
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Lisa, I can only imagine how surprised you were (since you didn''t know that is how their furniture comes!) How funny!

Diver, yeah! I am glad you will get to at least try a vaginal birth. I have heard that the u/s estimates can be way off so don''t worry too much. She will be perfect at ANY size! I feel silly how excited I was but I DREAD those kinds of things. They just overwhelm me. But it is done and looks great (DH often rushes though those kinds of things and put pieces on upside down or backwards
) I do want to get different knobs since the ones that came with it look really cheap (Hey! It is from Walmart after all) Also the pad (which I didn''t even know it came with) seems really thin. How thick is Jake''s?

The nursery ceiling is done!!! We chose a lighter blue (than the walls). It is very soothing. I wish he had one more day to get it ALL done but oh well. He''ll be back soon.

EDD 10.28
I really hope that my feet grow when I''m preggo. I''m a size 5 now and it''s so hard for me to find shoes that fit properly. I''m always buying those heel things to make my shoes fit a bit more snug.

Hubby and I went to Target yesterday and I got a 3 pack of pregnancy tests and a 7 pack of ovulation tests and also What to Expect When You''re Expecting. We are so excited!

If AF does not show on Wednesday then I''ll test. If it''s a BFN then I''m going to start tracking my cycles and take the ovulation test on days 14+ to improve our chances each month. My cycles were always pretty regular before the pill so I hope it''s still the same.

Date: 8/19/2007 6:14:38 PM
Author: DivaDiamond007
I really hope that my feet grow when I'm preggo. I'm a size 5 now and it's so hard for me to find shoes that fit properly. I'm always buying those heel things to make my shoes fit a bit more snug.

Hubby and I went to Target yesterday and I got a 3 pack of pregnancy tests and a 7 pack of ovulation tests and also What to Expect When You're Expecting. We are so excited!

If AF does not show on Wednesday then I'll test. If it's a BFN then I'm going to start tracking my cycles and take the ovulation test on days 14+ to improve our chances each month. My cycles were always pretty regular before the pill so I hope it's still the same.



Do you know about Fertility Friend? It's an online site that helps you track your cycle by using your BBT (which you enter daily) and charting them on a graph. I've signed up and am SO excited to start! I'm already taking my BBT every morning, but I'm not going to enter them into FF until I'm off the pill in Oct. Depending on your cycle and temps, FF estimates when you've ovulated. It's a great site!

Good luck!
EBree: Yes, I''ve heard about Fertility Friend but haven''t decided if I want to go the BBT route yet. There is so much information out there about improving your chances and it''s so overwhelming. Maybe I''m just old fashioned (at 25)!


ps. I LOVE your pug avatar!
Date: 8/19/2007 6:49:58 PM
Author: DivaDiamond007
EBree: Yes, I''ve heard about Fertility Friend but haven''t decided if I want to go the BBT route yet. There is so much information out there about improving your chances and it''s so overwhelming. Maybe I''m just old fashioned (at 25)!


ps. I LOVE your pug avatar!

Thank you! She''s our first baby.

I know what you mean about being overwhelmed by the ways to improve your chances. Just today I read about something called Pre-Seed (lube that''s supposed to be sperm friendly) and the robitussin trick. If you have pretty regular cycles, you might not need FF, but mine were irregular before going on HBC, so I''m assuming they could be when I''m off again. I hope not!

I''m an obsessive researcher by nature (as I''ve demonstrated here on PS), so I''ll probably know AND have a list near the bed of all the *tricks*. I figure if they''ll help even a little bit, why not?
Good job on the furniture, Tacori! We've got a million and one projects going on right now (our whole kitchen is IKEA), and I am all but clueless when it comes to putting the furniture together, so I am doubly impressed by you! Can't wait to see pics

Yessssssss, Diver! That's wonderful that you got the green light for the vag delivery -- you must be so happy! And I love your description of Delaney -- I think a mini Angelina Jolie is probably a better description of your beautiful babe rather than Goldie Hawn! Hahah
Forgive my pregnancy memory, but tell me again when you're due? End of the month?

