
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

I think I got lucky with my H1N1 shot, the area hurt a bit, but went away. After that, nothin''!

Ginger: we interviewed pedis, first I looked online for reviews and asked friends, then cross checked them with our insurance as so many pedis aren''t taking insurance now.
We had a few on a short list, but loved our first one. Basically we shared our medical history, including my asthma and allergy history. I asked her what happens should I need help after-hours, who stands in for her when she''s out (and we met the stand-in). I asked her vaccine routine, and her ideas on how they diagnose asthma issues (I''ve had fairly bad asthma since I was two). She also does teen gynecology which is kind of nice. We took a tour of the office, and learned how sick kids are brought in through a separate entrance. We discussed the appointment scheduling for when she''s born, since I wasn''t sure how it all worked. She mentioned having a lactation consultant nurse, who can help us out. That''s basically it. She also told me to get the flu shots.

I put our pack n play together! I''m so proud.
Date: 11/3/2009 10:15:00 PM
Author: gingerB
one more cute story. so yesterday was my birthday and hubby and i took the day off and were playing hooky from work.
so in the morning it was one of those awesome lazy stolen mornings where i just slowly drifted awake in my own good time. and it was a rare gorgeous day so i was eager to get out and enjoy it. unfortunately hubby wasn''t quite as awake as i was, so i started doing those annoying little things to ''help'' him move into a more conscious state.
he was doing his best to ignore me and therefore turned his back to me in hopes that i would leave him alone. so in response i scooted closer and spooned him (this is totally PG i promise) but positioned myself with my belly squished up against his toosh. knowing how much gingerbaby dislikes his space intruded upon, i didn''t have to wait too long before he very nicely gave his dad a swift kick to the bum!
it was hilarious....gingerGuy was immediately awake and was what the heck was that?!?! he said he could feel it all the way to his teeth. i was cracking up and informed him that gingerBaby wants mom fed. and so i was

LOL that is so funny! I can''t wait to try that haha.

And FYI - you and I have the same birthday!
Date: 11/3/2009 1:53:07 PM
Author: meresal
I haven''t caught up on all the posts for today because I was at my check-up. Baby is healthy, and...

Doctor is 80% sure we are having a BOY!!!!

For those that are interested:

-Our heartrates were saying girl, 6w=145, 10w=176, 12w=167, and 15w=150

-Chinese calendar said Girl.

wow! that''s what i thought you were having :]
i''ve never heard about the heartrates and predicting the gender. hum. i just wrote down two of the heartrates but not the other one. i also thought you were like a week before me in terms of due date. how far along are you again. sorry if i''ve already asked you and forgotten! i''ve heard 20 weeks is when you find out what you are having, but i haven''t mapped out when 20 weeks for me is exactly.
Cello- sorry things are so rough right now. i''m sure you''ve already looked into this, but are you taking any sort of medicine that may have depression as a side effect? i know i had some troubles with the first nausea medicine they prescribed me. it took me a while to figure out what was going on. as soon as i did, though i quit taking it because i figured vomiting was a whole lot better than the side effects the medicine was giving me! and as soon as i stopped taking it i was back to myself, well + vomiting :]

i really thought i''d go through a rough patch too but so far so good. we moved too. i''d never moved away from home, away from my family. we''re in a town where we only know 2 people whom we rarely see. we gave up our house + friends + family + my job [aka socialization]. now i work from home, and not too long after we moved we found out we''re expecting. i thought the isolation would be really tough, but so far i''m okay. i think being sick for the first 3 months of the pregnancy somehow helped, actually. it''s like i was too sick to care that all i did was stay home all day without interacting with people.

hope things get better for you!!
Tao - Thanks for sharing your birth story! I''m glad you could have him vaginally like you wanted.

cello - I''m sorry about the depression. Take care of yourself and get all the help you need... *hugs* to you.

meresal - Congrats on maybe joining blue team!

gingerb - I agree that the glucose test is gross. Yuck. The answer your questions, DH and I are looking to move so we have to figure out where we''ll live before looking for a doctor. I''m not sure we''ll have the luxury of interviewing them though. Also, I have one year paid maternity leave, then it''ll be daycare. Your "baby kicking daddy in the behind" story is hilarious! I find it amazing how our little ones interact with us in the womb.
Jcrow- You and my husband thought it was a boy! I thought it was at first, but somehoe had convinced myself that it was going to be a girl. I think I was worried about being dissapointed, so I just completely switched my thinking. lol

Today I am 14 weeks 6 days. I thought I was about 4 days ahead, but they decided not to move my date up. Our "real" anatomy screen is for Dec 14th, in 6 weeks, which will be right about 21 weeks for us.

Our next appt though, is for the second blood draw, that will test for spina bifida. I asked that it be before Thanksgiving so that we can check the anatomy again before seeing my parents for Thanksgiving, so hopefully the little guy will give us a better shot then, and that is on Nov 25, which is just at 18 weeks.
Date: 11/4/2009 9:42:32 AM
Author: meresal
Jcrow- You and my husband thought it was a boy! I thought it was at first, but somehoe had convinced myself that it was going to be a girl. I think I was worried about being dissapointed, so I just completely switched my thinking. lol

Today I am 14 weeks 6 days. I thought I was about 4 days ahead, but they decided not to move my date up. Our ''real'' anatomy screen is for Dec 14th, in 6 weeks, which will be right about 21 weeks for us.

Our next appt though, is for the second blood draw, that will test for spina bifida. I asked that it be before Thanksgiving so that we can check the anatomy again before seeing my parents for Thanksgiving, so hopefully the little guy will give us a better shot then, and that is on Nov 25, which is just at 18 weeks.

i''m 14 weeks + 4 days so you are just 2 days ahead of me. my next appt is monday. i don''t even know what the appt is for, but it would be awesome if we found out what we''re having. they said sometimes you can see as early as 14 weeks. i''m guessing at my next appt we''ll schedule the anatomy scan appt? hope so. i''m so eager to find out. i''ve been already plotting on ways to tell the family.

seems like EVERYONE is having a boy right now!
jcrow i only know 1 person having a girl out of about 5 current preggos in real life (three of us have a due date within 1 day of each other!). and on here it''s mostly boys. so funny! they say that the years go alternatively, so if this is a boy year then next year (2010) is a girl year but 4 out of the 5 are due in jan of 2010. so who knows! also when i did the chinese calendar it said boy but when i did it with the ''chinese age'' which is one more year, it said girl. lastly the heart rate thing, i don''t know what it was exactly but something like ''above 140 or 150 means girl''...well ours right now the last time we heard it at 25 weeks was averaging 145-149. and he''s a boy. so who knows!! lots of old wives tales. also if you eat a lot of carbs instead of proteins, it''s boy. lol. i am a carb lover right now, mostly cereal and potatoes. i go through a box of cereal in about 4 days!

anyway, as for SEEING sex or telling it, my friend had her girl told to her at 13 weeks, super early, they said they had some ''early test'' BUT i read in multiple things that sex doesn''t even really ''exist'' until like 15 weeks?? we saw sex at 15 weeks for our amnio, that little penis was front and center once the nurse got the right angle on the belly! amnio results confirmed it. so you might get lucky at your next visit!

lol ginger, yep i was in a larger meeting with our CMO and i really was paying attn but super fascinated by my belly too. i was like, this is momentous...first meeting belly wall movements! and that story is hilarious.

oh i meant to say earlier but Happy Birthday MP and Ginger!! scorpios are the best.
though ginger i would never have pegged you for a scorpio ''knowing'' you over the last few years, you are too sweet.

amber, yay for continued progress, i love reading your updates. and i think making cookies or something for the nurses would be great assuming you have time.

anchor, i am so jealous of your 1 year paid mat leave! i swear every other country but the US does things right. in germany they have TWO YEARS paid and i think it comes with job protection! sure beats our 12 weeks in CA...but i know some other states have less even. bah! i would take 6 months or more off if i knew i had job protection hehe.

cello, i wrote something to you on the previous page but it''s at the bottom in case you don''t see it. take care.

i got the glucose test results online and it looks like i passed, my glucose amt was 97 and it says normal range is under 139. yay...hoping that''s the case. i still have a sore throat but other than that, feel ok after the H1N1 shot. the kid is super active, i''m hoping it''s not him growing a tail!
oh, yesterday my mil called me [which she rarely ever does since she calls dh to talk to both of us], and she said that since they didn''t get me anything for my b-day [i didn''t think anything of it! things have been very hectic on their end, fil was just diagnosed with cancer] they thought about it and wanted to get me a prenatal massage! i was STUNNED. what a generous gift! and totally out of the blue unexpected. so i called dh and said i couldn''t book that since i don''t think they realize the price of massages! he was like, no, book it, they really want to do this for you. he was so cute, he was like now you''re carrying their grandchild. so i did! so excited. it''s been a while since i''ve had a massage!
Re: sex of the baby. I am so paranoid about the docs being wrong that I probably won't believe them until she's in my arms. Of course, the baby will be mighty decked out in pink, so I hope to god the two perinatologists were right about her sex! Honestly, I know the odds of two separate doctors saying she was a girl with their 3d/4d ultrasounds (and the guesses were 8 weeks apart- 20 weeks and 28) when she's a boy are slim, so I try to think less about it. It's just impossible for me to be so sure of something like this.
Yes, I'm weird.

