
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Good luck Blen! How exciting! I wish you a fast and easy labor. Can''t wait to meet your little one. I am thinking BOY!
Date: 4/5/2009 2:31:30 PM
Author: sunkist
quick question: How many weeks into pregnancy before doctors generally don''t want you to travel anymore? We''re thinking of a trip to Italy
I think you need a doctor''s certificate after 7 months, if you want to travel.....not sure how long after that you can still travel with doctor''s permission, though.
thanks Sha, that sounds right. You''d need dr permission to travel in the last trimester. K, thanks!
Come on Blen''s uterus!!! How does it work with the home birth in regards to how soon you''re required to deliver after your water breaks? Isn''t it 12-24 hours with a hospital birth?

That''s awesome that your fridge is stocked and you''ve got movies/magazines to keep you tied over. It''s great that you are napping in between contractions. I''d be too excited!
Oh Blen
Wishing you all the best. Good luck, can''t wait to meet your precious baby!!!!
GO BLEN!!! So exciting
Who wants to bet Blen is having that baby right now??!!
Very, very exciting! Good luck Blen!


ohhhh, how exciting!!!!!!! So happy for you Blen!!!! Sending tons of positive thoughts!!!

Can''t wait to meet the little one!!!
My contractions still aren''t too close together. My middie just came by and everything looks good with me and the baby, so we''re just going to give it more time.

Courtney - ACOG recommends that labor start within 24 hours of water breaking, and WHO recommends 72 hours. Some physicians want the baby out within 24 hours though. Part of the reason for the more conservative time span for ACOG is because the risk of infection does start to go up at 24 hours if vaginal exams are being done, which is routine practice in hospitals here. My midwife''s ok with going more like 72 hours as long as NOTHING is going up my vagina until labor is well established (including bath water, sterile gloves, etc). If I''m not in active labor by Tuesday night or so, she does want me to start with nipple stimulation and then move onto black and blue cohosh if that doesn''t work. She left the B&B cohosh here with me in case I start to go crazy and want to start with it earlier. I can also try castor oil, but only if I''m desperate enough to deal with the side effects. And if none of that works and my body doesn''t go into labor on its own in the time span we''re looking at, we''ll reevaluate. Fortunately, at term, there''s an 80% chance of labor starting within 24 hours of water breaking and a 95% chance of it starting within 48 hours.

I''ve gone through about 20 pads today, and then when DH and I went out on a walk (to try to help things along) Dylan tore into the rest of my supply and left shreds all over the first floor of the house. DH had to make an emergency run to the grocery store and came back all proud that he found the most heavy duty ones that they had. They were next to the adult diapers.
Oh WOW, baby Blenmer is going to come out!
Lots labor and delivery dust to you.
Go Blen!

Hehe, I guess I was somewhat close when I said you''ll go into labor on Saturday :)
Hopefully, you''ll have a short labor and be holding your little boy soon.

EDITED TO BUMP MY GENDER POLL, in case anyone has a last minute opinion or change of heart.
Mela (but only with a can of silly string held to her nostril)
Blenheim''s DH

You are so calm!!!!!!!! Go Blen Go!!! (and go DH for finding the right pads!
This is so exciting


Quickly for anyone that can chime in.

I''ve had a horrible cough all weekend. A dry cough, but I know it can turn nasty
. Tomorrow I leave on a business trip to Arizona...from humid FL to DRY AZ!...which always kills me, plus the planes don''t help.

Is there anything safe I can take to help speed up the process of this cough....I think i need something like Roubitussin (the expectorant, not supressant) but I''m not sure if that''s safe...

I''m so not looking forward to this trip...I wish I could call in sick

Thanks in advance girls!
lili - good update on the BabyBlen Poll.
Mandy - So sorry. I know nuthin'' about coughs or syrups
. Can you ask the pharmacist?
Mommy Blen - During my yoga practice today, we channeled all the mothers before us who''ve given birth; and as I did that I thought about how our bodies were made to do this and that yours would too. I thought about all that and I sent it to you.
I hope that helps your UTE get in gear. I was *kinda* hoping for a baby by now (haha) as if you weren''t (eye roll).

I kinda want deets on your water breaking (where did it happen? did you make a splash? haha. etc) and the story of the pads is hilar. Can''t believe your Dog! SO funny. So was your DH going on a maxi-pad mission. These are all great details in what will be your birth story.

I love how we say "nothing in the vagina" so nonchalantly. HAHA. I say hit that B&B cohosh and start up dem nips. Why not?! Get hubby on them, playing nipples will give him something fun to do, and could just be that kick start of oxytocin you need.

Were you drinking red raspberry leaf tea up till now? Just curious. I''ve started drinking it daily - in hopes that my UTE becomes a well oiled powerhouse.

Robbie and Sabine - that is THE cutest photo EVER. I''m so glad you captured it!

Back to the maternity clothes thing. I have basically made do with what I already owned up till now. I have bought the occasional new piece of (non-maternity) clothing, which will fit me even after pregnancy. The only thing that has really changed on me is my boobs, my belly, and my hips have widened but not fattened (if that makes sense). Overall, my body doesn''t look that different from pre-pg, which is strange because I''ve put on 25 lbs. Not really sure where it''s all hiding out....Maybe my boobs. LOL.

Just lurking... and had to say

Hoooorray Blen!!! Thinking of you today & can''t wait to read your soon-to-be-labor story and see pictures. Positive thoughts all the way! You''re totally natural, home-birth inspiration & I hope that everything goes amazingly well for ya!
Mandarine Unfortunately pretty much nothing is recommended for preggos as far as meds go unless you really need them (except for plain benadryl (NOT extended release) and tylenol). I'd call your doctor and ask-all docs have their own "approved" list of meds so your doc might be comfortable with you taking something.

Peony Often you can't have a peri as your main doc unless you **need** him/her because your pregnancy is really high risk (like ID twins, IUGR, etc.)-they just won't take anyone on as a patient unless your regular OB transfers your case (at least at my practice).

But besides that I do think there are some small downsides-mainly that a lot of peris are very pro-surgery and more likely to play it waaaaaaaay safe (like ordering full bedrest for things that bedrest doesn't help, etc.)-which I personally don't think is always the right path. But if you think about it they deal with the most high risk cases in one of the most sued specialties around-so they have to play it close to the vest. So while I understand-for me it made sense to stay with my OB who had a ton of twin experience. But I would have fought for the peri full time if my OB wasn't comfortable with twins.

But as an example both peris in my practice told me that they pretty much automatically go for a c-section with twin pregnancies. And I didn't like that because the research doesn't support that for some births-and if both my boys were head down I wanted the chance for a VB. Also some docs will do mandatory bed rest at a certain point in a twin pregnancy for no reason-which is ridiculous. So these are things that you need to talk over with your practitioner whoever they are. This has been my experience with the OB's vs. the peri's-but of course all doctors are different so you just have no idea about their views until you talk to them.
Date: 4/5/2009 9:09:01 PM
Author: neatfreak
Mandarine Unfortunately pretty much nothing is recommended for preggos as far as meds go unless you really need them (except for plain benadryl (NOT extended release) and tylenol). I''d call your doctor and ask-all docs have their own ''approved'' list of meds so your doc might be comfortable with you taking something.
Thank you Neat!!! I guess I will just have to suck it up and keep drinking water. Neither Tylenol or Benadryl will help. Maybe I;ll try lemon+honey (that was my mom''s remedy when we had bad cough!)

I''m already losing my voice. So I''m sounding like a man and I have a beer belly...SEXY!

Hopefully I won''t completely lose my voice because that would make the trip completely useless!
M- there was actually a list of meds u can take during pg on robitussin was allowed, so I would call nurse and def ask instead of bein sickly

Gooooooo blen, goooo waiting patiently ;)...ur such a troopa!
Thanks for all of the good wishes! And Lili, thanks so much for compiling all of the votes! I'm getting so impatient to know which one it is. Like Mela, I was hoping that baby would be here by now, but I'm trying to let it come when it's ready - within reason! Mela, that was really sweet of you in your yoga class.

TMI deets for Mela (but at this point, what am I saying that isn't TMI?) - I woke up around 5:30 am and was having a contraction, so I waited it out and then got up to pee when it was over. My underwear felt unusually wet when I pulled them back up, but I figured that it was just copious amounts of CM until I got back into bed and felt a gush. I got back up, and my undies and pants were soaked through. So.. heehee... I grabbed one of DH's old pairs of undies and a pad, and got back into bed for a while. I think I'm on old pair of DH's undies #4 and pair of pants #3 for the day right now because I keep having gushes that aren't entirely contained by the pad, but most of them are. I'd wear my own underwear, but I'd rather ruin his if it comes to it. He does have about 3 times as much underwear as me and I've been trying to get him to throw out some of the older pairs, so this might force the issue. Does that make me a bad wife?

Also - something that I didn't know - I wasn't expecting my water to break before labor, because it happens maybe 10% of the time? (I know that DD gave the exact percentage somewhere earlier on up this thread.) But apparently it's more common with a transverse or posterior baby because of the way that their heads are positioned relative to the cervix, and this one's somewhere between LOT and LOP right now. And if it happens, you seriously need a ton of pads. I replaced one when we were grocery shopping and needed another one before I could even get out of the bathroom. So stock up ahead of time, just in case!

Part of the reason why we're not starting on natural induction stuff right now is so that the baby can try to rotate some to anterior before getting wedged further down into my pelvis. Come on baby! Speaking of which - I need to hop back onto the exercise ball.

RRL tea - I've been half heartedly trying. I have maybe a cup on most work days, because I keep tea bags in my desk, but I think that the recommendation is more like 3 cups a day. I hope that it gives you a wonder-ute, Mela!

Robbie and Sabine - I love the pics too! Both of you look so cute.

Mandarine - I really hope that you start feeling better.
Blen LOL at the pads and DH''s undies! When my water first broke it was a gush on the toilet, but I had polyhydramios (extra amniotic fluid, about 2x as much!)so when we got to the hospital and I got out of the car, it poured and poured and poured down my legs! Like someone turned on a tap! haha...

I know that your middie checked this but your fluid was clear right? No greenish tinge? And you are GBS negative? How long are you and your middie comfortable waiting for labour to kick in naturally? Just curious! I think you will hit full blown labout tonight
Rest up!
Neatfreak, that was VERY helpful!!! It sounds like you're empirically-oriented like me.
This seems like a dumb question, but how do you know if an ob/gyn has a lot of twin experience? Do I just call a lot of them and ask, or were you able to get a recommendation from the peri? Like you I would really like to avoid major surgery, so I'm hoping that they're both head down and I don't have many other complications. I recently read though that only 40% of the babies are both head down.

Also, this is further down the road, but were you able to breastfeed your twins okay? This is one of my big fears!! I'm terrified about being able to take care of two babies, even though my DH will help a lot, I'm sure. We don't have any family in the area unfortunately.

ETA, GOOD LUCK BLEN!!!!!!!!! It is awesome that you're still posting.
Ahh finaly found the pic of Robbie and Sabine. You two are beautiful! Thanks for posting the pics!

Mandarine I don''t have any advice, but calling the doctor and drinking hot lemon water and honey sounds great. I hope you feel better. Good luck on your trip!

Wow Blen you''re insprational
Go baby go! BTW I love how you''re using DH underpants. That seems a perfect use for the old ones anyways!
Clear fluid, GBS negative.
I think I'm going to start taking stuff late afternoon tomorrow if full blown labor hasn't kicked in by then, but I'm hoping it will be sometime tonight or tomorrow morning. And I can't imagine having twice as much fluid! I couldn't do pad changes in the middle of our walk and so by the end it was just running down my legs - yuck!

ETA in case anyone's curious - green or brown amniotic fluid means that the baby's pooped in utero, which can be a sign of fetal distress. If I notice this, our plans will change.
OMG Blen, you''re killing me here! Grocery shopping, DH''s undies, a nice long walk... !!!

Girlfriend you are one fun preggo--soon to be mommy!
Blen, have you talked to the doc/hospital/midwife yet? My water broke before I went into full blown labor (I also went for a walk and leaked the entire time). Not sure if you remember my story but I got toxemia and was lucky I got to the hospital when I did (6 hours after my water broke since I figured I could just wait it out at home). The baby also started going into distress without the fluid there. They had to pump fluid back INTO me 14 hours after my labor started to try and help the baby's falling heart rate.

Good luck Blen!

ETA, I went back and saw that you've been checked by your midwife! Whew! Looking forward to meeting the baby!!
Update - I''ve been having contractions every 5-7 minutes since 2 am. I''ve been mostly staying in bed trying to rest between them, but they''re a lot easier to deal with if I''m on my hands and knees or kneeling/standing while draped over something or on the exercise ball, so we''re now up for the day. Hubby is now setting up my birth pool and shoveling the driveway for our m/w. Freak snow storm.

I''m not sure if I''m going to be able to check in for too much longer, so if I disappear you should know why!

TGal - thanks for the concern. Everything looks fine so far but we''re going to keep an eye on it.

Hey DeeJay, long time no see!
I am up feeding the babes (the ONLY night feeding now-yay!) and had to check in with you Blen. GO GIRL GO!!!!

I hope you are holding your gorgeous baby right now!
Had to check on Blen before getting ready for work! So excited! Hope all is well!
First thing I did when I woke up was hop on PS! I dreamt all night about you having that baby, Blen!
Okay, today should be baby girl blen''s birthday!!

Happy delivery, Blen and Mr. Blen!!

Dittos-checkin in on baby blen! Can''t wait!

-off to nst, will be checkin the whole way there and back :)