
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Date: 7/31/2007 2:44:29 PM
Author: Chrono
Date: 7/31/2007 2:35:09 PM

Author: Tacori E-ring

Chrono, what else do you use in your crib? Do you still put a fitted sheet done? Mattress pad? Sounds like my 3-6 month sleep sack will get used then

Let''s imagine an empty crib with a new mattress.

Here''s the layers.

1. Mattress pad (for added softness)

2. Over that is the fitted sheet

3. Over #1 and #2 is the ultimate crib sheet

Am I making sense?

That is what I pictured. The website said you didn''t need a fitted sheet with them but I figure another layer of protection would be good. Thanks again for the website.
The fitted sheet really isn''t needed but I put it on anyway.

To the rest,
The belly measurement can vary from week to week. Sometimes the baby will have a growth spurt, or it (he/she) may be lying in a funky position, etc. I would not be worried unless the baby is consistently measuring very large at most of the appointments. I measured just right, but popped out a 9 pound linebacker who continues to be in the 90th percentile for both weight and height!

I too thought I escaped stretch marks because I didn''t have any for the longest time. Well, a few appeared during the last 2 weeks in spite of all the lotioning with vitamin E oil. Oh well. At least they were low and not the angry red colour. They faded after a few months to a silvery colour that sort of blends in with my skin tone. My badge of motherhood, I suppose.
Date: 7/30/2007 8:40:35 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
So could you still sit and walk with button in the bjorn? (still don''t know which to go with. Arg!) The other one I was looking as was Ergo where the baby sits instead of hangs.

Hi everyone!

Just popping out of lurkdom to answer Tacori because a co-worker of mine has the Ergo. He''s on munchkin #4 and reccommends the Ergo to anyone who will listen- of the ones they''ve tried he thinks this is the most comfortable for the baby and the parents. Purportedly he can put the youngest in the Ergo and play football with the older kids and the baby just loves it.

Congrats to all of you! It''s so much fun to watch the PS family grow!
Date: 7/31/2007 4:23:05 PM
Author: mercoledi
Date: 7/30/2007 8:40:35 PM

Author: Tacori E-ring

So could you still sit and walk with button in the bjorn? (still don''t know which to go with. Arg!) The other one I was looking as was Ergo where the baby sits instead of hangs.
Hi everyone!
Just popping out of lurkdom to answer Tacori because a co-worker of mine has the Ergo. He''s on munchkin #4 and reccommends the Ergo to anyone who will listen- of the ones they''ve tried he thinks this is the most comfortable for the baby and the parents. Purportedly he can put the youngest in the Ergo and play football with the older kids and the baby just loves it.

Congrats to all of you! It''s so much fun to watch the PS family grow!

Thanks so much! It got good reviews. People seem to like it since the baby is sitting.
Hi All! I am new here. My name is Sara and I am due Oct 8th. I already have 3 children from a previous marriage. Hope it is ok to jump right in.
Welcome Sara. Do you know what you are having?
Date: 7/31/2007 6:04:26 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Welcome Sara. Do you know what you are having?
Thanks and no we don''t know yet. I have another ultrasound this Thursday and if all goes well we should get to see. We started out not wanting to know but trying to plan a room is hard and we just decided to find out. I am thinking it is a boy! I already have 1 boy and 2 girls, so either is just fine by me.
Sara, Welcome & Congrats on the new addition!
Finally found the charger for my camera and took a new belly pic. The last one was taken today.

dated pg progression.JPG
Great belly pics StephensBride!! Such fun to see how your pregnancy has progressed!!!

Sara, welcome to PS and congrats on your pregnancy, won''t be long now!!!
stephansbride: you pics tracking your pregnacy are so cool. you''ll have to put them in a scrapbook for your baby to see when he/she is older...

welcome sara...
Welcome, Sara! And congrats on baby #4!

Great photos, SB! Aren''t you glad you''re keeping photos of the progress? It''s such a cool way to see the changes in yourself (kind of hard to tell when it''s your own body how you look to others), plus like MrsS said, it''s a great keepsake and something to show the babies later!

