
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Congrats, LIA!!!

Dreamer, I LOVE the crib! Mind if I ask where it''s from? Is it one of the ones that converts to a toddler bed, then a day bed, then a full bed?
Congrats LIA!!!
Welcome to the world baby Jacob!!! he looks so sweet in the picture. Rest up while you can!!!
EEK! A true PS baby bust up! CONGRATS LIA!!!!!!!!!!!! Jacob is so attractive (already!!!) and what a great name. All the best to you new Momma!

DD - love the nursery! GREAT job! I too will leave the room the way it is (kinda yellow-tan) and work with what I have. I love how you pulled the wood together. GOOOOOO GIRL!
NF, thanks for the heads up on the pants. I guess they were a better buy than I was thinking, then! And I really do think that I''m just going to have a big singleton (big babies run in the family), but just had a brief freak out moment yesterday.

Ok, this is totally ridiculous, but I just found this website - - that shows you what you and your partner''s baby would look like. And I went ahead and did it for fun, and this is "my baby". Eyes are way too dark, but otherwise it''s kind of believable.

Congrats Mommie. Jacob is adorable. Can''t wait to hear more.
Congratulations Jen and Kay on your lovely girls! I can''t wait to see photos of Marina, Sophie and Alexis.

Jen, yay for you for cookin'' such good sized girls!

Kay, I''m glad you decided to give a VB a shot-can''t wait to hear your story!!

LIA! You sneaky preggo! Congratulations on Jacob-he is gorgeous! Can''t wait to hear your story! Yay for you for getting to full term!

I see there are a few new preggos too-congratulations to NYCsparkle, cdt1101, Robbie and Fisherofmengirly-welcome!

Fisherofmengirly, to answer your undies question at 36 weeks I''ve only worn my non preggi undies the whole time-but the low rise ones. You might need some granny pants for the hospital-I think TGal said that anything else is too uncomfy if you have a caesarean.

NYC, you can see the baby''s heartbeat on a transvaginal ultrasound pretty reliably at about 6 weeks. Don''t worry if it''s not visible at 5 1/2. My ms lasted from about 7 weeks to about 15 weeks. It got worse in the last week and then just disappeared!

Courtney, congratulations on your pg if I haven''t said before! During pregnancy your cardiovascular system goes through some pretty rapid changes and fainting or ''vasovagal syncope'' is very common particularly in the first tri.

Dreamer, the nursery looks fantastic-you are sooo organised! I''m 36 weeks and haven''t packed a bag for the hospital. At this rate I''ll be hopping around after my water breaks trying to stuff a few things in a knapsack....

Lindsey, yay for a good ultrasound!! Very cute pics!!

Mela, your pics are cute as well! My friend who does MFM ultrasounds thinks that cute ultrasound pics = 100% correlation with cute baba so the trend of gorgeous PS babies will continue!

NF, sorry to hear about the bed rest, but YAY for 30 weeks! How are you staying sane at this stage?

Erika, I hope you are just busy and everything is going well for you-I hope too that the morning sickness has settled down....

Blen, what did you decide on the U/S? I think I might have missed your post about would def give you a true picture of how many bebes are in there!

Pave, how are you going? Great to hear that the karyotyping was a-okay! When''s the next scan? I don''t know about Pilates DVDs-I''ve been doing a specialist yoga course for preggos.

on 22 weeks!! I''ve got everything tightly crossed for you to hang on for several more! That just sounds positively amazing-you and your DH are in my thoughts....

On the maternity pants front-my 2c fwiw was that either hipster OR mucho high waisted pants worked-the middle of the belly thing started to make its way south frequently after about 28 weeks on me. I actually like the hipster pants but I''m only carrying one so I guess the long tops work on me okay. Plus once the belly button pops that can be super sensitive so pants over the top felt a bit weird. Sorry if that''s TMI. I will try to post a photo of me in a non-maternity top and maternity pants so you can see what it looks like.

