
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

I had such a good day today! The GD test was really easy (I get the results tomorrow). The doctor said my weight looked good
I didn''t press the issue
He is laid back though (more than the other doc I saw) so I doubt he would have said anything unless my weight was dangerous. For some reason I think I only gained a few lbs in 5 weeks so my weight seems to be slowing down a bit (thank goodness!) Blood pressure nice and low and I measured a week small. Fine by me. I am so scared of having a 10+ lber (b/c of DH) I am HAPPY I am not measuring large. HB 145. Plus now I go every two weeks which means we are getting closer.

I stoped to get a few biscuits after my test b/c I was hungry and the guy gave them to me for free
AND I got a check from a client I NEVER thought I would see. Ha! What a great day! How is everyone else''s day going?
Glad to hear you are had such a great day Tacori! Put a smile on my face.

I''m fighting off this queasiness as best as I can. Trying to eat, but don''t feel like anything. I''m under the suspicion that the PreNate causes this, as I am OK in the mornings but icky in the afternoons. I take the vitamin during lunch. Starting from tomorrow, I am going to take it with dinner to see if that helps. At least I am now throwing up yet, although I am fighting the urge.

I have a business trip up to Napa this I get to have fun turning down all the wine I would have loved to try.
And because I don''t know the next time I will see my boss, I will let him know about the pregnancy this week. It''s not something I want to do over the phone. I have a plan of action drawn up for my maternity leave so I don''t think he will have much to worry about.

I''m going to find something to choke down for dinner and then try to go for a walk!
Tgal sorry to hear you aren''t feeling well. I lived on gingerale and saltines my first trimester. They were the only things that tasted good. I only threw up once but that icky feeling still sucks! I take my vitamin right before bed. Try that. And remember this WILL PASS! I promise!!!!!!!!!! I started feeling bad around the time you are at and felt relief around 13 weeks.
Good luck with the GD results, Tacori! Glad to hear it went so well. This was the one-hour test?

Hope you feel better, TGal! Maybe it''s worth trying a different prenatal to see if that makes the queasiness go away? I didn''t have any morning sickness (I was *very* lucky), but I''d second Tacori''s saltines and ginger ale diet -- that is usually all I can stomach when I don''t feel well. That and Jello
Thanks ladies! I went to trader joe''s and bought some crackers. If this is the worst the morning sickness gets, I''ll consider myself very lucky.

I do think it''s the vitamin, so we''ll see tomorrow when I don''t take it until evening. I feel much better now...sometimes getting up and moving is the best thing. When I was at TJs, I found some things that looked appetizing so that is good. I just had a salad and some watermelon and will have a small bit of pork and a little white potato later on for dinner.

And Tacori, I''ll add my luck to the GD test results for ya, but it seems like everything is going great for you!
Lol, I took my childbirth class when I was like 6 months along and everyone in the class was like 9 months pregnant and huge! The instruction had us go around the room at the beginning of class and say our names, if we knew the sex of the baby, and when our due dates were. When they got to me and I said my due date, everyone looked at me like "why are you here now?"
What can I say - I like to be prepared!!

The breastfeeding class was good too - although the one I went to was a little too "tree hugger" for my taste. The instructor spent a good 15 minutes going on and on about how EVERY woman can breastfeed (something that is actually not true - it''s rare, but there are women whose milk doesn''t come in or sometimes medical reasons get in the way), how bottles are evil and how you should breastfeed at least a year, if not longer. I understand the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends a year - but I think beyond that is unnecessary. IMO, I think it''s a little when when I see 2 year olds hanging from mommy''s boob. If they are old enough to ask for your boob, they need to be weaned, IMO. I breastfed for only 6 weeks. The first 3 weeks were great - Ashlyn took to the breast like a champ. But once her reflux kicked in, she started clawing at my chest, arching her back and getting panicky during feedings - a common symptom of reflux that, unfortunately, doesn''t really improve. It just became too frustrating for both of us, so we switched to formula. Lucky for me, she made the transition wonderfully. For those of you going to breastfeed - Lanolin is your best friend!! Seriously, you need to slather this on after EVERY feeding to prevent dry, cracked nipples and pain!