I had my 18-week appt. today, and thankfully the amnio results were in (thought I was going to have to wait till Friday based on the call I wound up making on Monday), and ... TWO HEALTHY BABIES! WHOO HOOO!!! And it''s official now -- we''re having a boy and a girl! What an emotional appt. that was!! No u/s today, my next one is in 2.5 weeks, but I did hear two strong heartbeats. Can''t wait to see ''em again!

Oh, and a friend offered to throw me a baby shower -- yeah!! She originally suggested November, but that''s way too late for a mom-of-twins-to-be (dr. told me again that most multiples moms "hit that proverbial wall" at 28 weeks --mid-October for me -- so to expect to cut way back on things then), so hopefully we can do late September/early October.

Hope you''re all doing well!

EDD: 1/2/08 (twins!)
MrsS - I definitely plan on putting my belly pics in a scrapbook for Sabrina. If she gives me lots of stretchmarks, I plan on keeping a couple of those to guilt her with later in life. LoL

ellaila - You''re right; I don''t really notice the change so I''m always a bit surprised when I compare a new pic to the last. I''m so glad my SIL told me to do it.
Congrats on the healthy babies!!
Now you can just focus on enjoying the pg and preparing for their arrival. YAY

Curly - I too look forward to hearing how the transition back to work goes. The two times I started looking into daycare, I broke down crying at the idea of leaving my baby (I''m sure it''s mostly pg hormones getting to me).
I hope everything goes well for you and your little angel!

njc - Your belly is adorable! To most people "pg = round" but bellies come in all shapes. I know a girl who has an odd dent in the middle of hers; from the side she looks like the letter B and is still super cute.

I had my latest appt last Fri and the doc says the baby is doing just fine. I got to see her briefly on the u/s (no new pic though) and she looks so much bigger! She is super cute, but that head is starting to frighten me.

I also did the glucose test (yuck). The stuff didn''t taste bad, it just made me really queasy - it was the first time in my entire pg that I thought I''d puke.

re. measuring - I haven''t had my belly measured yet and I''m ~27wks. Is it really necessary? Should I bring it up to my doc on the next appt?

re. belly button - mine hasn''t popped out, but I think it will. It''s almost completely flat; just the tiniest indent in the center. My DH is strange and likes to poke at it. In his defense, it does feel funny since it''s super soft and the rest of my belly is rock hard.

re. feet - mine have already grown a 1/2 size (up to 9 now) and I''m praying that they don''t get any bigger. These big feet make me look like a duck (and the waddling sure doesn''t help any).
Tacori – Try not to worry about the GD test… I am sure you are fine! I forgot that you had asked about what to do for the test a while back in terms of fasting. I didn’t have to do anything… they just told me to avoid carbs and sugar before I came in, which I took to mean that morning. I actually got up and ate breakfast (hard boiled eggs) before I left for work, which I never do. I hope they come up with some laser treatment for stretch marks too… that would be awesome! I actually have some, but they aren’t from the baby. I got them from growing as a teenager, so I’ve had them forever. My mom saw them a few months ago and was freaked out… how she never noticed them until now, I have no clue. They are silvery like Chrono described.

Chrono – That’s what I was thinking about the fundus… different every time. I figure if they had any real concern they would have said something to me and they haven’t.

Sara – Welcome! I’m due the second. Funny that you guys caved on finding out. I think it is hard to pick stuff out without knowing the gender, there is just so much specific stuff and not enough neutral out there. I think Tacori is doing a fab job though! Just requires a little extra effort with a big reward at the end.

SB – Great pics! I love seeing the progress. Funny you mention the “odd shapes of pregnancy”… I have to giggle when I see the triangle shaped bellies. Those seem weird. I had a ‘B’ belly for a while and still do if I sit down wearing certain pants, its weird! I don’t think its odd they haven’t measured you, but I have read its one of those tried and true things to really know how big the baby is. Perhaps they will as you get closer. They have only measure me the last 4 or so times I’ve been in.

