
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

China - My favorite names from your list are Oliver, William and Dominic.
Like Fisher, I adore the name Liam.

Fisher - My u/s is in 3 weeks, so we don''t know yet. We''d like to keep it a surprise, unless it''s really obvious on the screen/photo!

Sabine - Congrats on your anniversary and being full term soon!

Mandy - Sorry to hear about the back pain. I hope the belt helps!

So, 16 weeks tomorrow for me and I had my blood test ''take 2'' this morning. They told me to have breakfast after the test this time, so let me tell you I was cranky by the time 8 o''clock rolled around... Fortunately, the nurse was able to find a good vein this time and it didn''t take too long. Keep your fingers crossed ladies... I really hope I don''t have pregnancy diabetes.
When do they typically do the glucose test? my Dr hasn''t scheduled mine...I''ll be 24 weeks in 2 days.
Should I call?
Date: 7/14/2009 11:10:03 AM
Author: Mandarine
When do they typically do the glucose test? my Dr hasn''t scheduled mine...I''ll be 24 weeks in 2 days.

Should I call?

Sometime between 24-28 weeks unless you have risk factors. So I would just ask at your next visit if they don''t bring it up.
Date: 7/13/2009 8:46:12 PM
Author: fisherofmengirly
Sunkist, Anchor, November, SweetPea, and Stephanie:::

Have any of you found out what you''re having? I must have missed it if you have (and have posted it...) but I''m dying to know.
I vote girl for all of you (as usual), but I think Sunkist will have a boy.

Fisher, I find out (hopefully!) this Friday! 4pm. But I''m in California, so it will be late for many of you ladies by the time I am able to post results.
I think it''s good that we are going early, DH is getting himself more convinced everyday that its a boy, and I am having a heck of a time "connecting" with our little one since I don''t have a feeling either way.

We went to look at baby stuff over the weekend, DH surprised me by being totally into it! I figured it would be hard for him to be excited about furniture, lol, but I was wrong

Ok... I think we have narrowed down the names...

girl: Francesca Rossi R_______
boy: Bennet Rossi R_______

(Rossi was my Mom''s maiden name, and I wanted to honor her somehow, but she never really liked her first/middle names)

I was set on Lyla Jane and Henry Ryan but DH vetoed both of them, even after lots of *gentle* persuasion
China- I keep going over your list, and I like so many of them I don''t think I can be of any help! For firsts I think I like Oliver, Luke and Henry best, but the others are great boy names too... Oh geez!

Anchor- hope you pass your test with flying colors
Date: 7/14/2009 11:14:56 AM
Author: neatfreak

Date: 7/14/2009 11:10:03 AM
Author: Mandarine
When do they typically do the glucose test? my Dr hasn''t scheduled mine...I''ll be 24 weeks in 2 days.

Should I call?

Sometime between 24-28 weeks unless you have risk factors. So I would just ask at your next visit if they don''t bring it up.
Thanks NF!
I go to the peri for a level2 follow-up on Monday, so I guess I will ask then!.

Did they do a follow-up to your level 2?. They said they do it with all twin pregnancies, so it''s not because of anything they found at the actual level 2 u/s. It''s basically to take a look at their brains and hearts when they''re a little bigger.
Date: 7/14/2009 11:26:28 AM
Author: sweet pea

Fisher, I find out (hopefully!) this Friday! 4pm. But I''m in California, so it will be late for many of you ladies by the time I am able to post results.
I think it''s good that we are going early, DH is getting himself more convinced everyday that its a boy, and I am having a heck of a time ''connecting'' with our little one since I don''t have a feeling either way.

We went to look at baby stuff over the weekend, DH surprised me by being totally into it! I figured it would be hard for him to be excited about furniture, lol, but I was wrong

Ok... I think we have narrowed down the names...

girl: Francesca Rossi R_______
boy: Bennet Rossi R_______

(Rossi was my Mom''s maiden name, and I wanted to honor her somehow, but she never really liked her first/middle names)

I was set on Lyla Jane and Henry Ryan but DH vetoed both of them, even after lots of *gentle* persuasion
Sweet Pea ~

I love Bennet! That is one name we are considering as well. It has a sweet meaning, too. It means "little blessed one".
Sorry everyone, things have been insane lately!