Tgal - Ha! I used to think Iraq was the hardest thing I had done! Motherhood is actually harder, if you can imagine that! But MUCH more enjoyable than living in a tent in the desert!
Date: 8/6/2007 10:22:54 PM
Author: IrishEyes

Tgal - Ha! I used to think Iraq was the hardest thing I had done! Motherhood is actually harder, if you can imagine that! But MUCH more enjoyable than living in a tent in the desert!
Uh...saying that motherhood is better than living in a tent in the desert is not making me feel better about the whole thing. Actually, kind of the opposite...
Thanks Ella and Tgal! Yes, it was the one hour test. I have my fingers crossed. I over heard a lady who was 14 weeks tell the lab tech she is STILL throwing up. She said she lost 18 lbs

My friend said she really wants to throw me a shower here so it looks like I have one more to go! After that I will really know what else I need (right now it is a lot of small stuff). BRU is offering free wipes (3 refills packs) when you buy a box of diapers in case anyone is looking to stock up! I went ahead and bought a box of the pampers newborn swaddlers. I picked the "sensitive" wipes. Anyone have any info on those?
Tacori, I am with you on the periods. I got mine about age 11 and literally would be curled in a ball ill and crying, missing school, on annaprox and a hot water bottle on my stomach and low back. I almost felt like it was a hemmorage sometimes. I think they insisted I go on BC very young, around 13 or 14 too, because I was incapcitated.

I have had some cysts, some of them are sort of normal in your cycle and sort of reabsorb or something based on hormone levels. But I honestly think I have polycystic ovary disease now, if it is possible to not have it and then have it. I have the most awful pain in ovary all the time, and my periods are even worse now. I heard after childbirth they can slow or ease but mine are now totally irregular and worse than ever, so I get it every 21 days and have some really bad days.

I am thrilled you were able to conceive since some things like fibroids can cause issues.
Date: 8/6/2007 10:32:43 PM
Author: diamondfan
Tacori, I am with you on the periods. I got mine about age 11 and literally would be curled in a ball ill and crying, missing school, on annaprox and a hot water bottle on my stomach and low back. I almost felt like it was a hemmorage sometimes. I think they insisted I go on BC very young, around 13 or 14 too, because I was incapcitated.

I have had some cysts, some of them are sort of normal in your cycle and sort of reabsorb or something based on hormone levels. But I honestly think I have polycystic ovary disease now, if it is possible to not have it and then have it. I have the most awful pain in ovary all the time, and my periods are even worse now. I heard after childbirth they can slow or ease but mine are now totally irregular and worse than ever, so I get it every 21 days and have some really bad days.

I am thrilled you were able to conceive since some things like fibroids can cause issues.

I was a late bloomer and didn''t get my first period until 14 (the first day of highschool actually
) so I only dealt with the really bad periods for 9 months or so. Then I had my first cyst and they put me on the pill basically the next day. I had really good luck when I was on seasonale and went over a year without a cyst (erupting at least). If you are on the pill I would suggest switching to that since you only have your period 4 times a year. Had you spoken to your doctor about your concerns? There MUST be something that can be done to improve the pain/problem. Maybe go to a specialist? Regardless I am so sorry to hear this and hope something causes them to ease up soon!
I actually had a tubal ligation since my gyn was against a woman of my age being on the pill even though I do not smoke and never have. I was 36 at the time, am 41 now. I am in the process of checking all things out and just cannot deal with this constant stabbing aching pain in my left groin. It is really like a water torture, it is always there and I am getting so tired of it, and tired of no one getting it!

But enough of my thread jacking, let''s talk about babies which are such a happy subject!
Tacori - I use the sensitive wipes with Ashlyn, I love them! IMO, the other wipes likes huggies and such are too drying and cause redness on her bottom and "girl" parts, even though they are alcohol-free. I highly recommend the sensitive wipes
Date: 8/6/2007 11:19:17 PM
Author: IrishEyes
Tacori - I use the sensitive wipes with Ashlyn, I love them! IMO, the other wipes likes huggies and such are too drying and cause redness on her bottom and ''girl'' parts, even though they are alcohol-free. I highly recommend the sensitive wipes

Okay good irish! Since I have 3 refill backs, the regular carton AND bought the travel size I am glad it is good stuff. I am assuming they will be okay for the next 3 months if unopened....right? At least I am good on diapers and wipes....for now.

DF, hopefully your doctor can help you soon!
So, has anyone here considered doing this whole thing without an epidural? I don''t want to start a heated debate (I''ve read a few on some Internet forums) but I''m curious. I''m not afraid of pain so I am pretty curious what all this is about. However I am not opposed to having an epidural at all. I''m definitely no "tree hugger".

Since I have had 3 kids already I have opinions on both. My first 2 I had the epidural and I don''t think I would have made it if I didn''t have it with my first. He came 16 days late and didn''t want to come out. Tore me big time where I had to have reconstructive surgery to get things back to how they were before. 2nd one I had it because I figured since I had it before I would just do it again. Labor was much better and it just took the pain away. 3rd I planned on trying without and even told the nurse if I ask for one give me 20 min and let me ask again (she listened) Alyssa was a month early and my water broke. Didn''t have contractions at first but by 7:30am I could feel a small pull nothing bad by 9 they were a little worse and I figured I would just ask for one and the lady listened to me and didn''t call the guy. By 9:30 they started to hurt a little more so she said she would call him. He got there around 9:45 and started talking to me and wanted me to sign a form. I remember telling him to hold on a second so I could get through that contraction and I felt like pushing. Less then 2 min later without the dr and only a nurse and epi guy she was born. Quick labor and not as painful as I thought. With this one I want to try it without again. But we will see I don''t like pain that much so will prob end up with one.
I like Emmerson, you could call her Emme. But it is Teri Hatcher''s daughter''s name and stereo equipment, so just think, because those things pop into my head. I like Sutton too, and I like Charlotte. Alyssa and Nathan are lovely as is Addison, which is a bit more unusual. What do you think you are leaning towards? Grace was my grandmother''s name and I think it is a great middle name. Do you like Mikayla? That is another one that is used a lot but I like it. I also like Kara, or Cara, it means gift from God I think, and I like Kira too.

Thanks Diamondfan... I was thinking the Emme with Emmerson just because of the other 2 girls. Addison was not popular back in the late 90s but I read it in a book when I first got pregnant with Nathan and fell in love. Now I am hearing it all over the place. I think we are leaning towards Audrey Grace. Don''t know why but it just sounds classic. My neighbor''s daughter is Kara and I went through the kids yearbooks looking at popular names didn''t see 1 Audrey.
Glad you had a wonderful day.

I hope your morning sickness will be mild and pass quickly. Mine were very bad up to around 16 weeks. Even saltines and gingerale were offered to the porcelain gods on a regular basis. Hang in there.
T-Gal: The best thing about birthing today is that there are sooo many options for moms. As for epidural vs. natural, the only advice that I think is even helpful to anyone is "be prepared to go with the flow". You have no idea how labor will feel for YOU. I mean, heck, you might have a labor that progresses evenly enough that managing contractions without pain meds is very doable. Or you might have contractions that are right on top of each other so bad that you are so debilitated you can''t even see straight.

OR: You could have an epidural & not have it take. And be in a situation where your left side is numb, (or like my friend Kelly....her ribcage & thighs, but NOT the parts that mattered) and you were hoping for pain relief but are not getting it. Or you might be enjoying your epidural only to have them let it "wear off so you can feel to push" (I fought that one....and won, but OMG...when you get your epidural at 2cm & it wears off at 9cm...let me tell you...the DIFFERENCE between those two levels of contractions are night and day)

So what I''m trying to say is, no matter what kind of birth you are focused on....don''t have a "real" birth plan (in my experience, and all the l&d nurses at my hospital were talking about this--the more elaborate the birth plan, the worse experience for the mom--because you generally set yourself up for disappointment by being too rigid & really...that baby is the one who''s in charge) other than an idea of what you''d like & then the willingness to accept that childbirth is unpredictable and be ready to change your course on a dime & be OK with that.

But the best part is that there''s a really cute prize at the end!

Oh I have to say, my childbirth class was a total waste of $80 and 5 Friday nights. I had to physically restrain DH from throwing things at the doula''s head. She was HORRIBLE. All the videos she showed were of women in Brazil squatting to deliver, OR clips from Birthday on Discovery Health Channel. She couldn''t control our class & there were 3 or 4 couples who asked the stupidest questions (dh had to physically restrain ME from throwing things at their heads) "do I look anemic to you?" "does my pelvis look small to you?" IDIOTS!

