
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Tacori: I have a funny belly button story for you from last time.

So, my belly button never popped with Jake, because apparently (unbeknownst to me) I have a very deep belly button. So I was getting out of the shower one day, probably 7 mos prego or so, and noticed something brown in there....hmm....lint fuzz? (it was fall, i have brown sweaters) so I try to swipe it out. No luck.

So I grab a q-tip to get a better swipe at it. No luck.

oh to hell with it, I''m grabbing a tweezers and I''ll pluck the fuzz out.


Yeah...that''ll teach me.

No, I didn''t pop last time, but I''m afraid I might this time since I''m sticking out farther in front than with Jake (he rode long & egg like)...hang on..lemme find a 38/39 week pic with jake.... here ya go.... he looks so weird in there!!! LOL...

Date: 8/30/2007 7:03:52 PM
Author: divergrrl

Mrs. S, me ill to just think about it. How old are your first 2 children? Good luck with the house today!

diver, my girls are 5 and 3 1/2. my oldest just started kindergarten and Lily will head back to pre-school soon. Soooooo looking forward to the couple of *me* days a week.

no news on the house, so hubby might be getting his rental wish fulfilled after all..

i can''t find any pics to scan of me pregnant. all of them are taped into scrapbooks, i might be able to scan a page or something but am way to tired to do it tonight

tacori, i have had those oreo things and they are yummy
good luck with the in laws. i''ve got family coming in next week for a few days too. at least the house is clean
Have a good weekend with the in-laws, Tacori! If they make any nasty comments on how "big" you are, then
to them and just think about how cute we think you look! And then go eat an Oreo cakester
Haven''t tried them yet b/c I''m scared I''ll like them too much. I''ve said before that if I were stranded on a desert island, the two foods I think I could live on forever and never get tired of are mashed potatoes (homemade) and Oreos. Yum.

njc, is your shower this weekend or next weekend?

diver, your belly button story had me laughing out loud (and a little grossed out too) -- haha!

I took today off and am looking forward to a nice loooooooong weekend. I think today may be some shopping -- Old Navy and a Motherhood outlet -- as I''m desperate for some new clothes (again). Also my Mom may be moving back up here (she moved to FL seven years ago but has always hated it), so I need to check out the surrounding towns for condos this weekend. But all in all, nothing too stressful ... ahhhhh, relaxation!! Yay!

Anyone else have any fun Labor Day plans?
I''m so glad to hear that everyone is doing well. The PG bellies are sooo cute! I''m so envious right now. DH and I plan to do a lot of "baby dancing" this long weekend. I should be ovulating soon - I think I''m on CD#12 today so anytime now. Have a good weekend everybody!

MrsS, they are *too* good. Hope the open house goes well.

Ella, you are so sweet. It is my FIL who gave me all the hastle last time and thankfully he did not come (only my SIL and MIL). They have been very nice. My MIL insists I am all baby. It is a lie but bless her anyways.

I got the cutest coming home outfit at the Carter''s outlet today. Everything was 1/2 off so it was a great deal. They are one of the few places that have cute gender neutral clothing. (2nd fav followed by Old Navy).

Diva, good luck. I think I read sperm can stay in your body for up to 72 hours so even if you are not ovulating there is still a chance (since you are close). Try gravity friendly positions
Hi, everyone! I've been posting around this site periodically since searching for my engagement ring in Spring 2006. We were married that August and because I was 38 when we got married, we decided to stop preventing right after the wedding and see what happened.

We got pregnant immediately. Our due date was nine months and three weeks after our wedding, but that turned out to be a chemical pregnancy that ended at five weeks. We got pregnant again the very next month but miscarried at nine weeks. I had a D&C and lots of testing that proved that I was totally normal except for a mild clotting disorder that may or may not have contributed to the miscarriages.

