
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Date: 10/23/2008 1:22:23 PM
Author: robbie3982
DD, that''s so awful that your friend had to go through that and no one realized what was wrong!

I took another test this morning and the test line came up before the control line and it was definitely darker than the test from 2 days ago! I''m going to test 1 more time (only have one more FRER left) at some point next week and then I''m done. I find it reassuring to see the line getting darker.

Last night DH and I were watching John & Kate plus 8 and I looked at him and said, OMG, what if there are 6 in there?! He now thinks I''m crazy, LOL. Today the magic 8 ball I found online told me that I''m having triplets: a set of identicals and a fraternal.
Don''t get me wrong, I''d be really happy, but also really freaked out to be immediately outnumbered.
LOL -- don''t worry, just go from a man-on-man to a zone defense.

Seriously, congratulations on the dark line, and, uh, time will tell about the magic 8 ball''s prediction
Date: 10/23/2008 1:22:23 PM
Author: robbie3982
DD, that''s so awful that your friend had to go through that and no one realized what was wrong!

I took another test this morning and the test line came up before the control line and it was definitely darker than the test from 2 days ago! I''m going to test 1 more time (only have one more FRER left) at some point next week and then I''m done. I find it reassuring to see the line getting darker.

Last night DH and I were watching John & Kate plus 8 and I looked at him and said, OMG, what if there are 6 in there?! He now thinks I''m crazy, LOL. Today the magic 8 ball I found online told me that I''m having triplets: a set of identicals and a fraternal.
Don''t get me wrong, I''d be really happy, but also really freaked out to be immediately outnumbered.

Don''t worry Robbie it''s virtually impossible to have anything more than triplets without "assistance"!
Congrats Jen! Can''t wait to see both of them!!
Congrats Jen!!!
Can''t wait to see your girls!!
Dreamer: Thanks for checking on me. My headaches seemed to get better there for about a day, then they came back. OB prescribed me something (can''t recall the name), but it didn''t help at all. I looked it up on the web and didn''t find headaches on the list of it''s uses. It''s something for speeding up the digestive system or something? Anyways, we are playing phone tag again today and not sure what else can be done. They do come and go and seem to be worse in the afternoons/evenings. I can put up with them most of the time. We shall see how long they last!

For anyone who''s interested, I found this interesting article on what we can/can''t do while pregnant. Especially for those who are extra paranoid. I''m sure there are plenty of articles and doctors who may disagree with this one, but I have to say it put me at ease.
Courtney one common cause of headaches is blood sugar regulation problems, this has been an issue for me in the past and during pregnancy blood sugars can go wonky. Maybe for a few days try really hard to eat someting every two hours, preferably a low glycemic index food (i.e., a food that enters the blood stream slowly) and see if that will help? Whenever I have had blood sugar headaches they are worse at night.
Congratulations Jen and Kay!!!

Indy, I am so glad that you checked in, I have been thinking so much about you. Bless your heart and the cubs. I pray that the cubs stay put!!!!!!

Love, Linda
OK Robbie, did I read your post wrong?????????? Are you having triplets??????????????

Congrats Jen and Kay!!!

Thanks for checking in. I am hopeful for your cubs!! Hang in there!!
Congratulations Jen! Welcome Marina and Sophie!
Those are big twins! Can''t wait to meet both your girls and hear your birth story!

I noticed you didn''t put Sophie''s middle name - is it still undecided?
Indy, I''m glad you checked in. I''ve been thinking of you and hoping for a miracle.
Congrats Jen!! Love the names!

Well I had an interesting morning! Woke up feeling fine, but was making my husbands lunch and started feeling SUPER nauseous. I also felt like i had to do #2 (sorry TMI). So i ran to the bathroom and sat on the toilet w/ a bucket in front of me. Then I broke out in a cold sweat and the next thing I remember I''m sprawled out on the toilet! I passed out! It was super scary and I was really disoriented when i came to.

I called my OBGYN, but since i''m so early they wanted me to see my primary care. They checked my blood pressure, did an EKG and everything looks good. My blood pressure was actually a little high (for me anyway).

The Dr seems to think it was just a result of being pregnant
He called it Vasovagal syncope. I guess since I was having a bowel movement, and feeling so nauseous and I''m pregnant, caused the fainting. I don''t know, it''s scary. But they don''t seem to think anything''s wrong.

So now I''m just resting. Still feel a little lightheaded though.

Hope everyone is feeling better than me
Date: 10/23/2008 2:49:13 PM
Author: Linda W
OK Robbie, did I read your post wrong?????????? Are you having triplets??????????????


