
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

MrsS, my class is tonight and the tour isn''t until 9/8. I would LOVE going two weeks early! We shall see.

Ella, sounds like she is close. Hopefully she will have no complications. You probably will go early but I guess you never know. My aunt was late with twins
I guess the babies let you know when they are ready whether we like it or not!
ella, i''m ok. having 24/7 morning sickness has seemed to turn into a way of life for me. seriously, if i would have felt like this with lily, she would have been my last baby. I never would have agreed to go though this again and we are 10000% now sure this IS our last baby. just hitting the 9 weeks mark so hopefully not too much longer and the 2nd trimester is better.

Irish, i was in the *relations* camp and had 2 girls

tacori, well have fun at your class tonight. I loved mine. and the hospital visit will be so fun on the 8th!!
Tacori - yep! you''re SO having a girl!!!
argh! I hit a button & lost my post!


(too mad to recreate!_)
Date: 9/4/2007 5:18:47 PM
Author: merrijoy
**Stepping in from lurker-dom to post a cool link for the mommies-to-be**

(Too fun moving the little slider!)

**Stepping out (and good luck and congrats to you all you moms-to-be and congrats to the new mommies)**


Thanks M for posting that link.
It is pretty neat seeing how the baby grows in your tummy.
But I have to say, I am not liking seeing the intestines being scrushed up like that

Where is my head.
Just want to say congrats to the new mommies-to-be.
There are quite a number of spring babies on the way.
te:[/b] 9/4/2007 7:41:53 PM
Author: TravelingGal
More later, but I have to say, that link doesn''t show the whole picture. Where''s the play by play of her a$$ growing????[/quote]

LOL. Your post always made me laugh.
That is a cool link!

Our class was actually kind of fun. Half the information was common sense and stuff I already knew but seeing DH wearing a preggo suit for 10 mins was *PRICELESS*. I laughed so hard I was crying. We saw several birthing videos and she taught us a relaxation technique. The teacher is really nice and laid back. We are all due around the same time (except a lady with identical twins due in Nov) I guess she has one placenta (b/c they are identical?) so that means she will go early
Ella would know more about that.
Tacori: You are lucky to have a good class teacher. My dh hated ours (total hippie doula, not that there''s anything wrong with that, but it was a weeee too earthy for him). They hated each other on sight and I had to restrain him from throwing things at her head. (j/k) I wanted to strangle her by the end as well.

You are killin'' me with the Homer Belly comment.

Ellaila: I had that same sensation a lot in my 2nd trimester. (some in my 3rd too). The lightheadedness can be from the babies pushing down on your arteries in your legs, thus reducing bloodflow to you head. My OB always told me to drink some juice and get on my left side. I guess left side allows better bloodflow.

here''s the wild animal print stuff from BabyGap. Oh go on sale already!!!,750994,2&clink=750994

Post-Date babies: Well, it is REALLY controversial. The "less intervention" camp maintains that babies are born when they are ready to be born & that inducing labor just puts moms & babies at unneccesary risk of many more interventions including unwanted c-sections. Much of the medical community believe that letting a woman go too far past 40 weeks (inductions at 42 at latest) puts baby at danger (not even so much of being big, because they don''t grow THAT much at the end...) but because the placenta can deteriorate & not provide enough nourishment/oxygen for baby & risk of stillborn increases. There are also risks that baby will have its first bowel movement in-utero & inhale meconium.

both sides have good arguments, but it really is a hot topic right now. I''m pretty much in the "don''t go over 40 weeks camp", but am open minded to everyone else''s views. I worry about things like stillborn, so I''m glad my OB induces past 40, but its one of those things each mom has to be on the same page as her provider on...which is why its so important to have provider who respects your wishes.

DH has my nursery 95% done! I have my dresser & bookcase up there now....and all her clothes past 3-6 mo....dh has to hang the pics, install hte chandelier, install a new light fixture & bolt the dresser & bookcase to the studs in the wall. (in case Jake decides to climb them...toddlers pull those things on themselves with alarming regularity). I found adorable knobs at Anthropologie today to use as a door ceramic blossoms. I''''l post pics tomorrow..its still a work in progress, but with Jake still in his crib, she''s months from sleeping up there. The big stuff is done (painting, woodwork) and now its all little stuff.