Diva, yikes, if I were you, I wouldn't start reading "What to Expect" because it may very well scare you right out of wanting to be pregnant! Seriously, I bought that book the day we found out we were pg ... and returned it the next day. It scared the crap out of me. It's basically just a big encyclopedia of everything that can possibly go wrong with you. I'm sure it's got good info in there as well, but it just wasn't for me. I much prefer "I'm Pregnant!" by Lesley Regan. It's got gorgeous color photos and tons of info but presented in a much less terrifying way! Either way, no matter what you read, good luck, and I hope you don't get any visitors (ahem) on Wednesday ...

OK, since we lucked out and got pregnant quickly, I don't know anything about fertility -- what is BBT? Something something temperature, right?

EBree, I love your excitement over this all!! Once you start TTC, I hope you get knocked up good and fast!

As for me, I've got an u/s tomorrow, and I can't wait! Hopefully we can get some new pics of los ninos. I wound up getting some mat. jeans at the Gap Outlet over the weekend -- a size 8
They're a little too big in the waist still (constantly hiking them up) and sag in the butt half the time, but on the rare instance that they're up and in the right place, they look good (ha ha). They'll definitely last me for a little while at least -- I hope!! Also, got some PJs at Motherhood (really cute), a soft-cup bra (no more underwire digging into my painful ribs! I went from a 32b to a 36c!!), and a few long-sleeved shirts b/c fall is a'coming!

My MIL decided yesterday that she was coming up for a visit, and I guess it's my hormones, but I'm just SO annoyed with her being here. The house is still a total mess, so why she wanted to come up NOW I have no idea. I mean, she's being helpful and everything, but I'm just not in the mood. The house is pretty small, we still have boxes everywhere, and you add in an extra person, and it's just too much in too little a space. And b/c she's able to do things that I can't (some of the cleaning, some lifting), it makes me feel like I'm lazy and incompetent. Not the best way to feel in your own home. (sigh) I shouldn't complain that she's here helping with cooking and cleaning, but ... well, I am. So there.

njc , Stephen'sBride, and TGal, how are guys are doing/feeling?
Date: 8/19/2007 7:19:26 PM
Author: ellaila

OK, since we lucked out and got pregnant quickly, I don't know anything about fertility -- what is BBT? Something something temperature, right?

EBree, I love your excitement over this all!! Once you start TTC, I hope you get knocked up good and fast!

Thank you ellaila! I am VERY excited. Hopefully we'll be lucky within the first couple of tries! *knocks on wood*

BBT stands for Basal Body Temperature, which is your temperature as *soon* as you wake from a good night's sleep. You're supposed to take it before you even get out of bed. Walking around, going to the bathroom, etc., can affect your temperature so that it isn't a valid BBT measurement. The past few days I've been waking up and before even stretching, I reach for the thermometer. BBT can also stand for Basal Body Thermometer, which is a sensitive thermometer.

These temperatures are supposed to help you figure out when you're ovulating. Apparently, there's supposed to be a drop in temperature right before you ovulate, and when you actually ovulate, a spike.
Tacori and Kaleigh, I thought it was kind of unusual, but I guess not.

And Tacori, I feel for you on the swelling. I didn't ever have much, but I knew plenty of people who did. I know it's not fun. Hang in there!

Honestly, I shouldn't even come in here. I LOVE babies.
This makes me wistful....My "baby" turns 17 in 10 days. *sniff*
Ebree: hey am I remembering right that you are another Portlander??? Cerhra is too! We should all GTG when she gets her cushion! *droool* Good luck TTC, you sound like a fellow research hound.

Tacori: Oh...your feet grew? Maybe they are just swollen???? I don''t blame you for getting excited about putting together your changing table, its FUN to put the baby items together. Makes you feel like you are doing something for them.

DivaDiamond: Yes, I hated What to Expect When you are Expecting as well. That book scared the pants off me. I liked I''m Pregnant too, and Your Pregnancy Week by Week. Strangely enough, What to Expect the First Year & What to Expect the Toddler years are EXCELLENT! I hope you are prego this time! That would be exciting!