We spent 1 hour on breathing & visualization techniques. I got more information from BirthDay & from my pregnancy books. I asked my doc when to head to the hospital & that was it.

My breastfeeding class was great, but my Lactation Consultant also preached the "bottles are poison" line & really ticked me off after I''d been bfing a few months. Truth of the matter is, some women can''t breastfeed. I spent EVERY OTHER DAY at my hospitals lactation clinic & my son just could not latch right, even with their team of doulas & LC''s monitoring our every move. My son kept losing weight, his jaundice was getting horrible, and my pediatrician & OB DEMANDED that I supplement or he be admitted to the hospital. The LC''s kept saying to ignore them, my body would produce.

YEAH RIGHT. I never produced much milk. An ounce maybe...(they''d weigh him, have me nurse & then weigh again) so then they had me pump for a half hour after every feed. (You have to nurse every 2 hours--and you time that from the START of one feed to the start of the for example, I''d feed him at 6pm, he''d feed until 6:30 or 6:40, then I''d have to pump until 7:10 or so, then I''d have to handwash all my pump parts & grab a bite to eat, change his diaper, pee or whatever & then I''d have maybe 20 minutes to rest before starting again. It SUCKED. And the worst part was, I wanted it so bad. I tried all the herbs to help my supply, to no avail. The supplemental "pumping" (and i had a killer pump) never increased my supply either like it was supposed to. My ped finally sat me down & put his hands on my shoulders & said I was killing myself & on the road to getting very sick. He suggested just nursing as much as I could comfortably & supplementing with formula the rest of the time. When I finally weaned Jake at 9 weeks, I sobbed for days on end. Those stupid evil LC''s made me feel like a horrible mother.

And when I finally was having my last meltdown at 9 weeks because his latch was killing me & I was heartbroken & needed support, I called one of them, who said to me "what is you expect us to do for you? Your son''s latch is wrong & nothing we''ve done has fixed it, so I don''t know what you want from me". I was horrified. (his latch issue was: He couldn''t keep his lower lip out. They tell you the "fix" for this is to pull it out, but with EVERY SINGLE SUCK he''d flip it back in, so you could theoretically pull it out a million times in one feeding & he''d be so busy fighting you that he wouldn''t suck anymore---he confounded ALL the LCs at the clinic)

Oh...add a bout of mastitits to all that fun at 6 weeks (a pain and hell far worse than labor IMO) that I even nursed/pumped through.

So guess who''s going STRAIGHT to the bottle when this baby is born? My baby girl! I refuse to even futz with nursing for one second. My husband travels all week, & I don''t see how spending 90% of my time dinking around with breastfeeding will help me care for my toddler son as well. I don''t have the help I had last time (my mom disappeared & my SIL can''t make it out) I''ve had a few friends who''ve gone this route with #2 and they swear life is SO MUCH EASIER.

Funny, when I put my son on formula, he gained weight & became very happy. He''s smart too...scary smart really, loving, and never got sick his first year. So much for formula being poision. Its just fine. Almost as good as breastmilk. If breastmilk is 100% the best thing for baby, then in my experience, formula is 99%. That''s the difference I see. I support any mom in breastfeeding, but I also support any mom in formula feeding. I think there is a lot of propaganda/hype that makes moms feel less than worthy if they don''t follow the party line of the moment. Shoot, as long as you love & care for that child, it doesn''t matter how you feed them, as long as they get fed.

I didn''t take any new baby classes, because I am 6 years older than my brother & remember helping my mom care for him, and add to that babysitting endless babies as a teen, and then having a few girlfriends have newborns & helping out...I have always been comfortable with newborns. My DH picked up on baby care after the first 24 hours & was a diaper changing champ in no time. He''s been a very hands on dad the whole time & takes great care of Jakey.

I would have much rather taken Infant/Child CPR, because that would have been helpful, but my other classes conflicted & it filled up. I''m taking it this time, I have to renew my adult CPR & its an extra $10 to tack on the infant/child part. Since I''ve been CPR certified for most of my adult life, I just had my mom give me the infant/child instructions (she''s a nurse) since I am familiar with CPR, it was easy to figure out what to do.

