
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Date: 3/30/2009 3:57:33 PM
Author: fieryred33143

Date: 3/30/2009 3:09:07 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Fiery As one voluptuous woman to another I wanted to comment about the weight thing... it is common to gain the most weight between weeks 20 and 30, you can really pack it on! So don''t be surprised if you actually find you get really big in the next month or so! I think I gained about 6lbs a month in that time, and once it was 9lbs! Looking back, I think there are some things I could have done to slow it down, mostly just avoiding eating crapola and especially drinking juice, which I never normally do but did a lot of when preggo. In the end I think every woman gains different amounts and there isn''t much you can do. I mention this just in case your doc changes his/her tune and puts any pressure on you about your weight. Research actually shows that such pressure changes nothing and just makes mamas feel bad and adds stess. My midwife didn''t pressure me at all and I was grateful, as if we don''t know what we have gained?? I gained a lot, more that I thought possible, but ended up losing 30lbs in the first two weeks--compared to MRs. who just told us she lost 23lbs in the first two weeks... a lot of the variation in weight gain is fluids so there is no predicting. Now I am losing about 1-2lbs per week from BFing and am down 35lbs. Anyways, making small changes is probably good for any preggo woman, but try not to stress about it too much it will be what it will be!
Thanks DD! That really means a lot to me. I have gained 25lbs so far so I wouldn’t be surprised if I finished with 40lb weight gain or more. I tried my hardest not to gain as much weight but during weeks 14 through 20, I packed it on. It’s been slow since then. But I knew I was getting up there so I asked her about it. Before weight wasn’t even on her radar but I could tell this time around she paid attention to it. A coworker told me that BFing burns about 700 calories so there''s that to look forward too
. I''ve only been walking for about 30 minutes or so but I''m going to either try to do an hour or do 45 minutes twice a day.

Thanks again!
Date: 3/30/2009 4:02:53 PM
Author: fisherofmengirly

Tell me about it! I''m sure it varies person to person but that''s a whole lot of burning LOL
Date: 3/30/2009 3:57:33 PM
Author: fieryred33143

Date: 3/30/2009 3:09:07 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Fiery As one voluptuous woman to another I wanted to comment about the weight thing... it is common to gain the most weight between weeks 20 and 30, you can really pack it on! So don''t be surprised if you actually find you get really big in the next month or so! I think I gained about 6lbs a month in that time, and once it was 9lbs! Looking back, I think there are some things I could have done to slow it down, mostly just avoiding eating crapola and especially drinking juice, which I never normally do but did a lot of when preggo. In the end I think every woman gains different amounts and there isn''t much you can do. I mention this just in case your doc changes his/her tune and puts any pressure on you about your weight. Research actually shows that such pressure changes nothing and just makes mamas feel bad and adds stess. My midwife didn''t pressure me at all and I was grateful, as if we don''t know what we have gained?? I gained a lot, more that I thought possible, but ended up losing 30lbs in the first two weeks--compared to MRs. who just told us she lost 23lbs in the first two weeks... a lot of the variation in weight gain is fluids so there is no predicting. Now I am losing about 1-2lbs per week from BFing and am down 35lbs. Anyways, making small changes is probably good for any preggo woman, but try not to stress about it too much it will be what it will be!
Thanks DD! That really means a lot to me. I have gained 25lbs so far so I wouldn’t be surprised if I finished with 40lb weight gain or more. I tried my hardest not to gain as much weight but during weeks 14 through 20, I packed it on. It’s been slow since then. But I knew I was getting up there so I asked her about it. Before weight wasn’t even on her radar but I could tell this time around she paid attention to it. A coworker told me that BFing burns about 700 calories so there''s that to look forward too
. I''ve only been walking for about 30 minutes or so but I''m going to either try to do an hour or do 45 minutes twice a day.

