
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Oh Diver that little girl is so cute. I just want to cuddle her so bad! What a little angel.

Hubby and I missed the boat last cycle - I was 8 days late and had a few BFN's so we are going to try again this cycle. I'm okay with it - we just started trying last cycle and I got off of the pill 2 months ago so I'm sure that my body is trying to adjust.

Ella - your belly is so cute! You don't look big at all! You are so blessed to be having twins.

NJC - I think you're next! Sending good vibes your way ))))))))))))))))))))))))))

I hope everyone else is feeling well, happy and healthy!

Diver, Delaney is just adorable. Don''t worry about Jake, he''s young enough to not even remember this time, just do what you can, i''m sure even letting him cuddle next to you for a story or 2 (or 10 if he''s like my girls
) or watching a movie with him would help meet the need of quality time with mom. that is strange about your mom leaving birthday boxes on the porch. Any chance she put in stuff for Delaney and Jake too? I don''t know enough about your situation to suggest anything but you''ve got a good head on your shoulders so i''m sure you''ll make the right call..

my sister had her first ultrasound to day. due to irregular periods they were unsure of the due date. turns out she''s due May 16, so about 5 weeks after me. we have the same dr. and both he and the nurse asked her how I was, they are excited for us to be able to have our babies close in age too. my sister got to see the heartbeat and said she started to cry. this is her first and she''s just amazing that something as tiny as a watermelon seed can have a little heart beat like that. anyway, very good news for her to get that heartbeat....

hope all you other mommies to be are doing well. good luck at your appt. tomorrow''re next
MrsS we heard the heartbeat really early and it is such an amazing sound. Everytime I hear it makes me so happy. So fun you are having babies so close together! Are you ok with changing docs mid pregnancy? Do you know anymore about the move?

Diva, good luck next month.
Diver, she is beautiful!!!! You have a wonderful new life and sound over the moon!

I hear you on the tubal. I woke up from mine, the next day after delivery, hoarse from the tubes and screaming in pain. Begged the nurse for more medicine. She told me, you are on vicodin, morphine, demerol and percocet, I cannot give you ANY thing else now. It was soooo painful. I thought, through the belly button, no biggie, cuz hubby and the snip conversation were not a good fit, so I thought, okay, I can deal. It was worth than giving birth and hurt for so long. I really was in agony.
Diver, happy birthday and Delaney is just gorgeous! So glad to hear your L&D went so well, sorry to hear your tubal wasn''t very fun, though.
Oh wow Diver, your b-day is that close to Delaney's.
Happy b-day to both of you!!

Delaney's such a sleeping beauty. Please do post more pictures when you regain your energy :)
Diver--she is simply precious! Looks so cozy in your DH''s arms.
I think once you get on your feet you and Jake will feel much better. My mom told me that I was NOT happy when my sister was born (I was a little over 2 1/2 at the time) I thought she was going to come out a playmate, not a helpless little newborn. when a neighbour came by and enthusiastically asked me: "Jas, do you love your new baby sister?" Apparently I bitterly replied:
"she don''t walk, she don''t talk, you just pet her" hehe--according to mom i got over it in a couple of weeks and was back to my usual toddler self.
Date: 9/26/2007 10:24:07 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
MrsS we heard the heartbeat really early and it is such an amazing sound. Everytime I hear it makes me so happy. So fun you are having babies so close together! Are you ok with changing docs mid pregnancy? Do you know anymore about the move?

tacori, we actually decided, well I decided
that we''re not moving until the end of the school year. There has been some delays in my hubby''s new company and I just don''t want to sit in limbo any more. My daughter just got moved to a new kindergarten teacher and LOVES her, and I must admit, so do the I. The woman is just great, tons of energy with the perfect amount of structure and dicipline mixed in. then you add my pregnancy, finding a new dr, hospital etc as well as not having any family close by to help when the time comes, i felt it just makes more sense for us to stay put and plug in here until June. and it will be fun going through this process with my sister close by...
MrsS, that''s great that you guys are sticking around for a while longer. The last thing you need while you''re pregnant (esp. with how crappy you felt first trimester) is the stress of house hunting and moving. Plus as you said, it''s really special that you get to be going through this with your sister! Send your daughter''s teacher a little thank you gift

Tacori, I get BH almost every time I get up from my chair at work, so I think there are just certain positions that bring them on more than others (?).