Wow, I''m wordy...I feel so nauseated I''m chillin'' on the sofa...its raining ---- again...grrrr..I just wanna play outside with my lil'' man in my pool. Dangit!
Hey! I have some maternity shots from my shoot...these are at hte river 3 blocks from my house...


I think these are so wonderful, I hope they aren''t too racy for anyone, I apologize & will remove them if they are...but I just think they are so special.

last one....

Diver, you hot mama, you!!! You look gorgeous! LOVE the one of you on the beach with "Delaney" written out - love it, love it, love it. Another friend of mine just showed me some of hers too, and I am just SO anxious to get mine/ours done! Guess I gotta wait till I look a little more ready-to-pop-out-some-babies though, eh?

After talking to my doctor and reading in forums and blah blah blah, I think I''m just going to go with the August class. I don''t feel comfortable with going as late as October (in case, egads, I''m on bedrest or just flat-out too uncomfortable to go sit for three hours), and I hate the idea of spending our anniversary there. If it were anything other than our FIRST anniversary, I could do it, but this one is just too special to spend with a bunch of strangers and doing/watching God-knows-what! Yeah, I feel like I should take the multiples childbirth class (though actually that''s the one I care least about -- what''s gonna happen is gonna happen regardless of my knowledge of it beforehand), the multiples childcare class, the breastfeeding class (also got the name of a LC who lives in my town who is supposed to be fantastic), and the infant CPR class. Between all those classes, when will I find time to do anything else?! Jeez. I suppose the "a baby is a 24-hour job" reality starts kicking in even before the baby/babies are born, huh?
Diver – Yea, I know my shower is late. As I said before, I had lots of offers, but no action until recently. My brother deciding he wanted to plan a big wedding 3 months plus my parents and DHs parents taking practically month long trips in July kind of screwed everything up. Oh well. Nothing I can do about it now! Cross my legs and keep little guy in!?

I love the pics! Wow… how awesome to have a friend that can take pics like that. Lord, I am sorry for all the girls in the neighborhood when DS grows up… yowzer he is a cutie! I think my fav is the one with your hand on your sons head and you in the sand with Delany''s name.

Second Chance – Congrats on your healthy baby girl! That is awesome you got a 3D/4D scan. I think those are SO cool.

Tgal – I’m going to do NCB… or at least attempt it! I too am not afraid of saying I need an epi, but I would like to give it a go. I have NO desire to ever run a marathon, but I share your curiosity about NCB. I have read a lot about interventions and their effects on labor. Interesting stuff. I recently started doing HypnoBabies using the home study course… its pretty cool and I think it will be a great help. I can already tell the “brain washing” (as DH likes to call it) is working. I’m not judgmental at all though… we are all different and get to make our own choices which I think is great! And like Diver and others mentioned, I think having the open mind and being prepared for whatever is really the best you can do.

Ella – So happy to hear your DH is doing great after his surgery! Now I hope your mom is having just as much success.
Yes, the baby is dictating a lot in our life right now... its crazy!

SO we got all the trim up in the baby’s room this weekend and all that is left is filling in the nail holes and touch-up painting, which we hope to get done by Friday since my neice and nephew are coming for one last weekend with us! Will be so excited to have a room and cant wait to share pics, although we still need a crib! 8 weeks and counting…

Oh, and Tacori, someone posted these pics of their nursery and they are using your splash bedding too. The color is horrible on the pics, but they said its the color of the bedding. Think its a cool idea!

DIVER!!! You look absolutely STUNNING!!! You really are one hot mama! Gorgeous photos, I am in love with them! And I might have a secret girl crush on you!