Thanks for all the outgoing thoughts for my friend, she''s going in for a more concise ultrasound in an hour. I''m just terrified for her- I know the lack of heartbeat is not a good sign. She''s had no spotting or cramping, and her symptoms are still going strong. I''m just hoping she measured behind and the heartbeat was too small to see.

China: I LOOOOOVE Dashiell James! Despite our boy choice Middle name of Sebastian, I''d always wanted James. Dashiell is not common, but not "out-there", and sounds so refined! Then again, I pretty much love Oliver and Henry. William, too. Still- my vote is Dash!

Mandarine- Conrats on finishing your registry! I''ve only done one- on just to do it. :)

Indy: Boy names are terribly hard, aren''t they? It''s also hard when everyone you know weighs in with their opinions, too.

Fisher- Thanks for thinking of me and our little GIRL! It was such a shock to me. I guess that whole "sex on day of ovulation leads to a boy" thing isn''t THAT true!

Sunkist- when are you going to register? May I ask where you''re going? I know we both live in So. Cal, so I was wondering your opinion. I wish I could see movement from the outside! All I have is a hard bump and super low twitches and rolls when she moves.

Sabine, I''m so glad you guys were able to have a great anniversary. Congrats on full term!

Anchor: good luck with your gestational diabetes- I hope it''s not positive for you!

Sweet Pea: I looooooove Bennett! Francesca is such a cute name, would you ever use a nickname for them?

As for me: Whew. I''ve been crazy lately. Piper''s movements are soooo sporadic that I worry a lot. I get random twitches and "flipping" feelings, suuuper low that I question if that''s actually the baby. I''m 21 weeks now and have a pretty obvious belly- a women commented on it the other day (wth?) so I was hoping it''s normal? Thank god she didn''t ask how far along I was.

Another thing I had going on was regarding Piper''s kidneys. At our scan the peri said her kidneys were showing signs of too much fluid, which meant her kidneys weren''t evacuating her bladder well enough and urine was going back up into her kidneys. He said he saw it in 8-10% of pregnancies, but wants to check it again in eight weeks. So I was a little worried about that. When we saw our regular OB she said she wasn''t worried at all- everything else was perfect, and often those kidney issues resolve themselves before birth. She also said Piper was 13 ounces at 20w2, and that she looked fantastic. I haven''t gained any weight yet (thank god for that!), and then we listened for Piper''s heartbeat. It took a little hunting, once OB found it she moved again, but then we finally found it and PJ kicked the doppler- it was pretty funny. My uterus is measuring exactly where it should be, too.

A weird thing we noticed- our OB is pregnant! According to a friend of my MIL who is due around my time, OB is due in September. I wonder if this means we''ll be delivered by someone else? I''m a little unhappy that the doctor didn''t tell us herself.

Wow- I wrote a lot. Sorry guys.
Fiery - Congrats! She is just precious.

China - I love all your names, Oliver, Luke and Henry are my favorites for first names.

Amber, welcome to team girl and I love your name. DH and I are still working on a name for our little girl. We have about a 2 hour car trip coming up Sat. so I may corner him in the car with the baby name book.

Fisher, thanks of thinking of me, we found out a few weeks ago that we are having a little girl and we are so excited.

We are working on the nursery now - it will be light pink and chocolate brown. I have about 8 colors of pink on the walls trying to pick one that isn''t too bubble-gummy. We also ordered our nursery furniture and I can''t wait for it to arrive. I have gone a little crazy with buying clothes - I know I will get lots as gifts, but there are so many cute girl things I can''t help myself. I think the nesting instinct is officially kicking in.

I haven''t felt many kicks yet, and I was getting nervous so I went into the doctor last Thursday. Baby girl is doing well, but I did find out I have an anterior placenta. The doctor said that coupled with my well-developed ab muscles (not that I can see them anymore) will make it tough for me to feel anything until I am further along. Never thought I''d be cursing myself for going to ab classes!

Sabine, Happy Anniversary and congrats on full-term, I can''t wait to meet your little one.

