
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

KAY - Alexis is a little ANGEL with that blondie hair and luscious lips. Tell your DH to get ready to ''lock up his daughter'' LOL! kidding. kidding.
She is Beautiful. Congrats again.

Um, Both Pandora and NYCBK (my two cycle buddies) are MIA. Hope everything is okay girls?! Check in when you can.
Mela, I think Pandora is in Sri Lanka on her honeymoon. My guess is that NYCBK got bored of us! Aww... don''t you wish we were in Sri Lanka too? Though Pandora might think it was weird if we crashed her honeymoon!

LIA & Kay, congratulations on your beautiful and so precious babies. It makes me happy seeing them! I hope the jaundice clears up quickly, and I have also read, like DD, that pumping is critical to keep the supply going.

And Kay, about bedrest, as NF pointed out once, there is absolutely no good evidence that bedrest does a darn thing other than slow some peoples'' contractions (not mine) and force you to avoid stress. Bedrest is one of those things that helps more psychologically ("thank heavens I can actually DO something!") than physically. I''m resting most of the time, still.

Courtney, sorry about the awful headaches. I do think taking your OB''s advice and seeing a specialist would be wise. YIKES!

Peony, I appreciate your kind thoughts about the possibility of making it to 24 weeks and the cubs being "OK", but let''s just say heaven protect your future babies and mine and all of ours from the kind of "OK" that comes at 24 weeks. This may sound weird, but like wanting to have twins in the first place, that''s a real ''be careful what you wish for'' scenario.

I am soooo pregnant and waddly and huge. And the waiting and feeling them kick and falling in love with them and trying to distance myself from them drill is starting to wear on me. As we get into the gray zone, where we''ll be for the next 4 or 5 weeks, if I make it that far, I''m finding things more difficult than when the doctors said it would take a miracle. It''s easier to face certainty than uncertainty. They keep saying delivery is imminent (my membranes are bulging into the cervix, I''m 2cm dilated, still contracting these days more strongly every 8-12 minutes) and then nothing happens.
oh riiiiiight. how quickly I forgot about Pandora's honeymoon. Can I blame it on baby-brain at 10.5 weeks?

Indy. What a situation. I hear you about the 'ok' that is 24 weeks. My twin cousins who were born 3 months premature (weighing 1.5 lbs and 2 lbs roughly) were FaaaaaaaaaaaR from OK. In fact, the 3 months that followed were really touch and go and very stressful on everyone. They pulled through, and are turning 22 this Halloween - and are near genius' (one is a bio-genetic scientist or something equally as smart sounding to me). Anyhoo. I hear you.

Personally, I'm still praying for your miracle to come in. I figure, why not be positive.
I can only imagine what you're going through trying to prepare yourself for the worst, but still hoping for the best.

Hang in there. In a way, were all in this together (supporting you, rooting for you, sharing in your joy and pain)
Indy, I''m so glad you checked in again. I think none of us, your doctors included, dared to hope that you would make it almost 4 more weeks once the contractions started, so here''s hoping that the cubs hang inside another month or more! Stranger things have happened.

I am soooo pregnant and waddly and huge. And the waiting and feeling them kick and falling in love with them and trying to distance myself from them drill is starting to wear on me. As we get into the gray zone, where we''ll be for the next 4 or 5 weeks, if I make it that far, I''m finding things more difficult than when the doctors said it would take a miracle. It''s easier to face certainty than uncertainty.
I''m not in your position, obviously, but I can certainly see how this would be the most difficult part of all of it
. I don''t know whether trying to distance yourself will really "work" for you in the longer term--you will probably bond with them on some level no matter what, that is just how the human brain works. And the act of trying to distance probably feels wrong and painful in-and-of-itself. Instead, aiming for a mindful state may work best, where you live totally in the moment and don''t think about the future, just savouring the feelings and the moments and the bonding time that you have... whether it is another day or a lifetime... and knowing that they are happy and healthy while they are with you. We cannot guarantee that any of our loved ones will be with us beyond today, and learning to savour and love and enjoy our loved ones while we can--taking nothing for granted--doesn''t necessarilt make it any harder or easier when they are gone. But it makes today easier when we are coping with a terminal illness or life-threatening situation, and it make the memories stronger and sweeter, and in many ways, that keeps them with us forever.