Ella – How is your DH doing? Did the surgery help? That is great that you got a healthy little boy and girl in there! I know that is a huge amount of relief. I still remember calling my mom and saying, “we have a healthy baby!” and she was like, yeah, yeah, AND???? Wanting to know what flavor we were getting. Too cute. Congrats! That is also great about your friend offering to throw a shower. I am sure she will be understanding about you not wanting to wait till November. How exciting. I just found out mine will be Sept 8th! So, so late… I will be 36 weeks… hope this kiddo doesn’t have a plan of his own!

Feet: Lord, I hope mine haven’t grown… I already wear an 11… I will really never ever find anything if they do! They seem a little wider, but I can live with that I think. I have yet to wear any real shoes like sneakers or pumps. Its been all slides and flip flops since the spring. Probably not a good thing.

So with my shower date set, I guess I need to register! Is everyone getting a travel system? I am thinking about skipping the big honkin stroller and just going for a light weight/umbrella stroller and possibly one of those snap and go things where you just put the car seat in it. Any thoughts? We dont have tons of storage space, DH has a small car, and if I was to spend $200 on a stroller, I would want it to be something I liked to use and wasnt a PITA.

EDD: 10.02.07
Date: 8/1/2007 2:51:14 PM
Author: njc
So with my shower date set, I guess I need to register! Is everyone getting a travel system? I am thinking about skipping the big honkin stroller and just going for a light weight/umbrella stroller and possibly one of those snap and go things where you just put the car seat in it. Any thoughts? We dont have tons of storage space, DH has a small car, and if I was to spend $200 on a stroller, I would want it to be something I liked to use and wasnt a PITA.

EDD: 10.02.07
I would suggest a newborn sling or something to carry the baby in then. The light weight/umbrella stroller types are for when the baby is older and able to sit up unsupported (about 8 months old). I have the snap and go car seat type (but it is part of the travel system), and believe me, it gets tiring on the arms carrying a baby AND the car seat together, then add the diaper bag to the mix. You''ll have no free hands left and it''ll be aching after walking a few steps.
Ella, yay to your shower!
You''ll have a great time. Wish I could come!

Stephens, I wish I was as good as you at taking all the belly shots. I do have some but most are not the bare belly which of course looks different than with a shirt on. I read that at this point the belly goes around a 1/2 inch a week
Not sure how I will be able to walk soon. Haha. Your doctor may not measure (some don''t). You could ask about it next visit.

Njc, we did get a travel system (chicco) from the inlaws. Two friends have the same one and love theirs. Plus we do a lot of traveling (to my parents, his) and I plan on walking it a lot so I did want a full size. Though storage is not an issue for us. Registering is fun but really overwhelming. I suggest someone goes with you (I took my mom) and ask lots of questions! They actually are very helpful at BRU.

So we went to a friend''s b-day party/dinner last night and one of the girls there used to be a L&D nurse. So of course we were talking lots about my pregnancy. She said I look exactly how I should for 28 weeks. She also claimed she could tell how the baby was laying by feeling. Not sure if she really could but it was cool to think about. She also said since I have had dreams about the baby being a girl 99% it is a girl (from her experience). Also said a woman''s L&D usually is similar to her mothers. Anyways, I found that all very interesting. We were all premature though. My mom already bought her flight but I guess it is better for her to miss the birth by the baby being early than being late (if that is true).

It''s tax free weekend here in NC so I think it is a good time to buy a cheap pair of tennis shoes (I can''t wear flip flops forever).
Thanks, guys!

