
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Congratulations Amber & Indy!!!!!! Wishing you both a happy & healthy 9 months!!!!
Date: 4/1/2009 12:31:40 AM
Author: indypitty
Hi everyone! I must say I am quite surprised to be posting here! I expected to spend some time on the TTC board, but bypassed that completely. I had a feeling something was up, took a HPT Sunday (and several more since then!) and am completely shocked to be pregnant! The crazy thing is that we only tried once ~ we were not really expecting to conceive with the first horse out of the gate, so to speak! Of course we are thrilled despite the shock.

I am kind of freaking out, because I only started on the prenatals yesterday. We were not really planning on TTC until the summer, so I had not started the vitamins yet. I am 33 and had been on the pill for over ten years, so I was just expecting everything to take longer. I''m concerned about not having enough folic acid built up in my system. I try to eat a pretty balanced diet, so hopefully it''s okay, just something to stress about.

It''s still so early, and I have yet to make a doctor''s appt. Need to do that tomorrow. I have enjoyed reading about everyone''s progress with their pregnancy ~ of course I have only read the most recent posts because there are so many! So excited for you all!

Don''t panic - you''re probably getting a good whack from your diet anyway (as long as you eat pretty healthily).

I had to get mine up to 5mg a day (I''m 36, take an anti-epileptic which is an anti-folate, and have had major problems with my folic acid levels in the past) and had to wait 3 weeks to see my GP for an Rx. I was literally getting through over a months supply of the normal ones every 2 days (taking 12 of the 400 microgram tablets a day) which he thought was very funny and told me not to worry about. I got the levels up pretty quickly and no problems at all.

They don''t even prescribe pre-natals in the UK unless they think you are malnourished etc - folic acid only over here - so don''t stress too much!
Date: 3/31/2009 10:51:49 PM
Author: AmberWaves
Finally I''m up! After grabbing a cream puff at Beard Papas (best cream puffs ever), DH and I hauled my prenatal gift bag home, and curled up in bed and slept for two hours. I must have been tired!

Anyway, I''ll post the pic of the ultrasound tomorrow, I''m just exhausted right now.

Rundown of the appointment (sorry if it''s super boring!):

After I signed in and handed over the forms I filled out last night, DH and I got comfortable. It was like a scene from ''Knocked Up'', only we weren''t terrified of the babies! We were surrounded by babies and pregnant women, ranging from a 7 month old flirty little boy to a newborn baby, his mommy in for her first post-birth visit. It was funny watching DH''s reaction to the tiny little newborn, since the last newborn he''d seen was 8 years ago! I had just gone to the bathroom before Paul picked me up to our appointment, so I had to chug some water for the urine test. Finally, we got called back, where we were called into our doctor''s office. We went over the usual questions about our risk factors, what to do as well as what NOT to do, and she answered any questions we had. Thankfully she told me my Advair asthma inhaler is just fine in pregnancy, which was a (no pun intended) breath of relief, as I''d been cutting back on my usage worried it could be bad.

After we interviewed, I did the urine sample and had my weight taken (yowza), and went into the room where DH was already waiting in the ''daddy closet''- a little cubby off the site of the room with a curtain and a chair and magazines. The nurse took my blood pressure and told me to get undressed and onto the table. Once that as done, the doc came in and we did the full exam; pap, cervical exam, a bunch of various swabs, breast exam, palpation of my abdomen, check of the lymph nodes and things. The said I had a ''nice early pregnant uterus'', which is nice to hear! Then she sent me to get my blood drawn down the hall. At first I was fine, the needle stung a bit and I refused to look at the blood that kept being taken, vial after vial. On the last vial, she took out the needle and pressed the cotton ball to the spot, and I started passing out. It got dark, I couldn''t hear, and I got super cold. I could hear the tech ask if I was okay, and to stay with her, as she called for apple juice and granola bar ''STAT!''. I put my head down and got verrrrry close to passing out. They passed smelling salts under my nose and gave me the juice that I chugged. They wheeled in a wheelchair and took me to lie down in a room. It sucked.