Diver, Delaney is truly beautiful!! I so wish we could all get together in person so we could meet all these little pumpkins -- wouldn''t that be the best? And Happy Birthday to you!! By the way, you''ve completely sold me on not getting my tubes tied. If hubby wants no more kids, he can take action!

njc, how''d the appointment go?? Doctor have any ideas on when things will start movin''??

Thanks, Jess! We do feel blessed for sure to be having twins -- I don''t know how we got so lucky
Good luck to you again with TTC. And remember what TGal and other have said -- sometimes just not worrying about it is the best thing to make it happen! I know it''s a lot easier said than done though ...

jas12, re: "she don''t walk, she don''t talk, you just pet her" -- haah, that''s so cute!! My brother had a hard time with hard "c" sounds when he was little and he pronounced them as "t"s and his line that lives forever was when he offered my grandmother''s friend a "tup of toffee and a tookie"
MrsS, I am so glad your move is delayed. I think it will be so much less stressful for you and your family!

Ella, maybe you are right about certain positions. It was a full moon last night wonder of njc is in L&D?!?
Doc appt went well... no change though!
I am still 1cm and long. Doctor actually said that we should start DTD every other night to help soften up the cervix! Even before the doctor said that, I was thinking about giving it a try, I just hadnt reached my "I'm totally ready" point mentally yet. I think I am there today though... room is all set up, temp is up and running, and I've basically run out of excuses to wait for!

Tacori - I would get BHs like that too... after a lot of activity. Still do sometimes. I'm not sure what causes them... i guess just the extra movement and exertion. Less movement is normal too since there is less room. It is interesting to see how everyones bodies handle the end of pregnancy. I have a friend who spent the last month at 4cm for two different babies and here I dont seem to want to dilate.

Diva – THANK YOU for the good vibes… I think I need them!!!

MrsS – How fun you and your sis are due so close together!!! Should be fun to share all the ups and downs with her and then have your kiddos be so close in age.

Ella – No news and a prescription for getting’ it on!
OMG, DTD every other night?! God, that is just the furthest thing from my mind these days. Hubby and I have playacted how it would go if he even tried:

Him: kissy kissy
Me: I gotta pee, be right back!
Him: kissy kissy, back rub
Me: I gotta pee, be right back!
Him: KISSY KISSY, back rub, kissy kisy
Me: OH! Wanna feel the babies kicking?? Put your hand on my belly.
Him: Awww, the babies! (Ahem.) Kissy kissy ...
Me: I''m uncomfortable. My sciatica is hurting me. Let me roll over ... wait, that''s not any better ... now I gotta pee.
Him: I give up.

Sexy, eh?

njc, how long have you been dilated?

By the way, where are all of our other mommies-to-be? SecondChance and StephensBride, you guys are coming up soon too(I know this, thanks to Tacori''s awesome preggos-in-waiting list)!! Check in?
Diver, happy belated birthday!! What a wonderful present you got this year. She is absolutely precious. Can''t wait to see more photos.

njc, good luck on the sex thing!! DH and I only dtd once throughout the entire pregnancy. I know they say to do it towards the end to bring things on but my experience was more like ellaila''s!!! Neither one of us really had any interest either. I suggest lots of walking, drinking red raspberry leaf tea to tone your uterus and lots of patience! I was 1 cm. dilated and almost 100% effaced at my last prenatal appointment which was on a Monday. I was 39 wks and 1 day. The doctor said that if I didn''t have the baby that week, I would go back the following Monday and we would discuss inducing. Well, I had the baby that Saturday at 39 wks, 6 days!!!! So don''t let that 1 cm. discourage you. It could happen at any time!! I''m so excited for you!!!!!
Went to our last class tonight (infant CPR/Taking care of baby). Now we feel prepared (as much as we can be). MIL is hoping I will go into labor on a thursday so they can drive down. All up to baby. I can''t believe I only have a month befor my EDD!!! I finally had enough energy to do a little cleaning today. I have been SO lazy lately.

