
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers


I rarely post, but as a mom of twins myself, have been following your story and thinking of you. Today in the Minneapolis StarTribune ( there is a front page article on a new ineutero procedure to help with twin to twin transfusion. I don''t know if this would be helpful in your situation, but I wanted to at least pass on the information knowing that knowledge can be great power.

Congrats Jen on your little girls.
And might I add that you did a fabulous job baking them -- can''t believe they are bigger than my full-term singleton

Rest up and update us with your story and pix of your girls when you get the chance.

So happy hear about your news.
I''m hoping for you and your little cubs to hang in there for a little longer.
Jen and Kay,

We wanna see your pretty babies, please.

And we hope you''re feeling good and recovering well and cuddling up on those babies!!

For those of you who are preggo and are due once the weather is warm again: Robbie is right; there are ADORABLE maternity clothes at Kohl''s this weekend, for next to nothing. The clearance racks have TONS of summer shirts and capris and shorts for like $3.50 each. I was amazed! I''ve also never really looked at pregnant clothes, but they''re dang cuter than I''ve ever imagined!! I also didn''t know that jeans and pants came with so many options with the waist band. Some were like 2 inches, some were several inches, and some looked like they could fit up under your armpits! I guess it''s just a matter of what feels comfortable, but I never knew there were so many options in waistbands.

Also, this is a stupid question, but what about underwear? Do you just go up a size or two, or is there preggo underwear? I just keep thinking of underwear rolling under the belly every time you bend down or stretch up to reach something. Annoying!!
Date: 10/25/2008 10:10:24 PM
Author: fisherofmengirly
Also, this is a stupid question, but what about underwear? Do you just go up a size or two, or is there preggo underwear? I just keep thinking of underwear rolling under the belly every time you bend down or stretch up to reach something. Annoying!!

Depends on what kind of underwear you wear normally. They do make preggo underwear, but if your normal underwear is low rise, you don''t need special preggo undies IMO. I wear hanky panky low rise undies normally and have been able to continue to wear them comfortably the whole pregnancy so far. Same for my low rider hipster ones.
Whew! Neatfreak, I thought I was going to have to break it to DH that I''d need a bunch of new underwear soon! My underwear drawer is almost as overstocked as my shoe racks and DH is never happy when I come home with more. I''m pretty psyched that my current undies will work.

Fisher, the waistband option that everyone on seems to rave about is the secret fit belly. It''s the one that comes up to your armpits, but the material is really soft and thin.

I had the best time yesterday at my in-laws'' Halloween party! DH and I went as Juno and Paulie Bleeker from the movie Juno and one of his cousins was a pregnant 1950''s housewife (her friend was the milkman) so everyone was talking to us about baby stuff and making joking comments about how we were pregnant. Only 59 days until we''re telling them for real! (We''re telling them on Christmas Eve).
Date: 10/26/2008 9:07:32 AM
Author: robbie3982
Whew! Neatfreak, I thought I was going to have to break it to DH that I'd need a bunch of new underwear soon! My underwear drawer is almost as overstocked as my shoe racks and DH is never happy when I come home with more. I'm pretty psyched that my current undies will work.

Fisher, the waistband option that everyone on seems to rave about is the secret fit belly. It's the one that comes up to your armpits, but the material is really soft and thin.

I had the best time yesterday at my in-laws' Halloween party! DH and I went as Juno and Paulie Bleeker from the movie Juno and one of his cousins was a pregnant 1950's housewife (her friend was the milkman) so everyone was talking to us about baby stuff and making joking comments about how we were pregnant. Only 59 days until we're telling them for real! (We're telling them on Christmas Eve).

And I second the comfort fit belly. The WORST WORST WORST IMO is those super lowrider belly panels or ones without panels at all because once you get far in your pregnancy you can't find shirts that come down long enough, so your stomach sticks out with the lowrider pants. With the higher waisted pants you don't look like a hoochy mamma! The lower rise are nice for earlier on, but if you are trying to reduce your maternity wardrobe and make the most out of it the higher rise pants are a better option IMO.
I kept thinking that a two inch waistband wouldn't cut it when you're way out there preggo. I can just see bending down and the thing rolls down to your whoo-ha.

I never thought about that as far as underwear goes, thanks for the information. I'll have to tuck that away for when the time comes.

Hope you're all doing well in your pregnancies. Still thinking wonderful thoughts for you, Ms. Indy! Tomorrow starts week 23, no? That's AWESOME!!
Date: 10/26/2008 9:07:32 AM
Author: robbie3982
Whew! Neatfreak, I thought I was going to have to break it to DH that I''d need a bunch of new underwear soon! My underwear drawer is almost as overstocked as my shoe racks and DH is never happy when I come home with more. I''m pretty psyched that my current undies will work.