Lol, yes you misread it! I think it was just a worry of hers (and that darned magic 8 ball)!
Date: 10/23/2008 3:39:00 PM
Author: neatfreak
Date: 10/23/2008 2:49:13 PM

Author: Linda W

OK Robbie, did I read your post wrong?????????? Are you having triplets??????????????


Lol, yes you misread it! I think it was just a worry of hers (and that darned magic 8 ball)!

Yup, just my crazy overactive imagination and a magic 8 ball.
Date: 10/23/2008 3:43:26 PM
Author: robbie3982
Date: 10/23/2008 3:39:00 PM

Author: neatfreak

Date: 10/23/2008 2:49:13 PM

Author: Linda W

OK Robbie, did I read your post wrong?????????? Are you having triplets??????????????


Lol, yes you misread it! I think it was just a worry of hers (and that darned magic 8 ball)!

Yup, just my crazy overactive imagination and a magic 8 ball.

ha ha ha ha, oh!!!!! I was thinking , boy are you going to have your hands full. You had better stop using that 8 ball missy, next thing you know, you will be having 8 babies
Date: 10/23/2008 3:31:02 PM
Author: cdt1101
Congrats Jen!! Love the names!

Well I had an interesting morning! Woke up feeling fine, but was making my husbands lunch and started feeling SUPER nauseous. I also felt like i had to do #2 (sorry TMI). So i ran to the bathroom and sat on the toilet w/ a bucket in front of me. Then I broke out in a cold sweat and the next thing I remember I'm sprawled out on the toilet! I passed out! It was super scary and I was really disoriented when i came to.

I called my OBGYN, but since i'm so early they wanted me to see my primary care. They checked my blood pressure, did an EKG and everything looks good. My blood pressure was actually a little high (for me anyway).

The Dr seems to think it was just a result of being pregnant
He called it Vasovagal syncope. I guess since I was having a bowel movement, and feeling so nauseous and I'm pregnant, caused the fainting. I don't know, it's scary. But they don't seem to think anything's wrong.

So now I'm just resting. Still feel a little lightheaded though.

Hope everyone is feeling better than me
Coming out of Lurkdom here...I'm usually on the TTC board.

CDT-- I've had a Vasovagal response also. It happened to me when I was receiving 5 immunizations (for nursing school). I had the nauseous feeling, dizziness and then I was out. When I came to I vomited a few times. My doc explained that it just happens sometimes when the body feels overwhelmed or stressed and it just needs to shut itself off or reboots. I thought it was strange that it happened when I didn't feel stressed - I'm not afraid of needles or anything. Don't know why it happened while you were making your DH's lunch. Maybe your body is just adjusting to all the hormones. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that it has happened to me although I'm not pregnant nor was I at the time it happened. Hope you feel better soon!
inLuv - thanks for the response! I think it''s like you said, it''s all the hormones running thru my body and my body adjusting i guess. Hopefully it doesn''t happen again! But the dr seemed to think that it may
He told me if i feel that cold sweat coming on, to matter where i am
CDT: I have VS, too. I think I actually posted a thread on Family/Home about it! Mine is when I feel pain, and I black out.

I''m so glad you''re feeling better!
Jen, congrats!!! I want pictures and a story from you too - did MIL behave herself during birth?

CDT - glad to hear you''re feeling better, and I hope that doesn''t happen again.

Indy - I''m so glad that you checked in. I was kind of worrying that you were in the hospital already. It''s amazing that you''ve come this far and so nice to think that they''re enjoying the time that they are here. Here''s hoping for another three weeks (or more) as well.

Robbie - I told my m/w that I preferred not to know my weight, because I have problems eating a healthy amount of food if I''m thinking about weight gain. She''s fine with it and told me that she doesn''t need to know either. She finds it easier just to look me to figure out if I''m gaining too little weight or if I suddenly start retaining a lot of water. (This wouldn''t work if you''re seeing a practice, btw, because weight is something that you can put in a chart but you can''t really put those other things in there.) So the scale is now in the back of a closet somewhere around here. I have no idea how much I weigh, and it''s wonderful.

My mom keeps bringing up the weight recommendations from when she was pregnant with me, and I keep telling her that my m/w and I are focusing on diet and exercise, not on a number on the scale. And then she keeps accusing me of being defensive and not understanding her. Then stop bringing it up, dang it!!!! This has led to several fights so far.

DD - my m/w said that babies go through growth spurts in utero (one reason why she doesn''t like relying just on the numbers), so maybe your little one just shot up in size.

Courtney, I hope you start feeling better soon. And I liked the article that you posted.

I went ahead and made an appointment with the OB today. I thought more about it, and the insurance co''s been enough of a PITA about if they''ll cover the m/w at in-network rates. During our last phone call, they gave me a phone number for some CNMs who they thought might do home births. I called and explained the situation, and guess who ended up being on the line? A very confused L&D triage nurse. Haha. So I need to call then AGAIN on that one, and don''t really feel like submitting a reimbursement on the u/s.

