
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Go Blen go! I''m so excited for you! I was talking about you in my Bradley class last night.
We learned that making out and thumb sucking can also help to speed the labor process. Not sure if you knew about those ones so I thought I''d throw that out there.
Blen sending labor dust and lots of hugs/kisses your way!

Date: 4/6/2009 8:31:48 AM
Author: robbie3982
We learned that making out and thumb sucking can also help to speed the labor process.
Just got the call that I PASSED MY 1 HR GTT!!!

I celebrated with 2 cookies
Date: 4/6/2009 9:11:31 AM
Author: robbie3982
Just got the call that I PASSED MY 1 HR GTT!!!

I celebrated with 2 cookies
DH and I just got back from our first ultrasound and we saw a heartbeat! Our little bean is very small, but the heartbeat looked so strong! We also got the results of all the blood tests and everything looks great. It was very exciting and now I am finally relaxing a little. We are going to start telling a few family and friends, starting with my parents this Friday (my 30th birthday). I can''t wait to see their reactions.

Blen, I will be anxiously checking in all day to see how you are doing.

Robbie, Congrats on passing the test.
Yay Blen! Good luck to you and Mr. Blen!

Congrats on passing your glucose test Robbie!

November, yay for seeing the heartbeat! Our guy was itty-bitty, too. Crazy to see something that tiny with a heartbeat! What''s your EDD?
Oh, forgot to add that, my EDD is November 19, which is right about what we expected. We opted to do the sequential screen/NT scan, so that''s the next appt we have during the first week of May.
Congrats November
YEY for a November BABY!!!!!
YEY Robbie on your 1 hr test. Obvie you passed

Random question for the day. (for Blen and all others who''ve given birth)
When you''re in labour, do you still feel your baby kicking and moving around? I ask because I always feel reassured feeling Himer moving around. I feel like this would also be reassuring during labour.

Congrats robbie on the 1 hr! Its so good u don''t have to take the 3 hr one! Cookies sound to be the perfect celebration ;)

Nov- yay for h/b! never gets old seeing that flickering on the screen!

Coming home from boy is laying all the way in the crotch...which explains all the bladder uncomfy-ness..urgh.

Blen thinkin of ya.
Yay, November! Congrats on seeing the hb!

Mela, I''ve heard that you continue to feel movement even during labor. I bookmarked this post on thebump about fetal movement because I found it to be very helpful:

NYC, that sounds uncomfortable! What''s your little girl doing? I forget, do you have names for them yet or are you deciding once you see them?

Blen, thinking of you!
Mela, I know that when I''m having Braxton Hicks and my uterus is tight, I don''t feel the baby moving. It''s almost like the baby feels the tightening too and she''s stiffens up. I have no idea if labor is the same or not.

Congrats on passing, Robbie!

November, that is great!
So I don''t check in for ONE day and miss Blen''s hilarious play by play postings!

GO BLEN GO!!!! You rock. And nothing is TMI at this stage, the dirtier the details the better. We need to know what''s coming our way. I am so impressed by you. Can''t wait to hear all about the final act. And I can''t wait to find out if it''s a girl or boy!

Lysser- So glad you figured out the prenatal thing. It''s very common! Thanks for your input on the pain thing- I definitely will bring it up. How are you doing otherwise?

Fiery- Oh no, you''ve been sucked into the Lost vortex!
It''s genius, isn''t it? What season are you on? I''ve watched from the beginning, but my DH isn''t a big TV fan. He loves mythology/sci fi stuff, so I made him watch Season 1 with me on DVD when he was sick one weekend and he is HOOKED. It''s so much better watching them on DVD b/c there''s so much stuff and it''s easier to remember when you can watch them consecutively.

Natalina- A lady at a baby store this weekend told me the GD CD''s existed, so I am on a hunt! I will definitely let you know if I find one. That''s is so cute that you have the tie-dye onesie all tucked away. He''s going to be really touched! And a girl can totally wear tie-dye!

