
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Congrats KAY!!!! Welcome Alexis Sophia!!! I can''t wait for pics!!

Congrats girl!! I had m/s with DD but not with DS.
Date: 10/22/2008 10:42:34 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Preggos are a lot like Hobbits... there is first breakfast, then elevensies, then lunch, then tea, then first dinner, then second dinner...

Haha, that is so true!

Start getting use to eating small but frequent meals ladies because your stomach will quickly be squished to make room for those growing babies.

Congrats to Robbie, CDT and NYC.
Lots of sticky dust to you ladies.

Congrats to MelaLu and Lindsey for the cute and fantastic u/s.
Love those jumping beans w/ little arms and legs
CONGRATULATIONS KAY! Welcome Alexis Sophia!
I cannot wait to see pictures and hear your birth story!

SDL, Thank you for the wonderful update!
Congrats, Kay!! Alexis Sophia sounds beautiful. I can''t wait to see pictures!!

Lindsey, glad to hear the m/s is starting to subside. Since you were wondering what other preggos are eating-

Yesterday: 2 eggs, cereal with milk, preggo tea, a bunch of grapes, chicken piccata, chicken sandwich, half of coworker''s McD fries, half of an apple, one piece of candy and a cookie (shhh), large dinner salad with chicken, about 3 glasses of milk. In retrospect, wow I ate a lot of chicken.

Today: 2 eggs, cereal with milk, hot chocolate (made with milk and chocolate), barbeque chicken with mashed potatoes and a side salad, apple, and we''re planning on making hamburgers, fries (baked in the oven), and another side salad for dinner. Plus some more milk.

I pack my lunch, but it tends to be leftovers. I also eat food that my lunch buddies can''t finish.
And I love the hobbit comparison - that''s very much what I feel like most days. I''m just hungry all the freaking time.

My m/w appt last night lasted for TWO HOURS. Woah. Baby''s heartrate is 130 bmp (boy?) and my uterus is very long but thin, which she says rules out quadruplets. (Well, I guess that''s a relief. But I guess I wasn''t measuring the top of my uterus correctly.) We talked about ultrasounds. She doesn''t feel like any of the studies on the effects are well done, but she''s not too concerned about the effects of one u/s plus a couple of doppler uses. She''s pretty neutral, because studies have shown no difference in outcome with routine u/s versus having ones only if there are signs they''re needed, but she''s been a little more pro-u/s lately since knowing about one of her babies intestinal condition and the increased monitoring they did ended up saving the baby''s life.

Anyway, I have two options for an ultrasound. All of the places in town require a referral from an OB, so:
1) M/w can write me a referral to go to this place in a town about 30 minutes away. The ultrasound place doesn''t bill insurance, but I could try to submit it for reimbursement.
2) My m/w can refer me to a very natural birth friendly OB in a town 20 min in the opposite direction. He''s fine seeing her patients once and giving them a referral for an u/s at the hospital he works out of, in the same town 20 min away. All of this would be billed to insurance. But it would require going to this other town twice, plus his office and the hospital have very religious overtones and it''s not a religion that I''m a member of.
Both of the u/s places are supposed to be pretty good. Which would you choose? I can''t decide.

Oh, and my abdominal pain is round ligament pain, which I suspected.
Blenheim I would choose option 2 because I wouldn't want to deal with the insurance crap, but maybe that is easier than I think? I wouldn't care about the religious overtones... just don't swear or speak in tongues!
Blen I''d probably go for scenario #2 to have it covered by u/s too. But I''m cheap.
And JEN I hope you are a mama again by now and that you got your VB!!!
Date: 10/22/2008 11:27:52 PM
Author: neatfreak
And JEN I hope you are a mama again by now and that you got your VB!!!
Ditto! I can''t wait for an update!
Date: 10/22/2008 11:28:59 PM
Author: snlee
Date: 10/22/2008 11:27:52 PM

Author: neatfreak

And JEN I hope you are a mama again by now and that you got your VB!!!

Ditto! I can''t wait for an update!