Fisher, the waistband option that everyone on seems to rave about is the secret fit belly. It''s the one that comes up to your armpits, but the material is really soft and thin.

I had the best time yesterday at my in-laws'' Halloween party! DH and I went as Juno and Paulie Bleeker from the movie Juno and one of his cousins was a pregnant 1950''s housewife (her friend was the milkman) so everyone was talking to us about baby stuff and making joking comments about how we were pregnant. Only 59 days until we''re telling them for real! (We''re telling them on Christmas Eve).
Oh Robbie, I would love to see a picture of the Juno and Bleeker costumes!

Visit the TTC thread. It''s up there.

And it''s hilarious!!

I want to know if her hubby wore socks up to his knees, though!

So Robbie, did he?
I think the 2" panels are great for the first two trimester but once you get really big you have to step it up. I bought maternity underwear from Old Navy for the second half. I gained....errr....A LOT so I was not all belly. They were comfy and cheap.
He did, Fisher. If I can find a vertical picture from someone else I''ll post it. I''m not sure if anyone took one though.
Underwear I found that in my first tri, and actually up until probably 16 weeks, I didn''t want ANYTHING touching my lower abdomen, so I ended up going and buying some regular underwear that were a couple sizes larger. Now that my uterus has moved upwards, I find I can wear my usual undies again if I need to (i.e., all the others are in the laundry
) and it isn''t uncomfortable, but they are a leetle small in the buttingski now, so I only wear them in a pinch.

Maternity pants For the same reason I hated undies in the first tri, I hated the low-rise waist-band. I didn''t like the pressure on my uterus. So I like the secret belyy-fit ones from motherhood. Now that I am getting bigger in the belly they don''t fall down as much and are super comfy.

22 weeks today!
So we got our crib yesterday! The in-laws got it for us and I must admit, it is the nicest piece of furniture I own
So basically, our nursery is all set up now... yes that makes me crazy, but there are some details left and I don't like to leave things to the last minute.

Here's some pictures. First, the lovely crib. We went with simple white waffle bedding and still need to get the skirt. The baby won't actually be sleeping in this crib until SIDS risk is over, so we just got the cloth bumpers. I will enjoy looking at it all in it's pristine condition over the next 10 months until it gets barfed and pooed on

PS: the room was already painted this color, it used to be our bedroom but we moved into a different room where the TV and computer are. I love our new room more than this one, so it all worked out great!

dreamers crib.jpg
These are some dolls my grandma knit for us. DH asked me what we would do if we have a boy, and I said that he can have dolls too! haha. I think my grandma is knitting a boy doll for us, too, just in case.

dreamers grandmas dolls.jpg
Here is another angle of the room. We have a twin bed in there for my mom when she visits and also for DH if he doesn''t want to be woken by the baby sleeping in our room. We stained it and the bedside table, and it matches the crib perfectly, which was lucky. We got white bedding that matches the crib, and I got the lamp recently. I don''t want a "kiddie" room since there will be toys and stuff making it a kid place.

dreamers whole room 2.jpg
DD, the dolls are gorgeous. Your grandma is so talented!! I really love them. How special they are too, something you can treasure from her forever. I
things like this. I still have the baby blankets my grandma crochet and knitted for my daughter, who is 36, we used them for my grandsons and will pass them down, when they have babies.

You can see she put a lot of time and effort in those beautiful dolls, again, I just love them.

Here''s another shot of the whole room. We got the red shag carpet to liven up the room, and I will be adding red accents in pillows and also as toy boxes etc. My mom is crocheting us a baby blanket using squares from MY old baby blanket and some new ones, and she will put red in it too.

dreamers whole room 1.jpg
This is the change table/dresser. It was DH's when he was a baby, and his mom also used it for a change table! The painting is a Klimpt print that I got at IKEA... I was there and saw it and it was the first time it struck my heart that I was going to be a mother. I cried a little, so I had to buy it.

dreamers change table and painting.jpg
It's beautiful, DD.

And what a lucky color to have on the walls already. It's a great color for a boy or girl. So pretty!

ETA: The picture of the mother and child and your story to go with it: PRECIOUS! The color bits in her hair match the wall color, too. Awesome!!

dreamers spot for glider.jpg
This is where we will put the glider if we get one... I just can''t decide it is will get enough use to justify its cost, given that the baby will sleep in our room. I will probably end up getting one though
Linda thanks, I just love them. My grandmother is an avid knitter and actually makes and sells these dolls at craft fairs. They are really lovely, I''m so happy to have them. She doesn''t knit as much anymore because she is getting older, but she is a real talent.

