
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Thanks fiery!
I would love to feel a little more pregnant...but at the same time, maybe I better enjoy this time while I can!
Congrats, Sha!!!

I also just wandered over to this forum this week! Like you, I am only about 4 weeks along. All I''ve really noticed so far is fatigue and a few little aches in my abdomen. Nothing major yet!
Date: 4/2/2009 6:47:28 PM
Author: Sha
Thanks fiery!
I would love to feel a little more pregnant...but at the same time, maybe I better enjoy this time while I can!
Enjoy, enjoy, believe me enjoy! Just in case...

I had no symptoms at all until 7ish weeks - then I managed to achieve full on morning-sickness plus bleeding in the space of 3 days.

I''m still looking forward to the bit where you feel blooming and wonderful that I read about in all my books - think there''s any chance in the next 6 weeks???? (or is that when you wave them off to university in 18 years time...

It''s a weird thing pregnancy... like when you start to worry because you haven''t felt the baby kick yet, then you do and suddenly ten weeks down the line the only thing you seem to say to your bump (I''m told this is bonding
) is "Geez, ouch, blimey, just you wait till I''ve got you out of there young lady and then we''ll talk about beating up mummy!" and you can''t sleep because they''re doing a cheerleading routine on your bladder...
Date: 4/2/2009 2:32:47 PM
Author: AmberWaves
Peony: WOW! Twins! Ya know, I totally knew it! The major m/s, and the super dark HPT lines when you were the same dpo that I had tested on... I knew it!! Congrats!!
You know, speaking of that.... Ms. Sunkist tested on 9 DPO and got a strong line on her second stick of the night....

I just wonder!

(April 10''s not that far off, Sunkist!!)

Welcome Sha! As for symptoms, I felt very crampy and tingey for days up to my positive, and for at least a week after, I still feel random cramps now, too. I also had terrible headaches. The fatigue is just hitting me, as is the achy boobs. I heard most of the "stuff" hits you about 6 weeks.
Courtney - happy 36 weeks!! The GBS test isn''t too unpleasant - they just have to swab just inside your vag and bum, and I find anything to do with the cervix to be more unpleasant than that. Depending on your practioner and how gentle s/he is, feeling your cervix may be more yowchy.

Natalina- I''ve never really been squeemish, so it may just be me.
I think that bedding is super cute and gender neutral, and I just love the argyle.

Mandarine - glad you have some clothes that fit! That''s really important. The specialist really shouldn''t be making you feel that way for asking what are completely reasonable questions. The trip the Cape would be fine in a low risk pregnancy and wasn''t a stupid question at all, much less for a first timer! I also have no idea what the difference between 31 and 32 is - I keep hearing 35 as a big cut off.

Robbie - that''s great about the weight gain. Are you staying with the OB group then? And happy almost 3rd tri!

Pandora - your DH sounds so sweet. Seeing mine hold my baby is the thing that I''m most looking forward to about birth as well (although being able to roll over in bed and recognize my ankles are also pretty high up there).

fiery - That''s great about your 1 hr! And sorry about the preggo brain with the ring.

NYC - thinking of you! I hope that you''re hanging in there.

Socal - cute bedding! That''s just the sort of thing that I think is gender-neutral, too! I''m sending stay-put dust for your sister and her babies.

Amber - we''re the same blood type! Heehee.

Sapphire - Cute! I''m going to guess boy.

China - Ulysses Walker is one of those names that DH and I both like but don''t have the balls to use.
TMI FOR CHINACAT - It can come out in small pieces or all at once. My middie told me that it can range from lots of kind of stringy mucus to being kind of jelly-like goop to being like rubber cement. Or, you may not even notice it - she didn''t notice hers. There''s a lovely (lots of sarcasm here) photo of a whole one if you just search mucus plug in google images, but it''s more solid looking than mine which coming out in yellowish jelly goop and sometimes stringy pieces.

Sha - congrats!! Bloat sank in for me at 8 dpo, followed a few days later by extreme hunger and then fatigue around 6 weeks. The little bit of morning sickness I had was sometime around 7 weeks.

