
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers


You could have your son tell your husband that he''s going to be a big brother :)
MommaBear, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Woohoooo!!!!!! I''m so happy for you. I was newly pregnant this time last year and had my baby on May 5 so I''ll be anxiously watching your progress. May is a great time to have a baby. I''m so excited for you!!!

Tacori, I''m glad you are liking your classes. I absolutely HATED mine. DH and I basically drew pictures and wrote silly notes to each other the whole time. Those videos just KILLED me. I was in tears watching one of them and I totally turned my back on the c-section one. As I''ve said, I give women who have unmedicated births so much credit but it was definitely not for me and those videos certainly didn''t help make the case to not have an epidural!

diver, you are so wise! I agree with everything you said! Jake is so darn cute! I love the feeding the monkey shots. He''s going to be an awesome big bro! I can''t believe you are due so soon. I keep checking here to see if you''ve gone early.

And as the wise lady said, as a woman in labor, you are entitled to have pain relief. It was one of the first things my nurse asked me while I was screaming out in pain! I made it to 5 cm but not really by choice--I was at 3 when I got to the hospital and my water broke immediately and I went to 5 in the blink of an eye! The epidural did not slow me down at all. I was fully dilated in less than an hour after it was inserted. I was very fortunate to have a "mind reader" nurse and I think that made things so much better for me. She was absolultely wonderful and took great care of me. I think Dani would be one of those nurses, I wish we could all have someone like that. I literally fell in love with her in those few hours we were together! But diver is right, speak up for what you want. It''s your body, your baby. As long as you''re not doing anything to put yourself or your baby in jeopardy, you should get what you want.

TGal, good luck tomorrow. I too hope that blob is gone. And I was lurking on the other thread and I agree with Ellen!

jas, nothing is gross anymore--you''re pregnant and gross things happen!!! You should definitely try to take your prenatal vitamin at night and on a full stomach. I would take mine right before bed and avoided all nausea that way.

mrssalvo, I hope you start feeling better soon. It must be so rough to have to be "on" with the girls while you''re feeling crappy. I hope it goes away fast!

ellaila, LOVE that bedding. Sooo nice. And I love that you are our resident expert on twins!! So much information out there--who knew?!

As for me, Lily is officially 4 months old today! Where has the time gone?!?! She''s growing way too fast for me. She''s still an absolute doll, smiling and "talking" all the time. She''s sitting up with assistance even though she tries to do it on her own, holding her bottle and putting everything in her mouth including her toes! She is really tons of fun and while it''s exhausting to work all day and be a mom, I''m loving every minute of it. DH and I had hit a rough patch because it''s definitely hard to add a 3rd person to the mix but I think we''ve figured things out and are getting into a groove so things are good again. I know, I know, I have to stop sounding so happy. Things aren''t perfect because that wouldn''t be real life but they are pretty darn good so I ain''t complaining!
Congrats MommaBear!!!
Whoo hooooo!!!! I dont have any advice on how to break the news to hubby as my DH was standing with me as we watched the two lines show up on the stick, but no matter how you tell him the news, it''s going to be a moment you''ll both never forget!

Diver, Jake is just the cutest little guy! I''m sure he''s going to be a great big brother to Ms. Delaney -- look at that feeding technique, he obviously learned from good parents
Good luck at your appt. tomorrow!

And good luck to you tomorrow too, Jas! I think it''s totally normal to be nervous before the u/s -- I get a little anxious before every appt, too. It''s exciting but nervewracking at the same time, but the feeling you get after a good appt and u/s is like no other -- it''s totally exhilirating hearing and seeing the little babies in your belly (and feeling them, once you get to that stage!)! Let us know how it goes!

Tacori, I just noticed that the bedding I posted and am in looooove with is actually velvet -- hmmm, not sold on that for a baby''s bedding. Seems so heavy (sigh). Who knew it was so hard to find good bedding?! I do like some of the Gap stuff too ... wish I could see it in person, but I don''t know any stores that sell it. Am going to check out PB Kids though tomorrow night maybe to see their gingham colors. I absolutely LOVE the colors in that bedding I posted though - the brown/pink and brown/blue - so now I feel like that''s the route I want to go. I just wish it was cotton!