Sorry if I''ve missed anyone-I keep popping in but not posting and then it just gets out of control!! I''m 36 weeks and change now so looking to get myself organised for a trip to hospital sooner rather than later I guess! It still doesn''t seem real... I had a baby shower last week and got some gorgeous little clothes-the consensus seems to be that I''m having a girl so either that or my little boy will be very in touch with his feminine side from an early age
! The nursery is about ready to go but I still have to get a pram-told you I was disorganised! So that is a job for this week... I''m feeling a bit over work but not doing as much on my feet which has helped.

Okay, so I need to sort out some pics of the nursery and belly pics-yikes! Will try and get onto that!

Hope everyone else is doing well!
Blen, DH and I did that at a photo booth type thing at his company's Christmas party last year. The results were NOT pretty. I really hope our baby doesn't look like this! The outside of the machine showed this really cute baby and we ended up with an awkward looking tween

ETA: Our child will never have a haircut that awful either. His or her aunt used to be a hairdresser and lives about 5 min down the road.

Gemma, we are getting the anatomy one. I have an appt with an OB on 11/3 who will be able to give me a referral, so I won''t know the exact date until then. I''m hoping to get it before Thanksgiving (which will be 21 weeks for me, so it''s doable) so that we can show photos to our family while we''re visiting.

Robbie, hilarious. I''m sure your kid will be so much cuter than that awkward one - you and your hubby are both good looking and so I''m sure it will get good genes.

Dreamer - I almost forgot to upload this one - 16w1d, for you. And when I was out earlier today, I had a woman look at my stomach and then hold a door for me, which I thought was both sweet and hilarious. I guess I''m starting to look preggo to people who don''t know me!

Ladies, those genetic baby photos are hilarious. I went ahead and made a Routan baby with the hubby... here''s our child

LIA congrats girl! That is great news!

Robbie yeah it is one of those convertables. This is it here: Honestly, if the in laws hadn''t bought it from Direct Buy (the discount members club) then we wouldn''t have gotten it b/c it was too expensive. They ended up getting it for 50% off.

Blen you have a lovely bump! Man, I am carrying so differently. I am 22 weeks and I think people still go "Is she??" It isn''t totally obvious yet. My fundal height is just at my belly button, 22cm, but every woman is different. My DH''s cousin at my stage had a HUGE belly, and she only had one, and she is taller like me but very slim. I think you would be bigger with twins. Also, the m/w would probably have heard 2 HBs, no?
Date: 10/26/2008 4:14:28 PM
Author: Blenheim
I have one pair of secret fit belly pants, and I''m not really liking them right now. They don''t stay up all that well. Do they get better with a bigger belly?

And pressure on the belly gets better later on? I''m having a problem sitting for a while in my mat jeans right now, because the elastic is tight enough that there''s too much pressure after a while. I''m 16w3d.
Yes and Yes, at least for me. It got better a week or so from where you are. The uterus really lifts up into the stomach and out of the pelvis and this makes the lower abdomen less sensitive. And my pants now stay up, thought I think a larger butt helps too
Can I just say that this whole time, I''ve been wondering who LIA is? I''m a slow one, I guess.

Your baby is so precious, Lover in Athens. Congratulations.

I hope you''re all doing well at home.

Looking forward to more pictures!!!
Oh wow LIA!!
Jacob is just an angel

Congrats to you and family.
Rest up.
DD, hubby said the same thing about the doppler, but we just looked for a heartbeat, timed it, and then stopped. There could have been another one if we had searched more thoroughly. But hubby thinks that it''s just a single 400 lb baby boy, and I''m sure he''s right.

I''m having massive amounts of round ligament pain, which is probably not helping with the sensitivity. I hope it gets better soon!
Date: 10/26/2008 8:50:14 PM
Author: Blenheim
DD, hubby said the same thing about the doppler, but we just looked for a heartbeat, timed it, and then stopped. There could have been another one if we had searched more thoroughly. But hubby thinks that it''s just a single 400 lb baby boy, and I''m sure he''s right.

I''m having massive amounts of round ligament pain, which is probably not helping with the sensitivity. I hope it gets better soon!