I''m 39 weeks today! DH isn''t doing too well today because he finally got the official word from HR about that job - the one that was very confident that they were going to win a bid for a contract, and wanted him to work on it if they did. Well, they were underbid at the last minute and so that''s a bust.
It sounds like they''d still want him for their next one, but it would probably be August and DH really had his hopes up that he''d be able to start work soon. So, back to the drawing board.
hi and congratulations!! At least I don''t think I said hi to you on this board yet.

I swear I''ve been lurking and reading everyone''s posts, but it''s still a little overwhelming for me on this constantly moving thread!
That just shows how many wonderful mothers in the making we have on PS; You''re all so great!

Fisher, thanks
But I know I was thinking about that too, how I got a good line on the HPT so early and what if I end up as lucky as Mandarine and Peony. We''ll see what''s in there in 1 week!!!! But now didn''t Mandarine wait until 14DPO to test and it wasn''t SUPER dark then, but she has twins. I''m so amazed at how PS has a higher than average percentage of twins. Didn''t IndyGirl figure that out one time?

Sha, it''s good to see you over here too
As for symptoms, in week 3 I was just feeling the twinges in the ute and small AF-like crampies. Week 4 I started getting really hungry. Week 5/6 I started feeling yucky/nauseous in my stomach which seems to go away if I eat some food. Earlier this week (week 6) I thought my boobs were getting sore, but now that is mostly gone. I''m just trying to keep this girl full of food! I never knew I could be so hungry after eating a huge lunch.

Amber congrats on having your very own picture of your very own baby. How cool is that!? I''m sorry you''re dry heaving. That''s NO fun at all
hey ladies!!

Work''s super crazy, so I can''t really catch up...I even have to come in tomorrow

Real quick though -

CONGRATS peony!!!

Amber - thanks for asking how i''m doing!!! I''m hanging in, can''t complain!! Sorry to hear you feel so nauseous, i was the same way..never actually got sick (well a few times), but was nauseous 24/7.

Love all the u/s pics!!

Welcome new ladies!!

here I am at 29w1d....can''t tell if I''ve grown from last week....maybe a little???

29 week collage.JPG
CDT you finally popped and look TOTALLY preggo! I think it was around then for me too. Enjoy the enxt 11 weeks of actually looking pregnant!
Sha- welcome, glad to see you over here! I am now 13weeks 1 day, and haven''t had many symptoms yet. I did notice early on that I would be out cold at night even though I had to get up to pee about 4 times. I mean, I slept better than I think I ever have! The "out cold" sleep is starting to go away and the crazy dreams are setting in. Still have to pee SO many times at night though. Never had any morning sickness, and I''m really hoping I''m past the window by now. In the early weeks I, too, had cramping sensations. But other than that and sore nips (not the whole boob, just that part), really nothing. Good luck in these early days- I hope you can avoid the unpleasant symptoms!

Amber- sorry to hear about the upset tummy. Do people at work know yet? I just don''t know how it would be possible to be feeling so bad and not tell have them wonder or feel like you have to tell them. And as if you need to worry about that when you feel so yucky! Hope it passes soon!

Mandarine- ditto what everyone else said about shame on your doctor! I feel anxious and confused about so many things with my pregnancy (which is my first, too), and I can''t even imagine the concerns I would have if I found out it was TWINS! She should EXPECT you to have a gazillion questions and be glad because that means you are a concerned mom-to-be that cares about her babies and wants to take the best care of them possible.

CDT- you look fantastic! What a cute little belly! I definitely see a diffeence since last week!

Sapphire- boo on the baby not showing his/her goods! Do you have any inkling one way or the other?

Fisher- hmmm, don''t know. I always had the impression that the ultrasound only got a clear picture of what it was immediately closest to, so the rest is just out of focus because it isn''t what the doc is tryong to see. No clue if that is at all accurate, I have no basis for that, it was just an assumption.

Blen- sorry to hear about your husband''s contract. That''s a bummer. Sounds like you''re hanging in there pretty well. I''m sure you''ve said, but have you stopped working yet or are you going right up until the baby comes? Congrats on 39 weeks! Good job baking, mama!

Blen, happy 39 weeks! Even though you may not be that happy about it, you''re almost there!!

CDT, you are still so little, but I can see a difference! You are definitely carrying long ways. Yay!

Here''s my 36 weeks, 2 days pic:

Here''s my LO''s crib all set up with the cupcakes hanging over it. I can''t find a mobile that I want. I want something with cupcakes or polka dots, but all I can find are animal mobiles.