Speaking of big stuff...I''M A BLIMP! oooh my belly! its GI-NORMOUS! Cracks me up...

I have 18 days left..after tonight, I am sooooooooooo ready. (dh''s last biz trip).

later ladies.
Just dropping by to say hello! Looks like all the mommies/MTB are doing well
Can''t wait to see everyone''s nursery pics!

Tacori, that''s great that you liked your class -- yay! How many more do you have?

OMG, Diver, that Gap stuff is just too cute!! When my cousin was little (a year? year and a half?), she had a little leopard print dress and a matching headband, and it was just the cutest thing ever.

OK, so I''ve found bedding that I am swooooooning over!! It''s by BananaFish, and it''s their Baby Boy and Baby Girl (Lola) collections. The boy is brown and blue, and the girl is brown and pink, and they''re just YUMMMMMY!


Forgot to mention that, yes, Tacori, identical twins sharing a placenta often are scheduled for c-sections earlier than frat twins because of something called twin-to-twin tranfusion syndrome, which "is a disease of the placenta. During pregnancy, when a single placenta is shared by two twins, abnormal blood vessels may develop, essentially connecting the circulatory systems of the two individual babies. The result is an unequal exchange of blood flow. One fetus becomes a donor of blood to the other, creating serious complications that endanger the health of both babies.

TTTS can also be manifested when there is a discrepancy in the way the placenta functions for each twin. Placental asymmetry describes a situation where one twin (the donor) has a smaller share of the placenta."

It''s very scary and something drs watch for closely. It can result in all kinds of problems, many which can be fatal to the babies. We were so relieved when we found out we were having frat twins because id twins really do have a whole ''nother level of worries with the pregnancy.

End of lesson on twins for today
MrsS. I don''t know how you cope with the 24/7 MS, work and your daughter--you deserve a HUGE pat on the back

I am currently at work (just had the summer off cuz i teach) and feeling okay--but constant nausea would be awful.

Gross-out alert (unpleasant nausea story below

Yesterday was weird, I got home from work around 4 and was standing at the kitchen sink prepping dinner and thinking "wow, I had a lot of energy today and felt really good..." i swear, not a minute later i tossed my cookies into the sink! (okay gross i know--but i couldn''t make it to the bathroom) when i finally did make it to the bathroom i was sick a few more times. I napped and felt better that evening. I am thinking it was my pre-natal vitamin that did it. I had taken one about 5 min prior to getting sick. I have not had any vomiting up until yesterday so I am really surprised--but maybe my tummy was not happy about that horse pill landing in it? Anyone else noticed that?

I go for my first ultrasound tomorrow
. I am excited and for some reason a little nervous.

Question: when did everyone sign up for their ''classes'' should i be doing that soon? (i am 11 weeks)
Hey ladies,

I have to say, the belly shots from a few days ago are cool...not sure if I mentioned that already. Please keep them coming, I love seeing them!

BTW Ella, I have those same charlotte pants and I can''t wear them anymore, but I think that has to do with weight gain PRE-pregnancy.

Also wanted to welcome chickflick and send a congrats!

Everyone thinks I am having a boy. I even had a dream I am having a boy. As much as I would like to have a girl, a boy would be great too, and I guess I am mentally gearing up to have a boy. Plus according to Irish''s theory, I''m DEFINITELY having a boy.

I''m at 11 weeks now and am feeling much better. Still feel slightly queasy, but not like I was at 6-10 weeks. Definitely still tired, but I think that''s my excuse for napping because I LOVE sleep. Hehehe. Next week are two appointments for me...the first is genetic counseling (fun!) and then the next day is my second prenatal. I am hoping the mystery blob is not there when I see my ultrasound.

Glad everyone is doing well. Diver, you are so close, I''m excited for you! My coworker unexpectedly gave birth over the weekend...she was 8 weeks early!
Her baby shower was scheduled over the weekend too, so the timing was not good at all.
Date: 9/5/2007 1:18:11 PM
Author: Jas12
MrsS. I don''t know how you cope with the 24/7 MS, work and your daughter--you deserve a HUGE pat on the back

jas, I don''t work fortuately, but do have 2 kids at home with my 5 year old at kindergarten everyday making things a little easier. plus, Lily who is 3 1/2 is loving being an *only child* for a few hours a day..

you''re going to love the ultrasound, it''s just so cool to see that little heartbeat..
hope you''re feeling better today..