As for classes, I signed up today for Parenting Multiples (basically, Newborn Essentials but more multiples-specific) and infant CPR, both for late September, when I''ll be about 26-27 weeks. I''m still up in the air about taking a childbirth class. Of course, the place was trying to sell me on it, but I''m just not convinced that it''s necessary. I''d say that at least 3/4 people I''ve spoken to that have taken the class (in general, not specifically at the place I''m going) have said not to bother with it.

OH, and just found out that my friend who was two weeks overdue had the baby today! 7 lbs., 14 oz
i love that Idea!!
i''m just wondering if he can pull it off!
Diver Girl, Jake is one of the cutest little boys!!!! What a cutie pie!!

Congrats Momma Bear!

ETA: you mommy's are adorable w/your belly pics
Congrats Mommabear!! That''s so exciting. I love the idea of having your son tell him that he is going to be a big brother.

Jake is sooooo darn cute!!!
momma, congrats! That did happen fast. I don't have any ideas. Hmmm....I am sure you will think of the perfect way.

diver, Jake is a cutie! Don't worry I don't think I will be shy with my epi. Our nurse/teacher is older but she even said an epi won't slow down the labor. If anything speed it up since you are relaxed. I can't wait to see what Delaney looks like!!! I have been getting AF type cramps too. The doc didn't seem worried unless there is a pattern (which there isn't).

ella, I don't think the velvet will be a problem. I didn't even wash the bed skirt since baby will not be touching it. Do they have a good return policy?

jas, I was nervous for my first u/s too. I was convinced something was wrong. Besides my uterus sized cyst everything was fine. It was so early we couldn't tell where the baby was but hearing the heart beat was cool. I take my fancy prenatal (hehe) right before bed and am fine. I would try that.

curly, sounds like Lily is doing great!
Date: 9/5/2007 8:26:49 PM
Author: curlygirl
MommaBear, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Woohoooo!!!!!! I'm so happy for you. I was newly pregnant this time last year and had my baby on May 5 so I'll be anxiously watching your progress. May is a great time to have a baby. I'm so excited for you!!!

Tacori, I'm glad you are liking your classes. I absolutely HATED mine. DH and I basically drew pictures and wrote silly notes to each other the whole time. Those videos just KILLED me. I was in tears watching one of them and I totally turned my back on the c-section one. As I've said, I give women who have unmedicated births so much credit but it was definitely not for me and those videos certainly didn't help make the case to not have an epidural!

diver, you are so wise! I agree with everything you said! Jake is so darn cute! I love the feeding the monkey shots. He's going to be an awesome big bro! I can't believe you are due so soon. I keep checking here to see if you've gone early.

And as the wise lady said, as a woman in labor, you are entitled to have pain relief. It was one of the first things my nurse asked me while I was screaming out in pain! I made it to 5 cm but not really by choice--I was at 3 when I got to the hospital and my water broke immediately and I went to 5 in the blink of an eye! The epidural did not slow me down at all. I was fully dilated in less than an hour after it was inserted. I was very fortunate to have a 'mind reader' nurse and I think that made things so much better for me. She was absolultely wonderful and took great care of me. I think Dani would be one of those nurses, I wish we could all have someone like that. I literally fell in love with her in those few hours we were together! But diver is right, speak up for what you want. It's your body, your baby. As long as you're not doing anything to put yourself or your baby in jeopardy, you should get what you want.

TGal, good luck tomorrow. I too hope that blob is gone. And I was lurking on the other thread and I agree with Ellen!

jas, nothing is gross anymore--you're pregnant and gross things happen!!! You should definitely try to take your prenatal vitamin at night and on a full stomach. I would take mine right before bed and avoided all nausea that way.

mrssalvo, I hope you start feeling better soon. It must be so rough to have to be 'on' with the girls while you're feeling crappy. I hope it goes away fast!

ellaila, LOVE that bedding. Sooo nice. And I love that you are our resident expert on twins!! So much information out there--who knew?!

As for me, Lily is officially 4 months old today! Where has the time gone?!?! She's growing way too fast for me. She's still an absolute doll, smiling and 'talking' all the time. She's sitting up with assistance even though she tries to do it on her own, holding her bottle and putting everything in her mouth including her toes! She is really tons of fun and while it's exhausting to work all day and be a mom, I'm loving every minute of it. DH and I had hit a rough patch because it's definitely hard to add a 3rd person to the mix but I think we've figured things out and are getting into a groove so things are good again. I know, I know, I have to stop sounding so happy. Things aren't perfect because that wouldn't be real life but they are pretty darn good so I ain't complaining!