Ellaila: Oh sorry about the MIL invasion. I get what you mean, but you aren''t incompetent & it makes her feel good to help you most likely. She''s probably wanting to do something nice for the woman who married her son & is carrying her grandbabies. And while you are the poster child for optimistic/upbeat multiple pregnancies, I''ve heard they can be tiring, so for crying out loud girlfriend! Let the woman help you!

In fact, the best advice I have for anyone entering motherhood is this: Learn to say YES to all offers of help. You can''t and don''t want to do it yourself. I mean, sure you can, but you''ll be beat, tired, pissed off, and cranky. Who likes that? I know its hard for women like us (educated, intelligent, capable, career oriented, sassy) but that old adage "it takes a village to raise a child" still rings true to this day.

It''s hard to do, but you''ll be happier for it. (Heck, I''m struggling with the fact that my new mom''s club does a "support service" where they sign up to bring a meal every other night for the first two weeks after a new baby is born... I keep thinking, I''m barely a member, I''ll only have been a part of it for a month, that''s too soon...but heck....why not? If another mom has a baby after me, I''ll be the first to sign up to bring my killer lasagna, salad & yummy garlic bread.)

Its just that letting go of our need to control every aspect of our lives. (easier said than done, I know).

later ladies!
Ebree, I looked into Pre-Seed briefly when TTC after I read that KY slowed down sperm. Well, DH must have super sperm or it must be a myth b/c we concieved using KY (before I knew not to use it). Pre-Seed seemed kind of expensive. My best advice would to just let nature take its course for AT LEAST 3 month before trying anything like that. Otherwise you might just discourage.

Diva, don't worry if you are not on a 28 day cycle after the pill. My cycles were 40 days (after I stopped BC). Obviously didn't affect anything except I guess it is harder to know when you O. I didn't do anything our first month (chart or take O tests) and I got preggo. Try not to stress about it. I really think that slows things down.

Ellen, maybe it is just the heat. I can no longer wear my wedding set
I have a fakey set to cover my tan line
Plus if you have seen my photo I look rather young.

Diver, I didn't mind "what to expect when expecting." I thought it had good info but honestly I have done most my research online vs. book form. I did read "belly laughs" and thought it was great. The changing table DOES look great!!! I spent 7 hours painting (6 canvas paintings) for the nursery last night. The colors dried WAY darker than I thought (I haven't painted since college) but I think they will work. It did feel good to do something creative for my baby to enjoy (well hopefully (s)he will. I think it will look cute.

Ella, My MIL and SIL is coming in a few weeks and I am *very* happy about it! I could use the help! She is a clean freak and for once I don't feel bad about my house not being as clean as hers. I feel like I have a good excuse. She is already offering to do anything I need her.

Travel question, at what age can you travel with a baby on an airplane? My grandmother is not doing very well and I was just curious when the soonest I (we) could visit was.

Yah! I am 30 weeks today! I have been having killer BHs. I hope I will be able to tell the difference when the real time comes!
Thank you everybody for your kind words and advice. I checked out Fertility Friend and it seems so complicated. I rarely get a "good" nights sleep and often wake up at least once an hour. Ugh. I''ve been that way since high school. I might still give it a shot though.

I don''t think What to Expect... is really that bad. A lot of the information in it was stuff that I already knew - either from preggo friends or from my mother and other family members. We are not stressing out about TTC but the waiting is difficult. We figure that when God wants it to happen then it will whether we are doing charting, ovulation tests or what have you.

Hey PS mommies and moms to be

I usually post on the wedding thread but....recently found out that i am pregnant!! It''s a honeymoon baby (just got married on July 1st)--first try, and kinda crazy that I got pregnant so soon but husband and I dated for 11 yrs before tying the knot so we were anxious to get the family started.
I am just about 9 weeks--have only told close family so far. I am waiting till the end ot the first trimester to tell friends. However, this is torture!
Any advice
ohhhhh! congratulations jas!!!!!!
Congratulations on your pregnancy, Jas!
Send some of that preggie water over to me!

Hello ladies!

Sorry for the drop off! I have been reading, but didn''t realize I hadn''t posted until Diver asked me where I was! I''m a dork, I know...