Finally I went to get my transvag ultrasound, she scanned my ovaries (looking good) and we saw the baby with its yolk sac and heart beating away at 108bpm. As I said before, my doctor wants to hear the baby''s heartbeat, and check it out once it gets a little bigger, which will be in three weeks. This appointment had me measuring at 5w6d, rather than the 6w2d going off the LMP, which makes sense, as I ovulated a little later, and had a cycle of about 29 days or so. I asked if there was anything to worry about, and she said not to worry at all, but because he''s so tiny right now, she wants to see when he''s a little bigger and things are easier to see. I''m not complaining about another ultrasound! On the way out I was given a goodie bag with about 7 prenatal samples, a copy of What to Expect, various pamphlets, a Bad and Good things for you letter, and all sorts of random things.

All in all, fun times minus the blood draw!
Sorry to hear about the passing out - it feels so horrible afterwards.

Good news on everything else and hooray for getting an early u/s. Sounds like a VERY thorough appointment!

I''ve found it really interesting hearing all the differences between the different healthcare systems round the world. I''m 33 weeks and other than baring my midriff for scans and heart-beat checks I have yet to remove any clothes...


So excited that you got to see your baby, and the flicker of his/her heart. And your husband dressing up for the day he "meets" the baby... PRECIOUS!!!

I''m so very thrilled for you!! It sounds like your appt. went really well! And a goodie bag to boot!

Yippeee!!! Amber has a healthy baby growing!!

Whoo hoo!!!
Did anyone else wake up today convinced it was Friday? No, just me? Okay, maybe I''m crazy then...certainly feel like it today.

Amber, yay for a little flicker hb! So exciting to see that!

Indypitty, congrats! It''s normal to feel nervous and unprepared (not that you do, but even girls who have been trying for MUCH longer feel that way when it finally happens) and I also wouldn''t worry about the prenatal as long as you start taking it now. Welcome!

Mela, those leg warmers are just adorable, and so is lil'' Mela! What a sport for toughing out the abuse! I''m really tempted to try to put my dog in our car seat, but she would sooo freak out, plus I don''t want to get dog hairs on it since it''s mostly black.

Blen, glad that this mw appt. made you feel better and that you are still hanging in there!

NYC, with each day you are getting so much closer! Yay!

Ebree, you totally make me drool over those bags, but I''ve never been a big bag person. You all have such great taste in bags, but I''m totally sold on the traditional diaper bags.

Sorry to anyone else I missed...hard to keep up and work has been keeping me busy with crazy students who turn a 10 minute presentation into half hour presentations.

Oh! I wanted to add that I did finally get to go see my dear friend who had her little boy 3 weeks ago. She is the one who had protein in her urine so they induced her right before 38 weeks. He is still only about 5.5 lbs and soooooo cute! Although while I was there, he got up from a nap and she was fixing him a bottle (she has to supplement), so I was holding him, and he TOTALLY tried to breast feed off me through my shirt! I mean, I was holding him right there and he was hungry, but I have to admit, it freaked me out a bit. I don''t think it would have been as weird to me if I didn''t know that there IS milk in there technically...but she thought it was hilarious and even wanted to take a picture of it.

Awesome news about getting pregnant so quickly. To bypass TTC is a blessing in many ways! I hope your journey is a smooth one to parenthood!!


I think I remember that your first appt. is today. I may be wrong. But whenever it is, I hope it goes smashingly well!! Thinking of you!!!
Indy- Welcome and congratulations! Happy to have you here!!

Blen- It''s April 1st! You''re going to have a diamond baby! Yay!
Hooray for diamond babies! Today is officially my due date month!

Blen, I''m glad your MW made you feel a little better and I''m crossing my fingers that SHE gets here soon!

Congrats, Indy! That is wonderful news.

Sabine, that is so cute about your friends baby. I had a dream last night about my LO and breastfeeding her. In my dream it came really easily, so let''s hope that''s a sign of things to come!

Amber, I''m glad your appointment went well besides the fainting. I hate that feeling. A complete loss of control.

Peony, I''m glad it''s nothing serious and that you most likely don''t have a UTI. One less thing!

Nyc, I''m so sorry your getting stir crazy by not being able to do much. Don''t worry about other mom''s that had twins! Everyone is different and you may very well get to 38 weeks with no problem!
I gotta run this morning but wanted to stop quickly...