Thanks again!
No worries Fiery, I think that gaining weight is hard for all women when they are preggo, but it is extra hard when you are bigger and have the added pressure of judgement or negativity from your health care provider. BFing certinaly burns calories, but I don''t think it is 700 per day. I have read that it is between 300 and 500, and it depends on your baby I would imagine, and how much he/she eats. It certainly helps lose the weight, and most comes off after the six month mark I have heard. As I mentioned, I am losing weight from BFing, since I am not excercising much right now, but it is still going to take MONTHS I am sure.
Courtney- I hope you can get to the bottom of your racing heart/fainting spells. That really sounds scary.

Blen- Hope you''re doing well and hanging in there! Sorry it''s getting so tough.

EBree- I say GO FOR IT with those outfits!! So so cute! Right up my alley. Baby Gap Home has a crib bedding set that is white with embroidered turtles in navy and green that is preppy like those outfits, and let me just say that if we knew we were having a boy, I would have ordered it already! So fun!

China- Itty bitty belly! You''re so cute!

Mela- I just have to say you crack me up. Hope Mrs''s link helps with your itchies.

Mrs- Wow! Thanks so much for the story. It was awesome and I loved hearing how your DH reacted along the way. So sweet. I''m really happy for you and can''t wait for more pics of your beautiful girl!

Fiery- so glad things are better with your MIL. You''re so lucky to have her for when you go back to work. I don''t know what we''re going to do, both sets of our parents are 3+ hours away, so looks like baby may have to go to daycare
. Ah well, my niece loves her daycare, so hopefully we can find something great, but it''s just not the same as having a family member with him/her. I suppose there are pros/cons to each arrangement.

*Has Mandarine been around lately? I don''t recall her posting recently, and I am just hoping everything is okay.*

Hope everyone else is doing well!! Been MIA for a bit- just really busy with work and trips to the parents to tell them our news! Our NT scan and first ultrasound was scheduled for today,but they called and said the doc was called out on an emergency so it is now tomorrow at 8:30am. I understand that''s the nature of an OB/GYN''s schedule, but out of 3 appointments so far, 2 have been cancelled on me. Grrr...we were just so excited to SEE the baby! Oh well, just a little bit longer I guess.
hey ladies!!

ebree - LOVE those clothes!!! I want!! hehee....but i''m trying to wait on any clothing purchases until after our shower...altough I have bought a few things

Fiery - you make me want a little girl w/ that dress!!!! Too cute!! I love little girl''s clothes....

China - you looks GREAT!! My belly looked very similar to yours at week 21, i''m pretty sure I even posted a belly shot that week. Looks like you may carry compact like me!! Just curious, are you tall?? I''ve been so surprised at how i''ve carried since i''m not tall at all (5''3"). Dreamer carried compact as well, but i believe she''s much taller than me....just curious if you were tall or not

Blen - you''re getting close!!! I can only imagine how ready you must feel, but soon enough your little gal/guy will be here! I can''t wait to find out what you have

As usual, I''m missing people, but after training the new girl all day and being on the computer i''m beat! Nothing new really w/ me, just trucking along

Ok, I''m having a "duh" moment. Can someone help me with this? Target has the Chicco carseat we want at $170 but it doesn''t say "with base." All of the other chicco seats say "with base" but this is also the same price as the others with the base so I''m assuming it comes with it

Chicco seat
Mrs- Thank you for sharing your birth story with us! I'm glad to hear that you and Sage are doing well.

mela- A shopping challenge? I'm up for it! Let me see what I can find.

natalina- I checked out that set from Gap and it is SO cute! If only I wasn't working with white walls. I'm trying to pack as much color into the bedding, artwork and linens as I can. Good luck at your NT scan tomorrow!

Well, I just got back from my monthly doc appointment, and I got the little bottle of Glucola for my GD test in three weeks. I was also weighed, and I'm up about 15 lbs so far, but almost 10 have been gained in the last month.
The nurse looked at me and said, "well, you're still on track, but you can't be doing that every month." It's good to know that it's normal to gain the most weight between 20-30 weeks. See, there's this pizza place near our new house I just *love,* and we've been ordering pizza quite a bit since we've been unpacking and getting settled in. Now, I'm really going to start watching what I eat.

Date: 3/30/2009 5:40:51 PM
Author: fieryred33143
Ok, I'm having a 'duh' moment. Can someone help me with this? Target has the Chicco carseat we want at $170 but it doesn't say 'with base.' All of the other chicco seats say 'with base' but this is also the same price as the others with the base so I'm assuming it comes with it

Chicco seat

Hmm- that's a good question, fiery. You'd think that since they're all around the same price, that one would include the base too. Is it for your registry?
Date: 3/30/2009 5:40:51 PM
Author: fieryred33143
Ok, I''m having a ''duh'' moment. Can someone help me with this? Target has the Chicco carseat we want at $170 but it doesn''t say ''with base.'' All of the other chicco seats say ''with base'' but this is also the same price as the others with the base so I''m assuming it comes with it

Chicco seat

Fiery, I''ve never seen one without a base and the LATCH system that is all over that ad is something that is actually **on** the base. You can''t use LATCH without the base, so that does imply to me that it comes with it.

Kate Spade Abigal Nylon Baby Bag (A little over budget, but there''s a friends and family 30 percent off code you can get by Googling "kate spade baby bag" that ends today!)

I''ll keep looking.
Thanks EBree and Neat. Target can sometimes be sneaky. I''m assuming its with the base too.

EBree-We''re including it because FI''s parents have mentioned wanting to buy a travel system but if they are going to spend that kind of money, I rather they just get the carseat. Now that I see its on sale, I might purchase it myself tonight. I need to talke to FI about it first.
GL with the seat Fiery!

Ebree - I like this one (the only negative to me is that it is a tad bit too shiny patent...) but it has a lot of features and benefits that love:
Baby's Section:
washable changing pad 24"x14"
internal / external bottle pockets
quick release pacifier holder
compartments for diapers, wipes, and bottles
stroller attachments included
Mom's Section:
credit card slots and zippered pocket
easy-to-find key ring
one bag does it all
dimensions - 14"`L x 6"W x 12"H
weight - 2 lbs 3oz

Anything that compares to this?

Hmmm...let me see if I can find something close. In the meantime, should *I* order the Kate Spade? Eeet's awfully tempting.

ETA: What am I talking about? I already have a diaper bag. BAD EBREE.
Hellooooooooo lovely ladies. LOTS to comment on!

Ebree- Can''t help you, the whales are pretty cute! Maybe just buy one thing?
Maybe it''s cause I know I''m having a boy, but I love little boy clothes!

Mela- I have a thing for bugs too!!!!! I love that one you posted. Probably b/c I call my dog "bug" and somehow I now call my little one "bug" or "wiggle worm". I found a cute book about a Mama Bug''s love that I am going to register for. How funny re: the tattoo. I wish I could say I got mine at 15, but I was 25. It was a really big deal to me at the time, I went alone on my actual birthday and it was sort of a taking a stand type thing in my mind. I didn''t tell anyone I was doing it. It''s supposedly the Chinese symbol for "strength". Of course now I see them everywhere, but at the time I thought I was being very unique.
I don''t love the tattoo itself, just cause it''s so trendy, but I really love my memory of it and of who I was and wanted to be when I got it. So for that reason I love having it. I am a bit scared of how big it will stretch!!! How is yours looking?

NYC- Go girl, yay for 32 weeks. You are so close, just hang in there. I am really sorry you''re having a tough time. Once you have those little babies in your arms, you''ll forget all about this time. It WILL pass. Hugs.

Blen- Hang in there. You are doing fantastic. Be as grumpy as you want! It will be here before you know it.

Fiery- Hi there! Your MIL sounds very sweet, that is awesome. I agree with DD about the weight gain- I think in general we will gain the amount we need to in order to cook a healthy baby. As long as you aren''t eating McDonald''s 3x a day and are eating healthy stuff too, don''t sweat it. I don''t eat as healthy as I would like, but I try to give myself a break. Besides, we can''t do ANYTHING else, can''t we enjoy our food a bit???
I think you''re adorable the way you are.

LYSSER- So happy to "see" you. Glad you are feeling less anxious. Seems like it gets easier over time. Maybe the peanut butter and avocado is a boy thing!!!! Since you, me and Ebree are all having boys. Me likes it.

TAO- Very cool names. I think I am partial to Evangeline Rae and Easton Cruz. Love the Phoenix though, and Carys is just so cool. Evangeline is one of my favorite songs and I had it on my girl list. Unfortunately, DH has a LONG last name, so I don''t think it would have worked.

NOVEMBER- Just eat what you can. I promise you will feel better and be able to eat more healthy foods in the second trimester. I felt like I ate total crap in my first, and I didn''t gain any weight. I am making up for it now, but am eating healthier. It will balance out.

MRS- What a story! Thanks so much for sharing. I have to say, I kind of imagined a C-section to be a breeze, I''ve never thought much about it, but your story was an eye-opener. Which is a good thing, I like to know ALL the facts, good and bad, so I know what to expect.

CDT- Nope, not tall. About 5''4. Maybe it''s the boy thing, carrying compactly? Who knows???? Someone told me they could tell I was having a boy because my face was still "pretty"- I think meaning that girls supposedly "steal your beauty". I remember Tacori talking about that!!!! Must be true, cause her Tessa is just to die for.

Ok, breaking up these posts!
Mela- Check out I personally
the Emily in pewter, but they have other more basic ones.

Ebree- Funnily enough, I actually have 2 diaper bags already that I use as bags/purses. One of mine is a Kate Spade that is a different fabric, but close enough. I love it. My other one is a great Gucci one- for some reason the diaper bag is much cheaper than their other big bags. I use the "bottle" compartment for a bottle of water.
Maybe you should wait on the whale stuff and get the Kate Spade?

Ok, so had my 21 week scan today. Thankfully, all went well!
I was pretty nervous. I think I like to be realistic and be prepared for bad news so I can handle it. I wasn''t actually worried anything was wrong, just know that this is where they can find stuff, so was just ready for anything. Good news is he''s a total wiggle worm and the reason I am not feeling any kicks is that I do indeed have an anterior placenta. Doc said nothing to worry about, as it was far enough away from the birth canal. I love PS, I actually asked her if maybe I had an anterior placenta before we saw anything, and she was so shocked I knew what that was.

He refused to open his right hand, kept it clenched in a fist and repeatedly pumping it in the air, a la "baby power". Quite funny!

The doctor was this really cool guy that was born in Italy but raised in Costa Rica and speaks like 5 languages. I also had an "international observer" from Iraq there, so it was quite the multicultural experience.

Also, found out today that my mom was induced with both me and my brother. I had no idea. My sister was really premature, so obviously not for her. I REALLY don''t want to be induced. Hmmmm.

Okay, trying to load a cute/creepy pic from today.
Trying this from work, we''ll see.

Baby Boy "A".


I''m SO tempted. I really like how basic it is and doesn''t scream diaper bag. I''d like to be able to carry just one bag, and my other bag (that we bought with a GC) is a messenger style, so harder to get into with the flap.

Good call on the storksak for mela! Here''s the Emily in black, mela- does it look like it has what you''re looking for?
Date: 3/30/2009 7:06:20 PM
Author: ChinaCat
Trying this from work, we''ll see.

Baby Boy ''A''.