I know! The highlight of my day so far (besides getting to leave the house for a class, woo hoo!) has been checking in to see if Jen has checked in yet!!!!!
marina lily was born at 444 pm yesterday and weighed 7 lbs 9 oz! Sophie was born at 445 pm and weighed 7 lb 4 oz! Both girls are redheads and are already bfing like champs - ill update more later!
JEN!!! Fantastic news. I''ve been wondering about you this week.

Congratulations!!! And beautiful name choices by the way.
Yay, Kay! Congratulations, and welcome to this world, Alexis!!


I knew they''d be redheads!!! Yay! Congratulations to you, your hubby, and your precious boys!!

PICTURES. Stories. We need these things.

Hope you''re both doing well. Rest up, cuddle those little ones!!!
Congratulations, Jen!!!

Wow, 3 new little redheads! I can''t wait to see pics of these cuties.
Yeah Jen!
Those are some BIG twins mama! From those birth times it sounds like you didin''t get the VBAC you wanted, but in the end who cares!?!?!! You have your little girlies!!
Congrats Jen and Kay on your girls!
Hooray Jen and Kay!!!!!!!! See ya on the mommy boards!
CONGRATS JEN!!! Look at that, I go to bed and the update finally comes! I am SO HAPPY for you, those are some big baby girls there!!!!

Can''t wait for pictures!
Jen and Kay - Congrats!!! Can''t wait to see pictures and hear how everything''s going!

13 weeks
Congrats Jen and Kay!!!!!!!
So I had another m/w appointment this morning and everything looked great! I got the actual results of my screen for Down syndrome and it was 1:100 000
(age base rate was 1:900) so I guess that isn't an issue. Risk of neural tube defects was also well below the base rate. So I am happy about that. We also got the results of the 20 week anatomy scan and everything was perfect! Also a relief. Baby is weighing over a pound now! I still don't know where the baby is hiding in my belly because I really am not showing very much. Measured on target at 22cm for the good ol' fundal height though, so it's all growing, it's just playing hide and seek
Baby co-operated for the doppler this time and DH was very happy to hear the HB loud and clear this time... last time baby hid behind my placenta. I feel the baby moving all the time so I know he/she is in there, but for DH the HB is always a nice reminder.

As I suspected the pounds packed on this month: 8lbs
M/w wasn't concerned, this is the time for packing it on, so I am not going to weigh myself anymore unless at the appointments. What will be will be! LOL!! I feel good and I don't think I look that much heavier, so I can only imagine lots of it is blood volume/baby etc etc etc... hee hee But I think I will try to cut back on the sugars anyways....(said while eating a chocolate chip muffin

Just popping in post appointment and saw the great news. CONGRATS JEN & KAY!!!! Hurray for little PS girls to share the bling with.

Everything status quo here. 22 weeks 2 days. Dilated and still contracting regularly. They measured the cubs today and they''re well over a pound now and seem to be doing fine otherwise, kicking up a storm all night every night. So I''m taking that as a comfort: at least I''m feeding and caring for them as well as I can, while I can, and at least they are having "fun" while they can.

Also saw that Robbie''s back on this side. HURRAY!
Indy I am so glad you checked in. I am still holding out major hope for you, each passing week is a victory and you are so right-- you are already being a great mama! Has the dilation increased or is it holding constant? I bet when this all started you never thought you''d make it three more weeks... well here''s hoping for another 3 (at the least!!)...
Date: 10/23/2008 11:05:32 AM
Author: Independent Gal
Just popping in post appointment and saw the great news. CONGRATS JEN & KAY!!!! Hurray for little PS girls to share the bling with.

Everything status quo here. 22 weeks 2 days. Dilated and still contracting regularly. They measured the cubs today and they''re well over a pound now and seem to be doing fine otherwise, kicking up a storm all night every night. So I''m taking that as a comfort: at least I''m feeding and caring for them as well as I can, while I can, and at least they are having ''fun'' while they can.

Also saw that Robbie''s back on this side. HURRAY!

Wow Indy! I am so glad to hear from just never know girl! You guys are all in our thoughts still.
Indy, that is fantastic news. And what a touching thought: that you''re feeding and caring for them while you can. I hope that time continues on as long as it can. Same question as dreamer: dilation increased or decreased?
DD, so glad to hear that all of your tests came back ok! I think I''m going to ask them not to tell me what my weight is at each appointment unless I''m not gaining enough or I''m gaining too much. I''ve been borderline obsessive about my weight and counting calories in the past (always stayed within a healthy range, just on the low side) and I think it will be easier for me if I just don''t know.