Mela- CUTE car!!!! It sort of looks like my Lexus.

Robbie & Sabine- OK, that is THE most adorable picture of the two of you!!!! You both look beyond great. So jealous, my two BFF''s are preggo but when I saw them, I barely looked it so the pics are nowhere as cute as this. Interesting- Robbie are you tall, or Sabine are you just short?
I wouldn''t have guessed that Robbie was tall, but she looks it in that pic! YAY for passing the test, Robbie!

on the heartbeat. It''s pretty cool, isn''t it???

All is fine with me. I have been GRUMPY all weekend, had my first emotional outburst for no reason. As much as being pregnant has been really cool, I sort of miss the "real" me if that makes sense. I know this is only a small part of my life, and so far I have really been enjoying it, but it''s hard on the identity thing. Think I just hit a halfway mark lull. But have been getting the registry together, which is making me feel better.

CARSEAT question: Does anyone have or register for the Maxi Cosi? And if yes, did you find any sort of snap-n-go that it is compatible with? I like this carseat the best, but it doesn''t fit the Graco or Babytrend snap-n-go, which makes it kind of useless to me. Boo. Why are these things so ugly???????? I just want a neutral car seat! Will ask the mommies too, but thought I''d throw it out here.

Happy Monday, and happy almost-birthday to Baby Blen!
Date: 4/6/2009 12:10:06 PM
Author: ChinaCat

Fiery- Oh no, you''ve been sucked into the Lost vortex!
It''s genius, isn''t it? What season are you on? I''ve watched from the beginning, but my DH isn''t a big TV fan. He loves mythology/sci fi stuff, so I made him watch Season 1 with me on DVD when he was sick one weekend and he is HOOKED. It''s so much better watching them on DVD b/c there''s so much stuff and it''s easier to remember when you can watch them consecutively.
Hi China

We''re on Season 4 I think episode 13 so we''re halfway through the season. It''s FI''s fault. Season 1 is showing on CW and he was hooked on those episodes but didn''t get it. Every Saturday I would hear him go "but why? And how did that happen? Why did she do that?" So I went to blockbuster and rented the first few episodes so that he can catch up. I ended up getting hooked. We usually go on Friday night and return the DVDs to pick up the next two, watch it all weekend, and either go back on Sunday for the next two or wait till the following Friday
. It''s great. There have been weekends where we''ll finish and he has to go right away to get the next DVD just to see what happens.

We didn''t register for maxi. We''re getting Chicco that fits into the baby trend. I''m not thrilled with the color choices of the car seat and its not going to match the snap-n-go at all but oh well.
Thanks for your car seat input. I know it''s not that big of a deal in the scheme of things, but it irks me. As for LOST- kinda a nice way to get through the pregnancy though!!!! We''ve gotten a ton of other couples hooked, it''s so fun. I think Season 4 was awesome. Season 2 was a bit meh. This season is so frustrating waiting a week, since we''ve been used to the DVD fast pace. I secretly (ok, not so secretly) was trying to incorporate some Lost into our names, but so far it hasn''t really worked. Though my DH sometimes calls our future one "Sayid Jarrah A____________" when he wants to stress that he thinks he will be a bad a**.
Silly, but makes me laugh.
China, I''m only 5''5" (ok, more like 5''4.75"). Sabine''s just a shorty.
Date: 4/6/2009 12:32:24 PM
Author: ChinaCat

Thanks for your car seat input. I know it''s not that big of a deal in the scheme of things, but it irks me. As for LOST- kinda a nice way to get through the pregnancy though!!!! We''ve gotten a ton of other couples hooked, it''s so fun. I think Season 4 was awesome. Season 2 was a bit meh. This season is so frustrating waiting a week, since we''ve been used to the DVD fast pace. I secretly (ok, not so secretly) was trying to incorporate some Lost into our names, but so far it hasn''t really worked. Though my DH sometimes calls our future one ''Sayid Jarrah A____________'' when he wants to stress that he thinks he will be a bad a**.
Silly, but makes me laugh.

