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Date: 2/19/2009 7:50:16 PM
Author: nycbkgirl
Is anyone doing the cord blood banking??
Date: 2/19/2009 10:33:38 PM
Author: littlelysser
Natalina - When I initially called my OB I was told only one U/S at 20 weeks. Well, I''m 11w5d now and I''ve had three. The first two were due to bleeding issues and the last was because of the CVS test. Almost of all of the genetic testing/screening includes some sort of U/S. But those are often not done by your doctor, but rather by the genetics group at your hospital.
Do not tempt the morning sickness gods - believe me, mine only went away about 2 weeks ago (I''m coming up for 28 weeks) and kicked in at 7 weeks. It is beyond horrible!Date: 2/19/2009 9:22:23 PM
Author: natalina
Did any of you skip morning sickness all together? I''m 7 weeks and 3 days today, and haven''t had any nausea whatsoever- well, last weekend DH ordered corned beef hash for breakfast and I got a whif and almost lost it, but that''s the only instance of anything. I''m just waiting for the shoe to drop...shouldn''t it have hit by now?![]()
Also, I called my doc''s office today to see when they might do an ultrasound, and they said they usually don''t do one til after 20 weeks- does this sound right to you guys? I''ve only had my orientation appointment with the nurse. My first doc appt is March 10 ( I will be exactly 10 weeks) and I was really hoping for an ultrasound. Does this mean we won''t get to hear the heartbeat either? DH travels all the time, so if the appt is going to be uneventful (no listening for heartbeat, seeing the baby on ultrasound, etc) it will be less important for him to rearrange travel to be there. I don''t mean to sound like the appt wouldn''t be important, but hopefully you all know what I mean. If it''s just a quick physical, there really won''t be anything emotional that he might miss out on. Plus, doesn''t the NT scan have to be done right around 10 weeks? Ugh...I wasn''t anxious....but now I feel like I am a bit.![]()
And don''t even get me started on names!!! DH and I don''t agree on ANY!!! You guys have such cute ones...
Sorry to not address everyone individually- gotta get to bed for a long day tomorrow. Hope everyone gets a good night''s sleep!
The hospital I attend - which is the largest maternity unit in the UK - won''t have anything to do with cord blood banking at all and even have posters up advising against it.Date: 2/19/2009 7:50:16 PM
Author: nycbkgirl
Is anyone doing the cord blood banking??
Date: 2/20/2009 9:04:37 AM
Author: natalina
Thanks Tacori! Me too!!Date: 2/20/2009 10:09:15 AM
Author: Tacori E-ring
DD, I am so excited for you! Hope baby gets the eviction notice soon!
We will find out the sex and I will post pictures! Although the posting of the pictures may take a while since we don't have a scanner at home. I swear we are so technology deprived.Date: 2/20/2009 10:29:08 AM
Author: natalina
Thanks Fiery. I just really want to see or hear our little bebe in there, you know? Will you post pics of your big scan? And are you guys going to find out the sex? O how exciting. Speaking of, have you told the story behing the cake in your avatar? If so, I missed it- but it is SO cute!
Oh my gosh- this is such a cute idea! We really want to hold out for a surprise, but if we give in I really like the idea of doing that, too!Date: 2/20/2009 10:38:54 AM
Author: fieryred33143
We will find out the sex and I will post pictures! Although the posting of the pictures may take a while since we don''t have a scanner at home. I swear we are so technology deprived.Date: 2/20/2009 10:29:08 AM
Author: natalina
Thanks Fiery. I just really want to see or hear our little bebe in there, you know? Will you post pics of your big scan? And are you guys going to find out the sex? O how exciting. Speaking of, have you told the story behing the cake in your avatar? If so, I missed it- but it is SO cute!
The cake picture was stolen from the bump. A woman posted her idea on telling the grandparents the sex of the baby. I thought it was the cutest thing in the world. Basically the outside of the cake says frogs & snails or sugar & spice and the idea is to get the grandparents to cut the cake and the color inside reveals the sex of the baby (blue for boy, pink for girl). It''s such a neat idea. We may end up doing this for my FIL. This is what it looks like: