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Date: 11/3/2009 9:08:44 AM
Author: jcrow
more of the m. clothes front - i did pick up a m. cami from destination maternity. i thought it was extremely long [i''m so short + short torso], but i tried it with the belly you velcro on yourself [strange to see!] and it fit well so i got it. i also found a shirt at gap + a zip up hoodie on sale at gap. the shirts there were SO much better than at DM. they were cut much smaller in the torso and the arms.
That night we went on what we were considering our final date night before the baby. We would both be busy with work and getting stuff for the baby so we knew we wouldn''t make it out for a while. Went for dinner and a movie and I started feeling minor contractions while I was there.
The next day, October 29th the contractions were still pretty bad but I went to work anyways and finished out my day there. When I came home, the contractions got worse and worse and started getting a bit closer together (they were like 4-7 minutes apart but were only lasting for about 30 seconds). We decided to head to the hospital after seeing a bit of blood just to get checked out and to see what the hospital had to say.
We arrived at the hospital on Thursday night at 8:30 p.m. and were sent home at 9:30 p.m. I was told it was just mild braxton hicks contractions and I had only dialated 1/2 a centimeter and the blood was probably from the internal exam the day prior. They told me I wasn''t in labor and to head on home.
I was up the entire night, Thursday into Friday, October 30th. I kept trying to get comfortable but had to wake up every 4 minutes because of the contractions. The next morning I told work I would try to make it in but that I wanted to sleep in because I hadn''t been able to sleep that night. When my husband woke up--He told me he was calling us both out for work that day because the contractions were getting longer and coming a bit closer together. And TMI--the blood was getting heavier.
Finally at around 3:30 that afternoon, my husband decided to call the OB office and see what they wanted us to do. They told me to go straight to the hospital.
So off we went again to the hospital.
My nurse came in and checked me and we told her about our prior trip. I told her it was burning to pee so maybe I had a UTI or something and that was bringing on the contractions. So she goes to check me and was like, "Oh, no. You are definitely staying here! You are at 4 centimeters and your bag of water is bulging." WOOHOO!!!
I labored for about 2 hours and then asked for the epidural when I reached 5 centimeters. I probably would have lasted a bit longer without one but the pain started to go to my back.
I had no issues with the epidural going in and thought it was lovely for when I was laboring.
I was told the Dr. would be in to break my bag of water in about an hour. A few hours passed and I was told it was a crazy day there (I heard that there were about 6-7 other births while I was there). After the eppi was in for a while, the nurse checked me again and I was till at a 5! I was told that if the water breaking didn''t help I might have to go on Pitocin...which I didn''t really want.
Finally the Dr. came in and she broke my bag of water. About 1 hour and a 1/2-2 hours later I was checked again and was nearly an 8!! I was sooo excited.
But of course, this baby couldn''t make anything easy for me. I held at 9 1/2 centimeters forever! I was given a tiny tiny amount of pitocin to finish me off and push the baby down a bit.
I tried pushing for a 3 contractions to lower the baby--but he wouldn''t budge and my epidural was too strong and I couldn''t feel anything at all. So they decided to rest me and let the pitocin do it''s thing.
I was told at this time, that my pelvic bone curved down, the epi was really strong, the baby was sunny-side up and that he wouldn''t leave the side of my uterus, so they wanted to give me the heads up that this could wind up in a c-section--after being there forever!
About an hour later I started having pressure in my bum and I called for the nurse. She said I was looking way better and we decided to try pushing. I could finally feel the contractions and pushing was waaaay easier.
I pushed and pushed for about an hour and half an finally Evan arrived via vaginal birth!
I was surprised because my husband actually watched everything happening and he kept saying the entire pregnancy that he would never watch the baby actually coming out.
The nurses at our hospital were fantastic (one nurse even stayed over her shift to be there when the baby came out because she was so excited I was able to do it vaginally) The recovery nurses were perfect also and were so helpful with everything and kept us laughing.
Date: 11/3/2009 1:53:07 PM
Author: meresal
I haven''t caught up on all the posts for today because I was at my check-up. Baby is healthy, and...
Doctor is 80% sure we are having a BOY!!!!
For those that are interested:
-Our heartrates were saying girl, 6w=145, 10w=176, 12w=167, and 15w=150
-Chinese calendar said Girl.
i am feeling exactly the same way. it just makes me nervous thinking about a "stranger" being alone with my baby 8-10 hours a day 4-5 days a week.Date: 11/3/2009 10:04:19 PM
Author: Mara
mere congrats on 80% BOY! we are so excited about our little man.
ginger i did my glucose test today too, not a fan of the drink...blah! i just hope i passed!
swine flu entry point is sore and i have a bit of a sore throat but other than that ok so far.
our cauliflower was SUPER active today. in a meeting i could see him moving my belly wall, it was kinda funny.
ginger...i am thinking nanny vs daycare. my mom will watch him for 3 months when i go back to work, so he will be 6 months when he will need 3rd party care. honestly, i am having a really hard time with it. i looked on craigslist where i know a lot of moms have found help they recommend but every time i saw an ad, even if it read nicely and the person sounded sweet, all i could think of was ''this person will be in my house 8 hours a day, raising my child for me''...alternatively, i do not want him to go to daycare til he''s at least a year or so...i''d prefer him to have 1/1 care at least until 1 if not longer.![]()
i''ve mentally put it off since looking at those CL ads and we''re discussing options ... aka could i work from home 2-3 days, etc. so we''ll see how things shape up, we have time. but after looking at those ads, i know tons of people do it and moms do tell me you get used to the thought after a while, but my first ''foray'' into researching just left me kind of sad.
That''s the cutest story ever!!!! Happy belated birthday!!!!Date: 11/3/2009 10:15:00 PM
Author: gingerB
one more cute story. so yesterday was my birthday and hubby and i took the day off and were playing hooky from in the morning it was one of those awesome lazy stolen mornings where i just slowly drifted awake in my own good time. and it was a rare gorgeous day so i was eager to get out and enjoy it. unfortunately hubby wasn''t quite as awake as i was, so i started doing those annoying little things to ''help'' him move into a more conscious state.
he was doing his best to ignore me and therefore turned his back to me in hopes that i would leave him alone. so in response i scooted closer and spooned him (this is totally PG i promise) but positioned myself with my belly squished up against his toosh. knowing how much gingerbaby dislikes his space intruded upon, i didn''t have to wait too long before he very nicely gave his dad a swift kick to the bum!
it was hilarious....gingerGuy was immediately awake and was what the heck was that?!?! he said he could feel it all the way to his teeth. i was cracking up and informed him that gingerBaby wants mom fed. and so i was![]()