You are so darn sweet!! Thank you for that precious comment!!! You know that would be me!! I am SOOO pro-epidural- hate to see people suffering/ in pain...I am so probably in the wrong profession for that reason!!!
I am so glad you checked in, I think about you often, and am so happy you and little Lily are doing well. On a side note, I am getting married in 3 and a half weeks, and I wanted to tell you I hired the Pedala's to do my hair and makeup!! I went for a trial with them, and there was no question after that that I just had to have them beautify me on my wedding day. Thank you so much for suggesting them! I cant wait to share pics of my day with you! Keep in touch!

Hope all of the other preggos are doing well! Congrats to Jas and Mommabear!! You must be so excited! One of my bridesmaids just found out she is pg with her 1st baby...she is having her first ultrasound tommorrow, and we are so excited for her!!
Best of luck to everyone!!!!
Date: 9/5/2007 7:29:46 PM
Author: divergrrl
Tacori: I'd rather go through childbirth than have any dental work done on my lower jaw. Mastitis hurt worse than childbirth for me. Yeah, it can be hard, (I had a good one, so I'm a bad one to comment...epidural, fall asleep at 2cm, wake up ready to push a few hours later, push for 25 mins, feel no pain, have healthy baby, so mine kind of rocked) all honesty...if I could get a GUARANTEE that this labor would be like that, I'd be like 'bring on baby!' there's that fibroid...dang kids, always throwing us parents for a loop-de-loop. My advice is...if your epidural (if you want one) does not take, or is spotty, or one sided, get that anesthesiologist back in to re-insert or tweak it. My friend Kelly was numb from the thighs down, not quite right....but of course, it was her first, so she had no have every right to proper pain management if you desire it, so DON'T TAKE NO for an answer.

Also, be forewarned...and if Dani is lurking she might be able to comment, nurses sometimes fall into 2 camps. The 'newer' breed, more recent grads (last 10 years or so) who believe in pain management & staying in front of your pain. Then you have the older school camps who think you need to labor longer before an epi, or maybe you don't need percoset after delivery...etc. You have to damn near BEG them to give you something. My mom is a nurse, so she warned me & gave me the 'pain management is a patient right' speech before I went in. When my nurse told me 2cm was too early to have an epi, I pointed to a sign in my room that said that very thing and told her 'no, I want it now, my doctor said I could have it as soon as I wanted it, please get the nurse anesthetist'. She fought me a little until my dh said 'should I just call Dr. Coleman and see what he says?' Uhh...yeah, that shut her up & my nurse anesthetist was in my room in 5 minutes flat. (she was a great nurse otherwise)

So please know that you MUST be willing to be your own advocate, and don't by shy about asking for what you need, and if asking doesn't get it, don't be afraid to DEMAND it. Politely of course, but unless you luck out and get a mind reader for a nurse, you have to speak up, which is hard for many women to do. Me? I don't shut up, and as long as I'm nice to my nurses, I don't worry about offending them, they are NOT the ones giving birth, I am, so its easy for me to be persistent and pushy if need be. LOL.

OH...also...they'll give you the run around about needing to be at 4cm before an epi or it will slow labor...but...some newer studies are showing its not so much what you are dilated at but how much pain you can tolerate. Of course, again, debatable & controversial (childbirth is a hotbed these days) but totally personal IMO. And the 'we need to turn down your epi so you can push' business, yeah, I flat out refused that. I MADE them give me a boost at 9cm...because my epi wore off.

Same thing if you don't want interventions. You can say NO to IV's, fetal monitoring, internal exams, artificial rupture of membranes, etc no matter what they tell you as long as things are fine. My friend Nicole had her husband advocate for her, they kept trying to give her an IV. She didn't want one, and her pregnancy was perfectly normal. She wanted NO drugs, and she did not let anyone break her waters. Her water broke while she was pushing and that's just fine. Very natural. She also delivered on her hands & knees, because that is what felt right, eased her pain & discomfort. The staff tried to get her to lay down on her back & she refused to & delivered her way. Hands & knees can be a very good position to deliver in. She did it with both her girls. Her birth stories are powerful and amazing. So night & day different from me, but awe inspiring none the less. I am very proud of her for sticking to her guns...she had uncomplicated, un-fettered births.

You can go on you tube and find birth videos....key words 'unassisted birth' show women delivering naturally in varying positions. Very educational.