We decided to wait a little while before giving it another go. I was emotionally and physically drained, and I thought we just needed to enjoy being married. We went through a lot during that time- my mother was diagnosed with Parkinson's, we lost a family member, we learned we owed the IRS thousands- but it just brought us closer together. In May my husband got a new job, one with fewer hours closer to home that allowed him weekends off. That month we didn't prevent for the first time in six months. It was totally unspoken but I think we both just knew it was time to try it again.

We did get pregnant although we were very, very cautious because of our history. We tried not to talk about it too much, but it's hard not to get your hopes up. I was a mom from the moment I saw the word "pregnant" on the stick. We had ultrasournds at six weeks, eight weeks, and twelve weeks, and our little bean just continued to grow. Our first trimester screen results were great. As of today, I'm seventeen weeks pregnant. On Sept 24 we have the BIG ultrasound that will hopefully tell us who's in there! If it's a girl she'll be named Leah or Elisabeth; if it's a boy we will name him John or Jonathan after my husband's dad. We plan to be "one and done" so this is our first and last child- partly because of my age (I'll be forty by the time the baby is born in February) but mostly because a family of three just feels right to us.

So that's my story and a bit of an intro! We live in The Woodlands, TX, just north of Houston, and work for the same HR consulting firm. Jim is a Benefits Specialist and I'm a Benefit Services Manager so if you have any insurance questions we're the folks to ask. We have one fur baby, a kitty named Forrest who is in for a rude awakening when he has to share his parents with someone else.

I've been reading your posts and have enjoyed them so much! I wish all of you healthy, happy pregnancies!!
chickflick, congratulations!!!! I''m sure it was really difficult for you to go through those losses in addition to all the other stuff going on in your life, but I''m so happy that you have a sticky bean in there now and things are looking good!!! I think some things are just meant to be. Wait till you have the big ultrasound--it is just sooooo cool! Can''t wait to follow your progress and hear if you are having a boy or girl!

Diver, you look awesome! Your belly is adorable--so different from the way you carried Jake. Love your belly button story!

Tacori, you are just so cute! I know what you mean about feeling huge because you have a small frame. I had the dark brown belly button and still have the ugly line down my belly. It''s definitely fading but still there--can''t wait for it to disappear, I have no idea how long that takes. The Carter''s outlets are awesome!!!! Lily is still living in the onesies I got for her from there. I think they run a little big but they last long. Thanks for the crib info too. I had a feeling it was Munire--they make such good quality stuff. We don''t have USA Baby near us so I''m going to have to see where I can get their stuff locally.

ellaila, there''s no way you have TWO babies in there!!!! Your belly looks so damn perfect and small!!! Wow!!!!! I''m so looking forwadr to seeing more photos as you progress. You look fantastic!!

Diva, good luck this month! Sending you lots of baby dust!!!

On another note, one of my girlfriends was due on October 7. On Thursday, they determined that her blood pressure was dangerously high and went in and got the baby via c-section. She was 4 lbs. 8 oz. and 19 " long and super healthy, didn''t even need to be on a ventilator. So I guess it all turned out well for a 35 week baby but my friend was definitely not prepared to go this early! I guess you can just never know what''s going to happen even if you try to plan it all. I think you have to just go with the flow and be flexible when it comes to childbirth. What everyone really wants in the end is a healthy child, regardless of how it''s delivered.
Chickflick, congrats and good luck! The 20 week scan is so much fun!

Curly, they have a dealer locater on their website. It really is beautiful furniture. The carters outlet was so much fun and will be even MORE fun once this baby is born and we know if it is a boy or a girl. We went to Gap Baby today
If they had an u/s I would have broken down then and there. They clothes are so darn cute. I could hardly STAND it!