Tacori, you''re invited

SB, I asked my dr. this morning about measuring the belly (he''s never actually measured mine other than with his eyes!), and he said that it''s not really all that useful. It''s not the size of the belly that matters, it''s how big the baby/babies inside it are, and measuring the outside of the belly isn''t really all that indicative of that (esp. with multiples b/c one baby could be really big while another could be really small, but you''d never know if you were just going by belly measurements). That''s his opinion at least -- I''m sure other drs. feel differently! And as for "She is super cute, but that head is starting to frighten me.
" -- haha, that cracked me up! In one of my books, it shows the different size heads of babies at different gestations and, uhh, yeah, that full-sized head is pretty darn big! It''s hard to imagine that coming out of ... that. I second your

njc, hubby is doing *fantastic* -- thanks for asking!!! My mom just had back surgery this morning (different from hubby''s), and I just pray that her recovery is as good and her surgery as beneficial as his was. He could be the posterchild for this doctor''s work -- what a miracle worker that guy is! And have a blast at your shower! Just be sure to have lots of help with toting all those cute gifts back home b/c at 36 weeks, I think you''ll need it!
I''m with you now and have to start thinking about what to register for, and I feel very overwhelmed by it all! I really do like reading what people register for before the baby comes and then what they''d do differently once they''ve had the baby -- those are useful things to know!

Diver, I can''t wait to see your maternity photos, woman!

Chrono, thanks for sharing all your advice! Good stuff to know about the crib sheets and the travel systems.
Ella, WHOO HOO! SO happy for you that everything is healthy and you are having a boy and a girl just like you wanted. How thrilling that you can just kick back and just let ''em grow happilly without major worries!

Jadeleaves, that Taggies thing is a great idea. My friend''s daughter who is now 6 was OBSESSED with the tag on her stuffed bunny. My friend had to buy 4 bunnies because the tags were wearing then. Apparently my friend''s daugther is VERY picky about the tags, so the Taggies blanket didn''t work for her, but to think we might have come up with the idea first (the blanket came out around the time my friend''s daughter showed fascination with tags). But we didn''t, so here are I am still a schmoe.

Tacori, sorry to hear about the stretch marks. Sometimes it''s no fun being a woman, eh? I''m only 6 weeks and am feeling pretty hormonal, so I can only imagine that it gets a bit worse. TGuy says I''m "holding it together" pretty well. I think he encourages me so I don''t fall apart, as he knows he will be a victim in the trail of destruction!

SB, I love the belly pics! They thrill me and make me nervous at the same time. It''s so weird to think that my body is going to stretch and grow!!
TGal, yeah, stretch marks suck. They aren''t too bad....yet
But there is not much that can be done. Having a baby is worth the decline of my body
I feel like I stayed emotionally calm for the most part. Sure, there are times when I hated DH for no reason, cried b/c of a song on the radio (if it has anything to do with being a parent), or was just plain irritated. I can''t for your first doctor''s appointment so you can offically have a due date! There are times when these 40 weeks seem to drag and other times they seem to fly by.

I am starting to nag DH about the nursery. I think we decided to forgo the paneling. Honestly I just want to get it done or at least started
before I reach 30 weeks. I WANT TO NEST!!!! Haha. Maybe I will go get paint samples today.

Ella, totally forgot to say congrats on having a healthy boy AND girl! (damn my mush brain) I am so glad the results came back good!
Ella twins are going to be perfect.
Hey pregnant gals! I'm still here, lurking. Aunt Flo visited, but only stayed for 2 days (and she always stays for at least 5 days, usually a full 7). It was my *first* 2 day period ever, so I was freaking out a little bit. I took two more pregnancy tests, both negative. Then, I headed to Planned Parenthood to take one of THEIR urine tests, and another negative.

Why is this happening now? Ugh.

Sorry to interrupt the fun! I'll go back to lurking and enjoying stories and belly shots (which are adorable by the way, stephensbride!
Date: 8/1/2007 10:28:14 PM
Author: EBree
Hey pregnant gals! I''m still here, lurking. Aunt Flo visited, but only stayed for 2 days (and she always stays for at least 5 days, usually a full 7). It was my *first* 2 day period ever, so I was freaking out a little bit. I took two more pregnancy tests, both negative. Then, I headed to Planned Parenthood to take one of THEIR urine tests, and another negative.