Date: 4/3/2009 10:09:29 AM
Author: Courtneylub
Here''s my LO''s crib all set up with the cupcakes hanging over it. I can''t find a mobile that I want. I want something with cupcakes or polka dots, but all I can find are animal mobiles.

What about this one?

It''s from Australia, but so cute!
That is so cute, ladypirate!! Thank you!
Cute belly pics, CDT and Courtney!

Courtney, I LOVE your daughter''s room! It looks beautiful!

I decided to do a buffet a la mela in honor of entering my 3rd trimester. This picture made me realize that my boobs look way bigger from the front than they do from the side, lol. You can see the lovely white circle I have around my bellybutton. That''s all skin that used to be inside, but is now on the outside. I''m still an innie though. I wake up every day and check, lol.

I love BPF!!!!!!!!!

Everyone looks great! You are all tiny!!!!!!!!!

Courtney, I love the crib and bedding! Where is the crib from?

I woke up with a bit of a sore throat and with some coughing
...I ope it''s nothing and it goes away. So I''m tired and not feeling great...and well, had a little fight with DH
. We''ve been married a year now and still have to finish our album. Needless to say (as it is the case with most guys) I have really done everything...and even drove to the photographer''s house a couple of weeks ago to finalize it (she is an hour away). Anyway, today she send me the revised copy and I start showing DH...basically so we can approve it, order it and MOVE ON!. Well, his comments were like " would it look with this picture here?, or what if we move this there?, or what other options do we have for pictures in this page?". It got in my nerves. Come on, we have seen the pictures 1,000 times and I have ran by him the options I was going to finalize with the photographer!. I wouldn''t mind if he said "Ask her to delete this picture and out this one instead". But to at this point, ask for options,''s just ANNOYING! because I am the one that has to then finalize everything AGAIN!. So we basically sai I had a crappy attitude and didn''t finish seeing the pages. I sent an email to the photgrapher and told her I loved it, but DH might have some changes he will be emailing her (and then proceeded to send him the album).

It''s silly I know, but this has been dragging out forever and I''m trying to get stuff OFF my plate.

Ok, vent over. I might post a picture of my growing bloat later

Awe, I totally forgot my camera, and I''m leaving right from work to go to Pittsburgh this weekend, so I won''t be able to take a friday belly pic! But cdt, Courtney, and Robbie, you all look great!!!

I''m just happy it''s Friday, and I actually have 45 minutes of my plan period left and I"M ALL CAUGHT UP ON WORK!!! For the first time all year, I actually don''t have ANY grading to do all weekend!!! So excited, plus we only have 2 days next week, so planning is already done too! Yay!

Does anyone else get the urge to pee even more on rainy days? I took my one class to the library today ( my room has no windows) and as I stood there looking at the downpour, I could barely hold it in!
I really need to start taking belly pics. The bloat has gone down but now it's what I would call a bulge. I did read that thin women show earlier so I'm trying to console myself with that. I just can't wait until it's neither bloat nor bulge but actual baby bump!

Something else I've noticed is that I can wear "normal" pants now. I always buy Ann Taylor/Loft "curvy" pants; whether I was a size 0 or a size 8, I always needed curvy or else I'd have that annoying gap in the back. Now I'm pushing out of the 2s, but it's the curvy ones that don't fit. My non-curvy fit pants fit better. Does that mean most women usually have a belly bulge that eliminates the gap in the back, but I just always have unusually large hips/butt for my waist? Hmmm. I only have two pairs of size 4s which I have been wearing along with some uncomfortably tight 2s. My friend gave me her tubetop type thing that you use to keep your pants unbuttoned, which helps. Spring break is next week, so I can evaluate what I can wear after that. I'll be 12.5 weeks when we get back, so I can start telling people and wearing bonafied maternity stuff soon. I'm also planning on going to a Loft maternity store when I visit my sister this weekend. Yay!

Speaking of a big butt, my sister (who is 15 weeks) was changing in front of her 4 year old daughter who asked her, "Mom, is that your big fancy butt?" Eek!
At least it's "fancy" if it's got to be big!