One day at a time no matter what is always the best prescription. Or even one moment at a time. Trying to predict an uncertain future is even worse than trying to predict the weather, and it certainly creates more anxiety
Date: 10/27/2008 10:08:47 AM
Author: Courtneylub
Dreamer - OB wants to send me to a nuerologist now that they''ve been going on for almost 2 weeks, but I REALLY don''t want to go. What else can anyone do?
Well that''s why we see the specialists, because we don''t know what can be done
I think I would go see what can be seen, because maybe this is something unrelated to the pregnancy and simply arose because of it. Better to know than not. I think seeing specialists is always scary because it makes things seem too serious, but an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!

Why not make the appointment, it will probably take a little while to see him/her, and then if the headaches go away in the meantime you can cancel it?

Anyways, just thinking of you, I hope they go away soon whatever you do!
Dreamer, how''da get so smart?
Date: 10/27/2008 11:26:28 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Date: 10/27/2008 10:08:47 AM

Author: Courtneylub

Dreamer - OB wants to send me to a nuerologist now that they've been going on for almost 2 weeks, but I REALLY don't want to go. What else can anyone do?

Well that's why we see the specialists, because we don't know what can be done
I think I would go see what can be seen, because maybe this is something unrelated to the pregnancy and simply arose because of it. Better to know than not. I think seeing specialists is always scary because it makes things seem too serious, but an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!

Why not make the appointment, it will probably take a little while to see him/her, and then if the headaches go away in the meantime you can cancel it?

Anyways, just thinking of you, I hope they go away soon whatever you do!

Totally agreed, well said DD! Sometimes pregnancy can trigger other things in our body that are already there, so better to know than to not know if there is something up. And the neurologist might put your mind at ease too, knowing that someone who specializes in it says "it's normal", ya know?
Indy! So good to hear from you girl. And I think the way you are thinking about the situation is very wise...being born at 24 weeks is a hard, rough road for everyone involved. I'm with you on the total bedrest thing...I've been breaking mine a bit, mostly to do a few things around the house. But the psychological aspect doesn't really do much for me when I know the science behind it says it does nothing for me!

And I understand about the uncertainty...uncertainty is so much harder than being certain, even if the certainty is a bad outcome. My therapist (I have anxiety, over uncertainty and uncontrollability mostly!) calls it being in purgatory, which I think is a fairly good description!

Might be hard to believe, but you are doing a great job. We're all behind you in whatever way you need us.
I know I have SOOOO much to catch up on, and I *will* get to it -- but CONGRATULATIONS Kay and LIA!! Alexis and Jacob are so beautiful!!

Well, we are all home now and adjusting to it -- holding up, but sleep deprived as expected, and I am recovering much slower from this c-section than from my first (I guess age DOES matter!)

Here''s the birth story,(don''t feel obligated to read it, it''s long!): Matt and I dropped the younger boys off at school and headed to the hospital for our 8:00 appointment. The plan was to attempt to break my water to induce labor since my doctor felt it was unsafe to use induction meds with me having had a previous c-section and being pregnant with twins -- my uterus was extremely distended and there was a possibility of rterine rupture. We were both excited to get a L&D nurse we''d had during one of our short visits -- Holly -- who is a doula and the most upbeat and positive person I''ve ever met! She knew we were coming in and was excited to get to help us birth these girls (she had "dibs" on us :)), plus her experience as a doula was just SO wonderful and helpful for me through the day. Anyway, after getting all hooked up with my IV and the monitors, my doctor came in, checked me and said immediately, "oh yeah, we can do this..." Apparently, I''d *finally* made some progress since my appt the day before (when he said if he had to attempt to break my water, he wasn''t sure he''d be able to). So he tried to break my water at that point --- I was told this would be the most uncomfortable pat of my day, and they were *almost* right... unfortunately, Marina was not close enough to the cervix to reach the sack, so we had to give up for the time being. My doctor was pleased that I was contracting and asked us to go walking for the next 2 hours to try to get Marina to drop lower, so off to the hallways we went :)

