
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

It's belly Friday again, is it? You all look so cute, and I feel huge. I'll try to get DH to take one today.

Welcome, swimmer!

Date: 3/13/2009 10:29:41 AM
Author: fieryred33143

Ebree-I like the idea of wall decor, especially cute decals. Do you know what color crib you will be buying? I haven't put together a registry yet. It's too overwhelming. Every time I think about something to add, I start doing research and feel lost. I was going to add a carseat yesterday since we know we're getting Chicco Keyfit. I was very proud of us for choosing a carseat...but then what style? Do I want neutral? Do I want girly? LOL And let me tell you...the other day I was looking at bottles, I figured I could start with something 'easy.' Yeah, bottles I'm leaving for last

I like the idea of decals too, but the new house we moved into has bumpy walls, just like our old house. I don't know if anything will stick well, to be honest! For the crib, (changing table, etc.) we're probably going with a dark (espresso?) wood, though that's another thing we've yet to conquer. He's going to be sleeping in our room for the first six months at least, so we've got to figure out that situation before purchasing the more expensive stuff. I don't even know if we'll have a crib here before he's born, but I figure we have time since we're going to co-sleep.

I started the registry yesterday, all confident with my list of items in a word document and after two hours, I have a twelve item registry. I kept changing my mind, taking things off, rethinking things. I'm going to put everything else on today as soon as I can get it together and make some decisions!
There's no harm in starting one and not telling anyone about it until you've completed it, and even then, you can still make changes here and there.

One of the good things about the Chicco Keyfit 30 is that they're all pretty neutral- anything you pick you can use for baby #2, if you want. And bottles? I'm leaving those for last, too! Most of what I read says not to buy too many of any one bottle, because babies choose which they like and which they hate and stocking up before you know can be a waste of money.

Ebree – I really want to use a wall decal too, but DH feels like it’s going to “ruin” the wall, so we’ve compromised. I’m going to buy a large canvas, paint it and then put the decal on that. Everyone wins! I know its not the same thing…but maybe a suggestion for your rough walls ?!

Pandora – great update. I’m SO glad you’re getting such good and thorough care. You’re my cycle buddy for evah! ;p

CDT – skinny minny! You are ridiculously small!!! I have no idea where any of the comments you’ve gotten in the past have come from. You look farking AMAZING!

Fiery – yey on 23 wks. I had a similar experience at 24 wk when the baby did not move for almost 24 hours. Naturally, I was worried. Middie told me to do exactly what you did….drink some sugary juice and lie down on my left side. PAAN! Baby was back at it in no time. FYI, a huge growth spurt happens in the 24th week, where the baby supposedly gains ½ a pound in a week! That’s basically doubling! So, I think that the baby is just sleeping due to the spurt. I remember being VERY tired that week…Hang in there!

Mrs. – I’ve been meaning to ask you. You mentioned that you were leaking some colostrums. This may sound dumb, but how did you notice it? Was your bra stained or did you actually see it coming out? I’m just curious. Things like this intrigue me. GL GL GL on your upcoming Cesarean birth. I’ll be thinking of you!!

Welcome swimmer!!!

Peony – pic is too cute! Def a item for the scrapbook.

Blen poor blen. If I could take away your discomfort I would. You have done so incredibly well up until now. It’s only natural for your body to falter a bit. Hang tough New Kid. You’re allllmost there!
Me time. I’m up 26 lbs from pre-preggo weight, which is hilarious to me. I don’t feel it. I don’t feel like I look it…but that scale don’t lie! Haha.

Last night my DH put up some drapes in the nursery. He didn’t want drapes to begin with, but I won out. No sooner did we have it all mounted, that I “changed my mind” and wanted them mounted EVEN higher. OMG. I thought he would be SO mad, considering he was against the idea from the get-go….but surprisingly he was so gentle with me. He agreed to re-do them on the weekend. YEY! Score one Mela!

ETA: The name Phoenix keeps coming up. On a daily basis. It's SO weird, that i cannot ignore it. Does "Romeo Phoenix" sound ok?

Here I am in my 30 week glory! Lol.
5 more weeks of work until I start my Mat leave. HOORAY!

Mrs- im sooo excited to see your little one! I hope you have an easy c and everything goes well .very glad you are prepared and ready to go...we are here cheering you on ;)

Peony- looking at those pics reminded me of my own happy day seeing those lines...ugh what a great feeling! Congrats again.

Ladies, pics look grrrreat!

Pandora- glad you have everything prepared as to what may happen etc...I have nothing prepared and I absolutley hate that!

<---30 wks on monday!
You ladies look great and have the cutest bellies.

fiery, my pleasure my dear. I would hate for something to happen to any of your babies. You are going to have SO much fun dressing your little girl! Hats are a must in the sun.
I love belly pic Friday!! Making my baby itch worse.....

You ladies all look GREAT!! Thanks for the pics!
Hey girls, sorry I''ve been absent from here. I''ve still lurked a little, but it''s been a rough week.

I caught a stomach bug last weekend and had a fun time worshiping the porcelain god for 12 hours. That pretty much destroyed my back and I was in tremendous pain Monday and Tuesday. My OB had referred me to a pain management doc for my previous back pain so I had to contact this doctor for anything related to that. She doesn''t tend to return calls in a realistic amount of time, so I was pretty frustrated. When I finally did get a call back, she had spoken with my OB about medication and basically made me feel like a horrible person for being in pain and needing something for it. Pandora, I don''t know if you''ve experienced this before, but I was beyond upset. Then she suggested I see a clincal psychologist, which I later found out was for relaxation exercises and things like that, but initially I was mortified that she suggested that. She called me in a steroid which I believe is helping already, but I''m not quite sure yet. I have acupuncture next Monday, so I''m really hopeful about that working.

Congrats to Mandarine on the twins!! And congrats to Peony and Sunkist!!!

Mrs. I can''t beileve you''re having the C-section next week! It sure did sneak up!

Blen, I''m so sorry you''re uncomfortable, but you are sooo close. I''m right behind ya too.

Pandora, I''m glad you feel more comfortable with everything and it sounds like your little one will be in great hands!

All the bellies look so great! Here''s mine: 33 weeks, 2 days.

33 weeks preg.jpg
awww, so CUTE!!! you ladies look wonderful and have the tiniest bellies!!
Fiery and Mela - thanks for the sweet comments!!

Mela - you look so small!!!! i cannot believe you are 30 weeks!!! You look great!! And I think Romeo Phoenix sounds nice! I love the name Phoenix.

Courtney - see above
Except I can''t believe you''re 33 weeks!!!

Seriously, I hope to look as good as all of you in the end!!!
Date: 3/13/2009 12:32:59 PM
Author: mela lu

FYI, a huge growth spurt happens in the 24th week, where the baby supposedly gains ½ a pound in a week! That’s basically doubling! So, I think that the baby is just sleeping due to the spurt. I remember being VERY tired that week

So that explains why I''m so exhausted this week! No fair that baby is having his/her growth spurt the same week as daylight savings.
Everyone''s bellies are so cute! I look exactly the same as last week, so I think I''ll hold off until next week to post.
Everyone looks so cute. I can''t believe how small you all are, I keep expecting 30 week bellies to be huge!

Mela- Love Phoenix.

Robbie- I am exhausted this week too, I am blaming daylight savings b/c I''m not that far yet.

Ebree: Re: Decals. Not sure about sticking them on your walls, but a friend of mine said that little ones LOVE the stickers. She has some for her baby-to-be and a friend''s 3 month old was over and couldn''t stop staring at them. Not sure what she has.

ARgh, I KEEP forgetting about pics. I will make DH take one this weekend and will post it.

MRS- As in THIS Monday??? Good luck good luck good luck!!! Do you have names yet?
Does anyone subscribe to ?

Sounds like a cute concept. They drop one amazing steal a day at 9am MST until it's gone. I registered. I'll let you know if it's as cool as it sounds...

Also, I guess I should re-phrase my baby name question. What sounds better? (initials in parenthesis)
Romeo Christian (RCG)
Romeo Phoenix


Keep in mind I believe in "signs" and I feel like the name Phoenix has been whispered to me over and over and over again by my 'little voices' for the past couple months. Should I listen to the little voices regardless of which one sounds better?

