
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Ohmygosh, congrats MrsSalvo!!!!
I wonder if you''ll add a boy to your bunch of girls this time?? Will you find out or no? Bummer about the morning/day sickness -- I hope it goes away soon for you! (Interesting though how the same person can have such different pregnancies, isn''t it?)

I think we''re going to need a list soon like the LIW and BIW -- it''s so hard to keep track of who''s due when!!

EDD: 1.2.08 (twins!)
Mrs. S, congrats! Woo hoo! What a baby boom around here!

Tacori, how ''bout a virtual LIQUOR CABINET!
Hee hee.
MrsS!!! I am so excited for you! Is didn''t read the rest of the replies after Jaders.
That is wonderful you are adding to your family. I hear ya on m/s. I STILL remember how horrible it was. As you know (you are a pro after 2!) it will get better. Hopefully you are on team blue this time

Ella, thanks hun! I can always count on you to lift my spirits! She is only 8 years old so I don''t take it personal. My doc didn''t say anything negative about my weight (even though I am at 30+ now
) so I try not to think about it. DH was silently judging my butt yesterday. I could tell. I know him so well. I just gave him the finger and said he was a bad husband! He is bribing me with a trip to anywhere I want when I get down to my wedding weight (which is 5 lbs less than when I got preggo). I know that sounds horrible but it will give me motivation.

JCrow, every woman handles it differently. It has been hard for me and I am not even that vain. I don''t feel like I have that "glow". I get both kind and unkind comments. Strangers have started telling me how adorable/cute I am. I try to remember those comments and ignore the unsensitive ones but sometimes it is hard. I am much more comfortable with my body now that I am in the third trimester. That "fat" stage is the hardest. You are so little though. I am sure you will be all belly. And if not you can vent to me all you want b/c I understand the horror of being so short with 30 EXTRA lbs! It is scary.
Date: 8/22/2007 3:37:42 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
MrsS!!! I am so excited for you! Is didn''t read the rest of the replies after Jaders.
That is wonderful you are adding to your family. I hear ya on m/s. I STILL remember how horrible it was. As you know (you are a pro after 2!) it will get better. Hopefully you are on team blue this time

Ella, thanks hun! I can always count on you to lift my spirits! She is only 8 years old so I don''t take it personal. My doc didn''t say anything negative about my weight (even though I am at 30+ now
) so I try not to think about it. DH was silently judging my butt yesterday. I could tell. I know him so well. I just gave him the finger and said he was a bad husband! He is bribing me with a trip to anywhere I want when I get down to my wedding weight (which is 5 lbs less than when I got preggo). I know that sounds horrible but it will give me motivation.

JCrow, every woman handles it differently. It has been hard for me and I am not even that vain. I don''t feel like I have that ''glow''. I get both kind and unkind comments. Strangers have started telling me how adorable/cute I am. I try to remember those comments and ignore the unsensitive ones but sometimes it is hard. I am much more comfortable with my body now that I am in the third trimester. That ''fat'' stage is the hardest. You are so little though. I am sure you will be all belly. And if not you can vent to me all you want b/c I understand the horror of being so short with 30 EXTRA lbs! It is scary.
that''s what scares me the most. seriously. 5 lbs on me SHOWS. shoot 2 lbs show. so i can about imagine how i''ll look and feel when i''m preggo.
and i hate that i think like that
Tacori, you look glowing to me. Stand tall because you are pregant, glorious and gorgeous!

I do understand the fear of getting bigger while not being that tall. I''m 5''5'''' but shorter torso, longer legs. There''s nowhere for this baby to go but out! The pic of my friend whom I posted at 9 months pregant is 5''11''''. She acknowledges that her height may have helped her stay small in the belly. Ironically, she sent me that photo to prove how big you can get in the 9th month. I told her to shuddup.
Date: 8/22/2007 3:44:25 PM
Author: jcrow
that''s what scares me the most. seriously. 5 lbs on me SHOWS. shoot 2 lbs show. so i can about imagine how i''ll look and feel when i''m preggo.
and i hate that i think like that
jcrow, cute little gals like you became cute little preggo gals with little tiny ball bellies. I''ve never seen a little girl look out of control. I hate you all!