It was boring, and the contractions were uncomfortable while walking (good sign!), but after 2 hours, I was dilated to 2 and about 70% effaced -- my doctor said that my cervix was really stretchy and was impressed that I was actually in labor at that point (he said that trying to break the water wasn''t what caused me to dilate, that my body just finally decided it was time -- so of course we were excited, but knew we had a long day in store... 3 hours later, and after walking many laps in L&D, my doctor returned to make one final grueling and failed attempt to break my water -- he actually joked about being up at my tonsils! :) The problem was still that Marina was able to move back, and even though he was close, he just couldnt quite get the hook to snag the water. I might as well admit that THAT was the wost part of my day -- I''ve gone through labor and c-sections and never experienced pain like that 3rd set of tries!!! I was beat and my doctor was less hopeful at that point. I happily opted for a c-section then because I KNEW I wasn''t going to let him come at me with that thing again!! He admitted to "picking on me" harder than he had with any other patient, b/c he knew how badly I wanted the vag. delivery, and he kept apologizing for not being successful. I was emotional then, just grateful to know that we would meet our girls soon and glad to be done! We called our moms, who went to pick up the boys, and the 5 of them got there in time to say hi and give hugs before I went into the OR. Getting the spinal wasn''t too bad (easier than previous epidurals, actually) and I didn''t chatter this time like I did with Gabe''s (yay!). The only bad thing was that Matt had to wait outside until I was prepped, and he''d been supporting me all day, so I felt a bit weid without him (this was especially where I was thankful for Holly b/c she acted like a BFF and made me stay really positive.

When it was time, Matt came in the room and the doctor got down to business. In almost no time, I heard "here comes baby a!" and then I heard nothing -- I swear it felt like minutes passed when it was actually only seconds, and I asked DH "where''s the cry? WHERE''s her CRY?" and then I heard the best baby cry I''ve ever heard in my life and tears started rolling :) (they are now, too, as I write this and remember it!) Marina has some serious lungs! Then not really even a minute later we heard "and here comes baby b" and Sophie was born! Immediately we could tell them apart as her cry was much higher pitched and calmer :) The next comment was something about me knowing how to make big babies :) DH, like me, was behind the curtain and didn''t see the births, but soon was called over to take pics of them, and right after he came back to me, they brought him the girls to hold and show me -- it was instant love from both of us and I was choked up to see the tears in Matt''s eyes. I don''t think I''ve ever seen him so proud or so in love -- in that instant, he was a changed man! I got to kiss them one at a time while I was on the table, and then I just watched him hold them both while they finished working on me. Eveyone in the room was so positive and encouragin, I honestly could not have asked for a better experience. The girls were put in my arms and we were wheeled back to L&D, where Holly and another nurse immediately showed me how to tandem-feed and my girls got to nurse right away (before weights, bath, anything!) Later, they were bathed in the room with us and finally weighed -- Marina was a whopping 7 lbs 9 ounces and Sophie was 7 lbs 4 oz!!! Marina was 20 inches long, and Sophie was 19 1/2. I had 2 singleton-sized babies!! (Also their apgars from earlier were 8,9 and 8,8.) Not long after, the boys got to meet their sisters as did our moms, and I suppose it''s needless to say that everyone was in awe of them :) We spent a little while with them and then they left and it was just us. We were moved into our regular room around 11 that night...the girls were with us the entire time! We spent 4 days there b/c we could and were actually encouraged to. We had plenty of visitors but were never overwhelmed, so I was relieved about that :) Now we are home and sleep deprived but I wouldn''t change a thing -- I can''t get over how blessed we are and how amazing THEY are! (Incidentally, my uterus was extremely thin at the bottom and my doctor said that we were lucky we did the section...)

