
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

I think the labour is old wives'' tales too. My mom laboured for days but mine was quick. Less than 12 hours and it''s out.
Bobo, what is your due date? I''ll add you to the preggo in waiting list. Hate to tell you sweetie but it gets WORSE! As your belly gets larger your lungs get more squished and it is a bigger load to carry around. Yesterday I ran so many errands (so was walking a lot) and by the end of the day I was almost in tears. My thighs, legs, back, everything was so sore. Shopping while 9 months preggo is NOT fun. My doctor said all the pressure was normal so such is life (for now anyways). I also get so many BHs. My body is getting lots of practice.

We just found out a guy DH knows from highschool wife is in labor at 30 weeks
Sounds like her water is still intact so they are trying to stop it. My mom''s water broke with my younger bro at 28 weeks and he is perfectly normal but it is STILL really scary. And there are lots of risks.

Chrono, you are right. The longer they cook the better. I do want a healthy baby more than anything. We''ll just wait and see. I just hope I am not too overdue that my mom misses seeing the baby (she is here for a week after my EDD).

Ella, the car seat is not in and the bags are only half packed but besides that we are ready. I figure worse comes to worse DH installs the car seat (while I am in the hospital) and we get it checked after. I am so tired most of the time all I want to do is lay in bed. I am glad I washed everything earlier b/c I barely have enough energy to wash my own clothes.
Tacori what does EDD mean? Estimated delivery date??
Diver, wanted to wish you a happy belated and tell you that Delaney is just a doll...

Ella, the "romantic" dialogue you wrote between your hubby and you a few pages back gave me quite the chuckle.

Mrs. S, glad to hear all is well with your daughter. Phew.

Tacori, sounds like a good appointment. No worries about the cervix, I''d think. My friend (due next week) had a big difference from one weekly appointment to the next.

Bobo, I am out of breath for really vigorous walks, but still can manage. Two weeks ago I went hiking with my friend and it had some good hills. We went for an hour and I normally walk about an hour for exercise. I had walked and run a lot before I got pregnant, so that probably helped. In my first trimester, I felt pretty icky, but even then I found if I could drag myself out off the couch and go for a walk, I felt a million times better. It was the dragging off the couch part which was so difficult. I figured it was good training for all those time when I am going to feel like sh*t but still need to do certain things for the baby. Now that I am in my second trimester, I honestly feel pretty great.

I''m not sure how much of it is mind over matter. A friend of mine with a 1 year old said she looks back and wishes she didn''t complain so much about aches and pains in her pregnancy. Her husband joked (only halfway, I think) that when she went into labor, he didn''t believe her because he complained SO much throughout her pregnancy. I don''t complain to anyone else, but for some reason I think I''m more compelled to let my husband know this is NO EASY work! I''m sort of over that now and just try to shrug off as much as possible, while still letting him know what is happening to my body.
ellaila, what I mean "ill" is like I feel like I''m sick, can''t drag my self out of bed or couch to do can''t do things that I want to do. The doctor said I''m not anemic, all she said it''s the hormone.

Tacori E-ring, my due date is February 6.

TravelingGal, I envy you. I wish I can go hiking...but I''m having trouble making my ways from the parking lot to Costco or walk in the mall.

My sister had a smooth pregnancy and didn''t even had morning sickness, so I guess I was expecting my pregnancy to be like hers. But my first trimester I was sick like a dog and the second trimester is a lot better than first but still feel not myself. Plus I was in the ER last week because I had stomach pain with diaherra so I guess I''m sort of bum because my sister keep saying why you have so many problems?

But I have to say besides all the discomfort I''m grateful that so far no major problem and I''m lucky to be pregnant...
Date: 10/2/2007 4:48:44 PM
Author: Kaleigh
Tacori what does EDD mean? Estimated delivery date??

Yes, estimated due date.

TGal, thanks for the encouragement. Obviously A LOT can happen in 3.5 weeks. I am sure everything will be fine. I won''t panick yet though DH and I both agree that we want an october baby NOT a november baby
(Not that anything is wrong with november babies but that would but me 4 days over which isn''t a huge deal but you know...)

MrsS, I forgot to say how funny your XSs are too big! I remember when they were too big as well...not anymore haha! I am sure you look great.