I just got my first maternity clothes delivered today. They look great on me now. I''m only 9 weeks pregnant so TPPPPPPPPPPPPPFT!!!!! to you all. Wah!
thanks jcrow, ellaila, tgal and tacori,

ellaila, yes, we''ll find out. i''m just no good at waiting and HAVE to know. We''ll be happy with a boy or girl. in many ways another girl would just be easier b/c i''ve got all the girl stuff. But, a boy would be cool too. win/win for us..

jcrow, gaining the weight was the hardest thing for me. when i''m not preggo I weigh about 106 lbs. gained almost 40 lbs which each pregnancy and just felt HUGE. the good news is, i excersised thoughout my pregnancy''s and was back in my pre-pregnancy clothes about 2 weeks after giving birth and managed to get back to my original weight both times. You''re tiny and healthy so odds are you''ll gain it all right in your belly and loose it pretty quick as well.

I''m going to be 35 in nov. so i''m not sure where i will fall in the risk groups. my last dr''s appt. he told me that although i''m 34 he''d still put me in the low risk group b/c of two normal, uneventful previous pregnancy''s. but, i''m closer to 35 now so not sure where we''ll land. i''ve got to stay off the internet too b/c all the 35 and older stuff/risk factors freaks me out
Mrs S, I''m 35 in November too, and they''re putting me in the "mature" patient camp. I''m fine with that. You''ll be fine as well!
Date: 8/22/2007 3:50:28 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Mrs S, I''m 35 in November too, and they''re putting me in the ''mature'' patient camp. I''m fine with that. You''ll be fine as well!

hehe, the "mature" patient camp.
MrsS you will be FINE! Don''t worry about you age. 35 is still young. They might want to do an amnio but besides that I am sure everything will go smoothly. I have seen your pic before and you ARE a tiny little thing. I haven''t weighted 106 since highschool! I am hoping not to gain more than 40-45.

JCrow, having a baby will be worth it all (or so I think). I have a feeling you will be adorable. I gained a lot of water weight in the begining so it made me feel huge. Plus I am carrying wide but where else does baby have to go? Like Ella said I just remind myself it is not fat (well most of it isn''t). It is baby, fluid, extra blood, swollen uterus, placenta...I am sure your hubby is more sensitive than mine and will remind you how beautiful you are. *evil hubby thoughts* j/k!

TGal, how about a margarita!?! I cannot wait for one.
I started wearing maternity pants around 8-9 weeks. I was so darn bloated nothing else was comfortable. I honestly love my maternity pants. They almost feel like PJs PLUS so easy to go to the bathroom (I pee all the time). Don''t worry if they are big on you now you WILL outgrow them. I had the cutest shirt (in size S from motherhood) and it was so big on me and looked so silly so I waited to wear it. Well I waited too long
I had to have DH help me get it off (it got stuck on mu boobs!) It was so funny. The dress I wore to my shower was in the Junior''s department at Macy''s. I love wearing non maternity shirts/tops. Makes me feel cuter (silly huh?) Maybe that was why I had a slight glow but it was probably sweat. Have I mentioned walking up the stairs causes me to be TOTALLY out of breath. Poor lungs have no room in there.

I''ll have to post a recent belly shot when I am not so lazy. You guys will be shocked I still have 9.5 weeks left! Where is this baby going to go? I am going to tip over
tacori, the torture of the WAIT for the amnio results just freaks me out. I had a false positive AFP test with my first and elected not to do the amnio back then. thankfully, everything was textbook with my second. So praying that the 3rd will be the same. i guess if i do have to do the amnio, at least i''ll have you guys to hold my hand though the days until we''d get the results. trying not to think that far ahead though. i''ll be happy to just hear the heartbeat on monday.

tacori, the last few weeks are just the hardest but you''ll get though and they really will go by fast. i remember the heartburn and feeling winded were the worst for me too. i had to sleep practically sitting up b/c it was hard to breathe and the acid reflux was horrible. as i''m typing this i''m wondering what the heck i''m doing choosing to go though all of that again

the good news is, that seriously, the moment you give birth all of those things just go away. bring on the mexican, no more heartburn....
since we''re (ha or is it just me?) getting all the mentally scary things out there, anyone terrified of just giving birth? or is that a given? or not. please tell me it''s not just me...
MrS how funny you mentioned that. I used to only sleep with one pillow. Anymore bothered my neck. Now I am up to do large ones. My nose gets so clogged and sometimes it is hard for me to breathe so it seems to help. I also sleep with one under my stomach. Well side really. Seems to help.