Jas, congrats! You and I are in the same place in our pregnancy...about 9 weeks! (we conceived on July 4th). We are also waiting until the end of the first trimester to tell most of our friends. I find though, that the longer we wait, the easier it is to keep the secret. We''re just taking it slowly and enjoying the secret before everyone freaks out and hands start touching my belly.

Jess, I''ll send some PS Fairy/preggo dust your way! I hope you get pregnant soon!

Diver, that is great news about being able to do a vaginal delivery...yay! I will keep my fingers crossed for you.

Ella, have you got some new pics of the ninos to share with us? When is your MIL going to be there?

Tacori, I can''t wait to see your finished nursery! I am not doing one (minus the basics of course - much to the relief of my friends who are SURE I am going to make TTot sleep in a laundry basket), so it''s fun to see what others are doing.

Mercoledi, thanks for the nordie''s link. I bought two things that were pretty deeply discounted.

I''ve been doing well. Morning sickness is now like strikes at about 4 pm everyday and continues through dinner time. So I have good breakfasts and lunches and managed to choke something down in the evening. My friend put it best in a way I can describe it to TGuy and have him understand: I feel like I am hungover all the time!

I went to a baby shower this weekend. They had "baby jeopardy" and one of the categories was "anatomy of a pregnancy". I chose the highest value "answer" which was something like "this releases from your cervix signaling labor" or something like that. So my question was "What is a mucus plug?" Now keep in mind that no one there knew I was pregnant! I heard someone ask "Is she a nurse or something?" Fortunately, my pregnant friend knows I had been reading up for her sake because she was SO freaked out about labor and refused to read anything herself, so I definitely had an excuse. But it was kind of funny that I knew the answer when all the other pregnant ladies (there were 3) and moms (over half the guests) had no idea.

And speaking of the baby shower, I guess I just don''t have that mommy drive yet. All this talk about everyone''s kids with one mom glowing and going on about how her baby''s poo is SOOOO cute to her.
Another said, "yeah...all the stuff our babies do, but no one else cares." I''m thinking to myself...then why torture everyone else by insisting on telling every single mundane story? And before you all say I''ll change when I have my kid, I''d be willing to bet that I won''t. My friends said I''d change when I had my own wedding too, and I didn''t care too much about going over the top with that either. You gotta have balance in life, you know what I mean?
Jas I have no advice b/c we told EVERYONE by 6 weeks! Good thing nothing happened. My first u/s was 6 weeks and we heard the heartbeat so I took that as a good sign. I would have NEVER been able to keep such a secret til 12 weeks. That is great you got preggo so fast (seems like lots of us have!) Just goes to show you no one can predict how long it will take! Everyone one is different. Congrats and enjoy the long ride.

T-Gal sorry to hear you have been sick. I would get 12 hour "hang over" stretches a night. It was horrible. I got relief around 13-14 weeks (I *think*). I remember once I hit the second trimester EVERYTHING was better (energy, I didn't feel sick, etc...) Why aren't you doing a nursery? Do you guys live in a one bedroom? DH comes home tonight so I am hoping it will be finished by the end of the week
I really want to nest.
Congrats Jas!! So have you seen an OB yet? Personally, we told all family and most friends pretty soon after we found out -- I really only waited till after the first trimester to tell people at work. I understand why people wait, but I''m a horrible waiter (waitress? ha ha) and I just couldn''t hold it in! Just do what''s comfortable for you.

TGal, there was a thing on the radio this morning about how parents of newborns lose all their friends b/c all they want to talk about is every aspect of their baby''s pooping schedule -- how often, how much, how noisy, etc. It was really funny
I like to think that we won''t get that way, too, but I know how obsessed we are with our cat and how ridiculously proud of him we are (he''s totally the coolest cat ever), so I think I need to accept that we ARE going to become those people in a few months! As for not having the mommy drive, I think a combination of things will kick in in a few months: seeing your baby in the u/s every so often and seeing your belly grow both just make it so REAL and then realizing how much STUFF you''re going to need -- I bet you''ll change your mind about a shower! I also did not go all crazy-nutso with wedding planning (did it all in four months) and didn''t have a wedding shower, but I definitely wanted a baby shower! We''re keeping it simple -- no games, not a seven-hour ordeal. Just a nice brunch at a country club, where we''ll open presents and eat good food and cake.