Question for Mandarine, Peony and other twin mommas and mommas-to-be. One of my closest friends just found out she is having twins. She is excited, but a bit overwhelmed. Were there any books, websites, etc. that you found to be helpful for moms expecting twins?

21 weeks, 5 days.
Well, my friend just emailed me from her appointment. The HB was 50bpm, and actually measured smaller than it measured last week at her last appointment. They''ve given her the choice of d&c, some meds to make it stop, or waiting for the hb to stop all on its own. I don''t even know what to say to her. She lives in NY and I''m in CA. I feel so useless.
Oh Amber...I am so sorry
Thanks indy and amber :)

Amber- yes... I'm big on nicknames. We actually thought of Bennet because we both like Ben and Benny, but didn't like Benjamin as much. As for Francesca, the possibilities are almost endless, lol. I like Frankie best, but also Chesca and I even like Franny (seems kinda cute in an old school kinda way), just NOT Fanny

I wish the middle initial wasn't the same as the last, but it is important to me to use my mom's name, so I'm over it.

ETA I'm so sorry about your friend Amber! I was hoping for a positive outcome for her.

Nov, my greatest source is Neatfreak! tell your friend to head on over to PS! lol. In all seriousness, talking to other moms of twins really helps. Now I seem to run into them everywhere (mall, grocery store, etc). As far as books I really recommend Dr Barbara Luke''s, What to expect when you''re expeting twins,. triplets or quads.

I also read Juggling twins, which I liked because it gave me a snapshot of how things will be like once they are here (feeding, sleeping, etc)...and I received a free copy of Twins 101 or something like that, which was ok.

I love reading blogs of moms (or soon to be moms) of twins....or even just looking at Multiples board.

I love this blog...they always have guest bloggers which I love...

Hope this helps :)

Sunkist and November, I must have read that here before, because I totally thought that you were having a boy, Sunkist, and that you were having a girl, November. Hmm... I guess I was subconsciously remembering, maybe.

Congratulations to both of you!!! They''re gonna be *so* cute and absolutely precious!!!

(Sunkist, I hope your baby boy has some of your curls. I''m a softy for a little boy with curls!!)
I am so sorry for your friend. I know it''s tough to comfort someone having a m/s when you are pregnant. Our cousin gave birth to her twin girls prematurely at 21 weeks when I was pregnant (she was a couple weeks ahead of me). We really didn''t know what to say to her when the twins passed. We just passed our condolences through my SIL, even though SIL kept telling us that they would appreciate the company. I am glad we stayed away b/c there was a long period of time after the loss of the twins when she didn''t attend any family gatherings since she didn''t want to talk about her loss and just wanted to heal. Just be there for her if and whenever she needs to talk.

You got some great names. I love OliverJames, Dashiell James and Dominic James. Dash would be such a cute nickname.
Ooops the name comments were for ChinaCat... I forgot to put type the SN in.

Yay for finishing your registry, and a few gifts bought already. When is your shower? I love the invite your sisters made. So cute. Did she make all the owl herself?
I never felt any internal kicks with M. It sounds like a weird yet awesome feeling.
Date: 7/14/2009 11:10:03 AM
Author: Mandarine
When do they typically do the glucose test? my Dr hasn''t scheduled mine...I''ll be 24 weeks in 2 days.
Should I call?
I had my first blood test at 14 weeks. They were testing for a bunch of things like blood type, HIV, glucose, etc. I failed that one (glucose level was 5.3 when the limit is 5.2) so I re-did it today. My three-hour glucose test thing is scheduled for 27 weeks. Do you have an appointment soon? You could ask then, or call if you''re worried.
Amber - I''m very sorry for your friend.
Fisher, I hope my little boy has curls too! I think it would be a miracle if it did happen though, because my hubby is Chinese and I''ve never seen any natural curl on his side of the family. But who knows, it could eek through I suppose! Hoping!

Amber I''m so sorry for your friend
I didn''t know they would offer a drug to make it stop, that makes me cry even more! But I hope she can make a decision that she is comfortable with. Thinking of you guys!

And Amber, I think I''ll just register at BRU. I don''t really know any other places. Oh, I guess there''s Target too. I''ve heard of a place called The Children''s Place but I''ve never been there.

