
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

I gave my m/w a call around 7:30 or 8, and she told me exactly what I knew she would - just go about normal business until contractions get to be too intense, and don't stick anything up my vag (increased risk of infection). The contractions are getting more intense but still aren't very frequent - maybe every 15-20 minutes? I haven't been timing them. Hubby's finally up - I woke up him at 8 to tell him my water broke, and he asked to sleep in for another half an hour so I think he officially qualifies as the most chill one in the household - and we're doing laundry and making breakfast. We need to get groceries in the next couple of days, so we're going to head out to the store right after breakfast to make sure that the fridge is well stocked now rather than waiting.

Oh, so we were out on a walk yesterday and it was GORGEOUS - like, 50's (which feels warmer to me these days) and sunny - and I told the baby that if it came really soon it would have beautiful spring weather. Well, I looked at the weather forecast this morning and we're supposed to have 3-5 inches tonight!! Sorry baby, mama's a liar. I thought I was crazy buying a fleece snowsuit thing for an April baby (it was at a yard sale, so cheap) but I guess that it wasn't so ridiculous after all.

EDITED TO BUMP MY GENDER POLL, in case anyone has a last minute opinion or change of heart.
Mela (but only with a can of silly string held to her nostril)
Blenheim's DH
Go Blen!!! You guys are seriously the most chill couple **ever**. My DH was running around the house like a nut the morning of my c-section and I wasn''t even in labor.

Peony I do think it''s important to at least make contact with a specialist in case you need him/her later. It''ll be easier to get in as a new patient later on if you''ve made contact early and often the best peri''s are hard to get into. So my .02 is to get in early to meet her/him if you can just so that you can get in later as an established patient if you need to.

I do think it''s important to be dealing with someone who is very versed in high risk pregnancies. My OB was extremely well educated/up to date on everything, was very comfortable managing a twin or other high risk pregnancy, and showed me that he really knew his stuff by the way he managed my case.

BUT if I had any doubt about his ability/comfort level with a twin pregnancy I would have permanently switched to the peri no questions asked. With a high risk pregnancy you really just need to put the babies first 100% without thinking about what you want (like wanting a home birth or something like that).

As for PTL-there''s nothing you can do to prevent it, but there are things you can do to lessen your chances:

1. Monitor yourself really well and don''t be afraid to go to L/D if you think you might be in PTL. Know the signs. PTL can very often be stopped if you catch it early enough but once it progresses to a certain point they often can''t stop it. So early intervention is needed.

2. Drink TONS and TONS of water. Being dehydrated can cause contractions which can stimulate PTL.

3. If you have signs of PTL or are at risk: no nookie, no nipple stimulation. Sperm and nipple stimulation can influence PTL.

4. GO EASY. Don''t stress, don''t be overly active if your body is telling you no, and get good sleep. High stress is thought to be a predictor of PTL.

So those are basically my recommendations...the most important thing is to understand exactly what PTL is and knowing all the symptoms. Then if you have symptoms get yourself to your doc or L/D right away-who cares if they think you are nuts-you need to protect your babies.

Hope that helps and please let me know if you have other questions. Again I think the book "When you''re expecting twins, triplets, or quads" by Barbara Luke is the best twins book out there from a health perspective. A lot of the other twin books are really dumb and answer such burning questions like "Should I dress my twins alike?" rather than dealing with the health aspect of the pregnancy.
Oh and my vote is BOY for you Blen!
Oh, Blen''s gonna be a MOMMY today!!! Yay!!

Happy birthday to baby girl Blen!!
AAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I'm so glad I popped in this morning!! YEY Blenanator! I cannot believe how chill you are. You are now my official Labour Idol. I'm sending you all my virtual power and focus. If you ever feel like you can't muster anymore - channel my energy - I'll be sending it to you all day!

For the record. I'm still voting 'boy' based on the way you're carrying, but the change in your face lately (combined with the swelling of the body) leads me to believe it *could* be a girl. I'm being wishy-washy...because I really can't decide for you. I'll stick with 'boy' but won't be surprised AT ALL if it's a girl.

Also. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Ulysses Walker. Go for it!

HOLY CRAPADOODLE - All the best Blen!! Again, I'm thinking of you and the powerful transition to the outside world for your baby!


Peony -you are SO cute! so cute!!!


Girls, you are too sweet about the maternity clothes. Don't shoot me, but none of it is Maternity
. I bought one pair of redic expensive black pants (Noppies Brand) that were well worth the $$$, and one pair of Old Navy full panel jeans. Otherwise, I've been getting by on regular clothes. A few work friends gave me some hand-me-downs too, but on the whole, I haven't really used them (runs and hides from the angry mob). Sorry that I'm no help to you in your Maternity Shopping

I have so much more news. We bought a new car yesterday!!! We bought the Subaru Impreza Hatchback. I'm from a Subaru Family. This will be the 4th in the family. LOVE IT! We get it next week. Its going to be weird going from an SUV style vehicle (Subaru Forrester) but we couldn't afford a new one. This was in our price range and is pretty roomy for a hatchback. YEY!


Blen, I vote boy! I''m so excited for you!!!

Lysser, thanks for responding! I don''t know why I was thinking you were with the midwives. Maybe it''s just because your group was downtown.
OOooohhhh Blen!!! Yay!! I am SO excited for you guys! Wishing you all the best today, it''s going to be a miraculous day!!! I''ll be thinking of you, s excited to meet your new baby! I think it''s a GIRL!!!! Just can''t get over your DH being so chill- I imagine mine will be a wreck! Enjoy this day!

Mela- LOVE the new car! Don''t LOVE your feedback on the clothes (hee, hee)- seriously girl, that is amazing! Do you actually mean you are getting by on clothes you already had in your closet, or did you buy more but just non-maternity? You know what, if it''s option #1, just lie to me! Please!

I wanted to ask you a question. I remember a while back you''d been talking about doing a pregnancy photo shoot with your hubby. When are you planning on doing that? Paul and I would like to go back to the photographer who did our engagement photos for the same purpose, but I don''t know *how pregnant* you should be for that. I mean, you want to be showing, obviously, but when you''re really far along, it would be more uncomfortable and I hear the swelling sets in at some point. So, I wondered if you had any idea when you''ll do yours, or if you know when the best time is to go?
Date: 4/5/2009 9:57:50 AM
Author: natalina
OOooohhhh Blen!!! Yay!! I am SO excited for you guys! Wishing you all the best today, it''s going to be a miraculous day!!! I''ll be thinking of you, s excited to meet your new baby! I think it''s a GIRL!!!! Just can''t get over your DH being so chill- I imagine mine will be a wreck! Enjoy this day!

Mela- LOVE the new car! Don''t LOVE your feedback on the clothes (hee, hee)- seriously girl, that is amazing! Do you actually mean you are getting by on clothes you already had in your closet, or did you buy more but just non-maternity? You know what, if it''s option #1, just lie to me! Please!

One of my friends gained only in the belly, like a beach ball right to the stomach, really. She solely used clothing from her closet. She''d lost down about three sizes before, and kept all her clothes for the purpose of maternity. It was amazing, but they all fit. Although, toward the end, there was a ride up issue starting.

I''m sure my clothes will be tight immediately. My body seems to like reasons to expand!

I read you''ll be contributing to belly pic friday soon! I''m excited!!!!
Ooh, I forgot, Sabine and I took belly pics (well DH took them for us) yesterday since we haven''t seen each other since New Year''s. Please ignore the fact that I''m in pj''s and that my house is a disaster area. When we cleared the stuff out of the nursery to get it ready it ended up in the living room and has yet to make it into what will be the guest room because that requires us moving the office downstairs and to do that we need to clear all the junk out of downstairs. Oh, and don''t worry, DH has already been told to remove the creepy picture from the mantel.

04.05.09 001.jpg
And bare belly:

04.05.09 002.jpg
YAY Blen I''m so excited for you!!! Can''t wait to meet your LO!!!

Robbie and Sabine you guys look great!

Mela love the new car!
Date: 4/5/2009 9:58:01 AM
Author: fisherofmengirly

I wanted to ask you a question. I remember a while back you''d been talking about doing a pregnancy photo shoot with your hubby. When are you planning on doing that? Paul and I would like to go back to the photographer who did our engagement photos for the same purpose, but I don''t know *how pregnant* you should be for that. I mean, you want to be showing, obviously, but when you''re really far along, it would be more uncomfortable and I hear the swelling sets in at some point. So, I wondered if you had any idea when you''ll do yours, or if you know when the best time is to go?