Also we went to Destination Maternity today (if there is one near any of your preggos) They have awesome clothes! It is huge and I like how they have all the price points. I got two new shirts b/c I have nothing to wear for my shower. I was excited all their summer stuff is on sale (good for us 3 trimester mommies since it shouldn''t get THAT cold before we deliver). I am kind of glad I didn''t go there before b/c I would have spent A LOT more money.
chickflick, congratulations and welcome. please stick around and chat with us....

tacori, how fun on the new clothes. I actually got rid of all of my maternity clothes because when I had 2 only 20 months apart, I was sure I was done. so, i get to go shopping again. I have noticed my jeans are already feeling tight and my shirts stick out a bit. My 5 year old actually said to my mom today "look at mommy''s tummy, see how big it is." and i''ve got a loooooong way to go. i am going to have to get some new things soon b/c anything remotely tight is just not comfy at all.
Chickflick: welcome and congratulations, I am so happy for you! Please hang out with us and have fun! I love how you said you were "mom from the word pregnant". That''s awesome.

Mrs S: ah well, clothes change so much, you''d have hated your old mat clothes. Have fun shopping...

Tacori: I have 3 weeks left, I am not buying another stitch of mat wear. My belly is so low that all my pants are low & my shirts are riding high and you can see the bottom 1/3 of my tummy hanging out. I figure to heck with it. I just put on big sunglasses, wear my hair nice, put on sexy lipstick and pretend that I think I''m that hot & mean to have my belly for all to see. (I''m inwardly horrified, but can''t do much else) Commit to the look I guess. LOL.

I want the animal print collection for Delaney from Baby Gap, but am going to wait till she gets here/it goes on sale...if she''s as big as they threaten me she will be, I''d rather wait so I can buy the right sizes.

Curly: Glad your friends baby was ok! How is babyCurly doing these days?

My neighbor who was due 9-18 had her baby last wednesday! Eeek! I was jealous y''day but quickly got over it when I realized I want the nursery done. (can it go any slower? Really? Can it? If I can just get dh to do the freakin'' baseboards tomorrow & Sunday I can finish the damn thing!)

I asked my ob if I could paint y''day at my appt & he said I helped paint today. That helped a lot. I think its more fun for Dh to have company while he''s working too...I know I like company when doing big projects, just more fun.

Also, he put me on Prilosec for my nuclear heartburn, so I am feeling MUCH better today. OMG, I''ve only wanted to puke twice instead of all day long. It will be much easier to get through the last few weeks if I''m not feeling like UCK all day. I can spend better time with my best little guy.

xoxo to all the mommas! Happy Labor Day (no pun!)
Congrats, Chickflick!! I was getting so anxious reading your post, waiting for the "And now we're pregnant!" line -- so happy to see it! This is a fantastic thread -- so much useful information and support -- so, welcome!

registry questions!!

I'm currently adding to our BRU registry online, and yikes. I'm just so overwhelmed. I did request the angel motion sensor monitor (well, two of them) that you recommend, Diver, and the Bob Duallie too
Not that I expect a $500 stroller for a shower gift, but what the hell, may as well add it, right? I've read nothing but fantastic reviews of it, whereas all the others have mixed reviews, so may as well shoot for the best! (By the way, BRU is where it says the recommended age is 2! I knew I didn't hallucinate that!)

Any of you use the Space Saver high chairs? The ones that strap to your dining chairs instead of being standalone? We don't have a lot of room, and the Fisher Price one gets good reviews, but for some reason I'm still a little wary of them. Also I registered for the Born Free starter set. They're definitely more expensive than other bottles, but seems like they're worth it. I have some Avent bottles from a friend, so I can see which the babes like better. I don't really like any of the bedding at BRU unfortunately
so we may have to go purchase that elsewhere, as well as some twin-specific stuff (like a nursing pillow).

Still have a LOT of research to do!! Wow. It's quite a task, this registering thing.

Tacori, when is your next shower? Yes, Destination Maternity has some great clothes, just beware the return policy!!! I'm looking forward to buying an outfit for my shower, too -- yay, an excuse to buy something fabulous and splurgey!! We've got a wedding in two weeks, and thankfully the dress I wore to that wedding in June still fits (a little tight across the boobage, but ...), but I did have to buy new shoes. I'm pretty sure that the ceremony and cocktail hour are outside, so I'm just going with comfy wedges rather than heels that will sick into the ground. Being pregnant, I figure I'm allowed to go the function-over-fashion route, right?