Mela Love those leg warmers!!!!!!!!!!!
Your dog is definetely not convinced, but they look good on her!

Peony Pregnancy with twins is considered high risk, at least by both OBGYNs I''ve seen....I didn''t know some Drs only considered 3 or more, but it''s possible!. Both Drs I''ve seen (I switched) wanted me to see a specialist early on. My friend that had twins (pre term) says she wished she had some perinatal appointments since the begginning, so I think it''s a good thing to get in there early and have them take a look at everything

Amber Yay for heartbeat!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Isn''t it so exciting to see the little bean????. Sorry you almost passed out, maybe next time you''re going to get blood drawn you can have some candy before or something?

NYC Good plan!!!! Keep baking those 2 until week 38!!!

Indypity Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome to te group!!!. I think you should be fine in terms of vitamins, specially if you have a balanced diet!. Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months!

Sabine haha, that story made me laugh...the baby must have been hungry


I''m good, getting some energy back!!! yay!!!!!!!!

Last night I took our regular walk with the doggie (20-30 minutes) and then made it to the gym for the "Pump" class. It''s basically a toning class. I did have a question...which are the exercises you should not do while pregnant in terms of strenght?. I think you are not suppossed to to over head presses...does that include anything laying down (like chest press?)....or does it not matter this early on (I''m 9 weeks)?. In this class you basically use a step, bar and hand weights (I lower the weight from what I used to use and took more breaks) and you move from all the muscle groups. I wasn''t sure if there were some that were big no-no''s.

My calves are hurting today, which I love...I know, I''m crazy, but I love post-workout soreness

Happy April Fool''s day!!! (anyone doing anything funny pregnancy-related?...we were thinking of telling some of our friend -that don''t know yet we are pregnant-, that we are expecting triples, once we say it''s April Fool''s day we can say "just kidding, there are just two in there!")

That''s a cute idea, Mandarine. I should think of something pregnancy related to do too! Re: strength training, I think the overall rule is to just continue the type of workouts you''ve been used to and not to begin any strength training while pregnant. Though I''m sure light weights are fine regardless.
I know that at a certain point you''re supposed to avoid exercises done while lying on your back, as well as abdominal exercises. I think that you should speak to your instructor or your doctor for the best advice!
Mela-Your Mela is soooo adorable!!! I love the leg warmers!

Mand-I would make sure not to do anything that strains the abs too much and watch your heartrate. I don''t know at what point you are supposed to watch what you do on your back. My doctor hadn''t mentioned it to me until this past Monday (at 25 weeks) that I should not be laying flat anymore. I''m still guessing two girls for you!

Amber-Sorry to hear you almost passed out but glad you had a good appointment! Hmm 108...does that mean boy?? We''ll see!!

Welcome Indy


50% off Reg. $118.00

Baby Kaed Sanya Diaper Bag

Finally, fashionable diaper bags. Baby Kaed, it's in the bag!

When her son Kaeden was born in August 2004, Baby Kaed creator, Lavinia, instead of just imagining what she could do to her fancy schmancy but totally impractical diaper bag, she actually did it. And thus Baby Kaed was born--a collection of wonderfully functional diaper bag designs for the stylish mom.

* The perfect toddler tote; not to big and not too small!
* 2 front zippered compartments
* 1 back pocket for extra space
* 10" high x 15" wide x 6" deep
* 5 interior pockets and 2 side pockets
* Zippered purse for mom's cosmetics or baby's necessities
* Spacious interior with room for everything. Toss in your gear and go!
* Handy clip for pacifier or keys
* Pacifier purse- binkies need a home too!
* Waterproof lining protects against spills and other ycuky messes
* Matching changing mat measures 14" x 22"
* Lined drawstring bag stores clothes for those messy days
* Black quilt with fuchsia or blue piping / swirl pattern interior

I want it I want it I want it I want it.

Mela- This is too funny, I was just coming here to post that bag for you after my morning visit to BabySteals!!!! It looks like a fantastic bag!