Not only will we hold your hand you can share in some of our virtual wine!
TGal won't mind! Waiting is the worst. We did have the AFP and it sucked waiting for the results.

Jcrow, I am getting more and more freaked out with each passing day! The farther I get the more real it becomes. Maybe that is why I am ok if I need a c-section. At least I won't have to go through the labor part that way. It's really up to baby how (s)he will come out! Right now its little hard head is bumping into my upper stomach (right under my boob). Kind of uncomfortable!

ETA: I expressed my nervousness to DH he responds "it will be fun! I can't wait for your water to break!"
Fun for HIM. All he has to do is be there and feed me ice chips (TGal maybe we will get a massage when we are hooked up to an IV?!?)

At the time of starting the maternity policy.. I didnt know our wedding was going to be 13 months away.. LOL.. we werent even engaged, but have wanted kids forever.. soo it was only natural to get the waiting period out of the way. We married about 5 months after the maternity kicked in.

The health issues are not HUGe right now.. just worriesome... between chronic ovarian cysts since November 2006, and the possibility of endometriosis (my mother had a complete hysterectomy at the age of 26 - just one year younger than me right now - because of endometriosis) AND now since Saturday.. I''ve been having REALLY bad sharp stabbing pains in my uterus.. I''ve had a total of 9 since Sunday... frankly.. I''m just terrified... and with where I live.. I cannot get into a OB/GYN until NEXT Thursday... waaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!
My hubby said today... that it crossed his mind that something could be wrong and effect our ability to have kids.. but that he isnt worried, becuase he KNOWS we are meant to have kids.. and that come hell or high water, we will have them.. awwwww... gotta love that man of mine!

Mrs. S... soo excited for you.. congrats...

All these mommies (and mommies to be) here.. its making my belly ache just thinkin about it... I want kids now!!! arghhh... stupid stupid baby fever!
MrsS - Big CONGRATS to you!!

Tacori - thanks for the encouragement and advice. I will definitely ask about Sabrina''s postition tomorrow in hopes of an extra u/s. I won''t be too sad if I don''t get one since DH and I scheduled a 3D/4D for Saturday. I can''t wait for the "preview" of our little lady!

Diver - thanks so much for the advice. Your short list of essentials makes everything seem far less overwhelming. I will definitely have those things in place in the next couple weeks. I do plan on BF, so I guess I do have one "supply" taken care of already.

Ella - love the silly shot - you are so cute and TINY!

TGal - those pics of your friend are so fun, thanks for sharing.

re. maternity pics - I wasn''t planning on doing any (too shy) but seeing all these fun ones is making me reconsider. Do you think I''ll regret not having them done?
Jaders, okay that makes sense now! It is so expensive I was just confused why you added it so early! I am not sure if you have read all of my posts but I have chronic ovarian cysts also. I would guess I have had at least 10 (and I am only 27). That is not counting those that I probably have had but never erupted so I never knew about them (like my surprise one on my u/s or as we refer to it as the baby''s room mate). I got preggo on my first cycle so clearly it doesn''t mean anything. If you DO have endometriosis that might cause more of a problem but I know it is possible. After all pregnancy sometimes cures women. If you haven''t tried yet don''t freak. If you have for awhile is there a good fertility clinic on the island or can you plan a trip back to the states?

SB, you''ll get it all done! We stll have time...hopefully. I am not having pro pics done BUT I did think about having my MIL take some at a park or something for fun. She did it for our "engagement pics" and did a good job (she is not a pro or anything).