Has anyone been to the Children''s Orchard? I know it''s not a place you register, but more of a second hand store. I want to go check one out and see what kind of deals I find.

Oh! SweetPea LOVE those names!!

I ache for your friend. It''s a hard situation to be in, for both of you. Golly, I''m so sorry that this is happening. The thing is, though, I don''t think your friend would *want* you to feel guilty for being pregnant and healthy, sweetie. Misery loves company, but that doesn''t always mean those in sorrow want others to feel it, too, it just means they want someone to hold them while they cry. She''s your best friend and I''m sure you know the way to bring her comfort, and likely that''s just by being you, and by being there for her. I''m a goofy one who always holds out hope until there is none left to grasp at, and if that little heart is still beating, I''m gonna keep praying!!

Thinking of both of you....

Goofy things happen with genes... you could have a blond baby with curly hair, never know!!

One of my best friends is Filipino and her husband is the blondest, lightest person I''ve ever seen. His eyebrows are so blond they''re white and almost disappear on his skin (in college, before they were dating, my friend called him "scary eyebrows," even!
). They have two kiddos and one on the way. Their son is fairly dark, with dark eyes and med. brown hair. Their daughter is rather pale (a light, light olive complexion... gorgeous skin she has!) and has ash blonde hair, and it gets lighter and lighter as she grows, she''s almost 2 now. Insane when you think of her momma''s jet black hair.

So, if it works that way for hair color, I say the curls are possible for the little one for you, too!
Oh Amber, I''m so sorry for your friend.

Sunkist and Fisher, I think my little guy has a fairly good chance of being born with curls, and I''m kinda dreading it. I have naturally wavy hair, but dh has this hair that is super spiral curls. He said it was the bane of his existence growing up (think Cory Matthews in Boy Meets World...remember that episode where he tried to straighten it?). Hair like that would be GORGEOUS on a little girl, but as cute as it would be for a baby boy, it''s harder as they get older. Dh just keeps his hair buzzed most of the time.

Okay ladies, I need some perspective. I can''t decide how I feel about my parental situation. My parents are divorced, and although my mom tried numerous times to "befriend" my dad afterwards, he wants NOTHING to do with her and is awkward in her presence. Dh and I finally decided that we want my mom to try to come before the birth and stay for about 2 weeks with us afterwards. I told my dad this, and he came back with...well, maybe I''ll wait until she leaves to come visit. Before, he was saying he wanted to come as soon as would be possible (but he would have to give work notice, so we were thinking a day or two after the birth). Part of me thinks it will actually be nice to spread out the guests, but at the same time, I''m annoyed with my dad for letting his feelings about my mom get int he way of him being there for the first few days. This is his first I feel kinda hurt that he doesn''t want to be here right away and I''m annoyed that their divorce is making yet another joyous occasion awkward and difficult (the wedding was not fun, let me tell you...). But then again, maybe it would be more awkward and difficult if they were here at the same time. I guess I''m just annoyed because I know if my dad had said that he wants to come before and stay for weeks, NOTHING would have kept my mom away, she is just so excited to be here and that is her first priority. But my dad''s first priority is himself.
Amber, I''m so sorry for your friend. It almost seems sadder that the baby''s heart was still beating. I guess I didn''t realize there could be a result other than "you lost the baby" or "the baby''s fine."

Mandarine, where did you get your maternity belt? I think I need one.
My only concern is that from what I''ve read, they''re to relieve lower back pain, and my pain is in the upper half of my back. I''ve been continuing to work out those muscles and I don''t know if that has kept me strong or messed me up. I''m wondering if a trip to the chiropractor (I''ve never been but DH goes regularly) or a professional massage would help. I kind of wonder if I''m just out of wack from too much exercise/growing belly/too much sitting. I feel like the pain isn''t caused by my belly.
P.S. I''ve got my glucose test scheduled for my 28 week appointment; they didn''t mention it until my 24 week apt.
P.P.S. Good job on finishing the registry! I''m registered at BRU and PBK (the latter because my mom said her friends like to buy from there -- I kind of had to stretch to find anything there since I didn''t go with their bedding or furniture). I wouldn''t say my registry is totally finished yet because, well, I''m just not sure what I need! I have all the basics recommended by Baby Bargains but I just don''t know how many little towels, burp cloths, etc. are needed.