Awwww- what a cutie pie! I''m so glad your 21 week U/S went well and he looks healthy (and adorable)!
Ebree- Plus you could use it afterwards. I''ve had mine for a few years, still use it.
Holy Cow CHINA that pic is gorgeous!!! YEY for a good u/s and love the fist pumping, lol! I agree PS is such a wealth of knowledge.
To answer your question, my tattoo is holding up really well! I was surprised because the sun is "round" and I thought it would get really mishapen...but so far so good. It's a little stretched, but not to badly. When I got it my mom said "you're going to regret that when your pregnant!" - um, NOT!!!!! lol

Mrs - I just read your story. Thanks SO much for sharing. It was great, and really informative, which is good because I feel like no one talks about Cesarian Births. I cried a little at the part when you cried a little telling your Mom Sage's name. awwwwwww.

I just checked out that "Emily" diaper bag. I like it! I'm going to compare its dimensions to that one I posted. It looks small, but could be the pic online. Isn't shopping fun!

ETA: dimensions are simmilar-ish! Noice find girls!
Mommas (Puffy/Jas/Tacori/NF) Thanks for all of the support! I really like hearing everyone''s story because it helps to just stay realistic about different possibilities.
Jas - I''m trying to think about term the same way.
NF, she wasn''t telling me what my body would or wouldn''t do for sure - sorry if I gave that impression, I''m just really bummed that the contractions are doing nothing. I think she was really trying just to tell me not to get my hopes up that all of the contractions mean that I''m going soon. First time moms on average go something like 41w1d IIRC, and so it''s pretty reasonable for her to tell me to expect someting more in that range. And she is preparing me for what I need to do if I were to go into labor immediately in terms of when to call, when to start setting up the birth pool, things like that - so I really think that she''s just trying to keep me prepared for all possibilities.

I got so upset with my mom today that I had to end the conversation and then I just started crying. I mentioned that I''m getting sick of everyone acting shocked to see me every day when I arrive at work, and all the message I''m getting from friends asking if the baby''s here yet, and she said it was my fault because I told some people that I''m term. Well, I told her because I''m really glad that I was able to make it to term, and I told my two supervisors because I thought it was about time to set up contingency plans in case I abruptly have to leave the office and have to have someone else pick up my stuff. To everyone else who asks when the baby''s going to get here, I say "sometime in the next month" or "I don''t know, the baby hasn''t told me yet". So I really don''t think that I''m bringing it on myself and I was so mad at her for saying it''s my fault.

Mela, you have a good point. I did basically the same thing with you in terms of visualization this cycle, also didn''t mention it to anyone, and BAM! as well. Really wouldn''t hurt here either. I''m sorry you have the itchies. And you just made me realize that we only have one king sized duvet cover. Hmmm - shopping time? Do you have Coach outlets up there in the great white north? They have diaper bags that look very much like purses, and at the outlets are in your price range. My cousin loves hers.

Courtney - I think you caught some of whatever I had! Are you feeling tired today?

Mrs - I''m also planning on tucking in tonight with your birth story. Thanks in advance for posting it.

Fiery - that''s awesome about your mom and baby care!! I think all car seats come with bases if they need them - the bases that they sell in stores are in case you need one for a second (or third, etc) car.

Ebree - did you cave and buy it?
My thing is alligators, because DH loves them so much. We''re going to end up with a girl in onesies that have alligators on them saying "chomp!", I''m convinced.

China - glad to hear that everything went well today! And the lack of kicks would make more sense with an anterior placenta.
ChinaCat What a gorgeous U/S pic -- so cute!

Mrs I wanted to thank you for Sage''s birth story. It was so helpful to hear such a through C/S story. Mine is coming up in exactly 4 weeks! You sound so level headed and it sounds like your experience (while not easy!) was pretty smooth for the most part.

Ebree I really wish the doctors/nurses would hush about weight sometimes. Every woman gains weight differently during pregnancy, and at different times throughout the pregnancy. I was also one of the gals packing it on between 20-30 weeks because I had morning sickness until 17 weeks. The first month I felt better, I gained 10 pounds and got a huge lecture. I''m now 35 weeks and have gained 26 pounds which I am perfectly fine with. I haven''t gained anything in the last two weeks, so my spurt really was during that second trimester. The doctors/nurses can shove it... I know tiny gals who gained 40/50 pounds during their pregnancy and I couldn''t figure out where they were hiding the weight, and they looked great. The body will gain what it needs, when it needs.