The OB is in-network and I''m going to see him on 11/3. The practice''s website had tons of links to pro-life sites and anti-vasectomy sites, and it appears that they don''t prescribe BC, so I think I can tell why my m/w warned me about the religion thing. But they seem to be really great about natural birth. When I was making the appointment and said how far along I was, the receptionist asked me if I had been seen by anyone else. I said my m/w, and she asked if I had had any complications or problems so far (nope!) and when the last time I saw her was. She then asked if I was planning to transfer care or use both of them, and when I said both, she asked if I was planning on a birth center or a home birth. And she was totally cool with all of my answers. Yay! It''s good to find a natural birth friendly OB, just in case I do end up having complications that would require one. I''ll just be careful to reign in my speaking in tongues.

Date: 10/23/2008 6:40:03 PM
Author: Blenheim
The OB is in-network and I''m going to see him on 11/3. The practice''s website had tons of links to pro-life sites and anti-vasectomy sites, and it appears that they don''t prescribe BC, so I think I can tell why my m/w warned me about the religion thing. But they seem to be really great about natural birth. When I was making the appointment and said how far along I was, the receptionist asked me if I had been seen by anyone else. I said my m/w, and she asked if I had had any complications or problems so far (nope!) and when the last time I saw her was. She then asked if I was planning to transfer care or use both of them, and when I said both, she asked if I was planning on a birth center or a home birth. And she was totally cool with all of my answers. Yay! It''s good to find a natural birth friendly OB, just in case I do end up having complications that would require one. I''ll just be careful to reign in my speaking in tongues.

Wow, Blen, overall that is really good news! One thing to know is that if the docs feel that way about abortion my guess is that they will not offer any screening tests that are at all related to the notion, but you aren''t really going to route so it doesn''t matter anyways. I can''t believe you are 16 weeks! WTF!! Time is going too fast. Me thinks another belly shot is in order. Oh, and re: the babu growing thing. That is exactly what our m/w said! hee hee. She looked at my feet and it was clear I wasn''t retaining water, she also said since my gain is steady it is healthy, so who cares!
Re: Weight Gain Don''t worry DD, it came in spurts for me too. And Blen, I totally don''t blame out about the weight thing! I am now pretty zen about it because I equate my weight gain to healthy boys (birthweight is one of the biggest predictors of later trouble for preemies) since I am worried about them being born early. But earlier in the pregnancy it was hard to get around that mindset. My doc doesn''t tell me what I weigh unless I see the scale or ask directly, he just tells me "yup, you''re doing great with your weight" and we leave it at that. Which I appreciate!
Date: 10/23/2008 11:05:32 AM
Author: Independent Gal
Just popping in post appointment and saw the great news. CONGRATS JEN & KAY!!!! Hurray for little PS girls to share the bling with.

Everything status quo here. 22 weeks 2 days. Dilated and still contracting regularly. They measured the cubs today and they're well over a pound now and seem to be doing fine otherwise, kicking up a storm all night every night. So I'm taking that as a comfort: at least I'm feeding and caring for them as well as I can, while I can, and at least they are having 'fun' while they can.

Also saw that Robbie's back on this side. HURRAY!
Oh Indy,

Girl, you've been on my mind!! I'm SO glad to hear from you. Those babies man, they're survivors!! Kicking and wiggling and getting stronger all the time.

I'm praying hard for you, and each day is in fact a wonderful triumph.

Are they over a pound each? That's AWESOME!!!!

Aww, happy tears, happy tears from fisher to you, Indy, Indy's hubby, and to two cubbies!!!
Cdt, I don''t know how I missed that post about passing out! How scary! I hope it''s a one time thing for you!

I was on yesterday and someone posted about Kohls having the motherhood secret belly fit jeans on sale. They''re 45% off and I had a $5 off coupon so I figured, yeah it''s really really early, but I''ll need them eventually and who knows when they''ll have a sale this good again? So, I went to Kohls after work and of course they only had about 3 pairs of the pants in the store, none of which were my size
. I was at least able to figure out what size I would need so I could order them online. EVERYTHING was on sale though! I figured I should look at what they had since it was mostly summer stuff (which is when I''ll really be needing maternity clothes). I ended up getting 2 really cute shirts for $0.88 after using my coupon! I couldn''t pass it up. So, if anyone is in need of jeans, definitely checkout their website.
GAK! Actioin Jackson over here!!! Where to start?

INDY - so glad you posted. I too was getting ''concerned''! :) SO happy with your progress and I''m really really crossing my fingers for you and a whole bunch more time enjoying the miracle inside you. Sending you lots of love.