Have any of you heard about a home-test kit for gender called Intelligender? Supposedly it is 82% accurate when used between 10-34 weeks. The ad says it''s available at Walgreen''s. I always thought I would want a surprise, but I''m already SOOOO curious! Just wondering if any of you have given it a try.
My April 1st has been one cruel joke.
Last night a little after midnight I noticed some bright red blood in my urine, and today I had some brown spotting. I refuse to believe (at this point) that my baby won''t make it, but we''re so, so scared! We''re going for an ultrasound this afternoon. Please cross your fingers for us (or maybe say a little prayer if you do that).

Hope everyone else is doing well!
We had our first doctor appt. this morning. I was very nervous last night and couldn''t sleep, but in the end it was a little anti-climatic since all that really happened was I gave a urine sample, answered a lot of questions and got a slip for bloodwork. We did get to schedule an ultrasound for first thing Monday morning. I am very excited, but also a little nervous because the nurse practitioner did a pelvic exam and said she thinks I am less pregnant than we think. Well, that''s not possible given my chart and our BD schedule. I have to be at least 6 weeks and a day or two. So now I am worried that something is wrong. Does anyone know whether measuring your uterus is an accurate indicator at this stage?
Date: 4/1/2009 11:26:51 AM
Author: natalina
Mela- This is too funny, I was just coming here to post that bag for you after my morning visit to BabySteals!!!! It looks like a fantastic bag!

Have any of you heard about a home-test kit for gender called Intelligender? Supposedly it is 82% accurate when used between 10-34 weeks. The ad says it''s available at Walgreen''s. I always thought I would want a surprise, but I''m already SOOOO curious! Just wondering if any of you have given it a try.
We just saw that at Walgreens the other day when we were buying a HPT. I had never heard of it before. It costs $30.00. Do you know how it supposedly works?

I am thinking of you and praying that everything is fine. Just remember that some spotting is normal and probably doesn''t mean anything - although I know it is hard not to worry. Please keep us updated on how you are doing.
Date: 4/1/2009 11:37:04 AM
Author: peonygirl
My April 1st has been one cruel joke.
Last night a little after midnight I noticed some bright red blood in my urine, and today I had some brown spotting. I refuse to believe (at this point) that my baby won''t make it, but we''re so, so scared! We''re going for an ultrasound this afternoon. Please cross your fingers for us (or maybe say a little prayer if you do that).
Hope everyone else is doing well!
peony, my fingers are crossed for you! How far along are you? I had some spotting a few times during my pregnancy and my baby is now a healthy 6 month old. Keep us posted!
Congrats Amber on a great first u/s!

Congrats indypitty!
Date: 4/1/2009 11:37:04 AM
Author: peonygirl
My April 1st has been one cruel joke.
Last night a little after midnight I noticed some bright red blood in my urine, and today I had some brown spotting. I refuse to believe (at this point) that my baby won''t make it, but we''re so, so scared! We''re going for an ultrasound this afternoon. Please cross your fingers for us (or maybe say a little prayer if you do that).

Hope everyone else is doing well!

Peony I hope everything is ok! Chances are it is totally fine. MANY women experience spotting during pregnancy.
Really quick drive by posting.

Peony - I had bleeding, and I mean bright red, clotting type bleeding TWICE during the first trimester. Both times I thought it was game over...both times, had an U/S and there was the kid, hanging out, totally nonplussed. And they could never give me the reason for the bleeding either.

Well, I''m almost 18 weeks, and the kid looks good so far. So although it stinks, it really and truly can be absolutely nothing.

Chin up!

Also -

China - The boy is adorable!!!

Okay, must run.
Amber – so happy for you. Great recap of your appt. Sorry about the spell! That’s scary! Love that your DH dressed up. So cute!

NYC – keep bakin girl ;) That is your full time job right now!

Welcome indypitty!

Sabine – cute story! It reminds me of those tales where a nursing mom can start letting down milk just by hearing another baby cry! Nutso.

Coutney – you’re getting so close girl! ☺ YEY for a diamond baby.

Mandy – good for you for staying active, but take it easy. You and NYC have a full time just as bakers alone.