Diaper bags... I bought the Elizabeth Storksak in grey which I really like. I don''t think that it looks like a diaper bag at all! It also comes in black.

Blen, hang in there! I promise it is WORTH it!
Thanks, Tacori! It better be.

Lindsey - I still love that diaper bag.

Mrs - I just read through your birth story - wow! It was awesome of you to post that level of detail and I really enjoyed reading it. I hope that BFing gets easier for you and that your recovery continues to go well.

Totally thinking of you today!! Your first appt. is going to be wonderful!!!

Please come tell us all about it!

Happy thoughts, happy thoughts!

You get to see your BABY today!!!

Oh, elation!!!!

Date: 3/30/2009 10:01:20 PM
Author: *Lindsey*

Ebree I really wish the doctors/nurses would hush about weight sometimes. Every woman gains weight differently during pregnancy, and at different times throughout the pregnancy. I was also one of the gals packing it on between 20-30 weeks because I had morning sickness until 17 weeks. The first month I felt better, I gained 10 pounds and got a huge lecture. I''m now 35 weeks and have gained 26 pounds which I am perfectly fine with. I haven''t gained anything in the last two weeks, so my spurt really was during that second trimester. The doctors/nurses can shove it... I know tiny gals who gained 40/50 pounds during their pregnancy and I couldn''t figure out where they were hiding the weight, and they looked great. The body will gain what it needs, when it needs.

They don''t weigh us at all in the UK - except for the NT scan as you need it to work out the numbers. I was talking to one of the midwives about it and she just said that reseach showed that everyone puts on different amounts at different times and that it was just an additional source of stress for the mother.

They were far more worried that people might start dieting to keep weight down and that if they see someone who is obviously becoming HUGE then they would say something. I''ve put on 16 kilos so far - over 35 pounds - and all the doctors and midwives (although not my physio
) keep telling me how neat my bump is and how lucky I am not to have put on any weight... personally I think I look like a whale...

The baby is also spot on size-wise for dates. I''m sure in the US I would be getting ticked off for gaining that much by 33 weeks.

DH and I went to our first antenatal class at the hospital last night. There were about 10 couples there and all of us were high risk so it was nice to be in a class that is very much aimed at people who are likely to need medical intervention of some sort or another and so there is no making you feel guilty about anything!

We had a complete tour of the unit - the Home from Home centre (midwife led, birth pools, no epidurals etc), the gorgeous indoor garden room with amazing views of Parliament and the London Eye, the Hospital Birth Centre (all manner of lovely drugs, epidurals, operating theatres etc) and the Postnatal wards.

On the hospital birth side, we get one-to-one midwife care from start to finish and they have two anaesthetists on call 24/7 plus a consultant OB, two senior registrar OBs, one junior and assorted med. students, so the staffing levels are amazing for the UK.

The next session we cover recognising labour, different stages and possible interventions and pain relief options. Third session is on breast-feeding and the final session is on parentcraft - bathing, holding, changing nappies etc. We don''t get to see any gory birth videos as apparently it has too traumatic an effect on the men! DH was very relieved!

There was a really nice American girl in our group who is expecting twins, and I must admit that I found it quite interesting listening to her questions after hearing all of your experiences on PS. She was very confused about Entonox (the gas and air we get here) and whether it was safe and how much could you have (it''s even piped into the bathrooms so you can have it in the bath!). I explained quite a bit about it to her later as I don''t think the midwives had understood that you guys don''t have it and so it was something totally new for her.

She then shocked everyone by asking about enemas, suppositories and shaving. The midwives were going: Er, why would you want any of those and what on earth for?
Are those things normal in the States???

China: Gorgeous u/s pic and I''m glad everything went so well.

Mrs: Thanks so much for posting your birth story (hey the longer the better - this is PS and we NEED detail!).