China, I love your suggestion that I shout loud and proud from my porch! But either my pronunciation is getting worse, the microphone is malfunctioning, or the program actually gets stricter as you go along; I''ve been having to repeat almost everything. I get high scores in everything except pronunciation, which I fail worse and worse every time (is it really a crime if I can''t say, "My name is Alexandre"? I mean, that''s not my name . . .)

Sabine, that''s a tough dilemma. I''m sorry your dad is being selfish and unreasonable, but my guess would be that the disappointment/annoyance you feel at him for not coming when your mom is there will be less than the strain you would feel if you could tell there was discomfort between them. In the end, though, I''d just go with your gut as to what will be best for the baby and you. And maybe ask him if this is always his plan, to avoid your mom . . . is he willing to miss recitals and graduations if she''s going to be there? When you point out to him that you can''t really pick and choose when to be a grandparent, he might realize that he just needs to suck it up and find a way to be polite to your mom.

Speaking of kicks, I don''t think I''ve experienced internal vs. external kicks unless by external you mean that you can see them externally? All of mine feel internal unless I happen to have a hand on my belly, but I can always feel them from the inside first. In other news, my baby girl found my bladder two days ago, so those kicks have been fun. Actually, I am relieved to know that so far, they don''t make me pee. I''m just like, "HEY! That''s my bladder!"
hello ladies!
sorry i''ve been MIA lately.. work has been craaaazzzzzyyy - which is nice - being busy keeps my mind from racing - but bad b/c i don''t have any ''me'' time
-- oh well, i guess you can''t win them all.

i''ve missed so much... i''m sorry to do a quickie catch up.

amber i''m so very sorry for your friend.

sabine - ugh, that''s a hard one. on one hand you probably just want to tell your dad to get over himself and the situation with your mom and see the bigger picture "you are having a baby!!!" buttttttt if this is just going to stress you out having them together then i might just say ''pffffttt forget it''. it sounds like with everything else a new mom has going on in the first few weeks, you may not need the added stress... and, quite possibly, you may not even think about it once the time comes.

cc - i also heart oliver so very much... i''ve tried to say dashiell outloud, but am quite sure i''m pronouncing it wrong... can someone give me a first grade pronunciation lesson on that name (i can, however say ''dash''
and think that is ever so cute!)

nothing much new to report over here. we are leaving for hilton head next week for wedding #5. at least this one is a quasi-vacation. i''m looking forward to getting away, but not so much the weather or bugs.

DH has been working on the woodwork in the babe''s room off and on when he has time after work, but we are still only about 30% completed... and STILL haven''t picked out a green paint color. why is that color so hard?? ... we have about 10 swatches on the wall.. all of which look awful
does anyone have a green color they like?

i have my glucose test scheduled for my next apt at the end of the month.. then the apts go to every 2 weeks! ahhhhhh!!!! so crazy! on my to-do list today is schedule the hospital tour and newborn care class. my girlfriend/midwife is giving DH and i a private ''birthing'' class... which i am soooo happy about!

i asked the dr. at my last apt if she thought i looked too small to be 6.5 mts preggo. i swear, you can''t tell in the shirt i''m wearing today.... but my uterus is measuring on-track... i guess i have a long torso to thank. it''s a bit bittersweet after baking this babe for this long already i''d like *something* to show for it
soon enough i guess, soon enough.

ohhhh... i''ve totally got this boy''s waking/sleeping schedule ... it''s kinda cool... he''s up about 10mins after me... then goes back to sleep until riiiggghhhttt about now :) then wakes up again for lunch and dinner and goes nuts-o right before i go to bed.... think that will be the case once he comes out? ha! wishful thinking.