Ya know, I don't numb in my lower jaw at all & I need a root canal. I wonder if I can get an epidural for that too. LOL!

TGal: I wish you luck tomorrow at your u/s! Blobby be gone!!! poof!

I have a DA tomorrow....I am meeting the other doctor who will be delivering me...finally...I am wondering if I have dilated/effaced at all, because I've been having cramps/contractions for a few days now. The cramps ache, and last HOURS. Its like I'm about to get AF. My contractions don't hurt, but they are getting more, umm, interesting. Watch..I'll hang like this for the next few weeks. Wouldn't that be rich? LOL.

Jas: ugh on the m/s...try taking your prenatal at night before bed with some food. (crackers and milk) I found the fancy prenatals made me sick, so with both of my pregnancies I switched to the Safeway Generic brand of prenatal. No sickies, just as good. Good luck at your u/s, I understand your nerves, its exciting and scary. You'll have a wonderful time.

Mrs. S Sorry on your m/s too! That's what I had with both these kids, 24/7 m/s, but it was way worse with Jakey than with little girl here. Boys are wonderful, you'll love having one, they are so sweet, and one dimensional. LOL. not complicated...this girl business has me worried. My son is gentle, soft spoken, funny, easy going, & I hear girls are tougher. Is that true or just some crud people make up?

ok....back with pics of Jake practicing to be a big brother..

Hi Diver!!

Yes, I do lurk on this thread quite to check in on my preggo PS friends! I do agree with you to some extent about the the older nurses vs. the younger nurses...although I dont want to generalize...some nurses have more "old school" views on pain management and having an adequate contraction pattern established before pain medication (epidurals included) are given. Many doctors have the same attitude....You are correct about more recent studies indicating that there is no correlation with early (e.g 1cm dilitation) epidual placement and progression of labor ( you must read alot!!)...In other words, if you have a patient who is requesting an epidural and is in early labor...1, 2 cms, it is perfectly fine to receive an epi, and it has been found that it does not affect labor in a negative way (e.g. slow it down), which was the theory previously. The truth is is that all patients have rights when they are admitted into the hospital, and one of those rights is adequate pain managment- so, ladies, if you want an epidural, just ask for it!!

Also, just wanted to add, about your friend and her "non interventional" labor....That is really great for her and even better that things turned out ok, and that both baby and mom were fine in the end...However, (and I hate to say this in this thread), many things can happen during labor, and to refuse IV access, etc., IMO is not the smartest thing to do. All of us medical professionals feel this way. I have been in many emergency situations where a patient refused access and we had to perform an emergency c-section, and without an IV, you cant do much, if anything at all. If we have trouble getting a IV line into someone because they are a "difficult stick" and it takes several minutes to do this, these minutes are precious for baby especially, and it is a waste of time for no reason. IV'S can be locked up (ask for a heparin lock if this is what you want) so you wont be connected to anything and could still be mobile, but they will still have access if they need it. There is no reason to refuse an IV, in my professional opinion. I hate to say this, maybe it's the nurse in me, but just wanted to be truthful. Anything can happen at anytime in labor and delivery, and we need to be prepared for that.

Wow, congrats MommaBear. How wonderful. Wish you could snap a pic of DH''s face when he gets the news and share it...hehehe.

Thanks everyone for the blobby be gone well wishes. My appointment isn''t until Monday, but I will keep you posted.
TG, more blob be gone wishes coming your way!

Cute belly pictures everyone!

I love this thread! It's my favorite. Thanks for letting me living vicariously through all of you as I wait for my turn!
Oh yes Tgal! I forgot about the blob. Another wish for it to be gone for ya!
Momma Bear: Congratulations!!!! I told my dh the first time by buying a baby outfit from baby gap & wrapping it up --gave it to him on our anniversary. With #2, I gave him a box with a pee stick in it. LOL. I did surprise my mom by having my son wear an "I''m the big brother" tshirt. You could also get him a cheesy "worlds greatest dad" hat. I''m really excited for you, I followed your earlier posts about your ring & it sounds like your DH is just a great wonderful for you both.