Not to fuel the twin fire, but doctors usually cannot find two babies heartbeats on doppler early. Either one is too far in to hear it, they might have the same hr (which has been the case with ours), etc. So it''s really really hard unless they are both in the front, side by side, and have different heart rates so you know there are two.
Date: 10/26/2008 10:38:22 PM
Author: neatfreak

Date: 10/26/2008 8:50:14 PM
Author: Blenheim
DD, hubby said the same thing about the doppler, but we just looked for a heartbeat, timed it, and then stopped. There could have been another one if we had searched more thoroughly. But hubby thinks that it's just a single 400 lb baby boy, and I'm sure he's right.

I'm having massive amounts of round ligament pain, which is probably not helping with the sensitivity. I hope it gets better soon!

Not to fuel the twin fire, but doctors usually cannot find two babies heartbeats on doppler early. Either one is too far in to hear it, they might have the same hr (which has been the case with ours), etc. So it's really really hard unless they are both in the front, side by side, and have different heart rates so you know there are two.
LOL way to put her mind at ease, NF!
That's interesting about the HBs, I never knew that.

Blen you are the same size as my cousin was at your stage, with one. Odds are much higher it is one than two, so safe to assume that. You'll know in 4 weeks!
Date: 10/26/2008 10:40:27 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Date: 10/26/2008 10:38:22 PM

Author: neatfreak

Date: 10/26/2008 8:50:14 PM

Author: Blenheim

DD, hubby said the same thing about the doppler, but we just looked for a heartbeat, timed it, and then stopped. There could have been another one if we had searched more thoroughly. But hubby thinks that it''s just a single 400 lb baby boy, and I''m sure he''s right.

I''m having massive amounts of round ligament pain, which is probably not helping with the sensitivity. I hope it gets better soon!

Not to fuel the twin fire, but doctors usually cannot find two babies heartbeats on doppler early. Either one is too far in to hear it, they might have the same hr (which has been the case with ours), etc. So it''s really really hard unless they are both in the front, side by side, and have different heart rates so you know there are two.

LOL way to put her mind at ease, NF!
That''s interesting about the HBs, I never knew that.

Blan you are the same size as my cousin was at your stage, with one. Odds are much higher it is one than two, so safe to assume that. You''ll know in 4 weeks!

Yup. It was very agonizing the first number of appointments because we could never be sure we were hearing two HB''s or just one twice. I often ended up with in office quickie u/s''s to make sure both babies hearts were beating away. Only recently have their HB''s become distinguishable (sometimes!) on doppler.

And I''m just looking for some more twin moms to join''s about time for the next crop, no?
Congrats LIA! Jacob is gorgeous!!!
Sorry to be MIA so long. Alexis had a bout of “moderate-to-severe” jaundice, which is common for babies who are RH incompatible with their mothers. It made for a very rough first few days. The jaundice made her listless and hard to feed, but feeding and elimination is the only way to flush the bilirubin out of her body. We have had to use formula, so I am concerned about trying to re-establish BFing. There was a lot on inconsolable crying the first few nights, but her bili levels starting going down on Saturday and we had a better night last night. I am waiting to see how tonight goes – 2-6 am seems to be the rough patch for her. DH and I take turns napping and keeping watch. If we try to go to bed at the same time, nobody gets any sleep. She is napping right now, so I can finally catch up on PS.

I’ll write up the details of my L&D later. Here is the new love of my life napping on the first day of her life:

Hospital Nap 2.JPG
It turns out Alexis is not a redhead. The L&D nurse asked us where the red hair came from, and I explained I had copper hair for my first few years. Once Alexis had a second, more thorough clean-up in my hospital room, it turned out her hair was blondish brown, not red (the red apparently had nothing to do with genetics – yuk). Her hair almost looks like it was frosted at a salon. It is medium brown with a top layer of almost colorless blonde hair. We are amazed by how much hair she has.

Here she is weighing in at 7 pounds, 4.9 ounces (pre-cleanup with the “red” hair):

Redhead weigh-in 2.JPG
Here she is in a rare eyes-open shot, flashing the baby blues:

Blue Eyes.JPG
“Just a few more minutes, Mom.”

Evil Light.JPG
Jen, congrats!!!
I can’t wait to see pictures of Marina Lily and Sophie! (Does Sophie have a middle name?) You are so lucky they are BFing easily. What happened with MIL?