RE: my MIL ... she''s actually great and we get along very well. It''s not like she''s the MIL from hell or anything! My biggest complaint is that she and my hubby speak Spanish to each other all the time, so I feel left out of things more than half the time we''re all together -- that makes me nuts! I''ve told him a million times that this bugs me and to please speak English, but it''s just habit for them to speak Spanish to each other. So in addition to not being able to do as much stuff as they are doing, I also don''t even know what they''re talking about. So I''ll just go read on the couch or something, and then I feel like I''m being a total unsocial loser. But what can I do?! They''re the ones that are leaving me out of the conversations! I know they''re not doing it to be rude, but .... well, it is. So I guess it was just a combination of the surprise visit, the Spanish speaking, the fact that at times she makes me feel incompetent, all that mixed with being pregnant and not sleeping at all (dang peeing and leg aches) = Ms. Cranky McCrankypants.

On a better note, my appt. this morning was excellent! The babies are measurnig at 20w5d, which is exactly what I am -- whoo hoo! Heartbeats were good, everything looked and sounded perfect
We did get some new photos, but they''re the kinda Skeletor-looking ones b/c our guy wouldn''t give us a good profile shots, so we had to get some head-on ones. Of course, we think he''s a handsome little Skeletor, but I''m not sure I want to post them for others to see! The u/s dr. was funny -- in one shot where we could see them both, he said in a kiddy voice, "Give us good names!" -- haha

I have to do my GD test in four weeks (I''ll be 25 weeks then) -- a little earlier than most people, but the dr. said they do all tests earlier with twins -- and then another u/s a few days later. It''s incredible how quickly this all goes by ... to all the newly preggies, I know it seems like an eternity till that first appt. and then till the first trimester is over, but once you get into the 2nd trimester, holy cow, does it just zip by!!
Sounds like you had a great appointment ellaila!! I''m so glad to hear it went well, and that the babies are right where they should be, etc....

Congrats on your pregnancy Jas!!!!
Date: 8/19/2007 6:14:38 PM
Author: DivaDiamond007
I really hope that my feet grow when I''m preggo. I''m a size 5 now and it''s so hard for me to find shoes that fit properly. I''m always buying those heel things to make my shoes fit a bit more snug.

Hubby and I went to Target yesterday and I got a 3 pack of pregnancy tests and a 7 pack of ovulation tests and also What to Expect When You''re Expecting. We are so excited!

If AF does not show on Wednesday then I''ll test. If it''s a BFN then I''m going to start tracking my cycles and take the ovulation test on days 14+ to improve our chances each month. My cycles were always pretty regular before the pill so I hope it''s still the same.

Hi everyone. me and DH aren''t TTC, but I browse through here often :-). We''ve been doing the natural family planning thing for three years (BBT, cervical fluid, etc) as a way of birth control. I''ve noticed that there have been some months where I have ovulated before day 14 (especially if I''m under the weather or have just had a longer cycle due to stress, i might get a short one). Also, when I was on the pill and then got off, my first few cycles were a crap shoot (even though i was regular before). If you have very short cycles (which happens sometimes), you''ll probably ovulate before day 14. Just wanted to let you know that it might help to check before day 14. I wish you all the best. What a fantastic time in your life!!!! :-)
Tacori, I''m not doing a nursey because we live in a 2 bedroom apartment, and one of the rooms is my home office. We''ll make do and TTot will get half the room, but we just don''t have the space to make it a nursery. I''m sure TTot will understand and will be happy playing with office supplies (paper clips, staplers, scissors...kidding!).

I''ve been told that I will not have a choice when it comes to the shower. I''m still trying to figure out a way to get out of it. My understanding is that there is a lot of stuff new mothers WANT, but very little that new moms need. I hate showers in general because I hate opening gifts in front of people, but I''ve been told I won''t have to do that either. What do you do? I don''t want to be a grinch about it, but people don''t seem to understand, I REALLY DON''T LIKE SHOWERS!
So I am thinking maybe I''ll just offer to cook my friends dinner or something. Entertaining is something I do like to do.