Yesterday was our 2nd wedding anniversary, and we had a great time. Before we left I decided to build our pack n play as it had been sitting in the living room in its box for weeks now, and I got a little paranoid since we have no bassinet or crib yet, so I figured she'd need SOMEPLACE to sleep just in case. It's super cute (Graco Little Hoot from Target) and I love it, but JEEZ it is hard to build when you're a.) a midget and b.) have a big round belly at the height of the pack n play bars. I actually got a little sweaty! Gross! Now my back hurts a bit, which gives me quite the gimp when I'm walking.

Oh: I had the hardest time falling asleep last night. I ended up drifting off at 1 something, only to be jolted awake by the damn raccoons outside fighting. They were right outside the baby's room, too. I swear, I WILL slingshot those furry bastards if they wake her up.

ETA: Yay JCrow for the massage! I'm so jealous!!
We were planning to interview pediatricians, but every recommendation we got was for the same practice (they have several offices in our area). They are also affiliated with Children''s Hospital in Philadelphia so you are automatically sent there for any issues. Based on this, we decided to just go with that practice. There are about 5 drs. in the office, so I figure we are bound to like one of them and they also have Sat. and evening hours, which is a big plus for us. If for some reason they don''t work out, I''ll worry about it later.

As far as daycare vs. nanny, it is definitely a tough decision. On one hand, it is nice for the baby to be able to stay in her home all day, especially as an infant when the socialization aspect doesn''t really come into play. However, you are really reliant on the nanny to be a good caretaker. In a daycare setting, there is usually more than one caretaker, so there are some checks and balances. There is also the issue that if your child is sick they can''t go to daycare, but on the other hand you have the same issue if your nanny is sick. You also have to give your nanny vacation days.

For us, a lot of the decision was based on $. I personally would not have been comfortable with a nanny that I found on Craigslist or similar, I would only hire someone that was vettted through an agency before coming to us. After talking to the agencies around us, we found that a full time nanny would cost us about $2500-3000/month, which is about double the rate for the best daycares. We just couldn''t justify the price differential (although it may be more cost effective with a second child) and we were lucky enough to find a daycare we loved that had a place for us. If you are interested in daycares and live in a major urban area, I''d start looking early. We choose our daycare when I was only 4 months and they had one spot left for an infant when we needed it (Feb). At least around here, spots for infants are really limited because they are required to have no more than 4 infants to one caregiver.
Hi ladies, I hope you don''t mind if I join you.

I have always been more of a lurker, as I was never officially a LIW and my FI and I had only just started planning a wedding when we found out I''m pregnant.

Anyway, I definitely have a baby in me, I am 13 weeks today and yesterday we had our first appointment and got to hear the heartbeat

I found out super early (3 1/2 weeks) but was waiting to make sure everything was ok before jumping in on the thread. It felt like a loooong time, so I''m glad to finally be here.
One thing I didn't mention about my birth experience . . . we had two sets of unannounced visitors at the hospital. One was DH's step-sister. We get along fine with her, but only see her a couple of times a year, and her mom and FIL have only been married 5 years so it's not like she and DH grew up together. I think that step MIL told her to come see us and she didn't think to call first. The second was a coworker of DH's. They are on good terms and have lunch together and stuff, but we've never done anything social with them. They just had their second baby two months ago (both by C/S too), so I guess he/they must have liked unexpected visitors? I was like, hello man I barely know, I am breastfeeding my new baby, here, look at my boob.

So I'd recommend spreading the word that you do or don't want visitors ahead of time. I almost cried when the stepsister and her husband showed up because we had to make awkward nice nice with them, and I was in pain and tired and glad that all the invited visitors had finally left. I had literally just started to tell DH how I was feeling about having a C/S when there was a knock on the door . . .