Fiery: Sounds like your MIL is calming down a bit - and wow on the childcare offer. I''m dreading having to sort that one out in a year''s time.

Blen: Keep hanging in there and ignore all those people who keep asking!

Sorry I''ve been MIA, just busy with work!!! I''ve missed so much!

Natalina thanks for asking about me!!!
you''re so sweet!. I''m doing great!

Robbie Happy belated birthday!!!, hope you had a wonderful one!!!

Ebree I love those outfits!!! so so cute!!!!!!, shop, shop, shop

China LOL, baby power!!...That u/s picture is so cute!!! What a precious little one!!!

Blen Hang in there...the baby will come out, that''s for''s just nice and comfy in there for now

Amber Hope you have a great first appointment!!!! will you be getting an u/s? I hope so!


Sorry to everyone else I missed, this thread moves fast!

I have been feeling good. I feel like *some* of my energy may be making a come back. By that I mean there are a couple of hours in the day I don''t feel like I''m sleep walking
. This weekend I even organized one of our closets!! (yeah, after a two hr nap, but hey, that''s better than nothing!).

I feel like I have a pouch!''s probably all bloat in the belly, but I''ve also gotten wider
....I already have wide hips as it is, not sure why my body feels I need to get a little bit more wide in the hip area...come on!. Of course I haven''t been exercising as I was before, mainly because I''ve been exhausted. I hope that ends soon so I can at least do some form of exercise more regularly (other than the nightly walks with the hubster and the doggie!). I have been trying to find a prenatal class and haven''t have much luck (yoga, pilates, etc). You would think that shoul be fairly common!.

This Thursday I go to my first perinatal appointment (to meet the Dr) and then in a few weeks I have 2 ultrasounds back to back!. One for the regular Dr (to measure cervix lenght) and the other for the sequential testing.

Any chance we woul know the sex that really? (I would be right between 11-12 weeks). Maybe I should try to push the regular u/s (for the cervix lenght) a week out or something?. I guess I could call the Dr and ask. I was thinking maybe if I push it out a bit then they maybe they could tell us if we''re team Pink, Blue or Purple!

Hope everyone is doing well!!!
China-What a great photo! I''m glad everything went well. Are you really 21 weeks?!?! I can''t believe it!

Blen-I think some people just aren''t familiar with baby terms. They hear full term and immediately assume that means the baby is coming now. Don''t stress yourself out (as easy as I know that sounds)

Pandora-I think the enema is to clean your system out so you don''t poop on the table when delivering

Mandarine-Good to hear from you. 11/12 weeks is still to early to be able to get a proper reading on the sex. I think it would be best to wait until after 16 weeks or so. I know it seems like a long time but 1st tri can feel like forever. When you have all of these appointments divided up, it makes the time go by quicker (at least that''s how it felt for me).
Mandarine, ditto to what Fiery said. Most women actually wait until the 20 week scan to find out the sex, but I personally went and paid for an additional ultrasound at 16 weeks to find out the sex.

Pandora, I''m glad that class was informative for you. I''m not sure why the American girl would be asking about enemas? They used to do that a long time ago, but it''s not really done anymore. Not sure about what suppositories would have to do with anything?

Has anyone felt the baby sucking it''s thumb in the womb? I can tell when she has the hiccups, but twice I''ve felt really fast movement which I would think could only be her sucking her thumb.
Good morning all! I''m so nervous about this first appointment, but it''s not for another five hours, so I should really just calm the nerves! Luckily the practice has all their forms available for download on their website, so I filled them all out last night, and have my list of questions prepared. The receptionist said to prepare for a transvaginal ultrasound, which is the reason DH is coming with me. It was pretty cute this morning, he asked me if his outfit was okay, because "I''m meeting the baby today". So cute. We''re thinking we''re going to tell the parents today or this weekend if everything is good, I don''t know for sure, though, I may change my mind.

Hope all is well for everyone, I''m exhausted and think I''m going to take a nap before anyone gets into the office.