticky dust coming your way!

SDL, thanks for keeping up updated!

Kay, thinking of you!

jen, I am sending you some more labor dust! Hang in there!

LIA, yay for making it to full term!
cdt, congratulations!
Congrats CDT!!

OK, well my appt was just like the last 2, practically -- I have made no progress. Zilch, none, nada. Doc said that he wasn''t sure if he could have broken my water today or not (he had to reach WAY UP HIGH in there and couldn''t really feel Marina''s head through the cervix. SOOOOOO, he told me to contract all day
, which I''m doing like a good girl! haha The plan is to still TRY to break my water tomorrow morning (I go in at 8, i''m central time)... then if he decides we can''t, I''ll resign myself to the c-section and we''ll see when the OR is available. I told him that either way, I''m having babies tomorrow! (so he can''t send me home if we decide he can''t break my water, you know?) He''s still trying to be positive -- and on a good note, Sophie is more head-down than transverse, so she''s in a position he likes for a vag. delivery! I dunno why my darned cevix won''t cooperate

I''ll check in later for an update (hopefully) from Kay

Awww Jen! Just think that by tomorrow night you should have babies one way or another!!!!
Awww MAN - poor you Jen! What a bummer. I''m still hoping for a good ol'' Vagerooni for you. Fingers crossed!

So I''m back from my u/s!!! Here is my update.

I have ONE very healthy baby! Heart rate was 172 (fast, non?) and sounded GLORIOUS!
My DH, being the dumba$$ that he is, exclaimed "wow, with a heart that strong it MUST be a BOY!" to which we all groaned at the ridiculousness. In fact, doesn''t a fast heartbeat mean GIRL?? Anyways.

Baby was measuring one day ahead, so I''m now 9w4d - moving my EDD to May 22, 2009. Baby was 7.22cm in length. Hard to believe that little tiny thing is making me SO sick.

Tech told me that the placenta was in the posterior position, and that meant I''ll feel lots of kicking when it''s time. yey for that! I''m happy to see that there was no issues with the placenta.

My DH and Mom were with me and we all breathed a sign of relief seeing how healthy this pregnancy has progressed. only 2.5 wks till I''m in the safe-zone!

Here is the little butterbean. See the arms and legs in the top pic?! SO CUTE!

Awesome pics Mela! Congrats... after 8 weeks with verified HB the rates of m/c drop DRAMATICALLY, so great news!
Yay Mela! What a beautiful sight to see ~ such a perfect little baby in there

And congrats on it being *one* since I know that''s what you wanted

mela, that''s great news! cute u/s pics!

jen, by tomorrow night, you''ll be holding your girls! I''m so excited for you! I can''t wait to meet your girls! Hang in there - you don''t have much longer to go!
Congrats Mela! And tell your DH that in statistical analyses there was no significant difference in the heartrates of boys and girls, so who knows! Our heartrates were very fast too all along and we're having boys...all those wives tales are just that, wives tales!
Thanks Girls for all the congrats. I''m feeling so warm and fuzzy now! Thank farking GOD it''s just one. phew.

NF - I''ll def tell DH about those tales. Silly man. He''s also the guy who believes he has SuperSperm b/c he knocked me up twice in one shot. soon he forgets about all the temping and charting I DID to get us knocked-up! lol. Boys!

Jen I''m too exthited to sthleep for you!
Date: 10/21/2008 3:59:58 PM
Author: mela lu
Thanks Girls for all the congrats. I''m feeling so warm and fuzzy now! Thank farking GOD it''s just one. phew.

NF - I''ll def tell DH about those tales. Silly man. He''s also the guy who believes he has SuperSperm b/c he knocked me up twice in one shot. soon he forgets about all the temping and charting I DID to get us knocked-up! lol. Boys!

Mela, your ultrasound pics are soooo cute! My DH has the same big head now. He''s used the word "virile" at least twice today.

Jen, that''s so exciting that you''ll have your girls tomorrow! Good luck!
Thanks for the update SDL! Sounds like things are going well if Kay has time to text you. SDL, did you have a natural birth? I managed to have a natural birth without any name calling...or none that I can recall! I did snap at him though.

Kay, I'm glad the epi is working for you. Can't wait to meet your little girl!
oh wow. GREAT update. I just got shivers.

SO MANY BABY''s on the way!!!!!!!
Date: 10/21/2008 4:28:00 PM
Author: SanDiegoLady
Date: 10/21/2008 4:16:29 PM

Author: snlee

Thanks for the update SDL! Sounds like things are going well if Kay has time to text you. SDL, did you have a natural birth? I managed to have a natural birth without any name calling...or none that I can recall! I did snap at him though.

Kay, I''m glad the epi is working for you. Can''t wait to meet your little girl!

I had demerol with the first because I was hurting and very scared! The next two au natural and the last came three weeks early, so I was given petosin (sp?) my son came 16 hours later.. I should have had an epi.
Wow, four births with no are one strong woman! I''m curious, why did they give you pitocin when your son was 3 weeks early? Pitocin scares me. Thank goodness they didn''t give it to me. They let me progress naturally since I was 3.5 weeks early and baby looked great, so there was no rush to get him out.
Ahhhh I am dying to hear more from Kay!

Like Mela, I had an ultrasound today! I had a nuchal translucency scan which measures the thickness of the skin on the back of the baby''s neck to determine the risk of abnormalities. The skin measured at 1.1 mm which is fantastic, so I was relieved to hear that is possibly one last thing to deal with. I am 12 weeks preggo now and it has been a wild ride -- the baby was measuring "behind" very early on, then we found out we had blood compatibility issues, then I had bleeding, then I was rushed to the emergency room in an ambulance for a racing heart (no really, over 200 bpm.) So it''s been... crazy. So I was just really relieved to make it to twelve weeks, and see our baby bouncing around, waving, and putting its thumb in his/her mouth! I definitely had tears of relief and joy.

The specialist will be following me, with ultrasounds every two weeks at first, then every week until delivery. So I go back in two weeks. He seemed to think that the blood compatibility issue will hopefully not affect this pregnancy too much since it''s my first, he said the effects tend to worsen with subsequent pregnancies. But he told me that right now my baby looks great, and we''ll do everything that we can to make sure that I deliver a healthy baby!

With all of that said... here are the U/S pics from today!

The baby getting ready to put its thumb back in his/her mouth! The baby was so funny, when the U/S tech prodded me, it would startle the baby, making it throw its arms in the arm and wave its hands. The baby would settle back down, and put its thumb right back into the mouth. It was so cute!