LOL, we might have a little Desmond Jack baking right now. It''s definitely still on our list, though not because of Lost. Jack was my grandfather''s name and we just like the name Desmond.
Robbie- Oh, don''t think I don''t think of Desmond Jack when I am trying to come up with Lost names! I think you started it for me! It''s a great name, regardless. Jack was my grandfather''s name as well. But there are already a few in my family (plus he''s one of my least fave characters so it doesn''t really go with my game). I have a friend who''s nephew is "James Ford" which I
as it is Sawyer''s "real" name. But they aren''t Losties, and they call him Ford. I have always loved Sawyer as a name, but it''s becoming quite popular where I live, so it''s off my list.
And I love the nickname "Dez" or "Des". Great choice!

Fiery- Any name choices for you? Last I remember was Priscilla maybe?
Date: 4/5/2009 10:33:18 PM
Author: peonygirl

Also, this is further down the road, but were you able to breastfeed your twins okay? This is one of my big fears!! I''m terrified about being able to take care of two babies, even though my DH will help a lot, I''m sure. We don''t have any family in the area unfortunately.
In case NF is busy and doesn''t see this, she isa champ and BFs both her boys almost exclusively! I know they use bottles so her hubby can take some feeds with expressed milk and I think supplementation with formula is at a minimum. Needless to say, this takes a tremendous investment on NFs part--BFing one baby is a full time job so BFing 2 is amazing! You can do it Peony, but just know that the first month will be harder than any exam you have ever written, or anything you have done so far for that matter! It was that hard for me, and I had just one to contend with! But we are women, hear us roar
Date: 4/6/2009 4:06:50 AM
Author: Blenheim
Update - I''ve been having contractions every 5-7 minutes since 2 am. I''ve been mostly staying in bed trying to rest between them, but they''re a lot easier to deal with if I''m on my hands and knees or kneeling/standing while draped over something or on the exercise ball, so we''re now up for the day. Hubby is now setting up my birth pool and shoveling the driveway for our m/w. Freak snow storm.

I''m not sure if I''m going to be able to check in for too much longer, so if I disappear you should know why!
Date: 4/6/2009 10:40:59 AM
Author: mela lu

Random question for the day. (for Blen and all others who''ve given birth)
When you''re in labour, do you still feel your baby kicking and moving around? I ask because I always feel reassured feeling Himer moving around. I feel like this would also be reassuring during labour.

Nope. Baby doesn''t move as much when labour is going on because baby is jammed into the pelvis and doesn''t have room to move. Also, contractions are all consuming... when they happen you cannot think of anything else except breathing and getting through the pain, and in between you are thinking of nothing except relaxing and breathing and getting ready for the enct. So you won''t feel the baby move!
Date: 4/6/2009 12:24:25 PM
Author: fieryred33143

Date: 4/6/2009 12:10:06 PM
Author: ChinaCat

Fiery- Oh no, you''ve been sucked into the Lost vortex!
It''s genius, isn''t it? What season are you on? I''ve watched from the beginning, but my DH isn''t a big TV fan. He loves mythology/sci fi stuff, so I made him watch Season 1 with me on DVD when he was sick one weekend and he is HOOKED. It''s so much better watching them on DVD b/c there''s so much stuff and it''s easier to remember when you can watch them consecutively.
Hi China

We''re on Season 4 I think episode 13 so we''re halfway through the season. It''s FI''s fault. Season 1 is showing on CW and he was hooked on those episodes but didn''t get it. Every Saturday I would hear him go ''but why? And how did that happen? Why did she do that?'' So I went to blockbuster and rented the first few episodes so that he can catch up. I ended up getting hooked. We usually go on Friday night and return the DVDs to pick up the next two, watch it all weekend, and either go back on Sunday for the next two or wait till the following Friday
. It''s great. There have been weekends where we''ll finish and he has to go right away to get the next DVD just to see what happens.