Oh I still have my ankles
and my belly button is still flat. Maybe it won''t pop afterall.
tacori, I''m glad you appt went well. when I was pregnant with my first I did not dialate at all, my water ended up breaking around 3:00am the same night that I went to my 38 week appt earlier in the day. the baby had not dropped either but mother nature took it''s course and into labor I went. I ended up walking around 3 weeks dialated with Lily with hope each time that it meant labor was close and nothing. So you just really cannot predict when it will be. I hope for your sake the baby comes b/f your mom''s visit though, that would be a shame for her not get to see it. heck, i''d use that as a huge bargaining tool with the dr. to please induce

bobo, ask your dr. about maybe getting a prescription to help with your sickness. I''m at 13 weeks and just went on an hour hike this am. i get winded but it''s very doable so if you really want to get up and moving see if there is anything they can give you to help.

Tgal, glad you checked in and so glad trimester 2 is better for you. I always loved the 2nd trimester, it''s when I felt the best, both pregnancies before. are you in any maternity clothes yet?
MrsS, thank you! So encouraging!!! My mom was making me feel silly since it is *only* oct 2nd so there is still lots of time. We''ll see what happens next week. Will he do an internal everytime now? Poor njc! I hope she is in L&D right now.

Bobo, you are added to the list lady! I hope you start feeling better. I had a rough 1st trimester so I can relate. 3rd has had its own issues too. Never knew you could get m/s this late in the game but you can.
But you right. Every ache and pain is worth it in order to have a baby. I just try to focus on that! Do you know the sex yet?
Coming out of lurkdom for a sec! I have to get in the shower and hubby is standing over me waiting to go online

Tacori - not to discourage you or anything but don''t read too much into the weight "estimates" giving by your doctor. Seriously, those ultrasounds (and doctors guesses) that supposedly measure how much the baby weighs are about as accurate as the dude at the carnival who can predict your weight as you walk by! I had an ultrasound at 38 weeks that said my dd would be "no larger than 6 pounds" PFFF!! a week and a half later she came out at 8 pounds!!! I highly doubt she gained 2 pounds in that short amount of time! My stepmom''s brother''s wife just had a little boy and same thing - they did an u/s saying he was well over 8 pounds, almost 9. They decided to give her a c-section because they didn''t think he would "fit" coming out ( uh, ok. My 8 pounder fit. I have a friend who delivered an 11-pounder. Whatever). anyway, after the section: only 7 pounds 11 ounces. They were way off base and she could''ve avoided a major surgery.

anyway, jmo!! Congrats on being so close!! and all the newly preggos - congrats!

Oh yeah, Diver!!! She''s beautiful!!!
Tacori E-ring, we are having a boy. DH''s mom is really excited, after 6 granddaughter...finally a grandson. How about you?
Irish, I know they are just "estimates." I really don''t put too much thought into it. The fact that I was under 6 lbs makes me think I will have a smaller baby. If not, I don''t really care. As long as it is healthy. Still fun to think about.
MrsS, I wanted to maternity clothes since I found out. I love them. So comfy. So yes, I am wearing them now, although I don''t totally need to yet.

Bobo, tell your sister that all women go through pregnancy in a different way. If I recall, didn''t your sister make some kind of wonky comment about your beautiful ring? I remember being pretty agog then reading the comment, and I guess I''m colored by it now. Tell her to piss off!
TravelingGal, you remember right, my sister and my mom did made some not so nice comments about my ring. My side of family is not that supportive but thank god I have a very loving and supportive husband and his side of family.
Bobo, I agree with TGal about ignoring your sister. In fact my nurse was always positive when I told her about my m/s. She said it was a sign of a healthy pregnancy (extra hormones and such). Who knows if it is true. Very exciting about your little boy. We are waiting to be surprised. Hopefully we will know within the month.
I think I am in labor!
I have had contractions all night and they are getting stronger. They are definately not BHs! Doc appt is at 1045 EST, so just waiting it out till then to see what they say. If you dont hear back from me today, I think its safe to say we are having/had a baby!
Date: 10/3/2007 8:27:42 AM
Author: njc
I think I am in labor!
I have had contractions all night and they are getting stronger. They are definately not BHs! Doc appt is at 1045 EST, so just waiting it out till then to see what they say. If you dont hear back from me today, I think its safe to say we are having/had a baby!
Well then I hope we don''t hear from you for a few days!! Good luck, njc!!!!

As for the weight estimates, a family friend was told probably a month and a half ago that her baby was already over 5 lbs and that she was going to have a 9 lb baby. Well, she had the baby yesterday (2.5 weeks early) and he weighed ... 5 lbs, 10 oz. So they were WAY off there too!!

Congrats on your little BOY, Bobo!

And hey there Irish! How are you guys all doing?
mjc- wahoo! good luck and i hope it goes very smoothly!
I''m hoping this is it for you njc! Wishing you a quick and easy delivery with a healthy baby.
NJC--GO BABY GO!!!--Whoo hooo---good luck, we''ll be thinking of you!!!!!