later ladies!
Date: 7/15/2009 8:29:22 AM
Author: Sabine

Okay ladies, I need some perspective. I can''t decide how I feel about my parental situation. My parents are divorced, and although my mom tried numerous times to ''befriend'' my dad afterwards, he wants NOTHING to do with her and is awkward in her presence. Dh and I finally decided that we want my mom to try to come before the birth and stay for about 2 weeks with us afterwards. I told my dad this, and he came back with...well, maybe I''ll wait until she leaves to come visit. Before, he was saying he wanted to come as soon as would be possible (but he would have to give work notice, so we were thinking a day or two after the birth). Part of me thinks it will actually be nice to spread out the guests, but at the same time, I''m annoyed with my dad for letting his feelings about my mom get int he way of him being there for the first few days. This is his first I feel kinda hurt that he doesn''t want to be here right away and I''m annoyed that their divorce is making yet another joyous occasion awkward and difficult (the wedding was not fun, let me tell you...). But then again, maybe it would be more awkward and difficult if they were here at the same time. I guess I''m just annoyed because I know if my dad had said that he wants to come before and stay for weeks, NOTHING would have kept my mom away, she is just so excited to be here and that is her first priority. But my dad''s first priority is himself.
Ugh, Sabine, that really sucks. I''m a pretty forward person, so I would probably tell him to get over himself for the sake of the grandchild, but if you say he couldn''t even do that for your wedding... seems like it''s not something he can do. I''d probably still tell him to get over himself though, just because I''d be pissed off.
Thanks to Princesss, Ebree, IndyPitty, Mela, Fisher, Sunkist, Sabine, Mandarine, Anchor, Sweet Pea, Amber, QT, and Vizla for the responses on the names!

Princesss- Isaac Henry sounds great together! DH liked it- but not sure what we would call him. Hmmm. I actually love "Ike" but we live near where Hurricane Ike hit last year, so prob not a good choice.
IndyPitty- Boys names are hard for me because on one hand, you want a good, strong boy name, but on the other hand, you don''t want something tooo boring. It''s a hard balance.
Mela- Still trying to push DH on Duke, but so far he''s not liking it. Though he wasn''t too keen on Dashiell/Dash when I first suggested it, and now he loves it. And believe me, I KNOW I need to get on the thank you notes- the delay is due to the fact that I couldn''t find my lists of what people had bought us anywhere cause we moved. Thankfully I found them this week, so I''m on it!
Fisher- Totally with you on not loving the jrs/III. I understand why people do it, but just think kids should have their own names. BUT if your DH is William, so LOVE naming your kid William and calling him Liam. I just adore Liam- DH is lukewarm on it though.
Sunkist- Don''t really think you need a separate room for the kid''s nursery right away. Seems like if you just have an area set up, you would be good to go and then you could determine what works best for you later. Though I would say make sure it''s an area that can be dark and quiet and away from everyone when you are trying to get them to sleep and such.
Sabine- Yay for being full-term!!! SCARY for me that you are full-term! As for your parents- honestly, I think I would encourage your Dad to come later. The last thing I would want to deal with post-labor is family stress and tension. I totally understand your feelings being hurt, but I think it sounds better for you not to have to deal. Perhaps you could tell him how you feel though, and that you aren''t going to go through this kid''s life trying to juggle their issues. It''s his deal, not yours, and it shouldn''t affect his grandchild!
Mandarine- We ordered the glider/rocker from Room and Board.

It''s a bit pricey, though. I wanted something super comfy, DH wanted something that looked modern and could fit in other rooms, so we settled on this one. I did get a chance to sit in it and it''s really comfy. That being said, not sure that I would have spent this much if DH didn''t want it. There is also the Luca Glider that is pretty modern looking that a lot of people like. But again, it''s pricey. Heard that there was a Dwell one at Target but haven''t seen it. What are you looking for?
Anchor- Hope the blood test went well!
Sweet Pea- LOVE Francesca and Bennet. That is so funny, just 2 days ago I was thinking of how much I loved Francesca, and was wondering why no one ever used it. Of course, I really love Lyla Jane and Henry Ryan too.
Amber- My OB is preggo too, she just told me (and everyone) at 21 weeks. I am so sorry about your friend, that is so heart-breaking. I have a friend who got preggo at the same time as me and lost that one. She has subsequently had 2 other m/c and it breaks my heart and I don''t know what to say. She is a new friend, so I just follow her lead. She has been lovely and even threw me a shower, but I''m sure it''s hard for her. Just be there for her and understand if she needs some time.
Phoenix- I think the pronunication is the hardest thing about French. And they are SO particular about it. I was in a cab once in Paris and told the cab driver to take me somewhere and he pretended not to know where I wanted to go b/c I wasn''t pronouncing it right. It was hysterical, I am trying every which way to pronounce it. Finally he said "Ah! The ---------!" with the tiniest difference in what I was saying. It was frustrating, but so typically French that you have to laugh. My pronunciation is terrible, and I understand why they are particular b/c it''s such a beautiful language when pronounced correctly. But come on, I was trying!