Dani: There you are! Congrats on getting married in 3 weeks! Yay! How exciting! You''ll have to give us a link to your wedding photos, I would love to see your dress, etc. Have a wonderful day! You are so preachin'' to the choir, I am of the same opinion of you, but as you are probably well aware, there is a huge controversy over the cascade of interventions & current obstetrical model being responsible for increased c-section rates (and that is the tip of the iceberg). While I prefer all things medical: hospital setting, nurses, doctors, meds, IV''s, fetal monitoring (those things give me comfort & security), I do have some very good friends who are firmly in the other camp & I felt in the issue of fairness to at least put it out there what some of the other side thinks. (I''m such a Libra....balance...both sides...yada yada) Personally.... I big puffy heart the epidural...
And yeah...I read quite a bit...I tend to obsess over this kind of stuff.

So Dani...quick long can I walk around feeling crampy and having crazy braxton hicks? They''ve definitely upped a notch the last few days and I''ll have menstrual cramps for hours on end. I also feel like I''m getting lightening bolts of pain shooting out my hoo-haa
and walking through the grocery store, going up and down stairs or exerting myself very little (i.e. walking & I''m a very fit preggo) makes my stomach hard as a rock & I have to stop. I have an exam tomorrow at 2...but I don''t recall this with Jake. oh the adventure.

Ellaila: I love that bedding! Jakes was partly velvet with a soft chamois on the other side. He calls it "big soft blankie". You''ll have to touch it to see if its super soft & right, or too stiff. Can you order one set & return it if you don''t like it? I love all your "twin" lessons, it is so cool to learn about multiples. It really is a different ball game.

Thanks everyone for your Jakey comments...I think he''s a doll, but I''m so biased its not funny. He''s my little boyfriend, just a sweetie pie.

Hi Skippy, Snlee & Kaleigh!

WEll I should sleep (laptop in bed) but I keep thinking of more things I could do aroudn the house. Somebody stop me. I baked banana bread tonight. It''s taking all my willpower not to get up and start making zucchini bread. Lord.
Date: 9/6/2007 2:43:22 AM
Author: divergrrl
Momma Bear: Congratulations!!!! I told my dh the first time by buying a baby outfit from baby gap & wrapping it up --gave it to him on our anniversary. With #2, I gave him a box with a pee stick in it. LOL. I did surprise my mom by having my son wear an 'I'm the big brother' tshirt. You could also get him a cheesy 'worlds greatest dad' hat. I'm really excited for you, I followed your earlier posts about your ring & it sounds like your DH is just a great wonderful for you both.

Dani: There you are! Congrats on getting married in 3 weeks! Yay! How exciting! You'll have to give us a link to your wedding photos, I would love to see your dress, etc. Have a wonderful day! You are so preachin' to the choir, I am of the same opinion of you, but as you are probably well aware, there is a huge controversy over the cascade of interventions & current obstetrical model being responsible for increased c-section rates (and that is the tip of the iceberg). While I prefer all things medical: hospital setting, nurses, doctors, meds, IV's, fetal monitoring (those things give me comfort & security), I do have some very good friends who are firmly in the other camp & I felt in the issue of fairness to at least put it out there what some of the other side thinks. (I'm such a Libra....balance...both sides...yada yada) Personally.... I big puffy heart the epidural...
And yeah...I read quite a bit...I tend to obsess over this kind of stuff.

So Dani...quick long can I walk around feeling crampy and having crazy braxton hicks? They've definitely upped a notch the last few days and I'll have menstrual cramps for hours on end. I also feel like I'm getting lightening bolts of pain shooting out my hoo-haa
and walking through the grocery store, going up and down stairs or exerting myself very little (i.e. walking & I'm a very fit preggo) makes my stomach hard as a rock & I have to stop. I have an exam tomorrow at 2...but I don't recall this with Jake. oh the adventure.

Ellaila: I love that bedding! Jakes was partly velvet with a soft chamois on the other side. He calls it 'big soft blankie'. You'll have to touch it to see if its super soft & right, or too stiff. Can you order one set & return it if you don't like it? I love all your 'twin' lessons, it is so cool to learn about multiples. It really is a different ball game.

Thanks everyone for your Jakey comments...I think he's a doll, but I'm so biased its not funny. He's my little boyfriend, just a sweetie pie.

Hi Skippy, Snlee & Kaleigh!

WEll I should sleep (laptop in bed) but I keep thinking of more things I could do aroudn the house. Somebody stop me. I baked banana bread tonight. It's taking all my willpower not to get up and start making zucchini bread. Lord.

Hi Diver!