Good luck to everyone TTC this month!!

EDD: 1.2.08 (twins!!)
I'm such a sucker -- I just bought some funny/cute tee shirts for me and hubby

His: Real Men Have Twins
Mine: Babe (arrow pointing up); Babies (arrow pointing down) AND Expecting Twins (will see which I like better once I get them)

If you've got about, oh, five hours to kill, you should definitely check out the shirts at -- some are so cute!!

Ellaila: wow, BRU is stupid...there is no way a stroller manufacturerer is going to miss out on the first 2 years of a customer''s life. Half the kids I know refuse to be in a stroller by 3, so it''d be bad business for them to miss the BIGGEST NEED TIME FRAME for a baby in a stroller. I think that''s got to be an error. On the bob site,,, and a few others, (not to mention my BOB instruction manual) it says newborns ok in carseat adaptor, 6-8 weeks ok with seat fully reclined--but get head supports..those u-shaped pillow thingies, and 6-8 mos before JOGGING or rough terrain.

I love my angel care monitor, and I have the Fisher Price Space Saver chair & I do like it...but with one warning. As soon as they can put their little feet up against the table, they are capable of tipping themselves over backwards in it--chair and all. Happened to me once, and I caught Jake. He was over 1 year old I think. As long as you pull the chairs away from the table if they like to push their feet on the lip under the table or whatever, you''ll be fine. I did prefer my regular old highchair over the Fisher Price, but if space is limited, you''ll be much happier with the FP one. (unless you register for the folding highchairs that fold up out of the way, those are nice) I just got the low end Graco (that sells at Walmart, Fred Meyers, Kroger, Meijer) for $34 and its great. I started out with the $100 Evenflo Discovery and you could not keep it clean, the seat pad had to be WASHED to clean (who needs this with messy babies?) and it was one big mess of nooks & crannies to get slopped in. I was so mad. Both the low end Graco & the FP space saver wipe clean super easy. Thats my biggest motivation with stuff..."does it clean easy?".

I myself only like the Wendy Bellissimo line of bedding at BRU, the rest of it left me cold. Check out or, or target or babygap, or,,

Well Jake is up and wants me to play trains..gotta go...
hi guys. just wanted to say how much I enjoy being on pricescope. I am recently engaged and am ready to start trying to make a baby. luckily my fiance is ready too.he,he. there is so much great info here. I am gonna check out the listed sites now.
Hi everyone

i am forgetting to check this thread now that i am pregnant--lots to catch up on.

Love seeing the belly photos--i can''t wait to ''show'' i am really disliking this first trimester--i still feel terribly bloated and constipated (i know, TMI

but i know i am not the only one!

Want to know: did anyone else notice their thighs/butt gettting a lot thicker in the first trimester? I still work out regularily and have been eating pretty healthfully (although i do admit i have been eating a lot more carbs and comfort food for my icky nausea--so maybe that alone the cause) but i can barely fit into my regular clothes anymore--it''s awful and i am worried i am gaining weight too quickly. I am at 11 weeks and all the books say i shouldn''t even really look pregnant yet, but i feel like a thick sausage...grrr, i wish i would just embrace my changing physique!
jas, my clothes are getting tight too and i''m only 8 1/2 weeks. my dr. said 3-4 lbs is fine for the first trimester and it sounds like that might be right where you are at. Plus, if you are underweight at all, your body will make up the difference and you''ll gain on the higher end of the pregnancy weight numbers. Yes, the butt and thighs do grow, but the good news is they will shrink back down after the baby is born. I''ve changed my eating a bit too trying to avoid feeling the yucky morning sickness so i''ll bet my weight will be a few lbs up too...
Jas, I only gained 5 lbs up to about 18 weeks or so and I still felt (and know) I looked larger than that. Now the weight has REALLY caught up and I don''t even ask what my total at my doc''s office is anymore. The sooner I made peace with the fact that I was going to gain weight in *other* places besides my belly I started feeling MUCH better. It is hard for any woman to see herself expand but having a baby is ugly business (sometimes)
I was wearing maternity pants really early (still in my first trimester and this is my first child
I think a lot of it is water weight b/c I get marks from EVERYTHING and my clothes are not tight (usually). And you can see for yourself how huge my belly is!!!!