EDD 10.28
I know its hard in the 3rd trimester to feel pretty, but the weight WILL leave your rear ends. just get pedicures and manicures and have dh massage you to feel better about yourselves. you probably have "the glow", but most pregnant women don''t see it themselves when they look in the mirror...just others usually do. the only glow i felt was because my cheeks were flushed from being out of breathe just walking for a
I see Tacori mentioned BPA-free bottles and I was wondering about that too. I''m on the fence about them right now and would love to hear from anyone who has an opinion on the matter.
I''m probably in the minority when I say that labor doesn''t scare me. I am pretty sure I am not going to die in childbirth, and pain goes away. I don''t think it will be "fun" (Tacori, hit your man for me for saying that!
) but I think it will be manageable somehow.

What DOES freak me out however, is a c-section! Something about cutting you open to take out a kid seems unnatural and painful! It''s the recuperation that I''d be afraid of. I don''t even like getting papercuts, much less being gutted open. That''s probably another reason I really don''t want an episiotomy and will be doing some serious "down there" massage in the weeks leading up to labor.
Congrats MrsS!!!! I''m so happy for you!! Hoping that the morning sickness goes away soon!!!
I am so excited for you. I hope you feel better soon! I remember you saying you were going to try and wow did you ever!

Ellaila: Eat something already. You are TOO TINY for twins!
You looked like me at 20 weeks with this one!

Weight gain: Hard in the 1st trimester, easier when your belly pops. No one is bad for not liking it....its downright weird.

Jaders: great attitude on your hubby. I had recurring issues with polyps & fibroids before we got married as well as after & my dh told me he didn''t marry me for my uterus, and we''d have a family some how or another...well...he''s got ''em now! I wish you lots of luck & fun trying. I also hope your appt. next week goes well. Keep us posted.

Tgal: Having been through labor, I''m not afraid of it per se, I''m more afraid of something going haywire with my fibroid. (as in, I am creeped out by c-sections) In natural childbirth teachings, they talk about the fear/pain connection, so the less fear you have, and the calmer you are, the less stress you have coursing through your body making the pain even worse. I got my epidural at 2cm with Jake (I was induced...that''s why I was in so early), and I''d like to get to 4 or 5 cm this time (to ensure she''s in a good position) and I only want the "walking epidural" so I can change positions if need I''m trying to psych myself up for handling those first few centimeters drug free. I''m hoping (and pretty sure) that being my 2nd baby, it will go pretty quick. Plus, I don''t want my waters broken early like before (that made my contractions UNMANAGEABLE) because laboring at 2cm with my bag of waters intact was actually pretty easy to breathe through. Really, they don''t need to break them at can deliver with an intact bag...or it can burst when pushing...fine too. my maternity ward has a jacuzzi..mmm...I used that last time. BLISS! (I actually read an entire InStyle from cover to cover)

I''m not planning on an induction again, and I''m hoping this time that my cervix dilates & effaces some on its own prior to labor. That would be AWESOME. I so want to be that girl who shows up 3 to 4 cm dilated and 80% effaced. With Jake I was locked up action. LOL. I do have to say, I had a good birth with Jake overall....I feel lucky.

There is a chance that my fibroid will block 30% of my birth canal. It''s pretty big and right under her head on my cervix. That''s my fun right now.

Ok..I need a nap while bedhog naps. later..
More to T-gal...I forgot...on my December moms board...we had a handful of girls who had c-sections in dec 04...well all but 2 had VBACs with child #2, and were flabbergasted by the lingering perineum pain, bladder issues, and said a vag recovery was harder in comparision to the c-section. So the thing I keep telling myself is that recovery is gonna hurt one way or another. I did have a 1st degree episiotomy and let me tell you...OUCH for 8 months in the intimacy department. I did not blow out my bladder or any other pelvic floor muscles--but I am a Kegal freak...and I only pushed for 25 minutes (that helped). I''m more worried about the whole laying on the operating table, being sliced open feeling than recovery. Like you said, its unnatural. But if necessary, I won''t fight it...I know what I''m up against, and I know its a real obstruction issue, I saw it on the ultrasound...right there below her head.
If you have a C section, make sure to get up and moving around as soon as you can. That helped me a ton. I wanted a Vbac with the second, but it didn''t happen for me. Anyway, the more you get mobile, the better.
Date: 8/22/2007 4:42:32 PM
Author: StephensBride
I see Tacori mentioned BPA-free bottles and I was wondering about that too. I''m on the fence about them right now and would love to hear from anyone who has an opinion on the matter.