Why is this happening now? Ugh.

Sorry to interrupt the fun! I''ll go back to lurking and enjoying stories and belly shots (which are adorable by the way, stephensbride!
You''re not interrupting Ebree. I started this thread for all! I am hoping your time will come soon. Not sure why Aunt Flo had such a short visit. Time to see your Gyno, methinks.
Ebree, the WORST part of TTC is waiting to test. I tested too early on three occassions (yes I spent way too much money on HPTs
). You really need to wait a week to test again. The HcG needs to become concentrated enough in your urine to be detected. It could have been implantation bleeding if it was super light (which didn''t happen to me).
Hi! I''m back from the beach.....

Tacori: Well...bottle warmer...if you are breastfeeding, they are great for warming breastmilk. (can''t microwave breastmilk I guess) I just bought the cheap Munchkin brand. But once I switched to formula, I just nuked my bottle in the microwave. I know, I know....bad mom...whatever....but I mix my formula 40 oz at a time in a big pitcher & keep it in the fridge....and then I pour the amount I need in a bottle & nuke without the nipple on for 20 seconds to take the chill off & give my baby a mostly cool bottle. I just make sure I tip the bottle upside down a few times after screwing on the nipple to avoid having any hot formula in the bottle. I''ve heard of moms scalding kids tongues/mouths that way, but I did it so many times & like I said, I wasn''t trying to give him a warm bottle.....just take the edge off the chill. In fact, I switched him over to cold bottles out of the fridge by 11 months or so. I have a few friends who always gave their kids cold bottles to eliminate the issue altogether. Its a personal preference thing.

Avent Bottles SUCK. (leak all over..I like Playtex nursers w/dropins, or Dr. Browns) The sterilizer is great. Again, a sterilizer is a total 1st time mom buy. I agree that regular old soap works just fine. I gave mine to goodwill & won''t get another for this baby. Besides, I have a bottle/nipple dishwasher caddy thingie & just run my bottles in the dishwasher. I usually buy 10 bottles in each size, so I only have to run my dishwasher every other day & I ALWAYS have clean bottles without having to handwash them.

Slings/carriers: Again, totally personal. Keep your receipts. I have a Baby Bjorn & I bought it at a resale shop for $30. I used it, my friend used it, and now I''m using it again. Its the cute black one with silver too....but if I had to buy new, I''d splurge on the one with back support (Baby Bjorn Active).

For a brand new baby, I prefer a sling (especially if you are nursing) and Hotslings are my can nurse handsfree & discreetly & some babies who are criers prefer the feel of a sling for comfort & you get free hands. Plus, it makes a good hip carrier as they get older & is easier on the back than a Bjorn (in my opinion)

or you can get them cheaper on ebay. I got on in Sweetpea for $42 with shipping (a lot better than the $68 with shipping from the main website) from a seller who ONLY sells official "HOTSLINGS" returns & irregulars. Mine has a dot of color missing from one flower and its about the size of this: O
Can''t even tell...had to hunt for it, & the seller rocks....really explains what the irregularity is.

Again, a few folks said buying 2nd hand is smart & I could not agree more. YOu can wash most anything & they use so much of this stuff for so little time.

My absolute "must haves" were a swing (I like the small "take along" ones because they can go to gramma''s house easier)

A vibrating bouncer seat (you never know what your kid will like....again, save boxes & receipts in case your kid hates it -- you can return it.) Jake loved this one, and you can remove the "toybar" at the top when they are too little for that much stim...but once he was 2 months old, he just LOVED sitting in it and watching the fish go by....

Some moms like this one, but I noticed none of my friends used it very long...its better for wee beebees...whereas those of us with the aquarium one got more mileage out of it with our older kids (7months or so) But I have a friend who is lending me the papasan one, so I figured...why not? Can never have too much free stuff! LOL.