MrsS, I hear ya on the early bloating/showing. You are such a tiny lady too the baby has no where to hide! They have all their fall suff out (like cut cords and sweaters). I am not going to buy any b/c I live in NC and it doesn''t get cold until mid November here. But if I had a different due date I would be in trouble for sure.

Diver, I hear you on the homer belly. My shirts are getting really short! I shouldn''t really buy more clothes either but I have a little more time than you left and I talk myself into it since I plan on having at least one more pregnancy. I am really good at rationalizing stuff like that
Plus most the stuff I have bought has been really cheap. I don''t remember the animal collection at baby gap but I am sure it is darling. Delaney will look great in it.

Ella, don''t stress too much about high chairs since it will be awhile before the baby can even use it. I want a really nice one (it is $200) I am sure it is a waste but it is SO cool looking (and space is not an issue with us). I figure I will get it for x-mas (good thing about having a fall baby huh?) I still need my monitor (I registered for the angel one too). My last shower is on the 16th. I am expecting MORE CLOTHES
I know people just can''t help themselves but this is crunch time and there is still boring stuff I need (bottles, diaper bin, medical kit thing...) Our bedding is carried at Amazon, Target and Walmart. I did not like anything at BRU either. Too cutesy for me. I would just do a massive search and you are bound to find something you like. It is harder for you (but maybe not since I did not find out the sex) since you have a girl/boy combo. If you wanted it to match you could get yellows or greens. Baby Gap has the cutest chocolate brown bedding with colorful dots. My friend got it or I would have considered it! It might be on sale now.

Pave, good luck!

We had a good time with my MIL and SIL. Lots of shopping and we did a ton yard work. My MIL is a very hard worker. She and DH pulled out some dead bushes, replaced a few and put all new mulch down. I tried to help where I could but after 3 hours in the heat I felt pretty sick. It looks awesome though! We still have to finish it but at least it is started and gives DH the final motivation to get it done. One of the workers at Lowes was actually flirting with me
I am SURE he was just being friendly and didn''t mean anything by it. He kept telling me how great I looked and how he is sure it is a boy. He wants me to come back after we have the baby to let them know. It was pretty funny.

Tomorrow we have our first class and I have another doctor''s appointment. So it will be a very busy day! Sounds like all the mommies to be are doing well!
Space is an issue for us- we're staying in our 1100 sq. ft. condo as long as possible to save a huge down payment for a house. So I recently bought a FP space saver high chair that someone at work was selling for only $15. It looks brand new and it seems very sturdy. I like that it reclines, sits up and becomes a booster seat so it should work through a lot of different baby stages. We have "want ads" at work and I've bought several things used that way, like a pappasan swing for $50. I figure there will still be plenty of things to register for and since we're only having one child, our things will only be used one time. I hate to spend a ton of money on things we'll only use for a few months.

I love those t-shirts from Cafe Press! So adorable! I'm just starting to feel like I look pregnant but I think people still look at me and wonder, "is she or isn't she?" I think it would be fun to just put it out there!

Diver, LOL at your belly button!!

Pave, best of luck at TTC!!! My best advice on that front is to not stress out- just enjoy each other and have lots of fun. Despite my age (39) we've gotten pregnant every month we prevented and I'm convinced it's not that I'm a super baby-maker or anything- I just think we didn't put too much pressure on ourselves and let whatever happened happened.
Tacori & MrsS--thanks for the insight...i know i have to be kind to myself and like you said Tacori, come to terms with it all (b/c it is *good* weight gain!)...i guess i just didn''t expect my body to change so much in just 11 weeks. I think i am my own worst critic and the fact that i just got married 2 months ago ( felt my best at that time) it''s strange to feel like i have a totally alien body already.