TG, everyone thinks i''m having a boy too. mainly b/c i''ve just felt so sick this time around and didn''t with either of my girls. If I could choose, i''d pick another girl but a boy will be great too. heathly babies is really the most important thing
. i hope you have fun at your next ultrasound too..
You take classes (if you want to) between 28-36 weeks. Everyone (except the twin mommy) in my class were 31-33 weeks. They suggest taking them closer to your due date so you remember everything. We have part 2 of prepared childbirth class on thursday night and a breast feeding class next week (plus the tour on Saturday). She said we should start packing our bags already but that seems pretty early.

Tgal & njc, the videos showed two deliveries unmedicated and I thought of you guys! Meanwhile I have never seen a placenta before

Diver, any day now! How exciting!!! She was cool and basically said this is NOT going to be the hardest thing we ever do but the best. The best thing is to relax and know you WILL get through it. I guess 92% at my hospital get epis so she was not preaching ANYTHING (except the importance of kick counts
) She also reminded the dads to just be there for us. Not to ask what we need but do what they think we need (and we will left them know if we don''t want a massage, ice chips, etc...) She stressed the importance of their support which I of course liked. DH needs a reminder once in awhile.
So how were those videos? Pretty hairy eh?
Date: 9/5/2007 2:55:17 PM
Author: TravelingGal
So how were those videos? Pretty hairy eh?

errr...yeah. But I got to tell you. I had the HARDEST time even getting a pee sample yesterday. It is hard to know where to aim when you can''t see anything so mine probably won''t be so pretty either

Ella, by the way I like that bedding. I was going to suggest brown walls (before you posted that) since I love brown with pink and brown with blue but I thought maybe you thought it would not be good for babies. I saw something (maybe clothes) that was chocolate brown with a bright green and I loves that combo too! What color are your cribs?
Ella, here is the Gap dot bedding I was telling you about. I think it is so cute!

Date: 9/5/2007 1:30:09 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Hey ladies,

I'm at 11 weeks now and am feeling much better. Still feel slightly queasy, but not like I was at 6-10 weeks. Definitely still tired, but I think that's my excuse for napping because I LOVE sleep. Hehehe. Next week are two appointments for me...the first is genetic counseling (fun!) and then the next day is my second prenatal. I am hoping the mystery blob is not there when I see my ultrasound.
Tgal, I'm so glad you're feeling better. Hope it continues to improve!!

Ok, my posting in here is actually a ruse. But I couldn't help it, I just HAD to tell you how funny your post was in the youknowwhat thread. You know, about FG's earrings and the crayon blobs on your puter screen.

'Bout spit my coffee out. Good one.

p.s. I really AM glad you feel better though.


I have obviously missed something!
Tacori: I''d rather go through childbirth than have any dental work done on my lower jaw. Mastitis hurt worse than childbirth for me. Yeah, it can be hard, (I had a good one, so I''m a bad one to comment...epidural, fall asleep at 2cm, wake up ready to push a few hours later, push for 25 mins, feel no pain, have healthy baby, so mine kind of rocked) all honesty...if I could get a GUARANTEE that this labor would be like that, I''d be like ''bring on baby!'' there''s that fibroid...dang kids, always throwing us parents for a loop-de-loop. My advice is...if your epidural (if you want one) does not take, or is spotty, or one sided, get that anesthesiologist back in to re-insert or tweak it. My friend Kelly was numb from the thighs down, not quite right....but of course, it was her first, so she had no have every right to proper pain management if you desire it, so DON''T TAKE NO for an answer.

Also, be forewarned...and if Dani is lurking she might be able to comment, nurses sometimes fall into 2 camps. The "newer" breed, more recent grads (last 10 years or so) who believe in pain management & staying in front of your pain. Then you have the older school camps who think you need to labor longer before an epi, or maybe you don''t need percoset after delivery...etc. You have to damn near BEG them to give you something. My mom is a nurse, so she warned me & gave me the "pain management is a patient right" speech before I went in. When my nurse told me 2cm was too early to have an epi, I pointed to a sign in my room that said that very thing and told her "no, I want it now, my doctor said I could have it as soon as I wanted it, please get the nurse anesthetist". She fought me a little until my dh said "should I just call Dr. Coleman and see what he says?" Uhh...yeah, that shut her up & my nurse anesthetist was in my room in 5 minutes flat. (she was a great nurse otherwise)

So please know that you MUST be willing to be your own advocate, and don''t by shy about asking for what you need, and if asking doesn''t get it, don''t be afraid to DEMAND it. Politely of course, but unless you luck out and get a mind reader for a nurse, you have to speak up, which is hard for many women to do. Me? I don''t shut up, and as long as I''m nice to my nurses, I don''t worry about offending them, they are NOT the ones giving birth, I am, so its easy for me to be persistent and pushy if need be. LOL.