CDT - scary business that VV! Glad to hear you know what it was and what to look for in the future. So glad you''re ok!

Robbie - lol about the trips. I was really worried about twins, so I know the feeling!!!! Hopefully, you''ll be blessed with a nice heatlhy singleton to ease you into mommyhood!
Speaking of pants. My elastic band trick with Bella band on top is getting redic. I need to get my big ol as$ into maternity wear, but i refuse to buy anything till I hit 12 weeks. So....two more weeks of sillyness to go! haha. I wish we had amazing deals in Canada like you do in the States. I probably could be convinced to do some shopping at those prices

Jen - Congrats again girl on your big healthy girls! Can''t wait for pics. I was wondering too about Sophie''s middle name?! Spill the beans!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kay - how you feeling? Can''t wait to see Alexis!

DD and Blen - YEY on healthy weight gain
and babies measuring perfectly. You gals are pro''s already! lol
Blen - I think moving to this OB is a great move. Good one!!!

Where is NYCBK? She''s been MIA for a while?

Nothing new with me. Still nauseous to the max - belching very frequently to try to relieve the barfy feelings. I''m so attractive

Mela 10 weeks today!
Good Morning ladies!! I think my morning sickness has begun. i work up at 2:30 this morning feeling awful...i tossed and turned until 5:30. Finally fell back asleep only for my alarm to go off an hour later
And i''ve been feeling craptastic ever since! Not vomiting or anything, just nauseous. blah!

So all that talk of feeling fine was obviously too soon
But it''s ok, at least there hasn''t been any fainting today!

Hope the rest of you are feeling better than i am.
Date: 10/24/2008 8:57:44 AM
Author: robbie3982
Cdt, I don''t know how I missed that post about passing out! How scary! I hope it''s a one time thing for you!

I was on yesterday and someone posted about Kohls having the motherhood secret belly fit jeans on sale. They''re 45% off and I had a $5 off coupon so I figured, yeah it''s really really early, but I''ll need them eventually and who knows when they''ll have a sale this good again? So, I went to Kohls after work and of course they only had about 3 pairs of the pants in the store, none of which were my size
. I was at least able to figure out what size I would need so I could order them online. EVERYTHING was on sale though! I figured I should look at what they had since it was mostly summer stuff (which is when I''ll really be needing maternity clothes). I ended up getting 2 really cute shirts for $0.88 after using my coupon! I couldn''t pass it up. So, if anyone is in need of jeans, definitely checkout their website.
Cute, Robbie. Planning ahead is always a good idea!!
Date: 10/24/2008 9:57:20 AM
Author: cdt1101
Good Morning ladies!! I think my morning sickness has begun. i work up at 2:30 this morning feeling awful...i tossed and turned until 5:30. Finally fell back asleep only for my alarm to go off an hour later
And i''ve been feeling craptastic ever since! Not vomiting or anything, just nauseous. blah!

So all that talk of feeling fine was obviously too soon
But it''s ok, at least there hasn''t been any fainting today!

Hope the rest of you are feeling better than i am.
I remember my morning sickness ... yuk! Never threw up, just felt really sickly. The joys of pregnancy!
Just checking in...hope everyone is well! I am still on bedrest, still pregnant, nothing exciting to report (which is actually a GOOD thing in this situation!).

I'll be 30 weeks tomorrow, which I am VERY happy about as that is one of a few "milestone" dates for a twin pregnancy. We're going to have an unbirthday party to celebrate.

Hope everyone has a great weekend and for those newly preggo and having m/s: DON'T let your stomach get empty! Keep crackers by your bed (and eat a few before you get out of bed), in your purse, everywhere and even eating one per hour or whatever you can stomach will be better than having nothing in your stomach. And many of us have had success with strawberries, watermelon, and other liquidy fruits.
Congrats on your little girls jenn!

indy..what great news on the cubs.

well last night i got really nautious, so i went into the bathroom and gagged for a while....same thing the night before except i did vomit then....i guess i have night time sickness.
basically i''ve been going straight to bed afterwards and then when i wake up at 2 or 3 am to pee i feel slightly nautious again.
other than that i have greasy hair which i''ve never had...i feel like i could just wash and dry my hair and its a greaseball still.....ahhhh the joys of the first trimester.
i have my 1st dr''s appt. on tuesday. i''m nervous. it''s a new doctor because my old obgyn doesn''t do ob anymore...he said his life was just work 24 hrs. a day. i loved that doc. i hate having my whooohaaa looked at by new
IG, I just read your update. Since you''re at 22 weeks now, is it possible that the twins could make it until 24 weeks and be okay? If they''re over 1 pound, that sounds promising. Gosh, I''m hoping that SO much!!!!