Peony – oh ladyfriend. I really hope everything is ok. I can only imagine the sick feeling in the pit of your stomach. Try not to worry. I bled for 3 weeks. BLED. Brown and red gushes. It was a “subcrionic hematoma” which is really really common. It’s a pocket of blood, often left over from implantation. Brown is a good sign. The blood has to get out somehow. If this is what you have, they’ll be able to see it in an u/s. It will look like a black patch. The body usually re-absorbs it. I’m praying for you!!

November – I don’t know about the accuracy of measuring. Sorry that you too are being led to worry. Try not to….

Peony and Nov - as long as your not having painful cramps and flowing red blood (with clots), then there is no reason to worry. Easier said than done. I know. Try hard to stay positive. You’re baby needs your strength right now


Diaper bag update. I ordered one. (with blue trim). I figure at that price, I can probably get over the fact that its not leather…and if I change my mind, I can always re-sell it for what I paid. ☺ Pay it forward, right?
Mela 32w5d
Thanks, so, so much November, Snlee, Neatfreak, Lysser, and Mela!! It''s good to know that so many have had bleeding and gone on to have healthy babies. (Snlee, I''m 7 weeks and 2 days). I just don''t think I will survive another miscarriage without turning into an empty shell of a person. I will definitely post tonight when I know more!!!!!!!

November, I think the whole measuring externally thing is pretty much impossible until the baby is MUCH bigger! Don''t worry! Please let us know how your appt goes!
Peony I''ll be thinking of you today.
Peony, I refuse to think anything but positive thoughts for everything is ok and the little bean is happily growing!. Bleeding/spotting in the 1st trimester is normal, there is a lot of stuff going on in there!. So happy thoughts, little bean is ok


Thanks everyone! No worries, I am taking it easy...I would say I''m exercising at 25% of what I used to. I don''t want (or think could) go back to 100%, but do want to pick it back up a bit. Both Drs I''ve seen told me it would be good for me to stay active, specially since I was so active before. Of course, listening to my body, taking breaks, staying hydrated and keeping the heart rate below 150. I probably won''t go back to running''s getting way to hot outside and I still feel like that''s too much jumping and makes me feel uncomfortable (at least right now). So no worries, little ones are doign well and this oven won''t over do it

Peony, I''m hoping everything is okay, I echo Mela, as long as there is no cramping, try not to panic too much, which I know is hard to say!

November, yay for the exam, but it sucks that it was kind of underwhelming for you!
Date: 4/1/2009 11:26:51 AM
Author: natalina
Mela- This is too funny, I was just coming here to post that bag for you after my morning visit to BabySteals!!!! It looks like a fantastic bag!

Have any of you heard about a home-test kit for gender called Intelligender? Supposedly it is 82% accurate when used between 10-34 weeks. The ad says it''s available at Walgreen''s. I always thought I would want a surprise, but I''m already SOOOO curious! Just wondering if any of you have given it a try.
Yes and apparently it''s a complete con. They tested it out on the in-gender forum and the results were very poor. The only way to tell gender is either during a u/s or from diagnostic tests. Sorry!

Peony, my fingers are crossed for you. I had bleeding for about a week from 7 weeks 5 days. They did a u/s and I had a fairly large subchorionic haematoma which had totally resolved by the 12 week scan. The doctors weren''t very concerned and said it was pretty common at that stage.
Peony and November, you are both in my thoughts.

Peony, was it you who thought you might have a UTI? That could be a definitely cause for bleeding, and as long as it''s treated, you should be fine! Even if that wasn''t you I was thinking of, I also had several bouts of bleeding (I had an extra sensitive cervix all first tri) so many things like exercise, sex, or a strained bm would make me bleed, and things are still okay. Thinking all the best for you.

As for the intelligender thing, I''ve also heard that it''s pretty much a scam., or at least that it''s so inaccurate early on and that it doesn''t become accurate until near where your 20 week anatomy scan would be anyway. Don''t waste your money, just wait for the u/s!
Peony- I will be praying for you and your bean. Please come back and let us know how everything went at the doc as soon as you can- we''re all so worried! As everyone has said, LOTS of others here have had bleeding/spotting and have gone on to have healthy pregnancies/babies.

Pandora- Thanks for the feedback. I figured as much. Boo. It''s funny because DH wanted to know before we were pregnant and I didn''t, and now it''s reversed. Guess I have a few weeks to convince him