Ella, I think it''s fine to be gaga over your kid...I''m sure I''ll be like that too! And other moms seem to like talking about that stuff, so it''s understandable to me. In the case that I was griping about in my former post, it WAS a baby shower, so it seems only fitting that babies were the topic of conversation, which is why I kept my thoughts to myself. Where I just think sensitivity can be used is if you''re talking to friends who aren''t mothers, or even more, friends who aren''t mothers who have been trying to conceive with no luck.

That''s a bit of a bummer not being able to participate in the conversation with your MIL and hubby. I really think your hubby should at least reply in English when you are around, so you can piece the conversation together. Do you ever think you''ll try and learn Spanish?

And c''mon, you have to post the U/S pics!
Ella, glad you are doing well! A lady on my Oct board is carrying twins and it on bedrest and has been to the hospital at least 3 times. She is there right now at 32 weeks. She really wants to make it to 36. So scary!

TGal, TTot will not are at ALL! I was just curious. We live in a decent sized house and plan on staying here for a LOOONG time so this nursery will get used by any future children as well. It is funny b/c it is the first room (ever) that has been planned and designed. It will be the only room that is 100% done in our house. Guess it is good since it would be a pain to reno it once the baby comes. I think there is A LOT of stuff we need and WILL use (to make life easier). Maybe I am just a product whore! My showers were very laid back so maybe it won''t be so bad! I also think it is akward to open gifts in front of people. At my first I used the little girls next store to help me open them. That took the attention off me nicely!
USA Baby just called my glider is in! It''s all coming together. I hope I like the color/fabric. Oh well too late now!
Thanks for all the is really exciting and it feels good to tell ''cyber friends''!

no, I haven''t been to the OB yet ( I go to my GP on Wed.)

Just a little hormone-induced aside....
...I live in a pretty small city. 2 days after getting the positive home test result I called the midwife''s organization in town with high hopes of getting their care .Sadly they (the two midwives) are booked for late march...i am on a waiting list, but i am so bummed. In canada midwives are government regulated (as with all health care in the country, there is no expense to any canadian citizen for most medical service) and are able to deliver babies at home, at a birthing centre or in the hospital and are highly trained. Although my mom had my sister and I at home, i would opt for the hospital and this seemed like such a great way of having personalized/expert care and the security of ''just in case'' technology at hand. I don''t have a single friend who has delivered natually in this city and that is just so shocking to me--i am already getting anxious to have to deliver under the care of our ONE overworked "c-section-happy" OBGY male doc. in the city.

I know i have to be my own advocate (not something i am typically confident in doing) so any experiences/suggestions are welcome....
Congratulations Jas!! How exciting, a honeymoon baby!

DH and I have been thinking about when we would tell people that I''m pregnant (when it happens). I can imagine how hard it is to keep that a secret! I''d probably tell close family after we get a positive HPT or after we see the doctor to confirm. What do most people do? I probably wouldn''t tell work until after my first trimester. When do the guys usually tell coworkers (since they don''t have to take maternity leave)? 6-7 months?
Tacori, thanks again for the good luck vibes for my new job tomorrow! you''re the best. Good idea using the little girls you know to open your gifts so the focus wasn''t entirely on you (although it should be, lol), when I opened gifts at my bridal showers I felt awkward as well and had my young nieces help me open and throw away wrapping paper so that helped me feel less...weird!