Or do I need a good shrink?

Hmmm. At first "read" I think Romeo Christian looks better. But not so much better that if Phoenix is being whispered into your ears that you should ignore it! Can you give us a hint as to last name? Actually just a first initial would be ok. Helps me.

Romeo Phoenix is growing on me as we speak.
Thanks for the feedback China. I''ve put the initials in brackets after the names.

I really appreciate your opinions. Hilarious how much weight we put on a middle names. Sheesh!
I think they both sound good with Romeo, and I like the idea of using the name that's been 'whispered' to you, so I'll vote Phoenix. It'll be a cool story to share with him when he gets older.
Well, I HATE my middle name, so your future bambino will thank you! Or probably not, they will all probably hate their names. You know, like why didn't you name me X like all my friends? Too funny!

ETA: Was typing same time as EBree and I totally agree with her.

LYSSER- Are you out there???? Thinking of you. Come out and play!
Hey gals! Can you recommend a website that emails me weekly updates about the developmental stage of my baby? I know that there are a few out there, but I''m not sure which one is best. Thanks so much!
This is my fave!

ETA: this one is great for the really really early DPOs:

ETA2: this is kinda fun:

BabyCenter's Food/Fetus Comparisons:

4 weeks: Poppy seed
5 weeks: Sesame seed
6 weeks: Lentil bean
7 weeks: Blueberry
8 weeks: Kidney bean
9 weeks: Grape
10 weeks: Kumquat
11 weeks: Fig
12 weeks: Lime
13 weeks: Medium shrimp
14 weeks: Lemon
15 weeks: Apple
16 weeks: Avocado
17 weeks: Turnip
18 weeks: Bell pepper
19 weeks: Large heirloom tomato
20 weeks: Banana
21 weeks: Carrot
22 weeks: Spaghetti squash
23 weeks: Large mango
24 weeks: Ear of corn
25 week: Average rutabaga
26 weeks: English hothouse cucumber
27 weeks: Head of cauliflower
28 weeks: Chinese cabbage
29 weeks: Butternut squash
30 weeks: Head of cabbage
31 weeks: Four navel oranges
32 weeks: Large jicama
33 weeks: Pineapple
34 weeks: Average cantaloupe
35 weeks: Honeydew
36 weeks: Crenshaw melon
37 weeks: Stalk of swiss chard
38 weeks: Leek
39 weeks: Mini watermelon
40 weeks: Small pumpkin
Date: 3/13/2009 4:44:07 PM
Author: peonygirl
Hey gals! Can you recommend a website that emails me weekly updates about the developmental stage of my baby? I know that there are a few out there, but I''m not sure which one is best. Thanks so much!
We get our weekly email from baby center and I like it a lot.

Speaking of, the last one said that I should start dancing because the baby will feel it. Mr. Fiery gets it too and when I got home he asked me to dance with him. I thought wow, how romantic is this.

But then he played Sir Mix A lot. You know, the big butts song.

Just when I think he''s making progress he fails miserably
Happy Friday Everyone!
Mela, I like both! Would you ever consider Phoenix as a first name if you are getting such strong vibes from it?

Courtney, sorry you''ve been under the weather, but glad to see you around!

Mrs., I can''t believe that your day is almost here! So excited for you and your little girl!

All the belly pics are great! I think I may have officially popped this week, but it might just be that when I wear maternity shirts, I look a LOT more pregnant, but people started commenting a ton this week. Dh and I are going to register tomorrow and I''m soooo excited!

19w 2d

19week pic.jpg
hey ?...i think this has been discussed before but im so out of it...anyone know where to find good cotton bras w.o. underwires (big sizes too)...robbie i think u spoke about it???

DD where did u get bras??
Date: 3/13/2009 2:00:28 PM
Author: Courtneylub
Hey girls, sorry I''ve been absent from here. I''ve still lurked a little, but it''s been a rough week.