I am really looking forward to telling my extended family and friends next week--the support and their excitment will be good! It''ll be the first grandchild for both my parents and DH''s so I am sure everyone will be excited. It''s my DH''s fathers'' 50th birthday this friday and we bought him a "Happy Birthday Grandpa" card as our way of ''announcing'' the pregnancy. I hope he actually reads the thing (and doesn''t just absent mindedly open it) b/c otherwise we''ll have to explicitly point out the message
btw Tacori--you look great!

Love the belly pics!
Date: 9/3/2007 7:46:13 PM
Author: Jas12
btw Tacori--you look great!

Love the belly pics! are sweet. If you have read past pages of this thread you will read all my venting about my weight. Some of it was from outside (insenstive) influences
which never helps. After my first stretch mark showed up at 20 weeks or so (hey, I am honest) I really made the decision to stop beating myself up. Every part of me is larger (even my feet!) I am not a tall girl with a basketball belly and that is ok. Lately people have been telling me that I am all belly and they think it is a boy (Ella, won't we BOTH be shocked????) So I do think once the belly pops so to speak and you look preggo it is easier to take. For me that was around 16-18 weeks. You are still in the "fat" stage and that is a hard stage to be in. Plus if you are like me I felt so sick and greasy. No preggo glow at all. I still have 7-8 weeks and honestly cannot imagine my belly any bigger but I know it will. The baby still needs to grow and there can't be much room left in there. I read that it grows (extends) .5" a week. That is another 4 inches! My husband is going to have to roll me to the hospital but it will be worth it.

What a cute way to tell your family. I can't believe you waited 12 weeks! We couldn't keep it in and told our families hours after we got our BFP!

ETA: the best thing you can do is try to stress out about gaining the weight too quickly b/c honestly there is nothing you can do. Your body is no longer yours. I think I mentioned it before I was wearing maternity pants at 11 weeks so if you still fit in your regular pants you are doing way better than me! I promise it WILL get easier. Now is the time to indulge in your carb cravings. That is basically all I ate my first trimester. Anything else made me feel sick.
Well ladies, I''m officially off birth control. It feels really weird since I started it when I was 16. We''re not going to start trying until October but I feel free in a weird way.

Good luck to all the mommies to be and hopefully, I''ll be joining you soon!
Good luck, Amanda! Yes, it is sort of liberating going off the pill, isn''t it?

oh Jas, it''s SO fun telling family and friends, especially if this is their first time being grandparents -- watch out for attention overload (haha)!! Love the Grandpa card -- so cute
As for weight gain, yes, "popping" definitely makes you feel cuter, no question about it. Once people feel comfortable asking, "When are you due?" you know that you officially look pregnant and not just chunky, and that feels good. Every body handles pregnancy differently, so like Tacori says, you just need to accept that it''s *good* weight and that the babies'' health is more important than vanity. But yes, it can definitely be hard to deal with on some days, no matter how you rationalize it ... and you''re entitled to your meltdowns from time to time!

Tacori, the more I look at your bedding, the more I fall in love with it ...
Nothing that we see makes us happy, other than solid colors/ginghams, but if we do that (a different color for each crib -- probably sage for boy and lavender for girl), it''s hard to really find cute decor to go with it. (sigh) Anyhow, good luck at your appt. today and your class!

I''m having a not-so-good-feeling morning. I''ve been feeling pretty short of breath lately, which I know is "normal," but then I also got very lightheaded this morning (had to make a beeline to the bed before I passed out!), so I''m just sitting here drinking water and hoping this feeling goes away soon so I can drive to work. On a happier note, I started feeling the babies move a few days ago, and WOW!!! I was starting to get worried b/c I was at 22 weeks and hadn''t really felt much yet but once they started, they move pretty consistently now. Very cool! And hubby can feel them too

EDD: 1.2.08 (twins!)
Tacori – I think you look fabulous. I don’t know about you, but I don’t feel like I’m really growing so much any more… I know I am, but the belly is just there! Hope MIL and SIL were able to help you out a lot!