This is cool & I registered for it this time:

I loved this for my son he played on it until he started "cruising", but there are so many out there used..(ebay, craigslist) so you don''t have to buy it new.. most of it can go in the wash.

And of can never have too many cloth bibs, burp cloths, receiving blankets....

I just asked my husband what his "must have list" was & here is his contribution:

Medela Nipple Shields (don''t get the smalls...I did & wound up needing larger ones)

Boppy (I liked it for nursing & we both liked it for bottlefeeding..easier on the back)

Angel care Baby Monitor (sounds an alarm if they stop breathing for more than 20 seconds..I even used it in the pack-n-play bassinet for the 5 mos. he slept in our dh just cut a small board out of plywood to place the sensor on---it goes UNDER the mattress) It is also a regular sound monitor--it really helped with my SIDS fears.

Large receiving blankets so you can swaddle properly (NOT Gerber, we found Koala Baby brand was bigger)

Although, now they have "swaddle me" blankets, & I registered for a few of those in addition to the receiving blankets.

My son is STILL addicted to his version of has birds instead of fish, and not only has them moving in the unit, but it shines them up on the ceiling like a movie. He loves his birds.....I''ll try and find it, but I know you are doing a fishie theme, so here''s the link to the fish version.

Wow, they don''t make the Lullabye Birdies it is on ebay....its not even on Fisher Price''s site anymore. I like that it has the "movie" on the ceiling and is very are a bunch on ebay:

That should keep you busy for awhile...LOL.

As for my maternity pics this weekend...FUN! Shots downtown in a black dress & heels....

draped in white gauze by the river (and laying down in the river)

She''s got 2 or 3 weddings to proof/edit...her turnaround time is 4 to 6 weeks....and since I am a "free" friend client..LOL....she''ll get them to me when she gets them to me. But I got to preview some on her camera & they looked so nice.

Ok..I''ll catch up more later!! I''m sick & don''t feel well. I''ve had the runs (sorry TMI) since Thurs & my OB has me coming in tomorrow. I was supposed to go in Monday if it didn''t go away, but it did...and now its back. I used my doppler & baby girls heartbeat is a strong 155 bpm like it always is, so she''s just fine....I just hate being makes me NERVOUS.
Date: 8/1/2007 2:51:14 PM
Author: njc

so with my shower date set, I guess I need to register! Is everyone getting a travel system? I am thinking about skipping the big honkin stroller and just going for a light weight/umbrella stroller and possibly one of those snap and go things where you just put the car seat in it. Any thoughts? We dont have tons of storage space, DH has a small car, and if I was to spend $200 on a stroller, I would want it to be something I liked to use and wasnt a PITA.

EDD: 10.02.07
I have a MacLaren Triumph umbrella & I like it a lot. Not a lot of storage space, but dang if she ain''t nimble & very city friendly. Of course, for the first 5 to 7 months you''ll be using that funky carseat basket thing most likely & you can totally go with a "snap & go" for little money & little space. I think that''s a great idea. I had the Graco Metrolite Travel System which I liked because the stroller is light, the basket under is huge & the seat reclines completely which is nice the first year (the maclaren does not recline). And it has cupholders. I bought a snapon cupholder for my Maclaren & that works great. I got the maclaren when we flew to mexico last year with Jake, & it flies well. (folds up uber small, weighs nothing..made well).

my .02.

feet: mine haven''t grown yet..(knock on wood) but I made it through the last one ok.

I just get that dang MASK OF PREGNANCY. I''ll take a scary pic with no makeup. Its lovely I tell you & mine didn''t fade like the books said it would, so I have to get it lasered off...(can we say expensive?) I tried prescription fade creams with no luck after Jake was 1.... I''ve noticed its worsened with this pregnancy even though I am a SLAVE to facial suncreen, my BIG floppy hat & my face has NO sun on it.
Date: 7/31/2007 3:00:13 PM
Author: Chrono
The fitted sheet really isn''t needed but I put it on anyway.