I saw my SIL who is PG this weekend, she''s just glowing and looks great. My brother is soooo sweet to her, but he''s such a goofball, he helps her measure her tummy all the time and makes sure she''s eating and I think he wants her to just gain weight in general. I might have mentioned this before, but she''s built like Nicole Kidman and has very similar facial features...she''s just a beautiful gal but she''s tall and very thin and I think my bro worries that she won''t gain enough weight to sustain a pregnancy. I think she''s fine, she works in a hospital as an x-ray tech and also does mammograms so she''s surrounded by healthcare advice on a daily basis and I know she''s very concerned about the well being of her baby as well as herself. I can''t wait to help my mom and her mom plan a shower for her, and you KNOW I can''t wait to start buying things for my niece/nephew to be!
A funny: I brought my little 15 lb. puppy on my visit back "home" this weekend, and my SIL was playing with her on the floor in my parent''s house...Daisy (the puppy) was getting a little rambunctious with my SIL and climbing all over her, and I kept saying "Daisy, DON''T step on the baby!" when she was trying to climb up SIL''s torso! She''s not even showing yet, unless you count a little extra skin across her lower belly (and I only notice that because I know her so well), anyone else would not even know she''s pg. Lucky girl...I am tall like she is but hippier and curvier so I think when I (ever) get pg people will be able to tell by month 3!
ARG! AF is here (early at that) and I''m not happy at all about it
. I figured I wasn''t pg yet because I just got off the pill but there were still hopes. I guess today is CD#1 and we "officially" start TTC this cycle!

Tgal: I know what you mean about other parents. I don''t really even like other people''s kids but my mom says that''s normal and that I''ll change when I have my own, blah blah blah.

Snlee: I think you should wait until after your first trimester to tell people about being pg, especially work. Close friends and family earlier. We''ll probably tell our parents once we get a positive test result but hold off on other family members until around 8 weeks or later.

Tgal - I had to laugh while reading your post because I used to think the same way. Actually, I used to not even go to the baby showers I was invited to - too much ooohing and aaahing over babies and baby stuff and so little "intelligent" talk. Though I''m not sure what I really expected them to talk about: it''s not like women are going to talk about the latest political crisis at a baby shower! Anyhoo - another big reason I didn''t go was because I had lost a baby years ago and it was just too hard...

Regarding having a "balanced life": when you''re a new mom, it''s hard. My daughter is 3 months old and I''m just now starting to get my "own" life back, albeit VERY slowly. I recently started working out again and starting reading non-baby related books and I''m trying to hang out more with my friends. But at least in the begginning, you are so consumed with the day-to-day tasks of taking care of a baby that, before you know it, months have passed by and all you''ve done is change diapers, give the baby baths, do laundry (LOTS of laundry!!) and feed baby. Some women never move beyond that, unfortunately. You''re right to certain extent - at some point you need to take time for something else in your life and reclaim part of the woman you were BEFORE kids.

This weekend I was talking to my best friend who is male, unmarried, without children. He of course asked about my daughter and how we were doing. I proceeded to go into like a 10 minute "report": how we bought her a bigger carseat, how we got her pictures taken and how cute she was, what she wore, how big she''s getting, how I think she''s in the beginning stages of teething, etc, etc, etc. Then I realized that I hadn''t even stopped to take a breath and that he was probably like
on the other end! I realized I sounded like those women I used to roll my eyes at and be like, "sure. whatever" with. I apologized for going on so long about it, but inside I felt a little empty. Because I had really nothing else to talk about. I realized I have REALLY got to get some other things going again in my life! It''s just really difficult when you have this beautiful baby - who is the most important thing in the world to YOU, but realize that the rest of the world has moved on and,in reality, people really don''t want to hear ALL the details of your children.

So now I''m working on starting some new things - looking into a pt job with one of my friends and like I said, working on losing some weight. Hopefully soon I will have something more interesting to talk about other than poopie!
Have we talked about BPA free bottles yet? What is everyone going to use?

Snlee we e-mailed parents/siblings a photo of the digital test (that said pregnant) and called them and had them check their e-mail while on the phone an hour after we got our BFP. At the time (we didn't know) I was only 4.5 weeks preggo so yeah, we told them early
we just could NOT hold it in. Plus if something did happen I would want their support and comfort. It is obviosuly a personal decision but I could have NEVER waited until 12 weeks. Just isn't me. Once you heat the heartbeat your chances of m/c are less than 3%. Obviously something can ALWAYS happen but I like to try to enjoy the moment and not dwell on the what ifs.

Diva, sorry it did not work out this month. Hopefully soon you will have good news to share.