njc, hope you go soon!!!
Date: 9/27/2007 10:01:38 AM
Author: Jas12
Diver--she is simply precious! Looks so cozy in your DH''s arms.
I think once you get on your feet you and Jake will feel much better. My mom told me that I was NOT happy when my sister was born (I was a little over 2 1/2 at the time) I thought she was going to come out a playmate, not a helpless little newborn. when a neighbour came by and enthusiastically asked me: ''Jas, do you love your new baby sister?'' Apparently I bitterly replied:
''she don''t walk, she don''t talk, you just pet her'' hehe--according to mom i got over it in a couple of weeks and was back to my usual toddler self.
Jas, that''s one of the most endearing things I''ve ever heard! My brother was almost 4 when I was born and couldn''t wait to help, he insisted on changing my diapers and pulling me around in his little red wagon. He built me several "princess" tree houses in the woods when my family moved up to IN from their home in FL...he was really a doting big bro, but I''m sure he has some stories that would suggest differently!
tgal, that is just plain goodness...i guess they baby should be sleeping though the night with no trouble since they say a baby really needs to be about 15 lbs to have enough bodyfat to keep them full and sleeping all night...
eeks--that''s a toddler that women delivered hehe

okay, so another question for y''all--sorry, i feel like i have a lot!

I am noticing that at night (after sitting for a while) that when I get up abruptly or start to move around I get this tearing/tugging or pulling sensation in my lower abdomen (under and around belly button) and it usually stays even when I am standing around and twist or move a bit. It is not extremly painful but clearly noticable and uncomfortable. It''s gone in the morning and usually doesn''t happen again till the next evening. I don''t think it is gas--but it''s possible b/c i am really bloated at night.
Any ideas? Can we feel our uterus expand? It almost feels like I am tearing something??
I just found this:

"Stretching of ligaments: In the second trimester, the muscles and ligaments that support your uterus stretch. (Ligaments are tough bands of tissue.) This can cause a dull ache across the belly or a sharp pain on one side. Many women feel this pain most severely when getting up from a bed, chair, or bathtub or when coughing."

I am hoping this is what i am feeling--i did seem to pop a bit the other night--belly got harder and a little rounder in what seems like a 24hr period.
Jas, that''s what I was going to say -- probably ligament stretching. If you look up round ligament pain,you can find a lot of info, but I wouldn''t stress out about it -- it''s perfectly normal! I remember cringing if I felt a sneeze coming on because I knew I was gonna feel it in my belly after! I still get all sorts of discomfort in my belly and ribs area, which I guess makes sense becuase the uterus is constantly growing (and the ribs expanding) throughout the pregnancy. How far along are you again?

Holy crap about that 17 lb. baby! If a baby weighs that much at birth, what will he weigh when he''s a year old? Good lord. I''m laying off the noodles and potatoes. (Yeah, right.)

Tacori, we took infant CPR the other night, too -- such a good class! I started to get a little emotional when whacking the "baby" during the choking lesson but other than that, I enjoyed it. We''ve got our parenting multiples class this weekend and then childbirth classes start the following week!

EDD: 1.2.08
Thanks ella--i am going to read up on that at lunch.
I am only just into the 2nd tri--so that''s why i was surprised to feel that already--but i am very short waisted and look ''bigger'' in the belly than most at this point (at least that''s what my best friend keeps telling me
Ella – Hahahaha… that’s basically how it goes! I feel so awkward/silly saying I need to stop so I can pee because its so NOT sexy!
I must admit, I haven’t really been in the mood since, oh, I don’t know… conception? But DH has been such a good sport and if it helps me to avoid an induction, I am willing. I really don’t know how long I have been at 1cm because they didn’t starting checking until 36 weeks, but I have had no change since then.