Marina Lily has red hair, deep blue eyes, her daddy''s big feet and her mommy''s big mouth :) Sophie Kakani, who did not have a middle name until it was time for us to leave, has strawberry-blonde hair, deep blue eyes, her daddy''s lips and her mommy''s dimples :) Marina snorts (a LOT) and Sophie squeaks! We talked about middle names for Sophie only a little bit on those few days after she was born. Matt liked 2 names better and I like one name better and neither of us agreed, so we started looking up translations of words that were descriptive of her. Kakani was similar to some of the names we''d considered, and a Hawaiian word, so that''s the one I wrote on the birth certificate paperwork once we were under pressure -- I feel like we didn''t come up with a name ahead of time b/c we were meant to find one that fit her personality, and this was the only one that fit the bill. I just hope she doesn''t hate me for it later in life (it''s grown on me now and I think it''s cute, but Matt and I were *both* unsure about it just a day ago). FWIW, it means "squeak." :)

I don''t know what''s going on, but PS is not letting me upload pohtos...I will keep trying (I''ve already made them small...hmmm, now what?)
Hi all ..MELA
...thanks for thinkin of me cycle buddy lol...i actually decided to take a lil vacation "break" if you will to ease my stress and just enjoy everything as it is now...we went away after my first OB appointment and got back on thursday but in any case appreciate you thinking of me!! i am 10 weeks today! (indy always told me to celebrate each week) and i had another ultrasound today and everything is right on schedule...babies are measuring 10 wks and heartbeats are great..i was excited because baby A was actually moving! it was so cute ...looked like he/she was dancing lol. 2 cute! so next appointment is in 2 weeks for the NT scan and hopefully will see some clearer babies ..i swear they need some new ultrasound technology lol
those things are way too blurry! i still do not have any crazy symptoms at all! i guess i should be thankful..acupuncturist says its a great thing...but my ob told me to take 1200mg of calcium...1mg folic acid and 1 iron pill and after i started that my stomach went crazy with sharp pains and constipation and i started taking fiber mixes into my drinks..anyhoo...

mela-so happy about first u/s ..those are the best,,,i wait for them like holidays lol..i am going to make a whole pre-birth album with all the u/s pics (and there will be plenty)..which kid gets to see themselves when they were a bunch of cells before stuff!

jen, kay, lia, - so happy for u all!! so exciting...good luck mommies keep the pics coming.

robbie- i am so happy to see u back on this board...keep staying positive and congrat congrats...many stickies to u!!!

lindsey- i loved ur ultrasound pic...i couldnt believe baby looks like that at 12 weeks already! excited for next u/s even more now!

NF- glad you are getting out (even for an hour)..some fresh air really makes a difference!

DD- glad you are so prepared and organized..i wish i can start setting up the room but the cat lives there now lol...thats something that does scare me...ive never had a cat until now and now i wonder...dont they jump into the crib etc?? hes 6mos and very fiesty now so i wonder what that will be like

indy- always excited to hear from you and i am glad they are hanging in there...hey miracles do happen right?!?

im sure im forgetting many but am back and will try to keep posting in between everything goin on here
Dreamer and neatfreak - I was venting about not wanting to go to a specialist, but of course I''m going to go. It''s frustrating and I wish the headaches would simply go away on their own...especially after almost 2 weeks! I''ve already put a call into my OB and she will be calling me back with a referral. It''s just something I wish I didn''t have to do.
Jen - your post put me into tears!! Congrats to you and Matt. I can''t wait to see pictures!
Sophie and Marina...

sophie and marina to post.JPG

sophie and marina 2 to post.JPG
Coming out of lurkdom to say CONGRATULATIONS to the new mommies! Welcome to the world Chloe, Alexis, Jacob, Marina and Sophie! I love the photos- I can just smell their baby heads. It''s the best smell in the whole world.
what DH was up to while I was posting...

girls and daddy napping to post.JPG
1st family pic...