Well, unfortunately, you can walk around for quite awhile having Braxton Hicks and other miscellaneous pains, and nothing will happen.....This is your 2nd baby, and, even though you are incredibly fit and healthy, the musculature is not as strong this time around, and you are getting pain simply from the weight of the pregnancy...I know it sucks, the best thing to do when you get pain is rest and drink alot of water, also, you can take some Tylenol...If you feel the contractions are changing in quality/quantity, e.g. they are a 2-3 on the pain scale, and then a few hours go by, and all of a sudden they are a 7-8, taking your breath away, and coming more frequently, then give your dr. a call....As you get closer and closer to your due date, you are going to contract more often (ughhh!!)....Did you have a c/s with Jake? Can't remember, but I know you are having one with this baby? Refresh my memory!
Dani!! You're getting married in 3 1/2 weeks -- YAY!!!! I can't believe it's here at last -- I remember you and I talking about our wedding planning when I first joined PS a year and a half ago! I'm so excited for you! You must definitely post a link to your photos here in the PS thread too, OK (though I do remember what your gorgeous dress looks like. Yowza!)? I usually still check BWW but I'm sure I miss a lot of posts over there ...

Tacori & Diver, I never would've though velvet/microsuede would be fabrics for baby bedding, but I see so much of it out there. Most of the ones that I'm
over have some brown in it, and I guess manufacturers just like plush brown fabrics b/c it's really hard to find just plain ole cotton! I found another that I like - like, not love - that is much cheaper, so maybe I'll get that one instead. I do want a cute nursery, but I can't justify spending a TON of money on sheets and blankets that are going to get pooped and puked and peed on. And, not a good seque from poop to this, but I'd be happy to take some of that banana and zucchini bread off your hands for you, Diver
Hi, my name is Ellaila, and I'm a carboholic. Along those lines, anyone had Dunkin Donuts pumpkin donuts? Oh. My. God.

So I had my dr. appt. this morning for my leg pain, and it's sort of what i figured it was -- pressure on the nerves. Basically he said that it's likely my uterus, so there's a chance it could get better as the uterus moves ... or it could get worse. We just have to wait it out. Unfortunately, other than sleeping in a recliner (which we don't have), there's not much I can do. Can't really take anything for it (Tylenol won't do much) and it's obviously not worth it to do any further investigation into it because I wouldn't take any followup action anyway (e.g., not going to get cortisone shots or anything). After seeing how horrible and debilitating hubby's sciatica was recently, I actually feel lucky that mine is as "good" as it is.

Hi to all the other mommies and lurkers

ETA: link on CNN right now: 5 mistakes parents make with newborns -- and how to avoid them
Ella, if it makes you feel better the numbness in my thigh went away a month ago. I am guessing b/c my uterus moved up and removed the pressure so it IS possible it will resolve itself before you deliver. What does the other bedding look like? Does it have a good return policy. My bedding was $180 for everything which I thought was a good price. That way I don''t feel bad if I don''t use all the pieces for a long period of time. Mine is mostly cotten but the back of the quilt is a soft material (can''t remember what it is).
Tacori, we''re actually still considering your bedding, too! Hubby really likes it (and you know I do!). I just still feel like I want to do more research before I just "steal" yours though ...

The bananafish bedding is pricey -- $280 for the 4-piece set (quilt, bumper, dust ruffle, and a sheet). I did find one set that sells the pieces individually, and since I don''t really want the bumper anyway, I''d rather go that route -- and that winds up being $189 for just the quilt, sheet, and dust ruffle, so the same price as yours but yours comes with a lot more stuff! This site (babymania) has a 15-day return policy.

The other one that I like is called Soho, and the more that I look at it, the less I like it because the quilt is pretty much all brown with just a pink or blue border to it. It''s pretty but I think it''s too brown for the girl version (sigh).

And thanks for the reassurance with the leg pain. Weird what goes on in the body when you''re knocked up, isn''t it?
MrsS. I think i had your mixed up with another PS hehe...i didn''t know you had 2 little ones already. Wow, you certainly do ''work''!!! if not outside the house.

Ladies, thanks for the "take the prenatal at night" advice...i feel silly for not even thinking of that! I don''t normally eat past 8 b/c of bloating etc. but a small snack, water and the vitamin should be okay. I am going to try it tonight.

--congrats to you! I so wish i could have contained my shock/excitment when i got my positive test and told DH in a fun, cute way. I just instinctively reacted and yelled at him to "come upstairs quick" hehe.

Is there something ''special'' that you had to put away after your first child''s birth that he outgrew or no longer needs that you can some how use to make the announcement--like a rattle, blanket, pair of booties etc.

Let us know what you decide to do
Dani: No, I had a vag delivery with Jake (easy one too). I have a 3cm fibroid at my cervix, blocking baby''s head, but its soft & did move over a little as of last week''s internal exam. (from 2 weeks before when I had an ultrasound & internal exam--my doc can totally feel it, says its soft) Since I''ve had one successful vag delivery, and the fibroid is still small enough in my OB''s (and another OB who is a family friend) opinion, they want me to attempt a vaginal again. I have a pretty good chance of success. I have the type of OB who if he thought for one second that this for sure would end in an emergency C-section, he''d suggest a scheduled one instead. But he seems very confident & positive that trying for a vag is my best bet.

Ok, gotta go!!!
Jas, I don''t take mine with a snack but then again I have never had any issues with it.

Ella, mine comes with the bumper, sheet, quilt, valance, bed skirt and diaper stacker. I did have to order another valance and I ordered (well registered and got) the matching lamp and mobile. There is also a blanket that matches but I haven''t decided about that yet. If you are buying them seperate may I suggest just getting a plain sheet. You really can''t see it and once I put Chrono''s beloved "sheet saver" on you REALLY can''t see it. That should save you some money too.
Just wanted to introduce myself in a thread I never in a hundred years thought I'd be a part of.

Me: 32, unmarried, no kids
Him: 38, divorced, two boys 5, 8
Dating: 6 months, but have known each other for three years
Found out: last Saturday Sept 1st, maybe due mid-May

Soooooo many things to discuss. MEETING his boys, telling his boys, our families, our (same) coworkers, moving in together, marriage, finances, strain on an otherwise new relationship. Sometimes it's thrilling and sometimes it's downright terrifying.

First things first I need to meet his children. But how soon can we/should we tell his boys, his exwife? We want to try to make it easy on the boys but not in fears of it being 'too early' either.

Thank goodness for this thread. Over 60 pages of reading - I'm going to need to take a Saturday to go through it all
Welcome Starset! Congrats on your pregnancy. I would wait until 12 weeks to tell his kids/ex *just* in case. I know this is a scary time but just know this is a safe place to vent, brag, complain, question, has been a great support for me! There are so many new mommies to be we should start a list like the BIW list. It is hard to keep track (for my preggo brain anyways!) Take care of yourself and enjoy the ride (a long, sometimes painful ride but it is still an amazing experience).

EDD 10.28
Welcome starset! Definitely do take the time to read it...It was a fun read for me. I read it one night all in one sitting, and this was right before I found out I was pregnant. Maybe this thread is contagious or something...

Diver, I forgot to mention (which is funny because it was on the top of my list to say yesterday) how cute your boy is! What a doll!!

Curlygirl, happy belated 4 months to lily! Man, how time flies!

Jas, how did your first u/s go?

Ella, hope that leg pain goes away. Man, I love that we post here and share our misery...makes me feel better knowing that when it happens, I'll have some sympathy from you guys.

Dani, congrats on your upcoming wedding!

I must be the only one who doesn't care about bedding and what not. Or maybe it's a later pregnancy thing? Probably because I don't have a "nursery" per se. A friend of mine (the one who has been trying for a whlie) came over and I showed her the crib and where it would go in my home office. She asked how long we were going to stay in the apartment, and I shrugged and told her until we were ready to move. She smiled a bit and said people are sure spoiled nowadays (she's very well off, but comes from a humble background like me) and we talked about when we were kids and how we grew up in cramped apartments sharing rooms with our siblings and we were fine. Sure, I'd like to give my kid what I can in terms of luxuries, but not at the risk of making a dumb financial move.

My mother was actually surprised when I told her we were not going to find out the sex. She asked me, "what about the bedding? Pink or blue?" I looked at her like she was crazy, told her I liked neither pink nor blue and this kid was getting whatever green blankie was on sale.
Hey all, long time no see. Work and life have been pretty hectic - I can''t remember the last free day I had! This Sunday will be the first day of rest in a while. PHEW! I think I''ll veg out and prepare myself for next weekend which will be devoted to preparing the nursery (still no progress there).
I don''t have much to report pg-wise. The doc says I''m swelling too much and wants me to do a low sodium diet. Other than that Sabrina and I are doing great. She is really active and has my belly bouncing around all the time, it''s so fun to watch!
I did a 3D/4D ultrasound (unfortunately a terrible experience) and am attaching one of the few decent shots.