Regarding breastfeeding, I''m right there with you. No flames please but I didn''t do it AT ALL. It''s a very personal decision and I am very happy with it. I think I subconsciously skipped the class because I knew all along that I didn''t want to do it. I was a formula baby and I turned out great! I give women a ton of credit for choosing to nurse and sticking with it through thick and thin but in all honesty, I was very turned off by the attitude I received from so many women who tried to convince me that I would be harming my daughter by feeding her the evil formula. I''ve seen my friends struggle with nursing and then CRY and feel horrible guilt when they absolutely had no choice but to supplement. And I just didn''t want to go through it. I thought I might try it and then if it didn''t work for me I wouldn''t have any qualms about going to formula but I realized that if my heart wasn''t really into it, I wouldn''t give it much effort so what''s the point, right?! Thankfully nobody gave me a hard time at the hospital and my doctor and Lily''s pediatrician have no problem with it. They encourage BFing but in the end, it''s my choice and formula is a great alternative. My daughter is chubby and happy! She is very advanced for her age and sleeps really well. I was really upset to hear that our fabulous mayor here in NYC is banning the formula companies from giving out free samples in our hospitals in order to encourage breastfeeding. Hey man, it''s my body, I can do whatever I want with it! Anyway, I don''t want to start a heated debate. Just adding my 2 cents on the subject. For me, the important thing is that we feed our babies, I don''t really care how it''s done!
diver, beautiful pics. I never did any frame worthy pregnancy pics with my first two. If we have a 3rd I''m going to do something like that. my aunt had pro shots done when she was preggo and she had them framed and hung on the wall in the nursury. you look beautiful....
curly, i totally agree with you on breastfeeding. I think it''s up to each woman to do what is best for her without any pressure of anything being right or wrong. I was a formula baby too and I turned out just fine. I think this thread is a safe enough place and opinions can be shared without judgement and the acceptance that everyone is different. no flaming allowed in this thread
Curly - are you freakin'' kidding me?! Your mayor bans the handing out of formula coupons in hospitals so as to encourage breastfeeding?!!
Good God, I am so SICK of our governments stepping in a making laws that are supposedly to "protect" us, but really stripping us of our constitutional rights to choose what is best for us!!! Higher taxes for smokers, healthier oil to cook fries in at McDonalds,etc,etc, the list goes on and on. It''s freakin'' ridiculous! You are exactly right - while all doctors agree that "breast is best", formula is a VERY close second these days. You know, formula is dang expensive and not all of us are made of money. and the healthcare system in this country is a joke - don''t even get me started on that. So what are you to do when you are a low-income woman, perhaps even without health insurance who has just delivered a child and CHOOSES to formula feed? She''s facing a $20,000 hospital bill (at least) and can''t even get a flippin'' coupon for $7 off some formula?!

That makes me sick, it really does. I am so tired of these overly-liberal, tree-huggin'' "do-gooders" stepping in and making laws based off of their opinions on how we as individual Americans should live our lives.

Yeah. So glad I went to Iraq and fought for this country. I see it''s doing alot of good. Yuk.

alright. done complaining. back to happy discussions on babies!
Curly: I doubt anyone here would flame you, this is too nice of a forum. (PS as a whole). I think we all respect each other, but IRL, I am surprised, especially in the very progressive/treehuggin'' city I live in that the tolerance level towards women who choose obstetricians over midwives, and formula over breast feeding is downright hostile. I felt I had to apologize for weaning my son & I was so (still am) defensive about it. It''s part of why I am "loud and proud" about bottle feeding this time. I am a loving mother who wants the best for her children, so I''m speaking up so other mothers don''t fall into the same guilt trap that ate me alive last time. To each their own, and that''s just fine. We can all co-exist without judging each other.

Thanks for the picuture compliments ladies! Curly, you almost made me spit out my ginger ale I laughed so hard at your girl crush comment! You loon!

I cried when I saw those this morning. I hated any and all pics of me pregnant with Jake and this time. I saw these & was thinking "wow! I love how I look pregnant with my daughter..not bad for turning 37 next month!!!" Its so nice to have something to commemorate my pregnancy with. I hope my daughter loves them someday. There are tons more. She took a bunch at the house & in downtown etc...but like I said, I''m not a paying client, so she''s got to finish editing her weddings etc......but she tossed me a few to keep my impatient self happy!
But these were my favorites during hte shoot...we had such nice weather.