OH...also...they''ll give you the run around about needing to be at 4cm before an epi or it will slow labor...but...some newer studies are showing its not so much what you are dilated at but how much pain you can tolerate. Of course, again, debatable & controversial (childbirth is a hotbed these days) but totally personal IMO. And the "we need to turn down your epi so you can push" business, yeah, I flat out refused that. I MADE them give me a boost at 9cm...because my epi wore off.

Same thing if you don''t want interventions. You can say NO to IV''s, fetal monitoring, internal exams, artificial rupture of membranes, etc no matter what they tell you as long as things are fine. My friend Nicole had her husband advocate for her, they kept trying to give her an IV. She didn''t want one, and her pregnancy was perfectly normal. She wanted NO drugs, and she did not let anyone break her waters. Her water broke while she was pushing and that''s just fine. Very natural. She also delivered on her hands & knees, because that is what felt right, eased her pain & discomfort. The staff tried to get her to lay down on her back & she refused to & delivered her way. Hands & knees can be a very good position to deliver in. She did it with both her girls. Her birth stories are powerful and amazing. So night & day different from me, but awe inspiring none the less. I am very proud of her for sticking to her guns...she had uncomplicated, un-fettered births.

You can go on you tube and find birth videos....key words "unassisted birth" show women delivering naturally in varying positions. Very educational.

Ya know, I don''t numb in my lower jaw at all & I need a root canal. I wonder if I can get an epidural for that too. LOL!

TGal: I wish you luck tomorrow at your u/s! Blobby be gone!!! poof!

I have a DA tomorrow....I am meeting the other doctor who will be delivering me...finally...I am wondering if I have dilated/effaced at all, because I''ve been having cramps/contractions for a few days now. The cramps ache, and last HOURS. Its like I''m about to get AF. My contractions don''t hurt, but they are getting more, umm, interesting. Watch..I''ll hang like this for the next few weeks. Wouldn''t that be rich? LOL.

Jas: ugh on the m/s...try taking your prenatal at night before bed with some food. (crackers and milk) I found the fancy prenatals made me sick, so with both of my pregnancies I switched to the Safeway Generic brand of prenatal. No sickies, just as good. Good luck at your u/s, I understand your nerves, its exciting and scary. You''ll have a wonderful time.

Mrs. S Sorry on your m/s too! That''s what I had with both these kids, 24/7 m/s, but it was way worse with Jakey than with little girl here. Boys are wonderful, you''ll love having one, they are so sweet, and one dimensional. LOL. not complicated...this girl business has me worried. My son is gentle, soft spoken, funny, easy going, & I hear girls are tougher. Is that true or just some crud people make up?

ok....back with pics of Jake practicing to be a big brother..

this is Jake....feeding his monkey Henry (who has been his constant companion since he was 6 mos old) and my first attempt at a collage! wooowooo

Hi ladies...
i gotta make this quick...
DH is in the house somewhere!!!

1st of all...
i got a POSITIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WOOOhoooo... we did it in one shot!!
i''m going to be due in May 13th 2008
i''m soo excited.. i don''t think it''s truly hit me yet

does anyone have any cute ideas on dropping the news on
DH? something fun and cute..

ahh.. he''s coming. gotta go
check back later
Oh wow, congrats MommaBear!

What a nice mother's day present that'll be
MommaBear, congratulations! What exciting news! So happy for you! And I can't believe you told us before your hubby! Better go tell him soon!
Sorry, don't have any cute ideas. Congrats!

diver, Jake is adorable! I'm so excited for you too! Any day now!
i know SNLEE!!
isn''t that terrible... hehehehe
i just want to surprise him
i''m technically 4 weeks pregnant!!