I don''t know what to think either! Seems like Born free and evenflo are considered safe plastics. I know I don''t want to use glass. I read anything with #7, #6, #3 shouldn''t be used. I am going to check all the toys I have gotten so far.
Date: 8/22/2007 3:16:18 PM
Author: mrssalvo
whew...just catching up on this thread after a few days away, sounds like you pregnant gals are doing great. yay, diver that you get to try the VD frist. congrats tacori on a great 30 week checkup..

congrats Jas. I''ve got some news to report too. I''m 7 1/2 weeks pregnant. so Jas, you and TG and I will all be delivering around the same time...

i''ve have computer problems and haven''t been able to log on but it''s so nice reading this thread. I''ve had morning sickness something awful this time around. I had very little with my first and second, but this one is giving me the 24 hour flu
. I go to my first dr. appt. next monday. hubby and i were going to wait until then to share the news but hubby just couldn''t contain himself and has already told everyone he knows so I figured I might as well come out and share too. Plus, having the extra support is always helpful.

I don''t read in here all the time, I didn''t know you were expecting, til just now!!! Congratulations!
Wait...Tacori...whats this on the bottles? Are Dr. brown''s ok? What with the numbers and where do we find that info?
That''s what I bought, washed, & put in my cupboards already. I tell ya...crazy. And I''ve had to deal with toy recalls for Jake. Crazy!!
mrssalvo, congratulations! I'm so happy for you! What exciting news!

jcrow, giving birth scares the heck out of me!!! I can tolerate a fair amount of pain but it still scares me a lot. I'm sure it's all worth it though!
Date: 8/22/2007 7:04:04 PM
Author: divergrrl
Wait...Tacori...whats this on the bottles? Are Dr. brown's ok? What with the numbers and where do we find that info?

That's what I bought, washed, & put in my cupboards already. I tell ya...crazy. And I've had to deal with toy recalls for Jake. Crazy!!

No. Not according to what I have read. You can do a google search of look here. Consumer reports tested Dr Browns (playex, avent, basically most of the clear plastic bottles) and it tested positive for BPA. Even a small amount of bisphenol A seems to have negative effects. It is released though heat (dishwasher, heating food, etc...)

"If your baby's bottle is made of polycarbonate plastic, she may be getting minute amounts of bisphenol A (BPA), an estrogen-like chemical. The EPA considers BPA safe in small amounts, but a review of more than 90 animal studies revealed that even at low doses, the chemical can cause hyperactivity, attention deficit, and early puberty. About 90% of baby bottles are made of polycarbonate plastic, so cautious experts like Frederick S. vom Saal, PhD, coauthor of the National Institutes of Health-funded review, suggest the following:

Buy glass, polyethersulfone, polyethylene, or polypropylene bottles. Unlike clear polycarbonate, these colored or opaque bottles and glass are safest. Call the manufacturer if you're not sure what you're buying.

Don't heat or store liquids in polycarbonate bottles. Both increase the risk of BPA release.

Prevent wear and tear. Wash bottles gently by hand and discard them when they look scratched or cloudy."

Here is a list of BPA free plastics. You need to check Jake's sippy cups too. Avoid anything marked with a #7, #6, or #3. Here is another good article. Pretty scary stuff.
Date: 8/22/2007 3:07:24 PM
Author: jcrow

Date: 8/22/2007 2:45:03 PM
Author: ellaila
...Thanks for the compliment, jcrow! It''s funny but for me at least, all self-consciousness has gone out the window with being pregnant, and I really love my body now! I used to be so self-conscious -- my boobs are too small, my stomach isn''t flat enough -- but now I feel like my body is just so incredible. I''m constantly amazed by it! I''m not going to do any full-on nudie shots or anything, but I''m definitely willing to be more revealing with my preg. portraits than I normally would be.
that''s awesome! i''m already worried that i''ll take it so hard knowing how super self-conscious i am already. i really hope i change and see things like you do. it''s so true how amazing our bodies are.
ella, you look great! I agree that''s awesome! I hope I feel that way pregnant too!