Ella – What a cute pic with you checking out the beans! You look great!!! I have heard a rumor that BRU has a 10% off completion thing after your due date, so if you don’t get the doulie, just send DH out to get it once the babies get here! I have lots of things I want from other stores… I am hoping people get me lots of clothes and then I can get the other things. I had thought about just making a big old list of things I wanted vs. going to one store, but I didn’t have the time and didn’t want people to think I was crazy. I registered for the Eddie Bauer space saver/booster seat thing. No clue how it works, but it got better reviews than the big high chair. We don’t have a lot of room either, so we wanted wood whatever so that when we kept it out, it didn’t look bad. Cute shirts!

Diver – I’m due Oct 2nd, so just a little behind you! Hahaha… Jake did look weird in your belly! LOL… I love your attitude about the belly hanging out!!! I’d be mortified too, but I stopped buying clothes a while ago too… if I have to wear the same 2 shirts and pants, so be it! I feel you on the nursery… DH wanted to sand and redo something… I was like NO, its DONE, you had your chance, just PLEASE let me finish up the touch-ups so it can be DONE!!!!!

ChickFlick – Congratulations!!! I hope you have been able to relax and enjoy your pregnancy!!!

MrsS – You said your girls are 5 and 7 right? SIL is preggo with #3 and is around 12 weeks(?) she has been showing since she got her positive! My niece will be 9 by the time baby is here and nephew will turn 7 a few weeks later! SIL thought for sure she was done too, but lucky for her, we are about the size, so I’m sharing all my mat stuff with her. And she did give me some great advice on where to look even though she had nothing to share!

Jas – I noticed my hips out grew most of my regular pants pretty early on too. I just chalked to up to whatever, got a bella band and waited to move into the roomy mat pants around 10 weeks or so! Cute idea with the card… we did something similar with my family and got them all Valentine’s Day cards that said grandma/grandpa, uncle, etc.

Drum roll please…. THE NURSERY IS PAINTED!!!!!!!!
I am so freakin happy!!!!! We also ordered the crib over the weekend, so we may have this room done before kiddo gets here! I went to take pics this morning and the battery is dead on the camera and the charger is no where to be found… JOY!

My shower is this weekend and I’m excited its FINALLY here. I didn’t mean to stalk my registry, but was adding a few things and noticed someone has gotten our stroller! Of course the PnP and car seat I picked out are temp out of stock, so I’m a little panicked! Oh well… I am really expecting lots of clothes and just having to buy the other stuff which is fine with me, but DH is spending money like we’ve got a money tree in the backyard. GAH.

Due: 10.02... only 4 weeks to go!
Amanda, good luck. I was on the pill for 13 years when I went off and I was actually a little sad. I have only had good experiences with the pill and I love knowing *when* my period would come and how *light* it would be. But obviously you have to get off to get preggo but I am looking forward to returning after the baby is born.

Ella, I wouldn't mind if you got the same set. They could have matching beds or MiGi makes the sweetest little girl set. It is white with pink cute! I have heard about the BRU 10% off thing too. I have a feeling we will have a lot left. I am surprised (after my bridal shower where 90% of people buy off the registry) how FEW of people buy off your registry.

Hope you feel better! I am excited you are feeling the babies. It makes all the heart burn and back aches worth it.

njc, I can't wait to see pics! How exciting. I felt SOOOO much calmer once the nursery was ready. Have fun at your shower!

EDD 10.28
Tacori - I know a way to determine what you''re having! (I know your waiting to find out, but this will be fun!). Not to get too personal, but throughout your pregnancy, have you been horny and having lots of "relations" :-) or are you like "don''t touch me!!" and not even thinking about it?
For the nursery -- I'm still envisioning a gingham bed set in sage or blue (boy) and a light lavender (girl), and then I'd like to do their names on the walls in white letters as well as some other cute baby stuff. That's my vision at least. And thanks for letting me know about the Gap -- I had no idea they had bedding! They actually do have some gingham sheets on sale, so I may order those and see how they are. If those work, I guess we could just get solid color blankets and white bedskirts for both cribs. Does that sound too boring?