We didn''t register for maxi. We''re getting Chicco that fits into the baby trend. I''m not thrilled with the color choices of the car seat and its not going to match the snap-n-go at all but oh well.
We are obsessed with LOst too! Never watched before, but with a new baby you watch a lot of TV
We are midway through season three now and LOVE IT!

If there is a show you really want to watch on DVD wait until baby is born, you can watch 5 epis a day sometimes!
Date: 4/6/2009 12:51:12 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Date: 4/5/2009 10:33:18 PM

Author: peonygirl

Also, this is further down the road, but were you able to breastfeed your twins okay? This is one of my big fears!! I'm terrified about being able to take care of two babies, even though my DH will help a lot, I'm sure. We don't have any family in the area unfortunately.

In case NF is busy and doesn't see this, she isa champ and BFs both her boys almost exclusively! I know they use bottles so her hubby can take some feeds with expressed milk and I think supplementation with formula is at a minimum. Needless to say, this takes a tremendous investment on NFs part--BFing one baby is a full time job so BFing 2 is amazing! You can do it Peony, but just know that the first month will be harder than any exam you have ever written, or anything you have done so far for that matter! It was that hard for me, and I had just one to contend with! But we are women, hear us roar

Thanks DD. She's hit the nail on the head. It takes a TON of time-but I have a setup with a great nursing pillow (it's a MUST if you will be BFing twins-it's called the EZ 2 Nurse pillow) and my laptop on a boppy so that I can PS while I nurse them. Because honestly, sometimes I am spending literally half my day nursing them. And while some women might be able to stare at their infants while they feed all day-I am not one of them- I get bored! So this has been much more bearable for me.

Best decision I EVER made though was to let them take a bottle from my DH at 10pm and sometimes 2am (this was earlier in the game). It really allowed me to get a much needed chunk of sleep. They either get BM if I was able to pump or a formula feed-which I just don't worry about because they are getting mostly BM. Unless you really have a major oversupply though you probably will need to do some supplementing with formula, so be prepared for that expense and that possibility.

The biggest thing you need to do is what is right for YOU. It's really just about surviving the first few months with twins and if you recognize that nothing will be "perfect" it'll go a lot easier IMO! I am very lucky in that they are pretty good sleepers and are now starting to SSTN (YAY!!!!) but that 4-6 hour chunk of sleep was veeeeery precious in the beginning and was the key to my sanity.
Sayid is awesome. It''s very rare when FI will call someone a bada$$ in re: to TV but he''s like obsessed with what the guy can do. We''ve been watching Season 4 and 5 at the same time because if not I think we''ll have to wait a year or so for the DVDs to come out. I also love Ben. As awful and sneaky as he is, he''s just awesome.

It''s so confusing though watching the old seasons with the new one. The other day we saw a character and spent about 20 minutes trying to remember whether this character visited Hugo in an old episode or the new episodes. We still haven''t figure it out

DD-That''s our problem. We start to watch it and don''t want to put it down haha
Hi guys,
Hope everyone is having a good Monday!

Just a quick question - when did you guys go in for your first doctor appt. after realizing you were pregnant? And what was done at this appt.?

I scheduled an appt. for 8 weeks - but am wondering if I need to be in earlier. I don''t really bothered about having betas done or anything like that. Just wondering if there''s anything else that should be done in an early appt. that I''m missing. Is 8 weeks the norm for a first appt.?

Date: 4/6/2009 1:09:50 PM
Author: Sha
Hi guys,

Hope everyone is having a good Monday!

Just a quick question - when did you guys go in for your first doctor appt. after realizing you were pregnant? And what was done at this appt.?

I scheduled an appt. for 8 weeks - but am wondering if I need to be in earlier. I don''t really bothered about having betas done or anything like that. Just wondering if there''s anything else that should be done in an early appt. that I''m missing. Is 8 weeks the norm for a first appt.?


8-10 weeks is normal for most practices. Don''t worry! And unfortunately it''s usually a pretty boring appointment. Some questions, bloodwork, and maybe trying to hear the HB on the doppler-but it''s usually too early for that.