LIA, congrats to you too!
Jacob Ari is beautiful (and I love his name).
The high bili sucks to go through – glad you are home now.

Robbie, congratulations!
I’m glad they are getting you in quickly for your first appointment. Sending sticky vibes your way.

CDT, congratulations and welcome!

Mela, what a cute little butterbean! Congrats on a great Dr appointment.

Lindsey, glad to hear you had a great NT scan. Great u/s pics – I love the thumb sucking.

Dreamer, love the Hobbit analogy. The last few weeks of pregnancy I would joke with DH about first and second breakfast. Congrats on a good appointment. There is something about passing that 1 pound mark. Your nursery looks great.

Indy, I’m glad you checked in and the cubs are hanging on. I’m amazed that everything has stayed status quo after ending bed rest – I am still holding out hope and keeping you all in my thoughts.

Courtney, I am so sorry you are still having trouble with the headaches.

Blen, congrats on finding a natural birth friendly OB. Lol re speaking in tongues. Cute bump!

NYC, sorry you are having a rough time with the nausea. It can hit any time of day – I found afternoons to be worse than mornings.

Fisher, I agree with NF, it depends what kind of undies you wear regularly. I stuck with my low rise thongs throughout all 9 months – I just went up 1 size in month 6.

Gemma, you are getting so close now!

SDL, thanks so much for posting the updates for me.


That hair is amazing!

And her little lips.

Yes, you grew a cutiepie baby!

Hope you''re doing well and I''m glad her jaundice is better.


Hug and cuddle on her for me, please!!
LIA - Gosh, Jacob is just precious!!! Congrats!

Kay - Oh my goodness, Kay! Alexis is adorable and look at that hair!

Robbie - that picture cracks me up. DH and I made one of those at Dave & Busters back when we were just dating and it was hilarious. We had all our friends laughing so hard, they were in tears. DH threw it away because he just couldn''t fathom having a child that ugly. lol

I''m gonna go to that link and try another one!

Update on headache: still bad. They were horrible over the weekend and I was completely useless. Even the low dose of Lortab my OB prescribed me didn''t put a dent in the pain.
Date: 10/27/2008 9:31:41 AM
Author: Courtneylub

Update on headache: still bad. They were horrible over the weekend and I was completely useless. Even the low dose of Lortab my OB prescribed me didn''t put a dent in the pain.
I think you should see the doc again! Was he not concerned? Did he have an explanation? Is this common in pg?
Kay she is lovely! Her hair is so pretty. I''m sorry about the jaundice, one of my close friends had a similar issue. If you are really committed to BFing you can re-establish, do you have access to a lactation consultant? I watched a show about this on the weekend and they were pointing out that one of the big issues when BFing is interrupted is mom''s supply declining too much, so lots and lots of pumping to increase the supply may be needed! Good luck!!
congrats LIA!!! Jacob is so adorable!!

courtney - sorry about your headaches! I had such a bad migraine last night, so I kind of know what you're going thru!

I've been nauseous 24/7 since Friday. Last night was not fun because I also had a migraine which only made the nausea worse. I finally had to take 2 tylenol to somewhat help w/ the pain. I was so miserable. Crackers and sierra mist have become my best friend, since the nausea wakes me up in the middle of the night and they are the only things that help me get back to sleep.

So overall I'm feeling
I know it's all for good, but man I feel like sh*t!!! Even my DH said to me this morning that he's never seen me so miserable. I responded that this may be our only child

ETA: Kay love the new pics! She's beautiful!
Just a quick pop in to say Kay, Alexis is gorgeous! She has so much hair, I can''t believe she''s a newborn!

I get to leave the house this morning, yay! Even if it is only for an hour...drat.
Dreamer - OB wants to send me to a nuerologist now that they''ve been going on for almost 2 weeks, but I REALLY don''t want to go. What else can anyone do? I think it''s just something I have to live with and hopefully it won''t last much longer. I''ve head that headaches/migraines are common in pregnancy, but mostly in the 1st trimester. Mine didn''t start until the 12th week.

Oh and here''s our make believe baby:
