
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Date: 9/6/2007 9:08:20 PM
Author: divergrrl
TGal: Just for you.....laundry basket bed....funny cuz I took this in June....LOL!!!
Hee hee...I love it!!!!!!!
Yeah Diver!!!
How exciting if you go a little early! I am so jealous. I feel like I have been preggo FOREVER! Our teacher taught me this exercise to try to get the baby to flip. It says it is 89% effective. I guess it is worth a try. We watched the c-section video tonight and baby kept head butting me during it like "haha, that is going to be you!" What a little joker.

I think I had my full fledge preggo craving last night. I wanted a BLT SOOOO bad I finally gave in and went to the store to get bacon. Then today I had a meeting and after I wanted chicken nuggets from McDonald''s like a crazy person and actually parked my car for 15 mins to wait til 10:30 (when they switch to lunch). It was like an obsession!!!
Congratulations StarsetPrincess! I agree about waiting till after your first trimester to tell the ex wife and boys.

Diver, how exciting! It won''t be long before your baby girl is here!

The laundry basket as the baby''s bed is too funny! LOL! Cute picture of Jake! I see he really loves that monkey!
Can I join?

I found out that I definitely pregnant two weeks ago. I actually took a pregnancy test the month before and it came back negative. Oops. I''m now feeling slightly guilty about the dinner cocktails for that entire month, but the doctor said everything looks fine. I''m due in the middle of April and I''m still going between excited and terrified.

Right now I''m in China so I can''t even get any books to research what his happening to baby (Ziggy) and me. In October I''m going to Hawaii and figure I''ll stock up on baby reading material. I still have to go through the rest of this thread which will probably happen tonight since staying up past 7:30 has me feeling wild and crazy lately. Any recommendations for good websites would be greatly appreciated.
diver: yay for progress...although, I think I was dialated at a 2 for like 2 weeks with Lily, i so had my hopes up only to keep making it the the nexe appt. Anyway, my guess is will you will go early, I give you 7-10 days max...

we should do a poll trying guess the date you really deliver..haha..

oh, and wanted to repond to girls being harder than boys. I have always heard that, but I don''t have a boy to know from experience. my girls though are really fairly easy though and I love having girls.

feeling so much better today, two days in row
Congrats to the new mommies to be!
Welcome Rebot!

The U/S went well yesterday...only one baby in there (i was getting anxious cuz i have been having twin visions all this month and thought maybe it was a sign--but no :-)
I actually have to go back in a couple days b/c the fetus is 10 weeks 5 days and the obstetric ''rule'' at my hospital (maybe everywhere?) states that there has to be a ultrasound ''measurement'' b/w 11 and 12 weeks. Missed that by a few days.

Told DH''s parents and brother/sister this morning at 6:30am,--in a coffee shop of all places! Kinda a long story by it is my FIL''s 50th b-day today and there is a surprise party happening tonight--we planned to make the announcement then. However, i didn''t want to give the "happy b-day grandpa" card with the big crowd around, b/c it''s his party and i didn''t want to steal the thunder so to speak. Sooo, FIL goes to same coffee shop at 6:25 every morning so the family decided they would all show up and surprise him with breakfast celebration--we used the opportunity to give him the card and he was thrilled!
My SIL and MIL both said they guessed it already. I tried to get them to give me concrete reasons why they thought this, seeing as I''ve only seen them twice since my wedding in July but they couldn''t come up with any response other than "you seemed off"?!. I don''t think they wanted to come right out and say "weeeelll, you kinda gained some weight" hehe
Ah well, so maybe it wasn''t a total surprise, but still fun.
Yay, Diver!! We're all waiting anxiously for Miss Delany's arrival too (though probably not quite as anxiously as you are!)
Our one-year wedding anniversary is Sept. 17, so even though it's still 10 days away, I'm rooting for you for that date, since I think it's a particulary good day!

Welcome and congrats Starset!! To echo everyone else, yes, I'd definitely wait until the first trimester is over to tell family -- especially the kids. We didn't tell my nieces and nephews until then (even though my brothers all knew), because if God forbid something happens, I just don't think that's a lesson that little kids need to learn just yet.

And welcome and congrats Rebot too!! As for web sites, there's and -- those are two biggies. I like the week-by-week guide on -- it's totally right on the money, I've found.

Mommabear, hope you feel better soon!

As for the laundry basket, it's funny but I actually used to LOVE sitting in the laundry basket when I was little! I'd rock myself in it and it fit me perfectly (not when I was a baby, but more of toddler and even older (I was pretty little!)). So I think TTot would be content in one

As for the nursery, I didn't care about it at all until recently, but now that it's becoming more of a reality, I definitely DO care and want it to be cute. I went to PB Kids last night and decided to to do their lavender and green gingham for the cribs -- the colors are gorgeous together, and I can always just use regular white sheets and accessories (breathable bumper, curtains, etc.). Nice and simple yet still really lovely. Yay!!! I registered for some of the sheets but even if we don't get them, we still have gift certs to PB from our wedding, so we'll just use those.

Whoo hoo for a good u/s, Jas!! Such a relief, isn't it? Did you get any photos to take with you from the u/s? And that's actually kinda cool that you get to get another one so soon because sometimes the wait between appts. can seem an eternity (esp. the first trimester!).

Tacori, laughed out loud at the thought of you waiting in your car for lunchtime at MickeyDs!! I haven't been hit with too many genuine cravings (like that I NEED IT NOW! type), but I did go through a huge lemon scone phase a few weeks ago, where I would go to bed happy because I knew I'd be having a scone the next morning for breakfast
And I agree that this list is starting to get confusing -- I'm having a hard time remembering who's preggo, who's TTC, and when people are due!

njc, enjoy your shower this weekend!!! Hope you get everything you need plus lots of extra cute li'l goodies!

EDD: 1.2.08 (twins!)
My apologies because I haven''t read through all 60 pages yet.


I''m only a few weeks and everything smells intense. Beer smells like skunky beer - and I really (used to) like to drink beer. Cleaning products are noxious. Dry erase markers. Don''t get me started on cigarette smoke.

Does this last the whole time??? I don''t want to be annoying with my heightened sense of smell, but right now I''m just amazed that I''ve already noticed a change in my body that''s so different.
Congratulations to our new mommies-to-be
DH and I did a lot of baby dancing last weekend and this week so now we''re just waiting for the next week or so to see if AF shows up or not. The waiting is the worst part. We are so ready to have a baby and I''ve become hyper-aware of my body. For example, yesterday I was having some cramping in my lower back - just like period cramps - except that my period is not due for more than a week - so I''m thinking implantation!! Who knows - maybe I''m just going crazy being around preggos! I''ll keep everyone posted.

A little off topic but... did anyone have weird reactions when the went off birth control? I''ve been off for less than a week and I''m have all sorts of oddities going on... headaches, general achiness... I don''t know whether I''m getting a cold or having reactions!
Rebot, congrats! I got 3 negatives (one was at the doc''s office) before my first positive. My periods were irregular so it was hard to know when to test.

Amanda, I can''t really remember (I have been off it for almost a year) but I DO remember my first period was SOOOOOO heavy and painful. I think my body was in shock! Haha!

Jas, I did not have an u/s 11-12 weeks. Hmmm....I guess every place is different! I am having my last (well, maybe) next month and can''t wait
It''s so cool to see the baby grow. Are you going to find out the sex? Good luck telling your FIL!

Ella, I am glad you found your perfect bedding! I agree I really like It is cool how the boards are divided up by month (you deliver).

Diver, fingers still crossed for you and Delaney!

MrsS, hope you are feeling better!

Diva, don''t drive yourself crazy! (I know it is so easy to do). I hope you get your BFP soon.

TGal, If we didn''t have a seperate nursery I might not have been that into it but since we do and my parents were so generous buying our furniture, well, I just couldn''t help myself
I think knowing that not only this baby but future babies will "live" in this room too made it more special. We plan on staying in this house for a VERY long time!!!

Njc, have a great shower!

We NEED a list. My preggo brain cannot handle this! Haha. Should it be a seperate thread or on here? Thoughts?
tac- i vote separate thread that just houses the list.
keep this one as a discussion.

Date: 9/7/2007 11:32:40 AM
Author: jcrow
tac- i vote separate thread that just houses the list.

keep this one as a discussion.


I agree! That''s why I started the nursery thread. Okay...I don''t have time to look back to find out everyone''s date. I think with the BIW people just respond so I guess that is what we will do.
Diver I can't find your darn due date anywhere!!!!

ETA: eerr...finally found it! Ok, sorry if I forgot anyone but now we have a list!
It will be fun to keep track this way.
Thanks for doing the list, T! I *think* Diver''s EDD is 9/22? Something like that.
I finally found it Ella! Thanks! This will make things so much easier and we have a lot of births coming up!

Rebot do you have a due date yet?

Also Jas what is your due date?
Hi guys! Sorry..I was out getting sheers & rods from Target today for Delaney''s room (the rod I wanted went on clearance! I got hte last one! woowoo)

Yes! You got my dd right!

Ellaila: I''m hoping for the 17th too.....My best friend''s bday is that day. other best friend (there''s 4 of us from college) finds out that day if her 7th (yes, 7th) round of IVF took. It''s her last one, she is outta frozen embryos and out of patience--she''s been battling infertility since 1998 and is ready to move on with her life. (she got pregnant with her daughter who is a month older than my Jake on her 3rd round, so thank goodness she has one daughter) ... So it would be one helluva day if it was H''s bday, I had Delaney, and M finds out she''s preggers. Ohhh....I can hope can''t I??????

On Potterybarn bedding/blankets: I have to say, I LOVE how well they wash up. You''d be surprised at the beating they can take & still look just as good almost 3 years later. I love the quality, the colors, the styles.

Starset: That''s how I knew I was preggo....each time my sense of smell went supernova on me. Bizarre...but it does get better. Now I just have a stuffy nose all the time and can''t smell anything.

Mrs. Salvo: You know, I''ll probably just dilate or hang out here for the next 2 Ain''t that how it always goes? But since my OB likes to induce if you hit 40 weeks, I''d rather have an effaced cervix & be partly dilated (no need for cervical ripening agents) to help things along.

Speaking of''s my PSA for today:

I am adamant about NOT getting Cytotec (or misoprostal is the other name it goes by) if I do wind up being induced. Usually they begin an induction with a cervical ripening agent (Cervidil, Prepadil are fine) but hospitals use Cytotec "off label" (a drug that normally is used to help control stomach acids in non-pregnant people), because it is quick & cheap. It can be dangerous in labor, can cause uterine rupture & the FDA warns against it. I almost had it at my last induction, but my contractions were too close together...I had no idea about it then, but I remember the nurse saying "we''ll monitor the baby for a moment & then put the miso tablet in". *shudder*.

Here is an FDA document on it:

Anyhoo...Dani has probably used it...and probably with good results too, maybe she wants to weigh in with an educated (unlike me..I just read stuff & try to find reliable sources to confirm or deny). But since there is a risk, & I''ve got that tumor, I''d just as soon use a different ripening agent should the need come up. Why not? Never hurts to be safe, especially if there are options.

Tacori: Niiiice cravings girl...that''s a hoot.

What is your due date?

Ok...I switched banks a month ago & have half my money in one, half in the other (never pi$$ a pregnant woman off..she''ll change companies on you) and I need to set up my EFT bill pays on the new account. Ugh chores. But Jake is down for a nap, no time like the present.
Hey Diver....

We haven't used Cytotec at my hospital for induction of labor in years....probably about 8, if you can believe it!!! Its against policy where I work. Cytotec is not FDA approved for induction of labor (its approved for use for stomach ulcer patients, actually). Using Cytotec (comes in the form of a pill, placed intravaginally) to induce labor is very causes such intense, strong uterine contractions that it is highly correlated with uterine rupture....Stay away!!

I hope you go into labor on your own, Diver...that would be the easiest. If not, there are other safe ways to induce the labor...have to see how your cervix is when it comes time (have you read about the Bishop's score)? Its a scoring system that us practitioners use to assess a woman's cervix and its readiness for labor...If you are more effaced and dilate on your own within the next couple of weeks...i.e you go to your dr.'s visit next week and your cervix is 2cms/80% effaced., then that would be great!! But, if you dont go into full-fledge labor on your own, all you will need induction- wise (and if you are ok with it), is probably an artificial rupture of membranes and a bit of Pitocin to bring on some regular contractions. You are a multip (medical term for a woman who has delivered before), so you should respond well, and this labor should go even quicker than your last once you get going!!!

Best of luck with everything! You'll do great!!!!
Dani: You are awesome you know that? Will you fly out here to help deliver Delaney???? LOL. I don''t think I''ll need an induction, but I''m already 1cm/65% effaced at 38 weeks, so hopefully we keep on thinnin'' & stretchin''! I never had to get the Cytotec with Jake, they just did the AROM & pitocin & that was enough. My labor FLEW. broke my water at 7:30 am or so...I had him at 1:52pm. The pitocin was no biggie, it was the water breaking business that hurt after it was done. I want my epi in BEFORE that jazz if it happens again. LOL.

I''d love to go into labor on my own...this is my last baby, it''d be NEATO to have experienced an induction as well as a surprise. I have a good feeling she''ll come on her own here sometime in the next 2 weeks. Its really fun waiting right now. I feel like a ticking time bomb...everyone answers my phone calls!

I''m glad to know your hospital has nixed that practice, good for them.

Hey everyone, I''ve got a new designation...MULTIP! LOL...I like that better than "advanced maternal age" (I''m 36 sheesh--I dont *feel* advanced)...

Hey you too Mrs. Salvo....Multip! (what does that stand for? its a weird word Dani!)
LOL, You are too funny, Diver!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I seriously laughed so hard just now!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course I can take a traveling assigment and come to help deliver little Delaney!!! I almost did it for Curly! Although, she is just across the river in NYC....

The term "multip" is short for the medical term, "multiparous." which basically means a woman who has delivered a baby previously....Now Tacori, Travelingal, and all other gals having their first babies are the good 'ole "primips," short for primiparous (aka, a woman having her first baby).....

And then you have the "grand multips..." I dont think an explanation is necessary.......

ETA: Definitely get your epi BEFORE they break your water or give you Pit. Because of your "multiparous" nature and history of a fast labor, you want that epi to have some time to work and settle in before they start intervening, since you will really take off once they do these things. You had a really fast first labor with Jake, so I predict this one will just be a couple of hours.....
How funny I used to think it was so odd MD''s switched to their lunch menu at 10:30. I mean who wants to eat lunch THAT early??? Oh crazy preggo women I suppose!

By the way our teacher said to watch out for full moons b/c she swears more babies are born on them. Any full moons this week Diver?
Date: 9/7/2007 9:12:05 PM
Author: Dani

ETA: Definitely get your epi BEFORE they break your water or give you Pit. Because of your ''multiparous'' nature and history of a fast labor, you want that epi to have some time to work and settle in before they start intervening, since you will really take off once they do these things. You had a really fast first labor with Jake, so I predict this one will just be a couple of hours.....

i wish i would have know to insist on that when I was having Lily. they would not give me my epi until after they broke my water. they gave me stadol which was nice but didn''t do a thing for any pain relief. although, i don''t really remeber it being painful, just gross
. This time around I''ll be sure to request it first if we have to go that route..

I''ve been up since 3am with cramps. or contractions? Who knows. Tried timing them. 7mins, then 5 mins, then 10 mins apart...all lasting about a minute in length.

You hear so much about "false labor". These are low in my abdomen, which makes me think its false, but who knows. They do hurt a bit..I have to take some deep breaths. This will suck if THIS goes on for 2 more weeks. I need sleep. Oh well, gonna go work on Delaney''s baby book and do some laundry.

For what its worth, the full moon in on 9/11. Not a date I want to have a child.
Date: 9/8/2007 8:47:07 AM
Author: divergrrl

I''ve been up since 3am with cramps. or contractions? Who knows. Tried timing them. 7mins, then 5 mins, then 10 mins apart...all lasting about a minute in length.

You hear so much about ''false labor''. These are low in my abdomen, which makes me think its false, but who knows. They do hurt a bit..I have to take some deep breaths. This will suck if THIS goes on for 2 more weeks. I need sleep. Oh well, gonna go work on Delaney''s baby book and do some laundry.

For what its worth, the full moon in on 9/11. Not a date I want to have a child.
Could be...keep us informed!
i just read that its not labor if the contractions aren''t consistently spaced apart. I''ve been keeping track for a little while & my pattern is this:

6:09 am
6:32 am

All over the place.... so more than likely just my body messin'' with my head.

Ok, in that case! Two can play at that game! I''m off to do laundry!
Well, I think they rarely start out evenly spaced. They usually start out erratic and then get into a pattern. Has moving around made them stop? If it's really labor, they shouldn't.

And after my last one, I came to the conclusion babies don't always go by the books. I started with BH's in the early morning the day I delivered (actually day before), and had them all day, until I finally told hubby at 10 that night we better go see what was going on. I was dialated to 2 or 3, can't remember, and they kept me. I was in labor, but it wouldn't develop, so they fnally gave me a Pit drip. But I was still having BH's 2 hours before I delivered at 8:45 AM the next day. Go figure.
ooo diver, how exciting. could be false, but your close enough for them to be real. just keep tracking. mine went to a steady 5 min. apart, but not painful for a few hours and then I decided to go on into the hospital. i''m just so excited for you
My teacher said they should be getting closer together but maybe you should go in just to be sure. One of my L&D fears is not getting to the hospital in time and with your second you will go faster. If the full moon thing works out maybe you will deliver 9.12 (after midnight on the 11). Who knows if that is true just something I thought was interesting. Good luck Diver. Keep us updated!
that was always my fear too tacori. i wanted to make sure i got there in plenty of time to get the epi. too many movies I guess where the ladies deliver in the car/cab on the way or get there to be told, no time for drugs you just gotta push
aww thanks. i actually am feeling a lot better.
last night we had plans to go out with friends for dinner.
by the time we ordered, i was ready to eat the whole
restaurant. I felt so sick because i was so hungry! i have now entered the
"i need to eat and I NEED IT NOW" phase...
i ended up taking DH''s dinner since it came first