Vizla- How are you at every 2 weeks already!!!! When are you due again? Dashiell is pronounced like Dash-el. Don''t pronounce the i. It''s kinda tricky- people either love it or make a face at me. My OB told me I had a long torso which is why I am not very big belly-wise. But believe me, even though I am really small for 9 months, I am still VERY preggo and have a big enough belly that there is no mistaking that I am pregnant! You will get there. Be glad it''s not very big, it gets harder to lug that thing around the bigger you get.

All is fine here. Met with the pediatrian last night. Really liked him and his "philosophies" seemed to track generally with ours and we seemed like we were on the same page, which was relieving. He''s the only doc in the practice, so he sees every patient. It''s literally 2 minutes from our house, so seems like a good fit. Also, painters finally came today to paint our nursery, so we are getting there!

So this weekend my DH is in a wedding out of town. We have been debating whether he should go since I''ll be 37 weeks. At this point, he is going unless my OB sees any signs of anything at my appt on Friday. I am cool with him going, he''s only one of two groomsmen and it''s one of his best friends. He will be gone for less than 24 hours. BUT my mom is out of town, my sister is out of town, and I''m a little concerned about being totally alone. So I asked my dad to come down and spend the weekend with me. He was very touched I think, and I was excited to get to spend some alone time with him. Well, looks like my brother''s GF has the freaking swine flu, and now my brother is sick and there''s a chance he has the flu. My OB said under NO circumstances should I be around anyone who either has or has been exposed to the swine flu.
So now looks like my dad can''t come. I am really sad. I mean, seriously, the swine flu? I don''t really feel like our little guy will come this early, but would be just my luck when EVERYONE is far away. Brother is going to the doctor today, so we''ll see.

Sorry for the novel!
China-Love your name list! Oliver is a fave of mine and I absolutely love Liam!!

Mandy-Sophia used to do a cervix dance all the time. I would go running to the bathroom to pee and nothing would come out lol.

Re boy names: I found boy names to be so easy! I guess it just depends on what you are having
. We were going to go with Richard Anthony after FI. It took us forever to fiinally agree on the name Sophia and her middle name (Lynn) I had suggested months ago and it was vetoed. Then while FI was holding her maybe an hour or two after she was born, he agreed to Lynn.

All you ladies with your thongs
. I gave up on thongs around 15 weeks but I still wore my boy shorts to maintain some sort of sexy.

Sabine-Happy Full Term
You and China are sooo close!! Re: your family situation, I know it sucks right now but after LO arrives it won''t matter. I would try to focus on who is going to help out more as selfish as that sounds. You''ll be so exhausted and so much will need to get done (cooking, cleaning, etc) that if mom is going to be the greater help during that time then I would concentrate on her visit and your dad can visit later.

Did Radiant have her baby?

Amber-Don''t worry about the movements just yet. You want to do your kick/movement count around 28 weeks. Love the name Piper btw! I''m really sorry about your friend. Prayers sent her way.

november-You should be feeling those kicks soon! I have a friend that was in the same position as you (anterior placenta and abs TDF) and she felt around 26-28 weeks.


So if you ladies don''t mind the unsolicited advice
I have two:

1. If people offer to help out and you truly believe they''ll be help (as opposed to having people in the house that want to make goo-goo faces at the baby and nothing else) I would just let them. I was so apprehensive about my mom coming over to help because I felt guilty but OMG what a great decision. I wanted to do everything with the baby myself because I needed to learn and she respected that. While she was here I didn''t have to worry about feeding myself. She cooked and would even bring me the food while I was in bed. My laundry was done, my house was clean. It was great. She came back again this week and again she''s doing the same. It''s great. I still feel guilty but I sooo appreciate it. And I don''t even care anymore about having undies in the laundry basket
. My in-laws are a little different. They had a habit of coming over at 9PM and want to play with Sophia and then wouldn''t leave until 1 or 2AM. We put a stop to that real quick. Its not that we don''t want them over, its just that they weren''t helping anything at that time except keep us up.