Monnie, people could probably tell I was preggo at 3 months! I was so bloated and am SO short! My belly now is HUGE. Well every part of me is huge. *sigh* I used to be petite. Ah well. (S)he is worth it. Seriously I am wondering how I am going to make it another 9-10 weeks though. DH said he will carry me around need be
You are going to delay TTC now with your new job?

DH STILL has not spent one minute looking up names
I wish he would be a little more INVOLVED. He is good about coming to the doctor's with me (so that's nice) and was cool about signing up for classes so maybe I am being too hard on him. We got in a fight last night and I told him it would be nice to be a little spoiled. I cannot remember the last time he brought me flowers (its been YEARS) or offered me a back rub (even when I say how much my back hurts. I am not even subtle about it!) or to run to the store for whatever I am hungry for (ok, he has never done that!) I just feel like he has it really easy and doesn't even know. My BFF tells me ALL the time how lucky he is b/c I am so laid back. Hello he just went to Vegas with his buddies and I am almost 8 months preggo. Guess it is the hormones.

EDD 10.28
Jess, I am sorry it didn''t work out for you this time, but now you''re officially TTC so I will send fairy dust your way!

Irish Eyes, thanks for your insight. Yes, I firmly believe that the first three months this baby''s life means my life is a goner. I believe there are certain things you have to do for your child and that may mean no time for "me" things. However, what I mean by balanced is simply asking other people what''s going on in THEIR lives during that time. I''m sure everyone will ask me how I am doing, and I don''t want to be one of those people that goes on and on without inquiring about the other person in return.

I will be working still, as I am the breadwinner of the family, so that will help balance my life out a bit. Fortunately I work from home, so I won''t miss out on much!

Tacori, I TOTALLY know how you fell. TGuy is very much a "blokey-bloke" and never bought me flowers. He bought them for this first time after I came home from the doc''s with their PG results. I try to tell him when I feel sick, or aches and pains because I am so laid back, I don''t want him to think this whole thing is EASY. But he''s not a coddler, and I certainly knew that when I married him so I don''t think it''s fair for me to expect him to change. However, if that is the case, this will be his LAST child.
My friend says TGuy will be more interested when it seems more "real" to him, but I''m not sure that will be the case.

I think it IS hormones. We''re not just "pregnant"...we''re CREATING LIFE (
), which is no easy task. So our bodies are going through all these weird things and we''re basically going through it alone. I mean, how can TGuy possibly understand how FREAKED OUT I was when I noticed my nipples the other day? When erect, they reminded me of raw ground beef meatballs! Gross! I was half laughing, half shriekng in the bathroom. How could men *get* that really disconcerting things are/will be happening to our bodies??

If I let myself get into a funk, I can (humorously) feel kind of bitter than men don''t have to go through this at all.
Hello ladies -
Sorry I''ve been so lax about posting. I''ve been really busy lately (huge family = an ''event'' every weekend) and haven''t had much free time. I really need to slow down and focus on baby though. DH and I went on the hospital tour yesterday and it freaked me out! The guide kept going on about needing to have things ready & done NOW. I have ~10.5 weeks to go (if Sabrina doesn''t come early) and I haven''t done ANYTHING in the baby''s room or purchased a single supply. I''m feeling like a bad mommy for being so behind.

Tacori -
You are my new idol. I''m about to order a couple pieces that will require assembly and I may just try and tackle them myself after reading your post. Please post pics of your nursery if you can - maybe it''ll give me the inspiration to get working on mine!

Congrats on getting to attempt a vag delivery. I''ll cross my fingers that the fibroid doesn''t get in the way.

I agree with Ebree about trying the BBT/CM charting - it''s much cheaper than OPKs. I charted for 6mos before we even started TTC and it was so helpful. I used; I found it to be much more user-friendly than FF.
Sending lots of **Baby Dust** your way!

Ellaila -
Glad to hear your appt went so well. I''m super jealous that you get to have frequent u/s''. It''s been 2 mos since my last one so I''m crossing my fingers that the doc does another at my 30wk appt this Thur.
I''d love to see your new u/s pics. I''m sure your little man is an adorable skeletor!

Congrats on the honeymoon baby!