Peony, I might just be responding to what I read on TTC, but I really don't think you should have any guilt. None at all. Don't think of Octomom -- she's a kook who is irresponsible no matter how many children she brings into the world. Think of a nice family like Jon and Kate plus 8. They certainly didn't expect twins and sextuplets, but their children are all healthy and loved. I really think I ovulated from both ovaries without Clomid the cycle I got pregnant too. That happens naturally all the time, and so do identical twins. Everything we do -- temping, OPKs, BDing every two days, whatever it is -- can somehow be construed as us trying to play god rather than "letting it happen naturally." And you just can't think that way or you'll drive yourself crazy.
No belly, but I thought BBF, Belly Bloat Friday, applied better for me!

For reference here are some earlier pictures...

And today...(and this is a morning picture, so the bloat is considerably down!)


That was huge!!! Sorry!!

I can see my stretch marks and the blue veins that have popped up!n

Oh that was not good for my self-esteem...but oh well!

ETA: The stretch marks are probably not visible to you, but I know where they are....they were from natural hip expansion as a teenager, no not pregnancy related...hehe
Mandarine, you are so tiny and I don''t see any friggin bloat!
CDT-There''s the belly!!!

Courtney-You look wonderful as always! Love her bedding. You guys did a great job!

Robbie-Love the buffet. You are so adorable!

Mandarine-You look great. There''s something so wonderful about looking at a photo from the early days knowing that something is growing inside even though you can''t see it. Sorry you are frustrated with the album. It''ll all work itself out.

Phoenix-Your story made me laugh. The tube top is the bella band
. And your neice sounds adorable!

No pictures from me. I will take some tonight when I get home. I''ve been very emotional all day today. My future in-laws are coming to our home tomorrow afternoon so that FIL can talk with Mr. Fiery about what to do with the nursery (his dad is very handy and he is elated that FI asked him for help). And MIL will talk to me about the "surprise" shower she''s giving me but that I know everything about since she won''t stop talking about it
. Anyway, I haven''t really had any parties in my honor ever (really in honor of the baby...a technicality
) so I''m excited about the shower. Of course this means I''m going to have to sit in one of those huge umbrella chairs and FI will have to wear a hat with all the gift bows but at least it''ll be amusing! haha
So cal – cute bedding! I hope your sister ‘hangs tight’! lol.

Natalina / China Cat / Greatful Deadfans – I would never say I’m a hippie, but I LOVE classic rock and folk music BEST. The dead included. ;p So funny because my nickname in school was “glamour” and at work it’s “princess” – so obviously my musical taste does not match my exterior appearance!! Haha.

Natalina – GREAT u/s pics! I SO see the thumb sucking. Our LO was thumbsucking in the 13 week us…and the 18week one too! Hah. Also, don’t worry about the million pees a night – that will go away….for a while.

Radiant – LOVES me some silver sage from RH. Our Master bedroom and bath are all silver sage. SO calming. (in fact, that pic of Mela in her leg warmers is in our silver sage brm)

Amber – I feel for y ou on the nausea. I had it too, sans puking, for 16 weeks. URGH. Its such a gross feeling. You almost want to puke to see if it will make you feel better, right? But it wont, sadly. I have to say though…it’s a good sign. It means dem hormy-hormones are doing their thang! Lovin the Komodo Dragon. Fun name!

Fiery – your lost ring story was HAMAZING! That one takes the cake. Wow. Glad you found it – but hearing your story makes me feel less dumb about putting the OJ away in the dish cupboard! Lol

Sapphire – not sure about your little baby’s bits. Nice that you won’t have to wait too long to find out.

YEY SHA! Welcome and congrats!! I think my m/s kicked in 2DPO and I’m not even kdding. Lol. For real though, I think week 5 I got hit hard. 5 – 16 if I remember correctly. Welcome to the ride of your life!

Blen – SHIATTY about your DH and the job. Honestly, that’s a downer. Glad to hear there is a future possibility, but I know that doesn’t change the disappointment on this one. A pat on the back to Mr. Blen. Hang in there.
I LOVED that detail of le mucus plug. CANNOT WAIT TO MEET MINE! Hahahaah. Love that stuff.

Sunkist – Welcome and Congrats!!!! ☺

CDT - I think you HAVE grown!? That, or you just look it with your top raised. HEEE!! You’re still so lickle though. Obviously preggo, but nice and compact. How divine!