Indy!!! I''m so glad you checked in and that the babies have stayed put! I was starting to worry that your lack of posts meant something bad had happened. I''m hoping to stay on this side for a good 9ish more months this time

I really thought that I would feel much more anxious than I do this time around. I have GAD (generalized anxiety disorder) so I almost always have some type of anxiety and it always gets worse when life gets more stressful. Planning the wedding was the worst and that''s when it was finally diagnosed. I haven''t taken any anxiety medication since July because I wanted it out of my system before we started TTC, but I feel so calm right now, almost as if I had taken something. It''s weird because I still get those freak out thoughts like "omg I''m cramping," but the actual anxiety feeling seems to be missing. I read something once about how progesterone has a sedative effect and so women who are in the luteal phase need less anesthesia. Has anyone else noticed an effect like this?
Congrats Jen!!! Can't wait to *meet* your little ladies!

And, Kay, I already said so in the mommies thread but big congrats to you too!!
Robbie unfortunately midwives let you weigh yourself and test your own pee, so I can''t ignore it totally! I am zen about it, there is a reason for the weight gain. Luckily DH thinks I am hot no matter what so its hard to be too down on myself when he is all over me all the time.
I haven''t personally had issues with anxiety or mood, but there are a number of us here who have and who have scaled back on meds etc. I think Pandora was saying at one point that some mood disorders can ameliorate with hormones in pregnancy so it wouldn''t surprise me at all. Here''s hoping it keeps up for you for all 9 months! That would be awesome eh? Just wanted to point out, as you may know, that GAD predisposes you to post-partum depression, so if you haven''t talked to your health-care providors/counsellors about this yet make sure you do at some point. Better to have supports in place just in case than to suffer undiagnosed. You DH can watch for the signs too, since you may not notice yourself or see how bad it is. My friend has an anxiety disorder and had ppd very badly and never was diagnosed (her hubby is clueless and she really kept her friends away) and it really affected her life. Anyhoo, just thought I''d mention that.

Courtney how are the headaches?
DD, thanks for the heads up on the PP depresssion. I really appreciate it. I actually do know that I''m at greater risk for it, but I have yet to find a therapist that I like so I think when it gets closer to go time I''ll be asking my OB and family doc for recommendations. I mentioned to DH a while ago that he''ll have to watch out for me since I''m at a higher risk than most for it, but he has a mind like a sieve so I''ll have to remind him again when we get closer.
Date: 10/23/2008 12:41:59 PM
Author: robbie3982
DD, thanks for the heads up on the PP depresssion. I really appreciate it. I actually do know that I''m at greater risk for it, but I have yet to find a therapist that I like so I think when it gets closer to go time I''ll be asking my OB and family doc for recommendations. I mentioned to DH a while ago that he''ll have to watch out for me since I''m at a higher risk than most for it, but he has a mind like a sieve so I''ll have to remind him again when we get closer.
There are probably some good website about it, and some communities have social workers who will watch you imediately after and come check on your every couple days (which is a good thing for anyone, really) and can see how it''s going. Those website probably have a list of signs or symptoms, so when it gets closer you can always post them on your fridge to you DH! And your family doctors can ask you to come in for visits once a week or something to check it out. My friend has a tendency to ignore her feelings, and so she didn''t really clue in that something was wrong even though she sat in a chair crying for the first 2 weeks of her daughter''s life! It kills me that no one noticed and heped her, her DH is a loser
DD, that''s so awful that your friend had to go through that and no one realized what was wrong!

I took another test this morning and the test line came up before the control line and it was definitely darker than the test from 2 days ago! I''m going to test 1 more time (only have one more FRER left) at some point next week and then I''m done. I find it reassuring to see the line getting darker.

Last night DH and I were watching John & Kate plus 8 and I looked at him and said, OMG, what if there are 6 in there?! He now thinks I''m crazy, LOL. Today the magic 8 ball I found online told me that I''m having triplets: a set of identicals and a fraternal.
Don''t get me wrong, I''d be really happy, but also really freaked out to be immediately outnumbered.