Diver -
Jake is so adorable. He''s going to be a wonderful big brother!

MommaBear -
CONGRATULATIONS!! I don''t have any new ideas, but I''d love to hear how you end up breaking the news.

CONGRATS!! I agree that you should wait until you are 12+ wks to tell his kids & ex. Until then, you can work on building a relationship with them - may make the news easier to swallow.

sabrina 3d.JPG
StarsetPrincess! Congratulations....i have to say your tagline cracks me up....I second everyone else in waiting until 12/14 weeks....Get through the first trimester. How are you feeling right now? Queasy? many weeks are you? This is a great thread of ladies, we are all here for you!

Tgal: You could really horrify your mom & say, oh we aren''t getting a crib either, we figured a laundry basket would be enough. LOL. I don''t think the bedding thing is a late pregnancy obsession, either you are into that stuff or you aren''t. Babies really don''t care. I can honestly say, the two nurseries I''ve done have been more for me than anything else. Now, Jake''s big boy room we''ve been slowly accumulating things for (and have not started on yet) is about him. He digs his bedding...likes to pull it out of my closet and lay on it.

Sooooooooooooooo....had my dr appt today...I am 65% effaced and dilated a "fingertip". My doctor has big hands...I wonder what that means? 1cm? 2cm? LOL.

I also got to meet the other OB who will be delivering me. She''s VERY smart, very cool, and I instantly liked her. She said she is patient during delivery, does not do routine episiotomies, and does not like to rush the process as long as everything is going well, she likes to let mom & baby do their thing. She says my fibroid is small enough that she''s not worried about it, and sees no reason why I can''t have a vaginal delivery again. But she & I were totally on the same page, and she''ll actually do my exam next week. I''m feeling VERY GOOD about things, and I feel good about her. She''s delivered over 3000 babies.

I had a wicked contraction last night, and then a few this afternoon, but I''m better who knows, I could walk around like this for weeks, or I could go a little early (my instinct is in 5 to 8 days--we''ll see if I''m right). Either way I don''t care, but I am soooo happy to be effacing/dilating because I never did with Jake...I was closed up tight like a clam at his induction. I''d be thrilled to get to the hospital with some of the "work" already done.
I am so excited excited!!!

back in a minute
Yay Diver!!!! Very EXCITING!!!!!
That''s great news Diver, won''t be long now!!!! I was a clam too!! So glad you like the OB that will be delivering your precious Delaney!!!
Is it just me, or did this go by so quickly?? Haha, easy for me to say, LOL!!!
LOL...the mystery "fingertip". Hee....I don''t even want to know how big his meat sausage fingers are (cause that''s the image you put in my brain.)

RE: laundry basket. Don''t even joke. My friend years ago, who has a wicked sense of humor sent around the first pic of her son after he was born, and the picture was of him in a laundry basket. I thought it was pretty funny and have always joked that if it was good enough for her kid, it was good enough for mine!

Very excited for you Diver!
oh my goodness...
the naseau (sp?) is kicking in... ughhhhhhhh
thank goodness it comes at the end of the day when
the kids have all gone home
so tired....
i just started work this week on the 5th (same day i took my EPT)
what a change.! i was use to getting up at 8:30 and sleeping whenever.
now i get up at 5! eek

i bought some really cute newborn turtle slippers (i love turtles)
gave it to my son who''s 2 and told him to tell his Tom Tom
''for my baby''

he did exactly as he was told. but dh is sorta... dense..
and was like... why are you buying him things that don''t fit him
so i sent my son out again and had him say
for mommies baby

dh is sooooooo dense...
i had to give the look. and he was like. your pregnant
your'' messing with me
are you pregnant.
i had to say YES i''m pregnant for him to get it.
he was grinning and said we''re going to have another rugrat!
sorta cute :)

thanks for everyone''s well wishes. i just wish this naseau passes soon.
TGal: Just for you.....laundry basket bed....funny cuz I took this in June....LOL!!!

Kaleigh: Its been fast for you cuz you are not pg!!!
It''s dragged for moi.....I''m enjoying this last part, cuz the end is near, so I see a light at the end of the pregnancy "I can''t eat good imported cheeses" tunnel, but I''m ready to get my paws on my little girl and cover her in kisses.

oooh, Jake woke up, better git him outta the laundry basket!