Curly – Thanks for the encouragement! I keep reminding myself that the checks really don’t mean anything… I could last a day or another week. Atleast you were 100% effaced... I got nuttin''. I''m locked uptight like Alcatraz! We took the dog for a loooong walk last night and I hope to do the same a lot this weekend… weather is going to be GORGEOUS! Several people have told me about the red raspberry leaf tea… I will have to stop on my home today. Pineapple was another suggestion.

Tacori – Isnt it crazy to be so near the end?! It took forever to get here, but at the same time it didn’t… so surreal! Love MILs request of starting labor on a Thursday! I have been getting silly requests like that too… my parents prefer not having to drive through morning rush hour… SIL would like something between the hours of 5pm and 8pm… DHs parents just want enough time to make their 3 hour drive down, avoiding rush hour too… and we joke that the dog says no time is a good time for her!

Tgal – LOVE that picture… poor baby on the right is looking at him like what the hell happened to you?! Hahahahaha… yes, I pray none of babies are even CLOSE to that! Heres to keeping them under 9 pounds!!!

Jas – Yup… you are experiencing the joy of round ligament pain! Mine always feels like I am being stabbed… not comfy!

I was talking to my mom about everything last night and she said that my grandmother had to drink castor oil to get her moving. My brothers and I were also fairly content to stay on the inside as well, although we were all c-sections due to bro #1 being breech... she is absolutely no help to me with labor experiences! Anyways... seems the mommas in my family like to hang on to the kiddos... WE SHALL SEE!!!
Some of these are funny! Preggo comics

njc, week 39 is totally YOU right now
haha, thanks for the laughs Ella.
Ella, yes it is! I am sure DH is hoping we have to try a lot to get things moving since he didnt get to try a lot when we conceived!
happy sat. we had an interesting night last night. my oldest, who is 5 woke up about 12:30am coughing and almost sounding like she was choking. I ran into her room grabbed her and heading for the bathroom. a few minutes passed, seemed like eternity and she could not catch her breath. she was wheezing and coughing and I yelled for my hubby. Then she started the coughing again and I recognized the sound as croup. Lily had it when she was 4 months old (very scary). I never new kids could get it at 5 and thought she should have outgrown it but turned on the shower to steam up the bathroom and called her dr's office which connected me to Vanderbilt's Childern's Hospital. i talked to the nurse but was already dressed and in the car on the way to the emergency room. We got there at about 12:50 and they bipassed registration and took her right to a room. the nurses and dr's were just great, checked her out confirmed it was croup and gave her an oral steroid along with 2 steroid breathing treatments. then we had to stay a few hours for observation and they finally released us at about 3:30am. The staff did such a great job there but boy what a scary experience for me. I'm glad we took her in, i just don't want to mess with distressed breathing. She was feeling a ton better b/f we even left the hospital and said she's going to take her id bracelet for show and tell on thursday. The dr. also told me to keep an eye on Lily b/c it's contagious and b/c it's cool enough now it it happens to her (it usually happens at night) to just wrap her in a blanket and take her outside for 15 min. and the cold air should get her breathing back under control and if not, head to the ER. Such a scary thing though and I think we're all going to take a family nap today. I hope you all have a wonderful sat.
MrsS- Sorry to hear about your daughter, but glad she''s doing better. That''s funny about keeping her bracelet for show and tell. Typical kid.
Mrssalvo, how scary!!! When your kids can''t breath, or catch their breath it''s so scary. I hope she''s feeling better and that all of you get some rest today.
thanks oshinbreez and kaleigh. Once I finally relaxed knowing she was going to be ok and after an hour of *i spy* in the hospital room
I did think that all in all it was a good first hospital experience for her. She''s never been and was scared on the way, but everyone was so nice and they let me hold her the entire time which really helped her. On the way to our car she said "I like the hospital" which is good. I want her to know it''s a place where dr.''s help people and not a place to be afraid of.
MrsS, I hope your oldest is feeling better! How horrible that must have been. I remember thinking a hospital bracelet I got when I was younger was so cool too. Kids are funny!

Nothing new for me. 29 days to go! Starting to get a little nervous now.