Some people get earlier u/s or visits-but it''s not the norm.
Hi Sha,

Its totally normal for the first appointment to be anywhere between 8 to 12 weeks. My first appointment was with my gyno who I thought was still delivering babies (she wasn't). I made the appointment for the same week that I got my BFP which was around 4w. I wanted to confirm with a blood test more than anything and also was due for a pap. At this appointment I was given some prenatals that she had left over from her practice. My OB appointment didn't happen until 7w2d. First appointment they drew blood, had me fill out all of their paperwork, I met with the nurse and then with my OB. They gave me a sample bag full of prenatals and some reading material. We talked about needs mostly to make sure that she and I were compatible. Turns out...we are
(she's very quick which is what I wanted). We also talked about weight since I was overweight going in.

Other than that, nothing. And there's nothing you really need to do now. You can get some OTC PNV and they work the exact same way as prescription. I use woman's one-a-day as a back up because I have a problem with getting to the pharmacy when I'm supposed to (my PNV have been out for at least 2 weeks now

ETA: Because I forgot. I also had an internal u/s done.
Date: 4/6/2009 12:53:43 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Date: 4/6/2009 10:40:59 AM

Author: mela lu
Random question for the day. (for Blen and all others who''ve given birth)

When you''re in labour, do you still feel your baby kicking and moving around? I ask because I always feel reassured feeling Himer moving around. I feel like this would also be reassuring during labour.
Nope. Baby doesn''t move as much when labour is going on because baby is jammed into the pelvis and doesn''t have room to move. Also, contractions are all consuming... when they happen you cannot think of anything else except breathing and getting through the pain, and in between you are thinking of nothing except relaxing and breathing and getting ready for the enct. So you won''t feel the baby move!

HEE! Can''t wait!!! Thanks for the info
Huge Lost fan here also! Not sure if you''re up to the current show, China, but if you name him Sayid not only will be a badass, he''ll be born a killer!

Sawyer is a cool name too I think. Plus he''s a hottie.

I bet Blen is holding her little one now and loving every minute of it! Can''t wait to hear from her and see pics!!
OMG Sawyer is so delicious
. By the end of Season 3 I was so annoyed with Jack that I can''t find him good looking anymore LOL

So I was hoping for a Baby Blen update before I posted my vent of the week (really of the day if you knew me in person).

MIL has recruited more people in her battle to be in the delivery room despite FI mentioning to her that we want it to be a private moment. How do I know she''s recruiting people? Because at a birthday party yesterday her neighbor tells me that if I have a c-section then only one person is allowed but for a normal birth I can have as many as I want. AND it can still be private even if his mother is there. She told me that it is a beautiful moment that shoud be shared with everyone in the family. She said everyone should include my mom, his mother, his dad, and his grandmother and that she was there for the birth of all 5 of her grandchildren with no problem. She says all of this while I was sitting alone (FI was bbqing during the convo) with his dad, mom, and grandmother. I was first passive agressive about it. I said that I undrstood some peole enjoy that but I don''t. My mom isn''t going to be there because she knows this is a private moment for me. Her neighbor went on to say that I was being ridiculous
because they stand behind me and nothing can be seen.

At this point I was just mad and told her it had nothing to do with my body. We didn''t have an audience the night she was conceived, we''re not going to have an audience when she comes into the world. Everyone can see her after she arrives. I know his mom and dad were hurt but damn. Talk about backing someone into a corner
Robbie- baby girl is all the way on top...when I lay on my back my belly looks like an egg...her tush peers out lol.
I had to apologize for their misbehavior today LOL...took the nurse a lot of time and effort to get them to stay in 1 place and find and secure h/b''s...they are going to be a handful for sure!

I do have names but still not 100% sure..and can''t even write or say them out loud yet lol...but they both begin with "J"..don''t know if I ever mentioned them before.

Blennnnn...I hope u are now holding lil blen and enjoying every moment!!