Fisher thanks! It was lucky that the color was there because I don''t know if I would have bothered to paint.
Everything looks great. I love the crib, and the dolls your grandmother knitted are adorable.
DD, you guys are so prepared!!! It''s been like pulling teeth over here to get my DH to finish painting the nursery and converting it from it''s old use (office) to babies! We are almost done, but I am so envious you have it done so early!!!
Kaleigh Thanks

Date: 10/26/2008 3:17:28 PM
Author: neatfreak
DD, you guys are so prepared!!! It''s been like pulling teeth over here to get my DH to finish painting the nursery and converting it from it''s old use (office) to babies! We are almost done, but I am so envious you have it done so early!!!
I can''t believe we are done this soon, but I just knew I wouldn''t want to do it later and things will get busier etc etc etc. It helped that we didn''t have to paint. I stained the bed frame about a month or so ago. I have found that if I ask DH to help me do somehting and he tries to say, "tomorrow" and then I start doing it myself, especially anything heavy-lifting-like, he will jump on board! haah
... he is very excited about it all and likes to be around me, so that helps I guess.
Date: 10/26/2008 3:38:01 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Kaleigh Thanks

Date: 10/26/2008 3:17:28 PM

Author: neatfreak

DD, you guys are so prepared!!! It''s been like pulling teeth over here to get my DH to finish painting the nursery and converting it from it''s old use (office) to babies! We are almost done, but I am so envious you have it done so early!!!

I can''t believe we are done this soon, but I just knew I wouldn''t want to do it later and things will get busier etc etc etc. It helped that we didn''t have to paint. I stained the bed frame about a month or so ago. I have found that if I ask DH to help me do somehting and he tries to say, ''tomorrow'' and then I start doing it myself, especially anything heavy-lifting-like, he will jump on board! haah
... he is very excited about it all and likes to be around me, so that helps I guess.

Hehe, I have totally used that tactic myself. My OTHER favorite is rather than saying to him "can you do this?" I say "WHEN can you do this?" that way he sets his own timeline and I don''t feel like I am nagging if he doesn''t do it by the time specified because HE is the one who set the timeline! It''s worked quite well so far...he''s almost done with the painting, just has to do the trim, but he''s a slooooooow painter. He''s very into the babies but not so into the decorating aspect of it, which is great because it means I get to decorate the entire house myself.
just a quickie...

congrats kay and jen!!

can you believe we had 3 ps babies in 3 days??

my water broke at 9:30 on wednesday morning, and jacob ari was born at 8:27am on thursday morning 10/23. it was a LONG labor, followed by a pretty severe post-partum hemorrhage and high bili for jacob requiring bili lights...but we are FINALLY HOME.

we made it to full term! we''re both doing well...he is gorgeous (not that i''m biased at all!!)...
will post full birth story and pics later on...

almost forgot...
5lb 14oz, 18 inches long (my little itty baby!) but very healthy.

here is a sneak pic. i need one where you can see his gorgeous hair....

LIA I was TOTALLY wondering if you were away giving birth!!!!!! Congrats! Jacob is a gorgeous little boy and I LOVE that name. I am biased because it is DH''s given name (he doesn''t use it though), but I LOVE it still!!

More pictures and birth story when you have time! CONGRATS MOMMA!!!!
OMG - congrats, LIA!!! I can''t wait for a longer post.

DD, the room looks great. I love how it doesn''t look babyish. And the dolls are amazing.

I have one pair of secret fit belly pants, and I''m not really liking them right now. They don''t stay up all that well. Do they get better with a bigger belly?

And pressure on the belly gets better later on? I''m having a problem sitting for a while in my mat jeans right now, because the elastic is tight enough that there''s too much pressure after a while. I''m 16w3d.

I was actually at Kohl''s earlier this week, and ours had very little that was appropriate for work and all the stuff on sale was way too warm weather for this pregnancy. I''m jealous of the deals you girls are getting.

I had a teensy bit of a freakout yesterday. I know that my m/w said that my uterus was tall at my visit on Tues, but didn''t think all that much of it. I was reading thru Spiritual Midwifery yesterday, which has a fundal height chart. Mine, on Tuesday at 15w5d, was about a finger''s width below my belly button. And I have a long torso, with a higher than average belly button. Well, the fundal height chart puts belly button height as 20-22 weeks.
Pleeeeeease be just one in there! I mentioned this to my mom, and evidently her docs told her at 16 weeks with both of us kids (singletons) that there was a possibility of twins. So hopefully it''s hereditary or I have a big baby or something like that.
Date: 10/26/2008 4:14:28 PM
Author: Blenheim

I have one pair of secret fit belly pants, and I'm not really liking them right now. They don't stay up all that well. Do they get better with a bigger belly?

MUCH better. It's all you will want to wear once the belly gets big! Mine fell down all the time before my belly got big and now that is pretty much the only pair I wear.

And fundal height is just so subjective, I've read that everyone measures differently and depending on how much you've eaten, whether you've had a BM in the past day, all these random things can affect it. So I wouldn't worry just yet. By 16 weeks I was CONSIDERABLY bigger than a singleton pregnancy...but then again I am short...