I think we need to keep the bedding nice and simple. It's a small room and I worry that with two cribs, it'll just look overwhelming if we have too much going on, you know? But I definitely like your bedding set the best, Tacori, of all the ones I've seen online so if we can't find good solids (or light patterns), I'm considering yours! And even though we probably wouldn't do everything -- bumpers, valance, lamp shades, etc. -- if we could just get the bedskirt, sheets, and blankets or something, maybe we'd go that route. Your nursery seems a lot bigger than ours, so you can do all the stuff and not have it look like a bedding factory exploded in there -- for us, I think it'd be overkill.

Congrats on almost finishing the nursery, njc!! What a relief, huh? Now find that battery charger so we can see some pics!!

By the way, are crib bumpers even necessary? Or are they just cute b/c they make the bedding look complete?

Yep, the people at BRU told us that within two weeks after your due date, you can get 10% off the stuff on your registry, which is very cool
And if you go earlier or later than your originally listed due date, you can change the date online.

So I just spoke to a friend of mine who is two weeks past her due date
She is having the baby at home with a midwife and a doula, and apparently they don't believe in inducing. Her midwife told her that she once had someone go FIVE WEEKS late (and gave birth to a 10 lb. baby). Holy crap. My friend sounds so calm -- I think I'm more anxious than she is!

ETA: Oooh, PB Kids has really cute gingham sheet sets with matching bed skirts in all different colors!! Love love love
Irish, I have heard that before and I am in the "don''t touch me camp" for sure. That means a girl right?

Ella, My bedding came in a package but it was a reasonable price so I figured even if I don''t use everything it was worth it. It is excellent quality too. I am probably going to remove the bumper once baby starts moving around. I *think* my nursery is 12x15 so it is a pretty large room. It looks kind of empty now but I know toys and stuff will fill it up soon.

My doc appointment went good. She did say I had a big weight gain
so I should be aware of that but since my weight gain pattern so far has been good it is probably just water weight (I bought a new pair of shoes for my shower a WHOLE size larger than normal!) I feel like a puff ball! HB was 144 and she thinks the baby is sideways/breech. She said 50% of all babies are still breech at this point and we will know more after my next appointment. I will have another u/s at 36 weeks to check baby''s weight and position.

I will NOT be going 2 weeks late! I heard that is the max and then delivery can be dangerous
If the baby gets too large she will need a c-section.
glad things went well today tacori. did you tour the hospital too?

I would never agree to going 2 weeks over. thankfully, i was 2 weeks early with my first and one week early with my second even getting my dr. to agree to inducing if i didn''t go into labor by the next visit which was on a monday and i went into labor the friday right before. he tends to think prenancy''s repeat themselves so if you have a vd and are early with the first, then in all likelyhood you''ll repeat with the second/third etc. I''m soooooo hoping that is the case with this baby. i also just found out my uncle has set his wedding date for March 7, 2008 so i''ll be a whopping 8 months preggo. NOT looking forward to that one bit b/c i know how huge and uncomfortable i''ll be at that time. and all the family photos and pro-photographer there to capture me in all my glory

oh and where are you diver? noticed you haven''t posted in a couple days? You didn''t go into labor on labor day did you??
Oh I agree with you guys completely, and I personally would have been dialing 911 at least a week ago if I were that overdue! My friend has been 3 cm dilated and having contractions 10 mintues apart since yesterday afternoon, so I guess something is starting to happen, but still ...

To each their own, I guess. I can''t even imagine going 40 weeks (since I''ve already talked myself into thinking the twins will come at 36-37 weeks), so the thought of being 42 weeks pregnant just baffles my little mind.

How are you feeling, MrsS?