Bobo--first off, congrats on the baby boy!!

I second your winded feeling. It''s weird b/c I am a very active person and have been my whole life (work out almost every day and have continued to do so throughout my pregnancy thus far). For some reason I can get through an intense spinning class like I did yesterday, but then just doing laundry around the house, tidying up or running up the stairs to grab the phone leaves me huffing and puffing like crazy!!--it''s like my body is letting me get through my workout, but everything else--forget it, I am a blob on the couch with my chocolate chip cookies by 8pm!!
I am learning every pregnancy is SO different, and to not compare--this was hard for me at first (still is) one of my friends looked horified when I told her how much weight I had gained and said "such and such didn''t gain a pound till her 4th month and didn''t look pregnant till her 6th month" My blood boiled but I just said, "well, lucky her". Your sister is not you.
Try to keep taking little walks throughout the day--b/c as the other preggos have foreshadowed for us, it only gets MORE uncomfortable as we get further along--ick.
Date: 10/2/2007 10:44:26 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Irish, I know they are just ''estimates.'' I really don''t put too much thought into it. The fact that I was under 6 lbs makes me think I will have a smaller baby. If not, I don''t really care. As long as it is healthy. Still fun to think about.

tacori, I was under 6 lbs when I was born too. My girls were 7lbs 6 oz and 8lbs 9oz. Of course my hubby was over 10lbs when he was born which might have something to do with it but I just don''t think either birth weight can necessarily be a good predicter. plus you were early, if you would have baked in your mom another week or two that could have added 2-3lbs to your birthweight too. the good news is, the heavier the baby is the closer they are to being better sleepers. it''s said that the babies need to be around 15lbs b/f they have enough body fat to sleep though the night w/out waking up hungry.
Date: 10/3/2007 2:41:47 AM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Bobo, I agree with TGal about ignoring your sister. In fact my nurse was always positive when I told her about my m/s. She said it was a sign of a healthy pregnancy (extra hormones and such). Who knows if it is true. Very exciting about your little boy. We are waiting to be surprised. Hopefully we will know within the month.

ditto. and tacori, my dr. says the same thing about morning sickness. I had 2 heathly pregnancies w/out morning sickness so this baby must be superbaby b/c i''ve has m/s so badly. my sister who is 5 weeks behind is just entering into the lovely phase and is having such a tough time. plus she is working and it''s just draining her. I just keep reminding her that it''s a GOOD thing b/c those hormones are in full force which is good for the baby
Good luck njc!!!!!
Hope all goes smoothly for you.
njc, I just came on here to check for you and got tears in my eyes when I saw your post. I hope this is it!! Good luck!!!!!
woohoo, good luck njc!!
Njc, I am so excited for you and your hubby! I hope everything is going quickly and smoothly. You and your family are in all of our thoughts. Update us when you can!!!!! And I want pictures!
Date: 10/3/2007 10:08:45 AM
Author: mrssalvo
Date: 10/2/2007 10:44:26 PM

Author: Tacori E-ring

Irish, I know they are just ''estimates.'' I really don''t put too much thought into it. The fact that I was under 6 lbs makes me think I will have a smaller baby. If not, I don''t really care. As long as it is healthy. Still fun to think about.

tacori, I was under 6 lbs when I was born too. My girls were 7lbs 6 oz and 8lbs 9oz. Of course my hubby was over 10lbs when he was born which might have something to do with it but I just don''t think either birth weight can necessarily be a good predicter. plus you were early, if you would have baked in your mom another week or two that could have added 2-3lbs to your birthweight too. the good news is, the heavier the baby is the closer they are to being better sleepers. it''s said that the babies need to be around 15lbs b/f they have enough body fat to sleep though the night w/out waking up hungry.

DH was over 10 lbs too!
So it will be interesting to see how big our baby is. I guess that 17 Russian baby is sleeping well
njc, good luck!!

Jas12, I know what you mean about the weight gain comment. When my sister was pregnant, she was so skinny and only gain weight on her chest and belly. But I blow up like a balloon in the first trimester, my mom keep saying I''m too fat..I''m gaining weight too fast. She even tell our relatives that I''m "fat like a pig" I found out because I was talking with my cousin one day on skype and she told me my mom''s comment.

But I didn''t let that bother me, I know how my mom (she like to compare me with my sister) is and I thought as long as my doctor think I''m ok, I''m not going to let the comments bother me.

Tacori E-ring, how exciting that it''s going to be a surprise for you guys. We didn''t really care if it''s a boy or girl as long as the baby is healthy and happy..
YAY! I''m excited for you njc!!!!
Yay njc!!! Good luck! I hope everything goes smoothly!