1st family photo with girls to post.JPG
Date: 10/27/2008 1:58:24 PM
Author: Courtneylub
Dreamer and neatfreak - I was venting about not wanting to go to a specialist, but of course I''m going to go. It''s frustrating and I wish the headaches would simply go away on their own...especially after almost 2 weeks! I''ve already put a call into my OB and she will be calling me back with a referral. It''s just something I wish I didn''t have to do.
Oh Good! Stupid internet, its so hard to know what someone really means sometimes. I realy hope it is nothing! And I hear you on not wanting to do it... the last thin you need to think about is this. But maybe he has a miracle cure, like foot rubs from you DH
I have 5 kids!!!!!!!!!

boys with sisters to post.JPG
LOL Jen, five kids, wow!

Wonderful story! Your girls are perfect, absolutely PERFECT! Lovely in every way. Look on those perfect round little heads! Csections definitely have the leg up on the round head thing.

Congrats again!!
oh yeah, the final belly shot (38 weeks)...

final twin belly shot 38 weeks to post.JPG
ok, last pic for now: the girls finally at home...

the girls at home finally to post.JPG
Jen They are PERFECT, and you look great Momma! Makes me anxious to meet my own little boys!!!!!
Jen you look great and the girls are gorgeous! Your family is so attractive and BIG! 5 kids... hee hee... that''s a lot woman! I''m soglad you got some girls though to round it all out, how lovely! That 38 belly shot is stunning! I bet once you are healed you are going to want to jump and stretch and lay on your belly and touch your toes
Wow...Jen....that is amazing that you baked them for that long! Look at that belly! You are one tough mama!

They are just beautiful in every way possible!!
so much going on here! 3 ps babies in 3 days! that''s awesome!
and to think if I had gone full term, it could have been 4 for 4.

LIA, congratulations! welcome Jacob! he''s beautiful! I am glad to hear both you and baby are doing well. I can''t wait to see more pictures and hear your L&D story! See you in the mommy thread!

Kay, Alexis is beautiful! look at her full head of hear!
love the pictures! thanks for sharing. I am glad to hear her jaundice is getting better. can''t wait to hear your L&D story. congrats again and see you in the mommy thread!

jen, Sophie and Marina are beautiful! twin baby pictures are so precious!
I can''t believe you have FIVE kids! I''m looking forward to reading your L&D story. congrats again and see you in the mommy thread!
Jen your family is so gorgeous!! I can only hope to have such a full family one day

The girls are so sweet. So girly!!! and so sweet. What beautiful babies you make
and so healthy looking too. GREAT JOB MOMMA!

I think it's sweet that you named Sophie Kakani after a word that reflects her "squeaky" personality. Love it! Congrats on your two perfect little arrivals.
Kay what a gorgeous baby! And all of that hair!! Can you tell me anymore about her jaundice and rh incomptability? I have the same problem.

Jen the picture of your two little ones snuggled together brought me to tears. How precious they''re so close to each other!
Jen, I LOVE Sophie''s middle name! I think it''s absolutely adorable (meaning and the way it looks and sounds)! Both of your girls are soooo cute!
All the new babies are just so beautiful! And Jen, how does it feel to be the mom of five? Wow! And that belly''s amazing.

Courtney, I really hope that the headaches get better for you soon.

NCYBK, good to have you back!

Indy, good to hear from you as well. It''s amazing that you''ve made it this far, but I can see that this is a much harder place to be in emotionally. I hate being in limbo. I''m thinking of you.

Ladies, we have a problem. Hubby was finally ready to start suggesting names last night. And so far, we have Wilhelmina, Walter, and Victor. And no, he was not flipping through the V/W section of a name book. Walter and Victor just don''t sound right with our last name. There''s some dissonance with Wilhelmina and out last name because they''re different nationalities, but I was really trying to give it a chance. And then he told me that it''s the name of someone from Dracula, and that she thinks she''s pretty. Um, not a reason to name our kid that.

Seriously, what does Wilhelmina have that Josephine and Beatrice don''t?