To the rest,
The belly measurement can vary from week to week. Sometimes the baby will have a growth spurt, or it (he/she) may be lying in a funky position, etc. I would not be worried unless the baby is consistently measuring very large at most of the appointments. I measured just right, but popped out a 9 pound linebacker who continues to be in the 90th percentile for both weight and height!

I too thought I escaped stretch marks because I didn''t have any for the longest time. Well, a few appeared during the last 2 weeks in spite of all the lotioning with vitamin E oil. Oh well. At least they were low and not the angry red colour. They faded after a few months to a silvery colour that sort of blends in with my skin tone. My badge of motherhood, I suppose.
Yeah, I don''t give much credence to belly measurements...I measured 3 weeks ahead & was told I''d have a BIG BABY. Well Jake popped out a 6.5lb feather who was then and is now 9th %tile for weight, 5th %tile for head, and 85th %tile for height to this day. Skinny stringbean. I think they are looking for something way measuring WAY too far ahead or behind. (Interuterine growth restrictions, or hydropoly-something or another--where there is too much amniotic fluid)

For what its worth, I''m measuring right on with Delaney...31 at 31 weeks...and my feeling is she''ll be quite larger than her bro. We''ll see come September if my hunch is right.
I just wanted to mention as someone else said that I never really warmed a bottle. My oldest was on nutramigen and when he was a baby I got these glass bottles that were sterile and did not need refrigeration, and I could put a clean clear nuk nipple right on top. They were room temp and I never warmed them, made it easier when we were out and could not get to a warmer. (I was always wary of allowing restaurants to warm them in micros so I would get a glass of boiling water and stick a bottle in which was not great). I then bought the formula in the pull top cans, again not needing to be in the fridge if they were not open. I would scrub the tops at home, and then just pour one into the Avent bottle, and it really worked out well. He never got used to it warm, just room temp, and it made life easier on the go.
Date: 8/2/2007 1:08:35 AM
Author: divergrrl
In fact, I switched him over to cold bottles out of the fridge by 11 months or so. I have a few friends who always gave their kids cold bottles to eliminate the issue altogether. Its a personal preference thing.
I too made my oldest son drink cool breastmilk when he was about 1 year old. I started slowly from warm, to lukewarm to cool, but never cold.

My absolute ''must haves'' were a swing (I like the small ''take along'' ones because they can go to gramma''s house easier)
Never used a swing though.

A vibrating bouncer seat (you never know what your kid will like....again, save boxes & receipts in case your kid hates it -- you can return it.) Jake loved this one, and you can remove the ''toybar'' at the top when they are too little for that much stim...but once he was 2 months old, he just LOVED sitting in it and watching the fish go by....
Both my sons LOVED the Fisher Price aquarium vibrating bouncer seat. It kept them busy enough for me to get ready for work in the mornings.
OK, I think I finally read through all the latest stuff! I love that this thread gets so much action, it''s really a great support system!

So I''m back at work and yes, I''m on Pricescope! It''s definitely hard to concentrate but luckily Lily is right downstairs in daycare and I can go see her whenever I want. She seems to be doing really well there. They do lots of neat stuff, even with an infant. Yesterday she had some blue paint on her toes because she helped paint a mural with the other kids! It''s very cute. I like that she''s being constantly stimulated and hopefully she''ll learn some good social skills like sharing. So far so good. I''m not thrilled to be back in the office although it does give my life a bit more of a routine which is good. I do love my job though--I work in the film industry for a mini-major studio. I get movies booked into theatres and I really enjoy what I do because there''s a lot of social interaction with a variety of different "characters" in the business. And I''m bringing home a paycheck which we can''t live without so for now, I''m a working mom.

Lily is doing great! She''s really thriving and growing like a weed!!! She sleeps 7-8 hours/night which is FANTASTIC!!! I''m up more than she is just to check on her. Do you ever get past that "is she breathing?" stage?!?! We just moved her out of our bedroom and into her little corner of our living room. She''s in the pack n play bassinet. She doesn''t seem to care at all, I''m the only one that''s really affected by it because even though we have a monitor, I''m still paranoid!