I''ll be 33 weeks for mine. That was based on the recommendation of the photographer. I''m hoping I''m still stretchmark free at that point so that we can get some cute bare belly shots, but who knows.
I usually just lurk here but just want to wish the best of luck to Blen!! Looking forward to seeing the baby!
Quick pop in to say GOOOOOOO BLEN!!!!!


And I think I''m guessing boy. Or girl. It is definitely going to be one or the other!!!!!!
Date: 4/5/2009 11:02:00 AM
Author: bee*
I usually just lurk here but just want to wish the best of luck to Blen!! Looking forward to seeing the baby!
Me too; good luck for a smooth & safe delivery.

I cannot believe you are so calm!
Good Luck Blen! I can''t believe you and DH are going about your day so calmly - I think I would be a mess. I am going to say boy for you. Good luck today!

will be sending good labor vibes your way. can''t wait to see the little one. update us when you can!! :)
Blen, how exciting!
I hope your labor is smooth and easy.
Yay Blen!!!! Congrats, I''m sure it will all go wonderfully, and I can''t wait to see pictures of your little one! I vote boy just ''cause there are fewer boy responses. I have no clue or intuition about you, myself, or anyone else.

Robbie and Sabine, what an adorable picture!!!!!!!!!!!! You both look great.

Neatfreak, thanks SO much for all of your help!!! I did look up the symptoms of preterm labor and will definitely watch for them. The only one that might be hard to monitor is lower back pain since I have that even when not knocked-up, but I will be able to tell if it''s much worse than usual. If I understand correctly, can a peri be my main practitioner? Is there any downside to that? Thanks SO much!
Yay Blen!!!!!!!
We''re all sending you good vibrations today in the hopes that your L&D go really smoothly!

Hi everyone else,
sorry I haven''t been keeping up with everyone here - been really crazy with the baby and a possible move to Pittsburgh since Dh''s job is being cut and they''re offering him another position in PA... I don''t want to leave So Cal...

Welcome to the newbies and Congrats to Peony on the twins! I''m a twin and think it''s the coolest!
Blen, I''m so excited for you!!!! And I''m voting girl. Can''t wait for an update!
Omg blen - my jaw dropped as im reading how casual u are describing these events in real time! U are amazin woman! I wish u the easiest labor and a happy healthy baby!...yay for baby blen!
Wow, Blen! How are you feeling? Scared? excited? just fine? All the best for your labor and delivery!

Peony, are you sure you''re carrying twins??? YOU''RE TINY!!!! My pre-preggo stomach was a lot bigger than yours looks now...but that was mostly fat.
You look fabulous!

Robbie and Sabine, I love the pics of the two of you!
LOL Sha, you''re cracking me up! I was only 6 weeks and 5 days in that pic. I''m sure the massive stomach will take a few weeks.
Holy cow, Blen!! I check in all the time on here to check your status, but I'm just now getting to the computer! I cannot believe how calm you are and that you're going to the grocery store!! I guess that's the huge difference between a home delivery and hospital delivery. We would be on our way up there if my water broke. At least your contractions are still far apart, so you have some time. Hurry up and come back to PS for an update! Heck, just set up a web cam! LOL

Can't wait to see your GIRL!

ETA: I thought you already lost your mucus plug (or pieces of it at least). Isn't that the same as thing as your bloody show?
Yay Blen!! Sleep in until ten am, and you miss a lot! Congrats and I hope it's a very calm and easy labor and delivery!

ETA: I say boy!!
Yay Blen, I''m cheering you on too! I vote girl!
Our fridge and freezer are now completely loaded up. We also stopped by the library for movies and magazines, for the rest of today or for post-partum or whenever. And then I was finally ready to take a nap, so I did between contractions. I''m starting to feel impatient. Contractions are still around 20 minutes apart, but are increasingly intense. Come on, uterus! Go go go!

Courtney - You know, I''m not quite sure? The mucus plug isn''t necessarily bloody, and mine hasn''t been, but today''s is. That''s the only distinction I was making in my head. Hmmm.
quick question: How many weeks into pregnancy before doctors generally don''t want you to travel anymore? We''re thinking of a trip to Italy