Fisher – no idea about the fuzzy bits in the u/s?! I’ve never even thought about it! Bueller?

Courtney – looking gooooooood girl! You’re so cute. You’re really looking like your ready to pop. Like, when you see ladies on the street and think “whoa, any day now for you Missy!”. Yah. I’ll give you one of those now. Lol.
CUTE CRIB! Love the cupcake theme. Very original! ☺

Robbie – great buffet! You have a great overall shape. Is that weird to say? You look FAB! Funny about the ring-around-the-bellybutton. Strange! Mine is a bit inside out now, but no ring. That is really funny!

Mandy – giving the photo task over to your DH is 100% understandable and fair. If he feels that strongly about it – then let him do it. I handle things the same way in our house. Don’t feel badly! I mean, really! Besides, you’ve moved on to a WAY bigger task – creating two lives. BEAT THAT DH!
Great Bloat Pics. May as well embrace it, right?! Haha. I don’t see any stretchmarks, FWIW.

As for me, I woke up throughout the night SCRATCHING like crazy. During the day I have the will power to resist, but at night, when my conscious mind is asleep – yowzers! The worst part is that a high concentration of itch is around my nipples and boobs. I’m really trying not to stimulate them at all, for fear of colostrums and oxitocin production. GAK. Should I get DH to tie me up at night?

I did a baby first aid course last night which covered choking and CPR. VERY informative, and if your prenatal classes do not include this, I would recommend supplementing your baby-edumacation with a lesson. I could save your babies life. The top 5 chocking hazards are: hot dogs, blueberries, grapes, hard candies, and cheese (because babies gum it rather than chew it). They say to cut the cheese up into TINY TINY pieces.

BPF!!!!!!!!!!!!! 33 weeks today

Photo 48.jpg
First, BFP: You all look great and you're all glowing. Seriously, I was almost blinded by the happy pregnancy glow from all of your photos!

LP- Thanks for the recommendations! I'll see if I can drag my husband to check them out with me this weekend.

Amber- Look at your teeny bean! Awww. I vote "Dragon" all the way.

Sapphire- I'm sorry you didn't get to see the sex! Sometimes those little guys can be stubborn.

Sha and indypitty- Welcome and congratulations, you two!

Blen- 39 weeks! Wow. Any day now, gal! I'm sorry about your husband's contract- fingers crossed he's chosen for the next one.

Courtney- Have you checked Etsy? If you can find something close, a lot of the crafters will custom make you something. Worth a look, definitely! I love that crib/ bedding.

mela- I'm sorry about the itching! Looks like we both had lovely sleep interruptions.
Thank you for reminding me- I need to sign up for some classes ASAP!

Just as I thought I'd curbed the heartburn problem, I awoke to the burning feeling of choking on my own stomach acid last night.
I quickly ran to the bathroom in the dark, gasping, sore and confused. Not fun at all. I guess I'm going to have to up my Zantac to two a day. Is anyone else taking anything for heartburn they can recommend?

I took a couple of furniture photos, but I'm trying to figure out how to get two pics in one post. As soon as I do, I'll post 'em.

26w1d (TGIF!)
Let''s see if this works!

Overall, we''re very happy with it. It''s BIG, though (looked a lot smaller in the showroom!), and the nursery is small. We''ll just barely get the glider in there, and hopefully have a leeeetle room left over for a bookcase.


PURDY EBREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Throw some lickle wee whales in there
and PRESTO! Magic-O!
Date: 4/3/2009 2:28:10 PM
Author: mela lu

PURDY EBREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Throw some lickle wee whales in there
and PRESTO! Magic-O!

Thank you, dahhling! I just mentioned doing a ''light'' whale theme to my husband, and he likes the idea- but are whales scary? If I have a few whale prints around the room, is my child going to have nightmares of being swallowed?
Ebree, that furniture is BEAUTIFUL! I love the dresser especially!

Mela, you look adorable! Love the dress! Where''s it from?

Lysser, if I''m remembering correctly, you used to be with the midwives that I''m thinking of switching to. Can you remind me again why you switched from them? I''m pretty sure I want to stay with my OB group, but I''d still like to know if you don''t mind sharing.
nope. he''ll be too young for Moby Dick. Whales are CUTE! All round and fatty and dopey looking

Clowns. Now THOSE scare the fark out of kids!!!