Just wanted to chime in on the necessities since it''s all so fresh for me! I know every child is different so I think a lot of it is trial and error.

Swing - we received the FP Papasan swing as a gift. Honestly, she didn''t need it so we returned it unopened. We figured if she could live without it, we wouldn''t even try it out--one less thing to clutter up the place!

Bouncy seat - we have the FP Soothing Motions Glider. She likes to sit in it and actually slept in it for the first few weeks but she doesn''t love the motion part of it. She''ll tolerate it but she prefers to just have it stationary. We also have a Graco bouncy seat that was a hand me down from my sister in law. It''s portable so we took it to grandma''s house. Again, she''ll sit in it but doesn''t love the vibration.

Stroller - we had to get the Bugaboo because we are city people without a car. It''s our main mode of transportation and while it was our biggest splurge, so far it''s worth every penny. It has a bassinet so you can use it during the infant stage and then you can turn it into a regular seat. Good storage underneath. Great for city streets and sidewalks. Love it. My mother wants to buy a stroller to keep at her house so we''re thinking of getting a Maclaren--they''re quite good and well priced.

Swaddling Blankets - we love the Miracle Blanket. It''s great for our daughter who is like Houdini--she can get out of regular swaddles. We also really like the Swaddle Me. It has velcro so it''s easy to use. We''re still swaddling her at night and it helps her sleep.

Pack n Play - a must have in my opinion!!! It''s great for us apartment dwellers. We got one with all the bells and whistles--bassinet and changing table. It''s great, such an awesome multipurpose device. And so portable. Great for those trips to grandma''s!

Bottles - we use the Playtex Ventaire. They are really quite good at reducing the gas. My pediatrician recommended them and if they''re good enough for her, they''re good enough for me. We tried the other ones with drop ins but didn''t love them. And really disliked Avent. They leaked and just bugged me!

Bottle warmer - nope! We don''t have one. I didn''t want her to get used to the idea of warm bottles! She initally had no problem taking one right from the fridge but both grandmothers berated me for it and said it''s not good for her tummy. So room temperature works for her now but she''s getting spoiled at daycare where they warm them up!

Wipes warmer - haven''t used it yet but I got one at my shower. Maybe we''ll try it out in the winter or it may end up being regifted!

Carseat - Graco Snugride. It''s really the safest one from all the research that we''ve done and comes in many different colors/styles for a good price.

Boppy - another must have. It''s great for many uses, including tummy time!

Pacifiers - she likes the NUK orthodontic silicone ones. Since she''s found her hands, she''s not addicted to the pacifier but it''s good to keep a few around.

Bumbo seat - we LOVE this!!! It''s a super cute soft seat that is great for them to use when they can hold their heads up. We actually think it has improved her head control since we started using it.

Bath supplies - we are just bathing her in the kitchen sink now. We got this big bear shaped sponge thing from BRU to put at the bottom. She LOVES the bath. The important stuff is the products. I will swear by the Johnson''s nightime bath line. We use the the nighttime bath stuff in the water, the moisture wash and the lotion after the bath. It''s all lavender scented and it''s supposed to help them sleep. She gets a bath every night and we use these products and they seem to work to relax and soothe her. Plus, she smells great!

Of course, you need diapers (we like Pampers Swaddlers), wipes (Huggies, Pampers or Costco brand), onesies, bibs, etc. Phew, I just went on and on! If I think of other stuff, I''ll let you all know.

Just wanted to say congratulations to all of you again. I''m totally missing being pregnant so it''s wonderful to re-live it through you guys! Enjoy it, it goes by sooooo fast!
Here''s a recent photo of little Lily on her first day of daycare! I get to dress her up in all her cute clothes for "school''!

Oh Curly, Lily is soooo pretty!! Love her dress. I''m so glad to hear she''s doing well and growing like a weed!! It must be so great to have her downstairs from your job!!