I caught a stomach bug last weekend and had a fun time worshiping the porcelain god for 12 hours. That pretty much destroyed my back and I was in tremendous pain Monday and Tuesday. My OB had referred me to a pain management doc for my previous back pain so I had to contact this doctor for anything related to that. She doesn''t tend to return calls in a realistic amount of time, so I was pretty frustrated. When I finally did get a call back, she had spoken with my OB about medication and basically made me feel like a horrible person for being in pain and needing something for it. Pandora, I don''t know if you''ve experienced this before, but I was beyond upset. Then she suggested I see a clincal psychologist, which I later found out was for relaxation exercises and things like that, but initially I was mortified that she suggested that. She called me in a steroid which I believe is helping already, but I''m not quite sure yet. I have acupuncture next Monday, so I''m really hopeful about that working.

Congrats to Mandarine on the twins!! And congrats to Peony and Sunkist!!!

Mrs. I can''t beileve you''re having the C-section next week! It sure did sneak up!

Blen, I''m so sorry you''re uncomfortable, but you are sooo close. I''m right behind ya too.

Pandora, I''m glad you feel more comfortable with everything and it sounds like your little one will be in great hands!

All the bellies look so great! Here''s mine: 33 weeks, 2 days.
Sweetie, I really feel for you. I''ve gone through 4 pain consultants so far and honestly the latest one is the first that I have got on with and actually agree with on things. Makes a huge difference.

The psychologist referral is pretty standard - they''ll teach you self-hypnosis, relaxation techniques and talk to you about your attitude towards chronic pain and expectations. The woman I saw was really nice (and hated the pain consultant as much as I did
), but I can''t say that the techniques made any difference to me - but I''m not at all suggestible so forms of hypnosis are a waste of time sadly. I''ve seen other people get great results from it though so fingers crossed it works for you!

I was also sent on the INPUT course which is supposedly the Rolls Royce of chronic pain courses - two weeks inpatient. I was so unhappy I ran away and DH made me go back (I spent 5 years at boarding school and never ran away from there!) The course was run by nurses and they were very horrible. They told me I was a junkie in front of the whole class, told me I shouldn''t have ever had surgery (despite it being the reason I can actually walk) and that I needed to give up any hope of an eventual cure, accept my situation and cut back my meds even if it meant I wouldn''t be able to work...

I spent a long time before I got pg talking to doctors about my meds, my back, my bipolar and the possibility of having a baby. I was given the green light by my GP, my psychiatrist, my neurosurgeon and several OBs - not one suggested that it was wrong of me or that I needed to choose between baby or medication. They were just picky about the maternity unit I would be sent to.

Everyone I have seen during my pregnancy has been wonderful and supportive and not made me feel bad at all. If you have never lived with constant disabiling pain for weeks and months on end, it is very hard to understand just how bad it is. I''ve had people tell me that they ''couldn''t take that nasty codeine because it can give you constipation'' - well, quite frankly if that is enough to put you off then you just aren''t in much pain because if you are you will put up with a heck of a lot of side-effects if your pain is controlled.

For your doctor to make you feel that way is extremely unprofessional in my opinion. Even when they are dealing with heroin addict mothers who haven''t got a clue how much and what they are shooting up, the guidelines for treating babies who may have Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome are very strict that you must never be judgemental or make the mother feel bad or guilty in anyway - because they are already doing that part themselves and actually need support not wagging fingers.

The guy I saw yesterday said that he hoped I didn''t feel that way - that I was as right to have a baby whilst on strong opiates as a woman with diabetes or epilepsy or one of many other conditions was and that if I couldn''t have come off the meds or lowered the doses then that was fine and I shouldn''t apologise because of course I would have done if I could have.

The really important thing is that the OBs and paediatricians know EXACTLY what and what dosage you take - and making you feel guilty is unlikely to make most people to disclose things accurately. Grrrrrrr.

Steroids should be pretty good - they''re not a long-term fix though as they can have bad effects on your bone density if you take them constantly for years. My mother takes them for her MS and it makes a huge difference to her pain levels. The only thing to watch is that you can make an existing injury worse if you overdo it because you feel so good (the vet gave some to our aged and very arthritic cat - who promptly started leaping about and climbing trees like a kitten which probably didn''t do his arthritis much good at all!)

I hope the accupuncture works for you - I''m getting my father to do some for me over the weekend...