Seriously, you all call before you visit somebody in the hospital, right? Do I live in crazy land? How do you know the people aren't crying/showering/pooping/sleeping if you just show up unexpectedly? Were we supposed to use a "Do Not Disturb" sign?
PrettyinBlues, congrats and welcome to the club!

pg, oh, I would have been furious. Who told them you had the baby? I plan on not telling ANYONE the baby has arrived until I am sure I can handle the visitors, so not even our parents will probably know. (Unless they happen to be there when I go into labor.) Some people can be really inconsiderate!
PrettyBlues - Congrats and welcome! Wishing you the best of health for your pregnancy.

Mara - Yes, it''s a pretty awesome program. It comes with job protection as well: your employer is obligated to give you back your job with benefits/raises, etc. as if you had been working for that whole year. Since it''s been implemented (I think it was in 2005?), we''ve been having a bit of a baby boom! The downside of that it''s getting harder and harder to get a spot in daycare, or find a pediatrician!

jcrow - Happy birthday! A massage is such an awesome gift.

Amber - Happy anniversary!

32 weeks for me today. It''s hard to believe I''ll be full term in 5 weeks! We''re going to visit houses on Saturday, so that''s exciting! On the not-so-exciting news, my hospital cancelled the perinatal ward visit because of the flu, and I have a toothache. I just went to the dentist a couple of months ago, and now I have to go back... Bobo.
Happy Belated Birthday to MP & Ginger and Happy 2nd Anniversary Amber.

Sorry about your depression. Do you think it''s related to the move? Like you are homesick? Or something more serious? When I first moved out of town from my family to be with DH, I was very depressed and would cry for every little things. It was tough, and I never imagine myself to be that way.

Yay for team blue. Dr and tech never say 100% for gender, in case they are wrong (this is what my dr told me).

LOL on Gingerbaby kicking daddy''s butt.

All PS babies with January EDD are boys. Wonder if it''s a continuation of 2009 or if 2010 is a boy year too. My friend due in April is having a boy, and so is my coworker due in March.

Our friends were told that they are having a boy at the 13 weeks NT scan, but I think that''s kind of early to say for sure. I''ll have to check with them to see the gender guess was right after the anatomy u/s.
How sweet of your InLaws to get you a massage.

Congrats and welcome.

Sorry about the unexpected visitors.
drive by posting. sorry it has taken me so long.
charles "charlie" joseph was born on oct. 31st at 8:48am after 12 hours of labor. the labor was the easy part - for real, anyone can do it and don''t be scared! breast feeding is the hardest thing i''ve ever done. i''m committed to it (for today :) - and really it''s a feeding by feeding feeling. i would go thru labor again in a heartbeat if it meant i could wave a magic wand and have breast feeding work itself out.
with that said, my little man is the center of my universe. he''s created more tears and more joy than i thought possible. hormones are a crazy thing. i''m usually crying about something 10 times a day. dh has been the most fantastic person on earth and talks me thru many of my fears, for real... books can''t prepare you for the first 48 hours home.
gotta shove some food in my mouth before charlie wakes up.
will post more later after we get this b/f thing worked out.

BOOO on unwanted guests!! Seriously I am going to bring a DND sign with me in..! I def don''t want random people checking out my swollen boob! And honestly I would probably be like ''you are so sweet to visit, but we''re just not up to it yet...'' People shouldn''t feel like they have to entertain when they are in the HOSPITAL.

The only people I want to see (if at all) is my family. One of my very good friends wants to be there during the labor and stuff (like outside) but honestly I don''t even know I want her there. It''s just an awkward time!

Amber, happy anniversary!

Anchor, I am moving to CANADA today. Seriously. That is great!! We have job protection here in CA for 12 weeks but that''s it....and all of our European counterparts are always appalled we are back at work so soon. Blah!

QT...the boy explosion is crazy. Actually I forgot one other gal having a boy too. So I know 6 preggos, 3 of them are my same WEEK for delivery and 2 are having girls, 4 boys. So funny. I am like we could start our own mini softball team.

We just got a save the date for a friend''s wedding in Hawaii in May of next year. We are hoping to go for various''s our 6 year anni at that time, and we got married in Hawaii too. I will still be on mat leave and I wanted to take a vacation before going back to work. If my Mom can watch the baby for a few days it would be worth it. I know it will be hard to leave him but I will have to force myself... I think it''s important for just couple time after the baby comes. Plus Hawaii is close''. Anyway that''s the PLAN. Moms love to tell me I won''t want to go, and I may not want to but I will have Greg force me.
He really wants to go.

