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- Oct 30, 2002
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btw PG i meant to say love your strategy on getting baby to make an entrance. i am sure DTD will be the last thing on my mind at week 39 BUT if what my coworker and a few others have said and it helps, i might sign up haha. and damn on the stetch marks. i am totally genetically prone and have them from puberty, so i am not holding out too much hope i will escape unscathed.
re: the catheter and epi, i can def see that because if you can''t really feel what''s going on, peeing might present a challenge. but yeah, not fun..i didn''t even want to think about people who have to go home with one in or have issues. yikes...who knows in 30 years that might be me with my weako bladder.
i feel better today than yesterday so baby steps...i am hoping it''s just a sensitivity flare.
PG and viz...sending you guys LABOR DAMMIT vibes...! also viz, mandy said the same thing re the kids trying to punch their way out right before labor so it might be verrry soon! bake something tonite!
i had a great dream last nite, well it was weird. i dreamt that somehow related to my hospital visit on sat, the baby came early. but i felt nothing even though they told me it was vaginal delivery (oohkkay). they just placed him in my arms and he was 6.5 lbs and full term and had two small vampire fangs growing in the back of his mouth. i thought they were cute. he was super happy and chubby and i had to call greg and tell him the baby was here and we had nothing ready at home, so here is what he needed to get before we could go home (CAR SEAT! and DIAPERS!). and at some point in the dream *I* was rushing around BRU buying necessities. anyway. glad we are working on the nursery because obviously i have some sort of mental anxiety about the baby coming early and not being ready.
my mom is also convinced the baby will come early because i am ''getting really big''...thanks mom. the dr did say i was measuring 1.5 weeks ahead as of last week so we''ll see. i am tall but short-waisted meaning that my legs are what is really long, not my torso. if the baby IS a very large one, he will run out of room sooner than one might expect just looking at me. sooo we''ll see what my body has up it''s sleeve. while a few weeks before 40 would be nice, i have a feeling this guy is comfy banging around in there and won''t wanna come out that easily.
ginger..your story made me laugh so hard and i had to read it to greg. he was like she should have said ''get your own beer''...HAHAA.
when is everyone advised to do kick counts? my dr said around 28 weeks but in my ''discharge'' papers from sat they said to look for 10 every 2 hours. i might be a few weeks early to do so but i figured why not just see... sometimes he is super active and i get 10 in one hour but sunday he was slower and it was more like every 3 hours. this morning in 20 min i have had like 10. interesting for sure. he kicks or punches 3-4 times in one bout sometimes so it seems like 10 every 2 hours isn''t much?
re: the catheter and epi, i can def see that because if you can''t really feel what''s going on, peeing might present a challenge. but yeah, not fun..i didn''t even want to think about people who have to go home with one in or have issues. yikes...who knows in 30 years that might be me with my weako bladder.

PG and viz...sending you guys LABOR DAMMIT vibes...! also viz, mandy said the same thing re the kids trying to punch their way out right before labor so it might be verrry soon! bake something tonite!
i had a great dream last nite, well it was weird. i dreamt that somehow related to my hospital visit on sat, the baby came early. but i felt nothing even though they told me it was vaginal delivery (oohkkay). they just placed him in my arms and he was 6.5 lbs and full term and had two small vampire fangs growing in the back of his mouth. i thought they were cute. he was super happy and chubby and i had to call greg and tell him the baby was here and we had nothing ready at home, so here is what he needed to get before we could go home (CAR SEAT! and DIAPERS!). and at some point in the dream *I* was rushing around BRU buying necessities. anyway. glad we are working on the nursery because obviously i have some sort of mental anxiety about the baby coming early and not being ready.

my mom is also convinced the baby will come early because i am ''getting really big''...thanks mom. the dr did say i was measuring 1.5 weeks ahead as of last week so we''ll see. i am tall but short-waisted meaning that my legs are what is really long, not my torso. if the baby IS a very large one, he will run out of room sooner than one might expect just looking at me. sooo we''ll see what my body has up it''s sleeve. while a few weeks before 40 would be nice, i have a feeling this guy is comfy banging around in there and won''t wanna come out that easily.

ginger..your story made me laugh so hard and i had to read it to greg. he was like she should have said ''get your own beer''...HAHAA.
when is everyone advised to do kick counts? my dr said around 28 weeks but in my ''discharge'' papers from sat they said to look for 10 every 2 hours. i might be a few weeks early to do so but i figured why not just see... sometimes he is super active and i get 10 in one hour but sunday he was slower and it was more like every 3 hours. this morning in 20 min i have had like 10. interesting for sure. he kicks or punches 3-4 times in one bout sometimes so it seems like 10 every 2 hours isn''t much?