Anyway, I know EXACTLY how you feel - b ''fut just ignore them. I know how stressed you are about taking things and I don''t believe for a minute that you do it ''for fun''
- smoking or drinking alcohol or large amounts of caffeine are at least as bad (if not worse - try looking up Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome caffeine on Google... makes interesting reading!)

Look after yourself and hope you feel better soon. Cute belly shot by the way - and you look incredible for 33 weeks!
Zofran = constipation. Sigh. It's still better than the morning sickness though.

After DH went out and bought me metamucil and some suppositories (so sorry I had to share that!), we agreed that pregnancy seems to be one long string of indignities.

Yesterday I looked at my profile, and I have a belly pooch, but it's too high to be my uterus; it's just new fat. I've gained about 5 pounds, apparently all in my thighs and abdomen. I wonder how much of the bloated feeling is my constipation; let's hope that's mostly what it is!

Not feeling well means I don't exercise, which means I feel worse, etc. I just want to feel a little bit better so I can get active again. I'm sure that will help the constipation too.

I'm home alone tonight and know I'm going to ramble, so feel free to read or not. What follows is not all pregnancy related but does have to do with parenting.

DH told his mom that we're expecting, and she called me just to tell me that if DH doesn't treat me right, she'll spank him, giggle giggle. She seems to be stuck in mother of a toddler mode because she loves to talk constantly about when her children were about age 2. The stories are all of her doing silly things with them and them being so cute. Tellingly, she seems to star more in the stories than they do. And this is how she has been for years, no grandchildren on the brain or anything; we either have a flat and awkward conversation about the present or we have a grand old time reliving the past. Having a new baby/toddler will surely not help matters. "And then he put his little cape on, and I made him laugh and giggle! Hee hee!'" One time she left this message on our machine: "Hi! It's ME! I just wanted you to know that I just TOOK A SHOWER and I'm ALL CLEAN! [giggle] BYE!"

I know that as an INTJ and as somebody who is quite stubborn and stoic and who does not suffer fools well, I am about as well suited to put up with my MIL as anybody could be. That will have to be my consolation as I anticipate the struggle we will have over how much we let her into our lives (this is a woman who married a dangerous felon while still in prison and who shunned us for nine months after accusing me of not loving her in front of her whole family and then storming out of my house, so she doesn't really have much of a foot in the door at the moment).

Today I also put the kaibash on an obviously unbalanced parent of a student in our honor society. She has been turning in all the forms and verifications herself, and every time she does she writes a long email with at least five questions and requests that I verify all of her statements, even if they're not questions. She actually contacted the yearbook teacher several times demanding verification that the yearbook would not misspell her child's name. So she writes me, I say your child has to see me, she says could you please ask to see my child?, I say no your child needs to come see me, she says when?, I say when your child sets up the time, etc, etc. When the poor child finally met with me, there was a printed page of points for me to check off one by one and spaces for me to write in paragraphs explaining things . . . gee, I wonder who wrote that, child or mom?

Finally I told her straight out that we could not commit to double-checking everything with her, so she wrote me a super long email about how she was sorry to have upset me over trying to help her child (that's a quote!) and then listing again all gazillion things she wanted verified (times, dates, point values -- all things we go over in our meetings). After each point she wrote, "I can assume that this will not be verified either." I guess this was her way of taking back power for herself; she wouldn't have to feel powerless in the face of my refusal to placate her if she announced that she knew I was refusing her.

I know she makes one of her child's (a senior!) teachers email her every day. And the yearbook teacher finally just said, yes, I promise not to misspell your child's common and easy to spell name. I feel like I did my duty to the universe by telling her no, even though it would have taken less time to "verify" all her points than to repeatedly state that her child could ask me these questions at any time but that I would not deal directly with the mother, who is obviously not the one who is the member of the honor society. This is also at some risk of annoyance and time suckage if she chooses to complain about me and my unhelpfulness, but I know the administration is used to her complaints and that her irrational, accusatory email would not win her any sympathy.