Jcrow yay for a massage, it will be interesting. I didn''t love mine...but it def felt ''better'' after in that I felt like it released some toxins from my body.

Does anyone else get restless leg syndrome at night?? It is really bad for me sometimes and makes it hard to relax before bed! I figure it has to do with the nerves and pressure from the uterus.
Oooh, Viz, Charlie is so cute! Congratulations, Mommy!
Interviewing Pedi
I was planning to, but never did. I asked friends and families for referrals, and had a short list. I ended up being too lazy to do it, so bad. So we just let my OB refers someone after Meena was born. So far we like him. So my suggestion would be to start interviewing ifyou really want to do it, otherwise you might end up like me.

Nanny vs Daycare
We are using neither since MIL is taking care of M, but we would probably go with a nanny who nannies out of her house if she wasn''t. Those are very common in my area. We wouldn''t have a nanny at our house because DH doesn''t like the idea of a "stranger" in our house when we are not there, but I don''t want to put my baby in a daycare until 1 since I want more individual attention. The thing about nannies is that you really have to look for a good one. My SIL used one for her older son, and that lady was horrible. Our nephew would come home with bruises and scratches from falling and fighting with the one other kid she was caring for. I mean I understand babies will fall and get hurt by accidents, but it was like every week. Then SIL said that some nights when she picks him up, the nanny isnt there at all. The nanny leaves the two babies with her teenage son. It was horrible, and we all told her to find another nanny. Eventually she just sent him to daycare instead.
Charlie is adorable. So alert in the pic.
Hope BFing gets easier for you. It''s a learning process.
Aw Viz, he''s stunning! Hope the BF starts to get easier really soon. Can''t believe we''ve got two hallowe''en babies on here!

MFM appointment was this morning. They redid the entire anatomy scan, and DH was able to be there this time. She went from being curled up in a ball by the cervix last week to being stretched out the length of my uterus this week. Head down, face buried in placenta, hands around mouth and legs all stretched out with her feet right at the top of my uterus. She''d spin around when she wasn''t supposed to, then not move when they needed her to change position to get another measurement. Everything checked out properly again, which was great. We had a couple fantastic views of her lips and mouth and nose that I''d never seen before, with her yawning massively a couple of times. Takes after both parents, I guess. I think she''s a little on the skinny side at ~468g, but they said her weight was fine.
Then came the not-so-pleasant speculum exam + swabs to rule out any infections of any sort. Ouch! Now of course I''m spotting because of that. Then the transvaginal ultrasound, where the closed part of my cervix is still at 5.8cm, but there''s a smidge of funneling above that with fundal or suprapubic pressure. They said that they''re not worried about it at this point. I''ve never seen my cervix funnel at all before, so I wasn''t happy to see it at all.
Apparently I''m to cut back on my progesterone to twice a day, stop taking my metformin, continue doing basically nothing at home, and come back weekly for the next few weeks to follow my cervix and see how things go. I also got the flu and H1N1 shots today. Adjuvanted. The MFM guy said there''s no evidence either H1N1 version causes any problems for the fetus, and if anything, the adjuvanted out would provide the baby with better protection after it''s born, as it produces better antibody levels. Since that was what they had on hand, that''s what I got. We''ll see how it goes. Too bad I hadn''t had that info a week ago, or I''d already be fully protected by the shot!

Time to lie down on the couch again...
viz, yayyyyyy! He is SO CUTE! It looks like he''s talking in that picture, and how awesome that he''s so alert. Congrats!!!

Mara, I had restless leg syndrome before I got pregnant - had it my whole life - so I can''t tell if it''s worse now or not. But if you tuck a pillow under your legs at the knees or between them if you are on your side, it helps.
gingerB... THAT IS THE CUTEST STORY EVER!!!! I can''t wait until my baby kicks so I can make him kick DH in the butt! That will be the best thing ever ever ever!!!!!! Soooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jcrow: how exciting about the massage! That is soooooooo sweet. What a great MIL!

PrettyBlues: congrats!!!!!! Yay!!!!!! So happy for you!

phoenixgirl: OMG! I cannot believe people would just show up uninvited! Don''t they know you need your rest and are feeling vulnerable after giving birth? OMG!!!
Whatever happened to sending flowers?!

Vizsla: CHARLIE IS GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats! Sending dust your way for breastfeeding!

drk: YAY for a great appointment. Awwww, she must have been so magical. SO happy for you.