2. Once you get to around 36 weeks, please take it easy! If the nursery isn''t done, it''ll get done eventually. Don''t tackle too many things in one day. Write a priority list if you have to and tackle one thing one day at a time. As in my case, her birth was so out of the blue for us and I literally worked my booty off the day before she arrived and it made her birthday so much more exhausting. The nursery still isn''t complete but we''re getting there
So take it easy or I''ll go over and shake my fist at you!!
Hi Everyone!
I''m alive, I promise. Sorry I''ve been so MIA. If you recall, I had pneumonia. Well, it wasn''t getting better (even though they said it had cleared), so I went to CA for two and a half weeks to see my parents and get some real R&R. I wasn''t 100% (not even close) when I got back, so I went to a walk-in clinic at the hospital today and was finally taken seriously (I''ve been hearing "Oh the cough lasts for quite some time after pneumonia). I haven''t been sleeping at all and I''m absolutely exhausted. Apparently I''m having spasms in my lungs (like asthma) and that''s what is making me miserable. So, now that we know exactly what''s going on, I can hopefully get some relief (and some sleep!)

On the baby front, I''m 14 weeks 4 days. It''s crazy because now everyone knows and I''m starting to show a bit. I went maternity clothes shopping as an early birthday present with my Mama when I was in CA which went really well. I haven''t had many pregnancy-related symptoms. Maybe I have but the whole lung thing has just taken over and I haven''t noticed.

I''m still looking for a bra, haha. I just really hate anything tight and my bras are driving me nuts. I''ve been doing extenders for a bit, but I need to go up a cup size too, so that''ll be my homework for this weekend. I took a break from it because I was getting irritated.

I hope everyone is doing well. I have some major catching up to do!
Cello!!! I was thinking of you this morning, wondering how you were, and wondering what you were up to. Girl, how far along are you now? Gotta be time to find out the gender soon (are you doing that??). I get so excited about what everyone's having, but I think we'll wait for the surprise for our own baby....

I posted this in the TTC thread, but got to thinking it may be better related to this thread with my pregnant friends.

Opinions requested:

This past weekend we drove by the hospital where my baby will one day be delivered. It's the best around and I'm super excited that the ob/gyn that I'm linked to is contracted with this hospital (however, I love my Dr. office *so* much, I'd deliver at another hospital if they were contracted elsewhere). There is a local hospital about 6 miles from our house, but it's not the best.

Anyway, the hospital we will be using is 32 miles from our house, and 59 from my work. Is that too far, you think? I know I'm thinking ahead, but when I saw that it was 59 from work (and I hope to work up til the time of delivery, for more time with my baby, in case I do return to work afterwards) I got nervous.

Any opinions?

The traffic is kind of an issue, too. This is going towards Atlanta, so during rush hour, it would be a bit of a drive time, perhaps. During free flowing traffic, it's right at 30 minutes from our house, though.

A friend at work was saying I was nuts to have chosen that hospital, as she feels it's SO far away, but I think that in a lot of the nation, hospitals are 30 miles away or so, you know?

Hi Fisher. We are keeping the gender a surprise. Sorry! I have a degree in sociology so I''m really adamant about people not putting my child in either a frilly pink or a "future football star" onesie before it even gets out of the womb. Haha. My girls will definitely wear neutral gear or gear that people would think was "boy-ish" I figure they''ll eventually have long bouncy curls down to their behinds. There will be no denying their gender. :-)

I wouldn''t go for a hospital that is far if traffic is an issue. I used to live in Southern California and I think Atlanta traffic is pretty bad. I wouldn''t risk it because you never know how fast your labor is going to go and if you are at work, 59 miles is quite a ways, especially in traffic. It''ll just be the time that some idiot decides to flip their SUV on the freeway and cause a traffic jam. Are there a lot of alternate routes? If you know for sure you''ll be home, 30 miles isn''t as bad. But 59 miles could take upwards of an hour and a half in moderate traffic.