TGal: sorry to hear you are on the m/s train...I hated that. Def. try taking your prenatal at dinner or before bed. That helped me with my progesterone supplements I had to take (they made me dizzy) during my 1st tri. Wow...7 weeks...seems like so long ago! I hope your m/s passes soon. {{hug}}

IrishEyes: You were in Iraq? When? Desert Storm or this war? As a soldier? Doing what? LOL...sorry....but I''ve never met a female soldier who was over there yet, so I''m intrigued, you bad a$$ you...LOL. Watch, you are a fighter pilot. LOL. So now you are a GIA professional? Sorry, I can''t keep everyone straight.

NJC: cross my legs and keep the little guy in....ROTFLMAO. That''s funneee... as for my son, the future heartbreaker..he''s partial to brunettes & extremely fond of darker/exotic looking women. We were at a play date y''day & he fell in love with a latina mom & her daughter. And he''s so bad too....he can tell spanish from english (my dad is fluent---I''m alright...used to be better) he walks over to her and says "hola, soy Jake" . Oh lord. I''m in trouble, little Cassanova.

Nurseries: OK...I''m flippin out here cuz ours isn''t done, which is stupid since she won''t even sleep up there for a good 3 or 4 months. (i''m not ready to take Jake out of his crib--which will go to her, but in the mean time she''ll sleep in my room in the packnplay)..but dh had to paint the wood beam ceiling with primer, plug/caulk any holes, do the same to the built ins, still has to paint her door (dark wood again), he did get the walls done, but he ripped off all the baseboards, window trim, and took out the light fixture, so there is still a lot of work left, & I can''t help because I can''t be around the oil based primers for the wood. But its coming along nicely. Its just a lot of work. He''s actually remodeling it.

Getting ready to have baby: So the day after my friend came home from the hospital last summer, she called me sobbing that she had nothing done. They had painted the nursery, gotten that done, but she hadn''t washed her son''s clothes yet, or set up his swings, stroller, pack n play or unpacked ANY of her shower gifts from the 2 months earlier. So I went over & did all that for her. Granted, she works full time, but she''s the polar opposite of me, just trusts things will be OK.

So I''m thinking this week I''ll put the infant car seat (graco snugride) in my car, pack my hospital bag, get the pack-n-play set up with the angel care monitor & clean sheets in my room, and wash her clothing & get a few drawers in my room set up with her clothes, blankets, etc. All my swings, etc...are ready to go in the basement, and I have them at the front of our storage area, so that dh can just grab ''em and bring them up. Actually, maybe I''ll wash the covers, I''m sure Jake got some spit up on them somewhere. My shower is saturday, so once I see what I still need, I think next week I''ll stock up on diapers, get a few things of formula, & some bottles, and then whatever items I still don''t have. I''m almost 34 weeks, and while I have lots of time, I''ll feel better if I''m "good to go". I know if I prepare, nothing will happen early. However....Murphy''s Law & me go way back.
Date: 8/7/2007 4:40:53 PM
Author: IrishEyes
Curly - are you freakin'' kidding me?! Your mayor bans the handing out of formula coupons in hospitals so as to encourage breastfeeding?!!
Good God, I am so SICK of our governments stepping in a making laws that are supposedly to ''protect'' us, but really stripping us of our constitutional rights to choose what is best for us!!! Higher taxes for smokers, healthier oil to cook fries in at McDonalds,etc,etc, the list goes on and on. It''s freakin'' ridiculous! You are exactly right - while all doctors agree that ''breast is best'', formula is a VERY close second these days. You know, formula is dang expensive and not all of us are made of money. and the healthcare system in this country is a joke - don''t even get me started on that. So what are you to do when you are a low-income woman, perhaps even without health insurance who has just delivered a child and CHOOSES to formula feed? She''s facing a $20,000 hospital bill (at least) and can''t even get a flippin'' coupon for $7 off some formula?!

That makes me sick, it really does. I am so tired of these overly-liberal, tree-huggin'' ''do-gooders'' stepping in and making laws based off of their opinions on how we as individual Americans should live our lives.

Yeah. So glad I went to Iraq and fought for this country. I see it''s doing alot of good. Yuk.

alright. done complaining. back to happy discussions on babies!
Your rant is killin'' me girl...very Dennis Miller of you, I love it. However, I''m a liberal, tree-huggin'', do gooder & I am right there with you. See, I always thought it was the other side makin'' laws against my body/choices....LOL. Who knows...back to babies, but I''m right there with ya!!!!