Congrats vizsla! Charlie is beautiful! So alert! BFing is hard work, especially in the beginning. I promise it WILL get easier!
Congrats Viz! What a cutie pie :-)

Thanks for all of the well-wishes everyone. I''m trying to look on the bright side of the situation, but it''s very hard. I moved to CA with my family the summer before high school and vowed from the minute I arrived that I would go back home to the East Coast one day. DH and I finally moved back to Boston a year and a half ago and I was so happy to be back. He loved it, I loved it, it was wonderful. We had a great apartment in an amazing neighborhood. I had a horribly craptastic job when we first arrived that I quit for a dream position. Everything was going well financially, job-wise, marriage-wise, etc.

We decided to TTC and got pg pretty much right away. We figured I would work until November and that we would sock away all of my earnings until then so that I could take 6 months off after the delivery. After that, I was going to go back to teaching cello in the afternoons and be a SAHM. Well, 7 weeks into my pregnancy I got a horrible case of pneumonia which ravaged my body and I haven''t been the same since. I''ve been in and out of the hospital, on bedrest, in the ER, on different medications, etc. The pneumonia was so bad that it basically screwed with my wiring and exacerbated an underlying issues I have that causes me to pass out. So, repeat the whole hospital, bedrest, ER story. I lost my job pretty quickly because of the nature of it and the fact that I''m an independent contractor and am not covered under disability/unemployment laws. Even though we have good health insurance, being hospitalized multiple times ($450 a pop), going to the ER multiple times at the insistence of my doctors ($100 a pop), all of the medications I tried and then had to toss because they made me sick, the fact that our insurance would cover some of the testing, etc. It basically wiped out our savings. Coupled with the fact that one of our cats had a medical emergency the week we found out that we were expecting, which set us back a couple of thousand dollars. Thanks cat! DH also had to have all four wisdom teeth pulled out of the blue because one of them broke in half under his gum (yuck+ cha-ching!$$$) and he also had to have a minor surgical procedure to take a lipoma off of his forehead which our insurance decided to bill us for (double cha-ching$$$).

So, any savings we had was gone and the savings that we were supposed to be saving from May to November never happened because I was too sick to work. We had to move back to CA for financial reasons, but also because DH was afraid to leave me home alone because I kept passing out and the doctors couldn''t figure out why (still haven''t). I am grateful for the opportunity but I absolutely hate southern california. I feel like my whole entire life was ripped out from underneath my feet and that''s why I''m so depressed. It''s hot as hell here and I''m missing my favorite season in Boston. I just want my life back. Does that make sense?

I''ve just gone from working so hard to have everything to living with my parents, which is depressing in it''s own right.

So yeah. . .anywho. . .I asked the doctor about the pelvic pain and apparently the baby''s head is already down, which is great and she doesn''t think he''ll turn breech, so that''s really good! But, it''s definitely causing a lot of pain. I''ll ask her about the depression next time I see her (today).

Thanks everyone. I mean it. It''s so nice to have people cheer you up. :-)
So I''m feeling pretty awful right now. I didn''t sleep well last night, then got a terrrrrible migraine this morning with loss of feeling in my hands and major blind spots. I took two tylenol rapid release and now I feel utterly horrible. I''m nauseous and still have a vague headache. Blah.

Then my boss has to leave for an emergency surgery her daughter is having up at Cal Berkeley, and said, "Don''t have the baby until I get home!" Then don''t JINX me!
Charlie is gorgeous! And it''s so true that nothing can prepare you for what it''s like after your baby is here but just hang in there, girl. I promise it will get better--I''ve done it twice so it can''t be that bad forever!!! Good luck with everything and come back to let us know how you''re doing when you get a chance.
Congrats Viz!

Yes, I agree nothing can prepare you, but moms make it out alive and you will too! It''s just a crazy amount of hormones, feelings of tremendous responsibility and anxiety in those early days. I cried a lot too. Just remember that it is totally OK to cry. I''ve always recommended the shower. First, it always feels good after taking one, and second, feels less pathetic when the tears running down your face is mixed in with water.

He is beautiful!!!
Awww, sorry AmberWaves. You''re so close!!! I''m so sorry about the migraine with numbness. Migraines are no joke and so depressing. DH gets them sometimes and it ruins his day entirely.

BABY DUST BABY DUST for a symptom-free last stretch to Baby Land!!!!!!