MIL and this parent scare me because being stable not just financially but emotionally is so important for bringing a child into this world. It's easy to judge, but it's less easy to make sure I am aware of my faults like I wish these parents were. DH was saved from too much damage from his mother by being older (her behavior worsened over time and the younger siblings bore the brunt), and this senior seems to function very well despite mom spending more time worrying about the honor society (the last packet she dropped off was 20 pages -- all our emails, her child's application which she filled out, every little form she thought might be important to "verifying" that we would allow her child to graduate with honors) than the child or me, its adviser.

I grew up in a home where my parents were always parents. They were encouraging and accepting. Sure, sometimes my dad nagged a little too much, and my mom could have been a little warmer--no parent is perfect-but there was laughter, there was room for me to grow up without my parents frantically holding on to stories of my infancy or trying to control every little thing I did even as a teenager. My parents were always united, and the one fight I ever saw them have was the least exciting fight ever (my mom announced she no longer felt like going to the movies, and my dad begged her to reconsider). Even though I lost my dad totally unexpectedly to suicide last year, it didn't break me because I was raised on a solid foundation. My parents never expected me to parent them, and I know my dad's death is not my fault or my shame, although of course it is my loss. I just hope that whatever caused parents like MIL and crazy packet mom to become toxic, if that's not too strong a word, is something we can avoid if we're watchful.
LOL...cute picture of your HPTs
Cute bellies everyone.
You are all so tiny!
Haven't had a chance to catch up, but wanted to do a quick drive by to say:

Good Luck, Mrs!!!! So excited for you! I may be too late to chime in, but if I were you I'd spend this weekend puttering around the house making sure everything is ready for baby, maybe get a pedicure (you'll be able to see your toes again so soon!), have a nice dinner and spend LOTS of time snuggling with DH! I can't wait to 'meet' your beautiful baby girl and learn what name you've chosen for her! Yay!!! Wishing you a safe, quick, and easy C!!
Mela, I like Phoenix best as a middle name!

NYC, Mine is cotton, but it has an underwire. It''s a Champion ( They had a ton of underwireless options at the Hanes outlet I went to (Hanes, Playtex, Champion and a bunch of others were all available at the store), but none fit me right. I love the bra that I got though. With every other bra I''ve had during this pregnancy I couldn''t wait to get home and change into my sports bra. With this one sometimes I almost forget to change before getting into bed!
Date: 3/13/2009 9:16:56 PM
Author: phoenixgirl
Zofran = constipation. Sigh. It''s still better than the morning sickness though.

After DH went out and bought me metamucil and some suppositories (so sorry I had to share that!), we agreed that pregnancy seems to be one long string of indignities.

I really sympathize with you over the constipation that Zofran causes -- it is WAY beyond normal pregnancy constipation. Some days I thought "it would really be worth puking a few times today if I could just take a sh*t!!!" I bought metamucil, benefiber (the clear powder), chewable fiber tablets, and glycerin suppositories. I even broke down and took Correctol which is NOT recommended. I was early on in my pregnancy and it gave me such terrible cramps I was afraid that I was miscarrying. So no matter how desperate you are, stay away from the stimulative laxatives.

With all of that stuff I still had a difficult time, but you''re right, it will pass. Soon enough you''ll be able to go off of the Zofran and relief will come! Since you have morning sickness I don''t know what foods appeal to you right now, but when I ate a TON of vegetables/fruit during the day (fruit during breakfast, a big salad with fruit for lunch, and cooked veggies and salad with dinner, things moved a lot easier.
Hi guys!!! I'm finally back from my business trip!. You guys all look great with your bellies!!!!. I don't even want to imagine how big I'm going to get!!! for now I'll just enjoy seeing your cute tiny bumps! Love them!!!!

Today we broke the news to my MIL, my dada and will be calling my mom tonight!. They were so excited and almost FREAKED when they heard they were twins!. I have always (since I was little) said I wanted my sister, dad & setp mom were in a HUGE shock because of how many times I have said that in the past!!!.

I'm ready to crash for a nap, but wanted to post the ultrasound pictures!

Here they are

ETA: Both are tiny, one measured 5w4d and the other one 6w1d (I think)....both HBs were at 103!. On week from Monday we go back...I can't wait! It makes me nervous because you read all these things, but I'm trying to stay calm and only think positive that both of them will be nice and beating away next time we see them!

Here is sweet Baby A
